The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 08, 1921, Image 1

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    University Llbrurj
yvuusu, one,
tff lEumitg Hmdi-
Today's News
A Class Ad Will
Do It
Member of the Associated Press.
Flflisiitli Yi-nr. No. noilil.
er council
"Wo'vo hnil enough horno piny.
It you think you're koIiik to got
awny with It, ynu'rn off," doclarod
Cuuncllnmn l'uul Uogardus to Mayor
W. I), Wiley, wlui n thi) matter of
paying Emergency Chlof Wilson
enmn up for discussion at lout night's
meeting of thn rlty council.
Mnyor Wiley readily n greed with
itir. Ilognrdun iih far us tho homo
piny won conenrnod, Iiut It wan
ntrlkltiRly evident Hint ho had hln
mind Imprognnbly mudo up rolntlvo
to thn Identity of thn person who
wan Injecting tho nnltiuil olomonl
Into tho miiddln.
llognnluii Htnrtn It
Thin ploasnntry was caused by
Councilman lloKnrdui motion to
disallow thn nnlnry clnlm of thn
chlof of pollen from February 14
to thn lit of March, and to roducu
tho puy of Patrolman McDonald nnd
Durham from $5 to 3 a tiny. Coun
cilman West and Mayor Wlloy vig
orously protested agnlnnt tho pro
poned reduction In tho patrolmen's
pay, hut preferred to wnlTo rnfor
nnco to thn chlet'n nnlnry, nvldnntly
bnllovlriR that thu chief had HUffl
lent hauls for tlomnndlng and col
lecting hln nnlnry If thu muttur enmu
to n nhowilowii.
Thn ununl nrdnr of councllmmilc
Vrocndurn wan rovorsml an fur an
tho "twin ructlonliln" wnro con
cerned, for every tlmn Cnuncllmnn
'lloKnrdun kicked up hln heoln, Coun
Vllmun Volltner nnorlod, nnd thn nr
fangomont worked Jtint nn wull an
when Uogardus represented thu
nether end of tho combine m pruv
lriUBineotlugs. Hrwilon Hturt Lhrly
Trnublo began whim n bill pre
sented by thn Control Auto Horvlcu
for Jltnoy hlro by thn pollco dopnrt
mont camo up for cllxcunnlnn. TIiIh
1)111. mado up of noveral pages, dn
I ml back morn than a your, tho pro
Nominating Itomn bnliiK for "taking
a dog to pound," nnd for trlpn to
tho scones of nundry fights and
other disturbances, down to trans
porting a negro from thn depot to
thn city hall. All of these bllln
wcro duly O. K'd, and despite Chlnr
Wllson'n ntatomcnl that thn Cent nil
Auto Hervlco hud not presented n
tblll to thu city for at leant 15
monthn, Councilman Ilognrdun mov
ed thul tho bill bo dlnnllowod. Fi
nally, after Councilman Wont hud
pointed out In n fatherly way tho
apparent orror In hln rousonlng, Mr.
Ilognrdun amended hln motion, mid
"moved thut thin bill ru referred to
'tho flnnncn commlttoo, hut "till In
cluded In tho motion ropudlntUn of
Chlof Wllnou'fl nulary, nnd u reduc
tion In tho nnlnrlen of Patrolmen
Durham nnd McDonnld.
I'nul In Ixtmoiulcjil
Councilman Went ncuthlnRly re
murkod to Councilman Ilogurdus
that n rumunorntlon of only $3 n
ilny would not permit tho city to
employ competent men, mid Council
man Ilognrdun maintained that $90
Vvnu ample on thoro wnn no mnnunl
lubor connected with tho "John."
-uouutllmnn Wont did not nrguo tho
VropoHltlon of plnclng u premium
upon brawn ovor brain, ovldently bo
llovlng that hln colloaguo wob well
vornod In tho merits of both nttrl
butoH, probably through porsonat ox
porlonco, and ilroppod tho mnttor.
At thin point Councilman Vollmor
Ktatod that ho could not neo why It
wan noccssary to hlro thu two patrol
mon, an no oinorgoncy oxlstod. "I
can't olthor," said Councilman Do
gardua. Tilt With Mil) or
"I hnd to resort to oxtromo moas
urea whon you broko up thn pollco
department, didn't I," answorod tho
"No you didn't," nald Councilman
IlogarduH, "no you didn't," ochood
Councilman Vo"llmor, and with thin
plausible explanation of tho con
trovoray, Councilman IlogarduH
rdoandorod on toward hln charge of
horse play by tho mayor.
