The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 28, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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The Evening Herald
Uy J. 1. Kcllcy
Have you hoard tho story tho gos
sips sproad .
Of Oarrett Van Rlpor's old bald
head? NoT
Well, Garrett's ho follow of local
The Office Cat
K J-. MURRAY Editor
KRWBOtTiH .u.i-......CIty ICdltor
Publlshott dally oxcopt Sunday, by
Tho llorald lubltnliing Cdmpany of
Klamnth'FMlB, nt 119 Eighth Strcat.
Entorod nt tho postofflco at Kla
math Falls, Ore, for transmission
through tho malls as socond-class
Who hadn't a hair on his pretty
pink crown
Hut ho held his own with tho court
houso ginks,
- - - press.
Tho Aisoclated'Pross Is exclusively
entitled'1 to ' the uso for republication
of all news dispatches1 credited to It,
or not othorwlso credited In this
paper, and also the' local news pttli
Usher heroin;
Who likened his domo to skating
m Jlmwmm ; 4r rS
cgumKMfcgap1 ftSOdrk
t lllMVWm?nmimr T . lain n HlltR JB AbHP' m
Mills Addition
Folks Want Paving
Paving, of East Main streot and
Wnntlnnd nvonuo, tho first with a
2G foot and tho socond vrlth IS foot
foot pavemont, was tho wish of tho
majority of tho Mills Addition Im
provement club yesterday.
If tho TIG, 000 sower bond issuo
Is sold at onco- so that tho sowor
work can bo dono Immediately, tho
Improvement club hopes to Include
tho paying In this year's streot Im
provement program. Tho bltullthlc
typo of paving, surf aco was favored.
"Man has soven ages. Woman has
ono and sticks to it." Exchnngo.
Tho way of tho transgressor Is
doubtless hard but It Is soldom
Dental Expert to
Be Here March 7
Tho local dontal association hns re
ceived word from tho stato associa
tion thaf Drnt. O. Flxott, stato lec
turer, will' bo In Klamath Falls
March Jsjla will deliver a locturo,
accompanied 'by stcroopllcon slides,
on thfeeiiro'of tcotb, doallng mostly
with tho Importance of tho caro of
tho teeth of children.
Tho' local association has not def
initely decided whoro tho ovcnlng loc
turo will bo hold. During tho after
noon of March 7 Dr. Fixott will ad
dress tho high school students. If
thcro is a demand for his sorvlcos
outside of Klamath Falls ho is au
thorized to stay for two or throo days
and speak in other parts of tho county.
On Standing Room Only-
I'm sorry that thoro nro not en
ough chairs and that so many havo
to stand. I can, sympathlxo with you
for I know how it is. Last winter
I had tho flu and Dr. Soulo smllod
reassuringly nt mo and said: "Chcor
up! I'll havo you on your foot in no
tlmo!" And ho did. I had to soil my
" Swec et Ail Duh Lincl"
Prohibition has at loast roduccd tho
number of men whs think they can
Spluttering tho Opening Odo
Somo pcoplo sing as though tholr
tonsils had backfired.
Irrigation Tax
ists in Making
a. u. wisnara, secretary of tho
water users association, is propar-
ing-tax statements which will bo
' mailed to tho members of the local
irrigation districts in a fow days.
There is little chango in tho dis
trict tax. says Mr. WIshard, a slight
redaction if anything.
Tho $2 operation and maintain
nneo chargo, fixed last year, Is ap
plied for tho first tlmo on tho com
ing collection. The former rate was
''"' ,- ?ite
Mrs. Mabel R. Ryan is rounding
out a porlod of 21 years of continu
ous scrvico as a member of tho school
board In Portland, Mo.
A Rodpo
First you tako n cocktail shaker,
Thon you add wood alcohol.
Neighbors call tho undortnkor.
Pretty flowers and that is all.
Long I Grotto Courio'r.
lie called thorn nuts, and bllthor
Ing ynps,
Including his frlonds, tho two Do
Laps. Yes, Oarrett was bravo and going
Till tho ladles noticed his gllstonlng
And giggling and gurgling in
fomlnlno glco
Even suggested that somo tlmo ho
Should got a hoo and cultivato
A hnlr or two on his old bald pato,
Forgetting ovon as most girls
That It's hard to plant whoro tho
soil's not good.
