,IUl ,l DOINGS OF 3 ALE Miscellaneous FOrf SALE Choap, 1 D U. P. 3 Pnnso motor. .Brand new. Call. 58 Klorikath Ico & Storage Co. -v .9-ir fORlSALE U. B. Anar.Srool blarili I otq 4.85. Tho Amy-Goods Btoro $-11,36 Main. A ' 9-1 11 "OltiSALB U. 8. KOViBacon. pack" t od; In 12 lb. cans-Bvery can guar anteed ia.75 per can ai"mo Array floods Store 1136 IJalnHV 9.11 J X :L rORjSALE 1-20 andSS II. I AC eoicycio 4o vou Moiora:compioto IthtcomponsatoraTttnd' basIs-rrAs oodlna now. 1 iHAad,Mir'.xtrtcher or winch aaws. 400Ydiiu.raia. Stilollcr boarlntr 1 amber cars. 30' Inch gauga. Toralln BorComsaay, Med-, lord.fOrcgon. ;: 6-11 fORlSALE Folturo 'for' 1600 head 1 of I cattle SOOO acres1. -Cowa run lato It Rooth, King and". Rooth. Frutd. Glenn Co.; Calif f :: 'U I J AUTOMOBILES I Oil 'SALE Ford fed'an practically now- very cneap mono o.vi. -a ) - .; OR IjJALB Vory choap, practically I no Ford sedan, Phono 52 DM. $11 j .ft , I i300UU8EDFOUQAIW-T I ) In Mmnxlik )I .a lpSOCFord Touring car, now body iBUHer and Electric lights. $500.00. l18Ford Sedan, lota of oxtraa, I J6QO.0O. IB14 JTord Touring 200.00. . l17fFord Touring, J32G.00. 117 '.Ford Touring, 225.00f I IDanncr Patty Motor Co. vnz-t ca r n ' ' . ' "" r SACnjFICE SALE OF ONE of thi (Terr best cars under $2500. an El gin Six, run 10,000 miles; mnko me an offer, leaving town, do nof-trf!! td drbro out. Call at Aetna Garaco. and ommer will demonstrate .J;1 J J. I I PELICAN BAY BUS I I Faro 25o each war -J If a LaTe Rex Cafe Loaves Pelican City T:45"a.w. 8:00 a.m. l:45lp.m. l:00'pn.T Knn n Kiin Reckard Rent Scrrlce Phono 77 . 21-tt 9WVVWV MMAMMMMVWWMWWWWMWWM TO RENT OR LEASB.O "T-,lp" "" - 'H IlE.' jBtrojt. IENT Coiy bedroom 137 1st 8-iz FOR RENT 2-room apartment fur fclshid. Phono 488R. 133 N., 10th BC T 8-10 t ' t FOR BENT For men, ono nice, ioat&d.rooinfl006.Pinc-6t;Phonw 4W; 8-1 0 Dancing school overy Tuesday, and Frldav. Jt n m. fn 11 ll m Ttnnann. able prices. Free admission to all lad-' ies who aro good dancers. ScandlnaV' lan Hail 8th & Walnut. 8-12 .PUI-CREAfcUN-NOSE -ffiffHg CATARRH, Wt$4W I uT ITT ,iifll,fl klAwimntn moment, i. iii ii n i a i . i IUnaawjcmrh WlCbo ifr 'cfdggod 'no'strlls will gOtl open. Tho air passages of your head wrtrc'i&njMft TOoat.rDeV ly. No moreduUi)u8, jhqadaclio; no lmwkng, snuffing, mucous dlclmrpp ni.PJfhnJflB sill U-'Ki c--.i1 o'-flu4 -Toll eyoura druggist v you -(want's n sntdll bottlo'iof 'BlyVJCrea'ml Baimv AppIy,r41ltl63WlhIsfagrnnt?'ajt soptlo croam Jnyour nEstrflsJfet' It A . tm .J1"T IVliM ' '" ' - : -t sd rv r.. k r . . i ii irnr. uny, swollen lnUamed mucous meuibrane; andi'TBllelrtcoBvosonistantlyi' - w Ityls.08t wh'A't evey"coIdi:'nu'iI catarrn,suVf'eYc"r "'flediis. Don't 'llajr IOY Txinu- Jf!H v.(i(.7'"ra PS rfjjA. CfrsatfleaoAd-iWlU-saU it.r-n "':j..