The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 14, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    BswtaaB!Maamt .unw t m flrawiaia.
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Ii 71
The Evening Herald
City Editor
Published (tally except Sunday, by
Tho Herald Publishing Company of
Klnmnth Foils, at lis Kignm sireou
Entered at tho nostotttco nt Kla
math Fall, Oro., for transmission
through tho malls as socond-class
Tho Associated l'rosa Is excluslToly
entltlod to tho uso for republication
of All news dispatches credited to It!
or not t otherwise credltod In this
paper, and also tho local nows pub
lisher horotn.
MONDAY, FKlfllUARY, 41, 1021.
SAN FRANCISCO, Fob.. 15. Dig
gun coast dofonscs of San Francisco
recently took world leadership when,
official sorrlco reports said, for tho
first tlmo In history, twolvo-lnch
rlflos.woro fired entirely by direc
tions from tho nlr. Experiments have,
been conducted since, last April on
co-operation between tho a nay air
eorvico balloons and tho various
const artillery and heavy artillery
posts alone tho Pacific coast.
Tho 14th and 24th Dalloon com
panies sent horo from Fort Omaha,
Nebraska, conducted theso experi
ments. So far ns known, according
to official reports, the only previous
experiments of this kind, undertak
en In 1919 at Sandy I Took resulted in
failure. Special Instruments woro
devised In thb Pacific coast experi
ments, which finally resulted In suc
cess.' Dattery Mcndoll, ono of San
Francisco's big const dofenso dlsap
pcaranco rifle batteries, claims tho
honor of tho first' battery function
ing accurately from aerial control.
Twenty-two shots nt a pyramldlcal
target, moving at a rango of 14,000
yards, Included tlvo direct "ship"
This demonstrated that fog or hazo
making low visibility hereafter 'will
not crlpplo San Francisco's coast de
fenses. Balloons at an altitude of
15,000 to 20,000 feet get over the
fog, loeato tho enemy object at sea,
and dlrpct the fog-hidden battery's
deadly work against Jhe attacker.
Following tho big rifle experi
ments, tho balloon companies work
ed out mortar firing problems, from
tho air, as well as night firing by
flares, and tests of tosts of now In
struments. Tho balloon companies
will bo permanently stationed nt
Roos Field, Arcadlam, California, as
a part of the Pacific coast defense,.
C. J. TJlden, professor of engineer
Ing mechanics at Yalo university,
has been granted lcavo of nbsenco
for a yoar In order fo accept a posi
tion as director of highway and high
way transport education committee.
Tho commJtteo Includes representa
tives of all governmental, education
al and Industrial groups Interested
In tho advancement ot highways.
Vast quantities ot Canadian wheat
ari moving from Vancouver to Eu
ropo through tho Panama Canal.
Defwe yjkreyfs!
, .
fw r
3. HOI
Everett True
MUCH socpm
fgH. rig Trtv-
UrcHouT Your?. Houtmq. UKe a reep-HeApep
rvo vvvtrt v rcST Of
Tens OOORCDi:!
i r -Wtf T i i J
Tho opening skirmish ot tho Ir
rigation battlo, revolving about (he
alleged attompt to legislate Percy
N. Cupper, stato engineer, out of of
fice, was staged Tuesday night at a
general hearing at Salem, in which
tho engineer, legislators and others
took part.
Tho hearing, according to tho Ore
gonlrin correspondent, covered a wldo
range, continuing tor moro than
thrco hours and was tho warmest,
most exlctlng hearing that has been
hejd In tho legislature this session.
Engineer Cupper assorted that tho
attompt in tho bill to remove him is
a blow at tho irrigation policy ot
Oregon. Ralph Schncelock, Portland
bond broker and former membor of
the state water commission, discuss-
cd tho methods of financing projects
and said that senato bill 83 is aimed
toj.keop California capital out of tho
stato and that ho has been selling
Oregon Irrigation 'bonds to Callfor-
nlans. Ho nlso accused Oswald West
of lobbying for tho bills and said that
tho ox-governor has been soliciting
Portland banks to get behind tho bill,
As for Mr. Durdlck, who was ono of
tho framors of tho houso bills,
Schneelock said that Durdlck and tho
latter's partner, Judge- Sterns, nro
trying to obtain tho wator rights of
tbo old Deschutes projection Inactive,
district, for tho benefit ot tho cen
tral Oregon company.
