The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 11, 1921, Image 1

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lEtyt lEunmg Hralh
Today's News
A Class Ad Will
Do It
Member of thi Associated Press.
nriwnlli Ycnr. No, niHKI.
Initialling of plumbing for Iho
Algomn Lumhur rompnny'H nnw
throa story hotel lit Algomn will
l)n started nl oncn by tlm 1oronx
Plumbing comjiany, natd 0. U.
Loronz 'today. Thn contract for
. thn plumbing work, which will cost
about 17000, wan signed ynstor
flay. Plumbing of n claim that will
pain Iniipoctlon nnywhorg will bn
Installed, aayH Mr. Loronz. Thit
Algomn company contemplates no
makeshift Job, but will hnvu n
system when finished Hint will com
pare from n serviceable and sanl
,tary standpoint with any .city ho
tnl'ii plumbing.
Thn contrart Included Installa
tlon Qf n steam heating systom.
Tlhti (it on in will bn furolshod
by tho lumbor plant hollara, Thoro,
will bn bath tuba on each of tho
. throo floor, and ton tavatorlo an
each of tho uppor floors.
Thn flrnt floor will contain a
lobby with lounges for patroni,
a billiard and pool room, harbor
hop and other feature. Tho op
fcor floors will ho dtrldod Into
rooms for tho company'a nmployci
bud transient visitors,
Tho floor arm of tho building
la 70x144 foot. Tho frninn In up
apd roofing ht started. It la ox
pectcd that thn building will bo
campletod within 60 day.
It. J. Shoots of tlila city hua tho
wiring contract and linn started
work. Tho plumbliiK Job will bo
atartod at oncn and Mr. Iorenz
expects to comploto It within six
wooks. Thn carpontnr work Is
bolng dono by tho Alxoma com
pany'a own force
Mr. and Mrs. II. N. Moo ro
turned last night from a month's
trip through tho custom nnd mid
llo woslorn atatoa, during which
they visited Now York, Chicago,
Mr. Moo's old homo city, Minnea
polis and other points onrouto.
Tho local merchant returned re
froshod physically 'and looking
yours younger. Conduct with east
ern business condltlonn also bright
ened his gonoral view of tho bust
nous situation, nnd Htrongthonod his
bollof In thn fnct that tho business
pnndulum Is fust Hwlnglng toward
normalcy .
An optimistic frame nf mind pre
vails In ull thu big eastern centers,
said Mr. Moo, und though readjust
ment In nil branches Is not com
pleted, It Is woll on tho way.
Iluslnnsn of thn( nation Is mooting
now conditions nnd settling down to
a steady gait.
Tho practical effect of thn thlugH
ho learned en u nod Mr. Moo to m.iko
lionvy purchases of now spring
stock, In Rpltn of IiIh determina
tion to buy llttlo when ho loft
Tho now goods aro now arriv
ing and a flno display will bo on
nnd for the Enstor opening. "Tricon
und stylos worn so tempting tint
I hnd to buy," ho said, "and I
fool certain trtut our showing of
now stylos nt tho nqw prices will
havo tho sumo effect horo."
Moose Pick Officers
For the Coming Year
Dob Sewell will hond the local
Mooso lodge during tho coming
year, having been choson dictator at
a meeting held last night. Julius
Btufeer was choson vice dictator;
Clyde Thomas, prolate; Dr. Bankoro,
treasurer; and Root. Ryan, trustee.
A banquot nnd social tlmo was
njoyed 'otter tho business timet-ini,
AltDMOHi:, Oklnhorna, March
11. Alienations that Clara Hiulth
Ilamon, on trial for tho murdor of
J iik n L. Ilamon, hnd onco prnssod
a plntol against Ilamon' body, nnd
had frequently (iiarrolnd with him
Muring thnlr yoara of association,
woro inndo by H. 1 Fronllng, attor
ney gonoral In his opening stato
in lint for tho prosocutlon today.
