lEtiimfitg HgraUi ACIaMsAdWill Do It Today's News Today Member of the Associated Press, Vlfteeath Yvar. No. 5010. KLAMATH KALLH, OHKGON,-VmiAY, J'KIIKUAHY 1H, 11)21,. PRIOR FIVE CKNTH I BANK MEETING TOMORROW IS T T Tlilrty-flvo hundred depositors, ovory business mnii In (ho city, scores of pooplo throughout tlio county, In (net, ovory rosldont ot Klamath nwnlts with Intorast tlio rosult of tlio mooting of tlio stock holders ot tho First Btato nnd Bav Ingi hank, which In to bo hold In this city tomorrow, Thnt It will ho a mooting filled with groat possi bilities Is recognized by nil, for on Its outromo hungs tho prosperity and doTolopmont ot this city and county (or tlio next yonr. A decision for tho Immodlato oponlng of tho bank will bqvo nn oloctrlfylng Jnfluonco on tho com muntty. That Is, tho oponlng just as soon an tho stato hanking depart ment flnlshos Its work and gives out Its report. An announcement to this effect following tho holding of tho stockholders'- mooting Is nil that Is noodod to fill with enthusiasm ovory porson dlroctly or Indirectly con nected with tho hank, nml romovo ovory trace of tho uncertainty that has boon hanging like a pall over tho county. Another question that will bn sot tlod Is tho amount of now capital that will bo addod, and Just tho mothod ot Its disposition. If tho plan of Captain Women prevails, then tho bank will becomo an Insti tution with stockholders In ovory nook and corner of tho county. Ho Is going Into tho mooting to back up his arguments with scores of ap plications from alt soctlons of tho county, asking that the writer ha permitted to purchase stock In vary ing amounts from $100 to $10,000. Ho will also havo back of him a brand new factor that bas Just mado .Its full actlvltlos known to thoso formulating reorganization plans. It la a committee of citizens who havo bandod thomsclvcs together for tho purposo'of roopenlug tho bank. Shortly nftor tho hank closed sev eral gentlemon held n mooting for tho purposo of devising ways and means to aid In tho ro-ostabllxhmcnt . of tho bank. Most of them woro neither stockholders nor depositors, but had for their object tho rohabll Itatlon of normal conditions In tho community. They entered Into an agroomunt tlilit their efforts would - bo without uny condition whatovor, and their oxlstonco and Identity would ccaso when tho bank Is fully ostabllshod. This commlttoo was In oxlstonco somo tlmo boforo oven tho offlcors of tho suspondod bank know of It. It has boon addod to and ox tended until noarly evory soctlon ot tho county Is roprosented. It has a systom ot roports that koops Its offlcors thoroughly familiar' with ovorythlng connected with tho ro- opening. It has boo urging tho In croaso In capital and Its popular salo, and Its nttltudo Is going to carry strong Influonco In tho mnttor of reorganization. If Its suggestion Is ndoptod, It will actively ontor Into a campaign to plato tho stock In tho hands of' many Instead of a tow, Contldont that such a course, will bo followed, this commlttoo la already at work proparlng u campaign that will placo tlio, stock within forty eight hours, according to Its head. E ! PARIS, Fob. 18. French military exports, Including Marshals Foch and Petaln, yostorday mado dotallod plans for an advance Into Germany It tho reparation and disarmament torms aro not fulfilled, LONDON, Fob. 18, I.loyd George declared In tho houso ot commons today that ho would stand by his plodgo that Germany must pay tho reparation demands to the limit of her capacity, BTEEL FLANT FIRE ' PORTLAND.. Fob. 18.