The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 24, 1921, Image 1

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&ift lEuentttg Iteralfi
Today's News
A Class Ad Witt
Do It
Member of the Associated Press,
Flftwnlh Ycflr No. flOrt.1.
Hoarlng nn ilomurror In tho In
junction Mil It, Involving tho $60,000
Hot HprlnRti courthouso fund nnd tho
$14,000 miscellaneous fund, has boon
not for Saturday tnornlug nt 10
o'clock baforo Jiulga Cnlklns at
ThU hearing doon not Involvo any
question at rontompt brought about
by violation of tho Injunction, Tho
ilomurror attacks tho Jurisdiction of
tho court ami If It I uphold It will
naturally upiot tho ontlro proceed
If on tho othor hand It li ovorrul
od, tho prospoct U thnt tho legal
process of determining tho validity
of tho Injunction In Juat started.
M. A. Roainos of Medford will rop
ri'sont Ward at tho hoarlng. Tho le
gal advisors of tho county court will
bo present to nrguo tho motion for
Tho volunteer flromon of this city
mot last night to tnnko arrangements
for their annunl ball, which will bo
hold on March 15 Instead of on 8t.
ON mum
Patrick's dny, ns has been their cus-1,..,
ton, for years. This will bo tho fire-
htnn lr.lli nntiilfil linll unit II In mv.
' " , ,, ""
pec ed to bo blggor. brighter, and
better than ever before. It will bo
given In Scandinavian ball.
T'. KHtlllkl ..I.JlllnH 1. I . I II. la
"'D ......, .... aw ...
7.2 .T VI l '!,e?,tt.ot
wcurgo iiikiioi. vico prcsmeni; ami
O. II. Lorenx, snrrotary-trcasuror.
Committees wero appointed as fol fel fol
eows: Kxocutlvo eommlttoo J. J, Stewart,
W. M. Loronx, nnd It. F. Thompson.
Rpoclal Kntortalnmont Commit-
too w, M. Loronx, C. P. Loronx, and
(loorgo 11. Tugnot.
Tho advisory board Is composod of
A. II. Colion, Alex Shlvo, and A, IX.
Aa usual, tho annual ball will bo
given for tho bonaflt of tho firemen's
fund, nnd tho public Is keenly Inter
ested In Its success,
'Annual Elks' Ball
Tomorrow Night
Tomorrow night Is a big night In
tho social circles of Klkdom, being
tho occasion of tho tenth annual ball
for monbors of tho ordor, tholr sis
ters, wives and sweethearts. This
yoar'a ovent wilt bo In no wlso loss
brilliant than past affairs of tho
sort, says tho eommlttoo of arranRo
monts. Dancing will start nt 9 o'clock.
Tin: woiiHT in: hayh
ANACONDA, Mont., Feb. 24.
Aflor tho first 100 years a inuu la
entitled to n rest, Is tho declaration
of Ah I.uo, 99, who has loft Ana
conda, nftor having lived hero moro
than 60 years, for his natlvo homo
In Canton, China, Ah. Luo through
his llfo-long Industry has accumula
ted a small fortune. IIo told frlouds
on his doparturo thut It la his bpllot
that any man anywhoro .near tho
100-mark in ago Is ontltlod to n
P. C. Carlson has instituted suit
against Chas, W. Kalor to forocloao
a mortgago on tho west half of tho
eouthwest quarter of section 36,
township 38, rango 9, the mortgago
having boon delivered aa aocurity for
tho psymont of n promissory note for
$2700, Only, $400 has been paid, with;.
1225.50 interost.
John Doogun has ontered suit for
quieting of title to 100 acres in soc
tlon '33, township 40, range 11, the
suit being brought particularly
against W. A'. Wolf, who c'oplracted
to buy tbe land and I salleged to'haje
defaulted (njhls payments.''
