The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 12, 1921, Image 1

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'"yh't on
Today's News
Do ft
Member of the A$iociated Press.
VifUiecntli Ycnr N. DOM.
prich fivh cents
Sfe 3?u -mtttg
Itocall of Mayor Wlloy within nix
months, nn n punishment for hi re
fusal to bow to tho do m nn (In of
Councilman Vollmnr and his I dodo-camp,
Councilman Ilogardus, In
now said to bo tho aim of tho coun
cllmanlo Irniurrnctlonlitii, J tint how
tho gontloman from Ilia Fifth ward
expects to accomplish tho end In
tlow la a docp socrot.
Novertholoss, It lit open nocrot that
tho fruitless attompti to roinovo tho
obstaclos In tho war of appointing it
pollco chlaf of hi own ehooslng haa
not tho autocrat of tho Falrvlow ad
dition all hot up.
And every tlmo that Vollmor takos
a pinch of snuff from tho political
snuff box, (ho gentloman from tho
first ward obligingly, snoczo. Aa a
result tho air la full of weird sounds
nd no man who oppanoa tho will of
tho potontato la aafo.
Wbllo Running for tho mayor tho
gang hopes to dn a little business on
tho side. Tho pollco judga Is In bad
graco and tho pollco chief it of course.
Tho grudgo against tha pollco
judgo seems to originate In tho post
election demands tor the disqualifica
tion of Vollmor on tho ground that
ho was not a resident of tho Fifth
ward when elected. Now, tho Judgo
stood as a stono wall botweon Voll
mor and some of his political op
ponenta who wnntod to press tho dls
quallfactlon charges; as thoso on tho
inside know and as Vollmer has been
told. Hut Vollmer chooses to dis
believe and Includes the Judgo among
the' candidates for tho axa.
Everything la fair garni for tho
hunters, from tho mayor down o
tho humblest employee Mark How-,ard,-aUtnt
fire chief, fell afoul
of the machine last council meeting
whea ho made some comment on tha
'mayor's atafegleal victory over the
Insurrectionists that riled tho man
from orer the river. So domand has
been served on the powera that be for
Mark's head on a plattor In order
that Paul can do a Balomo dance.
Which reminds. Home Irrovor--nt
local wag, whoso sense, of humor
is almost sacrelfglous," has auggcttod
Vollmer In tho rolo of art attenuated
Falstatf declaring that' tho present
loanncas of th6 subject will soon bo
overcome by,bls dally swelling under
the pufflngTuVinttaenco of.'auttwrlty
whllo his satellite would natural
ly occupy the position .that carries
with it tho cap aid bolls and bladder-tipped
Oh terrlblo thought!
But, anyway, tho baltlo haa but
begun. Tho chassis for tho car of
Juggernaut that will lovol all cne
jnlos la apparently tho labor coun
cil! ,whlch lost night lined up V
e, resolution demanding tho recall of
1'ollco Chief Wilson, which will bo
presented at tho next council moot
ing, tho "resoluters" announce
Whore the whoels and onglno will
come from la a matter still con
jectural but thoro Is evidently an
amplo aupply ot gas.
Dut tho latest "dope" In tho city
hall corrldora Is that Wilson Is but
a pawn In tho gamo. Tho real ob
jective is tho mayor.
Tha fifth ward dologato baa all
along allowed that ho had "nothing
against Chief Wilson." I'rlnclplo, not
personality, Is tho' guiding motlYAof
'tho attack, he aaysi ,
No ono doubts It, but aoveral of
tho old reglmo. around tho city hall
havo callod attention to Vollmor'a
taoveral requosis.of tho chlof, under
Mayor Crllslor's administration, for
a placo on the polldo force. The
place was not forthcoming, through
no fault of tho chlet'a, by tho way,
as It was Crlslor who put his- foot
down and refused to' sanction the
SALEM, Fob. 12. Eggs sold here
today, at retail for 25 cents a dozen,
tho lowest prlco In seven yoars.
. m
8ALBM, Feb. 12. Tho house to
day passod n bill providing that hab
itual criminals be sentenced to tho
penitentiary for life
Boy Victim of Strap
Son of Former Poe
Valley Resident
Nowspapors ot tho Northwest re
cently carried a report of a Hovoro
boating said to havo been admin
Islorod to Frank Lou, a 14-year-old
boy of Las Vegas, Novada, by u mini
teacher, for n trivial misdemeanor.
