The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 11, 1921, Image 1

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AClauAd Will
Today's Nevfs
Member of the Associated Press.
Fifteenth YiMirv- No. BO III.
price five cents
mft wtxhm
A aorvlco thai In oxpudod to pity
big rotiirns In dollars nml contii wns
established today when M. A. Cnl-
laghan, formor Bouthorn Pacific
ngant Iioro, assumed chargo of tha
traffic dopartmont of tho Klamath
County Chamber of Commerce. Tho
function of tho iloparlmont In to so
euro bettor frolght rates, to adjust
over-charges and secure robnlcs and
to work for n loworlng of tho rail
rato from Wood to Klamath Falls.
Mr. Callaghsn stated this nflor-
noon that ho had tho assuranco of
tha Bouthorn raclflo traffic depart'
racnt thnt they would gladly co-op-orato
with tho Cliambor of Corn-
mo rco toward securing bettor rates
and service.
Tho sorvlco of tho dopartmont In
for inembarH of tho Chamber of
Commorca only. Ha operation will
bo financed through a small assess
meat upon ahlppnni, probably about
threo per cent of tha annual frolght
coit of each firm. '
The establishment of the traffic
dopartmont la to till n want that
has long existed, and ha boon grow"
Ing In paco with tho city's dovclop-
mont as a shipping center. Mr.
Callagban said It wan his opinion
that It would aporato to aavo ship
pers a great deal of monoy annually.
Mr. Callaghan has not sarorod
his connection with tho Bouthorn
Pacific, but has a year'a leave of ab
sence During the yenr tho Cham
ber of Commerco considers Itself for
tunato In securing. ono of his train
ing to pi sco tho now dopartmont on
-a' firm fooling. Should tho result!
in tho year Justify It, Mr. Callagha
may bo persuaded to remain.
Ona of tho matters to bo attackod
is tho, lowering of tho frelgHU-rala
from Weed. - . , "
Fine Lot of Steers
Sold by Malin Man
John I.lskoy of Malln rwns In tho
city today to closo up a. salo of stoeni
to John Allen of San Francisco.
There wero CO hoad of steers In tha
lot sold. Their averago weight was
1360 pounds, making them ono of
tho finest lots of boot rntsod horo.
Tha largest animal In tho hord
weighed 1740 pounds. They will bo
shipped to Ban Francisco tomorrow.
School Enrollment
Shows 18 Per Cent
Increase in Year
County Superintendent Twyla
Head has compiled figure which
'show that thoro aro 18 per cent
moro people of school ago In this
city than thoro wero when tho last
school consus was takon. Tho tig
uro show 3413 tor tho county, and
1S66 for Klamath Falls.
Figuring upon tha accoptod ratio
for computation throughout tho
United States, or 4 to 1, tho pop
ulation of this city should bo moro
than 7,000, Instoad of loss than
6,000, as shown by tha last consus.
Upper Swan Lake camp school
showed tho groatost enrollment In
crease, or 77 por cont. Of tha 47
school districts In tho county, nine
how slight docroasoH and tho ro
matador Increasoa.
Road Is Passable
Across Siskiyous
Although auto travol Is still kopt
open over tha Siskiyou by tho state
highway department maintaining a
driving path through tho snow wldo
enough for two cars to pass oach
other,, somo south bound motorists
continue to ship tliolr cars from Ash
land qr Ilornbrook to nodding bo
causo of tho still deep snow south
of Ilornbrook, says tho McdtOrd Mall
Trlbuno. Smith Hill to he north
Is still bad but not 'through mud,
a al'(iho mud holes haro been fill
ed with rock, but from bumps which
make riding not any too ploasant.
Practically all cars aro now able to
'negotiate, the hill without aid.
i ..I.." m
OREGON Tonight and Saturday,
lnt , m
Klamath Irrigation
District Office Is
Moved tq Eighth St.
