PAQIJ lWll THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WI3NliSDAY, MARCH 0, lUfll. NINKTY-HHVHN HOMKHTKAHH TAKKN UP DURING YKAIl Final entry wnn mnilo iidom 07 liomontniulif iimt Umber claims In Klniimth con lily during (ho year end InK Miircli 1, 10UI, nccuntliiK to n lint received by Assessor W. T. Loo from (ho United Htnto land offlco lit I.akovlow. Tho cIiiIiiih vary fruin ilosort mid tlmliur Hindu (o (ho for tllo Til In Lake lioltnm. Camphor In now lining madn from turpentine hy a nyntlintlc prncoiw. MISSIONARY MEETING Tlio Woinon'n Missionary nocloty of tho Christian rhnrcli will moot it tho homo of Mm, J. II, Vollmor, 121!! Wo I ford iivonuo, Thursday uf lornoon (tomorrow) lit 2:30 o'clock, Tho subject In "Africa" anil Mm, M. L. Mlllur will load tho discus-nlon. A largo porconlngo of tho mission hospitals of Chlnrt, of which thoro nfo about 2G0, aro dostltuto ot hos pltal r-sftontlals, such an clean cloth n, nursing norvlco and puro water. CLASSIFIEDADVERTfSEMENTS At the Theaters WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Plowing with tractor by thn acre. I). 10, Johnson, Malln, Oro. Ml' WOMAN WOULD LIKE cooklnic for small crow In logging camp or on ranch. Phono B12-M. 7-12 WANTED Land on Upper lako for cutting cord wood, IokkoiI off or tlmbnr. If. 0. llornld offlco. r.-l ! KOH BAM Having rontml my farm, I have for nalo a Kordson plowlnic outfit used ono yoar. Will toko f ORO cash or will coniildor Kord car a part paymnnt, balance cash, L. E. Illchardiion, Dorrls, Calif. 7-9 KOU BALE 150-3000 Savage rifle, new. No. 18 Loomls building. 2.9 NOTICH Thn ladles of fit. 1'aul'd Episcopal CI til Id will moot In tho parlorn of tho Prosbytorlan church nt 2:30 o'clock Thursday, March 10th. All momtiorn aro requested to hn present. MIIB. L. V. ALIIERTHON. Bocrotary. 8-9 WANTED Lady to koop bouse for young coupln and earn for baby during day. flood homo for right party. Elderly lady profnrrod. Phono fi-9 KOH RENT li room unfurnished houito. Inquire of O. W Ifous- (on. 8-10 FOR BALB Ford, tlrst-clus condi tion. Bargain, 1120 High St. 2.0 OREGON PRUNES Choice orchard run Oregon Italian prunos, 1920 crop, In 2C or f0 pound boirx, or morn, delivered nnywhoro In Oregon by parcel pout or express prnpnld, at 12 conta peund: by freight to any railroad station In statu, at 11 cent, In 100 lb, lot or morn. Quality guaranteed. Hand remlttanco with order to Oregon Prune Co., 732 .Mor gan I)ldg Portland, Oregon. 7-8 FOR HALE 3 rugs, Borne nearly new. Blio 9x12. Apt. fi, llamol Apti. 8-9 USED OA1W Ono 1917 Hudson, good mediant rally; new top; now paint. One 1917 Hudiion; looks-good and runs belter. One 1920 Dort; now paint and a bargain. METROPOLITAN GARAGE 8-1 1 KOH HALE Kiirdsnn tractor. 1919 model, with two H Inch plnvs and extension rims; only $r,r0. Chllcote A Hmlth. (!33 Main Bl. 8-0 ' ' ' ' ' ' - Charter No. 11801 DRESSMAKING Vlnl-ciM work guaranteed. Mrs, Jefferson, 2-A Main St. 1-9 HOY MADE IN KLAMATH TMAA PRODUCTS and build up ICLAMATII PAY ROLLS IiAKKHIDK LUMBER CO. Ownod and operated by Klamath Falls builneas men 28tf CITY OAUDAOB When you want garbago removed call 10F-23. PHONE PEYTON for wood BIS TO RENT OR LEASE FOR RUNT 300 acres diked tule land on Upper Lake: 10 acres tim othy, good range. Phone 217M. 2-9 FOR RENT Pleasant furnaeo-heat-nd bedroom, adjoining bathroom, uno of tolophono and bath. Dr. Dem oreit. Phono 447-R or call at 227 Jefferson Bt. 26-18 ItKPORT OF CONDITION OF TIIK AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK of Klaaulli Felix, nt Klivnmtli Fulls, lu Um HUto of Oregon, at tho clot of HuaIikwi on Krbruitry Ul, 11KJI. RESOURCES 1 a Loans and discounts, Including rodlncounla . $181,964,04 Total loans 181,964.04 4 U. H: Government eorurltlni ewnnl: u Doposltnd to secure circulation (U. B. bonds par value) $100,000.00 f Owned and unpledged - 362,52 g Premium on 11 H. bonds C00.00 , Tolul U. B, (lovurnmont securities 100, 862. D2 H Other bond, securities, elr.j o Socurltto. othor than U. B. .bonds (not In cluding stocks,) owned and unpledged.... 