vmivi mvm SH5 HI " EDS SCHOOL MAMN, Mnrrh J B. JohuiiIi 01- toman, Hhaslii Vlow fiiriinir, express ed himself as strongly In favor of llin IiIkIi school, mill (ln hond elec tion for n hlllldliiK, iih the Mooting hold by tlio llohmnlans In llm Mnlln hnll hnrn Hunday. Tim purixmn of tlio mooting -vnn to explain I tin pro position to nmnn of tlm llohnmliins In thnlr native toiiRiin because of tholr Inability to understand tlm KiikIIkIi ImiKiinRo perfectly, Mr. Ottoman's opinion an express, nd In translated. "With schools nrut education comes n betterment of tlio people," declar ed Mr, Otloinnn, 'nnd wo an clll sons nhould ho Interested In tliu process of the nation. Tlm growth of some kind of liltlh school In In evitable because thn xrowlnR popu lation needs It. "Compnrlnic tlio high school (o thn grammar ncliool, wlmn wn rntnn hum thfj territory which now fornin tlm two districts, Mnlln mid Hhnsta Vlnw, wnn thinly nettled At tlml time thoro wnn only n small houso, or rather olny a nhcd. Hut with thn sel Moment came n doninnd for a laruer school nnd Inter for two schools, Thui It In nhown that with thn growth of n community morn educa tional Institutions nrn needed. "Thn nchool -will Im an advantage to every one concerned, ri'Kardloss of tho location of hi property." iiovAirv i:nti:ktaim:iP j AT KLAMATH AtJIINUV On Monday evening taut, Ixrd nnd Lady lVrclvnl llonnlrastln and non, Reginald, entertained thalr frlonds at a reception In tholr beautiful I bungalow. I Thoso In attendanco woro Ij toctlvn Ilurnn nnd wife of New York aASSIFIEDADVERriSEMEMTS MWWWVWMNMWVwmWMWWWP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTBI Ily (Irrnt Northwest Abalonn Corp. Ltd., 10,100 acres of land adjacent to Irrigation can- nl sultnbln for thn raising and pro rogation of thoroughbred ahnlones, Bee I., Hosgland, President. 14-1S DItBSHMAKINC First class work guaranteed. Mrs. Jefferson, No. S Main Ht. H-31 KOIt HALE Htalllon of Wilkes and Dairy stock, ran bn seen at O. K. tables. Apply Mm. Welch 2 IK Ho. 6th Ht. H-1C KOR SALE Two wagons- Can bo soon at O. K. stuble. Inquire at 315 Ho, Cth St. 14-16 KOIl HAI.h: by owner; flvo room modarn houso on pavumont with garden, gsrago, nllny, trees, lawn nnd cellar. Must sell at sacrifice on tarmn. Kurnlshed or unfurnlsheI, (1. X. Herald. H-t7 KOIt RENT-Two bedrooms for 'Ron- tlomen only. 115 I'lnu Ht. or phono 09-J. 14-16 l,OBT Diamond ring sot In nngrnvud platinum sotting. Llhornl ,rownrd If returned to It. C. 1 Torn Id offlco. . H-llf WANTKD I-nnd on Upper lako for cutting cord wood, logged off or limber. If. 0. Herald offlco. 14-10 KOIt 8AL Two doxon I'. It. and it. I. Tons', all laying. Ilubt. Clayo, 236 S. Eth HI. 14-18 FOR 8AI.K Now J-roonu plastered houso, biilltln kltchon, writing desk, book case. Ironing board, easy terms, prlco $1100. Also onu 4 room modern house. 8oo Htanloy Martin ownor 40i Michigan Avo. 14-17 WOULD 11UY for ensh, flvo acres of land from owner within 1 V4 mllos of Klamath Kails, Oro. N. B. Wood- houso, Merrill. 14-19 OALIKOItNIA FAnMS near Sacra mento, for unlu, easy tonus, wrlto for list. H. It. Walto, Shownoo, Ok lahoma, 14-15 FOR BALK Tlmbor cheap If tnkon soon. Addross "Timber" Hornld office. 14-14 FOR BJiUK Two Joreoy cows, 2 calvos. Ono mlln So. 6th St. Mid land Road. Sam King. 14-19 KHTRAY Camo to tny place 8 bond hogH, crop and split on loft oar. Ownor may havo namo by paying for thin nd and foed ohargos. Ankony Ranch phono 1G-F-11. 