mv vZvmintx Herald Today1 NeWi A Class Ad Will Do It TodW Member of the Associated Press. KLAMATH I'.W.M, Oltl'Mi.V, HAT! IIDAV, MAIU.U f$, 1K!I. 1'IUOH FIVH CKNTH r j iffliists I SPLIT RATE IN insfui ir iilr (mm Hfml. In y, TMk. "M0- "'" '" ltd l "' nn or 'f"fn M',rt,, cl H '' """"" """1 iW14 rte of fl &t a hundred. , inbr UflM in''"- '" rtlea ef (w T I" S ' " (frt'U to l.rtntnal.. am proposed luill urfl. ponding adjuatinenl Uu tompUlal o( tlm Omb Cham ef ftmmtrto before the lntr M coamr conunlnlon, areord s, to tliram relnd by A Unwa tfHI manager of Iho Call (iii rtfdod aasoci.llon from II It. Cctalt. chairman of the Tran. CetllaraUl friliht tufr.u , Kf Ur. ' bo,,, ',l0" To it I!. (,,,y "n,l ICawirl W'tr point. H '"' H LoiU ia4 Chlraao territory. 11 rati, Iron California H Mllielppl titr pala( io'h of Car. III. Cs Mil ftHirialul. aiuting pH"r i" Jmrt 3 lo maintained (rum Trttit-IUay Kroup ni will alao Ifjljea t-vater 'I". which dlf'cf Mt It II H tent ami "III Im nlt&l to 10 eals Ti tv r.trs announml (rum ' CiUmlt to eastern point, follow. TaOiiii, Kiam city. lo. and ssbtl tt Kansas Nebraska, wratrrti OtUiast tad Ttu fair loarrnd frra II ceftt to M H crnt. ir cw I T CkltUO. Mllwaukro. HI ' lt!a, Cairo, III and common lr lSr, lae.rrd from US fenl. lo ' I) rata fit Cl To Mtrapbla. New Orlram anil uirra Ttiai, towered (mm sO rrnU b(l teat ptr ct IUIi from Wr.twiNij and mltta k Nm4 m th eastern alntw ci( UUbrruwtll U tublKt to a iti((r ! rtU o( ttirrn cnta tr trml Wttiin th ralr mmivl (mm Call bnlt coait. Ihu l-m ihn .titlrr HtUI nUtiac prtnr to Auui :. Il." UUa.1 lnlrr lUlra t'afcr lha tropOM ratna Kir itlf lrt8tilo( foqr rrnli hlrh appllrl Wta Iho north matt anil Inland ! aodtr prrwnt tarlK lll Im MmM to thrm rrnta tw Vork IUII ami Walrr lUlra THottthrn I'aelflr rompany lll rV la ((rt 73 fPnt rntnblniNt Iliad Water tain n. ?!.-. ..I , n 4oor app;nc via (lalvraluii In " York pier (nm California Tlio n'Mlo rail rata I. 73 rrnU Thla w iboald tilmulitn lumtHir nnd w traffic from California For Jh Tha prnrtit ,oor rain from Wlorala to K.v York la tl 61 iwr "l Pound. Tim Nnw KnKlan.l " U II GS pr hundrr.1 pound W4 pre-wr ratr on door, from "ornia to KbW vur. Hughes Takes Oath; Considers Central American Quarrel i WAHIIINOTON Main, r. dan. . Krati Iftlglica iwum i t. rnlary of alaln at b 11,1. ,.,r,, 1 In- at Mm alaln lnpartrnnii ' III (lr.t of f Ir la I arllnn . n.- rilll.ldnr'allori .if llm I'aliarna oala lllra allualloii I A(lr laklriK tlm uatti H-trtarf MiiKlin, rnnfnrrnil for an hior with lndr lixcrniarr Oavi. a no Unnrr I' Klnlrlnjr. forrrmr Mntlrari inljMi(ir who I. to Im undnr anrrniaif, and thnri wnil In Km whlln hnu.o In mil aull I'rralilnnt Hardline llilKlir. H-nl ntrr all hour with Ihn ITMlilniil. anil durlnr llm run POflTUIND ALSO 'CDSTA B WANTED (I'lINi; ARM NVADE5 FiGEIJ SUSPECT; HI SOIL Captain Calkins' Boat Makes Rocky Point First Time This Year Itra.Kii f.,r Ihr wllllhKnr. of IJor don Sru.,0 allnK"! Oakland forrnr. t walr mtradlll'iii and riilurn lo I'illforiila linmllalitlx rm to llrht yirrdar moraim, .horilr nfir Hlirrlff liw had Irft fur llm .Mirth with Dm prlMinrr Tho rna.on waa In ihn form of a inlrKrarn from Port land, aajlnr: that NVUnn waa -wnnlrd ,.