The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 02, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    I'Aei: thrice
v. hi i.aHarnmkj.-rr tub mm aw quality WMiai
. Ook floors nro often found In such costly surroundings tbat
ow Imnglnn how llttlo they cost. 'Very few people roalUo how
much thoy enn koI for tholr monoy by laying -lnch Oak floor
oror old floors.
. Tho dlitlnctlvo modern and artistic nppoaranco of a homo, as
well its lln houlth and comfort, will bo groatly incronsed by tho
uio of Oak flooring. Oak flooring In rich and cboorful In color,
nnd linparta an nlr of oleganco and roflnomont to a homo.
Tor permanently article floors wn recommend Long-Bell Forkod
Lonf Oak' Flooring. It la uniform as to color and toxturo, porfoct
ns to manufacturo and Is of superior quality, Its romarkably smooth
nurfnco Is unsurpassed, and It makos an Idoal foundation for n
beautiful Intorlor.
Lot tin know tho slio of tho rooms you wish to floor. You will
be surprised nndrplonud at tho flxuron wo can quoto you on
-lnch Long-lloll Forked Loaf Oak Flooring.
Big Basin Lumber Company
Telephone 107
If the Wood Dealer
Sold Service
Do do not M'll current mo wll (.cnlcc. Tlmt sounds odd
doesn't it?
Well, uppoo Hid mihmI dealer sold mtvIco Instead of wood, ho
would tend lo jour fumitce nnd jour riuigt', tnko anay tlio ashes
and clean Ilia flue. You would buy so much bent.
Now im buy n nmrli light, although you pay according to Uio
current )ou consume. Hut llm service In performed vrou )ou by thbi
company at tho miIihIuIIoiiii and power plants.
That I what mii Mnnt lo kIvo ou efficiency service. It Is tho
aim of this rompany lo linvo nonn but salUflcd customer. No
nuillcr Mhnt It I, If you luno a grievance, oY arc d baa lis fled about
our bill or do nut uuriroitapd our rate, pleaao como anil tco
us or MTlto us alxiut it.
If )ou hare any sugRrsllnns to nuike, wo nil! glody avail our
sclrc of lliriu an our aim In constantly to Improro our scrvlro to
ou as fast n llm development of science and liunutn ability permit,
Calitornia-Oregon Power
& Limeh!
- baked hjustfhe
Me way
. . t .
Main and Spring Htrccta
Bays o'" of hot wattr with
phosphate before breakfast
washes out poisons.
If you wako up with a bad tasto,
bad bronth and tonguo is coatod; It
your bond Is aching; If what you oat
sours and forms acid in stomnch, or
you aro bilious, constipated, nervous,
snltow and can't got fooling Just
right, bogln Insldo bathing. Drink
boforo broakfast, a glass of hot wat
er with n toaspoonful of llmostono
phosphato In It. This will flush tho
poisons and toxins from stomnch, liv
er, ktdnoys and bowols nnd cloauso,
awooton and purify tho entlro all
tuontary tract. Do your Insldo bath
ing Immodlatoly upon arising in tbo
morning to wash out of tbo systom all
tbo provlous day's polsonouB wauto,
gasos and sour blla boforo oatlng
moro food.
To fool llko young folks fool; llko
you folt boforo your blood and mus
cles bocamo loaded with body impuri
ties, got from your phnrmncist a
quarter pound of llmostono phos
phato, which Is Inoxpouslvo nnd nl
most tasteless,
Mon nnd women who nro usually
constlpatod, bilious, headachy or
have any stomach disorder should be
gin this inside bathing before broak
fast. adv.
A ClaulOod Ad will loll It.
Tho City Engineer pursuant to tho Ilosolutlon of tho Common Coun
cil horotoforo adopted, having under dato of tho .... day of January,
1021, fllod plans, specifications and ostlmalcs of tho cost of Improving
tho alloy In Mock 17, Original Town, of Klamath Kails, Oregon, Includ
ing Intersections; and tho Common Council baring taken tho samo under
ndvlsoment nnd finding said plans, specifications and ostlmatos satis
factory, IT IB HEREBY RKBOLVBD, That said plans, specifications nnd
estimates for tha Improromont ri said alloy bo and tho samo aro horoby
adoptod; '
AND 110 IT KURTHER RESOLVED, That tho Common Council
horoby doclaros Its Intention to Improro said alloy In accordanco with
said plans, specifications and estimates; said Improvement to consist of
paving said alloy with Concroto, Hltullthlc or Wllllto. Tbo cstlmatod cost
of tho Improromont of said alley with ollber of tbu paromonts montloned
aboro to bo $1820.00.
