The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 09, 1921, Image 1

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(Pj lEutttttta iteralft
Do It
Member of the Associated Press.
Z-", vrnr-N"- n,m,'
fnffn Ihn payment
Jill I"
W . .Li., lialtulllien will
MOBllI for ric
(illicit .. . .,,,., ti-ii.,,,,
.III cl P
U,!"p!,r0W,n Durham ami Mrpon j
M I llld ,hl"' ,"U)r' 'H''n
,u f.lBMl of ibrr intunLora i m
: Mondar night to ll '
,.1.1 in naf anil
rfMiuiiliK M1"
,..,.... '
.. u.iw.nit.l kdi! Durham III
,( Bi
.. i,-
''.. .11 I. -.11- I.. I ll.
fa. action wni ira"" '- --,
.i.lnn nf Ihn 'It) charter. I'lar
9 lb ipolnll l"iwf with Ihn
pirof Th nrllun aaa thai all
tfMlnlli olllf l"ll ' ,h,,,r
K lof a dflnlt tnfin. natnrlr
i jif, unlM OlacbritfH hy llm
Bijof or a maifitr "'1 ' "'"
Tt toun'll hold! Ihal Ihla pr
lMB llit ll',, e'l,, l"01" "lln
U Pijof In diimtitlnK an appoin
ts, kl helhr lh" rourla w o
M4 li Opn 10 'jUMllon
3(b dlipulm ar Judltlallf In-
Ufpfltad arrordlRC lo ratahllihtxl
lUtdarda and tha plalntlffa will
i14 thai Ihrr u ll dntlnr-l pr
(tinl proTtntlnc hn auminary f
Ctlll Of an honrtt and rjuallflr
C0M tnuit ha ahown. It la n
trilly bld, for auch ramntal and
U lha'lwal Itoatlon no rharira
f lay nalum hn l-n fll4
Uilstt Chid Witmn
AIk), courta am IncllnM lo fi
lit fof of irmoial with Ihn ap
ol'H'a nfflrrr and wharn Ihn ma
jor appolata II aiiuld mm Ihal hr
U It poaar In rriootn
T. charter pro,l.lon lack, d.r-
It; Bd a leal ,ud hn welrome.1
j Stay offlclala of thn rlty guv
ma rat.
Vljor Wiley aald today Ihal If
lit opposing rouncllmm would
Mi", kf woald gladly ae thn mat
lir to thfouib Judicial stamlnailon.
arOTldltf that Ihn jollro talarlea
Mid tm paid without jmhbln until
tht roirt'i decliion
"- MomTay n.ghl. Marc!, H
Taoaa who hror.l il, -r-
. - " .'iiiii-wBi-mi
'"IIni atngera at thn laat nntorialn
l lll all hn hark and bring Ihelr
"I'Sdl aa the colored ,0,n made
Mfcllcnt imprea.inn In fart
I lh aerie. . fAr K(trn nav ,,
hlih atandard ,
Tn. Utrkntl. gle rluh la an organ ,
m which offera mualral pru
'! with an nnuiiial number of
PPuUr cntnrtalnmeni r..i... n-i.i. I
"Mny wa, organlied for thn pur
Pe of otiry tUM nf ,,,,.
".nd tho mnmhnra arn apoclallata
"' Iron, hmg ,, rlunrtr.t of
ccn and mmiciani.
SPIM mention U mado hy crlllra
'Hrnon lllckeli,. who apoclnllina
M0ntr,m"' """i'l'onn. and pi-o-
Me la aald lo havo fow oqiinla
on Ibmo Inairunipiili
Reopens Business
Stopped By Fire
0ttf..V'a(:ar'l",n wh" " ,"'n""
Ih.flre rr' ""'' Mnl tr',0l '
lUhM h. """v,nhnr . ro-oalah.
it it, 1HI1"" "" confoctlonory
,l , :'" "'""' Tho nnw
uiuil . . ry u fo"l'lol linn of Ihu
i ilapl,,, nm, mmr ,,,,
oh .ind until tho flro or.
ccl.!nVoxp,,ct ,0 miniio hi.
tm In hla new locution.
