The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 28, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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-.J1L1 .
MONDAY, FEniUAnV 28, lMl.
. 36ft, on Main St.
',. J. Powoll 35 14 ft. od Mala St. I
Tho City Hngluoor pursuant to tho Ilosolutlon of tho Common Coun
cil horoloforn adopted, having under ilnlo of tho .... day of January,
1021, lllml liluiiH, specifications rind tintluintofl of tbo cot of Improving
tho alloy In Illock 17. Orlilnnl Town, of Klamath Knlln, Orogon, Inolud
Inic Intersections; mid tho Common Council having tnken tho nnmo undor
advisement iiml nnding mtld plans, spocincntionii and ouimatos anus-factory,
IT IH IIKUKIIV IlKSOLVKI), That nnld plans, HDocincntlollH and
Mllmnlcii for thn Improvement ei ald alloy hn und tho nnmo are hereby
AND 1110 IT HJIITJIKH HKBOI.VEI), That tho Common Council
horohy doclnron Hn Intention to Improvo nnld alloy In accordnnca with
aid plana, npocinratlonit and estimates; mid Improvement to consist of I
paving sold alloy with Concrotn, llltulllhlo or Wllllto. Tho ostlmatod coat
of thn Improvement of nam alloy with ollhor of Uio pavomonts montlonoa
nbovo to ho 11829.00.
AND Hi: IT KUUTIIHIl UKHOIjVKD, Uy tho Common Council that
tho followlnc doscrlbod property ho and lioroby declared bonofltod by
said improTomctii, lo wii.
ueginning i mo uoutnoaiieriy
corner of Lot 1, Uloclc 17, In tho
Town ot Llnkvlllo (now City ot Kla
math Falls,) Oro,; thenco North
wod'jrly along tho Woslorly lino of
Kl ill Btloot, 112 foot; thenco Houth
WMtorly parallol with Main Ut 30
ft.; thonca Houthoaaterly parallol
with Gth lit., 112 ft.; thonco North- Jennlo H. Hurn
easterly along Main St., 30 feot to tho , nd
point of beginning, nalph "urn
Ileglnnlng at a. point on tho North
erly lino of Main Ht. 36ft Southwest
erly from tho Boutheastorly corner
of Lot 1 of Hlpck 17 In tho Town of
Llnkvmo, (now vay oi tuimmn o
Falls,) Oregen: thonco Northwester
ly at right angles In Main Ht. 112 ft;
thence Southwesterly parallol with
Main St. 30 H ft.; thenco Southeast
erly parollel with Fifth St. 112 ft.;
thenco Northonstorly along tho
Northerly lino of Main Ht. 30 W U , .. .
to tho plneo ofybcglnnlng. I'nul Lambert 30 on Main St.
Ileglnnlng at tho Southeasterly
corner or Lot I, Illock 17 In tho Town
ot Llnkvlllo (now City of Klamath
Palls) Oregon; thonco Northwosterly
at right angles to Mnln St. 113 ft.:
thence Southwesterly, parallel with
Main Bt. 3GU .: thenco Southeast
y narallol with Gth Ht. 113 ft.;
thence Northeasterly along Main St.,
3GU ft to tho point ot beginning.
Ileglnnlng at tho Southwesterly
corner of Lot 2 Illock 17 In tho Town
of Llnkvlllo (now tho City or Kla
math Kails,) Oregon; thonco North
easterly along the southerly lino of
Main St, 31 ft.; thonco Northwest
erly at right angles to Main St. 112
ft.: thonco Houthwontorly parallol
with Main St. 31 ft.; thonco Houth
easterly parallel with Gth Ht. 112
ft. to point ot hoglnnlng. V. 1. Page
Beginning at tho Southeasterly
corner ot Lot 3 Illock 17 In tho town
of Llnkvlllo (now City of Klamath
Kails,) Oregon; thenco Northwoster
ly at right nnglea to Main Ht. 112 ft;
thenco Southerly parallel with Mntn
Ht. 32 ft 10 Ins.; thonco Kouthtastnr
ly parallel with Gth St.112 ft. thonco
Northonnterlv alone Main Ht 22 ft. J. O. Ileardsley 22 ft. 10 In.
