The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 10, 1921, Image 1

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    UulvoiHity l.iiuiui.
Kuais.Bi OMB. J
?&Xt fEuettntg Mvtalh
Today's News
A Class Ad Will
Do It
Member of the Associated Press.
tKifhirntli Year. No. nOOB.
LOSS IS 15000
(Hpoclnl to Tin) Ilorntcl)
MALIN, Murrli 10. - Flro destroy
ed ono of Malln' three gnriigfti admit
3 o'clock till h morning. Tlin flrnwa
discovered rtliortly nrior 2 o'clock.
Tho owiinr of tho place, J. H. Umll,
estimate tlin dumngo nt npproxlmn
Inly tnOOO.
Tlin building wan vnluod at about
$1800, nml th ntorlc at $1500, or
mora, llruililm till Ion, two earn
vroni destroyed, ono belonging to
Ioiiln Ilnldlsrhnr, local banker, nml
tho othor to V, J, J a in mi of Wg Vnl
ley, California. Mr, Jamm oporatud
a threshing mnclilnn on tlin Tulo
iMkn thorn lnt fnll,
Tho only damage nutnldn tlio gni
gn building wn tliu cracking of onn
of tlin window of A. Knllnn'n store,
During tlin flro tlin hoso racuntly
acquired liy tlin local flro depart
mont wait found to contain several
length, of odd nltfti which would
not match. KiioukIi lengths wern
found, hownvor, to allow tlin flromnn
to play wntnr on tlin mm rout build
ing, tlin postnfflcn.
Tho heat wn Intonsn throughout
Malln and It I bnllovcd thnt hnd a
strong wind provallnd tlin flrn
"would have nprnad to othor build
Ings and donn Croat damage.
fined 9'M for amavit;
Wndo Crawford paid u $25 flno In
Jiistlcn Oaghngen' court yestortHy
aftornoon for assnult nml Imttory
upon II. C. Miller nt Chlloquln ro
cenlly. Following thn nsiinull honr
tUK hn wtlvod examination on u
charge of malicious destruction of
property, brought by C. llnlfntir
and wnn boumt ovur to Ihu grand
Jury. Crawford and Ilnlfour arc nl
logod to haro engaged I" a "friend
ly scuffle," during which Crnwford
becamo enraged. After tho wrestling
match hn pullod Balfour's watch
from hl coat on thn wall and broko
tho chain.
(Bpoclat to The Horald)
MKRUILL. March 10. Following
thn custom ot former years, Merrill
In going to hnvn a celebration of 8t.
Patrick's Day. Tho ladles of thlH city
will hnvo chargo of tho nffulr and
H la their Intention to commemor
ate tho fonst day ot Iroland's patron
saint In a mnnnor befitting tho sweet
momorle surrounding thn evonts
that transpired during his llfotlmn,
an "woll as renew Intorost In thn
torrlblo conditions that today arn
crushing so cruelly that unfortu
natn nation,
'An elaborate program Is being pre
pared and It promise to bo very
Interesting nnd onturtnlnlng from
start to finish. It will consist ot n lec
ture, vocal nnd Instrumental selec
tions nnd a grand bnll, thn muslu for
which will ho furnished by thn Ma
lln orchnstra. This will bo followed
by a chicken suppor for which a
chargo of $1 will bo muda. Tho nolo
bratlon will bn ft gala oven:, hiir
roundod' by sufficient plooHuro and
ontortnlnntont to malto uveryouo
glad they cumo und leaving such do'
llghtful momorles that tho next
yonr's colobratlon will bo looked for
ward 'to with ploaHunt anticipation.
T '
WASIUNaTON, March 10. (8po
clnl,) Senator McNary, after a con-
foronco with tho socrotary ot tho In
terior, was advlsod that tho recla
mation aorvlco would at once sub
mit a contract and send an cnglnoor
to Oregon to Investlgsto tho Oyheo
irrigation district in Malbeur coun
ty.' 'The Oregon legislature passed
a law authorizing' the expenditure of
15000. In co-operation with "tho
United States for tho development
Qt this project.
Guns of Krondstadt
Turned on Petrograd..
Says Latest Report
IlKIINHFOItH, Mar II). A din
patch to thn lliinnlnn agency hero de
clare tho fa to of I'olroKrud In Mill
In tho bnluncn, nnd says thn limiir
KonU liavo tnkou u part of thn rlly
which In undnr flro from thn Imtler
lim In tho fortrunM of KromlMtndt.