Clialrmnn In Hitter
It was not until toward tho ond of
tho meeting that Representative. Shel
don suddenly bounced Into tho dronn
and said that only tho opponents of
tho bill had been heard and cross-ox-amlncd
In turn, Mr. Callaghor, who
acted as chairman of tho meeting,
said that ho favors tho Hi 1 1 because
ha has hoard that tho people of tho
Warm Springs projoct havo 'rccolvcd
only 45 cents on tho dollar; that only
ono bond houso can get a hearing
in tho stato engineer's offlco and
that Cupper novor saw n day's work
on an Irrigation ditch or Job,
A gonoral dobato raged for half an
hour between llunllck, Gallagher,
Schneelock, Cupper, Sholdon and ono
or two other persons, which tapered
down to a fingac-shaklng content.
Gallagher said that ho know of no
Irrigation district which wunts tho
bills but ho believes thoy aro right,
Judgo Wallace of Crook county In
formed Durdlck that 90 por cent ot
the reprosontativo's constituents aro
opposod to tho measures. To this
Roprosentatlva Overturf of tho gamo
district waved a sheaf gf tolcgrams
which ho said cnino from organisa
tions and hundreds of farmers and
buslnossmon and thoy told him to
uso bis own Judgment.
Everybody Is Intcrc'Mi'il
Mr. Durdlck said that when. 45 per
cent ot every dollar In these projects
goes to rako-offs, propaganda and
cost-plus, every farmer and every
taxpayer In tho state Is Interested In
theso irrigation bills for tho reason
that tho stato Is guaranteeing this
yBy Condo
THJT T CMro Mpaa V.
money. Ho nlso said that tho gallory
at tho meeting was mado up of a
lobby brought to Salem through tho
activity ot tho stato onglnoor's of
fice Schneelock admitted that ho had
telegraphed to tho Warm Springs and
Ochoco districts for tho people there
to send protests aaglnst tho bills.
Schneelock said that bo bad arranged
tho financing of thoso projects nnd
tho peoplo there woro under obliga
tions to stand by Cupper now that ho
Is undor flro.
Tho session opened with Mr. Cup
per declaring that nono ot tho real
Irrlgatlonlsts ot Oregon woro bohlnd
tho bills and that nono ot the Irri
gation districts in tho counties rep
resented by Durdlck or Callaghor
want tho bills.
DUcrlmlnntion Dental
Ho said that tho proponents of tho
bills first accused him ot being too
consorvativo as a stato engineer nnd
now they Say ho is too liberal. Mr.
Cupper declared that thcro has been
no discrimination against anyono
wishing to enter tho field In Orogon
and nnyono has been welcomed who
offered a willingness to flnanco dis
"Tho moat of tho wholo thing,"
enlarged Mr. Cupper, "Is that some
one wants to exclude California capi
tal from tho stato. It Is not a fight
directed against mo personally.
Messrs. Durdlck and Gallagher aro
frlonds of mine, and aro fighting for
something thoy want."
Discussing projects Knglncorttap
por said tho Warren Construction
company undertook tho financing ot
tho Tool project and fell down; that
tho company undertook tbo Suttlo
Inko and failed, and undertook to
flnanco tho Silver lako project "with
tho cost-plus contract tbo samo as
tho press has roasted mo for ap
proving." Iivnt Dc lured Unworkable-
Mr. Cupticr contended that tho leg
islation In question, If enacted, will
bo absolutely unworkable; that mhk
Ing a stato englncor a consulting pn
glncor ot CO projocts Is an Impossible
task. Tho moasuro Is vicious, ho said,
and will set Irrigation district pro
grammes back for years.
With a groat deal of forceful
personality, Mr. Schneelock took tho
floor and offered to accept respon
sibility for disposing of almost all
of tho Irrigation securities in tho
stato. Ho clalmod part authorship
In somo of tho Irrigation legislation
of Orogon. Ho said ho peddled irri
gation securities, bocauso thoy aro
not sold, but peddled.
Mr. Schneelock went on to show
that u consulting englnoer on CO
projects was out of tho question, that
tho best engineers In tbo country
would not handle moro tnan four and
that no englnoer with tlvo years' ex
perience on construction Is worth a
snap of tho fingers for consultation
Cvtt-l'liis I'luu Defended
As for financing projects, ho
explained tiio modus operandi and
Inslted that tho cost-plus system is
porfectly legitimate If this proposed
legislation goes through, ho warned,
ho will never do any more financing
In this state. Ho asked If Gallagher's
resolution for an Investigation would
to through the house and tho author
assured him It would.
