The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 12, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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The Evening Herald
k j. nmuAy.
..City Editor
Published dally except Sunday, by
The Hornld Publishing Company of
Klamath Falls, at 119 Eighth Stroot.
i " vvvfvyvvii"v vvvVivrrVAvuvuVuvijv
Entorcd at tho postoftlco at Kla
math Falls, Ore, tor transmission
through tho malls as socond-class
Tho Associated Frcsa Is exclusively
entitled to tho uso for republication
of all nowfl dispatches crcdltod to It,
or not othorwlso credited In this
papor, nnd also tho local nows pub
llshor heroin. v
Miss Augusta Puckctt visited her
homo Saturday nnd Sunday.
There was a masqucrado ball nt
tho Kcno hall Saturday evening. Ev
uryono reports nn enjoyablo time.
Mrs. John Robin nnd Messrs Paul,
Karncst nnd Louis Robin of Swan
Lake attended tho danco Saturday
Chad Oordon Is remodeling T. E
Grubb's residence
Swank Bros, havo completed their
lumber hauling for tho winter.
Douglas Puckctt and flanceo vis
ited tho Puckctt homo Sunday.
Mies Margicrlto Swank Is a now
pupil In tho high school.
Dan nnd Henry Gordon en mo over
from Wordcn Saturday night.
It. W. Tower visited Klamath
Falls tho first of tho week.
Mr. nnd Mro. Clayton Smith, who
resldo nt tho Kcno power plant, arc
tho proud parents ot a baby girl,
born Sunday, February Cth. Sho
ling been named Doris May.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Lyle Gordon of Wor
dcn droTo to Kcno Saturday, Mrs.
Gordon will visit hor parents, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Gcno Spencer o't Spencer
Creek" for a fow days.
Miss Winifred McCormlck spent
tho weok end nt homo.
Ding Sponccr enmo up for tho
danco. Ho Is still In quest ot a
Housekeeper ror that homo ho re
cently furnished.
Tho dobntlng team, undor tho su
pervision of Mr. Gooti, Is now prac
ticing for tho dobato between Kin
math county high school and Inko-
vtow high school.
Thoso on tho ntflrmntlvo nro Vic
tor Kos, nnd Frances Honxlk. Thoso
on tho negntlvo nro Paul Keller,
leador and Norma Adam. Tho nt
flrmntlvo -iv 111 dobato nnglnst Lako
view nt tho high school building Fri
day evening February 18th., nt 8
o'clock. Tho negntlvo will debato
against Lnkovlow nt Iakovlow on
tho snmo date. Tho question Is:
"Resolved that tho Interest of labor
would bo conBorved nnd dovolopcd
through tho orgnnltntlon nnd support
of tho Labor Pnrtles." t
An ndmtsslon ot 25 contsc will bo
charged to cover tho oxponscs.
Everybody Is urged to attend nnd sco
for himself what tho students of Kla
math high school can do.
In tho noxt 12,000 years ns wo hnvo
over ours In tho Inst 1.1,000? Hnvo wo
or hnvo wo not reached tho apox of
SASKTOO.V, Sask, Feb. 12.
Liquor valued at millions of dollars
Is bolng shipped Into Saskatchewan
at tho present tlmo by wholcsalo
liquor concerns, according to a state
ment made by tho Saskatchewan li
quor commission. Thoro Is onough
whisky In tho province' a tho pre
sent tlmo. It is. estimated, to tako
caro of all tho oxport requirements
ot the whole ot Canada tor at least
two years.
Membors ot the commission antici
pated that while this liquor remains
In tho provlnco It will be a menace
to the putting Into effect ot the pro
hibition measures which become
offetclvo February 1. There will
always bo a certain amount of leak
ago within tho provlnco and will bo
until the vast quantity has been
finally disposed of, thoy declare.
MILLS CITY, Mont., Fob. 12. A
troop of mounted boy scouts, tho
first In Montana, lg to be Installed
In Droadus, south ot hero. Thoro
ore 28 lads in. tho troop and all ot
them hnvo horses.