"I lha l.i 7 Ur?h ' Tho will
' 111.
l'. I. nonk. O.Uvlll.
"PI counlv .,. . . "' "'"
"ltd fo. 'u""ODir. ban been
coart it Prb4tn l0 th0 u'l'
Vocki L.tmw ,b6 wldow. tM
Mhtm ." , "icuttlx, nnd
,0 W the buik p. h. 0(.
m Ritn
Conflicting Reports
Of Russian Revolt;
Soviet Claims Gain
COI'KNIIAOKN, Msrrh 9 N...,
of Ihn lluaalari altuatlon In xiriflin
ItiK. with lllti Ulx.t llolalligfora dla !
patch, reporting dial ihn aovint
fiirrea had recaptured thn foitrea.ea
iiif Kraanola (lurka anil Hraterliaka
Jill morning ami m training dm
I ''! KUtia (ill Kromtatadt Flrna worn
ohaorvnd breaking out III Kruttdatadt
'' "ln rejMiMa All Infantry aa
aault lir aovlet Ironn. nii.. if...,..i.
' U rnpiirlnl l have bee,, ,,,
' w",' "'""'"a lo. to thn at..
taekliir forrna
I Tliean fnptiMa were premdnd U, ,,
' f..irl.. !.. ii-.. . ... ... ..
ii.i.Iu.. I.... .. ... ... ..
'" iiimfiiii wiia ill lllni
fntolutlouuta Imiuli A Itnval mea
i. iii"iiiir .am mm inn iHjitnn- ,
wlk I I... I . . .. ...'
-- - f.-v.. , nj inn .uuwiern
auburba of I'otrograd
e, ,,,,,, ,. ((,.. ault..,rilr in
prublljll thi- mahufa-luri. or Mn of
nUI1. , , lH,rr fof ,, b,ef,-B
puri'"'-.. arroriUnic to a rullnx hy Ihn
attorney cmnral. iuhlUhel liMlay hy
Ihn International relenun bureau
Thn (ifllnllin elfiffftaalv klala Ihal
llmrn mutt ha no llmrfatlon on thn'
ue of llijunra for non hetnraKe piir I
(Hiira nirnpl that irearrtlH In run- (
Kfe. In llmlllnic Ihn tain of aplrltoua
llquora to one pint for ten da) a
T'" question of lltnllallon. thn
I p'nlon aid. thua la left to thn rood
lalth of thn phyalrlaa In rharrn of
the rae
Ihn optnli'it aald I think the In-
IMill'in of Ihn art U lit learn thn
l'h,U M ""'''" '", ",,t"m'', '
'""" ""'"' '" """ """ '
i rrlmlnally and h rniocatlnn of hla
permit If he acta In ImiI faith '
Thn opinion It algned hy Mitchell
Calmer, former attorney general
Fir!1 Law Suit In
A Week Is Filed
Thn Ural entry for a week waa
I madn upon the circuit court Indet
lof acllona ynaterday afternoon, when
I the Wood, Curtla company filed aull
1 agalnal lha lmm Lumber company
Mo collect 1 76. alleged lo bo dun for
gmnla aold the Klamath lagging A
Timber company and guaranteed by
I Tho lapao of a week without In
auguration of freafi litigation la m
""" 'U" "" "' Z ''ll
Several aubjocta. generally con
coded In ho vitally Important to tho
pnopln of Ihla county, worn given
an airing at llm Chamber of Com
merce mooting laat night, but all of
Iho dlacuaalnna lacked thoao touchra
Hint Indicate or porlend doflnlln nc
llun, Ihn ponkera iivldently profor
ring In plnco Ihla meotliiK on record
aa preliminary to futuro hirellnga nt
which lh auhjocta will ho Ireiitod
with finally.
