The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 12, 1921, Image 1

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    Unlvcirnlty l.lhrnr)
Today's New
Stfji? Enming, Bmtid
A Class Ad Will
Do It
Fifteenth Vcnr. Ni. B007.
Member of the Associated Press.
"I lllll linrn for Mm tmrim... f
M ---- - . w ) a'IM'IJ Its.
I welcoming back Into thn rank of
Women and In show by liolne
hnrn that wn nro pornonally In
tornstod In thn reopening of tho
First Htntn nml Bnvlngs bonk. It
Indicates lurtlinr thnt thn First
Nallonnl Imnk of flan Frnnclco,
Tho Northwestern lionk nml tho
Kiidil and Tlltnn hank of Port
land (Hand hack of tint First
Btato and Bavlngs hank morally
ind financially." Htatoment madn
In Tho Hnrald today by It. fl.
Howard, first vlco president of
fllici Lnild and Tllton hank of
I Business Better;
I Old Wage Scale
Restored By Erie
NEW YORK, March 12. Undue
tloim In tho wngo of common labor
madu by tho Erlo railroad Jannury
31 liuvo boon wiped out and tho
fortnor wngo acolo restored, thn
company announced today. Tim
statement Hiild that llihtlv linnrnv.
(id business condition pormllted tho
paymnnt of tho old ncnlo.
rlin railway labor board roennt
ly ronilomnod tho action of tho rouil
.. . . . " iy ruiiiiiii u nil tio act on of tho rouil
tho lianknrri of tho statu Captain 1 .,.- n, . .lln,(l,' ,
ui....... i i i . . . ii",r n"1 '""t submitting tin propon-
HllinionN and to show liv im ( . . ... . '
od roductlon for thn board' approv
nl and nrdnrnd tho melioration of
th n fornior scale. Tho company
said that tho wholn wngn question
would now bo formally submitted
to tho board.
All will bo III roadlucHN for tho
opening of tho First Htulo and Hav
Jngn hank Monday morning. Mar-
Mombor of tho county court, rec
lamation service, representative of
Irrigation district. California-Ore
gon Power rnmiianv. Hilmr iini,n.
shall Hoopnr, who resigns a aMlt-nnu othor contractors uro mooting
ant superintendent of bank for "' Hftornoou In thn local Irrfga
OroKon to acenpt u placo ou tho,,on district offlco to determine on a
board of directum and tho offlco I"1""" policy and wngn arnlo for pub
of first vlrn president, will bn hero "e work thl season,
cither lonlKht or flundny night. I Thn Indication la that wage will
II. fl. Howard, roprciontlnB thn fl-jbn revised downward, although no
'nanclal Institutions of Portland that formal action had boon taken at tho
aro standing back of thn reopening,! tlm" of going to pre,
arrlrcd lam evening, and tin will ro- . -7-
rive uouars At the
Stroke of a Knife
main until Tuesday morning
Frank Honda, representing (ho First
National bank of Han Franelseo.
coum not remain ovor for tho open-; mi Margaret Schubert. 307 High
.,,.. ..uh 1.. .coto in niornui ntroot. waij an angry young lady
,or noinc. iiuinr.) going no xiaiod wirn hI, bcM nto ro , (.
tin waa sorry press of buslncwi Dro-.mi.ii. foil- . 1 . ..., ....
- -- ..i-. Kim 1....4.HMJI j uuuur uuu uw
,..... .... uouik ixoHni 10 wiuioi . kl,f oncountorod 0 thin nloco of
Tho Homobulldurn corporation df
roctora olectod offlcora lam night nn
follew: II. I). Mortcnuon. nrnaldent:
W. II. Kllngonborg, vlco proalflontj
O. I). IJurko, troaimror, and A. J.
Voyo, iiccrotory. Tho oxocutlvo com
mlttoo conaliita of II. N. Moo, J. W.
flluniona, nnd O, I). Ilurko.