AND 1)12 IT KURTHER RESOLVED, Dy tho Common Council that
tho following doscrlbod property bo and Is horoby doclarod bonolllcd by
said Improvement, to wit:
Beginning at tbo Soulboastorly
corner of Lot 1, Dlock 17, in tho
Town of Llnkvlllo (now City of Kla
math Kails,) Oro.; tbonco North
wostorly along tho Wostorly lino of
Kir lb Btloot, 112 foot; tbonco South
westerly parallol with Main St., 86
ft.; thenco Southeasterly parallel Jonnio B. Hum
with Cth St., 112 ft.; tbonco North- nmi
oastorly along Main St., 3( foot to tbo Ralph Hum
point of boglnnlng.
Tlcglnnlng at a point on tho North
erly lino of Main Bt. 36ft Southwest
erly from tho Southeasterly corner
of Lot 1 of Dlock 17 In tho Town ot
Llnkvlllo, (now City of Klamath
Kails.) Oroiten: thenco Northwester
ly at right anglos to Main Bt. 112 ft;
tbonco Southwesterly parallol with
Main St. 30 tti: thenco Southeast
erly narollel with Fifth St. 112 ft.;
thonco Northoaatorly along tha
Northerly lino of Main HJ. 30 Vt ft
to tho placo ofboglnnlng.
"Beginning at tho Southeasterly
corner of Lot 2, Dlock 17 in tha Town
of Llnkvlllo (now City of Klamath
Kails) Oregon; thonco Northwesterly
at right angles to Main Bt. 112 ft.;
tbonco Southwesterly, parallel with
Main Bt. 35 V4 ft.; thenco Southeast
ly parallol with Cth St. 112 ft.;
thonco Northeasterly along Main St.,
35 W ft to tbo point of beginning.
Doglnnlng at tbo Southwesterly
corner of Lot 2 Dlock 17 In tbo Town
of Llnkvlllo (now tho City of Kla
math Kails,) Oregon; thenco North
oastorly along the southorly lino of
Main Bt. 31 ft.: thenco Nortnwest-
orly at right angles to Main Bt. 112
ft.; thonco Bouthwostorly parallol
with Main St. 31 ft.; thonco South
easterly parallol with Cth St. 112
ft. to point of beginning.
Beginning at tbo Southeasterly
corner of. Lot 3 Dlock 17 In tbo town
ot Llnkvlllo (now City of Klamath
Kails,) Orogon; thonco Northwester
ly at right angles to Main St. 112 ft;
thenco Southorly parallol with Main
Bt. 22 ft 10 Ins.: thonco Southeaster
ly parallol with Cth St. 112 ft. thenco
Northeastorly along Main St. 22 ft.
10 Ins, to tho placo of beginning.
Beginning nt a point on tho North
erly lino ot Main St.. 30 ft. North
easterly from tho Southwesterly cor-
nor of Lot 4 of uiock 17, in tbo Town
of Llnkvlllo (now City of Klamath
Kails,) Oregon; thonco Northeaster-
ly nlong Main St. 80 ft,; thenco
Northwesterly at right anglos to Main
Bt. 112 ft. thonco Bouthwostorly par-
nllol with Main St. 110 ft. to 4th St.
thonco Southeasterly along the East
erly lino ot 4th St. 40 ft.; thenco
Nortboastorly parallol with Main St.
30 ft . thnnrn HntithwAatnrlv nnrftllAl
with 4th CC ft. to point of bogln-
Beginning at tho Southwostorly
rornor ot Lot 4 ot Dlock 17 In Town
ot Llnkvlllo, (now City of Klamath
Kails,) Orogon; thonco Northeastor
ly nlong Main St. 30 ft.; thonco
Northwostorly at right anglos to
Main St., CC ft.; thonco Southwester
ly, parallol with Main St. 30 ft., to
tho Easterly lino of 4th St.; thenco
Southeasterly along 4th St. 66 ft. to Plrst National
tho point of beginning. Bank of Kla-
Klrst Natlonnl Bank math Kails, Ore.
Lot 5 of Dlock 17 in tho Town of
Llnkvlllo (now City of Klamath
Kails) Oregon; except tho southerly
8 ft. thereof.
Lot 6 of Dlock 17 in tho Town ot
Llnkvlllo (now City ot Klamath
Kails,) Oregon; oxcopt tho Southorly
8 ft. thorcof. Stella Mang
Lot 7 ot Dlock 17 in the Town
of Llnkvlllo (now City of Klamath
Knlls.) Oregen: oxcopt tho South
orly 8ft. thorcof. J. W. McCoy
and that said property aboro listed and doscrlbod be and horoby Is do
clarod to bo tho proporty to bo nssossod tor tho oxnenso of said lmnrovo-
AND BE IT KORTHER RESOLVED, That Monday, tho 21st day of
marcn, ivsi. ai mo nour ot a o'ciock
tho Cltr Hall, bo flxod as tho tlmo and
nnd remonstrances against tho said proposed Improvement and tho Police
Judgo Is horoby directed to causo notlco ot said hearing to bo published
ns uy unanor proviuoa.