Thn propound diverting of Tho
Dalloa-Callfornlu highway through
I'orl Klamath dovelopo'd Iho opin
ion that In order to brliiK hl ll
veralnn to piiaa It would h nocoa
aory for Jhn coilnty lllf to mtowl
Ihn rml to Fort Klamnth.
Tho ndvenl of trim planting tlmo
wm tho Incenllvii for n long ll"
cuaalon relative to heautlfyliiK
Iiiwiih. gnrdonn, lioulovurda. and for
the rrontliig of purkn.
V. A. Wleat, who waa nt Halom
aa reprcHenlallvo of thn Clmmher
of Commerce, during tho legislative
fneKon, atated that an far o thn
redisricting of tho atato wa con
cernedi Iho tnalor and rc-prewnt.
aUWn Mbri clod for Klaraatb coun
ty, we're not much Interested, pro
umnhly bocnuio thoy woro not roil-
rOenti lioro.
TUt county tnx iltuMwn roceivea
Reiin shing First State Bank
Indicates the Opening Will
Not Be Long Delayed
Thn flral ntlilunrn of tho new llfo! followed aa thn roeault of falao alato-
that la to rn-rrxaln thn Klrat Ktatn
ami Kavlnga hank w nvldnnced to
day when a craw of jialntnra began
Ihn laak of rnpaltillng and rndeco-
""" "'" lntrlr of thn Inhlltutloti
UunatlOMa directed to Ihn man If:
yunatloiia dlrnetnil to thn man In
rharxn rlirfinj no furthnr Infonnn
tlon than that hn waa nmploycJ to
ilo thn work and that wa all hn
knnw alrfiul It Whnn aakril wh I
fttnploynil him. hn illrrclml tin: itina
llonnr to Intnrvlnw thn oom, 'm rn
fuipil lo r ho "Ihn hoaa" '$.
That hailn la hnlnic (iinrrlnni waa
ImtlratMl hy thn fart that ill mnn
arn i-nraifd In thn taak and It la un
dnnluocl that If thn work ran ha aat
Ufartnrllr 'arrlH on at nlcM. Ihnrr
will hn no cnaaatlon until the Joli la
i fintthc-il !
Captaln Hlnmnna and hla aona, J
V. Junior, am lilh out of thn city
hut It la not likely that Ihla refur
blahlnc would bo undertaken unleaa
ordora haa ronm direct from one or
thn other
rnwerutlon Imllfalrtl
Much aa Ihla mom la enahroud'd
In myatery. It la Imknlflcant when
compared with thn leathering '' af
fldairlta tMiarlnK Uon thn nmnta
that preceded the lUipenalon of the
hank, aa well aa hearing Uoti thn
effort i that hatn and atlll aro iM-lne
nude to prevent Ita reopening Aa i
I atated In Tho llrrald aome limn ago.
ovrry phaio of tbla matter It belnn
Inveatlgated to thn irry hottox Tbla
tnvnallgation. It la aald. haa a Iho
fold "hject. criminal and clr.l It Ln
undrratiH.d that Vlgoroua offoM. will
be rarrl.vl on lo bring atoui prnie
cutlun under thn atale law. which la
ery atrlngent In Ita enaltlea forpaaea that Information la not
the aetting on fool of faUn ru.mora ' brought In or telephoned bearing up
about tho hank It la alao under- ' on mattera of vital Intcrcat to Iho
alood that much of tho evidence that bank, and out of thla fund of collect
la being accumulated la lo bo uaed : ed data la to grow Iho action Indl
In civil aulU that am to bo inatllu cated alwivo and that la aurc to have
led hrcauan of thn damage that have j auch far reaching effect
I'OKTI.A.S'I). .March 9 Contractaicent and thn atato 60 per cent
for paving, grading and bridge con- Tho county court aaked that If tho
,.,. . . 'now location la adopted, which It
atrurtion aggregating one million dol- hB n ap ron(, buU from
lara are being awarded today by tho Tno DuUng.Oallfornlii highway to
highway roiumlaalon Kort Klamath, and thla tho commla-
Owing to thn number of new pro- nlon ugreod to
Jecti, prraenled iho commlaalon ox- On thla apur Iho county offer a
poet to mako a peraonal Inapoctlon fifty-fifty baala and after tho money
of eaatorn and rentral Oregon and
tin, Willamette valley.