A voice Bomowhoro In tho audi
ence called out stentorlously at this
peried: "Qet o rope ad.,drag him
out." No puma wan rawtjonod -In
thin exhortlon, but Councilman Bo
garduH ovldently took It an n com
pliment to himself, turnod nnd glur
t)d omlnoualy nt tho nudlonco. Hut
Conference on Plan
For Financing Crater
Lake Hotel Is Called
PORTLAND, Ore., March H At a
conference to ho huh! In Portland
next Friday offlcluln of national
pnrkn and business men of Oregon
propone to outline n plan for financ
ing n flrnl clnnn tourlnt hotel for
C'rnler Inko.
Loaders nf tho movement aro nn
xloun that nomo plan bo devolopcd
for financing tho Crator hike hotel
proportion, tuko over the holdings
of A. L, I'urknhurnt, pri'Himt ton
ceHnlnnalnt, and enlargo unit Im
prove thn hotel ncrommodutlonn on n
ncaln which will bn'nbln to handle
tho tourlnt travel
Hyilney II. Vincent, a member of
thn npoclal committee appointed by
Governor Olcott which mado mi In
vcntlgntlon of the Crater Inko hotel
Ituatlon recently, ban prepared n
plan for financing tho business. Ho
ban nubmlttpd thin plan to Uovernor
Olcott and othern mid It may bo giv
en consideration ut thu conference.
will not reopen tin:
SALEM. March 8 Tho public
sorvlca commission today rocolvod a
telegram from Wnnhlngton thut Pu
gut Hound cltlen hnd withdrawn ap
plication for n rehearing for tho
Columbia Ilusln rati) cane In which
thn Interstate commerce Minimis
nlon awarded Portlnnd a ten per
rent differential on nhlpmvntn from
south of flnako river.
Thn arrival of spring weather
seemingly In having Itn effect upon
building nctlvltlon In thin city, the
number of building permits, cover
ing, howovor, only moderate
umouiitH, being Inrger than at any
meeting held for neveral monthn
Thn pormltn grnnted wern:
W. C. Drown, frame houso,
20x20, cost $700, on lot 9, block
2, Hot Springs addition.
Ilnrry Kurcb, to move thu Hhlvo
houso, Seventh and Plnu stronts, nnd
a small building In rear of Gun
Ktnro, to Tenth and Washington
streets, mid Tenth and Jeforson
streets; also to wreck the building
known nn thn Dear Cut garugu. This
permit wnn grunted with thu proviso
that Mr. Kurcb deposit $250 to In
suro thn rlty pnyment In tho event
of ilnmngo to streets.
I.. W. Hardin, to remodel and
build addition to dwelling nt 624
Grant street, cost $500.
L. M. Ilanuen. to build throo
story framo houso, 20x2C, with
woodshed, 10x10, on lotn 20 nnd 21,
block 30, Second addition to Kla
math Falls.
Jos. II. Picklo. to build addition
to house on lot 2, block 04, Nichols
addition, cost $500.
George W. Holms, to build frnmo
houso on lot 23, block 13, Fulrvlaw
addition, cost $1000.
II. 8. Gooding to build addition
to houso ut 424 N. Eleventh street,
cost $1000.
James W. Carson, to build frnmo
dwelling on lots 1 nnd 2, block 7,
Industrial addition, cost $200.
J. W. nnd O. A. Fltzpntrlck, Jo
build four room modorn bungalow
on lot 11, block 65, Hot Springs
addition, cost $1800.
An application by Mrs. E. I). Mc
Donnld to conduct n rooming houso
nt 421 Main streot wan laid over
ponding investigation by tho flro
nil wnn decorum and qulotudo, and
ns tho mayor cnllod sharply for or
dor, tho council again turned to a
Snore rational consideration of tho
huslnoss before thorn.
Chief Will Huo
Chlof Wilson stated nftor tho
Council mooting that ho would in-
Vtltuto n suit ngaliiBt tho city for
wngos, It tho council persisted in
cutting him oft at tho pockot."
Tho motion to stop tho chiefs pay
und roduco tho pay of tho mayor's
patrolmen appointees was carrlod by
tho votes of Uogardus, Vollmer and
'Patrolmen Hilton and Wyn'fr ap
parently stand well with the trlura
vrratot '' "lio attompt wan 'mado to
'lowor tholr pay from tho present
$140 acalo.
A potltlon to Improve Seventh
street from Washington to Grant,
was granted by tho city council last
night, with tho proviso that tho pro
perty ownorn deposit u certlflod
check for $125 with tho pollco
Judge to rover preliminary costs.