County of Klamath,
City ot Klamath Falls s.
I. A. L. LEAVITT. Police JudRO
Ron. do horoby certify that tho foregoing is a duly enrolled copy of a
resolution uuopiea uy iuo common council on tno 14th day ot Fobruary,
1021, doclarlng Its tntontlon to lmnrovo tho alley In nioev 17. orlcinal
Town, of Klamath Fulls, Orogon, nnd
anu usiuuuivH ui tusiu Buummcu uy
Gilt Edge Butter
The Best Ever
In Palace Market
524 Main St.
38ft. on Main St.
Paul Lambort
30 on Main St
Z. J. Powoll 35 Vi ft. on Main St.
F. If. Pag
31 ft. on Main St.
J. O. Uonrdaloy
22 ft. 10 In.
on Main St.
xt '
' "-
Charles Loomls
110 ft. on Alloy
80 ft. on Main St.
John Loomcs
30 ft. on Main St.
O. D. Matthews 65 ft. on Pine St.
65 ft. on Pine St.
65 ft. on Pine St.
- -, , oiirCIB5
p. m. at tno Council Chambers In
nlace for tho hearlni? of obloctlana
of tha Cltv nf Klamath Knlls. Orn.
approving tho plans, specifications
mo.uiiy Engineer.
Pollco Judco.
Pomona, college has no "girls" in
the student body. An edict issued by
the faotulty requires that all "fe
male" pupils ot Uio institution shall
be designated as "womon."
"I nm now onjoylng splendid
health for tho first tlmo In many
years and 1 owo it all to Tanlac,"
said Mrs. Dortha Carlson, ot 694
Qulnby St., Portland.
"Nobody but mysolf can know
what I sufforod from nervousness.
and indigestion during all thoso
years. I novor had any relish for
food, and wfien I forced mysolf to
eat a hearty meal I always paid tho
penalty. I had to bo always taking
mcdlclno for constipation, my kid
noys wero disordered and my back
hurt llko It would break in two.
"I was so norvous I couldn't get
any restful sloop, and many a night
I lay awako suffering and wondering
it thoro was nothing that could help
mo. Dut Tanlao has rollovcd mo ot
ovory ono of my troubles.
"Why, I Just want to bo eating
all tho tlmo and my stomach noror
bothers mo a bit. I havo galnod ao
much in weight I can hardly got my
clothes on and Just feel flno. I havo
been so dollghtcd with tho way Tan
lac has restored by health that I got
my son to taking It and ho has al
ready been helped wonderfully. Tan
lac Is certainly a grand mcdlclno."
Tanlac Is sold In Klamath Kails
by Star Drug Co., In Lord la by James
Merc. Co., and In Merrill by South
ern Orogon Drug Co., at Modoc Point,
E. A. Sutton & Son, at Dairy, W. E.
Scdgo. Adv.
LEGE, Corvallls, March 2. Prac
tically all tho county agents in east
ern Oregon havo adoptod work along
tho following lines: (1) Adoption ot
Grimm alfalfa, (2) Application of
sulphur to alfalfa, (3) Silos, (4)
Post control, (5) Bettor livestock.
Many other plans wero adopted In
different counties. Thcso aro com
mon, however, to most counties and
aro of fundamental Importanco from
an economic standpoint.
For Instance thoro aro moro than
50,000 acres of alfalfa land tho pro
duction ot which may bo Increased
from 20 to 50 per cent by tho uso ot
Grimm alfalfa.
Thero aro 100,000 acres ot alfalfa
which will return a ton per aero for
every dollar oxponded for sulphur
or land plaster.
Tho cost ot beef, wool and dairy
production can be reduced from 20
to" 50 por cent by feeding cnsllago
figuring tho cost ot cnsllago produc
tion and feeding valuo In comparison
with hay crops.
Soalod proposals will bo received
by tho Common Council ot tho city
ot Klamath Falls, Oregon, until
Monday, tho 14th day ot March. A
D. 1921 at tho hour ot 8 o'clock
P. M. of said day, at tho city hall
In said city at which tlmo and place
proposals to purchase will bo opened
and considered, for tbo purcbaso at
(-50,735.00, city ot Klamath Falls,
gonoral obligation bonds, payablo 20
years from dato ot issue, bearing a
rato ot Interest not oxceodlng six
per cent per annum; interest payablo
semi-annually; principal and Interest
payablo at Oregon Fiscal Agency In
tbo city of New York, Stato of Now
York, or at the office ot tho treas
urer ot said city as dotormlned by
mutual agreoment of purchaser and
council. Thoso bonds are to be Issued
in denominations ot ono thousand
dollars, (11000.00) oacb, and to bo
numbered from ono to flfty-ono in
clusive. , ,
Said bonds are to bo issued in
pursuanco ot Ordlnanco No. 498 ot
said city; and aro to bo issued for
the .purpose of Installing a sewer
systom In the territory known as
Mills Addition, In accordanco with
tho plans, specifications nnd esti
mates pt tho city engineer. Each pro
posal to purchase said bonds must be
accompanlod by a check for 5 of
tha amount of tho proposal certified
by some responsible bank and pay
ablo to said city. Proposals must bo
sealed and endersed: "Proposals to
purchaso Mills Addition Bowor
Said bonds are to bo sold tor cash
at dato of delivery, and for a pflco
not less than par.