- .-..., .... -.H'.i. inn fill, ' - - "Mt" frrrtiro llorralarr u Wor U'lwki wa J "'""' '"r "lolatlon of hi. ponllmtlnry rallnd In In a talk with t'ndnr JW rwtary I'm via Ufnrn (iilriK lo thi whllo hnuan IIukIid. I. undr.tod In han approfn, Ihn mridlnK of war- ablpa III Ixilh nnd. of llm ranal loll" parotn and a.klriir thai Hl.rrirr Ij, liotd him for Ihn Mullnomah rounty authorltln. Thn mraaacn rarim Joo lain to atop Ihn ehnrirr, who wa. probably acrom ( Mly Aa.orlnliy Prnaa) MAN Jl AM OKI. HI It. Nirarnurjoa. Marni '. Many ra.unllli-a wnrn In- fllriml upon Pariamn troop, by thn Invadlnr: I' Itlrari army, whlrh took l.'.o prlaonxra aflrr 'roNlri; ihn Pariamn frontlnr Tho Co.U Itlrari took Hocaa-dl-1-Toro at tlm soutlmrri i-nd of Coltun bu. I. land In Panama, and afti-r rro.alnic thn Hlaoln rlrnr capturi-d Ihn town of (luahllo and adronend oulhward. rraclilnrr Alrnlraritn, 20 mlln. aoulh of thn frontlnr Captain Calkin., with hla launch,! "Ori-icon ' mado thn flrat trip of tho mi. .on to H'Kky Point laat nlrcht. ' rnturnlnR thla morning Vor thn nnxt . two or thro wnnka trlpa will rj mndn j i on Monday, Wijdnn.daya. and Frl-1 darn, and aflrr that thoy will b madn dally. Mall tnrvleo oror thla ; roiito waa r-umed -with thla trip n TOE OF BEETLE EOUND AT SWAN LAKE HARDING GETS nn .inn fibi y, All ollmr mamiMtr of thn rahlnnt ! "" Callfonila linn nnroutn to Oak worn aworn In durine thn day land rnjaon. arcerdlni: In iTfim who know thn family. Urn) In Klamath Fall, at onn limn III. parnnta eon durtrd thn old Jrm rr.taurant on w.t Main trrt. In llm, block that burnad la.l Hnplnrnbrr Jki Konop knrw (tin family Dur ing lila llirrvi ilava' aliav Iihm f.'l ... ...- t- - .....i ,..-. ton aoiiKht Mr. Konop and aaknd him Prr.i lo nidor.n a Itoo tbr'k for hlrn, but drnt lUrdlnc wml (o ira arly ihl. " '"'""d mumlnic apj-rannc al iho nrt,tlnj off.m . fnw mlnir. .rinr J rl..rk Medical Society lln di-'atrd to a .'no Kr.phrr for aomr limn i Selects Officers Jack Kimball, aecretarr of thn Klamath-Ijiko County Foreat Fire Captain Calkin aald that thorn aoclallon. roporU tho flndln of what. waa .omn Ico In arroral of thn bay, apparently is a .pccie or pino Doili ! arid orn In KanU lak-. hut that ; '" "m timbered area near Hwan thorn waa nnno In Pollcan bay Tho "''. nd wnleh appear to Do more mlddlo of tho lake I entlmly fron I drgtruetlro than tho plno beetle from Im. and In hi opinion thn Ire aralnt which the ;oireramnt and s, i.r in .h- i.k. i. nn ihn tlmbnr men am now preparing to H ..V. -J -. - "" "" ...... TiirKn of mrltlnr: away, and the trip can be mado without Inconrenlencn from thl" aourcn. WAHIIIN'rtTfl.S Marn, b MMT SCHOOLS Crowd Fills House for Funeral Rites of Former Speaker WAHIIINUTO.V. March ' - Funeral arrtlrnt for Champ Clark In Iho liouui of rnprrarnlailvra loy mark ! r. thn final paaalnrc of thn cti-ran I trorn thn ball, of tlm national lrt;i I lalurn Tho icallnrlr. worn flllnd Thn ra.krt. rovrrrd with flowrra, alood I Imforn thn apnakrr' ntand durlnr; I Ihn crrnmony ItnprranntatUn Mann In hi. oniony ! rrfrrrvl to thn doad ronicrnaiman a "Ihn loTlnc