The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 14, 1921, Image 1

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Today's News
Member of the Associated Press.
Fifteenth Your. No. BO IB.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Fob. 14. Judgo
Kdnesnw M. Lamlla, of Chicago, fed
eral Jurist, waa Impeached In tho
house of representative loJny by
Itoprosontatlvo Welty, democrat, of
Wolty charged Judgo Lnndls with
"high crimes and tnlndemoanora" In
connection with his nccoptanco of o
position as lupromo nrbltor of blic
league bacobnll with a salary of $42,
600 yearly,
Tbo chargos wero referred to ttio
house coramltteo on Judiciary, on
Welty'a motion, for Investigation and
Should It bo determined to Insti
tute proceedings against JudRo Lan
tils a formal trial will bo held botoro
tho bar of tho house.
Thoro la little likelihood of action
by the judiciary commlttoo on tho
Wolty charges at this eeiwilon, Chair
man Volstead atatod.
"Tho fact that Wclty retires
March 4 doea not otfoct tho pro
ceodlnRs," ho addod, "nor docs the
case nocosearlly end with tho ad
journment of congress."
WABHINOTON, Fob. 14. Senator
Dial, of South Carolina, Saturday
aald that ho would profor chargos
Ralnst Judge Landls with tho de
partment of Justlco la connection
with tho Judgn'a atatement that of
ficials or the bank of Ottawa, Illi
nois, worn responsible for tho em
bezzlemont of $08,000 by Francis
J. Carey, n clerk, bocauso thoy paid
him only $90 a month.
Senator Dial declared Judgo Lan
dls utterances wer0 "anarchistic and
Harry Kolly, hotter known as
"Itace Ilorso Kelly," In his day said
to barn boon ono of tho ahrowdoat
Judges of horseflesh and ono,, of tho
boat trnlnors of racora on tho coast,
died Saturday uvonlng about C:30
o'clock nt tho county hospital, which
has been his homo for tho past seven
or eight yoars.
During his tlmo Kelly had trained
and raced thoroughbreds on prob
ably orory track of Importanco In
tho country. Ho bad an Immonso
fund of romlnlsconses of tho thrill
ing daya whon ho worked for tbo big
stables. Ho was a kindly old man, who
bore his mlsfortunos of blindness
and poverty bravely, nnd wna great
ly loved by tbo hospital colony, by
whom ho. will bo groatly mlssod.
For 1 Carry Kolly was that raro
product of tho world of sport n
good losor. During tbo palmy daya
whon ho waa cldso to tho central fig
tiros who followod tho "sports of
kings" ha llvod In attluonco and It
ho had boon of different mold might
have laid asldo a comfortablo com
petence, nut ho llvod after tho codo
of his world nnd wastod no tlmo' In
vain rogrota.
Kelly .waa born a slavo In tho
family of Dr. Kolly of Nashvlllo,
Tonnossoo, a Methodist bishop.
Whon tho war broko out ho ran
away and ontorod tho army, earvlng
through th0 conflict as a body ser
vant of Oencral John Choathom.
During the war ho know Captain
J. P, Loo, tho prosent county asses
sor, and when finally his wanderings
over many, racing circuits brought
hlra to Orogou, ho hunted up Cap
tain Loo and llvod in tho family for
everal yoars.
Whon K. It. ItoamJB, of -tho First
National bank gathorod togothor a
fetable IS or 20 yoars ago, Kelly took
hargo of tho training and tho
Roamog horses made a gallant show
ing on many of, tho loading coast
. Bofore coming bore Kolly workod
for Silks Jones, an uncle of Coroner
Earl Whltlock, who had training
arms at Arlington' and Gervals, Ore
Con. His connection with racing
MBfJO hjp a wpl)-knpwn clWAGtSF
In tho community and many old
01 DEI a
S, . a s
New Administration
Will Seek to Unite
Reconstruction Aims
BT. AWIUBTINH, Kin., Kob, 14.
A plea that tho nation should forgot
the nnlmosltlos nnd partlanslilp of
tbo flftor-wnr period nnd put n unit
ed shouldor unstlntlngly to tho whool
of reconstruction In oxpoctod to form
tho koynoto of President Harding's
Inaugural address.
