The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 12, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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SATURDAY, FKimUAIlY t2, 11(21.
I ,
Personal Mention
MnVlon Nino or Swan Lnko was u
Klnmnth Falls visitor yestcrdny.
Wi 13, Lamb, ot Modoc Point, Is
In town .on buslnceg.
11. 0. Davison (ram Mllwnuklo,
Oro., Is In town on business.
W. O. Augustlno ot Dorrls, Califor
nia Is In town on business.
Frank Ij. Vnnnlco ot tho Golden
Rulo storos lott this morning tor
bis homo In Grants Pass nttar a busi
ness visit hero. Ho just returned
from nn extensive trip In tho onst,
doing spring buying. Ho visited St.
Louis, Now York nnd othor cities.
It. 0. Urawn ot
town on business.
Portland Is In
Alfred Cnstol n cattleman Is n Kln
mnth Kails visitor.
Walter 'Zotxmnn of tho Midland
country wns n Klnmnth Kails visi
tor yesterday.
Mrs. 1). McDonald and daughter
left this morning for Med ford tor a
short visit.
Miss Pearl Henry who Is teaching
nt Dairy Is spending tho week end
at tho Whlto Pelican hotel.
O, M. Hector is on tho sick list.
II. n. Smith lott this morning for
San Francisco.
Mrs. S. Docostor who has bean In
(own on business returned to her
homo at Dray this morning.
William Saundors ot tho American
Express company will leavo Monday
for Long Beach, California tor n short
Mrs. C. II. Dowmnn and daughter,
Louise, ot Chtloquln, stopped at tho
Whlto Pelican last night enrouto to
W. F. Jcanctt of Merrill Is in
town proving up on his homestead.
O. II. Carloton and J. A. Drown woro
his witnesses.
Dr. Mallett, ot Portland, has ar
rived In this city to mnko his homo
and enter practice with bis brother
Dr. George Mallett who Is a chiro
practic practitioner.
Mrs. Jcnnlson and her mother.
Mrs. Hanson, loft this morning for
Sacramento, California whoro thoy
will spend a tow weeks visiting
D. II. DuFnult arrived horo last
ovenlng from. Santa Ana, California,
whoro ho now resides. Ha Is tho
same old, cheerful Ed, and his many
friends aro glad to novo him back
agan, oven if only for a .short tlmp.
John, tho young son of Mr. nnd
Mrs, John Ilrott, Is reported to bo
HllKhtly Improved today. Ho was
operated upon for appendicitis nt
tho Klamath General hospital 'Tues
day ovonlng. Tho appendix was
found to hnvo burst nnd young lad Is
having n hard tight for his life.
O : 0
Horoaftcr Tho llornld wilt publish
tho moan and maximum tempora-
tares ana precipitation rocord as tnk
on by tho U. S. Kodnmntlon sorvlco
station. Publication will covor tho
day previous to tho papor'a lssuo, up
to b o ciock or tho day
. Pro
Max. Mln. clpltntlon
Fob I...- 39 27
Fob 2 43 24 .00
Fob 3. 41 28
Fob 4 '39 29 1C
Fob G ,..:.. 35 2G
Fob C 35 17 v
Fob 7 .... 33 21
Feb 8 '. 37 - 24 .17 '
Fob 0 43 3G 05
Feb 10 42 3G
Fob 11 48 30 " i
Have you seen tho bargains In
watches at Davenport's, n dandy for
$15.00. 12
tiamukrlain hack at
post after illness
WASHINGTON, Fob. 12. Sonn
tor Chamberlain, who has been ill
for several weeks, roturned to his
sent in tho senato today.
LEWI3TOWN. Montana, Fob.tl2.
Oreat Northern railway officials
hero cstlmato that 2,500,000 bush
els of wheat remain unshlppod In
towns on tholr lino in tho atato ot
Montana. Up to Dccombor 21, re
ports show 9,500,000 bushels woro
carried over tho railway.