Thn city engineer wus authorized
to prepnro plans and specifications
covering thu Improvement. Tho
council wns advised that thin pro
posed Improvement fell by tho way
sldn last year because of tho scar
city of man and equipment, nnd tho
high cost of construction, hut that
It was an Improvement that wan Im
perative. Ho urged Immcdlato ao-
'tlon. John Thorsen, ono of tho In
terested property owners, wus pro
'sent In support of tho potltlon. This
(will bo a two way street, 20 feet on
either oldo, and will not bo hard
surfaced at this time, tho proporty
owners bolng content to grado and
innko thu permanent improvement
A potltlon was also introduced
and ndoptod covering tho paving
with bltullthlc or other hard sur
faco material Oak street from Sixth
to Ninth street. Walnut streot, from
Sixth to Ninth, Sovontb street from
Klamath to Oak stroots, Klghth
street from Walnut to Oak strcotn,
Ninth street from Klamath avenue
to Oak streot, and Oak streot from
Ninth to Spring streets. Thcso
strcotn will nil havo paving from 40
to CO foot, with romont sldownlM
and curbing on both sides. Council
man Uogardus' motion to adopt tho
resolution provided tho property
owners deposit $300 far engineer's
nxpensm wan carried without much
Pollco Judgo Leavltt presented a
report, of tho financial condition nf
Improvement units 1, 2, and 3, In
itiated In 1910, and extending to
October 10, 1920. Thcso units Ho
riouth of Main street. Tho amount
bf the original bonds was $124,
818,53, and of this amount tho ro
port showed that $77,000 worth had
boon retired, leaving n bnlanco, with
'interest of $47,818.53. Tho report
advised tho council that tho bonds
would undoubtedly bo presented tor
final paymont by May 1, und that
tho city should bo ready to meet
tho payment at that time. Tho po
llen Judgo asked tho council to
mako their demands for payment
'upon tho delinquents in tho form
of mi order, and strengthen tho
chanco to procuro oarly pnymonts.
Klro Chlof Amoroso reportod
that thoro wcro no flron during Feb
ruary. Ono fulso ularm was ro
spoudod to, for which firomon woro
paid $3, There woro SS Inspections
by tho chlof. Among buildings In
spected were tho Kvans and Wllklns
buildings at numbers 2 nnd 10
Main street. Tho chlof said that
oven If proporly wired, tho build
ings would still bo unsafo and dun-
gorous. They nro partially con
structed of cloth und plastor, tho
flues nru bad, and tho general con
dition of tho bulldlngu wus far bo
low stnndird. Ho rocommended thut
permission to occupy them as livlug
rooms bo withhold. Tho mnttor was
referred to tho flro commlttoo. Tho
chlof than suggestod that tho health
otflcor visit tho buildings also.
H. M. Mannlug asked permission
to build u atono rotnlnlng wall in
front ot his rcsldonco on Congor
nvontio. This was roforrcd to tho
street commlttoo, with ovory Indica
tion that It will ho granted.
A roport showod thut tho soworj
on Kliimuth uvonuo near Klghth
street wus stopped, City Knglneor
Zumwalt explaining that tho ob
struction Is probably duo to tha
sund which is wushod Into tho
sower by tho washing ot cars nt gar
ages In tlio vicinity. Ho suggestod
sand traps as a romedy. In tho
moautlmo Street Commissioner Huu
sakor is having his troubles trying
to open a passage way in tho sower.
Rosldents of Mills addition re
quested tho city to lay sldowalks on
tho Intersections ot etreots from
Wan'tland avenue to the Mills
scbo), , Th.e sidewalks are in, but
the crossings are had, and the
council took tha matter under ad-
vlsoment, accepting the suggestion
that four foot walks ho constracwJ.
Albert C. Norllng, known In this
city as Hart McDonald, was arrest
ed last night by Patrolman Hilton
on a chargo ot bigamy, brought by
j Mrs. Maude Ncrllng, of Kansas City,
Mllisourl, who claims sbo was
wedded by Norllng In Kansas City
in 1907. Local records show that
tho accused bigamist, under thn
namo of McDonald, was married to
Ilornlco Inoz Kmsl In Klamath Falls,
September 30, 1920.
McDonald appeared last night be
foro Justice Gaghugcn and furnished
$1000 bond for his nppenrnnco for
preliminary hearing Friday. Tha
bond was signed by Ed. Propst and
Morris Ilrynn.