Robert Houston has asked tho
court to grant htm a divorce from
Anna hr Houston alleging Infidelity
Hoover Indicates
He'll Serve If
Harding Insists
(By Aiisoclittod Prnr.ii)
NBWI YOUK, Fob. JM. Horbort
Hoovor unlet today that hii-had left
It with Prosldont-oloct Harding to
docldo whothnr ho could bo of moro
norvlco to tho country as socrotnry
of commorco, or nn director of
European rollof. IIo said bo had
put up to Harding tho proposal for
a general reconstruction of tho do
partmont of commorco and an on
largomonl of Its field,
IIo added that If ha accoptod tho
portfolio ho saw a wny to mnkn It
"root department of commorco," In
stoad of a group of scientific bureaus,
A roal ostato transfer of moro than
ordinary Interest was mada yesterday
when J. I, Johnstono, of (ho John
ntono Kunilturo company, purchased
tho building bo now occupies from
W. K. Winston, of Montoroy, Call
fornla for $18,000. This dnul was
mndo between tho ownors, and rop
roionts ono of tho highest prices por
front foot of any ovor mado In this
city. Tho building Is 30x120 foot.
This bulldlnK Is of concrete, of suf
ficient strongth to carry onothor
story, and It Is Mr. Johnstone's In
tontlon to add a second story as noon
as bo can dispose of other business
affairs domandlnic his Intention.
Tim Jnhliifnnn Iilrnllnrn rnnttmnv
,,.,. .,- ,ir..., n,.,nn .,,
', ,,. ,horo tnm , 8IlBn.
non iull(lng. whoro Mr. Johnstono
,J1(,nMlshod It throo yearn before,
nory r Mt nrrvn, hm ,rom
I Alaska. Mr. Johnstone's business
h nclt.nlI0j consistently, throe
warehouses now being used In tho
i conduct or tho buslnoss. Tho pur-
-,,.., of ,hl. ,111i,inr. I. n l.wllm.
i - - "" - - "-'
tlon of buslnosa permanency, Mr.
Johnstono having stated that ho Is
building plans for a business that
will eventually demand moro store
room and a location from which ho
cannot bo displaced.
Fred Hood, Indicted by tho grand
Jury .on a charge of stoallng gov
ernment cattlo nnd selling them to a
Chlloquln moat dealer, Is now facing
anothor chargo, It being nllcgod that
ho also stolo ono cow, nnd possibly
mora, from C. O. Clopton, who re
sides on the rcjorvatlon. Ho was ar
raigned boforo Unltod 8tatos Com
missioner Ilcrt Thomas Tuesday, nnd
roloasod undor a $7C0 bond. Ho will
bo given a bearing horo on March 3.
Hood was given his liberty ponding
trial for his first alloged offenso on
n $1500 bond, tho latost bond bring
ing tho security for his liberty up to
111,1.8 AUDITION' CIjUI!
wimj mkkt TONiairr
Tho Mills addition Improvement
club will moot In tho Mills school
housa tonight at 8 o'clock, to bear
reports of committees and to pass
upon tho constitution and by-laws
which will bo presented at this tlmo.
Tho principal eommlttoo report will
cover tho proposod paving of East
Main strool and Whntland avonuo.
All who aro intorostod aro nskod to
bo prosont.
J. K. Ross, deputy Unltod States
marshal, is hero on official buslnoss,
and when ho roturns to Portland to
morrow ho will tako with him Gilbert
Nelson, Alvln Willis, and WJnfiold
Jackson, who will bo brought boforo
tho grand Jury to answor to a chargo
of burglarising tho Elliott storo on
tho reservation,
Tho First National Bank announc
es that tho convortod first Liberty
Loan bonds, application for conver
sion on which was made before Feb
ruary 15, have been received and may
bo had by tholr ownors on appllca
Uon' 'u j .JL
Tho eloctlon to dotormlno which of
tho mnny boautlful flowers that can
bo grown horo will bo named tho of
ficial flower of tbo city of Klamath
Kails Is on. Tho ballots hnvo boon
distributed, and tho Woman's Aux
iliary of the chambor of commorco is
supervising tho voting with vigor.
Only woman will bo pormlttnd to ox
press their proferoncp through this
eloctlon, and boforo tho balloting
closes on March 4 tho membership
blanks which must bo slgnod when
tho ballots aro cast aro expected to
bo roprosontatlvo of most of tho wom
en of tho city. Ballot boxes havo boon
placed In tho customary voting
booths, and also In sonio of tho prin
cipal placos of buslnoss. Doflnito
Information rolatlvo to tho places
whero theso ballots can bo obtained
will bo given out tomorrow, but In
tho moantlmo, voters aro sure to find
thorn In tho chambor of commorco
Tho Woman's Auxiliary has offerod
prjtos to tho atudonts wbo wrlto tbo
host reasons why any of tho ton
flowers should bo solcctod. Tho
Hlxtb, Seventh, nnd Eighth grndo
students will ontor a separate con
tost, on tho namn basis, and all
papora should bo turned In to school
principals, or to tho chnmbor of com
morco. Theso contests close Mon
day, February 28.