Bolshevik batteries nt Iloiilkovn uro
nlMO shelling thn city, say thn report.
HID A, Mar. 10. Three brlgndos
of bolnhnvlk troopH In Momcow havn
Joined thn revolutionist, according
to advice rocolvnd hum. Thnlr nc
tlon wan prompted hy thn nrulu food
Oregon Tonight, occasional rnln
In wont; strong, guilty, wnnlnrly
A telegram, wn received this af
ternoon from Captain J. W Hlemona
ntntlng thnt ho would not reach this
city tonight, but would he delayed
until Friday ovonlng. Thin Infor
mation In fiuro to hn disappointing
to many of hi friend who hnd
henrd ho wan coming In thin even
ing and had planned on mooting him
at tho train and giving him another
outhuilaatlc welcome homo.
J. W. Rlemon, Jr, cashier of tliu
bnnk, returned nomo Inst evening
nnd hla worenlly of countenance, to-
gnther with thn activity or the paint
em and decorator In tho bunk, pros
ngon thnt tliu much-hoped-for an
nouncement, giving tho opening date
for thn bank w:u lio forthcoming ut
an early date.
Mrs. Ituby Aronn' slogan, "Cnlng
North or South, Takn tho Klamath
Fulbi Itoilte," will bo thn slogan of
thn Klamath County Auto associa
tion, this selection having boon mndn
from among a large number of oth
ers by thn association directors yes
torduy afternoon, here wore sovoral
slognns submitted which tho com
mltteo found hard to sol aside, hut
thnlr final choice hn been accept
ed with much commendation.
Tho radiator design selected hy
II, N. Hill wnn soloctod as tho of
ficial nmhlom from among a num
ber of very apprnprlato and attrac
tive contribution.
Tho momburshlp cnmpalgn Is pro
grossing very satisfactorily Mr. C.
Ij, McWlttlams, among several oth
er, reporting tho acquisition of 75
now mombors.
Auto uii' DUmsiMMl
Tho much needed auto camp slto
wan discussed, nml It was docldod to
hnvo tho executive committee of tho
auto association act with a commit
too from tho Chamber of Commorco
nnd thn city council In nu otfort to
acquire a slto which run bu mod this
soanon, and which will muasuro up to
tho standard ot tho oxcollont camp
site to bu found In almost ovory llvo
community In thn country.
Acting upon n communication
from Dorrls, tho axeciitlva commit
tee will send nn Invitation to tho
people from that town to moot with
tho Chamber of Commorco, and
adopt offoctlvo mean to Improvo tho
rond from this city to Dorrlu, Ilrny,
nnd Weed, with a vlow of making
It passable nt any tlmo ot yonr.
1'ORTI.ANI), March 10. I. N.
Flelschuor, of I'ortlnnd, wus tmloctod
chairman ot tho now gaiuo commis
sion at today's mooting horo. Tho
atato gnmo warden will bo appointed
this aftornoon.
WASHINGTON, Marcti 10. (8pe
clal.) Senator McNary in discus
sing the matter ot shipping board
appointments with Secretary1 of
Commorco Hoover found hm very
favorably Impressed toward Senator
Qlmmborlnln bolns on tlio board.
Tho telephone rnln Incroano re
cently granted by tho public sorvlco
commission will bo felt Immodlntoly.
Tho monthly hill of thn local offlco
arn now being prepared on thn In
craancd haal. Tho ruling wan of
fnctlvn March 1, ntatod I. T. Luddori,
local manager, todny.
Thn Inrreann hn roused n storm
of nrgumont throughout tho Htnto.
Whtlo a majority of publlahod state
ment of Hiibscrlbcrs nrn antagonize,
thnro aro many who nxpros willing
nos to hoar tho extra cost If tho
company carries out It plodgcs, to
spend tho extra money on bettor
mont of servlco und extensions.
Tho decision resulted In irtartlng
a movement In Portland to rocall tho
mombcra ot tho public nervlco com
mission. Tho Incrnasn average about 30
pnr cent, Tho company asked a ralso
of 4C por cont Klamath Falls rates
will be: $4. CO for buslnosa phone
Instead of $3. CO; 3 for ono party
rosldonco phone, Instead ot 12;
12.25 for four-party rosldonco phon
os, lnatoad of $1.60. Thoro aro no
two-party reildcnco lined hero. I'arty
business linos nnd othor sorvlcn 'will
bo Incroasod on tho samo basis.