Tho nowspapor account staled that
tho boy wus brought to Los Angelas,
whera It developed that ho was suf
fering from alow paralysis, and that
tbroa physicians agrood that thoro
was a homorrhnga ot Clio spinal
chord. Itocovory la said to bo
Many residents of I'oo Vnlloy ro
member Mrs. Dora Loo, molhor of
tha boy, and Mrs, Lou's brother,
Karlo F. Kgllngton, thoy having
lived in Poo Valley for sovoral yoars.
According to Mr. Kgllngton, tho
boy had been "given 100 lashos with
a strap," tho beating lasting four
Tho .executive commltteo of tho
Klamath County Auto association
mot yesterday afternoon and spent
a couplo of busy hours working out
plans for tho momborshlp campaign
Tho whole county will bo thoroughly
canvassed, and no ono Is going to bo
overlooked, says tho commltteo.
At tho noxt mooting of tho asso
ciation on Thrusday evening in tho
Chamber ot Commorca rooms, tho
$E awards will bo mado for tho best
slogan and tho host radiator design
submitted. It Is significant that tho
amounts otforad ropresont tho cost
of membership for ono year, and
som0 enterprising auto owner Is go
ing to jWln a membership In tho
most worth-while organisation In tho
county today. It may bo you pro
vided "you .submit jrour slogan ;br
your design to tho Chamber ot Com
merce ot later .than Tuosday
Ing. ' i . ,
(Dy Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Fob., 12. Tho
houso rivers and harbors bill, appro-'
prlatlng $16, 267,000, waa roportod
favorably today by tho sonata com
merce cbmmitteo.
Tho agricultural appropriation
was approved by tho sonato today,
after It had passod tho sonato agri
cultural commltteo. It carries $206,-
000,000 moTo than tho $33,000,000
homo total, '
Tha principal Incroases aro $200,-
0000,000 for tho purchaso by tho
troasury ot fodoral farm loan bonds
and $6,000,000 for loans to buy aood
for farmors In drouth-stricken aroas.
Real Sure That He
Can't Pay the Bill
RALEIGH. N. C. Fob. 13. On
account of tho low prices that havo
boon paid for tobacco and cotton this
'season, many southern farmers havo
oxpbrloncod great difficulty In moot
ing tholr obligations.
As rofloctlng tho plight ot ono
plantor, formor Govornor Richard I.
Manning, of South Carolina, at a
mooting of tobacco and cotton grow
era hero rocontly, road tho following
lottor which, he said, was sont to a
South Carolina fertilizer company.
"I received your, lottor about what
il owo you. Now, bo pachent. I ain't
forgot you and soon ob folks pay mo
I'll pay you, but It this was Jodgo
ment day and you no m,oro proparod
to moot your God than I am to meet
your account, thon you sho' going to
hell' ,.,,.,
WAUKKGAN. 111.. Feb. 12 Phy
sicians aro baffled "by tho strange
affliction of olght year old M,lriam
Rubin, who startod talking a week
ago yesterday and has contlnuod talk-
ing constantly evor since.
HALKM, INjb. 12, Tho houso by
unanimous voto Into yesterday passed
tho soldolr bonus bill, a referendum
measure. It will now go to tho sen
ate If npprovod thoro and tho gov
ornor signs It, tho bill will bo sub
mitted to tho pooplo at tho noxt elec
tion, Tho bill provides that tho cash
bonus shall not exceed $250.
Tha maximum loan, It taken in
preforonco to cash, shall not exceed
$3000, ropayablo in Installments orer
a period of years. An amendment
permits veterans who woro citizens
when thoy enllstod but bavo since
loft tho stato, to partlclpato In the
privileges ot tho measure, with cer
tain restrictions.
Several mombors of tho house,
during tho dobato on tho bill, paid
trlbuto to tho soldiers and to tho
American Legion.