-served pipind hor
mft) pure crebm
We fake
'tn rrrmr
Dovgfwuh 30?
"Well, hero I be. Jest ns I said I
would, como to spend tho afternoon
with you MIrandy Jane. I brung my
knlttln along so's I could knit whllo
wo was a tnlkln'.
'You been roadln tho papers late
ly MIrandy Jano? No, 'taint llkoly
you'd havo tlmo to, with all theso
younguns to run after. Hut I hnvo.
I sex to myself, last fall, box I,
"pours to mo, Sal Perkins, ns how Its
about tlmo you was n-kccpln' up with
tho tlmies,' so I've been a reading tho
"Not long ago I noticed ns how that
Chapibor ot Commorco, up tp Kla
math Falls, and tho farmers' some
thin' or other has been a tryln' to
get all tho scrub cattle shipped out
o' tho country and tryln' to get n
lot ot thorough breds In and as bow
thoy was a spendln' so much monoy
on It, and I sex to myself, sex I,
'well, Sally Ann Perkins, 'pears to
mo as how that's a mighty flno thing
an" as how that's a right smart set
o' men.
"Then, I turns to nnothor page an'
sees as how somo great evangelist
has been a proachln' up thcro at Kla
math Falls, an'as how he's got a lot
o folks all stirred up about tho pvlls
ot dances, ovlls ot tho movie shows
and of tho pool "rooms, an' as how
they aro Icadln' airthe young folks
straight to boll. Anr I sex to myself,
sex I, 'now It 'pears to -mo, Sal For
kins, as how I agrees with thttt there
parson Jest perxactly.
"An then I urns to another pago
an' finds the 'Klamath County High
School Corner' an' flmls out as how
all them younguns up to tho county
high school sex -as how If they had a
gymnasium or aumthln' to play In
anytlrao thoy ploasod ter, as how
they wouldn't wish ter go to them
other places so much.
''An' I sox to myself, sex I, 'It 'pears
to mo ob how them Chamber ot Com
mcrco men ain't qulto so smart 'as
you fust thought they wux, Sal Por
kind, an' as how that thoro parson
person didn't go qulto fur enough
In his arglmlnt, an' as bow them
there young uns up to tho high school
has got It Jest .about straight.' How
docs It 'pear to you, MIrandy Jano?"
Following are two ot tho bout
themes that havo been written this
yoar. Ed. Note
Look far back Into tho distant
past when man lived In a cavo, nto
his food raw for lack of tiro, killed
his food with a club or rock for lack
ot guns and ammunition, nnd wore
clothes mado of animal 'skins
Imnglno tho result If some man
of this data were transplanted Into
a busy, hustling, bustling, modern
city. Picture his surprise at tho sight
of tho great cattlo markets and hugo
canneries, tho magnificent electric
plants that furnish heat and light
for countless thousands, tho modern
rlflo that shoots many miles, tho
great woolen and cotton mills, and
many other conveniences that were
unknown to him; Ho would prob
ably go lnsano In a few woeks try
ing to comprehend ay the modern
Yet as we are today the most ad
vanced spocloa ot living creature, was
not this man the most advanced in
his day? Will our delcondants pro-
It was early spring, Just nftor tho
Ico hnd gono, nnd tho trout stream
ran high In Its banks. Indoocl, It slip
ped along In tho sunshlno, undismay
ed nnd not ono bit disheartened,
talking to Itsolfln low murmuring
tonos. Ah It wns not tho season ot
tho year for fly casting, nnd as I wns
rather nn nmntour nt this kind 6t
fishing, I decided to try n small cop.
por splnnor. Aftor getting this ready
for mo, my father wont on up stream
Tho first fow times tho bait did
not go very far out, but tho fifth
time oh boy! I had such n Jerk that
I almost toll headlong Into tho
stream. It wns several soconds be
fore 1 begun to renllxo I had n fish.