-rDomngo between $76,000 and $100,000 Is es timated to have been caused by a fire which destroyed the main bpller factory of tho Wllllamotto Iron ft Stool works hero today. ' 1 POIN LMN NT HN Highway Injunction Partly Ratsed Due to Muddy Detour i Tho Merrill road, below M. Lakl, nnd which runs through tho Choyno, Curtln, nnd Henley ranches, will bo opon for travol from 8 o'clock In tho morning until G o'clock In tho attornoon, beginning tomorrowtnorn Ing. This Is tho road against tho uso of which nn Injunction has boon Issued, but tho detour usod Is In such bad shape that It Is absolutoly nocossary to uso tho main road. Judgo Kuykondall has grantod this relief. Tlio gates will bo locked promptly at C o'clock and will not bo opened Until tho next morning. Tho Ilucknor Toneosooan Jublloo slngors who nro to present tho third ot tho sorles ot winter ontor lalnmonts for Elks and their friends at tho 1-71 ks Tomplo next Monday ovonlng hnvo been, praised highly by critics wherovor thoy havo appear ed on the Monloy lycoum. circuit. Fol lowing Is a docscrlptlon ot tho per sonnel of tho troupe: Mrs. Ophelia 1'ulloy, soprano, Is a splondld slngor, possessing a beauti ful voleo ot lyric quality. Bha la equally at bomo In onsomblo or solo; has a naturalness In negro molodlos and Jublloo songs. Having llvod In tho south sho has a peculiar Inter pretation of tho nogro melodies characteristics of tho raco. MJss Helen M. Townloy, contralto, Is perhaps, tho best contralto slngor of tho negro mojodlcs and spirituals boforo tho publlc.A splondld soloist yet her great forto lies In hor won. dorful Interpretation of (ho negro spirituals'. . ' W'm. Bultcr, barltono, possesses a flno voice, well cultivated and un der perfect control, Is a graduato from tho Chicago school of music, and has also boon associated In church and choir work for a number of yoars. ' Oscar Drown, basso, possossos & wondorfully deep, resonant bass voleo, wolt adapted to Jublloo work. His stago mako-up Is enhanced by j his facial grimaces ana otnor arnica which novor fall to bring forth peals of laughtor and always ploascs. Miss Loulso Harbour, pianist and accompanist, Is ono of tho foromost pianists' traveling with n Jubllco com pany. 8. C. Illvers, first tenors has n most boautl'ul voleo ot good rango and suporlor quality; a splondld soloist and Jublloo singer. Thomas Torrlll, socond tenor, reador of negro dlaloct, nnd Imper sonator, Is also n product ot tho southorn schools, and represents tho real typo ot entertainer that has dono much to mako tho Jublloo Slng ors popular. Mr. Torrlll Is an ox coptlonal artist with crayon, sketch ing scones ot tho south whllo tho company sings. SI. K. BOCIBTY TO HOLD COOKED FOOD SALE Tho Woman's Missionary socloty of tho Methodist church mill hold a cooked food salo in tho Johnson Fur nlturo company storo on Main atroot tomorrow, begtonlng at 10:30 o'clock. Thoro will bo broad, pies, cakos, salads, and many other good things for salo, and people who havo bought suoh things from tho ladlos at formor sales rocommond thorn to tbo public. Tho good things aro li able to go early, nnd "como early" Is tho advlco given. Man Who Invented Bicycle Is Dead TUNDRIDGB, -WELLS, Eng., Jan. 28. (Dy Mall) Itoputod to havo mado and rlddon tho first blcyclo over used In England, tho Ror. J. Poarco has Just died, at tho ago ot 81, at Pombury, a vtllago near here. While working as & coachbuilder In Oxfordshire he is said to have constructed a two-wheeled machine on which be rode 'through the main streets of the village. A party of fox huntora were .so interested in wit nessing the spoctacle that they abandoned tho chase and allowed tbo tox to escape. ra NEXT WEM l be pit "Tho laboror Is worthy ot his hlro' Is an axiom long ostabllshod by both tho prophets and tho law, but It Is nn axiom that will bo attackod at tho first March mooting of tho city council, according to roports of tho plans of tho opposition to tbo mayor's police program. I Tho councilman from tho first wVd, whoso rancor ovor tho mayor's firm stand at tbo last mooting upsot bis dlplomatlo equilibrium, spilled tho beans. Following Mayor Wlloy's Invoca tion ot tho omorgoncy clauso ot tho chartor under which bo may mako poll co appointments for flvo days, ronowlng tho oppolntmont each flvo days, Dogardus tipped his hand. "Anyway, ho blurted, "tho coun cil has tho fixing ot tho salaries." And so, It Is said, plans aro all cut and drlod to pay tho mayor's ap pointees ono dollar a day wbon the February salary bills coma up at tlio first mooting noxt month for action by tho council. If tbo recalcitrant councllmon carry tholr plan through It may moan tlio Involving of tho city In a lawsuit, and furthor Impeding