Ono of tho outstanding fonturen Is
oxpoctod to bo a nnppeul for confl
donco In tho nation's buslnosn ability,
linked with tho assuranca that tbo
"administration will koep away from
moddllng methods In Its rotations
with tho business world."
UNTIL 1923
HALKM, Fob. l'. Ilocnilso of tho
abort tlmo romalnlng for action on
tho subject reapportionment, Sen
ator Thomas today Introduc
ed a resolution proposing tnai a
pedal reapportionment commltttoo
continue tho Invostlbutlon of tho
matter aqd report to tho 1923 leg
islature. .
To expedite business during tho
romalnlng weak of tho session, Prov
ident Illtnor announced that ho
would enforco tho senato rulo limit-
tig talks on tho final pass a bo of
bills to ftva minutes, and dobatoa
on resolutions to throo minutes, for
all oxcept tho authors of tho meas
ures. Tho fight on tho teachers' tonuro
bill waa renewed by tbo Introduc
tion .of a new bill In tho sonato.
Tho hojiso passed tho bill aimed
to stop fake advertising.
Legion Auxiliary
Will Give Tea to
Swell Relief Fund
To add to their fund or tbo rollof
of cases of need, aa they nrlso, among
tbo 700 ex-sorvlco men and tholr
famlllos In Klamath Falls and Klam
ath county, tho Women's auxiliary
of tho American Legion will hold a
sllvor tea Thursday afternoon from
1:30 to 6 o'clock at tho Uluoblnl con
foctlonory. Tho auxiliary rellof commltteo
consists of Mrs. Jonnlo Hum, Mrs. J.
H. Oarrott, Mrs. J. H. Carnahan and
Mrs. William Ganong. Thoy, with
Mrs. John Kndors, Mrs. H, D. L.
Stowart, Mrs. Oarrott Van Illpor.
Mrs. Maurice Johnson and Mrs. Paul
Hogardus, wilt act as hostossos.
It Is tho function of tho rollof com
mlttoo to extond aid In all cases of
need and Illness that Is called to Its
attontlon among tho ex-sorvlco mon
or tholr families, to provldo clothing
and food, to pay modlcal and drug
bills, provldo flowors for tbo Invalids,
assist In funerals, and In ovory way
lighten tho burdens of tho unfortun
nto among formor soldiers and sail
ors. It Is hoped by tho ladtos that tho
affair next Thursday aftornoon will
rocolvo llboral publlo patronogo In
order that tho relief fund may bo
oqunl to tho constant calls upon It.
charges fence wah cuts
trial ox in justice oouiit
Trial of J. L. Sparrontou and John
Simmons, Bonanza ranchors, charg
ed by Frank "Nichols, a neighbor,
with unlawfully destroying 100 foot
of Nichols fonco last Docombor, on
tho Porter ranch noar Bonanza, is
undorway In Justlco Qagbagon's
court this aftornon.
VICTORIA, D. G Fob. 14. Brit
ish Columbia's mlnoral production
for 1920 totallod $20,580,025, which
Is an incroaso of $2,284,312, or aov
on por cont over tho 1910 total, ac
cording to flguros mado publlo by
tho department of mines. Increases
woro rocorded in sllvor, copper and
timers will give a sigh of regret
over his passing,
The funeral was hold this morn
ing nnd tho body was burled in tho
local comotory, in a lot that had
bow pureunofd eomo yooro 050.
Tbo atatement may now bo mado,
without foar of contradiction or
doubt, that tho First Stato and Sav
ings bank will ro-opon. Fow bavo had
any doubts of this, and what llttlo
akoptlclsm oxlsted following ;tho
hank's suspension has disappeared,
as bt by bit thoro has leakod out
stories of tho real financial condition
of tho Institution. No doflnlto date
bos yet been sot for tho ro-openlng,
nnd nono will bo sot for tbo present.
When a decision Is rcachod on this
point, Uio noccssnry publicity will be
given It, so that ho who runs may
read and bavo no doubt as to Just
what to expect.
Tho full plans for tho ro-organlza-.
tton bavo not been fully workod out,
but thoy will probably bo ready for
submission to tho stockholders of tho
bank at tho meeting that has boon
called for noxt Saturday. Until then
no official Information will bo given
to tho public.