With thn sneond annual sale of
thn Klamath county farm bureau
only ono wcok nwny, County Agent
LTbomaa Is sondlng out wires trying
to locato tho car ot stock which was
duo to arrive horo about this tlmo
from Union county. Mr. Thomas ex
pect to recolvo a ropty to(hls wires
today which will toll him that tho
animals aro safoly on tholr way.
Thin car Includoa 18 animals thrco
bull und 15 cows, nnd A .K. Law
sim. northwest ropresontatlvo of tho
American Shorthorn association, who
Inspected thn nnlmals with I. A.
West livestock dlroctor ot tho coun
ty farm bureau stated that they aro
omo of tho best that Union county,
ndmlttodly n county of first-class
stock, has ovor produced.
8. A. Hompo, Sherman & Hutchin
son, 0. DoLay, and W. J. Townley,
all roputablo stockmen of Union
county, will cntor all tho stock ox
poctod In this car.
C. O. Oarrott, nt Olondalo, Oro
gon, who entorod four bulls last
year, will havo ono bull at this
year's salo. Mr. Garrett's hull,
Lord Sultan, toppod tho salo last
year, being sold ror $700.
Tho entries from this county In
clude a bull and' holfer calf, tho
proporty of Frank McCornack, ot
Klamath .Falls, two yoarllng bulls,
T. F. Nelson, Worden; two cows,
two bulls, nnd ono holfor, Turner
Drothors, I.ungoll'H valloy; ono bull,
William Qroon, Klamath Falls; ono
bull, Kllzn Klrkpntrick, Main; ono
bull, Dorothy Short, Klamath Falls;
ono hull, Vorlo Hosoltlno, Klamath
Falls; and ono hull, Orln Rooder,
nlso of Klamath Falls.
Tho last thrco woro entorod In
thn Pacific International Livestock
show at Portland last fall, when tho
fcalvc8 from this county curried away
tho top priios.
Tho salo will bo hold In tho O. K.
fcarn on Sixth streot, beginning nt 10
o'clock Thursday morning, March
17. Tho namo ot tho auctioneer
has not boon loarnod by Mr. Thorn
an. An offort will bo mado to havo
all tho animals In tho barn two or
throe days beforo tho show opons,
in ordor to glvo prospoctlvo buyors
an opportunity to Inspoct thorn, at
tholr lolsuro.
Lord Sultain, topped tho salo last
od from tho county agent within two
or throo days, as they, llko tho
name of tho auctlonoor. will bo sent
here 'from Union county,
In speaking ot registered llvo-'
stock horo ,and their consistent In
crease, Mr, Thomas says that Silas
Obcnchalu, this morning, made op-
(TeleRTniu Wiuililngtoit Iiuroau)
WASHINGTON, Mnrch 10. Hob
ert Htiuiflnld, thn now scnnlor from
Oregon, wont Into nctlon with a von
gennre, nnd hn hurceedod ill making
tho prospect of tho wool gsowor of
Orogon nomowhat brighter. An
nmount etiinl to ronohulf tho entire
wool crop of Idaho, tho greatest wool
producing statu In tho union, will not
bo dumped on thn market now with
consequent demoralization of price.
Senator Stanflold nnd Honator
Gooding, of Idaho, had a conference
with tho secretary of war which re
sulted In tho Indefinite postponement
of tho public salo ot 10,000,000
pounds of government owned wool
acbodulod to take place March 10.
Thn morn announcement of this
po4tpnnomunt does not convey to tlio
general public tho Importance of tho
action. In thn first place, tho public
salo ot this largo amount of govern-'
ment 'wool nt this time, when tho
clip for 1020 Is still owned by tho
producer, and tho 1921 clip Is Just
being mado, would result In a ery
low prlco holng offered for tho gov
ernment wool, and It sold would bo
at a largo financial sacrifice to tho
govornmont. In tho second place, tho
salo of this wool, or oven ot Its of
fer of salo, would domorallzo
market and lead to furthor distress
ing financial conditions of tho al
ready distressed wool growers.