Tho Klamath Irrigation district
has moved, lis offlco from tho recla
mation sW'co building to tha Kvon
Ing Harnd building on Kjghth
stroot, noxt door to tho Herald
offlco. All of tho rocords of 'tho
district hnru boon transferred, and
A. I,. Wlshard, socrotnry of tho dis
trict, has taken chargo of tho now
Tha chango wits mmlo nocoMsary
by tha government'!) need of alt
uvallablo spaco.ln tho rccjamatlon
sorvlco building,'' duo Ho much con
templated constrnottonwork on tho
project this season." Tha depart
ment Is now considering either tho
fcomodollng of tho present building
or tha construction of a now build
ing to moot tha requirements for
moro offlco spaco.
Utter Two men, stranger, cro
picked up by tlm police am stuporta
In connection wllli tho riblcry, but
jut there wim not suffllrrnt evidence
to hold llirm they wero relcaned.
About 11 o'clock last night two
masked men on to red tha )lttla cabin
on Borcnth street, nosr,,tOnk are
nuo, occupied by Sam Head, and
held up Mr. Hoad and his visitor,
Tom Capner, with a rovolvor, and
rotlevod tho formor of $S0. Mr.
Capner had no monoy with him, but
the robbers made suro of It boforo
they msda their exit through tho
back door nt tho shack. An soon as
tho hnrmful looking' rovolvcr was
out of sight Mr. Head secure'd i
AjjQif usj and tired In tho goneral di
rection of tha fleeing robbers.
Head' 'energy, however, erevvtud
his sonso of direction, tho robbers
plowing through tho mud In; the
mlddlo of Oak nvenuo toward Ninth
stroot, and tho chargo tram the
shot gun going dlfoctly across Oak
avonuo, soma of tha shot striking
tho W. II. Mnrtln homo, awakening
Mr. and Mrs. Martin, who, on ac
count of tho donso fog, could not
distinguish tho floolng robbors.
Tho flight of tho robbers, Imme
diately following tho shot, was wlt-
nossod by a neighbor, who phonod
to tho police.
Mrs. Marjorlo McCluro Gallughor
gavo birth this morning to a baby
daughtor at tho Warren Hunt hospi
tal. Tho father of tho Infant, Harry
Oallaghor, died Willows,
California, about two months ago.
K. P. Poolo of Hlldobrand,
brought In six coyoto hides to tho
county clerk's offlco this morning,
In which ho collected from S3 to $4
oach, Thoro aro plonty of coyotes
In his soctlon ot tho country, says
Mr. Poolo.
All offices In tho court houso will
closo all day tomorrow, In honor ot
Lincoln's birthday, a custom that
ban boon observed horo for many
Postmastor Dolzell announces that
all departments ot tho postottlco will
romaln open as usual.
Tho stago from Dairy arrlyod this
morning at ,1 o'clock, tho delay be
ing duo to tho bad conditions of
ho roads. Th0 stago Is duo about
5 o'clock In tho evening.
Legislature Asks U. S.
to Invite World to
Portland Exposition
SALEM; Fob. 11. A Joint session
ot the legllatlvo houess at 2 o'clock
this afternoon will moraorlallxo con
gress to invito the nations ot the
world to be represontod nt tho Port
land world exposition In 1036. Tho
session will be In connection with
the ceremonies accompanying the fil
ing of articles of incorporation by
the exposition company. A largo dele
gation from Portland Is hero tor the
County's Agricultural Wealth
Grows in Ten Years But Farm
Acreage Shrinks Census Shows
Comparison ot agricultural ro
sources ot Klamath county In tho
roport Just Issued by tho census bu
reau shows a consldorablo.docreaso
In tho acroogo of land under culti
vation during tho past ten years. ,
According to tho data compiled
by tho census hurouu thoro wero
454,340 acres ot land In farmn In
Klamath county In 1910, and 367,
333 acres In 1920, a docreasa ot
21.4 por cent.
In 1910 thoro was a total of 176,
504 acres with Improvements, whllo
In 1920 tho Improved acroago was
152,742, a decroaso ot 13. S per
In 1919 107.69S bushels of wheat
wore harvosted In tho county from
9,807 acres, whllo In 1909 -84,305
bushels woro harvested from 11,173
Tho docronso In wheat production,
however, Is mado up by tho gain 7h
acroago and yield ot other cereals.,
Ilyo In 1919 yleldod 39,347 bush
els from 11,287 acres, against 19,734
bushels from 2,572 acres In 1909.
Oats In 1919 yielded 83,717 bush
els from 3,308 acres, against 79,138
bushols from 2,823 acres In 1909.