Joinen Holland, manager of tho
corporation, In now ready to utart
construction of homed, Thero nro n
number of application on fllo.
Tho corporation I amply flnancod
hy local mibftcrlptlon. Tho total
capitalization la (100,000, nioro than
half Buhncrlbed. Undor It plan tho
nppllconl for a homo must furnish tho
slto nnd pay down 20 por cent of thj
com of tho building choncn. Tho bal-
nnco I pnyabln In smalt monthly In
Figure havn been ankod by flro
prospoctlro builder. Thorn aro other
Informal applications but tho flro
mean buslnons.
Mr. Holland ha an offlco aboro
the Btar Drug storo. Appllpatlon
may bo mado thero or at tho cham
bor of commerce.
WAIIHAW Mnl. to t....
.....n,.T, .,i irnrrn . - --
Is In tho linn.ln nt iim ri.vnti.nnn ' Kuykondall return
. .. . . . .... ..
ibis ami mo Dolshnvlkl aro com.
plotoly ovorpoworod, oy a wire-
i l.M .ll-K-.-i. ... . .
nn iiimiaicii rucuivou noro
Soldiers Are Being
Admitted Today to
U. S. Citizenship
Gustavo Carlson, natlvo of Hweden,
wa tho first soldier accepted for
citizenship hy V. W. Tomllnson,
naturalization commissioner. Other
ox-servlco men will bo heard thl
afternoon. Tho naturalization will
not bo comploted until Circuit Judgo
from Kugcno
and sign tho papors
Holdlern or sailor who wcro dis
charged through disability nro not
A Vllnn .llnnnlnli .nuM ,1... ...( ' elll!lllln findnr ihn inlltlnr.1 IflvnM-
I.hI.L....II.I m . . I hIi.h ..... ...LI L. . ...
M.iniiiiriHi lorcon navo driven tholr ' ul'l w"c waive iiri appuca
way into Minsk and hold tho city
ror flvo hours, but woro later dls
lodged by tho bolshovlkl.
WI1II0 occupying Minsk tho re
volution aro ald to havo killed
mony communlt. When tho bol
shovlkl ro-cntorcd tho town thov
oxocutod moro than 200 prsons, in
cluding many Pole who woro ac
cused of sympathizing with tho in
tlon and length of residence. Din-
nbled veterans" must tako tho ordi
nary course
On Monday applications of thoso
whoso petitions havo boon posted 90
dayH and all onomy aliens will bo
nooflTH rnojECT aihioad
Now ha boon rocolvcd by
friends that Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
Webber of Ilolso, Idaho, aro tho tiar-
cnts of a son. Tho boy has boon
named John Frederick, Jr. Mr. Web
ber wos llnotypo operator on Tho
Herald for aovorat months
omul that hi Institution was sup
porting financially.
uaptain Hlomons and his son,
paper Bho was going to tnko tho
fo)l tjghl back to Anderson's gro-
iuijr whitii sua uougui 11 nui wnon
John tt., Junior, will bo at tholr ,o lookod at tho slip and found It
accustomed places to welcome thoso was ,.n nn n.n r....i ,
mornl and financial nanv for ts hnr in,iiim.ii..n i.nn...i
to Joy.
Whllo Mis Schubert consider
shn madn a lucky knlfn stroke, tho
creamory company finds it was n
good stroko of business to an-
whoso groat
support has boon tho real power
that mado posslblo tho opening of
thn bank tho depositors.
Ono of tho most Interested spec
tators of tho event will bn It. fl.