High Team Score
Set by Barbers
Tbo highest team scoro ovor mado
In local bowling iwas Tuesday night
by Swansea's Barbers, when In the
second came of -their natch wlthJ
pins. Tho narbera took two of tho This would leave tho burden of on
Hoagland'n liulcka they totalled 946 'Urging for a fow yars, when tho
throo games. , addition of deeded land on tho Tulo
Tuesday night endod tho ser- ,nko "horo wll havo Increased tho
lea for tho Harbors and Ilulcks. Tho !vnIuatlcn ' tho district. Tho corn-
other teams aro scheduled to finish i
this week,. but postponed games will
probably put tbo series windup over
Into next wook.
Mlko Lavenlk, manager of tho
tournament, Is now planning a throo
man tournament to start ns soon as
tho present sorlcs ends. Alt of tho
bowlora will bo Class A men and
much oxcltemont Is promised. Last
night' sceres:
IfeM-gUnd'n Ralclu
Jester 191 180 151 502
Carter 134 166 170 470
Barry 148 134 126 408
Wright 124 148 135407
Hoagland ...... 192 125 197614
789 .733 799
Ku'iirutcn's Barbers
Porlllard 165 180 155500
Andoruon ...... Ill 206 169 486
Loronx . 125 187 181 493
Swanson . 133 173 126 433
Ackley 181 200 182563
715 946 313
Ileal KBtaUTH Win
Roal Kstntors trlmmod tho Rex
toani, two out of throo, in last evon-
lug's contest. Tom Wattors, captain
of tho real estate squad, rolled 204,
high scoro for the vonlng. Tho score:
Ileal Katalcni
Lavenlk 142 173 182497
Kuykendall .. 134 1C9 172465
Dale 149 160 153462
Stono 124 181 162 167
Wattora .. 204 181 162 167
752 865 839
Ilex Oafo
Nool 140 170 184503
Wiley 161 180 151492
Wilson 137 160 167464
SheoU ... . 167 172 161490
Ambroso 169 168 174511
783 850 827
Aged Olene Woman
Called By Death
Mrs. Viola Hicks, 70 yoars old, a
resident of Klamath county tor many
years, died last night at the homo of
her ion, Ray M. Hicks, near Olene.
Besides tho son she is survived by a
daughter, Mrs. Myrtle Lowden.
Tbe funeral will be held tomor
row afternoon at 2o'clock from Whit
lock's cbapol. Tho Rov, O, F, Trim
big will preach, the funeral sermon.
(Speelol to Tho Evening lfornld)
MAUN, Fob. 24, Ilobert H.
Oootz, principal of tho Klamath
-county hlRh school, Miss Twyla
Head, county suporlntondont, and O.
C. Ilrowor, district attorney, aro
schedulod to bo present at a 'public'" 'h territory subjected to tho man -
- - -"-, - . m
mooting In tho Union high school
district here next Sunday, and will
probably spunk to tho residents of
tho dlntrlct. Tho mooting has been
arranged by tho high school board
for tho purposo of discussing tho
plans for building a unit of tho now!frc"n tho supremo council.
high school in tlmo for school noxt
year. It will bo held In tho Malln
hall nt 2 o'clock.
Kk-clliin Mnrrli II)
Tbo bonding olcctlon, sot for
March 19, by tho board at Its meet
ing Saturday night, will bo talkod
ovor with tho tax-payors, an well an
actual amount of taxation required
to erect tho first unit. According
to figures worked out from Informa
tlon gained from tlio assessor's of -
flee, a bond issuo of flvo per cent
,on tho valuation of tho district
would yield $10,745.70. and tbla
amount would bo avallablo for build
ing sufficient rooms for present pur
poses with tbo plans mado to add
moro when necessary. This method
kot providing for future growth Is
usod In tho larger cities and Is com
ing Into favor moro and more.
To ItulliI In UnltH
Q. It. Wright, registered architect
of Klamath Falls, has been engaged
to .tako chargo of tho planning of
tho cntlro structuro with tho pro
visions for futuro additions, and tho
oroction or a first unit of throo
frochs and a portion of tbo baso-
- cnt, to meet present requirements
I'lotcd building, at present prices of
material would cost a prohlbltlvo
amount, but by only building tho
first unit now, tho ultlmato cost may
bo oxpocted to bo considerably less.