Tho first thing ho did wns to go.
shooting nlong tho surfaco for sev
eral yards, throwing his head from
sldo to sldo as ho went, and doing
his best to shako tho horrlblo spin
ner out ot his mouth, thon not bo
lng successful, ho tried Jumping out
of tho wator,ahd striking tho lino
with his tall. That wasn't any hot
ter, and next ho-rushed off up stream
ns hard as ho could go, oil tho tlmo
taking my lino with him, -whllo tho
rl sang a clicking song. Dut tho
lino kept pulling him around to tho
left with gcntlo but Irrcslstablo
forco, nnd ho soon wns back to tho
placo where ho started. Onco agnln
ho trlod to savo his llfo by n leap
from tho water. This tlmo ho broko
tho end ot tho polo, which began
sliding down tho lino towards him,
and when It flnnlly did roach him, ho
gave- a great surgo downstream.
After this It was slow rcollng trying
to get him closo enough to tho shore
to net htm, and at tho tlmo keep him
from getting an Inch of slack lino.
When I finally got him back to where
I could sco him, tie rushed around tho
pool so hard that ho soon grow
weary, nnd presently sunk to the bot
tom; I prcsumo hoping to lie still tor
n fow minutes nnd rest, nnd perhaps
think ot somo now .way to escape
Onco again I got him, so closo to tho
shore that I almost got him with
my landing net, which, Just Grazed
his sldo. This frightened him worse
than ovor, and ho raced away so fast
that tho. lino swished through tho
water llico a knife
Now It so happened that tho lead
er which was two feet long, was
keeping the end of iho polo from
sliding on down to tho spinner, and
If tho fish only know, It was this
that saved his life, Ho was com
ing slowly back from that last un
successful rush for liberty, fighting
for ovory Inch and only yVldlng to
a strength a thousand times grcator
than his own, wbon tho ond ot tho
brokon polo caught on' a sunken log
nnd hold fast. This 'gavo him tho
whole leader of alack lino, and it
was not long until tho book gavo
way, and ho was tree.
I daresay ho Is a much wiser fish,
and will nevor iry copper for food
again. Experience Is a wondcrfulf
Tho entire reclamation system ot
tho United Stales has cost but $123,-
It Is stnted by authorities on trans
portation thnt gross rnllrond earn
ings por train mllo Increased 200
porcont.ln tho in yours ondtng 1010,
but that oxponscs Increased 323 por
HONOLULU, T. H., (Correspond
onco of Tho Associated Press)
Thoro aro approximately 20,000 Jap
anese children attending tho Japan
oso languago schools of tho terri
tory, according .to estimates pro
pared by the department of public
Instruction. This number Is equal
to one-half tho total enrollment of
tho public schools In tho Islands.
Following a lengthy and somo
times heated discussion of tho for
eign languago school question, tho
recant special session ot tho legisla
ture passed a law, suggested by somo
of tho Japanese1 leaders, regulating
thoso schools, cutting down their
hours to ono hour dally six days a
week and placing their teachers and
toxt books undor control of tho de
partment of public instruction,
Tho City Englnoor pursuant
to tho resolution of tho Com
mon Council horotoforo adopt
ed, having undor dato ot tho
21st dny of Jnnunry, 1021, filed
plans, specifications' nnd otslmatos of
tho cost of Improving Pine Stroot
from Elovonth Stroot to Esplanndo,
Including Intersections; and tho Com
mon Council having taken tho snmo
under ndvlRomont nnd finding said
plans, specifications nnd cstlmntos
said plans, specifications nnd esti
mates for tho Imporvomont ot Pine
Street from Etovonth Street to Es
planndo, Including Intersections, bo
nnd tho snmu nro hereby npprovod;
ED, thnt tho Common Council here
by dcclnrcs Its Intention to Improvo
itnld portions of Pine Stroot, In ac
cordance with said plnns, specifica
tions nnd estimates; Bald Improvo
mont to consist ot paving said por
tions ot Pine Street with Concrete
llltullthlc or Wllllte Tlio estimated
cost of tho Improvement ot said por
tions ot said stroot by placing there
on cither Concrete, llltullthlc or Wll
llto to bo $12,602.90, said cost In
cluding gradlrtg, rolling, curbing and
content sldownlk.