- . V. .. rr.. WI'M ,iiru 'ii w '"." lei " W3 w TJ ajm c no'MfSjTQjfl lerffnn rptio bos. fssstssssss -bbbbbbbbbbi 'ssj'sssf .v . & t aaaaaaaaaaai -j j -rs.' s. . , .' '- -,.,. --........-rtf AnkBjaEMvr- , - - i ".i ii-'BBBBBr. arvr- v j vHnfiiir'n -'.;w:tv ''. U:uiiw fiK'JV. hjji.-i '.uu, ,wi imvr -JH:aam riii .'tjyiiMU'tfit$u ' " l ' ' ' "" ; fT" . - Z tLikcmr, rrviwrrrcirrMniTr in- i & ffm imn joahfflfPAXffflsfij o. xfjofrrt' m I ILAMlt. LUMUVLK IJU'ILIIIO ai mm mm mwfm --''. n v m - am a. amaa aama. aa am - i i - kok aBaBv'Mii ifsfl w.ia aj' na im" ' iia-7t". (ih'1 .'.V!'! aam sap OAT wwmubwi 'M- u- - - -jw- - , im r-r oo r l, U.a..Ui-'i7iu:- I FiTr:nTorn 12 1 ..;a it 1 vi&Pi if uirnnpv k m wm'mmflm, -nwumn tmirt " 'wff'. ' iiSs i4S!amii I-, , mJMmm;jm-mmty MmiitmwL,MuiimMiAiiimmBAkmiiwmism- THE DUFF6 . WANTED WANTED -Ablo bodlod man with .famlly must havo work, willing to do. anything odd Jobs or perman ent Phono 638. 8-14 WANTED Your watch or clock to repair Goo. h. Mots, Jowolor & Watchmaker, 622 Main. $-14 WANTED Furnished houso or apartmont, with garngo It possible Family of tbrco. Phono 361-W I 29-10 MAAAMAAAMMm MAMMMMAAMWM MISCELLANEOUS Ilettcr order soma of our flno liar ron-Tancred Whlto Leghorn Haby, Chicks for May delivery an excellent tlmo In your cllmato. Thoy will fill tho egg basket nil tho Fall and Win tor when eggs aro high. $12.50 por 100 for May and Juno. OHDElt NOW. Sato delivery guaranteed. Maywood Poultry Farm, Ji-ID Corning, Calif. CITY ;TY flAnDAGE Whfig you 1 garbage romored caIrlOF-23. want DOPKKEEPINO Classes starting at onco. I havo room for a tow moro -who would Uko a good practical training. Night classes only. P. O. Dox 13. 26-tf PHONE PEYTON for wood 635 x. oa jj,i aEbnGiDo'it,u ' If your watch neeHs'fSJSlrlriB bring It to Geo. L. Metz, C22 Main BU - l-l AMWMMMWSWMWVWNMVVW f,aR?ALE ReflEsUte T0H SALaFlVS,frDpm houso in '.i&eod coadlitoftJoulWcd stroet Lot 60 X 110 114001350 cash easy terms. Inqulro 729 Main. 8-10 "IJOSTAND FOUND LoafcbhmQotjcit'cHapin $50.90 Howard. Leave at Herald office. C. - ii.uiiu r r 1 AarfWywayyM4MMVMMWMWrfMN Eat Loss Meat, Alv Tako Glass of BalU Before Eating BronkfivHt I I ETSIT Uric acid In meat oxcltcs thi kid neys, mey occomo overwerKea: rget sluggish, acho, and fcol like lumi BneaTirThTTOfnTToTomeTpiidy;' tho bladder Is Irritated, and yoi may b"66Mfgo?l"WBToTr7oirjrtwi por tbreo times during tho night. We'll tho kldnoys clog you mutt help them flush oft tho body's urinous was to or you'll bo a real sick pcV son shortly. At first you feel ,-j dull misery In tho kldnoy region, yoi suf tho kidneys clog you fer from backneho. sick hpnrinrtio. jalzzIiiesB,- 'stomach-gotY Bour.