Tomorrow ufternoon, nt 4 o'clock,
balloting on tho official flower for
tho city of Klamath Falls will ho
cloned. Thn ballot boxes In tho sov-
oral voting proclnctu In tho city, und
In thn outsldu districts, will bo
closed tonight, but any lady who
wlshi'S to cast a ballot tomorrow can
do so at tho Chamber of Commnrra
rooms. Immediately ut 4 oVIock,
tha commltteo will begin to count
thn ballots, and thn winning flnwor
should ho nnnounrcd by G o'clock.
Thu campaign will close with n
silver tea In thn Chambor of Com
merce rooms from 2 to C oclock. Thn
if lit ends of (his will ho expended by
tin U'omun's Auxllllury of tho Cham
bor r!f CTdminurco to equip u ladles'
rest riMiin. Thorn will bo ten tables,
each to bo presided over by u lady
champion of one of tho ton flowers
mentioned on tho ballot. Tho tables
will ho appropriately docorated.
I'rcsldlng ut tho tables will bo Mrs.
II. It. Harrison, columbine; Mrs. J.
M. Davenport, roso; Mrs. Frank
Ward, daisy; Miss Maud Ilaldwln,
aster; Mrs. Kd Martin, poppy; Mrs.
Jack Kimball, awcot poa; Mrs. W. A.
Dolcoll, golden glow; Mrs, Ilert
Hawkins, dahlia; Mrs. Ilert Unit.
marigold; Mrs. Harry I'oolo, phlox.
Thn Judgos of uloctlon will ho Mrs.
M. H. West, Mrs. Jack Klllott, Mrs.
Itachel Holomon. Tho tea commlt
teo Is composed of Mrs, F. M. Illggs,
Mrs. K. T. I.uddon und Mrs. Frod
linker. Mrs. Ilurgo Mason, Mrs. Ilort
Thomas nnd Miss Allen McCCourt
romposn thn program committee.
Everybody Is Invited to hear tho
program, or to drop In It only for a
tow minutes during tho sorvlug of
tea. The program, which will bo
given with an Intermission, follews:
Vnlso Ilrllllanto .. Chopin
Alma Lawrenca
Mrs. Molby
Boloctlon from Faust (lounod
Ensmohln Quartet
I Hid My Luvo D'Hnrdolot
Irish Ilallnd Mtighus
Arthur Bean
Audonto "Hurprlso Hymphony"
When Vlolota Tholr Frugranco
Hplll Sparrow
Oh That Wo Two Woro Mov
ing Novln
Mrs. Ilert C. Thomas, Mr.
Fletcher obllgatn
To Hprlng Orolg
Paplllon Orolg
Mrs. E. S. Veach
Ily tho Waters of Mlnnotonka
Oh Dry Thoso Tears
Dorothy Elliott
Cradlo Kong Hansor
Lu Bnrellii llorol-Clorco
W. V. Murshall
Registered Stock
For Sale Will Be
Received Tonight
E. II. Thomas, county agricultural
ngont, rocolvod a tolegram thla morn
ing that tho Union county purobroda
for the second annual farm bureau
llvostock sale, bad arrived In Wood,
and tvemid get Into Klamath Falls
Thoro nro twenty head ot cattle
In tho consignment, somo ot tho Ijost
stoclc proUucod In Union county, Tho
BALKM. Oro., March II. Orognn
voters will pnss upon nt least flvo
measured referred o them by tho
loglslaturn nt tho ipsMtal oltctlon on
Juno 7. Measures for which titles
have boon prop.i.'.vl by Aitornoy Hon
oral 1. II. Van Wlnklo are:
Holdtnra bonus bill providing to
covor $15 per month bonus or loan
not nxcoodlng 4000 to nxsorvlco
Tho woman Jury bill, which quali
fies women to sit as Jurors, but
loaves tho duty optional with the
Tho marrlago test bill providing
for physical and mental examina
tion of both mnlo and fomalo ap
plicants for marrlago licenses. Tho
Villi provides that If ono or both
of tho applicants fall to pnss a sat
isfactory examination ono or both
tnust bo storlllzod bofora tho mar
Thn 60 day loglslatlvo sosslon
amotidmont. Increasing duration ot
legislative sessions from 40 to 09
days, and Increasing tho pay of
members from $3 to $6 a day.
