I'AOn TIIIIKN THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON FRIDAY, FBDnUAnY 8t,Jfl SAGE TEA KEEPS I Wlioii IMIxixl Willi HuljiMir llrliign Hnrk IIIm lliviutlfiil LtlNlrtt At Onra Cray Imlr, hownviir himflsomi). do nates advancing ago. Wo nil know tlio ndvnntiigiin of n youthful nppnnr nncn, Your Imlr In your rliiirm. It tnnkon or mnrn tint fnco. When It radon, tiiriin (tray, niul looks ntrnnlc ml, JiiHt a row npiillcuttoiirt of Hiiro Ten nnil Sulphur enhances Its np pnnriincn a liuiiilrciilfolil. Iliin't lny grnyl Look younRl Either propnro tlm niclpo nt lininii or Rot from any ilriifc Htoro a bottlo or "Wyoth'n Hngn nnil Biilphur Com pound," which In inurnly tlm old tlma rcclpo Impro oil liy llio nddl Hon of other liigroillrnln. Tlioti snntln of folks riironuuoiiil thin romly-Io-uko preparation, because It dnrk nnil tlio Imlr beautifully; lionliloii, no ono cun potwlhly tall, nn It darkon ho nnturnlly niul evenly. Yon moisten n npongn or oft brush with It, drnw- Iiir thin throUKh tlm Imlr, Inking onn small ntrniul nt n tltnn, lly morning tlio grny Imlr illmippimrH; nflor mi otlior application or two Us imliirnl color In restored, runl It hocomon thick, glossy nnil IimtroiiH, nnil you appear yearn younger.- Ailv. UNIMIIUiOEH OPERATION MAMN, Kuli, 2B. An nttnrk of np penillcltlh mused Rudolph Kllma to hn tnkmi to Merrill tliln wook to 1111 dorgo nn oporntlon, Tlio conn do volopml Hiiililunly mid mado operating necessary. I)rn. Krooso of Merrill tihil lr. Lamb or Klnmnth Falls, por forinod tin) oporntlon. HACK FROM COLLEGE MAMN, Kill). 2fi. Jim Otoinnn, resident of tlm Hlinntu Vlnw miction, ruttirnml Saturday from tlio Oregon Agrlciilttirn college, whnro ho hml been Inking n short cotimn In dairy Inn. oil In nt prnNiint nt tlio homo or Ills fnllior, Joseph Otoinnn. Ho atari cil tho roufho Innt December, nnil I now iiuallfylcd to do milk tontine and otlior dairy work. Mnt your hijuncn nod npnrtmontii thill you wish to rout with uii. 123 8th HI Klnmnth Exchnngn. 31-28 MIW. W. V. 1IAKEK, of MIL twinkle, Oregon, mIio nay ntio Um Ikvii rrnloml to pcrfoct linnllli by TiinliKi nflcr ImvIiik niifforoil for l!(l yonr. Hor ntntement li ro-iinirknhlc. tt MONDALE THEATRE The Best for the Best TONIGHT AND SATURDAY NIGHT IIROADWAY'H GREATEST COMEDIAN Taylor Holmes in "TAXI" , Tukn a Joy rlilo with Tuylor HnlinoK In hi tnxl mid ho hnppy. High spued coini'ily hlttliiK on nil fours. AND TWO GOOD COMEDIES TWO BHOWB 0:30 8:30 ComlnR Hunilny tho Mb western favorltn William Desmond t In a knockout western plcturo called "A Sago Brush Hamlet. 4 sHk Jsfcr I Hsf f RESOLUTION )MMMMVWWWWWWWWWVmWWVWVWWMMVMMWWWWMAAMAAAAAMMMMMAMA Don't Cough All Spring Let a cold get the least headway and you are holding out a good invitation for a long aggravated period of coughing, and all the other disagreeable things that go with a cold The best way to stop a cold is to have on hand a ready help. UNDERWOOD'S COUGH REMEDY AND COLD TABLETS This changeable weather is detrimental to health and for that aggravated cold you now have, or the cold you have just con tracted, you will find Our Laxative Cold Tablets to be a thoroughly reliable remedy. Our Cough Remedy for those indications of trouble in the throat and lungs. A combina tion much wanted and works wonders. ( inditrwooft Pharninf v rv jujAtvu n taijL& urcnuun wirn V 7 WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE FU puSTfvl QUY THCIR DRUGS Iaccu'acvI yuri-rLAruMtrvMi'rbrv" " " "f - "For tho lagt twenty yoars I hato mifforod from utomnch troublo In ltn wornt form. I wnn In inliury all tho tlmo. U I look n drink of coffeo or milk or oron iwntor, It would causo bolclilnR and Ran. In fact, absolutely nothing would digest In my stomach. I olwnyi had an nwful burning ion nation In tho pit or my stomach. I bullovo I havo tnkon almost a waRon load or soda for stomach trou blo. I would havo to tako