TbN postponement will probably
result III stabilizing tho wool murko.
nnd later roallzo a much hotter prlco
for tho government ownod wool
Tomorrow Is tho last day for gen
eral voting on Klamath county's
riower. At tho Chamber of Com
morco tho ballot box will not closo
until Saturday night. Much Inter-
est has been shown In the selection
says Socrotary T. L. Stanley. Forty I
ballots woro rocolved yesterday
from Chlloquln and othor sections
aro voting strongly.
Arguments In favor of somo Indi
vidual flowor havo been published
from tlmo to tlmo. Today' advo-
cato favors tho poppy, as follews:
Tho Poppy
A well-known plant ot tho gonus
papavor, from onn species ot which
opium Is oxtracted from tho cap-
sulo, from anothor of which great
flolds aro cultivated on tho Rhino
and salad oil Is oxtracted, aud from
othor varlotlos of oxceodlng brllll
nilco whon blooming, tho beauty of
tho world has boon groatly onrlch-
Fow plants known to man havo
como to bo recognlzod both for
hnrmfulnoBs nnd nlso for tholr orna
mental oxcollonclos. Its ono product,
opium, has ruined Its millions In
China and elsewhere, but always has
boon appreciated as a most valuable
drug in tho modlcal pharmacoopla.
Our sister stato, California, has
adopted as Its stato flowor ItH showy
and hardy natlvo poppy, though yel
low, and It wo should mako this
wondorful flowor our city's ropro
Hontatlvo, its colors aro so various
wo can havo any or practically all
'colors, and when thoso aro combln-
od, especially In largo masses, tho
otfoct Is roally magnificent and tho
poppy la as auro to coma from tho
Beod as is vlioat, Is unmistakably
hardy, and grows with astonlchiug
luxurlanco in our fortilo. soil. Truly,
rlho poppy coramonds ltsolf for so-
loctlon to many mombors ot tho
AVqmon's Auxiliary of tho Chambor
of Commorco who know of Its vnluo
from actual oxperlenco.
plication to register his calf, Sul
tan s-'a Mamie, a daughter of Lora
Sultan, who brought top prlco at
last' year's salo. This registration
will come through the American
Shorthorn Breeders' association of
Chicago. Mr. Obcnchalu owns tho
elro and tho call's mother. Susanna.
Chiloquin to Have
$31,000 School; Bend
Election March 25
(1. It. Wright, local architect, has
boon retained by tho school board of
school district numbor 53, of Chllo-
riuln, to design tho proposod new
grade school which will ho built thorn
I this spring or oarly summor. On
March 25 tho district will voto upon
tho salo of bonds, a $31,000 Issue
having hcon decided upon.
Tho school board, consisting of
C. C. Hedrlck, W. E. Thayer, Joo Ball
equal basis with southern producors
port of tho peoplo of tho district,
havo determined that tho district
shall havn a thoroughly modern
school, and tho architect, Mr. Wright,
states that with tho amount of mon
ey that will bo at tholr disposal, ho
will bo ablo to design a building that
will hn n permanent credit to tho
George W. Shannon and J, 8. Lage-
son, of Portland, havo leased tho J
east halt of tho lower floor ot tho
Helm building at 1173 Main street,
and within tho next two weeks will
bo actlvoly ongaged In tho plumbing
and heating business, under thb
firm name of the Klamath Fall
Plumbing and Heating company.
Mr. Shannon and Mr. Lageson
I have been In tho plumbing and boat
ing business In Portland for sovernl
years, and como hero 'with the repu
tation of men who know tho business
from overy angle. Incidentally, It
might bo said that Mr. Shannon an
perintendented tho installing of tho
beating nnd" plumbing systomn In the
Montgomery-Wbrd building In Port
land, ono ot the biggest building
on tho Pacific coaat. Ho has been In
Portland about five years, and Mr.
Lageson preceded him tbero about
soven years. Doth aro well-known
to tho wholesale houses of Portland
and other places on the coast, and it
was upon the rocommcndatlon of the
wholosalors, who assurod them that
Klamath Falls was tho best el'v In
tho stato nsldo from Portland, that
they mado up their minds to cono
A oompleto lino of plumbing sup
plies will bo carried, ami mMcrl.ll
for Irrigation systems will bu avail-1
able, through them, at any tln-a
summed up, Mr. Shannon nnd Mr
Lageson Intend to conduct nn es
tablishment that will lack nothing In
tho plumbing, heating, and affiliated
Tho Intorlors ot tho rooms to ba
occuplod aro now being ropalred and
fixtures aro already on tho way horo.