of the admin istration's plans for progress, but tbo axiom that a faboror Is worthy'of, his hlro haa stood tho tost ot many centuries and tho men who do tho city's police work havo no fear that they will not bo paid a, fair compen sation. . Orange Show on at San Bernardino (Ily Axsoclatcd Press) BAN RERNARDINO, Cat., Fob. 18. California citrus products will bo oh display at tho 11th annual Na tional Orango show which opened boro last night. There will bo. It Is expected, approximately 20,000 boxos ot California oranges on ex hibit. Attendauco records for tho annual show will bo brokon this year, it is bollovod. Tbo show last year sot a now record of approximately 160, 000 paid admissions. Many parts ot California wilt bo represented on tbo display stands. Officials of tbo show announced re cently thoro would be oranges horo from as far north as San Francisco and Sacramento and as far south as San Dtcgo and tho Imporlal Vol- loy. Owners of tho exhibits aro striv ing to win tho National Orango show orango swjopstakes and lomcm swoopstnkos, tho prlzo given tho com' munltles for tho bost displays. Last year Upland won tho orango swoop- stakes and Rlvorsldo tho lemon swoopstakos. To win pormanont possession ot tho cup glvon tho sweopstakos win ner, n community must placo first throo years In succession. Rodlands In 1918 and 1910 won tho trophy but lost In 1920, IS WASHINGTON, Fob. 18. Eight billion board footof timber was des troyed by tho hurrlcano that swept tho Olympic pontnsula, Washington, says a report to tho forest sorvlco. The report characterized tho storm as tho "groatost disaster ovor record ed In tho annals of forestry or lum borlng." Hold-Up Suspects Are Bound Over A. Starrs and F. ,J. Kremke, charged with holding up Mrs. C. M. Young and two young women, were given a hearing before Justice ot. tbe Peace Gsghagen yesterday afternoon, and bound over to awatt action by tho grand Jury. Starrs' bond was fixed at $3000, and Kremke'a at $1800, Tho women held up by the prisoners testified at tbo hoarlng. W lit I LUMBER NT EXPOSE OFTHE E CAUSES E Consternation hit tho ranks of tho thruo-card monto gang whan thoy discovered that Tho Horald had turned tho spot light on their scbomo to oust tho prosont chlof of pollco nnd sllii into tho'offlco ono of tholr own picking. Not that thoy had any Idea of soloctlng ono oven remotoly connectod with themselves. Oh, not That Is not tho way thoy work. What thoy want Is a man without oxporienco with tbo tricks oX their trado, for It Is thon an easy rnaltor to pull tho wool over his eyes. Tho best ovldonco of this is in thp mannor in which thoy hnvo so easily "put it over" on tho mombors ot tho council. Of course, tho public gen erally oxpectod nothing from tho councilman from tho Fifth ward and got It. Thoro is no llttlo surprlso over tho attltudo taken by tbo council men from tho First and Third. 'It is generally concoded that Council man McCotlum Is sincere Ho has llstoncd to tho stories that havo boon tpld him, and being ot tho four-squaro ordor, looks upon his follawman as bolng on tho lovol until ho finds him otherwise In Bonding their messago to htm, tho crooks did not pick out a roughnock. They went at it Just llko thoy have gono at ovorythlng olso, with- tho re sult that Mr. McCollum Is thorough ly convlncod that tho stories aro truo. Ono of theso days bo will dis cover that ho has boon buncoed. Councilman Dogardus Is tho real surprise Ho sooms to bo hypnotizod by tho bellow ot tho mans-from tho KlUh. Crodltcd with poispjslng or dinary Intelligence honored with representing tho most conservative ward In tho city, having assured his frionds and supporters that ho would co-operate with Mayor Wiley, ho has Just "knocked them dead" by tho nslnlno stand ho has taken. If ho woro to stand as a candidate In his ward today ho would not get two por cent of' tho volo. Tho ex pectation ot his constituents Is that ho will tako a tumble to himself and dlscovor tho kind of a bedfellow bo has and got up and dross. . Tho ono satisfaction to Mayor Wlloy Is tho fact that Tio has tbo support ot Councilmen West and Hawkins. Doth aro men who com