The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 14, 1921, Image 1

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    linlvornlty I-llirnri
kuounb, onn,
Today's Nmwa
' Today
Stye Extmina Mtmlh
A Class Ad Will
Do It
Fifteenth Ycnr. No. (HMIH,
Member of the Associated Press.
Power Corporation
Property Deeded
to New Company
Copy of a donil of all tho proper
ly of California-Oregon Power com
pany, wn filed with tho county clerk
thin morning, All property of tlio
company In Kliimnth county In In.
Tlio description of properly cov-
or many pago of n liouml, printed
volume. Tho filing foo on thu vol
umlnotiH dociimont wan $41.
TIiIh stop, transferring tho phynl
cal proporty, follow tho approval
of tlfo California Itnllrond commls
"lon of thn flnauclal reorganization
plan, which will roiluco thn cortxira-
tlon' Indebtedness ami render n mil
lion dolliirit avallahlo Immediately for
extension and Improvements of tho
company' ytom In Klamath county
and elsowhorn.
Eighteen of tho registered bulls
and cow which will hn offorod for
sain at thn second annual nolo pf
Hhorthont cattle In thin city Thuni
day, March 17, nro now In tlio O, K,
livery barn on Sixth street, whora
pooplo Interested In good stock, many
of Ihont prospective purchanora,.nro
looking them ovor and commenting
gcnornlly about thorn In tho most
favorahlo tonus. Kacli animal Is
Block and rat, and nhow (ho results
of "Reed breeding" and caroful caro.
All local ontrlos aro not In thn barn
yet, but tho Turner brother, of
tangoll' valley, and T, F Nelson,
toRothor, havn seven nplondld anl
mail, which, from thn vantage point
of breeding, compere very favorably
with thn Imported Block
Knafurlh Queen, one of thn H. A.
llampo rntrlea from Union county,
aland pre-omlnont nmonR thn lx
from tho HnmjM) farm Thl cow I
ono of tho famou Alox Choline
hard at Forest (Irovo. A newly ar
rived holfor calf, lrd by Avondalo
atand by her ldo. Khn wa pur
chased by Mr. Ilnmpo for $11.00
about four year ago, iitul since hor
purchase nlm ha brought him throo
cnlvM. Thl splendid animal welch
about 1800 pounds, Is a dark roan,
and I a bovlno quoon In every son bo
of tho word, Mr llempe Is disburs
ing hi herd, nnd tins entarod the
best part of It nl thl sale,
Tho Hushes Maid, with a bull calf w. Mason, socrotnry. said this i
-.... ....... -i ...... a iiKiu ron. mB that tho Increaso had not been
wi.n a ouii can ni nor slcio also, definitely decided.
Ward A. Dwlghl and Iloscoo V
MnploN, stockholder In tho III
l.nko Ilox company returned to Ban
Francisco yestordny morning after at
tendinis tho directors' mooting of the
company hero Friday. Following Is
tho new router of officer selected:
Ward A. Dwlght, prosldont; A. J.
Voyo, vlcn president nnd manager;
11. W. Mason, secretary, nnd M. H.
What, trnn surer.
Ueports for tho past yoar showed
prosperous condition, It I re
ported, and n $100,000 Increase of
tho capltallxatlon wan dlscussod. I).
Challenge Maid, Avondalo IlraColet,
and Scottish Lass, make up tho rest
of tho 1 tempo entries. Challenge
Maid and Avondalo l)racolJtanwlUi
calf, by Count Avondalo. Scottish
l.asa was sired by Scottish Kin.
(J. W. Dolay, of Union county, has
four entrlo. llaronos No. 7 n year
ling, tho first entry, come of a heavy
milking strain. Hbo I a likely look
ing animal. Violet Qlostor, tho sec-
ond entry, wilt bo two years old In
April, nnd wa among tho animals
In tho Dotay hord who won prizes
every fair In which they were entur
rd last fall. Hbo Is with calf by
Vlllsgo Itcsorve, tho wclt-known Do
I.ay hord bull.
Hushes Hadlum, another I)el.ay en
try, Is of straight Scottish breed, and
wa sired by Hadlator. Ha I two
year old,
l.ady I)nlsy I tho fourth or thn
Deljiy entries. Hho Is two year old,
and In with calf by Village Hoservo.