It nlgbt and day, Onn would Moat mo up so lmdly I couldn't fasten my clothes. At times my heart would palpltato nnd flutter so badly I would nearly smother and I would baro to gasp for breath. In fact, I thought I bad heart troublo, 'I wan vory fond of cbeeso and tbo loast blto would throw mo right Into spasms. I iron also Tory fond of onions, but they would upset mo ter ribly. "My wholo system wan out of shapo and I was alio bothorod with rheu matism and neuritis. Pains in my arms nnd other Joints woro almost unbearable. I had to carry ono or my arms In a sling and couldn't ralso It up to my head. My hands would nwoll up and for a long tlmo I was In Just nn nwful condition. "I told my husband I guossed I would havo to glvo tip and dlo, as tho doctors' mndlclnos and othor things I took didn't do mo nny good. Then ho got mo soma Tanlae and said I hml to tako It. Well, before I finish ed onn bottlo, I round tho things I would eat did not bother mo so much. I knpt Rrndunlly getting bol ter and finally after. taking flro bot tles. mV troublo was entirely reliev ed. I can now rat onions, cheeso or anything I -wnnt. In fact, I am In perfect honlth I novory way. My nourltln and rhcumntlsm havo also left mo. I know that flvo dollars' worth hnn dono mo moro good than n hundred dollars' worth or othor medicines. I will sing tho prnlso or Tnnac an long as I llvo." Tho abovo romarkablo statement wns mado by Mrs. W. P. nakor, whoso address In Mllwauklo, Oro gon n. P. K. 2. Tanlao Is sold In Klamath Falls by Btnr Drug Co., In Lorella by Jamos More. Co., ond In Merrill by South ern Oregon Drug Co., nt Modoc Point, 13. A. Sutton & Son, nt Dairy, W. P. Bodgo. Adv. Special: This Week Only V Pt. Can Floorlac and Varnish Brush 10c Spring is coming Brighten up AMi iCOIiOIUJ MGHT OAK DAIIK OAK GOLDEN OAK WAliNim MAIHMiANY COUPON Namo AUJrett, Tbivn. This coupon and 10c entitles bearer to pint can of Floorlac and one Varnlth Bruin. ( Only one of each to each purchaser.) niUNQ IN YOUtt oouton AND 10a Varnish that old furniture and marred , woodwork with EARTH FLOORLAC VARNISH STAIN '' ? i,"?,jyp' BIG BASIN LUMBER CO. Phono 107 B. W. P. AGENTS Spring and Main Tho City Knglnnor pursuant to tho resolution or tho Com mon Council horotoforo ndopt cd, having under (Into, or tho 21st day or January, 1021, riled plnns, spaciricntlons nnd olslmatos or tho cost or Improving l'lno Stroot from Klnventh lltrcot to Ksplanado, Including Intersections; and tho Com mon Council having tnkon tho samo tinder advlnnment nnd finding said plain, specifications and cstlmatos satisfactory, IT IH IIKHRIIY IlKBOIiVKD, That said plans, specifications and esti mates for tho Imporvnmont or l'lno Street from Klovonth Street to Ks planado, Including Intersections, bo and tho samo urn hornby approved ; AND I1K IT KURTIIKIl ItlCBOIV Kl), that tho Common Council lioro by declares Its Intention to Improvo said portions of l'lno Street, In ac cordance with said plans, specifica tions and estimates; said Improvo ment to consist of paving said por tions of l'lno Ktroet with Concrcto, llltullthlc or Wllllto. Tlm estimated cost of tho Improvement or nnld por tions ot said strcot by placing tbero on eltbor Concrcto, llltullthlc or Wit and placo for tbo hearing or objec lllo to bo $12,CC2.90, said cost In cluding grading, rolling, curbing and cement sldownlk. AND I1H IT KURTIIKIl lUSSOLV i:i), lly tho Common Council that tho following dcscrlbod proporty bo and Is horoby declared bonofltod by said Improvement, to-wlt: Lots G. 0. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 or lllock 2, Hot Springs Addition to City of Klamath Falls, Oregon; Lots 1, Z, 3, 4, C, lllock 3, Hot Springs Addition to City ot Klamath Kails, Oregon; also proporty described as follews: Jlo glnnlng nt tho Intersection of tho Southerly lino or l'lno Slroot -with tho easterly lino or 11th street; thonco northeasterly along tho south erly lino or l'lno Street. 