Thoro aro 30,000 aero In thn
reclamation and Irrigation project
'nt tin l.Vit triMH.t. ftf .11-
I... ..v. .uth itinuiuiii niurcaniiin
company," oxplalnod C. W. Lovlseo,
,who 1 at tho Imperial. Mr. Lovlscn
.1 chief cnglnoor for tho enterprise
Thero uro about 10,000 of tho 30,-
000 aero now undor water from
tho Wood rlvur and from Bovon Mllo
crook. Mr. Lovlseo has raoro Ircc
kles than any otbor man who has
rogjstorcd In u Portland hotel In
inn pus 1 six months. Oregonlan.
in-- un.i vice prcsmcni or tlio bounce through Horald advortls
Ladd and Tllton bank, who comosjjng that soma fortunate person was
horo to show by his prosonro that dun to find an unexpected C com
his Institution stands back nf thn in.. i.i. ...... .....
I""i ' " niiuiti uoy soon, as
rooponlng. Mr. Howard lius Introduced to many now home n
horo bcfnro, but like all who return. I mado In Klamath Fall product
ho I surprised at tho development , that will stand comparison with any
that ha been mado. In touching! hrnmi nt imtim. rn i. ....!,...
- . . . .. "" " "v.i
upon mi ract inilay 110 said:
"I can sen groat change nnd
still greater one to como. Ono
thing to hustoti thum Is cooporatlon.
This community stnndlng solidly to
gether moan rapid strides, divided
well It Is tho old story of tho
hundlo of stick. Trnuhlo often
J Personal Mention
jsss-- m m m m .. - - - -,-,-,(-, n - -l.rLiTjijum
truck and all city firemen will head
tho piirado, followed by tho city :f
flclals, county official, tho band,
chnmbor of commorco, American Lo
glon, and school children from ovory
school In tho city. When tho pun.d-
era roach thn Flrnt Rinin nn.i ..
unite families In Indissoluble tie 'lug bank a halt will bo cjllal, nnd
Tho first group meeting of tho
goncral campaign commltteo bolng
organized In thd Interest of tho Ilul
gin ovangelistlc campaign was hold
Wednesday ovonlng In tho parlor of
tho Prcsbytorlan church. Twonty
flvo prominent business mon and
wumon woro prosont and talked over
plans. A very encouraging snlrlt
Qi'Aiuti:i, ovKii siiei: hkpaih
iiii-i,; AKs.i'ir ciiAimi-: fim:i.
and tho difficulties through which
this community has passed and
from which It Is emerging so grnnd
ly will undoubtedly havo a simitar
offoct. I look to soo a cooperatlvo
nplrlt como out of It all that will
havo put ono result unity and pro
gross." CVIohratlon Monday Mnrulns;
In anticipation of tho opening of
iank, a commltteo of cltltons con
oned thl morning nnd madn ar
rangomonls for ono of thn most
significant dnmoiiHtratlon slnco tho
nrmlHtlco wa signed In 1018. Tho
wholo city I oxpoclod to colnbrato.
A monstor parado will bo tho dom
inant foaturo, and tho commltteo
wlnhes It iinderHlood thnt It will bo
anything but n funeral affair. Kv
orybody I expected to participate in
tho parado and maku noise, and
mako tho welkin ring. Will T. Loo,
who' Iiuh boon soloctod us murshal
of tho day wIhIioh to ImpronH tho
people with tho Idea that It will
bo ImpoBHlblo to hIiow ton much
exhubornnccf. "Tour looso," is tho
order of tho day.
' Tho parado will begin nt tho
corner of KnBt Main and Spring
utroots, near tho Dig nasln Lumbor
company's plant. Kvorybody Is ox
poctod to bo thoro at 10:30, and
not a mlnuto lator. Furthormoro,
while cars will not bo oxcludod from
the parado, the paradors as asked
Ito walk, and thus mako tho occasion
moro Irapreeelvo. Every orjsaulzn
1 tlon, wbotber a edclal or buslnesi
association, Is expected to Join In
the parado. While Marshal Leo has
sot doclded upon tho ordor of tho
procession, ho states that tho flro
Atlornoy II. M. Mnnnlna- will do
llvor an addross, In which ho will
toll In his emphatic way of tho joy
of tho community in tho rooponlng
of tho bank. Tho band will vo
selections, nnd othor features mnv bo
In ovldonco.