Hutchinson &. Rhcrman, of Union
county, have throo entries. Among
thorn, Jooso Dean stand out promin
ently. This cow la n I no yoa.a old,
and two tlmo last yoar her own
er refused $5000 for her. Hho wolgh
1KO0 pound. Bho'wa purchased by
Bharman & Hutchinson when ho wo
flvo year old, nnd slnco then alio ha
had four calve which have been sold
for un ngcregato sum of $1000, Tho
fifth onn will arrlvo In April. In
speaking of this cow, Mr. Sherman
said that It was tho ondoavor of him
self and bis partner to bring only tho
boat to this solo, a they had already
laid tho foundation of n reputation
for good stock through tho calve
thoy luppllod tho boys' and girls'
club horo last year, tho Roodor and
Hesoltlno entries nt tho big stock
show In Portland bolng suppllod by
'Donna, a yonrllng holfor, Hired by
Hadlator, nnd Volvot Lad, who wns
a yoar old In Janunry, nlrod by Hadl
ator, also, aro tho other Hutchinson
& Sherman ontrlos.
W. J, Townloy, of Union county,
ha four ontrlos, throo holfor with
calf, and a yonrllng bull. Thoso aro
splendid looking animals.
Tho Turner Hrothors entries In
clude JPrlnco Aldorlolgh, a 4-yoar old
bull, from tho Laboroo hord, Miss
Ninth, Klamath Maid, and Klamotb,
Maid 2nd, and Klamath Trlnco. Thoso
animals havo boon entorod In thl
show simply becauso tho Turner Dro
thers ore not In a position to feod
them properly. They have excellent
pedigree and show plenty of class.
F. T. Nelson o this city has fil
tered JRosn Lad, a, yearling. Mred by
feeilV Billy from the L'afieree herd.
Thl -bull's mothor Is 'from a Chal
tnon cow, a favorito at the state ng.
rJculturol Bchool. Spotted Ohlof, a
r1'b Dig Itko company stnrled In
1917 with a small factory. They now
have n modem and growing plant
and Innl fall completed n new 40,1)00
root mill. Tho fact that they ara
considering an Increase or financial
strength Is an Indication of faith la
thn basic business or tho commun
ity that speaks well for a prosper
ous season.
After throo and ono-half year suc
cessful work In this community, the
Hov. E. 1. Iawronco, I'rosbytorlan
pastor, announced to his congrega
tion yostorday morning his doclslon
to resign May 1st to nccopt tho pas
tornte of tho I'resbytcrlan church at
Mjodford. Tho Hov. L. M. lloorer,
pastor nt Medford, ha boon called
to Corvallls as studont pastor of tho
Oregon Agricultural collcgo congre
Tho Hov. Mr. Ijiwronco enmo to
Klamath Knll In Novombor, 1817.
During his stny horo tho church has
grown and Its activities, both among
old nu young, havo boon largely ox
tondod. Tho handsomo now brick
building was startod and comnletod
during Mr. Lawrence's pnstorato.
"While tho local congrogatlon nro
loath to boo tho pastor loavo, thoy
congrntulnto him upon tho now posi
tion, Tho Medford church rank as
tho strongost I'rosbytorlan congrega
tion In southorn Oregon nnd ono ot
tho strongest In tho state
While no dorinlto stops havo boon
taken to chooso n successor, Mr.
Luwronco has rocommendod tho Hor.
Arthur Hlco ot Myton, Utah, n bril
liant young mlnlstor whom ho has
long known. Action upon tho rocom
momlatlon will bo taken at tho an
nual congregational mooting next
Tho First Stato & Havings bank,
which voluntarily closod It door on
January 12, whon Its resorvo d rep
lied precariously near tho limit per
mitted undor tho law, reoponod it
door at 10 o'clock thl morning ac
companied by ono of tho most sig
nificant demonstration over wltnoss
od within tho borders of Klamath
Home tlmo boforo tbo doors woro
duo to bo opened, a long lino ot clt
xons from all over tho county woro
waiting patiently, nnd In most cases,
beamingly, nt tho ontranco, and tho
I first person to push his deposit
tiirough tho window was Tod Whlto,
manngor of tho Mondnlo theatro. In
cidentally, It is oxactly a yoar to a
day slnco Mr. and Mrs. Whlto arrlrod
horo to establish themsolvos In busi
ness and mado tholr first deposit' In
this bank.