6GG.33 Total bauds, securities, etc.. other than U. fi - 66G.3S Block of Federal Resorvo Hank (CO nor ennt of subscription) 3,300.00 9 FurnUuro and fixtures 20.36C.00 11 Lawful reserve with Foderal Itosorvo Hank 20,3(6,00 12 Items with Federal Roservu Dank In pro cess of collection (not avallablu an ro- servo) - C37.26 13 Cash In vault und net amounts duo from national banks ... 100,709.56 14 Not amounts duo from banks, bankers, and trust companion In tho United States (other than Included In Horns 11, 12, or 13) 474.97 15 Exchanges for clearing houso 6,026.43 Total of Items 12, 13, 14, 16 $107,747.31 17 Chocks on banks locatod outside of city or town of reporting bank and othor cash Horns ....... ,iv. 06.76 18 Redomptlon fund with U. S. Treasurer and dun from U. B. Treasurer 6,000.00 19 Interest oarnod but not collectod approxi mate on Notes and Dills Rocolvabln not past duo 1,002.14 20 Othor assets, If any KxponsoH 2,754.33 TIIK MONDAM4 Thorn will bo a delightfully humor ous and hroezy llttlo laugh skit on titled "From tho Page of Llfo" nt tho Mondalo theater on Wednesday and Thursday next. Tho team of Btorts and Link uro tho presontors, and succeed In deriving n wealth of huarty Intighs from tho pages. Inter mingled with thn dialogue are pious lug song diversion) which tend to heighten tho pleasuro of tho act, Tho plcturos nro exceptionally good. The feature proiionts tho screen's greatest delineator of wosU orn characterizations, Nenl Hart, In "Whon tho Dosort Hmllos," Thcso aro tho most thrilling and sensa tional pictures over screened. Also u good Mack Bennett comody that will mnko you howl. ITBEUTIGHE ra m K TACO.MA MAN THLLH OK WOM DllUIUIi CirANCIK IN CONDI TION HINCH TAKINO TANIjAC. VimiH KINK NOW. IOOK FOIt ma MINING opi-:rationh in idaho days of UBefulnoss woro over. "Talking to n friend ono day ho suggested that I try Tanlac. Woll, TIIK HTAR It's pretty tough whon you lonvo on r Journey with two quarts of good ll(Uor snugly tucked away In your suitcase, only (o have It stolen before you reuch your Journqy's end. Hut It's downright tragedy when you patronize a bootlegger and loarn that hn hint sold you your own whis ky nt $2 tho drlnkl Bltuallons of this sort, particular ly timely now, nro rosponslblo for tho unusual fun opportunities of "What Happened to Jonos" which will bo shown. at tho Htur tonight with Hryant Washburn as tho star. "What Happened to Jones" Is tho 'uproariously funny Ocorgo Droad- hurst comedy of hootlogglng and re formers In n dry town. It was adopt ed for tho screen by Elmer Harris, co-author of "Bo Long Lotty" and "Canary Collage." Tho production. was directed hy James Cruzo, assist-1 od by Cullon Tnto. Klnloy Martin Is rosponslblo for tho photography. "Well, sir. I don't bollovo thoro Is any medlclno that could havo fix ed tno p llko Tanlac has," said M J. Ilurke, of lC22'& Itroadway, Ta coma. "For two years or moro I hadn't boon myself and, In fact, had gone down hill until I had Just about Indigestion and rhoumatlsm began roached my limit. I couldn't half i to loavo nad I felt hotter dllround. work, had rheumatism all over and .And now thoro Is not ono of my old my stomach gavo mo all kinds otUrouhlos loft and I havo plckod up trouble. I was oil In wolght, my! ton pounds In wolght I sloop flno appetite was pretty near