1,4-16 PHONE PEYTON for wood 5J6 You may savo half the prlco of a new pair of shoes by having us ro- pair your old onos. Bradlej-Evaos Shoe Store. 13-16 Home mado egg needles,- -SOe. per pound, Ask your grocer. 12-15' T city, Italmrra of Himny lirook farm, Minn Kdllh Oood lllch, Mr. Hkuotnr mil of Pendleton, Oregon. Dr. ami Mrs, Will Klllumtiulck of Death Vul luy, California, I.ord mid I.ndy I far- court, Minn Annelida Mnydnw, Minn ICHiiiaralilu Angelina Hkookumn of Hkookiimvlllo, Kentucky, Mr. I. M. llfMwIl, Mr. and Mrn. I'nrkliis, I'ollcn mnii Jnlyhnwkor Crossbill and wlfo, Hllrnbolh, Mr. nnd Mrn. Darius Caesar lloiinpnrtn (lunlron, ho being president of tho gnwd Intiirnatloiml nnnoclntlnn for thn protection of frooborn negro Americans. Minn Eunice llonnlrastln nclod nn rnald. Tho ovonkig wan delightfully npont In conversation, "anion nnd munlc. Refreshments wnro nnrved nhoiit mid- nlRht after which tho guests depart- nd votlrtrr lord and Lady Ilonnlcantlu thn bent of entertainers. River Over Banks On Nelson Lands V. Hill Hunter today ntntod Hint thn drndgor of tho Kawmlll Engln- ooring and Construction company hnn won tho fight lo konp tho Korns landn near Knno from doing over flowed by tho Klamath Itlvor. Tho dlko In holding, and tlio situation on thnt sldo of thn rlvor In wnll In hand. On tho othor nldn thn river In over tho bankn and flowing lnt tho Nel son landn. About 700 acros, nro un der wntor. A foot rlno of tho rlvor la "till expected. Tho Mr cum this nprlng In higher than It has boon within memory of mont residents of thn flooded district. On tho Nelson sldn tho dlko Is low. Attempts of a shovel hrlgndn to turu tho water proved futllu. You enn procuro your tickets nt thn Whlto I'ollcan hotel for, tlio fit. Patrick's Day program to hn hold thoro Thursday availing. Advertising brings otflcloncy. SJ""N'MWMVMMWMMMMMVWMWMWWM Wo put on half soles In 1C minutes I nnd ruhbnr heoln In S mlnuten. No long waltn at Ilradloy-Evans Shoo 1 Co, H-16 Wh polUh your shoos when you have them repaired at our shop. Ilradlny-Hvons Shoo Co. 12WG Home mado ogg noodlen, 30c per pound. Ask your grocor. 12-16 KRKB Well rotted manure Nov Is tho time to fix your lawn and gar-1 den. H. Qullltch, Klamath Avo. and I'aynn Alloy. 121-1E Comn In and see our machlnory work wondors In your old shoos. Ilradloy-Bvann Shoe 8toro. 12-15 FOR BAKU OR TRADE My homo for salo, extra good 8 room houso, basement storngo and wood rooms. I to u so can easily bo converted Into thrco apartments. Priced under the market, will soil with or without furniture Would lake good car on deal, paymonts can bo arrangod on n part. 8yd Kvans, 703 9th St. 12-16 Dnrgnln prices on sovornl good lots. Would trade ono or two for a good small car. Hyd Kvans, 703 9th. 12-16 Two small ranches, 10 and 13 acros, ono fourth and ono half mllo from city limits, one Improved, othor ono in cultivation and loncert, part Irrigated, host of land, priced right. Holl on torms, take good ear on tloal, or trade for Improved city property. Syd Kvans, 703 9th St. 12-16 It certainly pays to have bid shoos ropalrod thn. way wo ropalr them. IlradloyKvann Shoo Btoro. 12-15 Ono half soctlon wood land 6 mllos from town, sell cheap, trade tor good car or city proporty. Syd Kvans, 703 9th St. 12-10 FOR SALH 5 room modorn bunga low on pavoniont; 2 lots wol Im proved. Furnished or unfumlahod, Ilnx II, Herald offlco. 