Jn tho ovont that tho Investigation
Is mado, Scbncolock predicted that
theso bills will fall. Mr. llunllck ob
served that when tho Investigation Is
mado, It ll woro thorough, ho would
bo quite willing to abide by tho dq
clslon of tho members of tho legislature-
ns to whether tho bills should
pass or bo defeated.
Tho snow Is mostly all gono on tho
lovol, but qulto a bit still Ilea back
In tho tlmbor and In protected places.
Will Campbell, IL Morgan and It.
Johnson havo boon riding for horses
tho Inst week.
Merle Kllgoro sold soma flno boof,
nt Midland, aomo days ngo. Ho had
3 .car londs and rocolved 10c per
Alt Duncan wont to Klnmnth Fulls
last week.
Mr, Do in or oo has boon driving
stngo for Mr. 1 niton tho Inst week.
Thoy roport tho roads In a very bad
shape, owing to tho frost having gono
out of tho ground,
Mrs, Clintiuy of Ilonnntn Is teach
ing tho school In tho Drown district,
since the Chrlntmnn vacation.
Mrs. David Turner Is enjoying a
visit from bur mother Mrs. Wobstor
and sister, Miss Webster.
Last wook nil cattlomon who had
cnttlo on Tulo Lnko rodo In that soc
tlon and brought homo tho cattlo
from tho lako, nmong thorn Fred Hil
ton, WJ1I Campbell, George Noblo,
and Clovo Forrls.
'Mr. and Mrs. Al flalo had tho mis
fortune, to hnvo their homes get nway
from them recontly while visiting
Mr, Kcstler and had to bo taken
home by Mr. Kestlor.
Tho Gulf Const linos nro spend
ing $2,500,000 for now equipment
Plvo locomotlvos, S50 freight cars
and 4000 tons of 85-pound stool rails
havo boon ordered, Tho now mil
will bo laid botwoon Houston and
Now Orleans, replacing lighter rail
now in uso.
At a Joint convention ot tho Louis
iana Hankers' association nnd tho
Louisiana division of tho American
Cotton association it was decided that
bankers would rofusa crodlt lo cotton
planters who fall to rcduco tholr acre
age by ono-half this yoar. Merchants
aro asked to rofuso credit to thoso
farmers who fail to co-offbrnto In tho
It you wcro offfcrcd a llfo Insur
ance policy .that did not absorb any
ban ofyour promlum.'jln accompany
that was sato and sound, It Is not
likely that you would rofusa It. In
fact tho agent offering such a policy
would bo swamped with business.
Well, that Is practically wbat W. A.
nniiock, or this city is doing. Ho is
selling a policy In tho Occidental
Llfo Insuranco Co. ot Los Angeles,
Calif., that .does this very thing.
Horo Is how It Is done:
Ho will wrlto you a policy on tho
20 year endowment plan guarantee
ing you that In tho ovont of death to
return all doposlts mado by you In
addition to tho full faco dt your pol
icy. - Should you becomo totally dlsablod
from slcknoss or accident, tho com
pany havo mado special provision
whereby you will havo no furthor
payments to make nnd will pay f 10
per month on each thousand dollars
ot Insuranco you carry which Is not
deducted from your policy ot death,
Dosldes, your policy matures tho
samo as though you had mado tho
payments yoursolf.
This Is ono ot tho best policies
ever offered by any legal reserve
company and baa other spoclal fea
tures Just as remarkablo as thoso
outlined abovo. Doforo you buy that
insuranco you are thinking about. If
you will call Mr. Dutlock, 43-W or
drop a car to 1405 Orogon Ave, He
will bo nilfihty glad 'to toll you all
about it, Adr,
8ays you really feel clean, t34
and fresh inside, nd
are seldom ill,
If you aro accustomed to wako up
with coated tonguo, foul broath or a
dull headacbo; or If your meals sour
and ferment,, you havo a real sur-
prlso awaiting you.
