yniPAT, MAn.cn, is, 1021.. THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACKARD ALE UNDIES L 1 CTI U RT : K' I IB ELSE "StrombcrK carburetor, noth Iiik clo." This Is thu torso way In which Mnllory, of tho Mallory gar ago covered his display which will bo seen nt tho nuto show In the Acme garago. "Wo nro going to fenturo this enrhurotor bocauso wo bcllovo It to bo tho best In thoVorld plainly that ho was oxtromoly proud , for tho automobllo man. That Is of nil four of them, ami of courso b0ut n wn ,vm M. nl tll ,m0i nnyono familiar with cars knows uut thofo who viftlt tho show will thnt John has a good reason for fimI ,, n lno accessory room ready smllliiR tho satisfied smile. t0 g0 lnt0 l9 flno ,,0 ,) tel Speaking of tho Essex. Mr. Auten vol, wh). wo ,,inco ,mr business saiu mat mo siraignt lino lop tins i faith In It. Klvou way to an oval shaped cor- w Tho Acme Motor company will havo a string of cars on exhibit at tho nuto show, tho Hudson, tho Hayncs, tho Kssox, and tho Hoo, comprising tho string, John Auton, of tho Acme company, reeled off these names with a triumphant smllo thnt said J WWwMWWWWAWWWffVV erlng, presenting a more attractive ' lines car owners ndmlro so much, npperancc, and that n plato glass Passing to tho Haynes, Mr. Alt has been placed In tho rear wind ten reminds tho public that It was shlold. Deeper upholstering pf full ) tho first gasoline car built In Amer ica t her Is used this year, and tho r lea, and that It has kept paco with body Is pulntcd n dark blue, tho tho demands of tho auto world. A fenders black, and tho wheels red. high cowl In front, with an electric "Can you feature that," John naked, i starter that starts tho car simply "It's tho best color combination you j through pressure on,n button, deep- over saw Tho Essex, said Mr. Aulcn, holds tho world's endurance record es tablished on tho Cincinnati speed way, a stock Essex making 3037 miles In SO hours, no car having orcr been driven at top speed for this period of time. That is endur ance for you, according to Mr. Au ton. Mr. Auten talked about tho Reo, too, Tho Reo la tho samo old car except that the running gear, , drive pinion, and differential are CO per cent stronger than before Speaking of mechanical assets, Mr. Auten men tioned tho motor with four main bearings, tho hot spot manifold, and tho Alemlto lubricating system that goes with ovory car. When dellw crcd to a purchaser tho Reo Is upholstering, penciled leather, and an aluminum body arc among the things that Mr. Auten named whllo speaking of this cars fine points. The outstanding feature or the now 1921 Haynes seven-passenger I Suburban Is that it can bo used eith er as an all-family, single , compart ment closed car or It may bcrcad ily transformed into a moro formal llmouslno typo by turning a small crank regulator on tho back of the front seat, which raises tho glass into position and adequately separates tho two compartments. Tho advan tages of this dual typo of car are in stantly obvious. It serves all mem bers of tho family and It can bo fit tingly used for balls, parties and other formal functions. This new Hayncs creation Is replete with tho equipped with U. S. Royal cord . finer Interior decorations which tires. Tho full leather upholstering' greatly enhnnco tho serviceability Is another feature This car Is known and pleasure of motoring. , as tho "Gold Standard" car. Tha It would tako n whole special sec Acmo peoplo will tell you all about it tlon to tell all that Mr. Auten has ' at tho show. I to tell about theso cars, but ho wants Then, tho Hudson. Tho ono which Tho Herald to- say that ho will con vrlll bo shown at the auto show will tlnue tho dissertation at tho auto bo a soven passengor affair, una show. "Wo aro proud of theso four, with tho exception of an oral top, cars," concluded tho Acme's genial, will present the snmu old graceful' effervescent booster. SEE IT AT THE AUTO SHOW c Ve wish you could know how well and how carefully the new Packard Single-Six is made. It is built by the same mature and experienced organization that is building the Packard Twin-Six, and that for twenty years has made Packard Cars incomparably fine. You can buy this Packard now at its new low price of $3,000 here. .This very moderate figure is only the be ginning of its economy, for its cos tof operation arc almost incredibly low. L Mc WILLIAMS t FIRESTONE - GIANT I CUSHION I I 'I Ji This Truck bridges" the gap between Solids and Pneumatics. It combines great resiliency with long mileage. At a cost only slightly higher than that of Solid Tires of equal rated size. Its truck-mile cost and tire-mile cost in most in stances is much lower even than Solid equipment. Its design, together with its extra volume of rubber, re sults in less strain, less heating and better heat radia tion. The Giant Solid and Giant Pneumatic have their specific fields of practical and successful operation. But we believe this Giant Cushion Tire answers the problem of more truck users jn more lines of business than any other heavy-duty truck tire built. No wheel changes necessary. No change of gear ratio required. Fits any S. A. E. Base. Can be ap plied tp any standard truck wheel without delay and without additional expense. Complies with highway laws municipal, state or federal. ' Protects tne load, the road and the truck; . FIRESTONE CUSHION TIRES IN ALL SIZES IROM 32x3 TO 40x14 We are pleased to announce that we have taken the Klamath Copnty Agency for the entire Firestone line, including Automobile and Truck Tires and Accessories. We will carry a complete line of Solid, Cushion and Pneunatic Tires, Tubes and accessories for tires. i OVER HALF OF THE TRUCK TONNAGE OF AMERICA IS CARRIED ON FIRESTONE TIRES The O. K. Blacksmith Shop Sixth and Plum Streets D. A. KENYON If Firestone Makes It We Have It Phone 462 KBtsmmm BJrrjmaum V JCrtUlA-lljJtJr IS Ll,'-""' ' , ' -a. t , m isV