mand not only tho respect and con fidence ot their constituents, but of tho ontlro city. Tholr record horo toforo has boon ono of construction, and tho stand they now tako Is along tho samo lino. Thoy rocog nlzo tho fact that politics has no placo In tbo pollco department, and that tho mayor Is tho man upon whoso shoulders rests tho responsi bility, and thoy nro willing to accopt his Judgmont and oxperlonco. Another thing Shut Is going to sink into tho heads ot tho obstruc tionists' this: Tho pooplo -of this city aro not going to stand for in torforonco with progress; thoy aro not going to lot tho scum ot tho city run its government. Topsy Rancher Gets Bounty on Panther W. L. Fraln, a ranchor living near Topsy, brought tbo skin of a mountain Hon to tho county clerk's office yostorday, and claimed tho $10 bounty permlttod under tho law. Mr. Fraln told an interesting story ot his efforts to kill this lion, an un usually big ono for this soctlon ot tho country. Colts, calvos, and othor livestock In tho Topsy vicinity havo beon fre quently klllod within tho last tow weoks, and Mr. Fraln took tho trail ot tho Hon. Tho lion lod him a stren uous chaso for four days, and on tho fourth day, Fraln, with bis dogs, trood it in tho Pokogama country. A couplo ot shots endod tbo lion's caroer. While on the trail ot this lion, Mr. Fraln found tho carcasses ot two large deer evidently killed by tbe lion during its retreat. m NT NTN ,WEATHER REPORT OREGON Tonight and Saturday, rain In west, cloudy and warmer in oast. Soldiers Bodies Lie At Rest in Arlington National Cemetery The bodies of (Mrrolt and Millard Gates, sons ot Mrj. and Mrs. O. D. Gates of Itlllsboro, Oregon, havo been brought back from Franco and Intorrcd In tho national ccmetory at Arlington, near Washington. O. B. Gates was for several years owner of tho local light and power company, tho forerunner of tho California- Oregon Power company, and tho family Is well known among old- tlmo residents of Klamath Falls. Tho Gates boys woro high school students at the tlmo of their enlist ment. Doth 'took part In tho Cha- toau Thlorry advanco. Carroll was wounded Juno 12,1918, and his brothor Juno 20. Doth Ilngcrod for weeks In tho hospital, whllo tholr parents hoped for their rocovcry, but Carroll first passod on,.. and after a lengthy Illness Millard also died. Regulation military funerals wcro glvon tho bodies on tbolr return from Franco. FBEETEXTBOOK BILL DEFEATED SALEM, Fob. 18. Tho two now Roosovolt highway fills passod tho scnato lato yesterday after heated dobato. . Tho houso passed tho motor codo. fixing fees for tho licensing of auto mobiles, and defected tho frco text book bill which had' passed tho sen ate. ' Tbo houso roads commlttoo today Intrbducod a $7,000,000 rood bond bill for highway construction. Un der tho conhtltutlonal bond limita tion tho $"2600,000, asked for Roose velt highway construction, may bo passed if authorized. , Aftor reconsidering tho bill declar Ing a policy of stato ownorsblp on meandored lako bottoms, tho houso passed tho bill. Tho houso passod tho scnato bill, providing for double election boards and the counting ot ballots whllo voting Is In progress. Six Millions to Spend At tho closo of Its labors last night tho Joint ways and means commlt too announced that It had tentatively agrcod to recommend appropriations for tho noxt blennlum totalling $G, 607,338.97. This Is $142,603 above tbo amount available under tho slx per cent limitation, but It la believed that sources from which tho excess can bo met will appoar. Censors for Movies . Tho houso today passod j,ho mo tion plcturo censorship bill, creating a stato board ot three censor? who will sorvo without pay. Tho sonato lato yesterday passed tho co-operatlvo marketing measure and bill increasing tho salaries ot tbo uttornoy general, tax commissioner and stato englnoer. TAXES NOT SURE Ordinarily aftor the tax levy for any year has boon mado, tho county court may go ahead and spend tho money that will bo forthcoming from tho collections, regardless' ot tho immediate condition of tbe treas ury and tho county warrant will bo honored. Rut tho