Tomorrow morning, Immediately
upon arising, drink a glass of hot
water with a teaspoonful of llmo
stono phosphato In It. This Is In
tended tovflrst noutrallzo and thon
wash out of your stomach, liver,
kldnoys and 30 feet of Intestines all
tho lndlgostlblo' waste, polspns, sour
bllo and itoxlns, thus cloanslng,
sweetening and purifying tho entlro
alimentary canal, v
Thoso subject to hoadachos, back
aches, bilious attacks, constipation or
stomach trouble aro urgod to got a
quartor pound of limestone phosphate
from tho drug storo and begin enjoy
ing tho morning Insldo bath,
Just as hot water anf soap' cleanse,
purify and freshen the skin so hot
water and a teaspoonful of limestono
phosphato act on tho stomach, liven
kndnoys aud bowels. Limestono plios
plmtq Is an Inexponslvo whlto powder
and almost tastoless. Adv. .
- ii ii . i ii r rf
The Busy Rcxall Store
nnwin.Hi: pepi:
Mrt-Business Man: ' i
We arc the Klamath Falls agent for Wi
most remarkable of Typewriters The Coronar
known as "the personal writing machine,"
This little wonder will do all the work re
quired of an ordinary machine, and is so light
that it can be taken from place to place without
exertion. It is sold, complete with case, for
$50.00, Come and let us show it to you.
By the Stationery Man,
When .Mixed Willi Hirtplmr
llrlnip Ibtrk Ills llrautlful
Luhtro At Onro
Gray hair, howavor handsome, do
nolos advancing ngo. Wo nil know
tho ndvantagos ot a youthful nppcar
nnco. Your hair Is your charm It
makes or mars tho faco. When It
tadoa, turns gray, and looks streak
od, Just a fow applications ot Hago
Tea and Sulphur enhances Its np-
poaranco a hundredfold.
Don't stay gray! Look young)
Kltlior propnro tho roclpo at homo
or got from any drug store n hottlo
of "Wyoth'a Sago and Hulphur Com
pound," which Is merely tho old
tlmo roclpo Impro 'cd by tho addi
tion of other ingredients. Thou
sands of folks recommend this ready-
to-usa preparation, bocauso It dark
ens tho hair beautifully; besides, no
ono can possibly toll, ns It darkens
so naturally and evenly. You moisten
n sponge or soft brush with It, draw
ing this .through, tho hair, taking one
small strand at -n tlmo, Dy morning
tho gray hair disappears; after an
other application or two Its natural
color Is restored, nnd It becomes
thick, glossy and lustrous, and you
appear years youngor. Adv.
William Jonnlion. Plaintiff
Mnry Jonnlson, Defendant.
To Mary Jonnlson, Dcfondant,
In thn namo ot tho State of Ore
gon, you aro hereby required to ap
pear and answer tho complaint filed
against you In tho abovo entitled suit
on or be f oro February 28, 1921, that
bolng tho Inst day of tho tlmo pres
cribed for tho publication of this sum
mons ana u you lau in so answer or
cthcrwlso appear, plaintiff will apply
to tho Court for tho relief prnyod
for in his complaint, to-wlt; for a do
crco dissolving tho bands of matri
mony now existing between plaintiff
and defondant and for such oliior and
further rellof as to tbo Court may
soom oquitablo.
This summons Is published for
oneo a week for C weeks by order of J
tno iionoranio u, v. juiyxoncian,
Judgo or tho abovo entltlod Court
made and ontorod on January 15,
Data of first publication nf this
summons Is January 17, 1921,
R. O. dROESilROk,
Attornoy for Plaintiff. Klamath Stnto
Dank Duildlng, Klnmath Falls,
Oregon. 17-24-31 Fob. 7-14-21-28
Tho City Engineer pursuant
to tho resolution of tho Com-
,mon Council horotofora adopt
ed, having undor dato iOf tho
21st day of January, 1921, filed
plans, specifications and otslmatos of
tho cost of improving Pine Street
from Eleventh Street to Ksplanado.
Including Intersectiens: and tbo Com
mon Council having takon tho samo
undor advlsoment and finding said
plans, specifications and estimates
satisfactory, , -
said plans, specifications and esti
mates for tho Imporvoment of Pine
STreot from Klovonth .Stroot to Ks
planado, Including Intersections, bo
and tho sirao aro horoby approved;
ED, that tho Common Council horo
by declares Its Intontfon, to Improvo
said portions or Pine Stroot, In ac
cordance with said plans, specifica
tions and ostlmatog;, said Improvo
mont to consist of paving said por
tions of Pine Stroot with Concroto,
filtullthlo or Wllllto. Tho estimated
cost of, tho Improvement of said por
tions of said street by placing there
on either Concrete, llltullthlc or Wll
lite to bo S12.682.00, said cost' in
cluding grading, rolling, curbing and
cemont sldowalk.