The slngla (torn voto bill. At
present tho governor Is empowered
to veto slnglo Itoms In appropriation
measures but not In other acta. This
measure Is aimed mainly at promts
oucus uso of the emergency clanso
and would enable tho governor to
voto tho clause.
Two ot Oskar Huber's road camps
In Klamath county will open tho first
ot next weok, said James Barberry,
manngor, today. Work will bo ro
Humed whoro It was loft off last
winter, when woathar conditions
forced tho camps to closo down.
Tho Dairy camp and tho Hatch
camp will open first, employing
about 60 men. Tho Mnlln and Al
gnma rampa will open lator. When
all tho work Is underway about 125
inon will ho omployod.
Fifteen mon, mombora of tho rock
crushing crow, arrived last night
from, Portland to start tho crushor
for tho Dairy Job. Oskar Huber has
55 miles ot road under contract In
Klamath county. No now contracts
havo boon taken horo thla year.
Warren Bros, woro lowest bidders in
tho latest awards, and socurod tho
contract for tho Barclay Springs
Lamm's Mill stretch, north ot hero.
Klamath Co. Film
Shown Next Week
Noxt Wodnosduy, both in tho after
noon an uovoning, tuo moving pic
tures ot this county, takon last fall
under tho supervision of tho forestry
department and tho chamber ot com
morro, will bo shown in tho Star
thontro. A part ot tho procoods from
thoso shows will bo dovotod to pro
viding publicity for this county,
through tho medium ot thoso pic
tures, In othor placog'throughout tho
country, and as tho pictures nro ro
mnrknbly, particularly from a sconlc
vlowpolnt, full housed aro oxpoctod
to bo on hand to soa thorn.
1 Dick Williams was acqulttod ot
having liquor In hla possession by a
Jury In tho Justice court Into yes
terday. II. M. Manning appearod
for tho dotondant. District Attor
ney Brower conducted tho prosocu
sale will take place at tho O, K. barn
here, March 17.
The shipment is overdue and tor
tho past two or thrco days farm bu
reau officials bare been doing gome
mild worrying,
OF C. O. P. CO.
HAN FnANCISCO, March 11.
Tho reorganization plan of tho Call-
fornla-Orogon Powor company,
which Ik doslgnod to reduco Its In
debtedness from $16,226,486 to $7.
476,252 wbh approved today by tbn
ntnto railroad commission., Tho re
organization plan calls for tho sain
ot tho California-Oregon company ta
a refinancing organization of tho
aamo name.
At a meeting hold In tho Chdm-
bor of Commerce rooms last night,
thn auto dealers of thin city decided
to throw tholr united strength Into
an otfort to mako a conspicuous suc
cess of tho anto show to bo hold
horo on March 20, 21, and 22, Paul
T. O'Dowd acted as chairman of tho
mooting, and was continued aa pres
ident of tho auto show promotion
company. O. O. Stagg was elected
A, committee on genoral nrrango
monta was appolntod, consisting of
Lou Arens ot tho Whito Pol I can gar
ago, Kd Dunham ot tho Dunham
lAuto company, and C. D. Oarcelon,
of Rio Electric shop.
Tho hall committee of the Scan
dinavian hall, whon It was oxptujnod
that tho hall would bo too small
to nccommodato tho largo number
ot cars to bo exhibited, genorous
y rolcasod tho promoters from tholr
tontract, and tho offer ot tho Acme
motors company to uso Its garago
for tho 'show was accoptcd. This Is
tho only chango In the show pro
Aftor all, tho happy contest to
eolect tho official flowor for Klam
ath has shown conclusively how
many flowers bloom to perfection
horo, nnd how nlcoly the ladles
choso n list ot candidates. Thu con
test has bcon harmonious and ha
attractod much attontlon to a sub
ject hitherto too llttlo considered
horo, although many housewives
without ronporatlon havo grown
numerous beautiful flowers, and
soloctod varlotloa with consldorublo
Tho newspaper publicity given to
cortaln varlotlos In this friendly
competition han not so far mention
ed cither tho nater, phlox, or colum
bine, nil hardy and splondid flow
ra and provon at homo In our tor
tile soil and under our summer sun.
