TAOH TlimiH THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH BALLS, QREGON HATUKOAY, FEnnUAHY.aO, 1091. 444Wi. r nTurc ac nr a rrmiw... vv 1 a tiui jr iyCjl Llo 1 1INU 1 IUIN . j must I111 imiilo for (li0 Minor Individually. Wl wo tmiko your mv , , Milling mitt mill rriiliiy umrlnn" imllv llallnrlln M,.it.i.... ,n. J ; to fit 71m prrfr4ly mid to rrtnhi l(n iwlm-nmiirtiiiym ilurJnir lonir ' tiiiisiMii nnnri CHAS. J. CIZEK, Merchant Tailor H18 HAln H(. 44.t.44 JQ 144.44, W Chicken Dinner 75c i 11 11 11 11 11 11 . 11 11 11 I 11 1 . ii 11 1 11 4 1 I II I 1 I 1 HI MM HI I II PI !!! J I If the Wood Dealer Sold Service Wo ilo Mot aril currents wn mI1 aervlcn. Thnt Hounds odd dorant ItT Wril, supposo tho wood di-nlrr nold scTvlrn Instead of wood, hn would trnd n your rurnaco nnd your rango, talcb away the aRlii and cwnmi tlio frnra. You would rnijr o much boat. Vow ran ruf an much light, although yon pay according to thn ciuEPnt Tu tmninie, Tlut thn amrlcn I performed for ou by UiU efifcpuny at f10 mlxKntlAnN and powrr plant. That la what wo want to glvo yon -efflrlcnt service. It U tlio arm f this aowspnry to ham nrmn but satlsflril ciutomrrd. No matter wwat H Ik, If jran hfcvn n grievance, or arc dlJtlflod about your Mil r 4a ant annVratnnd onr rata, pTt-aao come In nnd aoo a or sarlta wa aWrat ft. If ro bar amy paggmticmn to mnkr, wn will gladly aTall our arltwa AVai-a, aa mmr atm la cnrnrtantly to Improve our aorvlco to you aa faat aa fata oWeloprarvit nf edftneo and human ability permit. riorum -rr -rci t California-Oregon Power Company CIGAR STAND all kinds of tobacco O P El N A L L N I G H T The CENTRAL HOTEL GUY GARRETT, Mgr. Phono 1M-W Steam Heated Transient $1.00, up Weekly $5.00, up o p E N; A L L N I G H T NEWS STAND aMMMS'lviMXay) a-whaa-aa a fie fates news RACE! HORSE KELLY'S OWN STORY HOW JESSE JAMES ESCAPED POSSE THE VENGEANCE OF RAIN-IN-THE-FACE Nolo. Tim following recital or moiiio of tlio uilvnnttircH In tlio llfo of tlio Into Harry Kolly, hotter known no Hiiro Home Kolly, wan tnkon down In writing by a friend sin It foil from tlio old tralnor's lips shortly boforo his rucont (loath nt tlio county hospital. I wn born on tho Bolmcnd ranch nunr Nnnlivlllo, Tonnessno, an a slavo In thn household of Old Mnrso Har din; nnd tlioro under tho caro of n man whom I lovod with all my heart passed my bodliood, I wan tho body guard of my young Miss Agno In my youthful yoars, und a truatod fnmlly servant. I''or Hlrs nnd llnrtt Wlmn tho wnr broko out In '81 I wont to tho front with Kunnol Har din. I wan old onouRh to undoratand what It nil mnnnt, nnd that tho ouc conn of tho Union cnuso might brlnK mo frnodom, but I lovod my olo Mnrno nnd tho llttlo mlsncn and I wont nloriK with Kunnol Hardin to do whnt I could for tho confodor ntos. At tho battlo of Stono's Illvor which loBtod from Christmas day In 'CI to Now Yearn day, 'C2 I was captured by northern troops nnd tnkon to NniihYlllo, whero I was turn ed oyer to Colonel Hubo, commnndor of tho Cumborlnnd. I had Colonol Hnrdln'n two honios, "St. Pntrlck" nnd "Miss Froo Trndo," which hnd boon enptured with mo along, and Colonel Huso liked tho looks of tho horses nnd told mo to tako them to Colonol Cunningham's mansion, which I did. I stayed with 'om nnd trained 'om, putting tho vim Into 'om ngnlnat tho day when they should rnco ngaln. And, boy, whon that day did co mo thoy slio'ly did run. After tho wnr I wont to llvo In tho family of (Jonornl John Cheat ham. I raced Ooncral John's horsos nnd tho two Hardin horses nil over tho south. Thon I went to Cincin nati nnd rncod thoro In 'C8 for Phil Davis nnd other old tlmo owners of fast stock. I rodo old Chlckamauga and Bhcnndoah, two fast ones of tholr day, on tho Clnclnnattl track. I started west In tbo spring and brought out a bunch of horses for Colonol Tom Duncan of Stowarta vlllo, Missouri. Tbo next spring was '70 and Colonel Duncan sold out to n lot or uuicn colonists ana sent mo to IMattsvlllo with his horses to Col onol lllxby's ranch. From thoro I took two horses, Bantankco nnd Nuggot, to Denver. Santankco went blind nnd tho colonel sent him to Kentucky. Slot tho Jiunc Onng I quit Colonol Duncan thnt