Tho greatest ncod ot Moxlcan rajl
ways Is for equipment and rolling
stock. Tho roads lost 10,000 freight
cars and 400 locomotives during tho
revolutionary upheavals of tho past
tow yoars.
Miss Eva Jonklnn ontortaluod n
numbor ot friends Inst ovonlng In
honor ot hor cousin, J. Hummers ot
Toledo, Ohio. Those who woro In'
vlted woro Misses Pearl Kenny, Pan
sy Robinson, Esther Calkins, llosslo
Kull, Ynlo Ltndsoy, llotta Madison,
Ilonnlo Lucas, lluby Smith, Mlldrod
Thrashor, Mario Obonchntn, Lucille
Sherman, Laura Holiday, Eva, Ilia
and Mnry Jonklns; Messrs. Homor
Gnrlch, Clifford Hoguo, George Carr,
Deloss Mills, Ilruco Perkins, Jerome
Henry, Albort Urndloy, Carl Hilton,
Cecil G rises, Iloger Montgomory,
Norman Mann, Ernest' McCulough
and Jay Summon.
Tho Kcdron club onlortnlnod tholr
mothors In tho Kcdron club rooms
nt tho Presbyterian church Tuesday
Ovonlng.. Mrs. Molblo rondorod sov
oral beautiful solos. Light refresh
ments woro served. Tho mothors
present wore: Mrs. Phillips, Mrs.
French, Mrs. Van Emon, Mrs. Law
ronco, Mrs. Gorbor, Mrs. Cofor, Mrs.
Slough, Mrs. Porter, Mrs. Johnston,'
Mrs. La Prnrlo, Mrs. Drowbakor,
Mrs. Drew.
Miss Mary Phlolgor ot tho high
school entertained Miss Graco For
rand and Miss Lorctta Jennings at n
Ilttlo breakfast party this morning
In her npnrtmonts on Pine stroot. "
Al Short, general managor ot tho
Whlto Pelican, gavo a swimming
party Friday ovonlng for a numbor
ot young pconlo. Those nresont wnrn
Misses Graco 'Ferrnnd, Lorctta-, Jon-1
nlngs, liottto Gray, Mrs. Chandler!
nnd Miss aiovor; Mr. Mllno, Mr.
Saunders and Mr. Paloy.
Tho ladles of tho Christian church
entertained their husbands and
friends at tho homo ot Mr. and Mrs.
J. L. Hockley Thursday ovonlng Fob
runry 10 th. 8lxty guests woro pros
ont. Tho evening was spent in play
ing old-fashioned games and music,
Light refreshments woro served.
Mr. Auto Owner
Join the Klamath County Auto Association
Got a pair of Ilraxlllan axes cut
bobblo glasses at Davenport's Cth
street Jowolor. 12
Lucy Gcrblno has filed a suit for
dlvorco from George Gcrblno. M,fs,
uorblno charges desertion
Let Your Money Earn
While You Wait
There are going to be more Ford Cars sold in this
county this year than ever before. That is why you had
"better have yours reserved for you now. We will make
delivery on any date you designate and will pay you
8 per cent interest on your deposit money. In this way
you are absolutely sure of your car, and while you are
waiting to take it out we will pay you 8 per cent inter
est on your moneV
There are no strings to this offer.
