rAom nvH THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON wuimy, MAiicii it, 1981r PICTURES OF HARDING'S INAUGURATION 200 Tons of Hay Burned At Malin McAboy to Build Modern Cabinet Shop, Sixth Street W. K. McAboy, bulldor, announc os that ho hag loanod a alto on Sixth ntrcot from 1). S. Orlgsby for a term of ten years, and will oroct an up-to-dato cablnot and wod-worklnR nhop, equipped with all tho nocos Hnry machinery. Work on tho bulldln- will be ntartod In about ton days. MAMN, March 11. Four stacks of hay amounting to approximately 200 tons woro dostroyed by flro lust Monday night at tbo llaynos ranch tlvQ ml I os went of hero Tho, hay belongod to J. It. C. Ilaynos rnd I'd Huntor. Only Mr. Huntor'n half of tho hay -van Innurnd and It carried only a nmnll Innuranco. Dot ronultfl by unlng clasn ads. 4r4444'S4r4'4tt t$& ql ' flu'R y&zM SltiinrJwBI'"111''111' ""' ' ' ' I iff i"illl'""nT A V-y- ) " -yi "i',l3WWWPBH fcTaflBnBBHBr C ". r 1. l,Ar,t.,mtl n i , , I i iW I M "i H IMIilMl lii II 1 1 1 it K Ml'M i ihl I III I IIW IIP l ! ' ill ill II I I IIMMW I W . I I I 'I ' 100 Per Cent Union MONDALE THEATRE Arthur Dean, Mualcal Director Tod Whlto Manager The Best for the Best Ed. Crawford Chief Operator TONIGHT AND SATURDAY NIGHT Alma Rubens 'MADAMSPHINX" A picture of tho underworld of Paris and TWO OOOII COMKDIKH Two shown 6:30 and 8:30 ComlnR Himday TOM MIX and tha 100 por cent western serial, tub rvnvuK iiidkhs with nio joe.ij.yan I'llKi: CIIILIIItKN'H MATINKK HUXDAV FItOM 1 TO 4 O'CliOCK ONE CKM WA IITAX WIMj ADMIT ANY CHILD UNDEH 12 YEARS OF AGE 1r44v HARDING AND WILSON ON WAY TO INAUGURATION Thin plcturn shoun I'rrsldMit Wilson ntul I'rvnlilrnt oli'cl llardlm: on thdlr nay from tho Whlto Hnusu to thu cap tol, whero Wilson transacted thn closlnic Imslncsn of his ricund lertii us president and Harding uuh in auBurated an his successor With Wilson and Harding rodo Concrossroan Cannon and (nt tho uxtrmno rlRht of tlm pl-turo) Senator Knox gssjSH ' r,"kHII',3iCRIiBBBk" sfiBBVHBaVMG' tV VH VB "B ' 'I.""H'"V,BbM"tBB H'HBHHrBIHr,Ia4'irTIHHHIBIIHH HHHB i trmt tUmSBBB9i CbL r FivlM9B . IH "'"SH H - H WMtjK fiflHP JBIl uHHVtSBHtsV KSKi2rinT KEIvBwSBB1kflBiMklfBHaB SBBBI tt TBrvB t KKLKKUrfKrOMKWLWUBBKKKnHUBKjPrUi H i vH Jigs, o aiKi'BiiaiJ Mff Wa WiXi r -csjll 1 fiftiMSST kmjc T jBib" 1bSB?LVH SzflHHs. Is" s w s sr flmlk dH.t'c jBSlkc!KJLLJfliKKl3BM.t i"r ' Ji WATCH FOR A SLIP in Klamath Falls Creamery butter which if pre sentcd at our office will be cashed for $5.00 CASH KLAMATH FALLS CREAMERY HARDING TAKES THE OATH OF OFFICE This plcturn Minus Chief Justlco Whlto of tho Unltod, SIiiU'h 8upromn especially, nroctud ut tho cupltol In WiiuliliiKton court ndmlnlHtorln- tho oath of ofttco toPrestdont Harding, on Uio stand At the Theaters THE mendam: Tho rolo of "Murmm Sphinx," which Alma Hubeim plays In tho boto driiniu of thn sumo iiamo ut tho Moudulo thnutrn ti)iili;!it nud Haturday ntKht. Ih a dopnrtura from nor usual portruyulH. Ho far, MIbh Mlubons has novor undertaken to for rot crfmlnaln out, but In this plcttiro slio takes n hoadlimi; pluni'o ln(o ono of tho uolrdnst and most fascinating of thn mysteries that liver emanated from tho haunts of tho Parisian Apaclio. Tho clonlnr scones of this picture woro