-'tonguo coated ,andayou ieel rhoumaUc.twlui; Ba.wJiftnyig.jwoatJiilsibadivr Jt -,-, . WMWtBM A 'm VhVfr ?., Bui. iroin.iinjr.iinarmacisi fouP'toancobr Jai JSalta,' Vakjo "a. tabIbspoMnfa!!ln-'i"glas3' of ''-water bo foro,;broakfaat5Toi'' a' Hwv'da'ys"an'd ypun kidneys mllltkeri:nct:flno.Ttols famous salts Is mado from tho acid of grapes and leqnnn , Julco, combln 5falffiJLeSR44toSoWfi kldneysWrfWraulatfrUnem Yi? ifori maliactlvltyl-Tilsoiaoittoutrallztt itlm Ecldfl1jln.vurino?lBo!ltlno longerrUra , iHourco of irritation, th.yr;epaing u tTr0"?84 "nloT "niT2'l iir"V l" "lirOYT.'"' X.'i'f 'SI '"'Mv'r "fT- iit$; make'ayollgfttfuofforveftcent llthla-wEt'er clrltAc" "wlilcli'' ovory!o'nb ohduld tiikol.rfow -nnll1 th'un' t& keen the Ikldneys :oleanTund "actlvfaVUrug- gUtavjierD esyttboy jselir lotsi'oMJad Salts to folks who.obellqypj Itv qvpm corpjlng kidney,, troubj9o)jvhUoinR jls r-ft'firn7"-''FTvy.'f3irMf ,TPOrf 0 -t , lJ If ypu aro looTtfng foka homo so sqo ,Frod,71ueaInK.'l026 r Ma In , St. )". xt'tto ' h-3 ."'' Hint ln'ii rn i"!22?. Ql'.rLt iv,-lf :"ViX rro, w...I v,-; iBk Avo lots.JlafinJiJsfinXjifiw., JJ-ll -I'A'" "i"-. i"'" ''""i "Ji J'1 .1"' rtV'rw J'" "1 r I' "'' i Sint -. t jy'i pj-. o WKIGHf'I "SM'M'ab'MI mWIU mm. mm ftMa aa aam. tinttrvQ RntHf b r. lVv aenidghLCller .vuucm cJkeruwi oivivtttn. fe'sS'E.wA0d6r'fi8 stUcva nVaavevx iocjnl rtuirtvi f "XUW COWtS OP ViCf) Mtf tuvu JV WRUW3W4 VB yWEO nt i . oojn bow. Ncmee ua nV.tH'u. avu erwuo CAaK uoua,"vernwcK Drop n llttlo "Froozono" on an aching corn, Instantly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right off'ylth!flngors. It doasn't hurt WW B BKriuitr. Your, druggist sells a tlnyi bbttlo of "Freciono" for a fow cents, suf' fltlont :to.lrcmora) every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between tbo toes. andCtb.6 IMUusds;! without a .-particle of pain. ,8fl91?j". J'." - "iv-CJ .aB &rDft,.K' jutne new gam bnc xiimlsi ciiod ,00, Each packagep; 'mmoudlDyea'; contains slmplo (Urcctlons to dyo old, fadod. shabby materials whether wooUl51l5llnkn?cotton,rt o'rV.mfxed goods, any now, rich, fadeless color. Duy no othor dyo. CHIROPRACTOR WF. Pr.loitoa1 Bridges )f jtjrer f'Jntj jSfajb fanfl' gavlngsBasik StlUOrlOS. ". Ph'onB X0-' v EXERTICK aDCK.VATTBNTIOK I Tt,hUUti&BZ&.m,nrffc'lB2XJi-J:Hli niamam rosi no, , qtrBtCcndCthlfd 'Tuesdays l-of-eac)-month. rrEx-WrvlcoTo7TarolnlIte"dlicnatr itend-thtj moellngs:. cry, vi, -t-j ,Foc. membership. oardB) or Informa- .t)on,cJc-servlco men are roquostodto soeor; write, ihonreiiowingtoificers: 1 , ' ;J. II, iCaxnaban, jCommani(r.' - t ,. t ,RpyN.,tFoueh. Post lAdJutant jror rpnei oi-ropioYTOoniisoei or wrlto tho Chairman of Tho Rollef and Employment Cpmmlttoo, Franots Oldpj jCaro. Laksldo, Lumber, )Com- ffwMr? .