ED,.Dy tho Common Council that tho
following described property bo and
r. B.tpora
Is horoby declared benefited by said
Improvement, to-wltt
Lots 5, 0..-7. 8, 9, 10, 11 or Uloek
3, Nichols Addition to tho City ot
Klnmath Falls; Orogon; Lots 1, S, I,
4, 5, Illock 3, Nichols Addition to the
City of Klamath Falls, Oregon; also
proporty described as follows) Be
ginning nt tho Intersection of the
Southerly linn of Plnn Street -with
tho oastcrly lino of 11th street;'
thence northeasterly along thn south
erly lino of Pine Street, 110 feet;
llionco southeasterly at right anils
to Plnn Stroot, 06 tent; thence louth
wostorly at right angles to 11th
Street 120 feet; thonco northwester
ly along tho easterly lino of 11th
Strrot to tho point ot beginning; also,
Dcglnnlng nt thn Intersection or the
northerly linn ot Main Street with
tho easterly lino ot 11th stroot run
ning thence easlorly nlong the north
erly lino ot Main Street, 58 feet;
thonco northerly parallel with 11th
street, 100 feet, thonco westerly par
allel with Main Street, 58 feet, to the
easterly linn ot 11th street. Thence
southerly along tho easterly Una ot
1 1th street to tho point ot beginning;
nlso, Deglnnlng nt a point on thn
northerly linn ot Main Strcot, 110
foot easterly from tho Intersection of
tho northorly linn of Main Street and
tho easterly lino ot 11th street;
thonco northerly nt right angles to
Main fltreot 240 foot to tho southerly
lino ot Pine Street, thence easterly
nlong southerly lino ot Pine Btrt
120..feet; thence outherf at right
angles to Mntn Street, 40 feet to '
thn northerly lino or Main Street ISO
foot to tho beginning; also, Degln
nlng at n point on tho easterly line
of 11th stroot 85 feet southeasterlr
from, tho Intersection of the souther
ly lino ot Pine Street with the outer
ly line ot 11th strcot; thence south
oastorly along' thn easterly linn ot
11th stroot 75 feet; thonco at right
angles to 11th streot northeasterly
68 feet; thonco at right angles north
wostorly parallel with 11th street 75
foot; thonco at right nngles to 11th '
streot southwesterly 58 feet to the
point of beginning, nil said property
being in Nichols Addition to tho City
ot Klnmnth Falls, Oregon, and that
said proporty abovo listed and das
crlbod bo nnd horoby Is declared to
bo nuossrd tor tho oxpenso ot said
ED, That Monday, tho 7th day ot
March. 1921, at thn hour'of 8 o'clock
P. M. at tho Council Chambers at
tho City Hall, bo fixed aa tho time
nnd place for tho hearing of objec
tions nnd remonstrances against the
said proposod Improvement and thn
Polleo Judgo Is hereby directed to
cause notlco ot said honrlng to' bo
published as by Charter provided.
County or Klamath,
City ot Klamath Falls as
I, A, L. Loavltt, Polleo Judge ot
tho City ot Klamath Falls, Oregon,
do horoby certUy that tho foregoing '
la a duly onrollod copy ot a resolu
tion adopted by tho Common Council
on tho 31 day ot January, 1921. de
claring Its Intention to Improvo Pine'
Stroot from Eleventh Stroet o Es
planade Including Intorsoctlons, and "
npprovlng tho plans, specifications
and estimates of costs submitted by
the City Engineer.
A. L. LEAVITT, Polleo Judgo.
Instantly Opens Every Air
I Passage Clears Throat Too.
' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
In ono mlnuto your cloggod nos
trils avIII open, tho air passages ot
yottr houd will clear and you can
hroatho frooly. No moro hawking,
snuffling, blowing, bendacho dry
ness. No strueicline tar breath nt
plght; your cold or catarrh wilt bo
Got a small bottlo ot Ely's Cream
Dnlm from your drugglBt now. Ap-
ply a llttlo of this fragrant, antlsep-'
tic, healing croam In your nostrils.
It penetrates through ovory air pas
sago of the head, soothes the in
flamed or swollen mucous mem
brane and rellof comos Instantly. '
.It's Just fine. Don't stay stuffod
ii I with a cold or naBty catarrh Re
llof comes so quickly, adv.
A classified Ad will soil It.
.' i