MONDAY, KIIimUAUY, 14, 1021. THE EVENING HERALD, KjAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACK SIX EXPLORERS SHIP HOST MSI TO CO 1!AST BOOTHBAY, Mo., Fob. 14. Work Is almost completed on tho hull of ilio Bowdoln In which Dr. Donald I). MncMlltan, explorer, will tnnko his noxt dash into tho Arctic regions. Tho launching ot tho schoon er will tako place In tho early spring and tho vessel will bo In shapo to de part from this port by May 1. Dr. MncMlllnn Is perfecting plans for an expedition, to begin noxt sum mor, which will Include an attempt to clrcumnnWgato Baffin Land and ponctrnto Its western coast, 1,000 miles in longth, said to bo tho long est stretch ot unknown coast lino in tho world. Ho Is n frequent visitor horo and keeps careful watch over tho construction of his ship. Tho Bowdoln, which is being built on tho sturdy lines needed in an ex ploration vessel to withstand tho ice grind, Is of tho knockabout fishing schooner typo. U will bo 88 fcot in length, over all, 20 fcot wldo and equipped with 45 horso-power oil burning engines. Three Inch oak plank material is being used for tho hull. Batons his departuro tor tho far north Dr. MacMIUan 'will mnko an exhibition crulso along tho coast dur ing May and Juno. About July 1. with, a party of six men, tho explorer will sail from Boston for tho polar regions. Undor favorablo weather condi tions Tho Bowdoln should reach Fury and Hccla Strait early In Sep tember. Thero tho ship will bo froxen in. Leaving tholr vessol undor a lono guard tho party will push forward on a 200 in lies trip on sleds drawn by dogs. FIvo esklmo dog drivers will accompany tho MacMIUan outfit across tho rugged, ico bound country which abounds In perils. Establishing ot a camp TOO miles south ot Etah in tho northwestern part ot Green land, Is one of the main objectives. Within tho last 12 years, Dr. Mac MIUan has mado six trips into the land ot tho midnight sun. Most fam ous of these was his expedition by which ho disproved tho theory that Croker Land existed In the extreme north. At that time bo discovered nlno now islands. On his visits here. Dr. MacMIUan chats freely about his plans and sev eral hardy mariners havo bogged to be allowed to accompany him. The townspeople aro preparing to present a flag, to fly from tho fore peak of tho Bowdoln. UN IS DOMINANT DUBLIN, Jan. 18. (By Mall) Tho Ball Elroann, tho Sinn Foln parliament In tho minds ot nn over whelming majority ot tho Irish peo ple continues as tho dominant tho only legitimate authority In Ireland. It Is treated ns nn authoritative body. None ot tho municipal or county bodies which plodgcd altcglanco to It havo withdrawn from that posi tion. Tho Dnll Blrennn's Instructions nro obeyed by theso subsidiary bodies and all dealings with tho Irish local government board, which represents tho British government, nro barred. For this reason tho board Is unnblo to mako Its customary audit ot coun ty and city accounts. Tho result It increasing difficulty in ovory district. "Itato," or tax collectors nro faced with two sets ot Instructions ono from British government representa tives, or tho local government board, tho othor from local Sinn .Foln au thority. A king's bench decree, de signed to compel theso collectors to oboy tho law, has been unavailing. Obcdlcnco ot crown Instructions, In many cases, -would doubtless bring sovoro punishment. If not death, to tho colloctor. Tax collecting, needless to say Is not brisk. Tho balances In local treasuries aro proving Insufficient to cnablo authorities to maintain pub lic Institutions. In Sllgo, banks have refused to permit overdrafts, and thero Is no money to pa tho con tractors who aro thoroforo withdraw ing their services. Patients In hos pitals nro without sufficient food and tho inmates ot tho poorbouso aro In a similar plight. Tho chairman ot tho board of Aldermen approved tha suggestion of Dall EIrcann that leading men ot tho city bo nsked to odvanco GO pounds each to relievo tho situation, but thero was no response In queen's county, tho greater part ot tho taxes of tho county, amounting to about CO, 000 pounds. remains uncollected, and tho re sources of tho county aro exhaust