TOKIO, Fob. 12. Flvo Amorlcan
bluejackots woro fired upon yoetor
day by unknown persons In Valldos
tok. Tho Amoricans woro reinforc
ed by Russtan policemen, who ar
rested threo Russian officers. Tho
Ironresslon In Vladivostok, accord
ing to Tho Associated Pross corres
pondent Is that tho attack was ar
ranged by communists with the obi
Joel of straining rotations between
Jsiun nnd tha United. SULes. r
as. r l
-r' VV
Bdrbsrs Win-Two
i Games From Boxers
'Xasonla stexsaakers lost two aut
of three game to "Bwanson's Har
bors In tho Elks' bowling tourna-
mont last ntght. Ackloy ot tho har
bors rollod high scoro, with 204, and
In tha third Kama rollod 201. His
socond gamo netted him 192, giving
him hlch threo-gomo scoro for
tho ovonlng, C97. Rogers was high
man for tho boxmakcrs. rolling a
scoro ot 193, and totaling 523.
Tho scere: '
MMn lloxmakor
12 3
Rogora 160 180 193623
Alnutt 143 146 175464
Daggett ..: 119 165 90374
McGoo HI 124 117352
Mason 144 157 191 (92
667 772 766
HitUKo't Ilarbcrs
12 3
Porlilard ........146 178 -156 480
Andorson . 122 140 117379
Loront' ... 141 188 143472
Swanson 121 161 127399
Ackloy 204 193 201597
-734 849 744
Standing of tho Clubs
Upp ....10
Swanson ......... 9
Mason ................ 9
Rex . . . -8
Dodge ....'........ 8
Wattors .............. 6
HoAgland ....'.- 6
Undorwood ........ 6
. .333
t- .333
Labor Council Out
After Chief's Scalp
Chief ot Pollco H. S. Wilson Is
Vernon non grata with tho local
Labor Council, 'according to a reso
lution adopted by tho council at, a
mooting held in Labor Council hall
last night. Dologatos from various
labor unions woro presont. .
A commltteo was appointed to
draw un a resolution In proper form
tor presentation to tho city council,
asking for tho chief's romoval.
Socrotary T. L. Stanley of tho
Chamber ot Commerce addressod tho
mooting, bis talk drawing a dis
tinguishing lino botweon the work
of tho old commercial clubs and tho
modern chamber of commerce. The
accomplishments ot the Klamath
County Chamber ot Commerce were
rovlowod, and 'tho work before it,
designed for community betterment,
was outlined,
El Uff
Refusing to accept tho warrant
for tho collection of 1920 taxes Is
sued by tho county clerk, which ex
cluded from collection tho $60,000
fund for Hot Springs court houso
construction fund and tbo $14,000
miscellaneous fund onjolnod by
Judgo Calkins, J. P. Loo, county
assessor, lato yesterday served upon
tho county clork a demand for a re
vised warrant including tho two pro
hibited funds.
Tho assessor In his vlow ot tho
matter lnes up with tho county
court, tholr theory being that tho
Calkins ordor Is Invalid, in that no
court ot equity has tho power to en
join an officer from porformlng tho
duties that tho,Iaw places upon him.
Tho county clork said today that
ho would stand pat In tha position
taken by ndvlco of the district at
torney, who furnished an opinion
advising tho clerk to abide by tho
Injunction order.
According to tho legal advisers ot
tho county clork, that offlcor Is loft
no other courso excopt to oboy tho
injunction of tho circuit court, until
ho Is rolloved by a further ordor.
In other words, tbo opposing sldo
might seek by mandamus proceed
ings to compel him to issuo tho ro
vlsed warrant. Including tha two on
jolnod funds, and In case such order
was Issued ho might bo relieved
from tho commands of .the Injunc
tion. In tho moantlmo tho completed
tax rolls aro In tho hands ot tho
assessor. Tho -law says thoy must
bo In ponscssion.ijt tho tax collector
and open to tho -public 46 days
prior to April 5tb,?tho dato ot tho
first dellnquenty." .'(Noto Through.
inadvertent error tho Herald, yester
day mado March 6th the dato of de
linquency.) If tho presont deadlock Is main
tained tho collection of taxes, It fol
lows, will b0 dolayod Indefinitely.