-a- ) 1-n.i-q 1 . : ii- i " ' " 'i ' " i7 C7,,lV4,tIMW , P,elK?, 9 Af W , ,1 -M-'Vi "- t 1- 1 'i i ifal"l 't, -! ' I That popular place on 'AftW8'fHHB ' 'isJf:MW; .:";. -H j' r ijV . ' ir ini VesYfaRigKe 'Mwn i Lit bV 1 y I iato nUti' . A . otf tisr ctAnu lmx uouco, "ver nwe Kci-7 m -W II mmmTPJ tS mmmXfMm' L i H rTlUml Vl ft5 i I i; Q FREEZ0NE i with Finacrs i I r r v I r rT 4 4 O l "1 r r inn I or a i lie i .b:i;uIov iuo s Let us mako you a prlco (on dig ging that basement, or othor ex cavating you coatomplnte. Ve also do team work of ovory desorlptlon! Phone 426-J PARAISO HOT 8PRINGH Tlio CatUIw1 of Aniorlm" - A euro for stomach troublos and' rhoumattsm. 146 mllos ijuth of San Francisco. Special railroad rates from Klamath Falls. ' MINERAL BATHS Dr. Maud lagmoll HWtoy CIroprctio Phyalctaai First National Dank Dufldlng ntranee, Room ; I ASHLAND, OREGO 3 tii Oil jnsit nc oijs Lmn JboTkMlaii 1z KUmatk Lodf. IV. 132 l o. a F. Meeta Friday nUht-of aJi:Mk.at I. O.O. F. hall, 6tti lioVMiyfatf) Oh as. MwtnaQ ....V. O. w. Bd. J25S2Eg& J. H. Houstoa ...-.,-. P. Fred Bueslng . -.--.TroMurcr 7T3- trr;rnr;j "it.'i Fourth and Pine Street Pboa 407 1 2!( .4 laMmtaou la Plwo Flaitejt by fK !;&; of Many ytartf I Exparlamce. MBS. OSBOBN Apt, 9. Belaul Aps. OaSETvTOVTNGH Having" boughto the moving outfit of True' Ac I Failinsr. we are now prepauied, Mto move hoAUs! or 'other' heavy jJjiSgl'u'K 111! 1-nili ll')'lil:'l i: ill II II'IVM fin llml Jill'l' i hl.iK .-..ll nil'l' li'.M'li'Ui il l"'1 l'l Washburn & 'Houston .nVU6Ap3$7j,u: NEW CITY LAUNDRY , l II il Ull 1 I I' "III" !' Id-' I.I i FINISHED' WORK " ,., '"FLAT" WORK' '' 1"1' ii RQUGH,;DRYi ,.ii --,. . i., -il) f ' ' . .... -Ul jii-' w-iiiiiii'-?iuni ,n'i ,.,1J'PMt,(lXWrJi-Djdslo,r. r- i Ibvi OuriiSudsv.ii 'Hi (Mill ' i i PHONE.154 ,i I ,i Corner Main and Conger a: mmmm as r.....i,,.. j-r,.l iii.r.iiii h.iiil si ittlit mi'iia i rnnmiA iltrfllll I I IHlllllll H.IS1W S.R.WWWI 1W t, -Mils i,M "ufi iliiaill" T,iiMiii ,iini, -iiuM:iiiiin ud oj imuoa iwi iii'" Z ... .- . ....,., .1MMP1 -71 ' ' ' '' '- " fJM U0)riJfcrlCLoWl'iirT4 Dr. P. Mi Nol phoioi 4 a '4l oo4Tt I 'J ' T vLet U Do Your - n Collecting A numbor of buslnoss housot ara saving tho tlmd,ot tbolr bookkeipora and Individual collectors by loltlnrt ascolloct tbolr monthly bills, at la mo modorn motnoat it cuts town your oyorhoadi Gotlyour bills read tnd w will do tho) rest. V1RS. T. HI JOLLY J 123, Eighth St. ' nwie320-W J J. O. CliEGHOltN civil enqin'eer and 8 vnl Hiiaou5Y?Y0U Phonti192J 131 a. Rlveraldo .loo inw 'jv xmnv i Household Furniture OOODS OF ALL KINDS I OUR PRICES RIQHT JrV'o Duy, Soil and Exchange, 'Cor. Sixth and Klamath AVo. DICK'S CO. .. V 1JJjU) FRED WESTERFELD i.v DENTJBT iJnonx-IUy Laboratory Loomla DMcn Klamath raUa LaeUoo I WWWWIMWWy na. n a Dtinui IVlO Dawtlat L O. o. F, .: PHONB Si Let Your GLASS troubles C E. STUCKEY Re-Glazing and Cabinet Maying Phone 477W Eleventh and Pine v IGr E.1 1 1 awan AimlaiDyvJ , Contractor and .-.) :'ll- ii:it'- ,7'.'.' 1iriT cor lr: ButlderA ltW -i .