cd, involving sorious consequences to tho lunatic asylum and sovoral hospitals. Tho county council at Its meeting resolved to ask tho advlco ot Dall EIrcann. They havo no doubt ot its ability to. m'eet, and aro willing to act upon Its Instructions. At Bray, an Important seaside sub urb wlthln-12 miles ot Dublin, an attempt was mado by a member of tho town council to get out of finan cial troubles by rescinding a resolu tion acknowledging nllcglanco to Dall EIrcann, but ho did not find a seconder. HATE BETWEEN I I N EWE ARES Personal Mention o t4444-r4 WINTER SUPPLIES AT VERY LOW PRICES i All Gov't Blankets $4.85 Overcoats 6.50 X Army Shoes, Munson Last 6.85 Wool Stockings i 45c i r -i.L ii c m O. D. Wool Shirli" !"ZZZ ZZZZZZ'.. 3!50 Wool Underwear 2-piece and Unidn Suits. 12 pound Can Bacon .". 2.75 THE ARMY GOODS STORE 1180 MAI.V 8THKKT ItUHLlN, Jan. 2C. (By Mall) Itecrudosconco of tho war-spirit of tho Gorman pooplo, which ovon ns Into ns six months ago apparently had been complotoly banlshod, re cently litis nJsumod a now and notice nolo nspoct, particularly In relation to tho French who gonornlly aro blamed for most of tho post-war Ills ot tho Gorman nation. Civilians and former soldlors allko frankly express tho most tntonso hn tred for tho French and-ngalnnro dreaming of n day whon lhoy"cun even-up In war what thoy havo lost In peaco. Thero Is no ovldcnco of 111 feeling ngalnst tho English nnd to ward tho Americans, of whom much Is expectod commercially, thoro is cory Indication ot good-will. England on tho wholo has boon credited with a dcslro for fair play in tho execution of the 1'enco Troaty, but In many sources tho opinion pre vails that Franco Is destined to bavo her way, ovon at tho oxpenso of tho Integrity ot tho Gorman nation. (Thin applied to tho situation botoro tho amount ot tho Gorman Indemnity was fixed). Agitation In certain French circles for an independent South Gormany, probably under tha domination of Bavaria; tho alleged pro-Polish attl tudo ot tho Fronch military In tho Upper Sllcsian zone; tho Inslstonco ot tho Fronch that tho Elnwohnor wolir and other "protoctivo organiza tions" shall at onco disarm; threats of a military occupation ot tho Ruhr district; and uso ot Fronch Negro troops In tho occuplod xone, all havo contributed to this revival ot raco hatred. Delivery ot milch cows to tho French has, in view ot tho milk shortago In Gormany and tho In croaso In Infant mortality Intensified tho feeling among tho civilian popu lation ngalnst tho Fronch pooplo. A German govornmont official with whom tho correspondent discuss ed tho situation did not agrco with soma men who onco held high com missions in tho army that "another strugglo with Franco Is Inevitable" but expressed tho opinion that "ha tred ot tho French Is a natural consq quenco ot Fronch conduct." I To be,- nevcu, howovor, that superficial as pects had led to exaggerated opin ions of tho war-spirit of tho Gorman people. "For oxamplo German army uni forms may bo soon everywhere," hu said, "and especially in tho univer sities. The stranger immediately jumps to tho conclusion that thh Is an exhibition ot tho military spirit. Tho facts aro that many soldlors, and this applies particularly to studonts, aro wearing uniforms to conceal the fact thoy havo no shirts. Thoy aro too poor to buy othor clothes." Howovor, bo thought, "that othor things being equal' tho Gormans would bo willing to promptly go about settling old scores with tho Fronch. ljrancls Bnwno, of Ronania, Is n Klamath Falls visitor. Jim Dixon has returned from California, whoro ho has boon on buslnosB. Boss Nlckoraon and Francis Olds lott for San Francisco Bunday, for n two wooks vacation. Miss Poarl Honry, who la teach ing at Dairy, will gtvo a box social Friday ovonlng tor tho school. I. M, Gain who has boon In town on business, lott Saturday for Hod illluff. Till! BTAK T. W. Phonegar Fort Klamuth, nro visitors. and family ot Klamath Falls Al Hamakor, ot Bonanza, Is in town to transact business In tho now court houso. F. W. Sexton, county club loud or, is In town today accompanied by Airs. Sexton. Miss Elzlaboth Fall returned Sun day evening from Dorrls whero sho has been visiting hor parents. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Brawn lott this morning for a twoj wooks' visit with frlonds in Medford and Ash land. Mrs. T. L. Stanioy and son, Dwlght, lott yesterday for a visit with relatives in Long Boach and othor California cities. E. II. Jcfforson, local representa tive, for tho Mason-Ehrman com pany, has roturnod from Portland, whero ho has boon on buslnoss. Miss Oroco Forrnnd and Miss Lorotta Jennings, teachers at tha Control school, spent Sunday visit ing frlonds In Dorrls. John llogan of Merrill, was op- orated on Saturday at a local hospi tal. Ho Is roportod to bo Improving. Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Qrar. who havo boon visiting In Klamath Falls, roturnod to tholr homo at Itocro atlon today. J. H. Drlscoll, stato fish and gamo commissioner, loft yesterday for Portland, to attend tho monthly mooting of tho fish and game com mission. iArvid Haklnson,' of Odossa, and Win." F. Jlnnetto, ot Merrill, made final proofs on their homesteads Sat urday, tha former on 160 acres, and tho- latter on 640 acres. ' - u' Miss Elizabeth Orlgsby loft this morning for Eugene, whero sho will visit Mabel Murphy and othor Kla math Falls friends who nro attend ing tho Unlvorslty ot Oregon. William Saundors who la con nected with the Wolls-Fargo Express company ot this city loft this morn ing for a two wooks' vacation In oun rrancisco, uacrnmonio, and a visit with his parents In Long Beach. Ab n rulo a cotuady producod In 6 roots, gots tlrosomo, hut Mack Hon nott's, "Lovo, Honor nnd llohnvo" showing at tho Star Thcatro proved to bo athorwlso and Instead or being glad It Is tho end you'll wish tlioro worp moro ot It. It Is n good clean comedy nnd nut so much on tho usual order ot tho ship-stick comedy. It has its final uhowlug tonight nt tho Star. Tho Star thoatro for Tuesday will havo ns Us principal attraction tho lntost Natlomil Picture untitled "Out of tho Snow," which Is said to bo, n vlrllo. soul-stirring drama contain ing all tho luring atmosphere of tho far North. It Is further announced that llalph Inco gives ono of tho finest charac terizations ot his enroor as Kobort Hollldny, n man known to tho Ind ians of tho Hudson liny fur country ns "Storm Motr." Supporting Mr. Inco Is Zena Koofo, Solznlck's 1020 scroon star, who offectlvoly portrays tho rolo ot Anltah, n hair-brood Indian hostess. Tho story Is snld to conlor around Ruth Ifnrdy, a foundling, strayed In tho vast depths of tho ruggod North. Tho girl doc not know from whence sho enmo nor to whom sho really bo longs. But sho is betrothed to Robort Hollldny, ot tho Royal Mountod Po lice Whllo In his compuny sho learns that hor father was killed by hor fi ancee in a scrlmmago with tho Cann dlan Mountod Police How Holllday finally breaks tho chain ot circum stances that condomn htm makes tho story, In the,trond ot Its unfolding, powerful, gripping, nnd roploto with tenso dramntlo situations. Willard Smith ' Hits Maple Hard UndorWood'A Druggists trlmmod Swanson's Bnrbnrs to tho tuno of 3 to 0 In tho HI kit' bowling tournament last night, W, L. Smith, of tho drug gists, rnn wild with a tliroo-gamo to tal ot 9118. Ills ncoro yt 34B was high single score for tho ovonlng. Tho bar horn wuro plainly out ot form, only ono scoro, 100 by Aekloy, bolnjg wor-1 thy of oHpoulnl mention, Upp'a Jowolors will moot tho Box Cafes tomorrow night. Last night's scores : UtidenHNxI'M DrugKlitH W. L. Smith .. 101 190 248038' Underwood .... 110 130 145394 Prentice 128 130 137404 Mlllor 170 185 189 C50 llaydon 188 108 172 028 793 830 891 HnnuM'iiVi llarltr-m , Porlllard 131 104 135430 Anderson 113 110 100334 Loroni 125 175 106-406 Swauson 145 140 145430 Ackluy 160 100 160506 009 785 713 Implamout Journals stato that tlioro wilt bo no reduction In tho prlco of farm Implomonta during tho. prosont year. Arrested for Theft of Motorcycle Engine George Duko wan arrested today on a chargo ot stoallng a motorcyclo onglno from, Ernest Swanson's place noar tho rlvor. Svrnnson hnd tho en- glno out Sunday to.cluan It nnd, when it -urns missing ho directed suspicion on Duko, who had wntchod tho clean Ing process. Armed with n search warrant, Con stablo, Morloy