It wns doclded thin nftornoon by
tho bus I nosH men'H association that
buslneH places will not closo, but
nil of tho schools will bo closed,
both public and parochial, and ban
ners will proclaim tho school to
which ouch contingent botoiiKs. Chlu
dron will appear In gala attlro and
will help help mako tho doalrod
nolflo. Gottlng right down to brass
tack, this will bo an honost-to-goodness
domonHtratlon, and ono
that will bo remembered for a llfo-
Mayor W,. 8. Wlloy will net as
chairman. Marshal Loo can bo da
poudod upon to koop things In mo
tion, but ho roquoBtn Frod Uarlcli,
Lou Arena, Luko Walker, Oscar
Shlvo, Andy Collier, nnd Jamoa
Heard to got In touch with him at
onco and mako arrangomonts to act
as aides during tho parado and dom-
Hand Men to Moot nt Elks' Toniplo
All tho bnnd mon of tho city uro
askod to moot in tho Elks' tomplo
tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock,
and arrango to participate In tho
parado and furnish music. This Is
Imporatlvo. tor there must be plenty
of live music.
J. P. Wells, city sobool sutiorln.
tondent. asks all pupils to assemble
at tho schools at 0 o'clock. Par
ents nro BBBurod that tho chltdron
will bo enfOBuardotl from traffic,
It. A. Vawmun of tho Quick Ilonalr
Bhop, I at liberty on $300 bond
ponding hourlng on a chargo of as
sault and battory upon Frank Prate.
local carpontcr. Tho mon qunrrolcd
this morning ovor a shoo repair bill.
Prates ullogos tho shoomakor struck
him upon tho head with a club. Yaw
mnn will havo a hearing Wodnosday.
Bonanza Basket
Bailers Triumph
Ilouanza baskotballers won a doit
bio victory last night at llonnuza
when tho boy team defoatod tho
Merrill boys 63 to 7. and tho girls
tonm dofonted tho Merrill girls 13 tn
0. Much Intorost was taken In thn
contests nnd a Inrgo crowd witnessed
thorn. Return matches aro scheduled
at Merrill Friday night.
A uumbor of local box factory
'nnd sawmill operators hold a social
.mooting In tho Whlto Pelican hotol
'.last night. Inquiry elicited tho In
formation thnt no buslnoss of Im
portance to tho boxmaklng or lum
boring Industries was discussed.
Fined for Driving
Whde Intoxicated
J. W. Fador, omployo of tho Mo
doc Lumber company, ploadod guil
ty to driving an automobllo whllo
Intoxlcatod aud paid a fine of $25 In
Police Judge Leavltt's court this
morning, Fador was arrested by Pa
trolmen Wynn and Durham last night
after he bad collided with parked
cars of Louis Hoasland and MV.
tirpoklng, Insurance agent, in front
of tho Mecca pool room. Fader set
tled with the owners of tho cars for
K. A. illockllngor who is Inter
ested In tho Cblloauln Lumbor com
pany accompanied by J. D. Williams
woro passengers this morning to
Dorrls where thoy will look over
tho milling conditions of tho Dorrls
Lumbor nnd Hox company In which
they aro Interested.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dunbar of this
city aro Malln visitors today.
Dr. J, P. Ilowan of the Dorrls"
hospital staff was an arrival in tho
city on last night's trnln and will
remain over tho week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hall and
family, fromorly of Marshflold, Oro
gon, arrived last night to establish
tholr homo horo. Mr. Hall is ores!-
dont of tho First National bank of
this city.
Mont Hamaker, local machinist,
was a passeneor on this mnrnlnr'j
train to Ashland, whero ho will re
main a wook or ton davs nttnmiln
to buslnoss mattors.
John Ifncnn n tmmn- tt. .-
.......... .U...1V. w lUU 1.UI-
rill country, who has Seen hero for
several weoks receiving medical at
tention loft todav for Ills hnmn
In Merrill.