Klamath county, falling to havo
lh original aurvey of Tho Halloa-
California highway accepted mado a
compromlao. Tho original aurvey In,
thn Wood rlvor auction woa ten
mllea and would coat f 122.600
whoroaa tho now locnllon
"I 6.8,
and will coat $76,350. Tho
ournty participates 25 per cent In
Iho project, tho government 25 per
ItCVIIM'i: MAX FltliF.I)
PORTLAND, March ! J. J. HlK
gin, fodoral officer, tried In connec
tion with the death of Itoht. Heddurly
was acquitted today. Instructions
for acnulttal Toro rend hy Federal
JiiiIko Mean.
very llttlo helpful dlscuoslon, It ap
pearing to ho a mntter no ono enrod
to dlacuas. Counnty Awwaor V. T.
t.eo referred tho mooting to tho
sheriff whon called upon to mako
u htaloment regarding Iho doallock.
Attorney C. F. Stono, however, was
more willing to talk, nnd utllnod
tho Jegal titatus as It exists. Final
,.. o u... .nairnatod that a commit-1
too br apjwtotcd to confer M-ith thbjsubjo'ct tblght will be a . ititi-a.ia-county
court with a view to devle- toin ot tht of l"t Sundy o-.ilts,
ini- a harmonious way out of tho wl-en ho took up the question tf the
difficulty. I
Tho mcetlnc ra well nttgndod.
in in La ma ill- If pri-at-nt plana nr
rnrrld out, dlrn rnaulla to certain
lniydunla arn aunt to follow
Another phaan that la raualne un
naalnraa In rnrtaln quartora la tho
Inili'pnndnnt IrivcatlRatlon that la hn
ItiK condurtnd iy thn hanklnic d
parttnnnl Nothlnr offlrlnl haa hnnn
RlYtiti out, hut action aftna to ho
aiwaklnic In thundnroua tonna. If the
hlla of Information that arn floating
around arn Indlcatlvn of what thn
atuta la unlnic to do
Offer Alt to Alii lUnkrr
HUH anothnr Intprcillnr Incldnnt
occurmd yrtturilny. A Knntleman
will-known throuKhout thn county
ra'lml lit thn offlcra of Captain HI"-
mnna and atalnd that hn had tx-nn
away for lhr' muntha nnd had r"-
turned hut thn nlxht hnforn. Learn- '
Inje for Ihn flral limn that Captain
Hlemnna wah In difficulty ha camrt
to offnr-what aaalatancn hn could
"Tell thn Captain." ho aald. after
IrarnlnK thn hanker waa out of tho
city, "that I harn $:&.000 worth of
property that he ran moMKaKe to thn
limit to ralne money to help him out
and that whatever caah I hare on
hand la hla If hn neoda It "It waa
t hla limn man who played Hanta
Claua through the Herald laat Chrlat
maa when ho gave a alelgh lo tho
child writing thn beat Irt'cr to KinU
It la thla aplrlt that haa broken
down thn healtancy to talk following
tho auiponalon of thn bank, ao that
today II la unnoceaaary to go out
erklng for Information It lit vol
untarily coming Into tho office of
Captain Slement Hardly an hour
now being uaed for tho project on
the new location U exhauatpd Iho
county offered a fifty-fifty baala
'with tho atato there , being no
morn federal money avllablo until
tho highway la carried over Sand
Creek. Tho tap roud will run from
iho abandoned military post of Fort
Klamnth to the town of Fori Kia-
.moth and will then extend to
forest rowrvo. connecting with
Crater I.nko highway.
