The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 09, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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wei.vesiav, mauch o, inai.
,ll - 3H
Mom than to perrons tiled in this twisted mass of wiorkitgo when
two rriuk passenger trnliiB crashed lit 1'ortor, Iml Tim Cnniitllnti, a Mlch
Ikiiii Central fllur liouiul (nun Chicago to Toronto, tori' down on the dan
gorous "diamond" .i isslng nt I'urler anil lilt n dentil Hut against her Tlio
whole train loft tlin nilU ami was humping In a ntop across tltn Now York
Central truck whim tlio lulorsluto Impress, N V C Huston to-Chlrago
tiler, raced Into tlio crossing at CO mflis an hour The interstate' mogul
engine plowed through two day coaches of tliu derailed train, then spun
around and turned over on Itu side Most of thu vIctlniH wcro In those
dny roachis On the left Ik tlio wreckage of one nf the Canadlan'ii coach
en In tlio center Ih the lntorstato's great engine lying upside down alone
the broken rails Six bodies wore pinned under tho engine when this pho
tograph won taken Tho wreck occurred tho night of Feb. 27.
Baked Rws
hatred to Just the
the vay
theyr stwi
Doughnuts 3uf
Letters From
The People
HAN ritANCISl'O, Mnrrh 9 -lie-lief
that abolition of vlcn districts
In large cities for one generation
would rid tho nntlon of must nf Its
'crime, since crlmlnnls get their
training In dives, gunilillug li iv
Wind on the Directs, was expressed
by Captain Arthur l.avno of the
Kan Krunclsco pollin force In u
talk hern before the California Con
ference of rjoclnl Work.
(leneral surveys have proven tho
existence of the district In Kan l'riiu
Cisco called the "tip-town tender
loin" lias retarded Hie IndtiHlrliA
and commorUal development of thu
rlty 1100.000,000 ntid cost the
.municipality I3U.0OO.U0O In loss of
taxes, ho said. '
"If u co n lil slop raining crimin
als wo would have no criminal
rluss," Captain lnjno asserted
"(lonerally they como from the n or
er families because wealthier people
ha vo money to take tar of tlilr
tit n tut. physical nnd moral deficients
Tho poorer families, like u retreat
ing army, luivn to ahandou the In
jured, "Whon the sons of a wealthy man
Issuos worthless chocks, the parent
makes good tho money uud takox
steps to reform IiIh child. ' The child
of a poorer family probably ban to
go to jail (or his net. l!o the statu
should stop In and see that the In
fluences which degrade nr- removed.
i ;oi. m:n ;i.ov ami dahlia
IMItor Herald'
A writer In behalf of tho Golden
(How es a city flower, which article
appiared In a Jate Issue of til" Her
ald, makes a flue ple.i for IM hardy,
stalwart flower, the au tu men of
vlilth. and Its extensive production
fieni would Justify tho title of "Tho
V of thu (loldeu (How."
' True enough, and the harfl and
nt.tlnart growth of this flue plant
would appropriately rupresont tho
s rong men and women who stood
shoulder to shoulder In the dark days
'of ilm lonely nttlmnt of th , Kin-
nut' i b.iHln. but the I lower Is ellow,
, and jollow, In tlio t.ingungo of flow
' its, stuniU for jealous).
Now. while It would not be Jtisll
fled, of course, would not people at
,i distance,, who have observed that
wn lute not always harmnnUed In
our local development, lonslder the
elettlon of a jollnw flower as rather
appropriate to 'conditions of luhur-
I imiliy hero?
I And, again, though tint Justified
of lonrtie, )ellnw Is considered to
represent cowardice, and tuirol) this
would not npproprlntel) represent
tho fame of the "f.o jottng men who
munlied bene.ith. Old (llory In the
j world war, some of whom made the
supreme sacrifice In behalf of the
priuclplen of our country.
Now, tlte d.tlilln,' though an minimi
and requiring care In Its reproduc
tion. Is n magnificent flower, a nut-
' Ive of the mountains of Mexico, and
found there by tho great oxplnror.
Humboldt, In IROO.'htit Improperly
named for u itncdlsh botanist numed
llalil. litis great flower, which lui
J Ilandlln, stockbuyer for tho
Tnffco company, who bus been here
for the past two months, mado 1 .a
final departure fur Ban Krancluco
Joo Klsher shipped 2,000 sheep on
A shipment of fi.000 sheep nnd
2.000 cattle left Midland on Tuesday
and 2, COO sheep on Saturday.
Maurlco Johnson, deputy usscssor,
wan hero Tuesday.
Dave McAullffe, sheep man, wall
a business Walter hero Tuesday.
Mr Drown, former Hi I' station
agent, and Mrs. Drown, will leao
fur Canada on .Monday
A M Miller, new H. V. agent, nr
rived hero Wednesday
i:. ('.. Davis, of Klamath Kails, was
here Thursday
Mrs U O. Potter Is on tho sick
list Shu was hotter csterday even
ing The freight auditor and company
auditor, from Klamath Falls, check
ed In the new ngont, Mr. Miller, on
The following pupils arc on tho
roll of honor for the month ended
February 5th: Allen Patterson, Win
ston Patterson, Claromo Wulker, and
Thelma Walker.
Mr and Mrs. Ifarvc) Dcpew moved
last week,
last week.