ED, Ily tho Common Council that tho'
following described property bo nnd
Is horoby declared bonofltod by snld
ImnrovemDnt. tn-wlt!
Lots C, 0, 7, 8, 0, 10, 11 or Hlock
" VIMinU Aititltlnn n il... fll nt
...V..W.0 .lUltlllUII 1 IMU Vi,
Klamath Falls, Oregon; Lots 1, 2, 3,
4. C, Illock 3, Nichols Addition to tho
City of Klamath Falls, Oregon! also
property described ns follews: Ilo-
glnnlng at tho Intersection ot tho;
Southerly lino ot l'lno Stroot with
tho easterly lino of 11th stroot;
thonco northeasterly nlong tho south'
orly lino of Pine Street, 120 foot;
thenco southeasterly at right nnglos
to Pine Strcot, 6G feet; thenco south
westerly nt right nnglos to 11th
Stroot 120 foot; thenco northwester
ly nlong tho easterly lino ot 11th
Street to tho point of beginning; also,
Iloglnnlng at tho Intersection of tho
northerly lino of Main Stroot with
tho easterly lino of 11th street run
ning thenco easterly along tho north
erly lino ot Main Street, G8 foet:
thenco northerly parallol with lltb
strcot, 100 foot, thonco wostcrly par
allel with Main Street, G8 feet, to tho
enstcrly lino of 11th strcot. Thonco
southerly nlong tho oastorty lino of
nth street to too point of beginning;
also, Beginning nt a point on tho
northerly lino ot Main Street. 120
foot easterly from tho Intersection of
tho northorly lino of Main Stroot and
tho easterly lino of 11th street:
thenco northorly at right angles to
Main Strcot 210 foot to tho southerly
lino of Pine Street, thenco easterly
along southerly lino of Pine Street
120 feet; thonco southorly at right
angles to Main Strcot, 240 feet to
tho northerly lino ot Main Street 120
feet to tho beginning; also, Ilogln
nlng at a point on tho easterly lino
of 11th street CG feet southeaster!"
from tho Intersection of tho souther
ly lino of Pine Street with tho oastor
ty lino of 11th street; thenco south
easterly along? tho easterly linn of
11th street 1G tent; thonco at right
anglos to 11th strcot northeasterly
E8 feet; thenco at right angles north
westerly parallol with 11th stroot 7G
foct; thenco at right anglos to lltli
street southwesterly G8 feet to tho
point of beginning, all said pronorty
being In Nichols Addition to tho City
ot Klamath Falls, Oregon, and that
said property nbovo listed nnd des
cribed bo'nnd horoby Is doclared-to
bo assessed for tho oxponso of said
ED, That Monday, tho 7th day ot
March, 1021, at tho hour of 8 o'clock
P. m. at tho Council Ciiambom at
tho City Hall, bo fixed as tho tlmo
nnd placo for tho hearing of objec
tions and remonstrances against tho
said proposed improvpmont and tho
Pollco 'Judgo Is horoby directed to
cnuso notlco ot said hearing to bo
published as by Charter provided.
8ALKMLOor., Fob. 12. Tho legis
lative program ot tho Oregon Btuto
Fnrm bureau, submitted to tho leg
islature by (leorgo A. Mansfield, of
Medtord, president of tho buroau, In
ns follews:
First An nmondinotit to tho pro
sont extension work law making It
mandatory on county courts to con
fer tho bunoflts nt this work on farm
ers when thoy petition for It.
Secnod An appropriation to I
mutch tho funds made nvnltnblo un
dor tho Smlth-Lnvor net for exten
sion work,
Third Atlcqiinto appropriations for
nit experiment stations,
Fourth A fend stuffs art.
Fifth An appropriation to match
fedora! funds nvnllnblo tor rodent
Sixth An appropriation for tho
Investigation ot diseases ot dairy cat
tle Seventh An amendment to tho
presont law governing statistics.
Eighth An amendment making
bounty lawA more workable.