pittisiDKXT riuu:s xi:i:i
WASHINGTON, March 9. Ratifi
cation of tho Ioiik ponding treaty
with the Republic of Colombia was
urged hy President Hnrdlng In his
first formnl messngo lo tho senate
today. Immediately upon rccolpt of
the message tho aenato went Into ex
ecutive session.
r.Tiii-:u moijLoy iomgiit
Rev. Father Molloy will continue
his talks this evening at Sacred
Heart church, tho subject lu'ng tho
fundamentals of religion Tho chief
origin nnd Intorprolntlon of tha
Ilo, Tho acrvlcos beclri nt 7:30.
Occupation of Three
German Towns Takes
Place Peacefully
t)VHHFA.l)Onr. March 3 Al
though anvnn thouaanil Kronch, Ilrl
tlah and Ilnlxlan troops aro ocrupy
' Ine UunMldorf, Orulahnrc nnd Ituli
tort, thn pwplo of thon cltlra arn
proo-odint; ahout thnlr uaual affaira
I Tho effort of agitator lo caum
a Knnnral atrlkn In proloat nualnat
' thn alll'M action failed. althoiiKh
thn tnmpnr of laborom In thn Ka
ann dlatrlct la auch that tho agita
tion may develop a mnnaclnc altun
OHKOON -Tonlnht nnd Thuraday.
Knnorally fair
Klamnlli I'ntU Mill take thn iwirne
frelicht rate- under tin- new Soutltern
Pacific lumber tariff u OillfimiU
iNilnta, anil lite T.'l rent n liumtrel
nilinl rail ami water rnle, (U OaJ
ietim, lo New York, will apply lo
nil lumber, and not to iloora noil
inoiililInK alonn. TliU woa announce
til llay by M. A. CnlloKluoi. hnul
of llm clinmljer of rorninerre traffic
ilrrutrtnirnt, following notification
from O. W. I.ucc, .Southern Pacific
traffic manager.
The former Xrw York ralo a
I. (Ml It renin. Tim new rale, appllm
to Xrw York plera. Dialrlbutlon of
alilpmcnt from Xrw York will mvan
nildiil freight coat.
I'ntll tli" new tariff Mhnluln la
recehnl It hIU not Ira known what
mludkm la made on ahook ralr,
hut It la amumnl provlalon will bo
made for box uiannfadurTm.
Irish Songs By
Local Soloists Are
Program Features
Mlaa Alice McCourt. chairman of
Iho H: Patrick' Day program to be
given at tho Whlto I'cllcan hotel,
Thuraday evening. March 17. announ
ce hat one of the many feature
will be Iriah aong number by three
well known local vocallata. Charles
Wood Eborlcin. Mrs. A. J. Iluata
mente, and Mr. Ilamberry. All will
appear In tolo numbera.
. Charles N. Cosboom, formerly of
. this city, who will bo remembered
by many of bis friends who attend
ed tho Klamath county high school
i with htm, arrived laat night from
I Denver. Colorado, after several
' vitir.' nh..tmft Mr Pnthnnm wltrh
, """ """
wilt open offices hero. Is an archl
I tect aud for tho past three years
haa been specializing In bank build
dng fixtures and furnishings. Ilo
' just completed the archltectual work
of tho new $350,000 bank building
' in Casper, Wyoming Ho will nlao
i bo remembered as installing the in
terlor furnishings and fixtures In
the famous Administration building
at tho University of Oregon.
I Mr. Casboom Is very much pleased
I with tho change, advancement and
growth of Klamath Falls.
Personal Mention
' Friends of Nola Deal will bo
pleased lo hear that she Is conva
lescing rapidly from her rocent op
oration, nnd will soon be ablo to
rcsumo hor school work.
Tho now state song. "Oregon.
Prldo of tho West," wrltlon by
Frank II. Robinson and Fred Fleet,
local residents, Is Just oft of tho
press In Chicago and will ho on
salo hero In about a wcok.