Moro than 200 automobiles took
part In tho parado which preceded
tho address by H. M. Manning In
front of tho bank. I'eoplo from avory
walk ot llfo In tho county woro In tho
parado, and tho din at times wa do
feanlng. Mr. Manning traced Captain Bio
men's career horo from tho tlmo ho
camo to Klamnth with a carblno
on his sbouldor, through hi Initial
banking oxperlence up to tho tlmo
ho organized tho First Stato &. Hav
ings bank, and finally through his
groat servlco to tbo community as
n banker, and down to the tlmo wben
tho bank' imfciiw depleted, be de
cided to closo tho bank until saw
capital could bo secured, Instead ot
foreclosing on numorous farmers and
heepmon who wero faco to faco with
a demoralised market for tholr pro
duce. Ha told about Marshal Hoop
er's arrival hero to Investigate tho af
fairs of tho bank, how ho found It
solvent, nnd decided to help It upon
Its feet again by taking stock to tho
amount of thousands of dollars, giv
ing up his position as assistant to
Stato Dank Superintendent Drarn
woll to bocomo first vlco president
of tho bank. Ily this re-oponlng,
said Mr. Mannlng,.7G por-cont or tho
farmers and shcopmon ot tbo county
woro savod from financial ruin. To
day, concluded Mr. Manning, tho
"Frank C. Dramwell, stato u
porlntciidont of bank, who au
thorlbcd tho r-opoiilng today ot
tho First Stato and Savings bank,
mado tho following statcment:
Tho fooponlng or tho First
Btato and Having bank prosontr
tho most Important ovont In tb
history ot Oregon banking. Tho
bqard or director hayo compile
with preliminary conditions pre
scribed by tho banking depart
ment.. Tho bank will reopen
with u splondld volumo or busi
ness and with assets In good con
dition. Tho pooplo or Klamnth
county aro to bo congratulated.
I predict a vory successful and sat
isfactory tuturo tor thl Institu
tion. This ovont ruUllla my
fondest anticipations. Tho dem
onstration today indicates tho J
unqualified confldenco which tho
people of Klamath county havo
In tho future ot tho bank aud tbo
porsonal Integrity or Captain Bio-
Fort Klamath Road
Passable, Reports
Auto Association
Hoy 11. Hood, secretary or tho
KInmath County .Auto association,
mado a trip to Fort Klamath Hunday
on business tor tho association, and
roports that tho road to tho Fort is
now passablo for autos, and 1 In
good condition, considering tho tlmo
of tho year, with tho oxcoptlon or a
short stretch In rront of tho Lamm
Lumber company' mill at Modoo
Point nnd tho stretch between
Crooked crcok abovo tho Agency
and tho Fort. Tboso two place aro
very muddy, but with throo or tour
days or sunshine will dry vory
'lulrkly. H thoso two place could
bo dragged whilo thoy aro drying.
thoy could bo put In first class con
dition. Mr. Heed conferred with
Mr. Palgo, tho director of tbo asso
ciation In tho Fort district, and ro
ports that tho Fort Klamath pooplo
aro vory enthusiastic about tho association.
unshaken, unchallongod, and tho
leader among tho banks ot Southern
Mayor Wiley Introduced Captain
Siemens, who mounted tho platrorra,
and smilingly thanked tho pooplo tor
tholr contldonco and kindness. Ho
mado a short plea for greater har
mony throughout tho cc ... and
ended his brief talk nmJd loud ap
Marshal Hooper was called upon,
and ho expressed his confldenco In
thoro sources and pcoplo of tho
county, commondlng tho pcoplo for
tholr spirit or "got-to-gether." Ho,
also, was roundly applauded.
Tho program, was concluded with
a tow words rrom Mayor Wiley who
thanked tho pcoplo tor their presence.
Local cstabllsbmouU mado floral
contributions, and conspicuous
among tho magnificent pieces was
ono from tho Ladd & Tllton bank,
ot Portland, ono ot tho Institutions
which has given It support to Cap
tain Siemens and his bank.
