IVUIIO NINW THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON HATUIUMY, MAItCB . K, lMt -" - .-- THIS SCHEDULE 1 I IT lOti Ttmt Ihn brnnd plann ncuodulcd (or accomiillnhmont by tho Call for 11 In Hlnlo Automolilln nnnoclntlon nrn worthy of tho nllontlon of thn Kin imitli County Auto nnnoclntlnn, In tlin opliilmi of It It, Heed, necrotnry of tlici Inttnr (irRnnlzntloti Tho fol low Iiik nrn thn puhllnhnd plann nnd purimnon of thn California nnnocln Hon To Klvo thn poopln of thn ntntn of California firm ilnllnr'H worth of mail for nvi'ry dollnr npnnt. To nnfeKunrd thn motoring public iiKiilnnt unfair lefilnlntlon nnd oxccv nlvn or illncrlmlnntnry taiatlnn. To Incrennn thn touring norvlco of Ihn nnioclutlnn by entahllnhlnK nil illtlonnl lirnnch offlcna nnd tnurliiK hurnntin. To mnkn thn ntnlo of California; thn bent nlKUod ntntn In thn Unltod Htntoa. To co-opernln In ndverllnlnr; Cnl Ifomln to thn world liy making mo torliu; condltlnnn innrn nenrly Idoal nnd thornhy "nolllnr" thn ntntn to motorlntn nn "thn teurlni: paradlno of Ainorlcn." Through thn lurcntlRntlonn of oiirI neern of nntlonnl niputnllon thn C. M. A. A. linn found thn rondn of Cnl lfnrnln to hn lnnili(untn, according to (I. H. Korderur, recently elected president of thn uinoclntlon. Over IT pvr cent of tho ronda warn found In poor condition nnd 39 In only fnlr condition, It In clnlmod by thn anao rlntlon Hint tho remedy lion In wid er rondn of C nnd 8-Inch thlcknonn n itKnlnnt lilRliwnyn of 4 nnd C-lncli thlrkncnn. In cnoporntlon with thn federal burcnu of public rondn, which approve thn rrcnmmondntlon, nlnpn nrn IioIiir- taken to aaiurn thn morn ndcruatu cnnntructlon hornnf-tor. With llio panning of tho porlod wlion nllpiihnd work wiui nccoptalilo linn roimi ii pnrlod wlinn tiro ropnlr In h miiIch iroioiiltlon. It In nocommry to noil thn oiiHlomer, If you donlro to hold bin bttnlnimit purinntiimtly, Thn Kniiluiito tiro nurRuuii hnn ro plncnd thn inrin 'who "guunnod Hint ho wnn right." Cuntomnrn Imvo uwnlc (mini to tlu fact that tiro rupnlrn differ In llm way thny wear nnd nrn rhnonlng thn ropalr man who given them tho bent renilltn. Kvery day nnw nnd Improved moth oil h nro being dlncovorod to mnkn thn tlrn i;lvo oven grontor mllnngo mid tlin ropnlr glvo nddnd norvlco. It In flint hnromlng n rncngnlzoit fact that thn miin who In to win pnrinnnoiitly In thn tlrn hunlmmn inilnt bo wldo nwnkii nnd on bin toen. H E IS 1 1,000 Men Added by Packard Company Tnnglbln evidence of tho ntnndy growth toward normal hunlnnnn iviih ! rontnlncil In tho reront nnnonneomont of thn I'nrknnl Motor company that I n thounnnd muu would bo addiid to thn working fnrrn ut onco. On thn nnmn diiy thn regtllnr dividend to prnfnrred ntocholrinrn wan iloclared. Tho rncordn of January nnlnn com pared with thonn of Decombur nhowed an Incrennn of bun In en of 38 per ennt i on nil I'ncknrd linen for tho flnt! month of l'J21. lpeclnlly encoring wan Ihn fact that thn record for tho hint Inn dnyn of Jntiunry nbowod nn Inrrenno of 81 per cunt over tho flrnt ten dnyn of December. TIIANHCOHTIMI HTOIiKN auixm v. h. oivi:nw: Hlnco thn Dyer law wan panned by' rongronn nnd beenmo n taw October 28, 1919, making It a fodornl offunno to trnnnpnrt In Interstate cominerco a' ntoleu nutomobllo, tlioro Imvo been 272 arrentn and lfi'Jtconvlctlon. Sen tencen aggregating 213 ynnra nnd five montlm worn Imponed under tho Inw, nnd flnen totaling 19050 were nsnnnned. Of thn nearly 300 nrrnstn. two worn women. New Era Coming in Vulcanizing Work (J.AKOI.ISi: CONHUMITION Thn nvnrngo piinnnngur car con niimpllon of gnnollnu pur year In 300 I KuiiniiR, UL-roriuiiK m mn niiiioiini au l tomoblln Chnmbur of Commerce, nnd thn nverngo motor trurk i-nnnuiuptlon pur year 1C00 