Dan Murphy nnd Jnck Donnnhv.
sheepmen of Merrill woro In tho
city yestorduy attending to business.
Frod Nlel. n resldont of Ashla.d.
sovoral duyB. visiting old friends
find transacting buslnoss.
Frod Morioy, conBtablo will ar-
rlvod last night from Willows,
California, whero ho took chargo of
George Nolta, and It. J. Allenman
who committed a burclnrv horn
somo tlmo ago.
Twolvo or moro loggers and mill
mon loft on Friday morning's
train for Pine Lundinc. Cnllfnr.
nla, whoro they will ho omployod
by tho Wood Lumbor company.
intentions nro to return hnrn m amm
ki8 local mills and logging cuiupi
Mrs. John Oliver, a resident of Al
Koma, is in tho city visiting friends
and shopping. She will roturn to
hor homo Monday.
Tho Mooro brothers, who oporato
a big farm in tho Poo valley country,
woro in tho cltyyostorday transacting
buslnoss and trading with local mer
chants. Miss Ksthor Vaio. of HiIh ellv. wlin
nas boon visiting Mr. and Mrs. May
borry, of Algoma, for sovoral days,
will roturn homo today.
Mrs. L. B. Thay'or, who has boon in
tho city shopping and nttondlng to
buslnoss for sovoral days, roturnod
this morning to hor homo at Modoc
Marlon Nino. Swan lako "aiiov lum-
borman, was a city visitor yostorday,
attending to business in tho Intorost
of his mjll.
Dave and Dan LIskoy. who onerato
the LIskoy Brothers' ranch in the
Dairy country, were county seat vis-
itors yesterday .attending to mattors
of buabrrs.
Matt lCncan, of the Algoma Lumber
company, motorod to this city yester
day on business,
Klamath county's high school do-
bating team won tho dobato with
tLakovlow horo last night, and tho
local team also won at Lakeview ac
cording to a messago received horo.
last 1 Tho question was: "Resolved, that
tho IntorcsU of labor would bo con
sorved and developed throuch thn
organization and support of a labor
Victor Kor and Francis Honzek
upheld tho local school In tho affir
mative horo, and Paul Keller and
Norma Adams took tho ncgatlvo ond
of tho Lakeview dobato for Klamath.
Klamath's double victory enters
this school In tho district de'bsto
at Eugene in which 86 high schools
of tho stato competo.
Tho auto show commltteo has Just
about completed Its labors a far as
tho securing of oxblbltom is concern
ed, and a porusai of tho list, glvon
bolow, show that with an isolated
case or two, ovory auto and acces
sory dealer In town will havo an ex
hibit. Ed Dunham hit tho nail m unru
ly on tho hoad when ho said "It Is
going to bo tho biggest think that
evor hit this town." As stated boforo,
tho show will tako placo in tho spac
ious Acme garago on Sixth street,
and thero will bo an abundance of
social features. Following is the list
of exhibiters:
Cars: Louis Hbagland, Metropoli
tan Garago, If. S. Wakefield.. Cen
tral Oarage, It. It. R. Garage, C. L,
McWIlllama, J. H. Garrett ft Son,
Bwauna Motor Co., Whlto Pelican
Garago, Dunham Auto Co.
Cars and tracters: Dannor-Patty
Motor Co,, Howie Garage.
Tracters: J. S. Mills & Son, Bald
win Hardware Co.
Accesseries: Link River Battery
station. Electric Shop. Mallorr Gar
age, Oregon Hqrnoss Company, The
Gun storo, Shasta Auto Top Co..
Maurlco Bryan, C. B. Johnson, Diam
ond Tiro & Vulcanizing Co., DoLap
& Harden. K. K. K Store.