The right to reject any nnd all
proposals, Is hereby reserved.
By order of the Common council.
Police Judgo of the city ot Kla
math Falls, Oregon.
Feb. 10 M-14
CHICAGO, 111., March 2, Assum
ing that tho Groat Lakcs-St. Lawr
ence water way to tho ocean "will bo
oponed In tho near f uturo, Col. W. V.
Judson, Unltod States district engi
neers of tho Chicago district has
issued a bulletin in which ho states
that it docs not roqulro a great
stretch ot tho imagination to picture
ocean vcssols bound to and from Chi
cago carrying passengors in largo
numbers, as a matter of economy In
tho caso ot immigrants and as a mat
ter of economy, convcnlonco and
pleasure for other passengers.
In this connection ho conceives a
hugo harbor on tbo lako shore, on
tho south sldo of this city's prcsont
Col Judson's statement says:
"Port facilities to fulfill a num
bor ot different functions are ro
quired nt any port of first import
anco. At somo great porta, as
Now York, tho primary function is
ono of transfer from rail to vessol
and vlco versa.
"At tho port of Chicago tho prin
cipal existing port facilities may be
classed as industrial, Tho Chicago
Industrial and commercial district
now has a waterbomo connnorce of
nearly 20,000,000 tons por annum
(as compared with New York's 45,
000,000 tons,) the great bulk of
which consists ot raw matorlals of
manufacturo, to-wlt; coal, oro and
fluxing atono.
"Industrial port facilities exist
whero larger aroas of relatively
cheap land nro provided with a rea
sonable amount ot wharf front and
rail connection. Along Indiana Har
bor Canal and Calumot river; on the
Lake front at Gary, Indiana harbor,
and Calumet harbor, and eventually
In Calumet lako, wo havo wondortul
opportunities for Industrial port de
velopment but a small fraction ot
which aro now utilized, although tbo
resulting Industrial district Is ono of
tho greatest In tho world.
"For transfer harbor purposes In
volving tho shifting ot freights bo-
tween ocean vessels, lako vessels,
barges, lighters, warehouses and rail
way cars wo need, of courso, to plan
port facilities adapated to such trans
fer functions.
"It may bo plainly understood
from what proccdes that Industrial
port facilities and transfer port fa
cilities aro not competitive In their
natures, but supplementary. For ex
ample, tho valuo ot an Industrial
harbor at Lake Calumet would be
vastly enhanced by the presence,
within easy llgbtorago distance, ot a
transfer harbor from "which ship
ments could bo mado to all parts ot
tho world, and, similarly, ralae Is
added to a transfer harbor It mater
ials for water movement and export
aro produced in largo quantities
within easy llghterago distance.
"When tho Chicago district pos
sess In operation great transfer port
facilities where vessels will deliver
cargoes from all ovor the world and
recelvo cargoes similar destlnod, It
Is readily to bo scon tbat the em
ployment ot lighters will bo upon a
largo and Increasing scale, connect
ing tho transfer port facilities with
great and small industrial planU and
with the warehouses of merchants lo
cated all about tho Chicago district.
In such llghterago operations the
Chicago river, .tho draining canals
(both Main and Sag,) Calumet river
and Indiana harbor canal all will tako
Finally, it does not requlro a great
stretch of imagination to indicate
that ocean vossols bound to and
from Chicago will carry passengers
in largo numbers as a matter ot
oconomy In tho caso ot immigrants
and as a matter ot conveniens,
economy and pleasure for other pass
ongorsvfbo will wish to see the
scenic boautlcs ot tho Thousand Is
lands and avoid soa-slckncss and ex
poneo whllo proceeding betwoen
Europe and this goneral neighbor
hood. I conceive, thereforo, that port
facilities will bo required in har
bor district No. 3 upon the Lake
Shoro south ot 16th street whero
passenger vessels bound to or from
tho transfor harbor near tho state
lino will touch In passing to take on
or lot off passengers as well, per
haps, us oxpross and packago
Wlldf lower how.
flowers ot the state will be on dls-
paly at the seventh annual exhibit
oftho California Wlldtlowor Conser
vation league to be held hero April
28, 29 and 30. Mrs. Bertha M. Rice
ot Sat) Francisco is making prelim
inary arrangements for the exhibit,