120 feet: thonco southeasterly at right anglos to l'lno Stroot, CS feet; thonco south westerly at right angles to 11th Strcot 120 feet: thonco northwester ly along tho easterly lino of 11th Street to tho point ot beginning; also, Ilcglnnlng at tho Intersection or tbo northerly lino of Main Street with tho easterly lino of 11th street run ning thonco cnsterly along tho north erly lino of Main Slroot, C8 feet; thanco northerly parallol with 11th strcot, 100 foot, thonco wosterly par allol with Main Stroot, G8 root, to tho oostorly lino of 11th street. Thonco southorly along tho easterly lino or 11th stroot to tho point or beginning; also, Doglnnlng at a point on the northerly lino or Main Street, 120 root easterly from tho Intersection of tho northorly lino of Main Stroot and tho easterly lino or 11th strcot; thonco northorly nt right angles to Main Strcot 240 fcot to tho southorly lino ot Pine Street, thenco easterly along southerly lino ot Pine Street 120 reel; thenco southorly at right angles to Main Strcot, 240 feet to tho northorly lino or Main Street 120 feot to tho beginning; nlso, Ilcgln nlng nt a point on tho easterly lino or 11th street CS feet southeasterly from tho Intersection ot tho southor ly lino or Pine Strcot with tho easter ly lino or 11th street; thenco south easterly along tho oastcrly lino or Uth street 7l feet; thenco at right 'nnglon to 11th strcot northeasterly 58 foet: thenco nt right angles north I westerly parallel with 11th street 75 ItEHOMmON Tho City Engineer pursuant to tho Resolution of tho Common Coun cil horotoforo adopted, having under dato of tho .... day of January. 1921, filed plnns, specifications and estimates of the cost of Improving tho alloy In lllock 17, Original Town, of Klnmath Falls, Oregon, Includ ing Intersections; nnd the Common Council having takon tho samo under advisement nnd finding nnld plnnn, specifications and estimate satu factory, IT IS IIERKUY RESOLVED, That said plnns, specifications and cstlmutes for tbo Improvement of said alloy bo ond tho samo aro noroby adopted; AND HE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That tho Common Council horoby doclarcn Its Intention to Improvo said alloy In accordanco with said plans, specifications nnd cstlmatos; said Improvement to consist or paving sold alley with Concroto, llltullthlc or Wllllto. Tho estimated cost of tho Improvement of said alloy with either of tho pavements mentlonod abovo to bo $1829.00. AND HE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Uy tho Common Council (bat tho lollowlng described proporty bo and is norety aeciareo Denonioa oy said Improvement, to wit: Paul Lambert Z. J. Powoll 3GU ft. on Main St. Jump from Bed in Morning and Drink Hot Water Tolls why everyone should drink hot water each morning before breakfast. To soo tho hoalthy bloom In your fnco, to eoo your skin got clonrer and cloaror, to wako up without a hoad nclio, backacho, coated tonguo or a natsy bronth, In fact to feol your best, day In and day out, Just try Insldo bathing ovory morning for a wook. Uoforo broakfast each day, drink a glass or real hot water with a toa spoonful or llmostlno pbosphato In It ns a harmless moans or washing from tho stonvnch, ltvor, kidneys and bowols and provlous day's Indlgostt bio wasto, sour bllo And toxins, tbus cleansing, swootonlng and purifying tho entlro allmontary canal boforo pitting moro food Into tho stomach. Tho action ot hot water and llmo Btono phosphnto on an ompty stom ach la wondorfully Invigorating. It cloans out all of tho sour fermennta lions, gases and acidity and gives ono a flno appotlto for breakfast. A quarter pound ot llmostono phos phate will cost very little at the drug store, but Is sufflclont to dem onBtrato that tboso who aro subject to constipation, bullous attachs, acid stomach, rheumatlo twinged or whoso