Withdrawals today woro compar-
A now hand Is nt tho holm In tho
First National bank today, Senator
Charles Hall assuming his duties a
prcsldont ot tho oldest financial In
stitution In tho county. Sonator
Hall arrived hero with his tarally
Friday ovenlng, and rrom now on
will claim Klamath Falls as his
homo. Though oloctcd president nt
mo annual meeting ot tho stock
holders last January, ho has bad no
part In tho affairs or tbo bank until
now, the Intervening tlmo having
been spent In closing up bis affairs
In Marshrtuld and representing Coos
county In tho stato senate. ' '
HI leaving Marshtlold was an
ovent greatly regretted by tho pco
plo .of that city. Ho was tendorcd
a banquet and a resolution was
passed asking him not to'reslgn as
sonator rrom that district, but to
contlnuo as tbolr represontatlvo In
tho upper house or tho legislature.
Tho bank ot which ho was tho pros-
AUDMOHB, March 14 Frank L.
Ketch, formerly business manager ror
Jnko L. Hamon, nnd now adminis
trator or his ostato, tostlflod today
In Clara Smith Hamon's murdor trial,
over tho objection of the prosecutor
who announcod that development
Saturday woro such that Kotch
might bo charged as an accessory
aftor tho fact of Hamon's murder.
After Kotch left tho stand tho
prosecutor Jald tho witness, under
tho law, had been rendered lmmuno
by tho fact ho bad testified.
Ketch testified that undor Jnko
Hamon's Instructions bo had given
Clara Hamon $5000 on tho day fol
lowing tho shooting and told her to
Icavo Ardmore.
Mrs. Jako L. Hamon, thowldow,
would havo testified this morning
but was too nervous to go on the
stand. Atter tho noon recess Mrs.
Hamon recovered her composure and
wont on tbo stand. 8ho tcstiricd
sho arrived from Chicago and went
to her husband's hotel suite and
whllo thero Clara Hamon camo In,
throw her hat and gloves on the bed
and ran out. Mrs. Hamon said aho
took a pistol from Clara's room on
that occasion.
The stato rested today. Clara will
be tbo last defenso witness.
attvoly light. Doposlts wero greatly
First Btato and Saving bank stands In excess ot withdrawals.
Sottlomont In tho Klamath coun
ty tax rauddlo Is Impondlng, accord
ing to roports that havo boon ac
cumulating tor several days. No
doflnlto action had boon tnkon up
to 3 o'clock today, but It was cur
rent rumor around tho court bouso
that the inattor would bo takon up
at thl aftornoon'u mooting ot tho
county court.
Tho county court la ready, ono ot
the commissioners statod In private
conversation, to oroae from tho tax
rolls both tho $50,000 Hot Springs
construction levy jiud tho $14,000
miscellaneous levy tor thl year, al
though It Is understood that thoy
bopo to roach an ugroomont with
tho supportor ot the Main street
fray oxponscs Incurred In tho litiga
tion. From tho ossossor's offlco today
camo tho Information that no orders
had boon received to change tho tax
rolls, and no work was bolng dono
on thorn.
It Is understood that whon tho
court makes Its ordor erasing tho
two Itoms, which havo boon enjoined
rrom collection by Judgo Calkins,
that tho ossossor's torco will doloto
tho two tunds rrom tho first book
and turn It ovor to tho tax collector,
who will' start Immediate collection
ot tbo amounts on that roll, Tho
rolls will bo changed and turned
ovor to tho tax collector in tho or
dor ot their numbors. Thus tho
changing ot tho rolls and collodion
OIIEOON Tonight and Tuesday
rain In wost; rain or snow In oast
court house for tbo collodion ot tho let taxes will go on simultaneously.
miscellaneous fund next yoar to do-' Thoro aro seven rolls in all,
son or Doll's Dllly, also, Is another
Nelson entry. His mother Is a hat
sister or Roa,n Lad's mother, also
from the. state college.
the:,b'ank8 of the county, .without.
exception, nave agreed to lend money
to responsible buyers at six por cent, ri
and tills fact should not bo overlook
(Dedicate! to Captain Siemens by Frank II. Hoblnson)
Captain Siemens, wo honor nnd lovo you ;
You're a man who's boon tried and found true;
As truo as tbo bluo sky abovo you;
A gontloman all tho way through.
You'vo cltmbod to tho top ot tho laddor;
And that's whore you always will stay;
For mon that can mako tho heart gladdor,
Wo don't moot up with every day. '
You'vo boen through tho fight, and you'vo won It;
You'vo shown us all what you can do;
And. Captain remember doggone It;
That Klamath Falls stands beblnd you!