11-10 FOR SALIC One I'otnluma Incubator In A-l condition; 252 egg capac ity. Phono 2C9R. 11-16 400 cash and $25 por month. Now 4 room houso, ono block from pave ment, $1550. For salo by ownor Phono 256J. 11-18 WANTKD Your watch or clock to ropalr. Oeorgo L. Motz, Jawelor, 622 Main St. 9-23 FOR RENT Pleasant furnace-heat ed bedroom, adjoining bathroom. use of telepkono and bath. Dr. Dem orest. Phono 447-R or call at 927 Jefferson Bt. 36-18 Frost may kill your whent and rot your pumpkins, or you may loso your Job, but tho grocery bill will kop right on. Savo yourself this worry and bo Independent by buying our Rarron-Tancrod White Leghorn chicks at $12.50 por 100, and our 8 wooks old pullottf for July delivery at $lp,00 per dozon. Thoy will bo laying In Soptomber and stay on the Job'all winter, and you'll be handing your grocer, eggs at 7c oaci, and ho wjjl bo soon;tio owing you. Order honk Is' tilling fst, so order early. Delivery anyumn after April zu. THE EVENING HERALD, HUltl'RIHi: PARTY MAMN, March 16, A pleasant niirprlso pnrty for Mr. nnd Mrs, Richard I'lckatt at their homo Sat urday ovonlng wan ntlondod by ovor 50 young pooplo from Mnlln. Cards and dancing woro Indulgod In until 2 o'clock. Huppar was nerved by tho Indies. You can buy your tlckotn for tho Ht. I'nlrlck'n Day program at tho Whlto Pelican hotel. TIIK MO.VDAI.H If you nrn ready to ho entertain ed with a varloty of roal surprises and anjoy llfo fully for several min utes, be among those prosant at tho Mondaln theatre on Tuesday and Wednesday. Tho Morris Prlnco Duo, man nnd woman, havo conceived n bright routine of nffnrvescont ma terial that has proved suro flra whom ovor glvon. Huch nn act makns planning digression from tho sllont screen and nffords laughs .which overybtidy need. Thoy do Jug1 gHng, singing, dancing, paint crayon pictures nnd mako pictures out of rags, something now and different which Is sure to ploasn. Itoy Htowart, Triangle's popular western star, appears In unothor of tho highly amusing and original Rod Saundors ntorlon at thn Mondalo thoa trn for two. days, beginning today. What's Sauce for the Goose is Sauce for the Gander" Consideration In tho buying of homo products works both ways. Manufacturers can't expect tho public to contrlbuto to THEIR wclfaro unless they do llkowlso. Thoro's a halfway point whoro all can meet in holp Ing build up each other's bank account. 8 First National Bank! KLAMATH FALLS III xonu Ktnt if til Ytumk,. Kl CifUtm It tkurthlMitfliMTlTS kl, lnmmMiirluij,6oo fill thnl III JiitmJ Hhir. e Glories ofM YosemiU The Yoscmite Country extends an in vitation to all lovers of the great out-doors. It presents a variety of scenic grandeur unsurpassed anywhere in the world lofty mountains, noble forests, beautiful lakes, colorful flowers, and mystic falling waters. It is 1,124 square miles of scenic superlatives. Good motor roods lead into Yosemlte National Park. Oarage and automobilo camp sites are provided in tho valley and everywhere you can get "Red Crown" the'gaaollne with a continuous chain of boiling points. "Rod Crown" will get you there and get you back,. Look for the Red Crown sign befora you'fiU. STANDARD OIL COMPANY, luwnw KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Thin now story Is rallod "Tho Kly Ood," nnd In said to bo an amusing nnd Interesting an "A Rod Haired Cupid," In which Mr. Htowart last appeared. Fast Basket Ball Game