gone and I and fool as good as a fellow could I had pains and cramps that wcro want to." Just about all a man can stand. Qns Tanlac Is sold In Klamath Falls formed so bad It nearly nindo mo so by Star Drug Co., In Lorella by at times 1 could hardly soo. My arms, shouldors, back and hips ach ed something awful and I could feel (hn nalns all over mr body. I was norvous nnd roHtlcss, slept poorly nnd;buroau of m,nol! nd K60'0' T"0 It was beginning to look llko my MOBCOW, Idaho, March 8. That groat bodlos of gold and silver or lay In tho mountainous regions of south control Idaho awaiting only adequato transportation facllltlos to mako tho mining ot thom possible and profitable. Is tho essonco of a bulletin Issued by tho Idaho stato bulletin covors tho mountainous ter ritory known as tho Thundor moun tain, Dig Crook, Stanley Basin, Sheop mountain and Sesfoam dls- breath off, and that mado mo so weak and dizzy I sometimes folt my r.olf about to fall. "I had such splitting headaches It fit my caso exactly and tho wnytrlcl8 ond whleh mPrl" one ot I picked up boats anything 1 oror tho most Inaccosslblo soctlons of tho saw. My appotlto camo back, tho"lal0- tho survey was maae oy ur. j. u, Umploby. Tho report and a geologi cal map woro mado from his field notes by Professor D. C. Livingston ot the University ot Idaho school of mines. Oro In this region Is of a. low milling grado and henco profitable mining of It Is impossible until tb prohibitive cost ot transportation m tho roglon Is partially eliminated. James Merc. Co., and In Merrill by Southern Oregon Drug Co., nt Mo doc Point, K. A. Button & Son, at Dairy, W. E. Sodge. Adv. LOOKS LIKE--WH0? WEATHER RECORD Horoattor Tho llornld will nubllsh the mean and maximum tempera turos and precipitation rocord as tak en by tho U. 8. Reclamation sorvlce tatlon. Publication will cover tho day provlous to tho papor's Issuo, up to b o ciock or tno day. Mar 1 Mar 2 Mar 3 Mar 4 Mar C Mar C Mar 7 Mar 8 Max. 60 68 65 62 CO 48 CO S2 Mln. 35 34 35 40 38 34 27 29 Precipitation 11 35 NOTICH INVITINO PROPOSALS TO PURCHASE 8KWKH DONDS Total - $449,097.84 LIABILITIES 21. Capital stock paid In 100,000.00 22 Surplus fund - 10,000.00 24 -Intorost and discount collected or crodltod lu advanco ot maturity and not oarnod (approximate) 615.44 27 Circulating notos outstanding - 100,000.00 31 Cartlflod chocks outstanding 6,000.00 32 CaBhler's chocks on own bank outstanding 1,788.81 ' Total ot Items 31, and 32 $7,788,81 Dcnutml deposltM (other tlmn bonk deponltN) Ktibjcrt In Ilraorvo (deposit payable within IIO ilnjs): 33 Individual deposits subject to check 102,048.41 34 Cortltlcatos of deposit duo in loss thnn 30 days (other than for monoy borrowed) 17,400.00 Total of demand doposlta (othor than hank doposlta) subject to Ro sorvo, Horns 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 ond 38. ...$209, 448. 41 Time deposit subject to llescrvo (psyabln at tor 30 days, or subjoct to 30 duys or moro notice, and postal savings): 39 Certificates ot dopoolt (othor than for monoy borrowod) 2,413,03 42 Othor tlmo doposlta 18,932.15 Total ot tlmo doposltH subject to Roaorvo,, Items 39, 40, 41, and 42 21,345.18 Total $449,007. S4 State ot Oregon, County of Klamath, ss. I, O; V. Wtmborly, cssbtci of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. O. "V. WIMBERLY, Cashier. Correct Attest: O. V.W1MBBRLY, 8. M. BUBB. O. W. HOUSTON M. B. WEST, Directors Subscribed and sworn to beforo me this 8th day of March, 1921, MILDRED THRABHBR, Notary Public. (My oominlsslon expires Nov. 14, 1924) Sealod proposals will bo received by tho Common Council ot tho city ot Klamath Falls, Oregon, until Monday, tho 14 th day of March, A. D. 