10 Ins, to tho placo ot beginning. on Main St.
beginning at a point on tho North
erly linn ot Main St., 30 ft. North
ouilcrly from thn Bnutliwvsturly cor
ner of Lot of Illock 17, In tho Town
of Llnkvlllo (now City of Klamath
Kails,) Oregon; thonco Northeaster
ly along Main St. 80 ft.; tbenca N
Northwesterly at right angles to Main
St. 112 ft, thonco Hoiithwoxlorly par
allel with Main Ht 1 10 ft. to 4th Ht.,
thenco Southeasterly along the East
erly linn ot 4th St. 40 ft.; thonco
Northoastorly parallel with Main St.
30 ft.; thenco Southwesterly parallol ...
with 4th CO ft. to point ot begin- Charles Loomls
nlng, John Loonies
Ileglnnlng ul thn Southwesterly
comer of Lot 4 ot Ulock 17 In Town
or Llnkvlllo. (now City of Klamath
Palis,) Orogon; thonco Northcuslor
)y along Main St. 30 ft.; tuenrn
Northwesterly at right angles to
Main St.. OS ft.; thonco Southwester
ly, parallel with Main Ht. 30 ft., to
tho Easterly lino of 4th St.; thenco
Southeasterly along 4th St. 06 ft. to First National
the point ot beginning. Hank ot Kla-
First National Hank math Palls, Oro. 30 ft. on Main St.
Lot G of Illock 17 In tho Town ot
Llnkvlllo (now City of Klamath
Palls) Oregon; except tho southerly
8 ft. theroof.
Lot 6 or Dloek 17 In tho Town or
, Llnkvlllo (now City or Klamath
Palls,) Orogon; ezcopt tho Southerly
8 ft. theroof. Stella Mang
Lot 7 of Illock 17 In the Town
or Llnkvlllo (now City of Klamath
Palls,) Oregon; except tho South
erly 8ft, thereof. J. W. McCoy
31 ft. on Main St.
.. ,. .....i
mi ii, ou Alloy mi
80 tt. on Main St. J
O. D. Matthowa 05 ft. on Pine Bt.
6G ft. on Pine Bt.
6G ft, on Pine St.
and that said property above llstod and doscrlbod be and horeby Is de
clared to bo tho proporty to bo nssoeacd for tho oxpenso of sold Improve
ment. AND IMS IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Monday, tho 31st day of
March, 1921, at tho hour of 8 o'clock p. m. at the Council Chambers In
the City Hall, bo fixed na the time and placo for tho hearing ot objections
and romonstrances agulnst tho said 'proposed Improvement and tho Police
Judge Is hereby dlroctod to causo notlco ot said hearing to bo publlshod
as by Cbartor provided.
County of Klamath,
City of Klamnth Palls ss.
I, A. L. LEAV1TT, Pollco Judgo or the City ot Klamath Palls, Oro
gon, do horeby cortlfy that tho foregoing la a duly enrolled copy ot a
resolution adopted by tho Common Council on tho 14th day of February.
1021, doclarlng Its intoutlon to Improvo tbo alley In Block 17, Original
Town, ot Klamath Palls, Oregon, and approving the plans, specifications
and estimates of costs submitted by tho City Englneor.
P33-MG Pollco Judgo.
Pioneer Makes
Road Suggestions
(Continued from Pace 1)
doul of trying to got over It through
dust varying from foot to 18 Inches
doop, Do tho heavily londod logging
and lumhor trucks offor to rcstoro
tho road to Its normal statoT Ob
viously not, for In tho greater num
ber ot Instances (bo UruckB doing
the most of the damago aro from the
outside, here for thet summer for
what's In It.
I think you can readily recall ono
stretch ot highway that for the past
two or throo seasons has fallen with
in Klio porvlow of tho foregoing Il
lustrations, and over which wo havo
V Imvo Just received n oxtjiiMlo lino of tho
latest veiling anil now clinmoltuMo glove.
Style Shop
707 Main St
Phono 341 W
Our beautiful and ex
clusive millinery is ar
riving dally.
Our asiortment of fine
linndkcrclilcfN and Tes
ters ii now complete
Inexpensive, but
"O, So Charming!"
Are the exclamations heard every day of the New Spring Coats, Wraps, Dresses, Suits.
And where price and style combine, it is really indicative of true value.
Therefore we urge you to shop well, to compare fabrics, tailoring and distinction of '
style. Only by so doing can you appreciate the true worth of our merchandise.
To the woman who values exclusive and correct appa're? ,we ask: What does it mean
to you to have the newest and most up-to-date garments, selected by a skilled buyer, frm
the foremost makers of New York and brought to your very door at prices muchiless than
the large shops of San Francisco, Portland or New York? A visit to .our shop, will con
vince you, and it is our pleasure to show you our merchandise, whether you are ready to -buy
or not.