gallon. Thn Krankllu ncorcd another tri umph at tho Hnn Kranclnro nbow. Tlin number of nnlnn madn during thn week wnn only n nurfneo Indication of tho roti! nuccann with which tho now l"nmlllii unit Ilmiilreiln of poo pin who vlnlled tho nbow commented with Hiirprlno and delight on tho ut trnctlvo now hood of tho air com mented with oiithiinlnHni on tho ut traetlvenenn of flnlnh and oxcollonco of nppolntmnut of tbo plonnlng now denlgn Franklin. (J. A Iloynr, prenlilnnt of tho Frnnldln Motor Car company, waa one of tho optlmlntln men In tho tlly yenlnrilay. "Wo realized, of courno, that llio now Franklin In good, but did not know It would ntrlko nuch a popular vein of approval an It hnn .Tho fa vorable comment mado nt thn nbow hnn been convincing ovldonco o ui Ihut thn now denlgn car wilt find a rendy market nmong nil clanacn of buyorn. "Thn oconomy of tbo Franklin mnkon It popular with tbono who neek thrift abovn ovorythlng olao. ItH cam) of riding mnkon It nppoal to thonn who denlro contort nboro other ronnlderntionn nnd with whom prlco In no object. Tbo beauty of tho now model aiipnaln to thn fnatltlloun thoNo who -want appenranco and good lookn. . Thn nlr-conled principle of rnnntructlon nlao ban an Increasing number of followers, nnd It Booms to tin thut tbo new Frnnklln will bo ono of tho moat populnr cam of 1921. "Our donlurn havo already doublod their allotmnntn or earn on, tho ntrength of thn popular favor which won accorded tbo cam at tho show, and we nro looking forward to ono of thn bent yearn In our hlatory." i. r iar e muL"iijaxiiJi.ioiX!un.Tr qOTmmfm"tnil IgBHiraEalS miEU &AU You nuto know. You nuto go. To tbo Auto Hbow. Today tho vulcanizing Induatry In In n new era, Cuntomnrn nro no longer nntlntled with tho old Iiaphnc 'nrd ropnlr motbodn, nnyn Charley Jobnnon of Chnrlny'n IMaco It la nee- m I einnry that ropalr work be well dono. Advertising pnyn. Try It and nee. A dlnagreunbln nqucnk may often bu traced to a bund lamp bracket. If It In not nolldly attached to tho framo a nqucnk mny iirlno from thin point. A loono rivet or bolt In qulta' often thn rauno of tho nnnoynnco. You will find every member of the family loyol to the cnr. It is serviceable alike for all ages and all demands, whether business, family or social. The gatollno comuniptlun Is (mutually low. The the tnlleace U unusually high. H. S. Wakefield Fourth and Klamath Phone 19&-W 1 M Wicj jsl "lli, jy n ii M n ii ii : i ii ii ii a " 1 1' m n ii ! i; ; ; i: t n ra ii :i i; n i! n i. TrTr!?f8r!WHHBfftc atfl The Heider Tractor For 12 years has been a recognized success, and today challenges all comers in field performance. It is the simplest, most economical and lasting Tractor. We submit the following proof of its great pulling pewer: State of Oregon, County of Klamath, vs. I, C. R. Miller, being first duly sworn, depose and say that I saw a twelve-twenty Heider Tractor pull five fourteen-inch plows, making a furrow seven and one-half inches in depth. C. R. MILER. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 21st day of April, A. D. 1920. RUTH M. GOWEN, Seal Notary Public for Oregon. (My coiiiiuIhmIoii expires Muy UI), 11)2.1) State of Oregon, County of Klamath, ss. I, C. V. Nelson, being first duly sWorn, depose and say that I saw a twelve-twenty Heider Tractor pull five fourteen-inch plows, making a furrow seven and one-half inches in depth. C. V. NELSON, Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 21st day of April, A. D. 1920. RUTH M. GOWEN, Seal Notary Public for Oregon. (My commission expires Mny 30, 1023) WE CHALLENGE ANY AND ALL 12-20 TRACTORS TO DUPLICATE THE WORK DESCRIBED ABOVE. HOWIE GARAGE AGENTS FOR MAXWELL CARS, ATTERBURY TRUCKS, HEIDER TRACTORS AND WADE FARM MACHINERY