skin Is sallow or pallid, that ono wook or Insldo bathing will havo thorn lookfng nnd roollng bottor overy way. Adv, DESCRIPTION OWNER Beginning at tho Southeasterly cornor of Lot 1, Block 17, In tho Town or Llnkvlllo (now City of Kla math Kails,) Oro.; thonco North wostorly along tho Westorly lino of Klrth Stlcot, 112 foot; thonco South wostorly parallel with Main St., 3C rt.; thenco Southeasterly parallel with Gth Rt., 112 rt; thonco North- Jonnlo D. Hum bastorly along Main St., 3G feet to tho and point or beginning. Ralph Hum . Beginning at a point on tho North orly lino or Main St. 3Cft Southwest erly rrom tho Southeasterly corner or Lot 1 or Dlock 17 In tbo Town ot Llnkvlllo, (now City or Klamath Falls,) Oregon; thonco Northwoster ly at right nnglcn to Main Rt. 112 ft; thonco Southwesterly parallol with Main St. 30 ft.; thenco Southeast erly parellel with Fifth St. 112 ft.; thenco Northeasterly along tho Northorly lino of Main St. 30 It . , . . to tho placo or beginning. Beginning at tho Southeasterly cornor or Lot 2, Block 17 In tho Town of Llnkvlllo (now City of Klamath Falls) Oregon; thonco Northwesterly at right angles to Mala St. 112 ft.; thenco Southwesterly, parallol with Main St. 3G ft.; thonco Southoaat ly parallel with Gth St. 112 ft.; thenco Northeasterly along Main St., 3514 ft to tho point or beginning. Beginning at tho Southwesterly cornor of Lot 2 Block 17 In tho Town of Llnkvlllo (now tbo City ot Kla math Falls,) Oregon; thenco North easterly along tho southerly lino ot Main St. 31 ft.; thenco wortnwesi erly at right anglos to Main St. 112 ft.; thenco Southwesterly parallol with Main St. 31 ft.; thenco South- , easterly parallol with Gth St. 112 ft. to point of beginning. i II. Page Boclnnlng at tbo Southeasterly . cornor of Lot 3 Block 17 In tho town ot Llnkvlllo (now City ot Klamath . Falls,) Oregon; thonco Northwester ly at right angles to Main St. 112 ft.; thonco Southorly parallol with Main -' f St. 22 ft 10 Ins.; thonco Southoastor- ly parallol with Gth St. 112 ft. thenco Northeasterly along Main St. 22 ft. J. O. Beardsley 10 Ins, to tho placo of beginning. " - Beginning at a point on tbo North orly lino ot Main St., 30 ft. North iaslorlv from tho Southwesterly cor- t.-' nor of Lot 4 of Block 17, In tho Town of Llnkvlllo (now City of Klamath Falls,) Oregon; thenco Nortbeastor- ly along Main St. 80 ft.; thenco - . Northwesterly at right angles to Main V Jft St. 112 ft. thonco Southwesterly par- r allel with Main St. 110 ft. to 4th St., thenco Southeasterly along tho East erly lino ot 4th St. 46 ft.; thonco v Northeasterly parallel with Main St. nn rt tfiAnrn flnnthwnfnr1v narsllnl with 4th 6C ft. to point of begin- Charles Loomls j onn ioomcs rRONTAQH 3ft. on Main St. 30 H oa 8t, oi ii. on main du M lift. 10 In. !a Ma r ;J 221 a Main Sb jr r I. 4. Wffff'1RP6?1Mfff1Hfci ; : OPEN NOSTRILS! END i k r.ni n or catarrh ; ;. How To Get Relief When Head utut iiuvc mtv oiuui-u up 4Jl!jLO.A fr-M93$d Count fifty I Your cold In head or catarrh disappears. Your cloggod nostrils will opon, tbo air passages ot your heat will cloar and you can breatho freely. No mero snuffling, hawking, mucous discharge, dryness or hoadacho, no struggling tor breath at nlgbt. Got a small bottlo of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist and apply a Uttlo ot this fragrant antlsoptla croam in your nostrils. It ponutrates through overy air passage ot tho head, soothing and healing tho swol len or Inflamed mucous mombrane. giving yon instant roller. Hoad colds and catarrh ylold Ilko magic. Don't stay stuffod-up and miserable. Rellof U suro. adv. "LET GEORGE IK) IT" It your watch nooda ropalrlng bring It to Ooo. L. Motr, C22 Main St. 2' First National Bank Lot 5 ot Block 17 In tho Town ot Llnkvlllo (now City ot Klamath Falls) Oregon; oxcopt tho southerly 8 ft. thoroot. Lot 6 ot Block 17 In tho Town ot Llnkvlllo (now