Thu first wife camo hern Satur
day night with McDonald's half
brother from Vancouver, Washing
ton. Tho brother, according to tho
police story, wus seeking to
straighten out a family mattor.
llort McDonald said today ho
would faco tho charges. Ho ex
pressed confldcnco that they would
not be pressed. Ho admltn tho Kan
sas City mnrrlago, hut says ho was
only 17 years old and becatno en
tangled through youthful Indiscre
tion with a woman many years his
McDonald, ho snyw, Is his right
ful namo. Norllng was tho name
of his stepfather and ha has adopt
ed It beforo tho marriage. His first
wlfo, ho says, has been married
slnco thoy separated and ho does
not believe sho will press tho charges.
Thu first wlfo did not know Mc
Donald was married when sho camo
hero. According to McDonald sho
sought to Induro him to leava with
her. Ho refused and sho otforod
him $1000, ho says, if bo would ro
consider. This caused her In splto
to fllo tho bigamy charge.
Tho arrest brings to light tho lack
of co-operation existing In tho po
llco department.
Mrs. Norllng and her hrothor-ln-law
loft on this morning's train
without knowing tho nrrcst had
hcon mado, said Chief Wilson.
In fact tho chief himself at 10
o'clock this morning said Patrolman
Hilton, who has tho night shift, had
loft no report ot tho arrest nn bis
Sprague River Mill
Will Start Monday
Tho Spraguo Rlvor Lumber com
Ipnny's mill will start next Monday
with a craw of 26 men, reports J
M. Bodtord, n member ot tha con
corn. Tho mill Is located flvo miles
abovo Chiloquin on Sprague river.
A supply of logs Is on hand from
last season nud thu legging camps
tvlll not open until lator. Tho mill
has u dally capacity of 35,000 feet.
School social and athletic activi
ties will cease, decreed Principal
Gootz ot tho high school this morn
lug, until culprits guilty of stacking
hooks ovor tho school promises, con
fess. Tho visit of tho mischievous
ones wns discovered when Bchool
oponod this morning.
Kir. Manning romlndod tho coun
cil thut a Mrs. Peterson, a woman
ot 60 years or more, had prcsontod
a claim tor damages for Injury duo
to a fall an u detectlvo Bldowulk in
front ot Dr. A. A. Soulo's rcsldonco,
and that sho would withhold suit
against tho city If her medical ex
penses woro paid by tho city. Ho
wanted no pay for his sorvlco, but
n stilt would bo Instituted, ho s'tld,
If tho mnttor Is net sottlod on that
basis. Tho council took this mnt
tor undor advlsomont also.
Rosldonts ot tho Shlpplngton dis
trict asked tho council to order sev
eral dirt roads in that section dr-;-ged,
bollevlng that this Is tho op
portune time, Street Commissioner
Hunsaker tartly advised the peti
tioners that be would drag the road
"when the time came," as they were
not tit to bo worked upon nt thh
tlrao. This sottled tho matter fo(
the prosont.
New Administration
Takes Action to Aid
Western Wool Men
WASHINGTON, March 8. Hoc-,
'rolory of War Wooks, at tho request
ot western senators, Including Sen
ator Stanfleld ot Oregon, today sus
pended tho war department order
for tha sale ot six million pounds
: of nurplus army wool at Iloston next
.Thursday. Tho senators told tha
secrotary that tho sale would bo
disastrous now to wool growers, who
aro proparlng to shear tho spring
Tariff Policy
Republican lcndors who dined
with tho prosldcnt last night said
ho favored a now temporary tariff
for a year pending tho preparation
ot a permanent law to replace tho
Underwood net. Tho full program
Is t6 bo laid beforo tho president
Flvo crates ot Chlncso pheasants
will arrive tonight from tho state
gamo farm at Kugone, for distribu
tion by tho Klamath County Sports
men's association, Tho birds will
bo ut tho Wostern Transfer offlco
until distributed. They will bo
liberated on tho following ranches:
M. J. Lytlo, Honanza; Iloss Sutton,
Dairy; A. F. Graham and David
Tumor, Langcll Volloy; C. L. Hol
llday, Kcno.
Must Hate License
The association warns anglers In
Link river that all must havo fish
ing licenses. Many aro fishing with;
out licences and tho gamo warden
plans to Investigate immediately.
Also, anglers must tako notice
that tho season Is closed for alt fish
less than ten Inches long. Arrests
will follow continued violations.
Ilainborr Running
Tho stato commission yestorday
jsent in two men to reopen the Spon-
ccr Creek egg taking station. Fresh
ets havo destroyed tha dam and
jnow racks must bo Installed. Trout
aro reported running in both Spen
cer Creek and Wood river.