IT 18 TO YOUll INTEREST J0P ik. T,,H 0,00 i,u,chS WONT
Jr Miles to W
To Klamath Falls p
l ' 40 f
Marvin Cross Illy
E. It. Danner ................. ........Klnmnth Falls
It. 11. Heed .................... ...............Klamath Falls
Lou Arons ........................-i.......Ktamath Falls
Earnest McCullom ....................Klamnth Falls
W. T. Loo ......................... Klamath Falls
O. D. Ilurko ..............Klamath Falls
Will Baldwin . . Klamath Falls
II. N. Moo Klamath Falls
E. 11. Hall ..............Klamath Falls
F. W. Uroadstvoard Uonanca
Mayor W. 8. Wlloy ......Klnmnth Falls
It. C. Oroosbock ......... .............KInmath Falls
Mr. Voss .Mnlln
Fred Stukel ... .....Merrill
Wm. Fordney ...................Lorella and Ilonanta
Geo. Strowbrldgo .......... Chtloquln
Ous Palgo .............................. Fort Klamath
Loulo Hoagland ......... .. Klamath Falls
Ed. Dunham .............,-...........KInmnth Falls
John Martin ............... ...........Klnniath Falls
Roy LaPrarlo ..... ............KIamnth Falls
Koy Call .................. ..................... ..Klnmnth Falls
L. L. Ilrownoll ,.................. .KlamnUi Falls
II. 8. Wakofleld .. Klamath Falls
C. L. McWIIIIams Klnmnth Fills
Mnurlcn Ilrynn ....- Klamath Falls
J. E. Ilowlo .. ..Klamath Kails
It. T. llaldwln .-Klamath Falls
Chas. Johnson ..........................KIiinth Falls
Mr. Mallory Klamath Falls
Hank Free M Klamath Falls
M. W. Young -... ... -..Klamath Falls
Fred Garrlch .... Klamath Falls
F. L. Smith Klamath Falls
Reed Auto Supply Co.
llth Street Near Main
WILL TRADE alfalfa hay for lato
model Ford or steers, J. MIcha Jr.,
Malln, Ore. 12-1G
St., whlto mndo Angora cat. Lib
oral reward it roturned, no questions
asicod. 12-14
At the Theater
WANTBD Young lady as cashlor
and clork In tolophono office
Must bq proficient la stenography.
Apply to manager. 12-1G
YOUNG MAN Ablo, industrious, ro
llablo, desires position with futuro
wnn local nrm. not nrraiu ot uara
work or bcglnnor'a salary to start.
itcrcroncos. jiox it. o, Horald. 12
FOR SALE Rhodo Island Rod roost
ors $2.60 each, Cox Uros. Merrill,
Oro. 12-18
Danner-Patty Motor Comp y
Eighth and Klamath
P.,S. If you change your mind before delivery is
made, or if for any other reason whatever you find you
cannot complete the sale, we shall cheerfully refund
you your money with the 8 per cent interest added just
the same as if you had taken' the car. There will be
no charge for storage until the car is delivered.
FOR SALE Bevoral dairy heifers.
Fresh and coming fresh. Wm'. F.
Jlnnotto, Merrill, Oro. 12-18
Eyes tostod freo by an expert at
Davenport's on Cth St. 12
Tho Pine Grove school Is going, to
glre.-a program Monday attornoon,
February 14th.
Clem Icenblco, who has had tho
whooping cough elnco last Christ
mas, has returned to school In good
C. a ray wont to Klamath Falls on
business Wodnesday. '
Mr. and Mrs. U. E. Reodor wont
to Klamath Falls Wodnosday on
Weather Probabilities
t . f . . '
Tho baromotrlo pressure, as
indlcatod by the Cyclo-Stormn-graph
at Underwood's Phar
macy has fallon slowly but
stoadlly, for tho last two days',
and is approaching tho storm.1
aroa again. If wlnd stays in
southwost the provabilities aro
that weathor conditions will
Chango in the noxt 48 hours.
Forecast for noxt 24 hours
Cloudy; warmer; followed by
unsettlod woathor.