The hoy crop in 1919 was 91,017
tons from 89,944 acres, while In
1909 thoro was a production of 76,
300 tons from 65,440 acres.
Domestic Animals
Only 860 farms wore listed as
producors of domestic animals In
Warrant for tho collodion ot 1910
taxes' vaa Issued last evening by
County Clerk Do Lap and deMvwrod
today to Tax Colloctor Low, x
Crassly dtractiac tho oxclusion from
collection ot the 314,000 miscellan
eous fund and tho 850,000- Hot
Springs courthouso fund, against
which Judgo Calkins Issued an In
junction order.
Tho warrant reads as follew:
To tho tax collector of tho county
of Klamath, Stato of Oregon,
In tho nama or tho Stato of Oiogen:
You aro horoby commanded to col
lect tho taxes charged or tho assess
ment rolls, samo being In volumes
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6 and 7 for the year
1930, as shown by the certificate of
assessor and as by law roqulred ex
copt tho amount ot .6 of a mill on tho
dollar for tho jmrposo ot raising a
miscellaneous fund in tho sum ot
(14,000, and tho amount ot 2.6 mills
for tho purpose ot raising a special
courthouso fund In tho sum ot 160,
000, which said items aro expressly
excluded from this warrant, for tho
reason that the layy, collodion and
all Intermediate stops to levy and
collect such sum or sums have been
enjoined by an ordor ot injunction
Issued out ot tho circuit court of tho
stato ot Oregon, In and for tho coun
ty of Klamath, In the caso ot Frank
Ward against Klamath county, and
others, said suit bolng Dtjulty No.
1252 on tho dockot of said court,
and no authority Is glvon or attempt
ed to bo given herein for tho collec
tion ot tho samo.
Witness my hand and tho soal ot
itho county court, this 10th day ot
February, 1931,
County clerk ot Klamnth county,
District Attorney's Vlovr
In a formal opinion submitted by
District Attorney IJrowor, on re
quest ot tho county clork, tho coun
ty's legal advisor holds that In
making a warrant for tho collection
ot taxos tho clerk should ' tor his
own protection in connection with
tho Injunction ordor and "for tho
protection of tho taxpayers In gen
eral" include a clear statomont ex
cluding tho two prohlbltod funds.
Assessor Not Speclflo
Examination ot the certificate til
ed by the assessor appears regular
on its face, says tho district attor
ney, "and I note that It does not in
terms mention, or disclose in any
manner, the two ltoms against which
tho Injunction ordor was Issued."
Further, the opinion says, that
1920, ngalnst 931 In 1910. Tho
comparison follews:
1920 1910
Horses 10,260 11,910
Mules 366 885
Cnttlo 36,679 30,873
Bhoop 96,642 16,339
Bwlno 4,161 4,572
Ooatn 378 558
Tho census director explains, how
ever, (tiat tho figures for domestic
animals In f910 aro not vory close
ly comparublo with thoso for 1920,
slnco tho present census was taken
In January, boforo tho breeding sea
son had begun, whllo tho 1910 cen
sus was takon In April, or about
tho mlddlo ot tho breeding season,
and Included many spring calves,
colts, etc.
Valuation Figure
Tho valuo of farm lands and
buildings, dcsplto decreased ncro-
figc. shows a gain ot 11,426,466, or
14.6 per cent In ten yoars, tho valu
ation on January 1, 1920 being
111,286.742, against $9,857,286 on
.April 1, 1910.
Thoro wcr0 836 farms managed
by tholr ownors In 1910, and 90 op
erated by tenants. In 1920 thoro
wero 856 owners operating tholr
own farms and 137 tenant farmers.
Tho total number of farms In the
county Increased 7.1 per cent in
Iho ten years, thoro being 992 listed
in tho prcsont census, against 925
tn 1910.
,Vuch a certificate .la 'prima facto au
thority for Issuing tho -warrant.
' nut, sayn tho district attorney, tho
Injunction order binds the clerk not
to Issue any warrant for collection
of tho so-called miscellaneous fund
or Hot Springs courthouso construc
tion fund.