ETrUriMf $29.75, $35.00 up $75.0O?
F.cinatingDre..c. in Canton Crepe, Satin, 2q - ,- 00 UP TO 457Q 50
Georgette, Taffeta, Tncotine, TricoIIette, at.. npiV0J9 POJJJ J 7.JU,
Coats, Wraps, Capes in English Polo, Camels
:l.f. $25.00, $29.50 up TO $79:50;
For the Small, Slight
Or the Chic Miss
invite you to come in and see yourself in one of our
Miss Manhattan Suits or Wraps. We are sole represen
tatives for this most wonderful fitting and 'exclusive
garment. Shown by all the leading shops.
Prices range from
$29.75, $35.00 up TO $59.50
Mgk - '1
Smart Snort A
If you motor, ride a horse, hike or enjoy any other out-door sport, see our selection of -v
Andross-Glover Style Shop
extended an invitation to tho tour
ist to travel in passing through our
city mid county.
Not IMscriminaUnK
On this pbaso ot tho situation It
Is possible, of course, to accuso mo
ot advocating a policy of discrimin
ation us ugalnst tbo truck In tho uso
ot tho public highways, but it will
roadlly occur to any ono familiar
with tho situation that, no amount ot
patrollng however consistently pur
sued can prevent the heavily loaded
truck, from rondorlng tho road over
which It dally passes impassable. Tbo
policy adopted In California of ad
justing truck loads to tiro width is
based, not on what is safo for a dirt
road, but upon what Is safo for their I
lmprovoa bardsuriaccd highways
Wbllo this stato has u similar statute.
It is pructlcally u dead lottor in this
part ot tho stato; and ovon woro it
not so tho minimum load pormlttod
thoroundor Is wholly dl&tructlvo ot
nny dirt road that can bo built In this
Need Permanent ltouibi
I approach tho next phaso ot tho
situation In this county wholly front
nn economic standpoint, and what
I shall sny In that regard Is simply
a rostatomont of i position that I
havo consistently maintained for n
good muny yours. My position In tho
main Is this: Thut tho oxpondlturo
of public funds by tho county alono,
or In conjunction with tho state, or
In conjunction with' tbo stato and
federal government for main high
way contsruetion can ho Justified
only on tho ground that any highway
constructed undor a stato wide pro
grammo shall bo t reasonably per
manent construction. ,
I bollovo this position Is sound and
that Its soundness Is dully being em
phnslrod by (ho constantly increas
ing uso ot tho highways by tho hoav
ior motor vehicles loaded to capacity.
It has boon demonstrated In Cali
fornia that oil macadam, or wator
bound mncudum will not wlthstnud
tho modorn motor traffic, California
was obliged to tako up miles and
miles ot macadam that had hcon laid
at groat oxpenso; and repluco It with
AdvwntcM Concroto Surfnco
That stato has rocontly awakened
to tho fact that, since tho ndvont ot.
the honvy truck with Us hoavlor load,
ovon tho concroto must bo laid
heavier. I ask, in all candor, why
should tho highway commission ot
this stato adopt a method ot high
way construction for the highway
through Klamath county that stands
condomned by tho oxporionco of Cal
ifornia? It meana simply hat the
funds oxpondod In Klamath county)
last yoar and that will bo oxpondod
this year and next, oxcept that ex
ponded in grading and rights ot
way, Is thrown away, and It may
moan that years must elapso botoro
wo can again got into position where
It will bo posslblo to finance tho con
struction ot a permanent highway.
Hunnlng tbo risk ot having you ac
cuso mo ot attomptlng to impodo tbo
progress ot Klamuth county, I feel
callod upon to say that, lu my hum
ble judgment, it Is tbo solemn duty
ot the association that you havo tho(
honor to represont to set Us face'
against the construction, In Klamath
county, with county or state funds,
of any moro jn,ake;shlftt?highway.
I trust that -what I nave said will
be regarded as constructive, as op
posed to destructive criticism.
I nm yours very truly,
Our supply of llg'nlto coal amounts
to about 20,000 tons per capita.
Gilt Edge Butter
The Best Ever
In Palace Market
524 Main St
,. . : . - -. r- -A i, 1 ' -, '' "iifiniiium m
- r, , , BiMMBMriiiiiinilBliililiiMMI II