Tho astor, especially aster chlnen
sis, cannot woll bo heaton for vari
ety, ot colors, vigor of growth, and
for long nnd Into period of bloom,
though not fragraht. It In ono of
thoso flowers that happily ylolda
woll to good trontmont, yot doos
not dotorlorato much with neglect.
Aa a Iato bloomor, oven aftor au
tumn has bogun to chill tho air, it
Is almost without a poor.
Friendly competition, yes! Tho
writer knows that tho lato rotor
onco to tho goldon glow, ono ot tho
most popular, aud deservedly popu
lar candidates, with roforenco to
Its color, was mado In tho spirit ot
humorous irony by a Herald writer
who la a groat admlror of that
Pflowor and who oscllntod In Judg-
n on t which to contond for, tho
golden glow or tho Shasta Daisy.
It tho golden glow should win, and
such may really bo tho rosult, no
ono will bo more loyal to thoquoon
oloct than that samo wrltor.
Really, thoro la a now( spirit In
the Klamath atmosphoro.and the
pooplo aro going to harmonize moro
happily than thoy over Havo in tho
past, at loast since tho oarly days
of privation and war, when they had
o stand together for their very ex
istence. When tho Klamath queen
ot flowers comes into her own. no
portion ot our grrfat and rich basin
vill bo without her presence, and
tho defeated candidates will all bo
in her cabinet.
Siemen's Reorganization Plan
Culminates in the Fullest
Monday morning at 10 o'clock tho
doors ot tho First Stato nnd Savings
bank will swing open nnd buslnoss
will bo resumed after suspension of
60 days. It will mark tho end ot
ono of tho most rnmarkablo periods
In tho banking history of Oregon
ono ot tho most romarkablo in tho
history of any state, for no ono has
been fouml whoso memory can re
call an Instnnco that will parallol
that surrounding tho closing and
oponlng ot this Institution. During
tho period that has olapscd alnco tho
bank closed, tho pooplo who trusted
their funds to tho First Stato and
Savings bank novcr doubted for a
moment but that It would ro-opon
and It has boon this confidence that
played tho important part In the re
sumption. So great was this confi
dence, not only among tho deposi
tors, but among thoso who wero not
associated with tho bank, that when
It was announced that tho capital
would bo Increased to aid its re
oponlng, tens of thousands ,of dol
lars poured In ,ovor 60 per cent of
which was from pooplo who were
not patron at the time ot suspen
sion. And tho end Is not 7ct. If
Monday docs not seo a demonstra
tion of cnthuslaam that will live in
tho memorlea ot thoso fortunato en
ough to bo thoro when tho bank
opens its doors, The Herald will ho
moro surprised than It has yot been.
It will havo aa its first vlco presi
dedont Marshall Hooper Oregon's,
assistant state superintendent of
banks and rocognlzed aa in tho very
front ranks of the leading bankora
of tbq stato. Hla Idontlty with tho
bank aa a stcokholdcr puts a stamp
upon tho solidity and solvency of tho
bank that words cannot convey, for
Mr. Hooper, as a state official, ex
amined Into ovory asset ot tho In
stitution and it it woro not every
thing that a bank should be, he
would not becomo a part ot It. Hla
coming means his turning down a
offer from tho banking department
of California, his ability having been
recognized by tho officials ot that
stato that has boon sought after
for nearly a year and finally con
sented to accopt tho offer, until he
found that ho could bocomo con
nected with tho First Stato and Sav
ings bank.
It will havo back ot It tho sup
port ot ono ot tho oldest nad strong
est financial Institutions ot tho
state support that comes bocauso
Investigation rovoals that the First
Stato and Savings bank dosorves tho
support it glvea and bocauso it is
financially sound beyond tho slight
est doubt.
1 It will havo back ot It tho actlvo
moral and financial support ot two
hundrod and fifty-eight stockhold
ers, practically all ot whom aro
rosldonts of Klamath county.