fall and wont to Kansas City, nnd ovor to Missouri to tho Clay county tracks whoro I rodo for Jim nroshfteld. Tho James boys hold up tbo track thnt fall nnd took tho pool nnd tho gato receipts. I was out on tho track on old Revolution nt that tlmo. And hero's a funny thing! Jesso nnd Frank had nn old colored mam my nnd sho wns n whoppor. Sho lived close thoro nnd tho posso was nftor tho boys, hwful closo. Tho Jnmes boys was stopped nt their mnmmy's houso nnd Jesso wns In tho kitchen nftor somothlng Jo ont. Thoro co mo n knock on tho door nnd Josso could think of no place to hldo, but old Aunt Judy told him ta crawl un der her skirts. Ho did It nnd tho posso novnr cnught him that tlmo. I supposo ovorybody knows that tho James boys wore bom right closo to I.tbortyvlllo, Missouri, whoro this holdup took placo. Well I Just travollod around from thoro, nil up nnd down tho Missouri vnlloy. In tho fall of '72 I wont to Leavenworth, Kansas, and rodo for Colonel Jensen and Captain Hill Tough. Cnplaln Dill wns TJnltod Stntos mnrshnl then. Conchmnn for 3on. Miles Mnybo I got somo of my dates mix ed, but you old tlmors can stralghton that out, nnd as for Missouri and Oregon hero, thor'ro Just kids, and It don't mnko no dlfforonco. I rodo Old High Flolds tho noxt year, and To poka Hill nnd Pine Loaf. Thon I quit tho track for a spell nnd wont to work as coachman for Qonornl Nel son A. Miles, and wont with him to tho Llttlo Bighorn country, whon ho was called to aid General Custor In '78. And then tho general was massa crcd 18 miles from Fort Cuater. I was right thoro besldo Oonorol Cus tor and I soon his body all wrapped In a groen blanket, nnd po' Tom hla brothor laying beside him with his heart cut out and stuck In bis mouth. The genoral was ahot square through tho hoad., Raln-ln-the-Faco la tho guy who waa responsible for Colonel Tom's death. It all happened over some little meanness that Raln-In-tlio-Faco dono, and Colonol Tom had to punish him, nnd tho old InJIn Bald thon ho would kill him somo day nnd cut bin heart nut nnd stick It In bin mouth. (Uiiln-In-tlio-Kuco hnd klllnd n man with nn nxo handlo and Colonol Custer sent him to tho guardhouse) HWw, llulld Kort KoorIi Well, wo wont from thoro with Oon oral Miles nnd built Fort Koogh, and then winter enmo. Wo had SCO boot cnttlo for meat, nnd n band of Sioux enmo and ran them off. Wo followed them nnd enptured our cattlo at Llt tlo Wolf moutnnln. Wo got back to ramp on Christmas day, and wo had no pay for soven months, and woro a protty glum and lonosomo bunch. Olio ClirlMjuiiN Dinner Woll, wo dono tho host wo could. I stretched a buffalo hldo over a hollow log and boat out InJIn music whllu tho rest danced around tho tiro. Wu had buffalo and antclopa for our dinner. Hut tho grub run shy toward spring, and wo cut cot- tonwoods nlong tho Yollowstono nnd waited for tho boats to como In tho spring. And nt last thoy did como, nnd that was suro n tickled bunch of tlocs as thoy bowed to us as wo went away, thankful that wo had spared their lives. Hack to tlio Trnck Woll, wo had tho last scrap with tho Ncz Porccs at Hoar Paw Moun tain up In Montana, and then I got Itchln' for rnco horses again, and went back cast. Well, boys, I'm klnda tired now, and I reckon I will go rest. Maybo somo tlmo I will toll you what hap pened to mo up at Dutch Jako's up In Spokane And about tbo tlmo I danced tho hula on tho boacb at Wat klkl In Hawaii, and about tbo tlmo Till niazo was killed by Dud Howard up In Hums, Oregon, and about tho tlmo mo and Wild Hill atolo his wlfo's horse, and how I won tho 11000, and about mo and tho Spanish dancer at Albuqucrquo. Dut not this tlmo. I'm tired, so holp mo back to my chair by tho stove Sho" doos mo good to talk about tho good old times. 