1921 at tbo hour of 8 o'clnck P. M. of said day. at tho city hall In said city at which tlmo and placo proposals to purchaso will bo oponed and considered, for tho purchaso ot $60,736.00. city ot Klamath Falls, general obligation bonds, payablo 20 years from dato ot Issue, bearing a rato of Intorost not exceeding six per cont per annum: Intorost payfcblo soml-annually; principal and intorest payable at Oregon Fiscal Agency in tho city of Now York, Stato ot Now York, or at tho office ot tbo treas urer of said city as detormlnod by mutual agreement of purchaser and council. These bonds aro to bo issuod In denominations of ono thousand dollars, ($1000.00) each, and to bo numbered from ono to flfty-ono in clusive. Said bonds are to bo Issued In pursuance ot Ordlnanco No. 498 ot said city; and aro to bo Issuod for the purposo of installing a sowor systom In tho territory known as Mills Addition, In accordanco with tho plans, specifications and esti mates of the city onglneor. Each pro posal to purchaso said bonds must bo arcompanlod by n chock for 5 of tho amount ot tho proposal cortltlod by eomo rosponslblo bank and pay able to said city. Proposals must bo sealed nnd endersed: "Proposals to purchaso Mills Addition sowor bonds." Said bonds aro to bo sold for cash at dato ot dollvory, and for a prlco not less than par. The right to roject any and all proposals, is horoby rosorved. Dy ordor of tho Common Council. A. L. LEAVITT, Polico Judgo or tho city at Kla math Falls, Oregon. Fob. 10 M-14 V5KB& ; wife 72fMfiT "'X&'E wzjf ,m ',!' ."s'at4 -r I Tho high quality of success that follows advertising In tho classiflod I column of Tho Herald is duo to tho Intelligence of Its roadors. Hardwnro men are reaping a har vest duo to tho crlmo wavo. Pad locks, heavy chains and burglar de vices aro boing-sold In larger quan tities than they ever have been sold boforo. 100 Per Cent Union MONDALE THEATRE The Best for the Best LOOK AT THIS SHOW VAUDEVILLE STORTS AND LINK -IN- n tt G K. CHESTERTON Gilbert K. Chesterton, famoos; English writer and dramatist. Is) In America on a lecture tour The. British say bo resembles anl American who used to bo prenl dent and nuulo tbo blc stick" fa-l mous Connecticut is establishing an Im proved salmon hatchery at Madison for restocking eastern streams with this valuable fish. FROM THE PAGE OF LIFE A comody singing and talking act that a scres,m, and THE DIO WESTERNER Neal Hart IN "WHEN THE DESERT SMILES" Tho most thrilling nnd sensational western picture ever mado and I A two root .MacK aenneii comeay in sis a Bcroam This comody Is a real gloom chaser Two shows 6:30 and 8:30 Coming Sunday TOM MIX And tho greatest all western serial evor made "THE PURPLE I RIDERS" with bie JOE RYAN X T rv-rtin nuivfiE n mrm mvo jivn viimrvif.rp miimiinAV i i.iji.a, uiifi.iui. s a mJ JMC7 am.A' f.iwvuiuMtf. AiiutMivt. v J t&&Wr&t"M"ttt"t"Z"&&$M T T r t t r t T t t T t T T t T t T ? t t We Are Backing Our Customers FOR THE Pure-Bred Stock Sale MARCH 17th If- you contemplate bidding in a registered bull or one of the fine pure-bred heifers or cows, which are going to be offered come in now and make arrangements for the money if you can't pay cash. What Sick People and Prospective Mothers Want in Home or Hos- pital: Safe, Sane, Prompt, Propor Pro fessional ears and results at mint mum cost.. (Colloctivo meaning, Preventive Surgery) Surgical cases bolong in a Surgical hospital. Most other can be efficiently aad mora economically cared for at home. DR. CRAVER Allaa.hln MadklM ngd Sargerr 7th and Main Sts. rhono C80-W. Klamath. Falls JmJ FIRST NATIONAL BANK Buy registered stock and help solve Klamath Coun ty's hay problem. r i i i 1