1M.OM M)UK wjaiMUHAY, march o, mat. DOINGS KLAMATH RIVER Oh' Wonderful, wonderful rlvor. Winding through a lnnd so fair; Drifting lazily on to tlio ocean With ncvor a thought or n caro. Why do you novor rush onward T Why do you tarry so long! Your waters nro laden with fishes, And tbo angler gocli not home In The- sea gulls float slowly o'er ycu, The ducks find n resting place, tner Your waters nro laden with fish, And tho angler gocsnot homo In despair. It may bo you fear old Mt. Shasta, If you hurry to pass by her side, So you linger up hero In tho valley Where wo on your surface may glide. When tho crescent moon hangs on tho evening, And bright twinkling stars shlno aboro, It Is then Oh! beautiful river Wo can truthfully say, God Is Love. When tho full moon peeps oer tho mountains. And naturo Is hushed for tho day. Then your bosom is covered with diamonds As slowly you pass on your way. Wo know- 't'ls God's hand that feeds you, From tho snow laden hills so whlto; And tho path of naturo directs you, As softly you whisper, good night. David Elsworth. I A 'classified Ad will soil It. The iW OLIVIA. I'M WORKING OM A farfa jl' DO IT AGAIU") A , ( I'M G BTYM ) If PATENT AND I WISH VOU'OnoMEJp PLEASE, JrJ TIRED j . msi ink tavuk uc hii iinu nc un i f OFA . l Olivia' J I & 'M.- " 3 'j m VjTME HEAP WITH THIS HAMMEP fAVOr! vi- ' v f SV I "D EADY for instant use K H J- in oil cookstoves, on heaters or lamps. H H Atkyaar detter f rfl H cletn m burning J2mm2l B Lawn and Garden Seed OF THE DUFFS Purebred Sires In creasing Rapidly on Forest Ranges Purebred bulls have proved their vnluo far Improving range herds, and tho number being bought In tho cow country of tho west Is rapidly Increas ing each year, nccortllng to reports to tho United States department of , agriculture. The scrub bull Is now blacklisted on tho big nntlonal for-1 est pastures. During the season of 1919 three local live-stock associations, the members of which uso tho ranges of tho Sierra national forest In Cali fornia, adopted rules for tho pur-' chnso of purebred bulls. Under n special rulo each association wag re quired to placo on tho rango n suf ficient number of purobrcd Hereford, ' Shorthorn, or Aberdeen-Angus bulls. ' A committee to purchaho and pass upon tho credentials of each animal to bo turned looso on tho ranges was appointed. j Under this plan, dtjrlng the Krai-1 Ing season of 1920, 105 Hurcfonls, 97 Shorthorns, and 6 Aberdeen-Angus bulls wcro purchased by tho i stockman through their associations and placed upon tho rango. It In cs-, tlmated that at tho end of tho season of 1920 tho stockmen had nut less than 200 registered bulls on their ranges, resulting In a great Improve I mont In the grado of steers turned. out. I Advertising pays. Try It and seo. (t Serves You Righe The Club Cafe That popular place on Sixth street, Just off Main "Serves You Right" Cold March Wind THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Wilbur Is A 'sll p . CHIROPROCTORS DRS. MALLETT AND MALLETT OFFICE OVEK UNDERWOOD'S 1'hono 3JJ0-.1 Seventh & Main "let geohge no it1 If your watch nocda ropnlrlng bring It to Geo. l. Motz, C23 Main St. Z4 IMU.ICAN RAY RUS Faro 25c oach way Loavos Rex Cafo Loaves I'ollcan City 7:45 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 12:45 p. m. 1:00 p. m. 5:00 p m. 6-30 p. m. Rccknrd Rent Service l'hono 77 26-tf BEAUTY PARLOR Shampooing, mnrcollng, massag ing, manicuring. For appointments, phono 366, Whlto Pollcan Hotel. PAINTING Practical painting, gliding, bronz ing, cnnmollng, knlsomlnlng, wall- trading. II. C. TUTHILL Phono 1S3 625 Oak St. EX-SERVICE MEN, ATTENTION t Klamath Post No. 8, American Legion meots i&WB at tho City Hall on tho first and third Tuesdays of each month. Ex-servico men aro Invited to at tend tho meetings. For membership cards or Informa tion cx-servico mon aro requested to seo or wrlto tho following offlcers: J. 11. Carnaban, Commander. Roy N. Fouch, Post Adjtitnnt. For rollof of employment seo or wrlto tho Chairman of Tho Relief and Employment Committee Francis Olds, caro Lakcsldo Lumber com pauy. MtHy Deep Thinker I rAiu vmidik -nl.,..ii NOW I AM CONVINCED - : moo WHitcm mill Heo