p'resent situation in which Klamath county finds itself In re gard to tax collections Is out ot tho ordinary, and there Is much specula tion ns to how tho county's dobts will bo met when tbo fast draining funds are emptied, it tho .proesnt doadlock ovor collections persists. At present, according to tho coun ty clerk, tho road fund Is tbe only ono badly overdrawn, but others must naturally do depleted soon it no now revenuo comes in. Another question that tho sltua tlon glvos rise to Is what action the state, will tako to secure tbe $163, 000, which Is its share of tbe 1920 taxes. ' As far as could be -learned around the courthouse this morning tbe mat- tor Is no noarer a solution, and the collodion ot taxes Is scheduled to start Monday, IN MM CO. BETTER ROADS AIM OF AUTO ASSOCIATION President R. C. Groosbock ot tbo Klamath County Auto association, opened a well-attended mooting In tho Chamber of Commorro rooms last night with a talk on good roads, and pointed out tho effect thoy havo upon tho prosperity of any region or community. Tho advont of autos twenty or moro yoars ago marked tbo beginning ot a good roads era ot unprecedented development, Pres ident Grocsbeck said, and as tho automobile Investments In this coun ty, total about $2,000,000, it Is tho duty ot every Tcsldent of tbo county to oncourago anything which will tend to make road conditions bolter. That Klamath Falls Is destinod to becomo tho second city in popula tion In tho stato, Is tho opinion of Oskar Hubcr, contractor, glvon In a Hvo address at this meeting. This city, said Mr. Huber, was among tho most-talkod-about cities In the west last year, and tho natural resources of the country surrounding It la ono of tho things that is going to help keep It In tho foreground. Good Toads, parks, and other civic Im provements will assist In this devel opment. County Commissioner Asa For dyco told about road improvements under contemplation by tho county court for this your, and tbo city council, every member ot which was present, outlined tho city's ptans for stroot nd park Improvements. A .resolution was adopted Instruct ing tho oxccutlvo commlttco to con fer with tho city councll'Wlth a view to extending Improvements on tbe road heading south out of the city ovor Topsy grado, and which con- nocts.Tlth tho. countr,road.., . . Tho radiator designs submitted ' to tho association were exhibited, and throe, by O. L. Williams, Dr. Lloyd Stowart and H. R. Hill, were soloctcd as tho most appropriate. Tbo winning doslgn may bo selected by tbo oxocutlve commlttco from theso throo designs, but tho other will all bo roconsldored. Tbe samo commlttco will select thp winning slogan, and the awards will bo made within a day or two. Tub Chamber ot Commorco quar tette sang several selections, worded oxprossly for tho occasion. LABI PINT LONDON, Jan. 29. (Dy Mall) Tho Duko ot Northumberland, who owns many thousands of acres ot land and sovoral mansions, predicts hard times ahoad for landlords If ever the Labor party gots a chanco to govorn tbo country. Addressing tbe other da a mooting to Inaugu rate a branch ot the Central Land Owners' association, he said: "In order to deal with tho present financial emergency, tho policy ot tho leaders ot tho Labor party Is to Impose very much higher death duties and supertaxes, to render It Impossible for anybody to keep land at nil. It Is a policy ot confiscation without compensation. ' "Tho most m,bdorato labor, leaders conteraplato a policy which differs from tho soviet government of Rus sia only In this respect that the soviet government eliminates tho possessing classes by organized mas sacre whllo labor loaders In this coun try would do it sa legalized robbery. Wo aro informed that the Labor party, having dispossessed tho land owners, will continue to feed and clothe 'them If they work and for this small mercy I supposo we must be thankful." '" RAIDERS BURY IN . OLD DUBLIN TOWN DUBLIN. Feb. 18. The most ex tensive ot the series ot raid's "carried on In Dublin began' early today. A thousaud' troops, with motor lorries, machine gung and armored cars, took part, ENGLISH UN OWN SEEHA