City ot Klamath Falls,) Oregon; oxcopt tbo Southorly 8 ft. thoreof. Lot 7 ot Block 17 In tho Town of Llnkvlllo (now City ot Klamath Falls.) Oregon; oxcopt tbo South erly 8ft. tboroot. Bank of Kla math Falls, Ore. feet; thonco nt right angles to 11th nlng. street soHUiwcsior.y f coi ,o . Hoglnnlng at tho Southwesterly po nt or beginning, nil en d Property c of Lt 4 ot Dlocl 17 ,n Town Wi'"1 !2tSPirinBnAi,0J?nti?h.T f L"lvl. (now City of Klamath ot Klamath Falls. Oregon, and that 0 . thenco Northeaster sad Property abovo listed and des-1 , n, Ma(n st- 30 ft thonco crlbed bo and horoby Is declared to NortnwMtorJy. at Tiebl angica to bo nssossed for tho oxpenso of said Ma,n st f 66 f; thonco Southwestor Improvoment. hy( namUM with Main 8t. 30 ft., to AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLV- tho Easterly Una of 4th St.: thenco ED, That Monday, tho 7th day of J Southeasterly along 4th St. 66 ft, to First National March, 1921, nt tlio hour or 8 ociock tho point ot beginning. P. M. at tho council unamDers ni tho City Hall, bo fixed as tbo tlmo tlons and romonstrances against tho said proposod improvement and tho Pollco Judgo is hereby directed to causa notlco of said hearing to be published as by Chartor provided. STATE OF OREOON, County ot Klamath, City of Klamath Fnlls ss I, A. L. Loavltt, Pollco Judgo of tho City ot Klamnth Falls. Oregon, do horoby cortlty that tho forogolng Is a duly enrolled copy or a resolu tion adopted by tho Common Council on tho 31 day or January, 1921, de claring its intention to Improvo Pine Stroot from Elovonth Stroot to Es planado, Including Intersections, and approving tho plans, specifications and cstlmatos ot costs submitted by tho City Englnoer. A. L. LEAVITT, Pollco Judgo. 1G-26 110 ft. on Alley 80 It. on Mala St. 30 ft oa Mala St. S. D. Matthews 65 ft oa Ptai St. Stella Mang J. W. McCoy 65 ft.-on Pine St. 65 ft, on Pin St. and that said property abovo listed and described be and hereby Is de clared to bo tho proporty to bo assessed for the expense ot said Improve ment. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Monday, the 21st day ot March, 1921, at tho hour ot 8 o'clock p. m. at the Council Chamber In tho City Hall, bo fixed as tho tlmo and placo for tho hearing ot objections and romonstrances against the said 'proposed Improvement and the Police Judgo is horoby directed to causo notlco ot said hearing to be published as by Chartor provided) STATE OF OREGON, County ot Klamath, City ot Klamath .Falls as. I, A. L. LEAVITT, Police Judgo ot tho City ot Klamath Falls. Ore gon, do horoby cortlfy that tho foregoing Is a duly enrolled copy ot a resolution adopted by tho Common Council on the 14th day of February. 1921, doclarlng Its intention to Improvo tho alloy In Block 17, Original Town, ot Klamath Falls, Oregon, and approving tbo plans, specifications and estimates ot costs submitted by tho City Engineer. A. h. LEAVITT. F23-M5 Police Judge. Break Chest Colds With Red Peppers Easo your tight, aching chest. Stop the pain. Break up tho congestion. Fool a bad cold loosen up In Just a short tlmo. "Rod Pepper Rub" Is tho cold rem edy that brings the quickest relief. It cannot hurt you aid It cortalnly sooms to end the tightness and drive the congestion and soreness right out. When heat penetrates right down Into colds, congestion, aching mus cles and soro Joints, relief comos at once, Nothing has such concentrated, penetrating heat as red peppers. The moment you apply Red Pepper Rub tor colds, backache, sore muscles, still nock,, lumbago, or the pains of rheumatism or neuritis, you feel the tingling heat In three minutes the congested spot Is warmed through and through When you are sufferlDsTso you eaa hardly get about, Just get a jar of Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made from rod peppers, at any drug store. You will have the quickest relief known. Adv. r I