I'AtlK TWO (THURSDAY, MAIlOIt 10, 1021. I3EC The Evening Herald RBSW The Office Cat ) i j ' ,K J. MUlUlAY. IMlror OTIKD 80ULH City Kdltor Liver Lifters v Carl's Llvor Llttors nro a won derful remedy for constipation headaches, bllllousnoss, otc. Thoy help to koop tho system clean and healthy 25c, 3 bot tles OGc STAR DRUG CO. Lilac Vegetal Fubllshod dally oxcopt Bunday, liy The Herald Publishing Company of Klamath Falls, at 118 Eighth Stroot. Harmony Lllao Vogotnt makes the face comfortable after a . . .. .. ' Entered nt tho postofflco at Kla math Falls, Ore tor transmission through tho malls as socond-class mattor. Fifth and Main Streets THE EVENING HERALD KLAMATH FALLS;QREGON 9HH9uKk3mh-- MJiMIlKIt OF T1IF3 ASSOCIATED PIIK8S. Tho Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to tbn uso for republication ot all news dispatches cro'dlted to It, or not otherwlso crodltod In this pnpor.nnd also tho local nows pub Ushar horeln. THURSDAY, MARCH 10, tout L I LUMBER T 1 SEATTLE, Wash., March . That representatives ot railroad lines cast of Chicago fully appre ciate tbo possibilities In tho way ot freight rorenuo to bo dorlred In moving northwost forest products was mado ovldont In a telegram ro colved by tho West Coast Lumber men's association from Robort U. Allen, secretary-treasurer. Mr. Allen attended a conforenco ot eastern railroad oxocutlvos bold In Clovcland, O.. and his telegram Is Interpreted by It. D. Drown, as sistant secretary manager, to mean that the railroads havo shown tho tint evidence of a realization ot tho necessity ot naming freight rates on northwest lumber that will movo'tho product to tho largo lumber-consuming territory cast of Chicago. , "Although no detlnlto announce ment can, as yet be made," said Mr. Drown, "it Is tho opinion ot those closely familiar with tbo situation that, regardless of tho- responsa mado to the request of the lumbor Industry, voiced through tho West Coast Lumberman's association, re questing tho naming of lnmbor rates that would restore tho former re lationship with Its competitors, that tho eastern lines will shortly an nounco material reductions in their proportional rates on lumber from this section." For the Face IIV JUNIUS stiiaxci: Tho carpenter Is good, my, my' Ho's pious and lie's nice; Hut ho can't fool me, for I Knok t lut t ho has u vlso. l.uko McLuko Tho tailor Is a funny man. This truth you will admit He's happiest when ho tindn out He's going to have a tit. Hastings (Nob.) Tribune. Tho music dealer, too, wo spot As not oxompt from gullo; It's clear it ho tvlto good ho'd not Ilavo dealings with tho viol. Newark (O) Advocate Tho copper Is a crafty gont, Although ho walks tho street With manner sweet and Innocent, Ho's out to make a boat! Howard' Iluttormllk Cream 80c Maurlno lleauty Lotion BOc Cocoa lluttor Cold Cream - 00c Oriental Cream - 31.B0 Ayer's Kaco Creams .. 91.00 Pond's Vanishing Cream 40c nnd 7ffe J Dorln Kongo -..- -...(Wc 55 lllril Itougo llOo tt rompolan Hougo flOc Jt Carn Nonto Faco Powder 99.00 it Java Rice Powdor 00c It Ptvor'u Faco Powdor .. 91.00 ' DJorklss Faco Powder 91.20 i Hind's Honey and Almond Cream 00c It "Somprny Jovcnoy .. 00c Cara Noma Talcum 91.00 Eggs Are Cheap liny eggs now when thoy nro cheap and pro- sorvo thorn In Qlasslno. Thoy will bo good when eggs aro high. Ono pint ot Qlasslno, mixed with water will presorvo 10 to 12 i doxen eggs for many months. Pint ...S5c "Had hitting,"' n Bport scrivener chronicles, "was responsible for the dofcat of tho homo club." Why not "excellent missing? A Half gallon ...7Dc Charley Stono says n friend is one who can do to you what an enemy would not think of attempting. Contributions nro coming In so fast that wo aro compollcd to havo con trlbs number. Tills la us It should be. If you'vo got ono In your top, unload It via prepaid mall. Week-End Specials $2.50 Maximum Hot Water Dottlo 91.83 $2.60 Maximum Fountain Syrlngo 91.83 76c Witch Hotel, full pint BOc COc Castllo Soap . .. 