Winters is Moving
Into New Building
II. J. Winters, tho Jowolor, Is
moving his slock from his old storo
today Into tho now building noxt
door, which ho recently completed.
A bandsomo plato glass front waa
Installed In tho new atoro last
Tho Wlntera building' contains
throo stories. Tho two upper floors
used for offices and apartments. Tho
building Is brick, fireproof construc
tion, solidly built with a vtow'to
tho addition of. another story at
sumo futurojLy.fmd.l ono of
peroral recently' constructed build
ings that mark, a now era la the
ctty'a Imslnoas development.
(From tbo Informant, published by tho Zollorbach Paper company)
And It was somo party whllo It lastodt Deflation Is with us, and also
with tho balanco of tho world. This will lead to sanity and health. Wo
all know this adjustment had to como sometlmo, so why fool bluo and dls
couragod? Wo bavo been through tho samo thing botoro, and wo will llva
through this adjustment porlod also.
Wn havo a banking system which 1s holding up In flno shapo, nnd wo
will havo no monoy panic. Consldor what would havo happened In tho last
fow months without tho Fodoral Rcscrvo system:
Wo havo about halt th0 known supply of gold In our bank vaults. Corn
para this with tho situation beforo tho war, and tho prosent situation of
tho Europoan countries.
Every nation on tho earth owes us money! Think of tho billions of dol
lars In stocks and bonds bold abroad boforo tho war, on which wo wero
obllgod to pay dlvldonds and Interest. Theso atocka ar0 now In Amorlca's
strong boxes.
Our dollar Is th0 only unit of currency In tho world commanding a
premium In ovcry market, and this situation will contlnuo tor years.
Our exports exceed our Imports by a wide margin, nnd will do so for a
long porlod. Wo havo tbo coal which every, country must buy from us.
England has not tho tonnago to keep up hor pro-war oxports. Our" only
limit Is tho mochanlcal moans of dumping tho cars Into ocean ships. And
wo have tbo ships! A fow of thorn may loak, porhaps, but wo bavo tho
yards In which to build othors an'd repair th0 onca wo own. And our flag
fltos In many porta whoro It has not boon soon for yoars. Wo havo tho
whoat, tho cotton, tho coppor, tbo raw matorlals, and tho world must buy
of us or do without. ,
Evory vfllaga and city In our land Is aovon year's bohlnd In tholr build
ing program. Thoy roqulro ovorytning from chicken coops to otflco build
ings, and thoso wants must bo auppllo'd.
Tho automobllo nnd tiro business Is weak In tbo knees at prosont. But
It will recover. Autos aro still In dally uso, and tho mlddlo of any city
street Is aa unsato a gossiping place aa It waa six months ago. Wo will
contlnuo to drlvo cars of high and low dogroo, and remombor, that ovory
tlmo' the whoels ravolvo tho automobll0 and Its tires aro that much near
er tho Junk hoap.
Road-building projects on a largo scalo aro bolng plannod all over tho
country, and will bo put through.
It our torotgn oxchango friends rotuso to buy our goods or cannot do so
bocauso of tho oxchango situation, remombor, wo aro yoars bohlnd in ovory
tiling in our own country, ana wo could uvo on our own fat for fivo youra
and put our own houso In orden and got acquainted with each othor again.
and bo nil tho bettor for It.
Prices Aro bolng adjusted In ovory dlroctlon, and many ot thorn aro al
ready dragging bottom. Whon you hit bottom you always) como up; per
haps a llttlo disfigured, but anyway, you como up.
Salesmanship, roal salesmanship, has como Into fashion again. Tho day
ot tha "ordor takor" Is ovor, so get your foot out ot tho office; stop talk
ing hard times; hot-toot It up the street and down tho alloys and by-ways.
hustling for business, and you will find many concerns using your lino. of
matorlal, ot whoso vory exlstenco you have boon unaware Keen your tall
off the, ground or It will bo steppod
way to socuro an oraor irom ono or.