fathor of tho hou.n 'and ihn wlan counarll"r of hi coun try Hrnator Hrnd ald that Clark 'wa. thn b-l loved of Amorlcana " waco a campaign of eradication. Thla beetle, which I a little lancer than the destructive little Inaect o well known here, works In the branches of tre, ji well aa In the trunk, which kill tho tree faster than when they IXMXir: Af.WI.V f.KADKIl U.'AUirr.'fSTnM Marrh K Ron- I .tor IdKn republican floor loader. "rork on,jr ,n lho ,runk,, wa recliH-ied today Othnr ropub-l Mr. Kimball ctatea that the aso liran annate leader were re-Hoetcd. elation I at sea at tho present time In regard to the habits and the ex- tent of the damage that this beetle can do, but they have already done conalderable damage, and a thor ough Investigation will be made with the help of government and state es- porta. UrrjjJ L II i SHIP BY SEA ARE CONDEMNED AS FIRE TRAPS i At a mining of Ihn Klamath and l.ako County MrJlr.J aaaoclatton hold hrrn yrwtrrday. Ir A A Houln wa. olrrlrd to brad tho a..orlatlon i for ibo rnaulng rar Dr C V FJ.h nr waa nloftnd Vlcn-prn.ldonl, and I lr l.loyd Hlewart ancrnlkrr'trraa- 'nil. wa 'III trnnair,t . .. ... - " iimn inn now ' "IwUvo on trn day.' nnllre KOTB-Th.,-- ... .. vaTux M,h "ml ,l00r "I'lPiimnls I ta . ."",h '""" ,0" ',-r- hli , l 4 uvnrtt,ll"" might to"'1' ."urn Knockml Z tk LkM ,hn n-Mumbor A Ci7 t C"l,ir,,U ". MM M. Cobb .! " nf ,ho ChmnlMir of !"' "" "m ion pound. ecaurer "ere Monday Night oC,on wl,. '"fUrlaii ri in inn . 'lhlai1reb ,m"",lu,t Mon. li Im. .. B.1?' ttl" will llluatral.i ty MM to i. .mol,Qn P'eturo. " "ilrS i" "r ,,oln,5 )Knol ,'' th?.PiU '" lh0 c" of Ubu?; Uo wm ' ,r" !S!-ot ,h0 h,sh ,ch" Mj rV.1,lrnooo. "a cam. "" B' clto conniv ,iffi-5 res, 1 NKtt VOHK Marh Tn. .,f thnutand. of .rhool rhlldrrn linuwd In fire trap, and hundrnd. of thou aand. of thrm nllhrr on half limn or In makr.hlti building. I. thn con dition In 439 clllr. of thn I'nllivl Hlatnj aa dl.rloard In a rrMirt madn publln today Thn rnport wa. I.aurd by thn na tional comnUllrn for ihn ChmlHr lit Cominrrrn ro-onrallnn with tho public achimla on a .unoy condurtrd by thn American rlly Imrrau Thn mmmllli-n waa organllrd In Fabriiary. !:. to Inquire Into achool rnmlltlona It oirrullve com llllttrn I hnadod by tlrorgn l Hlray or. of Trarhor rnlloKn. Columbia rnlvor.lty. Now Vork Thn nvldolirn prn.rnlri) "allow clearly that thorn arn (on. nf Ihnu aanda of children now hnu.od in old. Intanltary. daiignrou building.." aay Mr Hlraynr lit hi. lnirMurtlnn lo thn reHirt "Many of lhri trun llirna arn bo.t rlaa.lflod n. fire lran " I'nta waa rrrrlvod from 29 cltr. Tho rrHirl aay. '"Thr.n facia, ob tained form 76 pnr rent, of all tho rlllr. reporting, allow- that III Ihcao cltln nven oarludlng tho.o hou.od In nnnoira whom rondlttnn may ho normal, thorn am mom than (,3.000 children who arn ollhor on hnlf-llmo bvrau.n nf lack of building Hpnrn nr tun Ikiu.imI In porlabln., rontnd building, attics, ImaiHiiont or cnrrl- don. It would rcvjulrn nn nvoragn of two 30-roniu building In oiirh of tlioan rlllo to properly lioumi thorn group nf rhllilmu ulnno " Thn rnport .i forth tntltlrally thn Inadoijuucy nf pl.iygrniind mmro "It I rlnar tmt In ninny iltl chH ilron ii rn now linu.nd In bulldliiRS In whlrh Ihuro In Iohm npnco on thn plu Rruund thnii I ituppllod In tho p room In which tlmy nro laiight." nyn Mr. Htnoer In tlm Inlrodue Hun. "Thmn million nix thousand 'hH- ilrnu nro rtipniaoiitml In this report on playground," It In rtlutml, "nnd Uio study dlnrlomiH Icns limn ono-lialf nf tliaini 1,800,000 clillitren, li' mcl' n ulnyKrouiiil Ions Hum six li- six foot por pupil mil many of thom huvo no plnyKrotitul nt nil, 'Tlioso facts of llmltod playground space," soya tho roport, "prosont oo of the sorloua problems confronting thoao who oro liitorostod In tho wol fare of American achool children r Htrwart. clly hoallh officer. nnounrod that ho ha. prepared a anilarr iodn which will tn offered for ron.ldoratlon wtmn tho .oclrty bold. II. noil mooting It wa. alio announced that tWmWy Mclnturlf of thn Orrgon league for tho Con rrvatlon of Public Hoallh will In pro.rnt at. iho neit mooting Kmpha ala wa. laid upon Iho rule, of thn or ganliatlnn which pormlt oduratora. public official., and othora In bo conm mombor. Through lr 1-onard. thn mom iMir nf thn aMclatlon worn Invited in attrnd a banquet In thn Whllo Pel Iran hotel Monday, complimentary in lr Fliott. who will le horn aa a rep reaontallve of tho .lain board of den tal niamlnora in the Interest of bet tor donti.iry CDPCO STAFF U T n uunrtntntiL WK.VTllWt HUIHIIIT OUKOONToulKht und autiday, fair, A doion official of tho Ctliror-nla-tlrogon Power company from Han, Yrekn. Medford, Klnmath Fall ami Cnpco am here today for tho company conference at tlm White Pelican hotel Problem affecting thn local division were oil tho table for discussion thl afternoon. Tho general iiiitlou of technical train ing to Incrousn tlm efficiency of em plo)o was thn chief topic of tho morning session. Tonight n banquet Is scheduled at thn Whllo Pelican for officers and emploes of thn local division Forty persons will participate. Tlm Hal of conferees nt today's session follow Paul 11. McKee, C. J. llloo. F. II N'esa. !' O. Crnwforil, W. Al. Hlmpartl. F. H. Phelps und i:. H. Ta lor of Han Francisco. (). (1. Steele. Yrekn; IC. II. Walthor. Med ford; T (I. llradley. Copcn, nnd J. 0 Thompson, J. I' Hoyle, and C. V. mils of Klamath Falls. MUCH IIOO'.i: HKI7.F.1) OIIL'AT FAM.8. Mont., March G, One of tho largest soliures of liquor over mado In this vicinity of .Montana wns mndo horo by Hiioriii Hob Gordon In a raid on a business building. Ho nnd his deputies iook throo truck loads of whiskey, win and brondy and a small amount of champagne. Much of tho whiskey taken In tho ruld In barrala, nnd Is vory flno old stock, raiding dopuuoa stutud. AFFECTS THE BlflTH RITE I.OMK)N March i l)r Jo.lah (IMflol.t. l.'ngllsh phyalrlan and au, thor, who Ih-IIoos that fln.h-entlng I. a prolific .ourro of and one of tho wtirat onomlos ot the hu- man race. I. of the opinion that the waatage of life eausod by the war might bo speedily repaired b' right feodlng. Dr Oldfleld Is a strong advocate of tho Fruitarian diet and has been senior physician of the f.ady Mar garet Fruitarian hospital at llrom ley. Writing from Jamaica ho says "My observation, hem confirm my views that food and fertility go hand In hand. Thn commission dealing with the grave problem of the stead ily falling birth rate In Kurope has 1 failed to grasp the fundamental I truth which applies lo cr.otnb1o and 1 and human life alike that a right dietary means Increased fer tility and wrong feeding leads to Increasing sterlllt) "If a gardener wants much foliage ho feeds the plant with one food; If he wants fruit or seed ho feeds It quite differently So does the stock- feeder and breeder It Is a difference In food only which transforms similar I eggs, one Into a drone and another Into a queen Iho. "Whereas before tho war In every country tho birth rate showed n steady fall, yet In Siberia, llulgarla and Humanln, whoro tho hardy peasants still lived on ryo broad, dried fruits, ugotnble. chovso, oil and sour milk, thoro was a continuous high birth rnto and no ilecnmso. "Hero In tho West Indies, whoro tho dark races live on yams, swcot potntoea, cassava, Indian corn. augir, milk, cocoanuts, bananas nnd oranges, with somo suit fish, tho birth rate Is high and tho fertility Irrospresslble. "Owing to Ignorance and want of sanitation tho Infant mortality Is high, but when that Is removed tho black population will multiply nt n far hlfihor rato than tho whlto unloss tho -whlto population of tho world loarns that It Is corn, oil nnd wlno, salads, milk nnd honoy which pro duce n fortllo raco, nnd thnt moat oatlnit spells Increased sterility." BODY 18 FOUND PORTLAND, Alarch 5. .Arthur Gardner, head fireman of the dredg- r Port nf Portland, was drowned whon tho drodeor snnk yesterday in tho Wlllamotto rlvor. His body wum rocovorod today. The weekly Itevlew of tho We.' Coast Lumbermen's Association says that for the week ending February 36th actual production remains M , 1 per cent below normal I Hall orders for the week were 03 ' cars levi than last week. Of the new business taken for tho weok 4 2 per cnt was for water de J livery i Orders for domestic totaled 7. UPPER COURT E J 437.010 foot, export 5,07.204 feet. I Shlpmonts equalled 43,131,802 ' feet, of which 28. 320,000 moved by rail Unshipped balance rail trade In I eluding movement for California totals 3,24 8 cars, domestic .62. 1 484.093 feet; export 16.272.90S feet. I m Fresh Rioting in Russia Reported Copy of the supreme court nan date In the courthouse litigation ha I been received by C. F Stone, local. counsel for J. AL. Dougan, plaintiff. It awarda Dougan Judgment agatnat Klamath county for $2, 674. 95, with his costs, which will amount to 1 1000 more. , It decrees that all money of the county In or belonging- to the spe cial courthouse fund on Alarch 20, 1918. or then in process of the cot lection, or which may be collected In tho future from tho tax levy for courthouse purposes made prior to Atarch 20. 