Qroatost of all, It will havo back
ot It tho contldonco of tho pooplo of
tho county, n contldonco that opon
cd tho doors, n contldonco that plac
ed at tho disposal ot Its offlcors
9240,000 in cash and that would,
It conditions demanded it, moro
than doublo that sum.
Captain J. W. Siemens returned
'from Portland last ovenlng. It was
announced from his offices yester
day that ho would not reutrn until
this ovenlng, this stop having boon
necossary to avoid nnothor demon
stration In his honor, plans for
which wero bolng formed when It
waa loarnod that he was roturulng.
It was not tho deslro' of thoso Inter
ested in tho rcoponlng of tho bank
that any unnecessary enthusiasm
should be Indulged In at this time.
It being felt that the time for that
would be when the hank, opened.
While iu Portland Captain Sie
mens concluded the arrangements
that will insure the bank against a
rocurrenco ot any such contingencies
that necessitated the suspension 60
days ago. Ho also arranged with
tho bonding companion that tarnish
ed tho bonds given aa security for
tho various funds deposited In the
bank such as tho county money,
and government tunda of alt kinds
to lot them stand as they always
havo been and no domand will bo
mado for their renewal or change
Jn their conditions. This agreement
was ontorcd into in writing and at
focts every bond tho bank has. Thin
action moans the removal of the last
barrier that had to bo overcome and
meant a further approval ot tho sol
vency of tho bank and assurance ot
continued confidence by one ot the
most critical class ot financial In
stitutions In tho world bonding
In thla city today aro J. B. En
yard, representing tho Bankers Dis
count company of Portland and
Frank Soeds, representing the First
National bank of San Francisco, and
tonight Bob Howard, representing
Ladd & Tllton of Portland, will ar
rive Tho presence of these men
noeds no explanation. Their being
here speaks for Itself and Is an add
ed testimonial to tho aonndnoaa of
the First Stato and Savings bank.
All waa hustlo and hustle, around
tho Siemens offices throughout the
day. Tho old members of the bank
ing force wero In and out getting In
structions and preparing for the
great event. Over in tho bank the
palntors and decorators were rush
ing their work, so oa to bo out ot
tho way on Monday morning. Cap
tain Siemens would not tako tlmo
to issuo a statement beyond the
brief ono, "tho bank will open at
10 o'clock Monday morning."
Riverside Pupils
Examined By Nurse
Tblrty-tbrco pupils from the Riv
erside school wero examined yester
day and Wednesday by Miss L"ydia
Frlcko, county health nurse. Tho
pupils wore choson by the teachers
as bolng obviously defective. Miss
Frlcko states that at present sho Is
not taking tlmo to. o,ovor the entire
enrollment of each school, aa the
work started so late this year that It
Is nocesaary to tako tho worst cases
first and start corrective meaaros.
Partial examination has been made in
tho Control school.
All dotoctlvo pupils are given a
note to tholr paronts, noting tho
troublo and pointing out the remedy.
It la neither compulsory for the pu
pils to submit to examination or for
tho parenta to tako the advlso ot the
nurse, but Miss Frlcke states that ap
parently many aro glad to avail them
solvps of tho service. Defective teeth,
ospoclally, aro receiving attention,
and dontlsts roport great Increase In
their work among children.
T Personal Mention
B..H. Van Sickle, a farmor ot tho
Swan Lake district was in the city
yesterday on buslnoss.
Tho debato at tho high school,
botwoen tho local high school debat
ing team and tho Lakeside team,
should not be overlooked in the Hat
of local entertainments tonight.
Both schools havo been "brushing
up" faithfully.
Weather Probabilities
Tho Cyclo-Storraa'graph at
Undorwopd's Pharmacy reglstors
a slightly lower barometric pres-,
sure than yesterday,, and the
tendency Is" still, downward,
cpndltlons are still favorable' for.
rain, or Unsettled, weather,
Forecast for next 24 heurs:
Unsettled weather, tncrenln
wlpds, warmer
1 ,
4 ar