Collection Hlnrt Koon
Tho law provides that tho tax
rolls bo opened to tho public at least
45 days beforo tho dato of delinquen
cy of tho first Installment, which is
March 5, Tax collections may start as
soon as tho books aro turned over to
tho collodor but tho public must
havo tho 45 days, which makes the
opening date for collections on or
about February 19.
In tho sheriff's offlco It was stated
that tho elimination ot tho two items
from tho rolls would mean that num
erous clerical changes must bo made
with only a fow days to mako them.
AUOUSTA, ao., Fob. 11. Tho
heroism) of thrco women school
teachers saved 76 pupils from a tor
nado yosterday at Oconoo, In which
30 persons woro killed. Ono end of
tho school building crumpled, but
tho toachors held up tho sagging
root until tho pupils escaped.
Would Restrict
Bonding Petitions
SALEM, Feb. 11. Now measures
Introduced Includo a bill by Sena
tor Dennis making more difficult tho
procuring of Initiative petitions per
taining to-tho bonding or taxing ot
property. It would roqulro signatures
representing 20 por cent of tho vo
tors, and that halt of tho slgnors
bo ownors ot real property affoded
by the measure, Anothor moaauro by
Dennis provides separato ballots tor
Inltlatlvo or referendum measures.
Sonator Hall and Representative Den
nett .introduced a bill forjlho relief
of Mrs. Edwin C. Scott and Mrs.
Clyde Dedlnger, ot Marshtlold. Tho
Joint roads commlttoo Introduced a
motor vehicle bill Uconslng passengor
automobiles on a basis ot wolght, and
trucks on tho width ot tires.
HBLSINOFORS, Finland, Feb. 11.
The, peace treaty between Soviet
Russia and Poland was signed at
Riga yesterday, says a wlroless from
Bryan Does Not Deny
Plan to Reorganize
Democratic Party
MIAMI, Fla., Feb. 11. William
J. Bryan, discussing th0 announce
ment made Wednesday In Now York,
that ho and his brothor, Charlos,
planned tho reorganization ot tho
democratic party, said that "It tha
democratic party is going to bo a
forco In national politics It must
havo mombcrs, and tho voters of tho
nation will not act through' It unless
they can control It."
s "'' MPoar&iT
Notices haa boon sont out call-
Ling a meeting of stockholders ot tho
First utato and Savings bank for
February 19tb, at which plans for
reorganization and reopening will bo
submitted and acted upon.
Captain J. W. Siemens today ex
pressed tho utmost confidence that
a fcaslblo rcotganlzatlon plan would
bo adopted, but was unabla to go
into any details until tho meeting ot
stockholders passes upon tho
Tho banks of tbo city will be
closod during tbo day, tomorrow,
for Lincoln's birthday observance,
but will open In tho evening be
tween 6:20 and 8 o'clqck for the'
convenience. of v pay-day custo
Mass at MerrillK ' i
Chmrch JSunday
"i j--
MERRILL, ' Feb. 11. Mass will
bo celobratod In tho Catholic church
in this city at 10:30 next Sunday
morning, Rev. Father Molloy offi
ciating. As this Is tho first Sunday
In Lent, tho usual Lenten services
will bo held and tho pastoral letter
from Dlshop McOrath ot this dloceso
will be read. Tbo Lenten regula
tions will also bo announcod.
Mm. Hans Anderson returned
this week from San Francisco, where
she has been for tho past several
weeks with her daughter, who Is un
der tho care of physicians In St.
Mary's Help hospital. She states
that her daughtor is greatly Improv
ed and sho had high hopes for her
ultimate recovery. Mrs. Anderson
stated that Mrs. O. P. Van Riper,
who Is also a patient In tho samo
hospital is making rapid strides
towards recovery', Information that
will bo pleasing nows to her many
J. H. Qcnnotto, ot tho Bwnuna
Motors company, left for San Fran
cisco this morning whoro he will
purchase auto accessories. However,
tho principal object ot bis trip is to
make arrangements to bring a spe
cial cut-down Scripps-Dooth car hore
tor display at tho auto show on
March 30, 21, and 22.