Iris May Twombly, the eight
moatha old baby of Mr. ahd Mrs,
Percy Tsvp.mbly, or Shlpplngton ad
dition, died at 9 o'clock this morn
ing of pneumonia. The funeral will
be held from the Whltlock chapel at
2 o'clock Mjonday afternoon,
Mr. Twombly is' employed by the
Klamath Superior laundry,
You romombor Thomas Malgban
from his sterling performances In
such big plcturos nn "Malu-nnd Fo
male," "Why Changu Vour Wlfot"
and "Tho Prlnco Chap." As you
probably predicted, Tom Is a star
now. His first stellar vehicle Is
"Civilian Clothos," adapted from tho
popular stago play of tho samo name,
and I'm nuro you'll vote It tho boat
plcturo in which Mr. Mnlghan has
over appeared. This thoatro will show
again tonight. r
. , "Civilian Clothos" U'a delightful
comedy romance. It's about a pot-
tod society girl whpiuarrlos a cap
tain oYorscas chiefly bocaiiMn ho
looks 'so handsomo In his .uniform.
Later aho hears hty has boon, ktllod
In action ana has' slipped back; Into
hor old-buttorfuly llfo, whim ho un
expectedly appears, 'dressed In loud
and Ill-fitting civilian clothes, Then.
(tin f nn.lin(.lnM
Martha Mansfield, tho- beautiful
Follies favorlto who was with John
Iiarrymoro In "Dr. Jekyll and Mr.
Hyde,"- is tho loading woman and
Hug!) Ford, tho voteran director,
made tho plcturo. It's a Paramount.
You'll llko It.
1 '
Illacjcmallors thrlvo during, three
reels 'of Mack Sonnett's nowoat five
part .super-comedy, "Love, '-'non'or
and Ilehavo," to bo scon at tho B(ar
thoatro. Eddlo Grlbbon and Kalja,
Pasha ralso rumor and gossip to'tlio
dignity of high flnanco and sell pho
tographs to Interested, parties for fab
ulous sums, tholr wiles ontanElInc
tho virtuous as well an tho vicious
tho scono or tnoir operations is
tho Oarglo' Iin whlthor "Judgo"
Murray goog In tho Intorost of pro
hibition, and Phyllis Haver to re
claim an errant husband, Fori
Sterling. This part of tho plcturo
Is ono of tho fastest moving opl-
vodo tbalMr. ftonnelt baajet
Achieved . As a result ot Uis-AAdi
en res at tho Gargle Inn, "Judgo"
Murray makes up his mind, and
forever sets It there, that faith If
not to bo roposod In circumstantial
ovldenco, and that incriminating ap
poarances are inoro likely (o bo falsa
than true.
Unqiostlonably ono ot, tho most
mo'rltorlous show ongsgementsln
this city for years was tbo ono which
closed at tho Mondalo Thursday,
night, 'when McCormack and" Sis ah'd
Jack yalmore, singers, Impersonat
ors, imitators and monologlats with .
a real punch, entertained a crowd
that packod the theater to tho doors.
These entertainers, long on tho Pait
tagos and Hlppodromo circuits, dis
played remarkable versatility aod
ability, and tho audlenco was In y
merriment from tho' first to the Usi
of their acts. There woro tho more
Serious moments also, McCormack
singing favorite sings In a rich ten
or voice that has, no superior among
the many singers who bayo visited
this, city. ,
Theao popular entertainers havo
mndo arrangements with Manager
Tdr Whlto to return to ttift Mondal6
within flvo orlx wooks, with a big--
gor, company, and unsurpassed vau
devlllo is promised. "Manager Whito
states that ho stopped, out ot tho
limits of torfmuch conaervaliim, and
Intends to glv,tbq public "moro of
this sort of shows, bocauso It has
boon amply demonstrated that thoy
nro'approclatod. Tho' public, ho says,
Is ontltlod to somo ot tho good
things In tho show line, and ho Is
going to se0 that thoy got them.
m .
.PORTLAND, Fob. 12. Joe Gor
man, of Portland, won a ten-round
doclslon . ovor Monk Fowler horo
last night, n.
t-mmmt4 k
Special meeting of Taxi Drivers
Sunday, at 10:00 a. m., at Union
Hall, Fifth and Main. y