MAYENCE, March 8. British,
Belgian and French troops entered
Duessoldorf this morning. French
and Belgian troops occupied Druls
borg at noon. Tho allied Rhino flo
tilla took possession of Ruhrfort.
BERLIN, March 8. Tho German
cabinet decided to take no action op
posing tho allied advance. Speaking
of penalties, ono cabinet member
said: "Wo must beat them with dig
nity." Presldont Ebort appealed to tho
Gorman pooplo to moot foreign des
potism with austoro dignity, and ad
monished against UC-advlsed acts. In
n proclamation Ebort said Germany
was unable to uso force to oppose
tho nlllos' mothods, but sho neverthe
less protested against open violation
of tho peaco troaty.
Ho said tho allies Imposed domands
Imposslblo ot fulfillment, which tho
work ot a generation could not carry
"Wo must not, and wo cannot com
ply with It," ho added. "Our honor
and self respect forbids it."
Word hs been rocelvol from Port
land headquartors, according to Roy
N. Fouch, adjutant ot tho American
Legion post,, that tho Flying Squad
dron, which was to havo arrived
hero last night, has been held up
temporarily, on account ot tho
withdrawal by, government bureaus
ot their representatives. The. Squad
ron came as lar as meaiora, ana
will likely now have to Veturn to
Portland headquarters, and tho local
post will bo Informed later as to
tholr arrival bore.
Whether signing of the sundry
civil bill by President Wilson car
ried tho Klamath project appropria
tion In Its entirety Is not definitely
established here. This was one cf
tho final bills slgnod by Wilson,
Tho San Francisco Associated
Press headquarters reports thut th"
bill carried through tho $1,213,000
Klamath appropriation. Tho Port
land Telegram, bowovor. said today
that thoro was no definite Informa
tion thoro that it had. Tho reclama
tion offlco at Portland has not been
'Informed that tho rectamatlcn ap
propriations were carried with the
Project Manager Newell said to
day that ho had no direct Informa
tion, but that tho sundry civil bill
carried tho project appropriation
and as far as known It had not
boon reduced from tho original $1,
213,000. Tho Portland Telegram, on the
other hand, said meager Information
javallablo Indicated tho appropriation
had been reduced to $713,000.
Chiloquin Man
Will Face Trial
Wado Crawford will bo tried In
Justice Gaghagen's court tomorrow
afternoon on the chargo of Injury
to tho property of W C. Balfour,
Chiloquin hotel man, and afterward
wlllface trial for assault and ba'
tory on George Du Vault ot Chilo
quin. From hazy Information so fcr
obtained It appears that Crawford
and Balfour engaged in a "friendly
scuffle." The outcome was not
friendly and Balfour claims Craw
'ford maliciously broke bis watch
Tho assault took placo at a basket
ball game at Chiloquin following a
quarrel. Du Vault accused Craw
ford ot being too officious.
Lark Evans, whose second trial
beforo Judge D. V. Kuykcndall In
Jacksonville last wcok attracted much
attention, was acquitted by tho Jury
on tho second ballot. Becauso Evans
j was arrested hero and several local
persons were witnesses, much Inter
est was taken here In tho trial's out
come. At his first trial, a year ago,
I Evans was convicted nnd sentenced
to IS yoars In tho state prison.
MEDFORD. March 8. Tho Jury
trying Mxs. Myrtlo Blakely, oxrtreas
urer of Jackson county, disagreed
today. Dofendant was charged with
malfeasance In connection with plac
ing county funds In tho Bank of
Jacksonville beforo Its failure.
Bert Swagcr was arraigned beforo
Justlco Gaghagen this afternoon on
a chargo of annoying young girls by
lmpropor advances. He was arrost
cd Sunday by Patrolman Wynn. This
Is tho second arrost ot tho sort In
two woeks.
CHICAGO, March 8. Packers to
day announced n 12W per cent re
duction In wages, offectlvo March
14, It wilt apply to all parts of tho
country and affect 100,000 employ
Tho Malhaso ostato docs not fig
ure in tho Daggctt-Mclbaso Invest
ment company's incorporation, says
Mrs. Henrietta Melbaso. The es
tato has boon logally terminated and
tho Incorporation is for tho purpose
of conducting a general realty nnd
Investment business, independent of
ot the Melhase property, she says.
rARMS4fj2-" '. J "
Completion' of- fee' .'is Jo- ct -lbs.
Joseph Rpbustelltnl farm on the
Merrill road to' Richard Brltensteln
ot tho city was made known today.