C. V. Holmes merchant of Mallu
is in tho city today. Mr, Holme
'has purchase a new Chevrrlot
truck, which ho will use In truck-
lnr bin annnllaa anil fmiehi from
J this city to M,aJtn,.
I J A Maddca;, who has been In
ISa Frasclrco ffr tho -pist week
tor tiie purpto of artposlac of the
'salo this year, returned last even
last of his sheep that he hod (or
T 1 9
Ilrlghter builneaa condltlona warn
Vrvlctcd hy apeakera at tho f)rnci
luncheon of thn Chamber of Com
merce, today. Among other Indlca
i Hon of apoedy reaamptlon of
bualnean waa thn announcement of
Secretary Stanley that bo wai au
thorized by H. D. Mortemen, who
la out of town, that tho Pelican tl .r
mill would reanmo operation! toon
'with a double ihlft of men.
Jack fllater of the Lakealdn uim
her company reported that a r'lent
trip to Portland had convinced him
I that proapecta for tho lumber bull
'neaa arn good. Sufficient building
(la under way In Portland to clear
the yarda of lumber In a few week.
i Reduction of freight ratea to a point
Vrhero western aawyeri can com
pete with tho.aouthren pine produc
cra la likely, and the lumber outlook
la generally good.
' J T. Ward. Juit back from Idaho
and aouthern California, aald that
ho found bualneaa looking up etae
Mrhere. Labor and material coati are
llown to a point where economical
building U ponible. Klamath'i
Chamber of Commerce li rated aa
i "a live one" In southern California,
, he aald- The Los Angclon Chamber
of Commerce la fast making Ioi
Angetcs the leading city of tbo
coaat. ho aald, and the local cham
ber It It continues aa It baa beenn
.can make KKIamath Falls grow pro
, portlonately. 1
Dr Mallctt pleated tho gathering
with a vocal aolo. "Out Whero tho
Went Hoglni."
President Hall told of plans for
a membership drive, under direc
tion of the American City Bureau,
starting March 2S The bureau will
put on an intensive eight weeks'
campaign The membership fe-
will bo raited to $25 and It la hoped
to get a thousand members.
Tbo queatlon. "Resolved that the
Interests of labor would best be con
served and developed through tbo
organization and support of a la
Jor party." will be debated Friday
night at Lakevlew and Klamath
palls high schools by teams repre
senting tbo schools In tbo atato do-
bating league.
Tho negative side of each school
' Is the traveling team, Klamath's
teams are Paul Keller and Norma
'Adams, negatiro; Victor Kor and
Frances Honzlk, affirmative. Lake
i vlow's teams: Loralno Kammorsly,
,and Shelby Dalley, ncgatlvo; Qladya
Snyder and Iva Yardy, affirmative.
Thn local debate, Friday even
'ing, will ho judged by Mayor Wi
ley. II. M. Manning and E. U.
Hall. Tho Klamath Falls debaters
. havo worked bard In preparing a
difficult subject and hopo that the
, public will patronize tho debate,
i Tho receipts pay tho oxpenses of
tho traveling team. The winner
In this district will tako part In state
ilabate at Fugeno.
Phone Rate Increases
Starts Movement to
Recall Commission
SALKM, March 9 Articles of In
corporation of tho Portland commit
tee for tho recall of tho public ser
vice commission were dollvered to
the commissioner of cohporatlons
today. They will bo referred to the
attorney general beforo filing.
Tho move was started by Robert
S. S. Duncan, following a telephone
rato Incrcaso.
M. D. Douglas, state ropreiienti
lvr for tbo Chevrolet car, Tssde a
.bTlet vUlt to the city for the pur
fp'ors of looker ovor loot condU.'cns
for his first H tousd butlacis
prospects brighter than bo etpected
and says be will look for biz h,VJ
from tbla part or the atatt,
V .
I i
1 If 1
' ?1
i r'