Wo havo tho monoy, tho credit, the
tho brains, the Initiative, and we are
disease and follows poor circulation.
out after tbo orders. Put Jazz pep,
cropo and Jump on the cropo hangers
?tnori You wm prow&iQ got. eomo
ho shoo business. Forgot tho last flvo
live, and dig (or business, it you don't,
From sources closo to thoso who
aro preparing tho reorganization
plans, It lit learnod that It Is contem
plated to Increaso tbo capital stock
of tho bank, nnd offer tbo now stock
to tho peoplo of this county. This
phaso of tbo reorganization has been
discussed for soma llttlo tlmo, nnd
It has resulted In tbo filing or written
and oral applications for soma of this
stock by thoso sbrowd enough to
value its roal worth. Thcso applica
tions havo reached a point that
would Indicate that tbo stock Issuo
will bo subscribed many times over
and It Is doubtless a realization of
this fact that has causod tho fancy
ing Investors to get their applications
In early, so that thoy will, bo sure
and gel somo of it. If tbo' stock Is
offered at par, It will, according to
thoso who pay attention to such
things make tho choicest Investment
over offered In this county.
Thieves Get Little
In Creamery Office
Entranco to tho Klamath Falls
crcamory on Klamath avonuo was
offected Saturday evening by somo
unknown person or persons, who
took $1.90 from the cosh drawer
but mado no effort to opon tho
aafo. Tho entranco was mado
through tho front window.
Tho ladles' club of tho D. P. O. E.
vwJU-hold a. .regular mcptlnjt.ln, tho.
Hlks' club rooms' tomorrow after
noon at 2:30. All members aro re
quested to bo prcsont.
on by som hustling salesman on tho
your own customers.
factories, tho labor, the materials,
naturally optimistic. Pessimism is a
Exercise la the best cure tor it. Go
ginger, into your efforts. Burn the
with both feet. Wear out tbo shoo
ovBinees, nnd onywiiKi it wn neiD
yoars nnd kcoD your eyo on the noxt
someone else will get It ?
Owen County, Ind.f Is
Now the Center of
Population In U, S.
WASHINGTON, Fob. 14. Tho
center of population disclosed by tho
1920 census is located In tho extreme
southeast corner of Owen county,
Indiana. During tbo last decado tho
centor of population has continued
to movo westward, advancing to
about nlno and eight-tenths miles
west of, and about ono-flfth mllo
north of Dloomlngton, Indiana, whero
It was located by tbo 1910 census.
Comparison of figures In tho pro
posed salary raises ot adjoining
counties on cither side ot Klamath
with tho proposed Increasos for Kla
math county roveals llttlo uniform
ity. Tbo Klamath county bill, Intro
duced by Senator Upton, with tho
collaboration ot Ropresontatlvo
Ovorturf and Burdick, would raise'
tbo assessor's pay from $1600 to
$3000 a year; tho county Judgo
from $1500 to $2000; tho commis
sioners from $5 a day to $1500 a
year, and tho school superintendent
from $1600 to $2400. Tbo sheriff,
dork and treasurer would receive
no Increase tholr pay remaining at
$3000, $2000 and $1500, respective
Tho Lake county bill Is also
sponsored by Upton, Burdick and
Ovorturf. It proposes to Increaso tho
salary 6t tho county dork from
$1800 to $2000, tho assessor from
$1500 to $1800 and tho county
school superintendent from $1606
to $1800 per.-annum. Salariea ot
tho county Jadgo; treasurcf ""n'tfa
shorlft aro to romaln as nt present
at $1000, $1000 and $2500 re
spectively. Jackson county proposes to mako
the following Increasea: Commis
sioners from $4 to $5 per day;
treasurer $1200 to $1800 annually;
assessor $1500 to $2100; school su
perintendent $1800 to $2000.
Religion's Place
In Life of All
Ably Discussed
With religion with a small "r" as
his subject, Father J. V Molloy
preached a forcotul sormon last night
at tbo Catholic church on tho mod
ern spiritual trend. Tho typo of re
ligion ho dealt with was not tho dog
ma of donomlnatlonallsm, 'but tho
fundamental bolfet ot humanity, and
ho attacked tho problem of an appar
ently Increasing materialism.
Tho preacher, In upholding tho so
laco of tbo cross, asked whoro tho
burdened and down trodden ot tho
world would find In materialism tbo
comfort that religion gives. Tho
prosperous man, strong In body, may
feel that material things aro suffi
cient for all his needs, ho may dodgo
consideration of things spiritual, but
bow about thosjr on whom fortune
has frowned, naked Fatbor Molloy.