At loast that Is tho general opin
ion In court houso circles, although
most ot tho officers admit that thoy
aro frankly puzzled regarding tho
outcome, and stylo tho situation a
"bad mess,' for which thoro Is no
Tho assessor's domand upon tho
clerk for a 'revised warrant, reads
as follews:
To C. R. DoLap, County Clork of
Klamath County, Stato ot Oro
gon, Klamath Falls, Oregen:
Ploaso tako notice tha tho on
closed certificate dated February 10,
1921, Is returned to you for correc
tion as tho samo does not conform
to tbo facts, conditions, nor tho cer
tificate horotofora annoxed to tho
tax roll, one copy ot which I filed
vlth your-'otflco as roqulred by Sec
tion 4308 Oregon Laws.
You will obsorvo that tho tax as
oxtondod upon tho roll Is in accord
anr0 with tho estlmata and amounts
lovlod by ordor of tho county court
of Klamath county at tho Decombor,
1920, torm and approved by ordor of
tho county court dated Fobruary 5,
1921, and annoxod to tho roll, di
recting you as county clork to issuo
warrant for tho collection of tax.
As tho law requires mo to obtain
a warrant for tho collection ot tax
In accordance with my cortltlcato of
iho tax upon tho rolls tor Klamath
county and tha cortltlcato so ro
qulred to bo mado by mo as assessor
and annoxod to tho roll; hence do
mand la hereby mado upon you for
tho cortltlcato as required under
saldtBoctlon 4308 ot tbo Orogon
Dated Fobruary 11, 1921.
J. P. LEE,
Assossor tor Klamath County, Stato
ot Oregon.
LONDON, Feb, 12. Two persons
persons wore killed and 15 wounded
In a conflict betwoen com
munists and extromo nationalists at
the naval shipyard a( Mafalcone,
Italy, says a Rome dispatch.
OREGON Jonlght and Sunday,
rain In west portion; cloudy in east
House Will Hear
Arguments Today on
State Re-Districting
A tologram from W. A. Wlost, who
Is In Salem as a dolcgato from tbo
Klamath county Chamber of Com
morco In tho Interest of moro ndo-
quato representation In tho legisla
ture for this county, states that a
hearing of advocates of reapportion
ment will tako place hoforo tho houso
of representatives today. Several
clJIzcnB of this county, now In Salem
and Portland, aro oxpected to appear
beforo tho houso to urgo dcclslvo ac
tion, Klamath county's importance ns
on Industrial region being ono of
sovoral reasons thoy will present to
tho houso In support ot tholr claim
for moro Just representation.
HARRISnURO. Pa., Fob. 12.
Nowspapers' publishing costs aro at
tho highest point and aro still In
creasing. So said T. R. Williams of
Pittsburg, prcsldcntof tho Amorlcan
Nowspapor Publishers association, In
an address hero.
Under such conditions thoro Is no
possibility ot decreasing advertising
rates, ho said, adding that advertis
ing rates woro too low beforo tho
war, and In the last tow years have
not Increased In proportion to In
creased publishing costs. Ho said
that publishers' costs havo Increased
nearly 200 per cent, and that adver
tising rates advanced lcsMhanhalt
that amount. ' -
In no caso 'has thero been a de
crcaso in labor scales mado In the
last sixty days, but nearly all ot
them callod"-- for substantial In
creases, somo as mu.has 20 to0
per cent, ho said. t
Williams contended that there can
bo no hope of -reducing skilled labor
required by newspapers for years to
como, and that while spot nows
print prices aro softening, tha con
tract prlco ot 6 H cents a pound 'is
tho highest In twenty' years.
CHICAGO, Fob. 12. A bomb ex
plosion at tho 19th ward-democratic
hoadquarters last night seriously In
jured six men. Tho outrage Is at
tributed to politics by Anthony Dan
drca, candldato for the city council
from that ward. A big holo was
blown In tha wall ot a brick building
closo to tho speaker's stand whero
Uandrea had Just finished address
ing a crowd ot 300 adheronts.
Local Baptists to
Hold Conference at
Eugene Next Week
Dologates from tho Emanuel Bap
tist church will loavo noxt Monday
from Klamath Falls tor Eugene,
Oro. The occasion will bo a gath
ering ot Baptists ot this part ot tho
stato nt that city to hoar several na
tional speakors.