1918. shall be applied to the payment of the Judgment. Any money paid by the county for ' LONDON, Alarch 5 News reach- Inr Ijimlnn rntrnornlnr Huntl& Is , conflicting, but report, of uprlilng. ' ln8 PW-rUon of the Hot Springs I were reiterated and enlarged upon A j "urthouao shall be paid only out of ; Helstngfors dispatch declared the ' tho tax levy of December 1918. antl-sowet outbreak had not been I Prt of ttorner"a fees paid I "suppressed, but was speeding The the county shall be charged to. message asserts that both Moscow r P'd " of the fund for construc- and Pctrograd are In tho hands of tho . "n raanOUH a """" uo revolutionists ,n,n Blrccl "'"'"' While there Is a deficiency be tween the Judgment and the amount on hand to satisfy It, there Is con siderable money returnable under the decree, sums paid out for attorneys fees, architects fees and Hot Springs courthouso preservation, which will 'go to make up the deficit. Dougan will come within ten or fifteen thou sand dollars of collecting the Judgment. Tho mandato made no direction EVANS CASE IS FJ1 FINISH Ooorge Humphrey, former sheriff. I returned Inst night from Jackson- vlllo. where ho was a witness In the that thp MW courthouge ahouM bc trial of Lark Kvans. accused of tho 0 M b county officers. It Is robbery of O W. Whlto. a Grants Pass Jitney driver, about a year nnd a half ago. Kvans Is accused ot hav ing hired Whlto to drlte him Into tho country. Ho Is alleged to have pulled n gun on tho driver, taking his car nnd monoy. nnd he left him bound nnd gagged In n prospect hole, Kvans was urrested In Klamath Falls, thn reason for summoning tho ex-shortft as n witness. At tho first trial Kvans was convicted, but new evldonco dovoloped nnd ho was grant ed a ro-honrlng. His alibi has been strengthened nnd much now evldonco Introduced nnd It Is generally bo lloved In Jackson county ho will bo ncqulttod. Tho cubo will go to the Jury today, It is llkoly llank Cuao Next Judge D. V, Kuykondnll ot Kla math Is presiding nt tho trial. Ho will also henr ono of the Jacksonville bank enses noxt week, In which President Johnson of the dofunci bank ot Jacksonville Is do fondant. In tho caso ot tho state against Hlnos, Johnson's half-broth-or, a chnngo ot vonuo was secured to Josephine county. DRV WORK IX T. H. HONOLULU, T. U., Alarch 5. At a recent mooting bold here by the Anti-Saloon league, a committed wns appointed to raise ? 10,000 to aid in ouforclng tho national prohi bition rogulntlona In Honolulu. occupied by county woll understood around tho court house, howover. that tho county clerk and district attorney may de clare moat any day n moving day. Rural Schools Are Inspected by Nurse Alias Lydla Frlcke, county nureo, has Just returned from a trip to thu Pine Grove. Henley and Mt. Lakl schools, where she Inspected the physlcnl conditions of tho pupils ot theso schools. Miss Frlcko states thnt Bho found tho usual detects, but that there were no unusually bad cases. At tho Pine drove school, Alios Fricko found that hot lunches were being served at noon, a splendid school feature seldom found In rural districts. Tho school has Its own kltchon, where tho pupils prepare at least ono hot dish for each day's luncheon. MAUKirr KKFOUT PORTLAND. Alarch C Live stock steady, eggs unsettled, buttor four cents lower. WAXTS JURV TRIAL Trial of Dick Williams waa at yesterday for Monday at 10 o'clock by Juatlco Qaehagen. Williams plead ed not guilty to having liquor and nakod tor a Jury trial.