at Merrill A fast basket ball gamo was play ed Friday night between tho teams of tho Merrill flro department nnd tho Klamath Agency All' Star. Tho Merrill loam won by tho scoro of What Sick People and Prospective Mothers Want in Home or Hos Hes pital: Safe, Sano, Prompt, Propor Pro fessional caro and rosults at mini mum cost.. (Colloctlvo meaning, Proven live Surgory) Surgical casos belong In a Surgical hospital. Most othors can be efficiently and more economically cared for at homo. DR. CRAVER AllopatlUe Slodldno and Surgery 70i and Mam fits. Phono S80-W. Klamath Falls OREGON ,3 rjmjwxsaLiA9JLUsi t Gasoline of Quality 34 to 22. It was ono of tho cloanost gnmoH ovor soon on it bo local floor, thoro holng two fouls called during tho gamo, Tho first halt of the gamo wan fast and close, tho scoro nt tho first half was 1C to 18 In favor of Merrill but In tho last half tho Merrill team had things tholr own way and galnod a 12 point lead, tho line-ups of tho two teams wore: Merrill Flro Department K, Stukel, forward, Captain; M. Ilowman, forward; C. Harrows, cen ter; U. Howman, guard; W. Fruits, guard; O. Rudolph, forward; O. Stu eol, forward. "Perhaps You Pon't Know" says the Good Judge How lorig a little of the Real Tobacco Chew will last. Nor how much gen uine chewing satisfac tion the full, rich real tobacco taste will give. Ask any man who use's thcReal Tobacco Chew. He will tell you that this class of tobacco will give more satisfac tionand at less cost than the ordinary kind. Put up in two styles W-B CUT is a long fine RIGHT wmTriVSn Bsgaa REDUCED Slab W $7.00 Cord This 16-Inch Dry Slab-wood Is absolutely your choapcat fuel. Wo also handlo Block and Limb-wood at market prices, but block are Tory scarce, and Limb-wood Is high In prlco. Phone us your orders for Slab. O. Peyton & Co. "WOOD TO BURN" OSCAR PEXTON WOJLAMD FZTCON 419 Main St. CLOTHES OF-REAL DISTINCTION must be mado for tho woarcr Individually. Let me make your now spring suit and enjoy wearing roolly distinctive clothing taUore4 to fit you porfoctly and to retain its extra-smartness during long constant wear. CHAS. J. CIZEK, Merchant Tailor B18 Main St. WATCH FOR A SLIP in Klamath Falls Creamery butter which if pre sented at our office will be cashed for.$5.00cSH KLAMATH FALLS CREAMERY It Cant Be Done! BUT-- It Was Done They used to say there was .no other bread . llko mother used to mako. That was true before- BAKH RITB was put on tho markot. DAKERITB OVENS AND DAKERITE METHODS did tho business and today you can get a loaf of bread possessing that delicious, lasting, appetizing flavor horotoforo found only In bread roado at home. This bread Is sold exclusively .at the Rex Cafo and Tho Maize. It is also;' served' exclusively in The Rex Cafe. tukaday, march in, 1021. Agency All Stars C. Hood, forward; II. Dlllstrom, forward, captain; J, Hood, contor; R, Ualrd, guard; K, Dlllstrom, guard; II. Dlllstrom, substitute. Substitutes In itho last halt woro, O. Rudolph for K. Stukel. S. Stukel for M. Bowman, ' Duo to Improper ventilation In the mlnofl at least 1000 metal minors die annually In tho Unltod States, causing a loss of time aggregating millions of dollars nnd untold suf fering to tho miners and tholr fam ilies. - cut tobacco CUT is a short-cut tobacco QJBUT3 PRICES ON MM Phone 535 CITY GARBAGE When you waut far bags removed call 10K-88- inrrrm 'uarre 3-10-0-1 MAYWOOD POULTRY FARM Coming. Calif.