Thus tlmo wont on; thoy got his
And ho spoke 4h la mind to Minnlo
and Fanny,-
To Mela' andjpUnd, and Franklo,
' tdo-
smart, y' bet
Red Heads, Attention!
A fashionable now color is to bo
called "Helen Pink." Lots of folks
do look that way In pink."
Stenographic Habits In Dallas
A boautlful statuesquo blondo ar
rived from Portland recently to act
as stenographer for a dtgnlflod busi
ness man of Klamath Falls. On tho
morning of hor first appearanco, sho
went straight to tho desk of her em
ployer. "I presumo," sho romarkod, "That
you begin tho day hero tbo same as
thoy do In Portland.
"Ob, yes, replied tbo employer,
without glancing up from tho letter
ho was reading.
"Well, hurry up nnd kiss mo thon,"
said tho girl, "I want to go to work."
1 Tones t Mistakes?
(Dos ton Transcript)
Many errors aro reported in in
como tax returns. This confirms tho
suspicion of tho man who has sat
up all night trying to preparo his
aHUi PLmLl 'Hi'liiBBBtHBLIV MflHUlsulli lflsHiEfCsWa9sn sHrfHJIIIii .
"Wrmit?rll,HHMBIsW! Iff rraffl1lrlsWB9fisKt? K&jpfr
Tgajf"""?-? .v. i i iiiffli i i FTrT5'1- "W"L
ILExfeiEBHtF&v'y I! fSffffilMfr"- . i - Ln.ik.jw 4Jpist?
, Oak floors aro often found In such costly surroundings that
ow imagine how llttlo thoy cost. Very fow people reallzo how
much' they can get for tholr monoy by laying -inch Oak floors
ovor old floors.
1 Tho dlstinoilvo moilnrn nml nrtlutln nnnn..... - i
well oa its health and comfort, will bo greatly incroasod by tho
unuu.uwMiit. u nuunuR is ncn ana encerim in color,
and Imparts an air of oleganco and rofinemont to a homo.
H7r nnrmannnllv nrftaHn flnnra wn M.nmm.Hj r ... ni. t. ,.-.
Leaf Oak. Flooring. It Is uniform as to color aud texture, porfoct
ip . """- -...- u auiu..u iiuuiu, us ruiuarHauiy smooiu
Burtavu, u uuauicasocu, uuu u juukbs an laeai foundation for a
beautiful interior. mm Irnnur ihn atlrn nf iha vnnM.aia.Mi. .l.t.' . i . ...
ww - ,.-.. ...- .. -. .uu .uvum juu wisu. iv iiugr, IOU Will
,be surprised and pleased at the figures we can quoto you on
-inch'LongiBell Forked Leaf Oak Flooring.
Big. Basin Lumber Company
Telephone 107
Muln and Spring Streets
Hut I Hbow, t i.n't fair
To. tallHr niy lack of hair
I kncVHrsr scafco and embryonic,
llut I'nsolng iogo nnd got somo
An' I'll mako It grow, grow liko tbo
Just watt and soo, you old-tlmo
So ho got somo garlic ground it up;
Somo castor oil, about a cup;
A plcco of cheese, somo Roso
Queen soap,
And, mixed it up; 'twas awful
Applied tho mess within, without,
And waited for tho hair to sprout.
Full two weeks passod, and still no
And Garrett's hopo turned to des
Ho wept and criod, and crlod and
And droamod of it wbono'cr ho
And nibbed his flngors foellngly
On tbo slippery spot whoro tho hair
hair should bo.
Tho girls would pass and slap bis
And say: "You're there, Oh, yes, all
That stuff on top that wo call
It you bad that, you'd bo all
Such talk as that tried Oarrett soro-
And, bis dandor up, ho called Fred
Said ho to Fred: "You're a do-
Tbo ladles horo say I'm defective;
And you aro now duly commissioned
To learn it I am so deficient
That I can't grow a slnglo bristle,
If you find ono, Just toot your
Well, Morloy camo without much
And brought with him a mlcroscopo,
IDs tweczors and a worn out prayer,
And did his best to find a balr.