lienor lljen Examined GlitsiteN Fitted H. J. WINTERS Jewi'lcr mid Optician 7KI-71U Main DR. G. A. MASSEY Fourth and Fine HU. In Warren Hunt Hospital Off. Phone 497 Res. Phono 86M DR. T. C. CAMPBELL PHVHICIAN AND 8tmOE09 I. O. O. F. Dalldlng Fbone 800 Residence Whlto Pelican HoUl Residence Phono S. DR. L. L. TRUAX WARREN HUNT HOSPITAIi Day Phone, 407 Night Phone, M f HAW SIU.L ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION CO. Designer and builders of mod. cm mw mills, planing trills and box plants. Dredging. Pile driving. Phone 40O-W Office Corner flprlpg and Oak Near H. P. Depot WOMMMWWMWVMMVMWM Offlce Phone 177W Rob 177R Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Physician and Burgeon Whlto Ilutldlng Klamath Falls Oregon rfWWMWWWIWWWWVWWWWWWWW, DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence Phones 321 I. O. O. F. Temple E. D. LAMB I'HYHICIAN AND BURGEON Phone 17W 17R Rooms 1 and M White nuildtng Klamath Dye Works Phone 408 OUR CLEANING, PREHSINO AN1) REPAIRING WILL MAKE YOUR CLOTHEH LOOK LIKE NEW HATH REIIIOCKED Good Called for and Delivered 481 Main Street Klamath Fall. Klamath Falls Cyclery Wo aro horo to servo you, and aim to Borvo you right. Motorcyclos and Dlcyclos. Parts and Acossorlos, Tiros and Tubes, that will stand your inspection, as wo carry the host in our lino. Repair shop In connoctlon with Hurloy-Davldson Servlco. Phono 273 1010 Main St. Klamath Kftlli O. E. DIHMARK Murphey's tffcf -- JaTwInIs a vwackomtme beam is lik gjjS a iwn.ii Ml Vm WITNESSED MWTjiOTince. J SW, 1SA?i rnvvi n- - DENTISTS Dr. E. G. WUecarver PHONH 884 Dr. P. M. Noel niONH 4 Over Uaderwoo4'a BeTeath aad Mala Streets Let Us Do Your Collecting A numbor of huiluoss houses nro saving tho t lino of tholr bookkoopors nnd Individual collectors by lotting us collect tholr monthly bills. It is tho moiloni method. It cuts down your ovorhond. Got your bills roady ind wo will do tho rost. MRS. T. H. JOLLY 123 Eighth St. Phone 320-W j. o. um:ghorn CIVIL, ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR Phono 192J 133 S. Itlversldo Household Furniture GOODS OF ALL KINDS OUR PRICKS MIGHT Wo Iluy, Soil and Exchange Cor. Sixth and Klamath Avo. DICK'H & CO. FRED WESTERFELD DKNTI8T Phono 34W. X-IUy Laboratory LoomU Uldg., Klamath FaU ,m00000 DR. O. A. RAMBO Dentist L O. O. F. Rulidlag PHONE et VWIaWMXNSWMMWWWMWrfMMUMMMW Let Your GLASS troubles be Mine C E. STUCKEY Rc-GInzing and Cabinet Making Phone 477W Eleventh and Pine G. E. WASHBURN Contractor and Builder Construction Work of any kind. No lob too largo or too small. Estlmutos furnlshod froo of churgo. PHONE ii:i7-J ROBERT S. FRY Ocncrul IiiNurunco, Investment 123 N. 8th Street. Tel. 13S-W KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WILL- Tnko out Crllars or Fill In Lota CON MURPHY 1317 Mortimer St. Seed Store J BY ALLMAN A PRACTICAL ( &EaMtm AH r.'"':"!.- Excavating Teaming Lot us mako you a price oa dig ging thnt basomont, or other ei cavattng you contomplate. We alio do team work of ovory description. Phone 426-J MINERAL BATHS Dr. Maud Ingeraoll Hawley CfalropracUe Fhyaldaa First National Dank Building Entrance, Room AHIILAND, OREGON v Klamath Lodg No. 13T I. O. O. F. .Meets Friday night of each week at I. O. O. F. ball, 6th and Main streeU. II. H. Oglo. ...........-........N. 0 Chas. Nowman ..........................V. Q. O. II. llunguo ................. .....Hecy. W. D. Cofor .Troas. BNCA&tPMaST ' J. II. Houston O. P. II. V. Drown ...B, W. L. J. McCluro JLScribe E. J. Mayor .........Tre4wuror DR. L. L. GASS ' Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Warren Hunt nonpltol Fourth and Pine Htreeta Phono 407 laatraetlosui la Plaao Playtag ksj Expert of Many Tears' Ctpetleaoe. MRS. OSDORN Apt. 9. Belaaa ApU. HOUSE MOVING Having bought the moving outfit of True & Failing, we are now prepared to move houses or other heavy articles. Washburn & Houston Phone 337-J NEW CITY LAUNDRY FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH DRY "Put Your Duds In Our Suds" PHONE 154 Corner Main and Codger CHIROPRACTOR Dr. Loin C. Uridges Ovor First State and Savings Dank Bulto 105 Phono 102T PHONE 87 124 So. Sixth St. ' 4J I PIANO LE i Ji