Dangerous Cold Cures
Jlownro ot uncorlnln cold euros,
Tako Roxnll Lnxatlvn Aspirin U. D,
Co.) Cold Tablets, which nro pro
pared In tliu laboratories of tho
United Drug company, ono ot tho
flnoat In tho world Thoy nro not
A tablet Is tho most convonlont
nnd pleasant medication for such
conditions, Ono vital necessity In
thnt tho bowels bo kept thoroughly
If n cold Is not fronted whan tho
first symptoms show thomsoWos, It
will frequently duvolnp Into ntoro
norlous complications.
(lot ot (is a box ot those Cold
Tablets today, Take them according
to directions tho moment tho first
symptoms appear nnd you will ob
tain real relief.
Wo guarantee thorn.
Star Drug Co.
Tim Itcxnll More
Klnmnth Falls
Ninth An appropriation tor
promlumn for tho Pacific Internation
al Livestock exposition.
Tenth A puro breed bull tuw for
certain counties.
Etovonth An amendment making
tho present co-operation law conform
to tho needs ot tho presont co-opor-ting
market movement In Oregon. '
County ot Klamath.
City of Klamath Falls ss
I, A, L. Loavltt, Pollco Judgo ot
tho City of Klamath Falls, Oregon,
do horoby cortlfy that tho foregoing
Is a duly enrollod copy ot a rwiolu
tlon adopted by tho Common Council
on tho 31 day ot January, 1921, de
claring Its .Intention to Improvo Pine
Street from Elovonth Street to Es
planade, including Intorsoctlons, and
approving tho plans, specifications
and ostlmatos of costs submitted by
tho City Englnoor.
A. L. LEAVITT, Pollco Judgo.
9-10 '
If the Wood Dealer
Sold Service
Wo do not sell current;
doesn't 117
we sell service. That sound odd
Well, suppose I lie wood dealer sold service Instead of wood, he
would' tend lo our (urnnre nnd your range, Uko away tho aBa
and clCnn tho flue. You would buy so much heat.
.Jinn you buy so murh light, although yon pay, according to tho
current you consume. Hut tho service Is performed for you by UtU
company at tho substations and power plants.
That is what wo 'want to glvo you efficient aerrlre. It la the
aim of this company to havo nono but satisfied customer. No
matter what It Is, If you havo a grievance, or aro dissatisfied nbnut
your bltl or do not understand our rate, ple&ao como In and
a or write us about H.
If yon havo any suggestions to make, we nlll gladly avail oar
srlve of them nn our aim la constantly to Improve our service to
you aa fast a (ho development of acleaco aad humaa ability permit.
California-Oregon Power
The Rex.Catfe
$1.25 .
Soup Chicken Supremo j V , '
-Half Qrapo Fruit
Ripe Olives
Hwcot Ghorklns
Pickled. Hoots
- ,
Crab Flako Salad, Loulso Dressing
Cholco of '
tfhlckon Fricassee Egg Dumplings
drilled Pork Chop, Country drnvy, Swoot Potatoes'
Flllot of Veal Dreaded, Tomato Sauco, Tlmblos
ot Rice
Chicken Patties, a la King
Cauliflower Cream , Mashod Potatoes
Orango Punch ,
. ?
olco of Assorted Pies -Vanilla Ico Cream'
' r, '
Too. Coffeo Chocolato Milk
" ""'v-
nALEIOH, N. C, Fob. 12. Tho
record ot a cow In Spartanburg coun
ty, South Carolina, of having borno
two sets of twin-calves In 1920, has
been oquallod It not beaton by a reg
istered Jersoy ownod by Marlon
Richardson, of Davis county, North
Carolina, which In 11 months and
throe days gavo birth -to two seta
of twin calves. Two sets ot twin calv
es all heifers, wore born on Feb.
27, 1919 and on January 30, 1920,
respectively. On December 10, 1920,
sho gavo birth to one lieTfer calf,
making her record flvo calves with-
grcss as much ovor their ancestors in 21 month and 13 days,
Nice Juicy BEEF ut From
Three-year-old Steers at These Prices, DELIVERED
Loin. 25c
Round 20c
Roasts .... 18c and 22c
Boi( ..... 13c and 15c