83c $1.00 Stanolax ....Oflo 50c Milk of Magnesia . :Mc At the Theaters THE MONDALK What' Is written on tho fourth page of tho book ot llfo? Do you know? If you enjoy vaudeville (and wso doesn't?) do not miss tonight ot the Mondalo. Singing, dancing, clover Jokes and patter delivered by Shorts and Link will make your years younger. These entortalnera present a clean and peppy act that entire nudledce enjoyed If one could Judge by the thundarous applause which they received last night. Both seem exceedingly young yet both saw months ot service during tho world war. Thoy wero among tbo first to go to Europo to help tho war weary forget, with their pleasant rallory. Klomath Falls appreciates the now and larger stage which Manager Wil to has complotod for It means that -with more space bigger acts can bo presented. Good vaudovilloMs Indeed a treat and Mr. White Is de termined to glvo Klamath Falls tho best. Tonight thcro will bo an ontlro change of bill, Including Shorts and Link In a different skit and songs, nnd the "Sphinx Woman" starring boautlful Alma Rubens. What has bocomo ot those (denim) devils?" 'bluol (O IvJt 9 a TALCl onteel TO have developed a rare, wondrous odor, at a cost of thousands of dollars; and' then to be able to sell it In a beauti ful package of talcum at a price within every woman's means Is the su preme achievement of the makers of Jontecl, the New Odor of twenty-six Flow ers. TryTalcJonteel toduy. Thoro Is n Jontool preparation for ovory toilet need. Combination Cream Jontcol BOc Cold Croam Jontool BOc Itougo Jonteol . BOc Lip Stick Jontool - 3Bc Soap Jontoel - 23o Talc Jontool arte J Eyo 13 row Pencil Jontool ....lc Lnnj-uiiii",ii ,i,ri" - - .-... -..-. ..-. . .- -- nave, tokos away mo sung nnd loavpn an odor of fresh cut lilac $1.35 : ) i ' Home Remedies : ' Roxall Llvor Raits, OGc and Jim- ) Hul Ilnpntlca, 3Bo and 70a ))'. Jail Halts 00c '. St. Jncolm Oil, HCn and 00c '. Roan's Kidney Pills flrtn '. Monthu-Hulnliur . flBo j Ited Popper Hub Arte . i i Limestone Phiisphatn BBo Tanlnc 91.00 i ' i Montholatum, 2Co and - BOc ' i Castorla ...IOo Frootnno RBo ; ; Mustorolo, 36c and OAc i ' Syr. Whllo Pm and Tar, 36c and Oflc Jj '. l'lorco'M Favorltn Prescrlpllnn 9 1. an i ; Plnkham'fl Vcgetablo Compound 91JKI ' ,. I!i For 25c and thirty minutes tlmo you can ' make last year's straw hat match this year's i ' ' . . . . . ' ' now spring sun oy using uoiorite. coionio Is mado In 10 fashionable colors. Aoyono can uso It. A New Straw Hat Week-End Specials $1.00 Aspirin Tabs., 100 In botilo U. D. Co 07o 60c lllnklo Pills S5o ...UHo 1 00c Violet Dulco Liquid Faco Powdor 20c Fountain Pon Ink, violet and gruon ) '. only I Be ) 36c Hoand's Fluff Shampoo .. 25c Purtont Upsom Halls, 8 ot. ...IOo IBc ii 1 'W 1 1 ! ) I 1 I ). Say It with flour any good brand. I KAItTIIKNWAIti: Wo aro all mado ot clnjT'aluck. Too solemn 'tis for mockery; And somo aro useless brlc-a-brac. And somo ore common crockery! "Thcro novor was a better time to savo" assorts a financier. He might have added: "Nor n harder one, oycthcr." T1MJJEK CRC1SKTIH AND 0 IIROKERS KIL IXL.VIMS J. F. Kimball, K. O. Cummlngs, and D. E. Wltbrow have Incorpor ated under tho firm name ot .Kim ball, Cummlngs and Witborw, tho articles of Incorporation Btatlng that the firm will engage In buying and selling timber lands, timber cruising, and the roal ostato buslnobs. Tho company is capitalized at $10,000. What Sick People and Prospective Mother Want in Home or Hos pital: Sate, Sane, Prompt, Proper Pro fessional care and result at mini mum cost.. (Collective meaning, Preventive Surgery) Surgical cases belong In a Surgical hospital. Most others can be efficiently and more economically cared (or at home. DR. GRAVER AUopathlo MwHrfHn and fiarger? 7th aad Main Sts. Pboaa 8S0-W. Klamath Falls DENATURED LIMERICK A lady wont Into a shoo store To purchase a pair ot Oxfords; Dut the prlco was so low Sho feared they were punk Had they been twlco as hlgh( sbo'd have bought thorn. ARCHITECTS SUPPLIES VENIDA nAIR. NETS nONNlE MB" VEILS LADIES HAND DAGS RKXALL REMEDIES PRICES DO NOT INCLUDE REVENUE TAX The $&XsalL Stor Mail Orders Filled Promptly CORONA TVPKWIUTKRS OFFICK HUITMEH THERMOS DOTTLES FOUNTAIN PENS IVORY PVRALIN i i ' ! J ' U: !'!: !' i i ii tattt vinnmr Men aro always prepared for the worst. Thoy aro nover disappointed. Don't criticize tho man who never tips his bat to tho ladles. Mnybo ho Is bold-hcadod. Tho peculiar thing about an ac count of long standing Is that It has been running a long tlmo. Over In Franco Tlicy Make a Drink From prunes and call it prunello. Here wo mako ours of raisins. Why not call It ralslnoll? normal activity. Tbo function of tho kldnoys Is to filter tho blood. In 24 hours they strain from It 600 grains of acid and wasto, so we can road lly understand tbo vital Importanco of keeping the kidnoya active. Drink lots ot water you can't drink too much; also get from any pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablcspoonful In a glass of wntor beforo breakfast each morn ing for a few days and your kldnoys will act flno. This famous salts Is mado from tho acid of grapes and lomon Julco. combined with llthla, and has been used for generations 7 SUIT OVER CATTLE Walter Smith and Ha Inert E. Smith have Instituted suit against W. H. Johns, tho Montaguo Uanklng com pany, nnd A. W. Klto to recover monoy for cattle which subsequently were' found to havo been mortgaged, tho porsons holding tho mortgages having claimed an interest In tho cattle. ESTAHLIHIIKS OFFICE Louis K. Porter, contractor, who worked upon many of tho buildings ercctod hero lust year, hus opened nn offico at 123 north Eighth street Mr. Porter anticipates n busy build ing season. CUSS OF ITS CLEANS KIDHEVS U Your Hack nuitH or Madder Bothers You, drink I-ot of Water. OPEN NOSTRILS! END A COLD OR CATARRH How To Grt Relief When Ilcad T anu aiubo ru uucu up. A Count fifty! Your cold In hoad or catarrh disappears. Your clogged nostrils will open, tho air passages of your head will clear and you can breatho freely. No mero snuffling, hawking, mucous discharge, dryness or headache, no struggling for breath at night. Clot a amall bottlo of Ely's Croam Dalm from your druggist and apply a llttlo of this fragrant antiseptic cream in your nostrils. It ponetrates through overy air passage ot tbo head, soothing and healing tho swol len or inflamed mucous membrane, giving you Instant rollof. Head colds and catarrh ylold llko magic. Don't stay stuffed-up and misorablo. Relict is sure. adv. When your kidneys hurt and your back feels sore, don't get scared and proceed to load your stomach with a lot of drugs that exclto the kidneys and irritate the entire urinary tract. Keep your kidneys clean like you keep your bowels cloan, by flushing thorn with a mild, harmless salts which removes tho body's urinous waste and stimulates them to their USr TO OARKEN You Cun Jtrlnjr Back Color and Lufetro With Sago Tea and Sulphur When you darken your hair with Saga Tea and Sulphur, no one can toll because It's done so naturally, so 'evenly. Preparing thla mixture, though, at home is musey'and trou blesome. At little cost, you can buy at any drug store tho roady-to-use propurutlon. Improved by tho addi tion ot other ingredients, called "Wyeth's Sage and 8ulphur Com pound.' you Just dampen a spongo or soft brusn with It and draw this through your hair, taking ono amall strand at a tlmo. Dy morning all gray hair disappears, and after an other application or two your hair becomes beautifully darkoned, glossy and luxuriant. 0 ray, todod hair, though, no disgrace Is a sign of did ago, and as wo all dcslro a youthful and at tractive appearanco, get busy at onco with .Wyeth's Sago and Sulphur Com pound, and look years younger. Adv. to clean and stimulate colgged kid neys; also to neutralize the acids In urlno so It no longor Is a source ot Irritation, thus ending bladdor weakness. Jad Salts Is lnoxponslvo; cannot In- luro! makes n ilnllrhtful nffnrvmennt Ilthta-water drink which everyone! ili.lll.4 titm ,t- mwtA !... ir Irnnr' nuvu.u tunu wn nuu twu, u nvui their kldnoys cloan and aotlvo. Try this, also koep up the water drinking, and no doubt you will wonder what bocamo of your kldnoy troublo and baekacbo. Adv. Diamond Dye It Like New Again Each packago of "Diamond Dyes" contains simple directions to dyo old, fadod, shabby materials whothor 'wool, silk, llnon, cotton or mlxod goods, any new, risti, fadoloss color. Duy no other dyo. OUCH! ANOTHER RHEUMATIC TWINGE Get busy nnd relievo those paloa with that handy bottle of Sloan's Liniment WHAT Sloan's does, It does thor oughly penetrates without rub' ling to the afflicted part and promptly relieves most kinds of exter nal pains and aches. You'll find it dean and non-skin-ttalning. Keep it handy for sciatica, lumbago, neuralgia, over-exert cd muscles, stiff joints, back ache, pains, bruises, strains, sprains, bad weather after-effects. For 39 years Sloan's Ltnjment has belped thousands the world over. You aren't likely to be an exception. It cer; talnly does produce results. All druggists 35c, 70C, $1.40. Sloa Liniment srt'C Pain's vnwnw mr MBMa -p aaaajllaajjaaajfijiSMsjsjasjsi 7CoiTect (lubrication) sK iiV fa I I m M f lJL f prude fbr each sisSS SlBSSSSSSSSSSk STANDARD (NLCOMPANY fvMMSX 1,'mi minim i MIJ'JIHSHIZM lsVf91sflrVlBsassnKwmVrBLa9sasHV0ssassssH - J,