Ife'd squoezo his domo, and then he'd
And Jab his twoezers In an Inch
And pull it out, an' bless your
All ho could find was Just tho
Then, MJnnlo'd laugh, and Meta'd
And Sheriff Low who'd happon in
Would say; "woro I in your posi
tion, I'd go and, get a requisition
To buy a wig or a boudoir cap;
So, on your way you poor old sap,
And ask tho county to holp you.
For, dern your hldo, your hair
wont sprout!
Thus Oarrett You know tbo
HowA finally ho gamoly 'tossed
That his head was barren without
a jdoubt
And how tbo county helped him
out, l .
And bought him a second band
Which Garrett Is wearing to this day.
There's truth In every .word ,J've
There's, a funny wig- on tfarrttt's
And like the deacon's one hoss
shay, . '
Will fall to pieces somo fine day.
- siliF m v '
afVMKk 1 J
EVERY dollRhtful phaso or now millinery modes is inter
preted with tho artistry and originality that characterize!
our new display.
For sport wear, for afternoon occasions, or ovonlng
affairs, you will find horo an unusually interesting col
lection for your guldanco In selecting your Spring Hat.
Colors aro Irresistibly lovely, particularly tho Rose, American
Ilcauty, Taupe and Creams.
This Is indeed an unpuralleled nrray for children nnd ladles nt from
50c to $3.50
For tho homo milliner wo havo a pleasing assortment of flowers
which Damo Fashion has docreod shall bo tbo principal docoratlonfor
tho coming season. Prices from
15c t 25c
Klamath Variety ShoD
5-10-15 and 25c STORE
r '
DRS MAI F F.TT ANn,N0TICBi!vrnMi proposals to
Phono B30-J Seventh and Slain
Wi '
Richer in food value
than meat or eggs, yet
as economical as any
staple you can serve
two reasons for
the popularity of Del '
Month Beans with
Tomato Sauce.
Their enticing flavor
is another,
pill' ,
Sealed proposals will bo received
by tho Common Council of tbo city
or Klamath Falls, Oregon, until
Monday, tho Hth day of March, A.
D. 1921 at tho hour of 8 o'clock
P. M. of said day, at tho city hall
In said city at which tlmo and placo
proposals to purchaso will bo oponod
nnd consldorod, for tbo purchaso of
rG0,73C.00, city of Klamath Falls,
general obligation bonds, payable 20
years from dato of Issuo, bearing a
rato of IntoroBt not oxcoodlng six
por cent por annum; Intorost payablo
soml-unnually; principal and Intorost
payablo at Oregon Fiscal Agency In
tho city of Now York, Stato pf Now
York, or nt tbo offlco, of tho treas
urer of said city as determined by
mutual aKroomont of purcbasor and
council. Tboso bonds aro to bo Issued
in denominations of ono thousand
dollars, (11000,00) oacb, and to bo
numbored from ono to flfty-ono in
Said bonds are to be issuod in
puruuanco of Ordlnanco No. 408 of
said city; and nro to bo issued for
mo purpose of installing a sowor
system In tho territory known ns
Mills Addition, In occordanco with
tho plans, ni'oclflcatlona and ostl
males of tho city onglnoer. Each pro
posal to purchaso said bonds must be
accompanied by. n check for 6 of
thq amount of tbo proposal cortltlod
by somo" responsible bank" and pay
ablo to said city. Proposals must be
floated and ondersod: "Proposals to
purchaso Mills Addition sower
Said bonds' aro to bo sold for cash'
at dato of delivery, and for a prlco
not Iobs than par,
Tho right to rojoct any and all
proposals, is noreoy resorvod.
Jiy ordor of tho Common Council.
Police Judge- of tho city of Kla
math Falls, Oregon.
Febi 10 M-l
Yachting is tho favorlto recreation
of Mrs. Lloyd tioorgo, wife ot tbo.
British prim ominlstor.
Ono of tho fow womon locksmiths
In Amorlca is Mrs. C. 0. Dublo o(
Now Orleans.
-and my . how
pure crtdm
Ttke Hdmea Don