Tbo Merrill high school team and
tbo Merrill town team passed
through hero to Chlloquln today, the
former being scheduled to play tho
Chlloquln team tonight. Tomorrow
night the teams will journoy to
Klamath Agency, whore tho Agency
school team will bo taken on for a
Alfred Boutin and Mrs. tftolla
Welfare, both ot this city, were
granted a marriage license yestor-
dar, tho ceremony taking place In
tho evening. '
. Michael Botler Is suing George
Christy tor 1812.20, said to be due
him as part payment tor 90 tons
ot alfalfa sold to Christy last fall.
J. H. Carnahan Is Hosier's attorney.
Lincoln Day programs will not bo
held on very elaborate scales in tho
schools of this city today, although
at tho Central school, in addition
to Lincoln Day exercises this morn
ing in each of tho rooms, three lo
cal speakers will address the pupils
thlg afternoon. Tho Roverend S. J.
Chanoy, ot tho Methodist church, will
talk on Lincoln's llfo to tho Third
and Fourth grades at 1:30 ' at
2:30 B. D. Hall, president of tha
Klamath county Chamber ot Com
merce, will talk along the samo lines
to the Fifth and Sixth grades. R. C.
Groesbeck will address the Seventh
and Eighth grades at 2:46. The
school throughout has been appropri
ately decorated, and the decora
tions will romaln Intact until after
tho Washington's birthday exer
cises. Riverside Observes Two Days
At tho Rlvcrsldo school each
room will havo special exercises,
some of them being confined to the
roadlng ot stories ot the llfo of
Lincoln, "but in tbo upper grades
stories of Lincoln's llfo will bo wov
en Into lessons In English.
At this school, also, valentine box
es will be placed In each room, and
tbo giving and receiving ot valen
tine boxes will be placed In each
room, and tho giving and receiving
ot valentines in the old-fashioned,
Jlmo honored way among school
children -will bo enjoyed. Tho lower
grades havo been engaged in mak
ing .valentines for seme HmOjItv
s'toad ot gtvlng-ra!UJWS,-i4t5sieh
I rs . ot the iuversJfJ,poi ave
Hda arrangements wftji.thJ Liberty
theatre to s4sslt! to a mat
race n"ow6hw;afterno6n, tid"tals
promlsed treat" seems to be a very
acceptable substitute araonc the
Literary Program At High School
A special lltorary program. In
cluding tributes to Lincoln and ref
erences to bis llfo and achievements
will constitute tbo observance at the
high school.
Tho Falrvlow and Pelican Bay
schools, also, will observe the oc
casion appropriately.
Mills School llaa Good Program
.Tho Mills addition school will glvo
a program which might be termed
pretentious among the others to be
held here. "
The program In the First grade
room will be featured by stories ot
Lincoln's boyhood and talks by the
teacher, Mrs. Freda Bryant.
"Lincoln's Stories Reproduced,"
and a review of the "Perfect Trlb
uto" by Mrs. Lena I&ckett will be
tho dominant part ot tho program
held by tho Second, and Third grades,
and those will b supplemented by
songs by tho pupils of both grades.
Miss Katherlno McAndrows will
glvo a reading to tho Fourth and
Fifth graders. Their program also
Includes soveral recitations and
songu by pupils.
Talks on Lincoln's llfo, and a
reading, "Captain, My Captain," by
Miss Eva Hanks, will take prece
dence In tho program given In the
Sixth and Seventh grade rooms with
Lincoln's Gettysburgh speech by Miss
Leona Loos. Patriotic songs will also
be sung.
Anecdotes from Lincoln life by
members ot tho class will be a part
of the eighth grade program. Ralph
Turner will recite the Gettysburg
address, and Miss Allco Owen will
glvo a characteristic sketch from
the llfo ot Abraham. Facts from
the life ot Lincoln will bo given by
Miss Fern Ferguson, and Miss Beulah
Bonnett will roclto "Kentucky
Home." Miss lone Windham will dis
cuss "Three Famous Speeches," and
the Emancipation Proclamation wilt
bo repeated by Miss Vena Donel
son. A quartet composed ot George
Will, Miss Cells Conklln, Douglas
Perrllard, and Mfcs Delta Hawkins
will sing Dixie, and. patriotic songs
will bo Interspersed throughout the
bishopDennis J. Dougherty,' of this
city, has been raised to thej card.!
nalate, and Trill leave for ' Roat
within 10 days.