Only Tlirco Mill Tax
Tbo total valuation of tho Union
high school district as assessed for
1920 Is $334,914. and tho fivo per
cent bonds will bring between
000 and $17,000, wbllo tho Interost
that must bo paid on theso bonds
VIII bo $1002, or approximately
throo mills to bo paid each year in
taxes, until somo of tho bonds arojJCyer CrOSSeS the
jumuu. una wuuiu uu ti mi, lor
each $1000 assessed valuation,
which Bcems to tho high school
bonrd to bo reasonable.
Mr. Wright has had provlous ox
porlenco In planning school build
lugs on tbo unit arrangement nnd
his advlco has been of considerable
valuo to tho board in their decision
of ways and moans. IIo has offer
od, In caso tho bond olcctlon should
fall, to apply his sorvlces on what
ovor othor building would bo erect
ed, aa somo arranRomont tor tho
school work Is Imporntlvo.
Reorganize the High
School Board, Malm
MALIN, Fob. 24. Anton Pctrasok
was olocted chairman of tho Union
high school board last Saturday
night, whon tho addition of anoth
er district mado nocossary tho reor
ganization of tho board. John Mc
Fall, chairman of tho Bryant Moun
tain school board, was tho now
mombor of tho board, and wns glvon
tbo oath of his now oftlco by A. W.
McComb, acting for tho county
Bchool suporlntondont, who ulao In
stalled the now chairman.
Tho board lost four voting mom
bors, through tho provision in tho
school law which statos that when
moro than two districts shall bo
united in a Union high school (dis
trict, only tho chairman of tho local
districts shall bo mombors, vAllo
with the union of Just two districts,
all of the mombora shall bo, oxot
flclo, members of the' high school
board. The board' nowr consists of
A. Petrasek, C. M7 KIrkpatrick and
John McFall, with'L. BoJdtschar as
The men whose services the board
lost aro J. Stejskal and V. A. Raj-
nus of Malln, and O, E. Huut and
U. S. Protests the
Japanese Mandate
Over Isle of Yap
(Ily Associated Press.)
PAIII8, Fob. 24. Tho Unltod
Btatos govornmont In a nolo to tho
supremo council of tho league ofj
nations, claims an oqunl concorn
with tho othor principal powers of I
tbo world In tho ovorscas possessions
of Gcrmnny nnd their ultlmato dls -
Tho United States declares In tho
nolo that it had never consented
Hint tho Island of Yon bo Inclu.lnd
uoio or japan. .J...v-M..1.u u. ........ IU u.iu
Tho council today again took up iounl-r -ho reapportionment bill pass
consldorotlon of tho note. Somo ox-' C(I lcav'"B Klamath still attached to
mombors hold thnt Aamrlcn. had for- Crook, Jefferson, Lake and Doachu-
foltcd hor rights to bo hoard by
withdrawing as an associated powor
SALEM, Kol).'24!-riTho salary of
tho district attornor of Klamath
county Is increased. In a bill passed'
by tho lcglsIaturo.",frDtn..$1800
$2000 a yoar. , "
Tr-y.5 ,
Soldier's, Body To
Blf Brought Home
43 Ian kg requesting tbo return of
the body of Van Allen Cornish from
Franco havo been rocolvcd by his
mothor, Mrs. Clara Cornish from
Washington. 8ho will fill out tho
papers and return thorn. When tbo
body arrives tho funeral will prob-j
ably bo hold In Medtord, whoro tbo
dead soldier's widow, lives.
The dead man was a member of
Company C, 161stdlvlslon of teraa;
try. Ho was reported missing in ac
tion and had been thought by friends
to have been buried In some un
known gravo In Franco. Tho mes
sage to hir mother would tndlcato,
bowovor, that his body was Identi
Whllo digging a postholo in
yard on Rlvorsido avonuo J.
Cleghorn camn across what appeared
to bo tho skeleton of an Indian. Tbero
wns a hoI ,n lho front of tno "kul1-
$i6,-,lm,,cal'nS toi wound. Tho mouth
of Llnk Wvor. whero tho skeleton
wna found, was a favorlto Indian
camping ground a half century ago.
Continent in 22
Hours, 42 Minutes
JACKSONVILLE-, Fla., Feb. 24.