This contoronco .Is one ot throo
hold In the stato. Others boing hold
in Portland and Pendleton. Tho
chief speakors will bo Mrs. H. W.
Peabody, forolgn lc0 presidont ot
tho Woraan'a American Baptist For
eign Mission sooloty, a woman hon
ored by other denominations as ono
ot tho greatest missionary leaders,
Dr. C. A. Brook's, secretary of tho
city and foreign speaking missions
ot tho Home Missions, whojias Just
rocontly returnod from Europe, Dr.
W. H. Dowler, tlold socrotary ot tho
board ot promotion, and others.
Stato Missionary a. L. Hall, now
with tho Emanuel Baptist church; J,
T. Perkins ot tbQ Porklns furnlturo
storo, and Miss Fayq Slack ot Hlldo
brand, will attend.
The conference Is oue ot many be
ing held all over tKe thirty-six states
ot the. north In connection with the
Baptist new world movement, a
movement to hold up the real needs
ot the world nnd' apply to them the
claims of Jesus Christ.
4 '
Two moro arrests woro mado to
day as the result ot a confession of
Frank Johnson, arrested lato yester
day for tbo recent robbory ot tha
Oak street rooming houso condnctod
by Mrs. O. M. Young. Tho mon
Jailed today aro F. a. Klnklo, 36,
and A. Starrs, 19. Thoy wero taken
into custody nt noon by Chlof ot
Police Wilson and Sheriff Low at
Starrs' homo between Pelican Hay
and Shlpplngton.
Klnklo Is married, and has two
children. Ho is Starrs' brothor-ln-law.
Tho arrests woro mado follow
ing tho confession of Johnson, a 19-year-old
lad, whoso parents llvo at
""Klnklo and Starrs havo mada no
statement yet, said Chief Wilson at
3 o'clock this afternoon.
' Tho hold-up of tho Oak stroet
houso took placo last Monday night.
Mrs. Young and two other women
wer In-tho houso. Tho bandits cot
about $20. Ono ot tho victims rec
ognized Johnson on tho street yes
terday, nnd his arrest followed.
Tho roundup of tbo trio In ro--
markably quick tlmo reflocts credit
on tho pollco department, handicap
ped as it Is at this tlmo by adverso
criticism arid disorganized by tho at
tacks that arc being mado upon It
by hostile members ot tho council.
Tho department, at presont Is at
least two men short ot efficient
strength, but tho work In this caso
shows It can bo reckoned with as a
nemesis ot evil doers.
(By Associated Press)
SALEM.i Fob12. Tha"govcrnor
today signed 13 houso bills, Includ
ing a measure making-Armlstlco Day
a legal holiday.
Other bills signed provide for tho
admission of world war veterans to
tho 'Old Soldiers Home at Roso
burg, and regulating; aircraft.
IIiukm Public VtUitlcd
Tho sonato today passed a bill
placing all motor bus lines under tho
Jurisdiction of tho public servlco
commission. It requires tbo bus
companies to furnish adequa'to fa
cilities along their .reutes:
Lay Off 'Alien I1IU
Bccauso tho nowndmlntstration, to
bo ushered In March 4, lntonds to
onact comf rehenstvo legislation ot
tho Japancso quostlon, Sonator
Lodgo, chairman ot tho foreign rela
tions commltteo, has advlsod against
any stato legislation on tho subject,
according to a telegram recolved to
day by Senator Lachmund from
United States Senator McNary.
Houso bill No. 178, portalulng to
Irrigation laws, and paid by Us op
ponents to bo deslgnod particularly
to decapitate Stato Engineer Porcy
N. Cupper, was defoatcd In tho
houso yostorday. No othor details
havo bcon rocolved, but this dofoat'
procludes Its passago, as It will not
bo brought up In the senate unless
rovlvod and prcsentod as a now bill.
W. A. WIest, who is In Salem as a
reprosentatlvo ot tho Klamath
County Chambor of Commerce, sont
this ndvlco to Secretary Stanley.
The Klamath Irrigation district,
the Langol! Valley Irrigation district
and othor organizations interostod In
Irrigation In this county opposed the
bill, and much satisfaction over its
defeat exists hero.
A wire from Salem this morning
states that houso bill 178, ro for rod
to above, was defeated by a score of
11 to 43,