taken In n Purls etrcot, built Ifor tho picture at tho studio, and Yfallaco MacDouald and Alma Itu bons woro shown riding throufil'lho caylyltbtcd Paris stroelH In an old.fasblonod baroucho, the design and model so faahlonuDlo within tho last two docados. Thefa scrnos wrre taken at nl'ht, and the bright Jlghtn of tho Tarls street proved too rquch for the met tlosomo steeds which smashed straight through ono of tho "cumuli flngo" structures with tho two oc cupants, Tho baroucho was a wreck by the tlmo tbj) miidu flight of tho team was chocked, but tho two ac tum escaped unhurt. TUT, HTAU If you could go Into u storo and bo absolutely sum Hint -a hut mi purchused thoro wua bound to nails fy you to tho qucon'ti tnsto, wouldn't It bo a grand nnd glorious foollug? That's Just tho way photoplay fnus foul whou they boo n Chnrloi Ituy plcturo ndvortUcd at our theciro Thoy know thoy'ro going tullko It. "A Vlllago Blouth," his latit plc turo, showing ut tho Stur tonight. Is ono more proof of thu truth of tli!n statement. Llko all tho othor big Ilay successes, It's about coun try folks , Hut It has bOiiiq brand noV twists, too. A baffling mys tery, Intolvlng a protty girl, s In cluded In tho story. Agnes Chrlsiti.o JoliiiBlon v.roto tho original, Slio If q author of "Alurm Clock Andy" and, o-Jopto'd "Twonty-threo and a Halt Hours' Leavo" and "Homer domes Home" to tho screen. Thomas H. Ince produced tho plcturo nnd Joromo Storm directed. It's n winner. Highway Board to Inspect Highway POKTUANIV March XI Tho statu hlghuuy commission continued Its mooting toduy, considering to quests mado In oxocutlvo session dur ing tho past fow dnyn by urlous county delegations. Tho commission announced a now policy roqulrlng tho counties to co-i oporntn on a flfti-flfty basis with tho ututo lu rond-bulldlng costs. i Tho commission will start ucxt Tuosday on u tour of tho Padfc highway to tho California lno. The Golden Rule 'DO unto others as you would have others do unto you, Is particularly applicable to buying of Oregon and Kla- e math Falls mado products. Mako It a fifty-fifty proposition and both YOURS and tho other fellow's account at tho First National will grow larger. fee First National Bank! JLk e KLAMATH FALLS OREQON q-JKll (pffee Lqc P. T. ASS'.V jiHimxo A mooting of tho Parent Teach ers' Association and tho Henley school district will bo hold lu tho school houso Tuesday oveulu., March 15, nt 8 o'clock. Importa'.t school mattors will bo discussed. l( frcsluucnts will bo served. A full attendance Is deslrod. WWWVWVWMWWWMWWWWWWAMMMAAMAAMMMAAAAM SATURDAY SPECIAL Oranges, regular 65 c doz. now -45c oz Bananas, regular 17c lb. now 15c ' Almonds, regular 40c lb. now 30c Ik Lemons, regular 45 doz. now 30c oz Fresh vogotahleg of all kinds, green peas, Btrlng beans, lettuce, raullflowor, groon onions, cabbago, carrots, beets, turnips, sweet po tatoes, cucumbsrsf cocoanuts and spinach. PALACE FRUIT CO. 524 Main Street JvVWiWVWWVW,-WWSA- Nature'produces , the flauor,of.fine coffee. 'iPedeuelopand preserue the fla uor.brscientific methods of blend- . ingroastincfTand backing iJ?prepanngtKe) c6ffee5makejU tight thenqou ipill appreciate its , appetizing aromi fine flauorand satisf ijing strength " Hills Bros. Red Can j& JP 3r Jr SL E , n r