Tho spoaker has a vigorous way ot
handling his aubjocts that carrlos a
vlrl!oK masculine appeal. Ho promises
sormons on everday topics of current
Interest each Wodnosday and Sunday
C. of C. Auxiliary
Will Meet Friday
Tho woman's auxiliary of tho
chamber ot commerco will moot In
tho chamber ot commerco rooms Fri
day aftornoon at 3 o'clock to finish
tho election ot officers and tbo ap
pointing of committees. It Is also ox
poctod that names for a city flower
will bo nominated, the selection to
bo mado later. Several ot tbo ladles
will speak on .the culture ot tho flow
ers nominated.
All tho womon ot tho city aro In
vited to tako part In the mooting.
A son ;was borp to Mr. and Mrs.
Rex Bussert, Of Mills addltloa, Sat
urday morning. Dr. Qoddard says
that both mother and babo are doing
Northwest breeders who last year
wero skeptical about consigning pure
bred Shorthorns to tho annual Klam
ath county farm bureau sale, this
year, bad to bo restrained from ship
ping in moro stock than tho farm
bureau can dispose of, aaya
L. A. West, chairman ot tho farm
bureau livestock bureau, -who retim
ed last night from a trip through tho
northern part of tho atato whero ha
socured 20 head of registered Short
horns for the sale.
Thoro aro 17 cows and bettors and
thrco bulls, two males calves and
one two year old, In tho carload,
which .will arrlvo hero a weok or so
beforo tho salo. The tentative sale
dato Is March 17.
Local breeders to date havo enter
ed about a dozen animals for tho sale.
The outsldo stock secured by Mr.
West Is all from Union county farms.
Tho herds of William Green, Sher
man. Hutchinson, Lester Hempo,
Townley and DeLay aro represented.
Practically all of the stock Is show
stuff which was exhibited at tho Fort
land International Livestock show,
and at least ono of tho. heifers waa
well Inside tbo monoy.
Mr. West 'was accompanied on hi
trip by A. E. Lawson, field represen
tative of tho Northwest Shorthorn
Breeders association and H. A. Und
gren, field representative of the Ore
gon Agricultural College, who aided
In selecting tho best stock available.
Local weather cannot ro'mpare In
dlsagroeablo features with Union Co.
weather, aald Mr. West. Snow drifted
beforo tbo high wind blocked railway
traffic .In ono place so that passes'
gers wore forced to walk two mile
and quarter tbagfe-tb driftf."
get aroundT.tbe'blockade, -.
When tho doora ot tho Scandin
avian hall aro thrown open to tho
public on tbo evening of Sunday,
March 20, Klamath county and Klam
ath Falls will havo tholr first oppor
tunity to sea tbo now 1921 models of
the automobile Industry In a setting
that will bo tbo equal of any auto
show held In tho west. This at least
Is tho promlso ot the Commercial Ex
hibit company.
Tho plans of tho mon behind the
show call tor tha display ot tho bostt
models beforo tbo public. Tha
docoratlvo schema will bo singularly
nttractlvo, and oxcsllont muslo will
bo a distinctive feature.
At tho prosent time Indications are
that tho floor spa'co will be over
subscribed, but local doalors will bo
given preference. Thla also Insures
only the vory bost In the auto line,,
and as 1921 Is showing many Im
proved models, patrons of this show
will see a llnoup ot modols that will
bo a toast to tholr eyes.
It waa froely- predicted that the
automobllo shows ot thla year would,
greatly sttmulato and ronow activity
In the automotive Industry. It waa
not a false prediction, nortwaa It sur
face optimism. In most ot the big
cities tho crowds could not be accom
modated, and In tbo smaller cltlea
tho crowds wero proportionately
largo and' equally as enthusiastic.
Most motor car dealors aro study
ing tholr territories moro carefully
than ever before, and through the
medium of auto shows they have de
termined that thero will be a good,
healthy demand for automobiles this
year. Tbo big problem has been to
get the public to soo and Investigate
tho cars, and the auto9 show Is the
agoncy that Js bringing this to pass,
Klamath Falls dealers recognize this
fact, and the auto show In March
will be a valuable afd to them.
Tbo Brazilian embassy has an
nounced that the population ot Brazil
Is now more than ono-fourth that, of
(ho United, Btntej,
f I