entered Duko'a homo In Mills Addition and found two en gines, ono ot which 8wnnson Identi fied as hli. It. C. Grocsbock is Duke's counsel. Arrangements woro bolng-mado this afternoon to secure! Donus. r CHARGES MALPRACTICE I.V CROS8 COMPLAINT. towing at tfie HOTS i sTTALTr --- . TO-DAY MACK SENNETT'S "LOVE HONOR AND BEHAVE" Supplying reel comedy D0 Luxe. It Is something different. In answer to a suit to colloct $75 for.sorvlccs said to bavo been render ed Mrs. A. B. Cummlngs, of Merrill, A. B. Cummlngs has filed a cross suit for 3,000 ngalnst Dr. A. F. Waltor Krossoo of Morlll, for malpractice As tho result of lnattontlon during childbirth, tho cross complaint states, Mrs, Cummlngs has been lott In a sorious condition, Tho caso was sent to tho circuit court from tho Juctlco, court nt Merrill, tho amount aked for In tho cross complaint taking tho caso out of tho Jurisdiction ot tho Justlco of tho peaco. Frank Smith, boxing promoter, who conducted sovoral exhibi tions horo last fall, Is now In Marsh flold with a string of boxors, accord ing to nowapaper roports. Smith Is to stago several fights In tho coast town. Rer. Q. L. .Hall, state missionary of tho Baptist denomination, Miss Fayo Slack of Hlldobrand; Miss Elizabeth Grlgsby and Chostar Brown of this city lott this morn ing to attond tho Baptist National convention of Workers which will convono tomorrow at Eugcna nnd continue, until Thursday, LOCAL COUI'Li: MAIUtlKU. Robort J. Thompson and Miss Car rlo I,oo Thomas, a local nurxo, wore married Sunday ovonlng by tho Rov. C. F. Trlmblo nt tho home of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Peterson on south Sovonth streot. Your food money buye more ml food value and aatlaiac tlon when you or der Dkl Monti Beana with Toma to Sauce. Try nerving them In place of meat onco or twice a week and prove It. ?51isiBiHBBBIiisw WRIGLEY5 I . NEW TOKAY LOCAJj COUPLE MARRIED HERE 8ATURIMY AFTERNOON TUESDAY "OUT OF THE SNOWS"' A Ralph Inco production ot the great north and tho Royal Northwest Mounted police. ' . Oth Episode of "THE LOST CITY" Showing Tuesday Only Charles A. Allan of Stockton, Call- prnla, and Miss Anita Vogel, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Vogel, woro married Saturday aftornoon at 4 o'clock by tha Rev. S. J. Chancy of tho Mothodlst church. Tho beau tiful ring ceremony was used. After tho ceremony tho young couplo returned to the brldo's homo whero a wedding supper was serv ed. The brldo's uhclo and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Upton, wltnessod the wedding. Mr. Allan is omployod by tho Big Lakes Box company and ho and his brldo will continue to mako their homo here. FOR RENT Com fortablo, heatod bodroom 1 blocks from Main. Uso of tolophono and bath. Phono 447R or call at 227 Jcfforson St. 14 FOR SALE 1918 Dodge Touring car, A-l condition, G good tiros. $700 Insurant goes with car A bargain for 1750.00. Terms to respon sible party M. W. Hamakor, Phono 512J. 14-16 ROOMS Including bath 50 cents per night for 2 or 75 conts for one In room Home Rooming House, 920 Klamath Ave. 14-16 "After Every Meal" Everywhere All over the world people use this foody for Its benefits, as well as its Pleasure. Keeps teeffo clean, breath sweet, throat soothed. ( The geological survey estimated that an average ot 95 tonB of soil, pebbles and loose rock for every square mllo of the Unltod States aro carried Into tha 10a by our rivers every year, FOR SALE OR TRADE What have you to offorT Six. room modern furnished homo, shado, and fruit, in hoart of Bolso, Idaho. Phono 2 4 OR. 14-16 FOR SALE Sowing machine, dining room sot, rocker, dresser, atovos, axmlnlBter rug, a bargain; and othor household artlclos. Also small houso to rent. Mrs. T. H. Jolly, 123 N. 8th St., Phono 320W. 14-16 NOTICE Regular convocation Klamath Chapter No. 35, Tuesday, February 15, 1021, promptly at 7:00 o'clock P, M. Companions bo thoro. Visiting I members welcome. By order II. P. J. B, BTatton, Sec'y 14-16 x(km mum x! wmz39 fclcUTTA A fl Aids t U ilfSSsPi appetite flgBBTOiiy and I "" 'fyp dlaestloflsj IriTisBsiiyi TWsmmtmtma im iff WiTP Sjy7X?E!BBaBBBiaHBMf n " "n r fsiTayrsr?iss?iiaiigag Sealed Tight Kept Right as