3(tt. on Ualn St. ITS FINE FOR N H We Knt too Much Mont Which Clogs Kidneys, Then tho Hack Hurls Most folks forget that tho kldnoys, llko tho bowols, got sluggish nid rlnfri-ml nml nnml n flllahlnt nprfl. slonally, clso wo havo backacho nndnnK auu misery in mo Kiunoy region. o- Beginning at tho KKHOLUTIO.V Tho City Knglncor pursuant to tho Resolution of tho Common Coun cil hurotoforo adopted, having under data of tho .... day of January, 1921, filed plans, specifications nnd csttmatos of tho cost of Improving tho alloy In Hlock 17, Original Town, of Klamath Falls, Oregon, Includ ing Intersections; nnd tho Common Council having taken tho samo under ndvlscmunt nnd finding said plans, specifications and estimates satis factory, IT IH HKitRliY UKHOLVKD. That said plans, specifications and estimates for tho Improvement c! said alloy bo and tho samo aro hereby adopted; AND' HB IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That tho Common Council hereby declares Us Intontlon to Improvo said alloy In accordance with said plans, specifications nnd cstlmatos; said Improvomont to consist of paving said alloy with Concroto, Hltulithlc or Wllllto. Tho estimated coat of tho Improvomont of said alloy with olthor of tho pavements montlonod abovo to bo $1829.00. AND lift IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Dy tho Common Council that tbo following described property bo and Is horoby declared bonented by said Improvement, to wit; DESCRIPTION OWNER FnONTAflH Iloglnnlng at tho Southeasterly corner of Lot 1, Block 17, In tho Town of Llnkvlllo (now City of Kla math Falls,) Oro.; thonco North wostorly along tho Westorly lino ot Firth Stleot, 112 feet; thenco South westerly parallol with Main St., 38 ft,; thenco Southeasterly parallol with Cth St.. 112 fL: thonco North- Jonnlo H. Hum easterly along Main St,, 30 foot to tho nnd point of beginning. Ralph Hum Beginning at a point on tho North erly lino ot Main St. 3Cft Southwest erly from tho Southeasterly corner of Lot 1 of Block 17 In tho Town of Llnkvlllo. (now City of Klamath Falls.) Orccen: thonco Northwostor- ly at right angles to Main St. 112 ft; thonco Southwesterly parnuoi wuu Main St. 30 ft.: thonco Southeast erly parollel with Fifth St. 112 ft.; thoncn Northeasterly along mo Northerly lino of Mnln St. 30 to tho placo ot beginning. Beginning at tho Southeasterly coroor of Lot 2, Block 17 In tho Town of Llnkvlllo (now City of Klamath Falls) Oregon; thenco Northwesterly at right angles to Main St. 112 ft.: thence Southwesterly, parallel with Main St. 3C ft.; thonco Southeast ly parallel with Cth St. 112 ft.; thonco Northeasterly along Main St., 3C ft to tbo point ot beginning. Beginning at tho Southwesterly comer of Lot 2 Block 17 In tho Town of Llnkvlllo (now tho City ot Kla math Falls.) Oregon; thenco North easterly along tho southerly lino ot Main St. 31 ft.; thonco Northwest erly at right angles to Main St. 112 ft.; thenco Southwesterly parallol with Main St. 31 ft.; thonco South easterly parallel with Cth St. 112 ft. to point of beginning. Boglnnlng at tho Southeasterly cornor of Lot 3 Block 17 In tho town ot Llnkvlllo (now City of Klamath Falls!) Oregon; thenco Northwester ly at right angles to Main St. 112 ft.; thonco Southorly parallel with Main St. 22 ft 10 Ins.; thonco Southeaster ly parallol with Cth St. 112 ft. thenco Northeasterly along Main St. 22 ft. J. O. Boardsley 22 ft. 10 In. 10 Ins, to tho placo of beginning. HJ Bti Beginning at a point on tho North erly lino ot Main St.. 30 ft. North- oastorly from tho Southwesterly cor- t nor of Lot 4 of Block 17, In tho Town , of Llnkvlllo (now City of Klamath Falls.) Oregon; thenco Northeaster- - - ' V fi ly along Main St. 80 ft.; thenco ' " ' Jw Northwesterly at right angles to Main St. 112 ft. thonco South woatorly par allol with Main St. 110 ft. to 4th St., thenco Southeasterly along tho East erly lino ot 4th St. 46 ft.; thenco Northeasterly parallol with Main St. 30 ft.; thenco Southwesterly parallol with 4th 6C ft. to point ot begin- Paul Lambert 30' on Matt Ht, Z. J. Powell 30 ft. on Main St, F. H. Page 31 ft. on Mala St. Charles Loorals John Loomes 110 ft. on Alloy 80 ft. oa Mala St, voro headaches, rheumatic twlngos, torpid liver, acid stomach, sleepless ness and nil sorts of bladdor disor ders. You simply must koop your kld noys active nnd clean, and tho mo ment you fool nn acho or pain In the kidney region, got about four ounces ot Jad Salts from nny good drug storo hero, tnko n tnblospoonful In a glass ot wator boforo breakfast for a tow days and your kldnoys will then actjtlno. This