Mr. Shannon's family Is hero with
him, but Mr. Lagoson's family will
not nrrivo until nftor tho closo of tho
Portland schools In May.
Mrs. Zctta Mooro, of Poo valloy
and Clifford Vermillion of Langell
valloy woro marrlod horo yostorday
aftornoon at Tho Washington Room
ing Houso by tho Rev. B. P. Lawronco
of tho Presbyterian church. Mr. and
Mrs. Vormllllon will mako tholr homo
In Poo valley.
Tho hrldo has for many yoars
been a resident ot Poo vall'oy and has
many trlonds throughout the coun
ty. Tho bridegroom Is on ovorsoas
votoran and participated In soveral
major ongagomonts.
SALRM, March 10. Tho public
service commission has been advlsod
by tho Intorstato commorco commis
sion that the milling In transit priv
ilege has boon ovtondod to lum
bor producors tor throe months more.
Tho preliminary examination of
Uort McDonald, charged with biga
my which was to havo beon hold
tomorrow has beon postponed lor
ono wook.
Property owners of the Jefferson-Lincoln-Fifth,
street unit will meet
at the Chamber of Commerce rooms
tomorrow night at 8 o'clock to dis
cuss tho paving of that district. All
aro urged to attend as it Is desired
to got work started,
Freight readjustment on lumbor,
announced In tho Horald last Satur
day and confirmed yesterday, 1
greeted by local shippers as a big
step In tho right direction, although
tho rates must go lower stilt to on
ablo western mills to competo on
confined to common lumbor. Tho Cal
In mlddlo western territory.
Rate took a big Jump last year,
when all commodity prices were fall
ing, and tho present rato redactions
do not bring them back to last year's
For instance, C. A. Albertson, sales
manager of tho Pelican Day Lumber
company, today pointed out that the
rato to Chicago boforo the raise lest
year was 65 cont. It wont to 8V4
cents, and Is now reduced to 73 cents,
night cents above last year's rate,
whllo lumber prices now are far be
low last year's prices.
Two features in the new rates aro
Immediately beneficial. For the first
tlmo In history Klamath Falls Is
grouped with California points and
no longer pays the cent and a halt
differential over Woed.
Tho now grouping alto reduces tho
dlfforcnco betweon Klamath Falls
and Dond. Heretofore Dend has had
an eastorn rate ton conts lower than
Klamath Falls. Tho now adjustment
will cut tho difference to three cents.
Dend competition with local milts Is
confined to common lumber, he Cal
ifornia mills compete In finished
Until bettor handling system la dp
vlsod for sea shipments, Mr. Albert
son said tho mixed rail and. water
rate ot 73 cents to New York wonld
not bo an advantage, as present load
ing on shipboard rosulta In much
wastage and loss. Carriers' are now
working on plans for better loading
While all lumber products will
likely bo given the advantage of re
duced rates, tho oxact reduction on
box shook will not bo definitely
known until tho new tariff lists ar
rive. Box makers, howover, w Hi ben
efit proportionately. It la bellovod.
PARIS, Match 10. It was stated
at the foreign office today that nego
tiations were under way between tho
French embassy at Washington and
tho Amorlcan state department In an
effort to Induco Presldont Harding
to favor tho acceptanco of a modlflod
league of nations. Tho French posi
tion Is entirely conciliatory, it was
WASHINGTON. March 10. Ad
ministration officials today withhold
comment on the French statement
rogardlng league ot nations negoti
ations. Tho impression was given,
however, that tho Initiative In any
such development rested entirely with
Franco, and that tho raattor had
not reached the stage of negotiations.
Socretary of Stato Hughes refused
to discuss tho matter. It Is known,
howover, that he had a half hour's
talk Tuesday with M. Jusserand, tho
French ambassador.
President Names Dr.
Sawyer Physician;
Rank of General
WASHINGTON, March 10. Dr. C.
E. Sawyer, 'tho Harding family phys
ician, has boon nominated by Presi
dent Harding to bo the president's
family physician, w),th tho rank ot
brlgadlor genoral. Ho will also In
vestigate public health matters for
the president.
, .lAJlsKEi: REPORT,
PORTLAND. Mar. 10. Cattle and
hogs steady,; ,sheep hlgherr east of
mountains lambs $8.50 and $9.26.
Eggs one cent higher, butter steady,
. ..- j-x