Plan to Enlarge
Business Building
George R. Wright, architect, is
preparing plans for enlarging the
Emma block on Main street, between
Fourth and Fifth, now occupied by
Kohorta & Hanks on tho ground
floor. Tho building will bo extended
back to tho alley and two stories
added. A full basement will bo
built. Tho upper floors will be used
for offices. Roberts & Hanks will
occupy tho ontlro first floor and tho
Sheriff Captures
Bad Check Passer
Frank Rodriguez, alias Jack Wit-
eon, wbo escaped from the Indian po
llco after his arrest last weekat ChIK
oquln, waa capture 1 yesterday by
Sheriff LIoyd""Low near Oie Lost"
River dam, whero be was fishing
with the Indians. The fugitive waa
armed but made no resistance when
tho officer approached. Ho Is want
ed for bogus check passing. He la
best Known here as "Filipino Frank."
Rodriguez hoaring has been not for
Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and
bis bonds at $1,000. He is waiting,
for the arrival of his wlfo and moth
er, who live at Modoc Point.
Although ho Is moving from Coos
Boy to- Klamath Falls with bis fam
ily, Charles Hall has roceived n peti
tion asking him not to resign as tho
Btato senator for the district of Coos
and Curry. Tho homofolk gavo Sen
ator Hall and Representative Bon-
oiott a banquet tho other nlcht. at
which tlmo tho matter of retaining
Senator Hall's services In tho legis
lature wns dlscussod. Thoro has
been talk that Mr. Hall Intonds re
signing his soat In tho legislature
bocauso of his transferring his In
terests to Klamath, which account.
od for tho resolution. Mr. Hall Is
nt tho Benson whllo .hero with a
delegation from tho coast to discuss
tho Roseburg-Coos Bay highway
with tho highway commissioner
Catholic Ladies to
Hold Sale March
18-19'' Many-Features
The halo which was advertised br
Catholic ladles will bo only ono ot
tho features of tho two-day event
which will take place In tho assem
bly hall ot tho parish on March
IS and 19, from 2 to S o'clock on
both days. Friday afternoon, there
will be spoclaLfeatures for tho chil
dren, with a diversity of amuse
ments and OBjBalurday afternoon a
silver tea will bo held. There will
bo a largo varloty ot useful arti
cles for sale, and all plans havo
boon mado with a view to making
tho attractions ot both afternoons
sources ot much enjoyment.
Stock Came Throueh
In Fine Condition
Tho car of purobrod stock for tho
second annual farm buroau snlo ar
rived last night and wero unloadod
this morning. Tho cattle aro in flno
condition, said County Agent Thom
as today. Thoy will bo on exhibition
at tho O. K. barn until March 17, tho
dato of tho salo.
Tho small daughtor of Mr. and Mrs.
Loo Olds, ot MacDoel, lost an eye as
tho rosult of accidental lniurv bv nn
air riflo shot recently, according to
word rocoivod here. The llttlo girl
was brought here for treatment after
the accident, and local nhvslcians
advised consultation with a Sacra
mento specialist. The Sacramento
surgeon waa forced to remove the
Injured oye to save tho sight of the
State missionary G. L. Hall an
nounced at tho Emmanuel Baptist
church last Sunday some special
sermons for tho tuturo on tho gen
oral tepic: "Fools." He did not say
"All aro cordially Invited" but he
expressed a wish that the sormons
might havo a largo hearing. His
first one next Sunday evonlnsr
will bo "A Foolish Mother."
PORTLAND, March 12. The A.
Rupert company, a largo cannery cor
poration operating In the Willamette
valley and southern Oregon, is al
leged to bo Insolvent, in a petition
filed in the circuit court. The com
pany's officers tbave been given until
Tuesday at 2 o'clock to show cause
why a receiver1 should not be appointed.
President Harding plans to viait
Portland and the northwest about
the middle of July, be announced .to
day. Ho expects congress to ad
journ by that tlmo. He will spend
part of his vacation in Alaska,
' 8c
1 1