I.loutonant Coney arrivod hero to
day, completing his non-stop flight
fronr San Diego, California. Tho
tlmo of flight was 22 hours and 32
minutes, an avorago of 98 mllos an
SALEM, Fob. 24. Governor OI
cott today signed tho basoball antl
brlblng bill. He rofusod to approvo
tha bill requiring women applicants
for marrlago licenses to bo ex
amined. This does not kill tho bill,
however, aa It carries a referendum
Tho Chlloquln
plays tho Merrill
tomorrow night.
basketball team
team at Merrill
PORTLAND, Fob. 24. Livestock
stoady; eggs weak; buttor firm.
Joseph Otoman ct Shasta View. It
was tho wish of the board that theso
men should attend moetlngs, al
though they would have no vote.
Mr. Hunt had been chairman, undor
tho former organization.
Chief among the things dono at
tho meeting were the discussing of
tho bond election, the date of which
was set for March 19, and the plan
ning jor a public meeting for next
Sunday, February 37. to explain to
the voters all of the Issues connected
with bonding tho district and build
ing a now high school building.
, w,th 8Uch Influential mombors of
lho legislature as Roy miner, prost-
donl of lho onato; Senator Dennis,
c,m,rman of tho reapportionment
eommlttoo, and Senator Hall favor-
"" tho "f1allo"0,t1a,Maloal and
I MtirnanfiMMttn llll,l T-I.mU,!.
tcs counties.
Onlookern at tho Salem fiasco at
tribute tho blamo to tho adverso ac
tivities of Senator Upton and Ropro
sontatlvo nurdlck. With sontlmont
all their way with many men of
tho Influonco of thoso already men
tioned ready to admit that Klamath
was entitled, on account of its loca
tion, population and Importance, to
Its own senator and roprosontatlvo
tho delegation from this Joint dls-
trlct refusod to tako advantago of
'tho opportunity.
Followers of tbo session aro cor-
tain that hostllo influences were
brought to bear by Upton and Bur
dick, but aro without proof of ac
tlvo hostility. Llko many facta of
common knowledgo tho position of
the local legislative delegation in the
reapportionment campaign was cloar-
ly apparent but so well concoalod
if such paradoxical expression is per-
mlsslblo that it would bo hard to
provo tholr cold water attack upon
tho friendly sentiment kilted tbo pro
posal to grant thg Klamath request.
Tho reapportionment commltteo
also foozled, -antagonizing Marion
with a proposal to Joint district that
large coanfy In order to make an
other senator available. -''
Josophlno county with approxima
tely 7500 population held tenaciously
to Its senator. Klamath with noar
ly 12,000 hsarcs her senator with
four othor counties, nono of whose '
Interests aro similar to Klamath's.
Tho best remedy In sight Is one
that' is rapidly gaining popularity
here the suggestion of tho chamber
of commorco legislative eommlttoo
for a constitutional amendment mak
ing posslblo a general redisricting
that would glvo each county a sen
ator and apportion representatives on
popllatlon basis each county to have
at least ono. Thoro Is every Indica
tion that In tho next two years, if an
active campaign of education Is con
ducted, tho pcoplo of the stato
would endoroii tho amendment and
roplaco tbo prosont politically con
trolled system with a really repre
sentative government.
Tho question of representation Is
a constantly recurring bugbear of
succeeding legislatures, and tho
mombors would bo gilad to shift the
burden, which at almost vrorr ses
sion disrupts harmony and Interfero's
with tho transaction of tho stato's
(By Associated Press)
SALEM, Fob. 24. -With a record
of constructive legislation, covering
road measures, co-oporatlro market
ing, logged-oft land, budget, soldlor
bonus and a variety of other legis
lation, tho 31st session of tho log
islaturo adjourned at 4 o'clock yos
torday afternoon. '
Tho U. 8. civil servlco commis
sion announces an examination for
offlco machlno export. Receipt of ap
plications will close March 16, 1921.
Vacancies in tbo internal revenue
service flold sorvlce, $1600 a year,
plus nocessary travollng expenses,
will be filled from this examination.
Appointees whoso services are satis
factory may be allowed tbe increase
granted by congress of $20 a month.
For further Information and ap
plication blank apply1 to local secre
tary, board of' civil service examin
ers, postoffice, this city; or to the
secretary, Eleventh U. S. civil ser
vice district, 303. postofflco building,
Soattlo, Washington.