Mm. Turner, of Klamath Falls,
nnd Mrs. Shrlncr, visited their par
ents Mr. and Mrs. John Dopew this
A classified ad In Tho Herald will
(Ind what you havo lost.
"Tho political Influence exorcised
by tho underworld bosses to keep '"'' wonderfully Improved since its
tholr districts In existence Is money, civilization, mid which appears In nl
not votes. Underworld votes are not I'"'"! Innumerable forms, has been
enough to turn tho closest cloctlon, happily grown to perfection In Klam
htit tho campaign cohlr'lhutloim gen- nth Falls, many flowers having been
orally made to both sides tiro what produced which measured up to ov
count. So It Ih up to 90 per cent en Inchon across, and tho plants
of the public Included to the law- Btaitdlng from four to flvo feet high,
abiding cnsa to (Ind what Ih bo Truly, no scheme o( ornamenla
hind thu candidates. Undorworld Hon. In our parks, or park places
Inonoy Is tho Influence that la used along tlio streets, should be without
In attempts to threaten nn coerco this magnificent flower, w bother or
the police force not, to do Its not It should bo selected as tho city
duty." . flower.
WIMi.TltV (tt.N'OEIM! I "
MISSOULA, Mont., Marcli 0-
IHLLlNdR, Mont., March 0. II. V, ti,b Cuy planning n unique cu.t
Perry, o( Trentcn, N. J., oxpecla to ,moiico (or automohllo tourists, n
attumpt ii ranoo trip (rom hoio to'im,.,, ml,pt ii,t x 111 entirely ccvor a
Nek Orleans, via tho YollowBtono, Krunt billboard, to bo ereited In the
Missouri and Mississippi rivortt. He local automobile tourist camp. It
It a ft made arrangements (or n hqat will show (orcsts, roads, pnssos,
and suppplleii In Illlllngs. Thu ttlP(toviiR and will bo painted by dlroc
In Hh oarllor stngea Is both hiunrd- tlon of tho United Htnto'i (orest nor
ouh nnd arduotiH and, It Is said, haa vice,
novor boon, Bticccssdilly mado up to m
tho present time. WIiIi ,.,axT Tnoi)T
ANACONDA, Mont., March 0,
HEUVICE roil HICK Wthln tho next few wooks 3,000,000
' HKLENA, Mont., Mar. 9. Tho lo- nmnll trout will lie rploased (rom tho
cat Rod CrosH has Installed n loan statu fish hatchery hero and will ho
Borvlce (or elck peoplo, ititdor which dlstrllmtml to various mountain
fny nrtlclo that can bo Btoralliod Btroanm throughout wcatorn Mon
whon returnod, may ho rented (or tana, according to W. Ii, Oorham,
ono penny n. nay. inciucioct nmong superintendent of tho hatchery. Last
articles are surgical Instrumcnta,
bedding, dishes and Ilka things.
year tho hatchery "planted"' rasra
than 14,000,000 fish of several var
ieties mid may plant tnoro thin year
Wntch (or tho opening day of tho by tho time tho sprint; varieties nr
local auto show. irlvo,
There aro 3 11.000 application! (o- ko form ,or ma,0 ft har(,.
passports to tho United States at Bl)ollcd 1u,0 bccl,fl n(Jt M lumInous
present on (llo In Poland, according ng gno jg
to the commissioner of Immigration
I America Is furnishing to Franco
(or tho pert of New lork. wooden houses. They are ready-cut.
Tho glow worm Is not a worm t' consisting of tbreo rooms and a
all. It Is a beetle, tho (omalo of shod and occupying about 2.1 squaro
which never gots boyond tho larva-1 feet.
Falls Creamery butter which if pre
sented at our office will be cashed
for $5.00 CASH
If the Wood Dealer
Sold Service
Do do not Nell ruiront; vvu sel service. That sound odd
doesn't It?
Well, Mippo.NO tho wood dealer sold service InMcjid of wood, ho
would tend to jour furnace and your range, take nwny tlio ashes
nnd cliMui tho (lues. rYou vould buy so much heat.
Now jou buy mi much light, although you pay according to tho
current jou consume. Hut tho service Is performed vvou jou by thin
company nt tho substations and jvowcr plunttt.
That is vvlmt wo want to i;lvo jou efficiency service. It Is tlio
aim of this ciniipuiiy to lmvo nono but satisfied customer)). No
matter what It Is, If jou have grievance, or nro dissatisfied about
jour bill or do not mulct Moml our rates, please coitto nnd boo
lis or vvrJto us about it.
K jou have any Hiiggestlons to make, wo will Rlady avail our
selves of them on our aim is constantly to Improve our servlco to
jou ns fast as the development of scleiico nnd human ability permit.
Calitorma-Oregon Power
The Time
Is Here.....
To Buy a Truck
The need for motor transport will
be greater this year than eyer. You have
been thinking for several months about
buying a truck and there is no time like
the present to decide.
Every indication points to the return
to normal business conditions. That
means the demand for motor trucks
will increase and those who have a truck
will be prepared to meet it.
The first step is in the selection of
your truck. Of course, we advise the
MACK. But don't take our word alone
for it. You no doubt know somebody or
some firm that owns a MACK. Ask for
a remommendation. We know the
MACK owners will tell you their opin
ion is the same.
J. H. Garrett & Son
Phone 500 522 S. Sixth Street
' 1
nrrirmimft- ax.wMytfeff