famous salts Is mado from tho ncld ot grapes and lemon Julco, combined with llthla, and Is harmless to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity. It also neutralizes tho acids In tho urine so It no longer Irritates thus ondlng bladdor disorders. Jnd Salts Is harmless; Inexpen sive; makes n dollghtful offervescont llthla-wntor drink which ovorybody should tako now nnd then to kcop tholr klndnoya clean, thus avoiding aorlous complications. A woll-known local druggist says he soils Iota of Jad Salts to folks who bellovo In overcoming kldnoy trou ble whllo It Is only troublo. Southwesterly E mora cornor of Lot 4 ot Block 17 in Town of Llnkvlllo, (now City ot Klamath Falls.) Oregon; thenco Northeaster ly nlong Main St. 30 ft.; thenco Northwesterly at right angles to Main St., 66 ft; thonco Southwester ly, parallel with Main St. 30 ft., to tho Easterly lino ot 4th St-: thonco Southeasterly along 4th St. 66 ft to tho point of beginning. First National Bank Lot C of Block 17 In tho Town ot Llnkvlllo (now City ot Klamath Falls) Oregon; oxcopt tho southerly 8 ft. thoroot. Lot C ot Block 17 In tho Town ot Llnkvlllo (now City of Klamath Falls,) Oregon; excopt tho Southerly 8 ft. tborcot. Lot 7 of Block 17 In tho Town ot Llnkvlllo (now City ot Klamath Falls,) Oregen: excopt the South erly 8ft. thereof. First NaUonal Bank ot Kla math Falls, Ore. 30 ft, on Main St. O. D. Matthews 65 ft. oa Piae. St. Stella Mane J. W. McCoy 65 ft. oa Plaa 8t 65 ft, on Pine St, YDUR 1 You Cnn IlrlnR Hack Color nnd Lustro Willi 8auo Ten and Sulphur Whon you darkon your hair with Sago Tqa nnd Sulphur, no ono can toll bocauso It's dono so naturally, so ovonly. Preparing this mixture, though, at homo Is mussy and trou blosomo. At llttlo cost, you can buy at any drug storo tho roady-to-uso preparation, Improved by tho addi tion of other lngredlonts, called "Wyeth's Sago and Sulphur Com pound.' You Just dampon n spongo or soft brusn with It and draw this through your hair, taking ono small atrand at n tlmo. By morning nil gray hair disappears, and nftor an othor application or two your hair becomes beautifully darkonod, glossy and luxuwfcint. Qsay, fcidod hair, though, no dlsgaace, Is a sign ot old age, and as wo all desire a youthful and at tractive appearance, got busy nt onco with Wyeth's Sago and Sulphur Com pound, nnd look yonra younger, Adv. and that said proporty abovo listed and described be and hereby is de clared to bo tho property to bo assessod for the oxpenso ot said Improve ment. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Monday, the 21st day of March, 1921, at tho hour ot 8 o'clock p. m. at the Council Chambers la tho City Hall, bo fixed ns tbo tlmo and place for the hearing ot objections and remonstrances against tho said 'proposed Improvement and the Police Judgo Is horoby dlrocted to causo notlco ot said hearing to be published as by Chartor provided. STATE OF OREGON, County ot Klamath, City ot Klamath Falls ss. I, A. L. LEAVITT. Pollco Judgo of the City of Klamath Falls, Ore gon, do horoby certify that the foregoing Is a duly enrolled copy ot a resolution adopted by tho Common Council on the 14th day ot February, 1921, doclarlng Its Intention to Improvo tho alley In Block 17. Orltinal Town, ot Klamath Falls, Oregon, and approving the plans, specifications and estimates oi costs submitted by tho City engineer. A. L. LBAVTTT. F23-M5 Police Judge. m Bpb BacWhr Away Back hurt you? Can't atralghton up without fooling sudden pains, sharp aches and twingesT Now Us tonl That's lumbago, sciatica or mny bo from a strain, and you'll get blossed rollet tho moment you rub your back with soothing, ponetratlng 'St. Jacobs Oil." Nothing else takes out soreness, Jamenoss and stiffness so quickly. You simply rub It on and out comoa the pain. It is perfectly harmless and doesn't burn or dis color the skin. Limber up! Don't suffer! Get a small trial bottle from any drug store, and after using It Just once, you'll forget that you ever had head ache, lumbago or sciatica, because your back will never hurt or causo any more misery. It never disap points and has .been recommended tor 60 years. Adv. A Herald Class Ad Will Sell It