PORTLAND, March 14. Cattle
ACT Insanity complaint was tiled to
day against Joe Joseph ot Merrill.
,qidtlo Irish melodies, the ones
that havo mado'st." Patrick's Vday
events ot pleasing memories ror al
most countless years, and other ob
servance that havo made thoughts
or Erin's Islo, and Its people, more
dear as tho years roll by, will be
on tho program to bo given In the
White Pelican hotel Thursday even-
dent was recognized as tho progres- ittB, March 17. This program will
slvo financial Institution of that soc-joo distinctly appropriate to tho day,
tlon, mado so by the wise policies nnd local talent, who excel vocally
no adopted, policies whch ho pro-1 and Instrumental will participate,
poses to follow here. H. M. Manning will lecture on tho
Senator Hall Is no stranger to a offocts or Irish endeavor In America,
host ot Klamath county pooplo, most and tho otfect of Ireland's present
of whom ho number as among his. efforts to attain Independence on the
porsonal frionds. .Throughout tho balanco ot tbo world. Mr. Manning
day many of theso callod to bid him ' a closo student ot world affairs.
woicomo nnd wish him success In his and his address will teem with corn-
now field. I mon sonso view of thn situation.
Tho Revorend J. V, Molloy, of
Sacred Heart parish, will also deliver
a lecture. "Ireland and America"
will bo hla topic. Father Molloy bos
gathered material for his lecturer
from prolific soarces In both the old
and now worlds? and Is ono of the
most offedlvo locthrers ever heard In
this city. His lecture will also be ab
sorbing and eminently entertaining.
Community singing, which always
sonds a thrill through any audience,
will bo a big feature ot this program.
Hero, also, tbo lilting Irish airs will
bo fonturod, and some or tbo rol
licking, happy songs will bo Included.
Mrs. James Damberry, Mrs. A. J.
Ilustamonte, and Charles Wood
Eborlotn will sing solos, nnd a quar
tet, consisting ot Dr. O. A. Mallett,
Durge Mason, Mr. Eborleln, and J.
E. Dodge will contribute two or three
selections. Harry Dorel, violinist; H.
A. Mitchell, clarinettist, Fred D.
Fletcher, flutist; and Miss Alice
McCourt, pianist, compose the orches
tra. James Holland will bo chairman
ot tho ovenlng, and Miss McCourt
will havo charge ot the musical program.
Tonight tho Rlcketts Qloo club
will mako Its appoaranco nt tho
Elks Tomplo, and this club, with Its
program ot music, will duplicate or
oxcoed tho tremondou hit made by
tho Tonnossoo Jublloo Singers whon
they appeard -at th Elks' Tomplo
auout throo weeks ago.
Evory member or this club Is a
specialist, and their long list ot oN
rerlngs aro so varied that they will
ploaso people ot ovory class or tom
pornmont. Vornon Rlcketts. the
concertino, saxaphono and piano
specialist, has boen mado the sub
ject o'f special mention by a number
ot critics, and ho alono provides a
wholo cntortalnmont. Dut his sup
portors aro artists In ovory sonso ot
tho word, and this program Is sure
to glvo Immense satlstnctlon to all
who hear It.
Oil Company to "
Plan Stock Sale
Directors and stockholders ot tho
Crater Lake Oil andOas company
will hold a mooting tonight In tho oN
ricos of R. C. aroesbeck to discuss
plans for marketing tho stock Issuo,
pornils for which was recently grant
od by the corporation commissioner.
The meeting is called for 7:30,
Timbers for construction ot the
first derrick are on the way and ex
pected to arrive any day. The com
slow; hogs 60o higher, prime light,' formorly a Jitney driver, here. The pany has land leased near Merrill
$11.60 and $12,60; sheep slow; egga
unoottledi butter steady.
inattor will probably bo heard
Judgo Dunnoll' this nttornoon.
by I on which operation will be started at
Common labor will bo paid on a
basis of $3.60 a day for public work
In Klamath county this summer, de
cided" the conference of Irrigation
district, reclamation servlco and con
tractors' representatives and the
county court Saturday afternoon. A
man and team will draw $6'.B0 a
day, and , a man and . four horses
$9.50, "The-basic day w.111 be eight
hours, ,
The average wage for com.tnoa
labor last year'wa '$'t.00, rising' In
special Instances to the action of
supply nnd demand.,