-). f3-'J c i Jl , iholrj 1t r.llilU ConstructloajiWork qtiany jklndr Norjobctob large' I'of' foo'ama!lJ' I !Ei(lmaf t,li,rnfshed;"fro(?',3l0," ,1a o."'i-v o:.'J 'jHiiti.x'i .eiholftj V) t ennrgo. v.) cir.oiis our t-r inn .won ,!-' i '.a-PHONWiiSaT-J'""''"!'! ! llo iwli,lns .OOHIOVl.JPr Y.AH l-.ia.r ff.-lfffmr.lno-l finn flnll..:ilTll 11 (Lhtropractici. Phynctan i siivfflifMv IWWilimmuru ' i ,. .. . .... , ,. . I (l I .'II '-'.'I )llJ Ti.if') "ll )I'J 1 , DrJGeo4EsMallmttv , hrr ill Phone B89l'l l I ' I l-'''"orc6'oVer'llTaaewdooiJ'l,"" i' Rt MWUUUDA mil AA. & 1J A A V, r '-" " -' f VfKOBERiSfTRY,, . ' General In8urnnco,Invcstnienta , lSSpNV'StbuStreet.'tliiA ToUljaBAV in illicit .w.i in im i iinii.nii : rHllll.MiiiMiii iU .lisiiu'niil idiijlii irtdd l 0 1)1..' 1 ill: -nil nll .limu'j in!) xilulu iniiu Ii' ,.l?.li I tiSktiBi, fa'dLl'.'' Ii,'ifiv 'Ankkrwa 'WfPMWi ----- ,. ,.,, ,-lBSItisisi BLB nil " BT BT-BTBI" ' BT iay - r,ai iiairavaviJ'uuaiiii BMMlBtf I PAflH POUB feAluAi Mist Whitrm nnd Moo Better l, r.' I,, A .rr E)-m Kxamlnwl . j.aiaMMtaFlttMl h.j; winters; , iJewrliT nn Optician " 710-7ia faln -. -i 1 dr. ;g: jtr.MABSEY;,' rovrtKi aaul Pte. Maw ;. In Warran Hutit H6s4tal" Off. Pb'ona 4 1 7, Real rhoia iliaJ DRf,C"CAMTPBELt PHYSICIAN AMD STOOBO LO.O.P.BIdta PbomaSM Rtildeooe -WliltaiPalleaa HaM Raaldaaca PkM I. DR. L. L. TRUAX a WAItnEfT HUNT HOSPITAIi toV Phci14M--Nlt'ht1pha,ist ' : : . l SAW jnM KNGINKBRWa , ' cb.NBnicoiid.V'co, "''' v' i .j . i j- i i "i ' Doatgner and bnlJderaBMV' era aaw'tnltU, pUklac katUs aW box pUnU. DrWIglng. PUe dHvta' PbOM 44M-Wr Office Corner HpHajt a4 Oaki Ncar.H. P. Depot,, r Wft'MWSA(AAMVMMMVVktWMVVVMkMIkMkl Offlee Phone 177W 'Rm 17T,' DV. H. D. LloyftStewmrt Pbyalclaa and Mitrgeoa ' ,....-, ,.WWta,Doli4lat,... . , Klamath FalU 'Otmm' 90iAA0m0jJi0iiititg H4 "DRi'F. R.GODDARD' Vtl ) .1.1 v fi: j - Osteopathic Physlcian-and ' lluo Surgeon 't-7 - Office and Residence 2) ' i Phones 821 ' 'i "'t L 0:'b.,P: Temple i'I l . ' MJ ) fH ' :Jt iJ It-.;- i J I -f'),) ui, -tin i o '6. Lf. aUABOD ; nit r.ili PBTHiaAN AND' SDRGBOfT '' ' 'PhwWa'17W'' ' KovmM 'l"kM;ST i! ' Iitb Whka BJ14SS -m rr Klamath Dye Works, Otll-'L 'A1T) "ll ',- MO r,F.t?W"l!WP.rn o,f ia OOBiOIiBANINO, PRKWINQ ,AHB;) REl'AUtlNO !WIUi MAaOQ XOtIt I l!ill' rrtCLOTHKS' nr-iir -a. r--- ------ -. U :mm,umm- fmul lion In m HATS UUDLOOKKD , i. u .i.i ' I ''aooda Catted foi and DelrretH )1t" 4I8I,Mali,S6a' ' iKUauik Mril'' ii tn:,lui!,; '' ' ' Klamath Falls "Cycler? ' ' hjm' to'sorvVyou right. 'Motorcyclaa'3 and Dloyclos, Parts and Acsasom. P iros ana Tuuog.-ihat. will .stand Sprvieej inuvn . Phone 979(11 iivoftilmid ' ' ' " VLl! ''"' ' "' !ni'J'l ' '"l'l li 11 iu' lb " "" ' ni.,i,.. ........ ii . .1 ., 0 il. ,l ..,T PHONtl 87 ' '"11 I' ' I ,1' '( U ", ; So. Sixth St:- " r1""' your. Inspection,, as, wo,, carry, ,,tba best? lhr- our,1 line. RdpaVrV'a'ho 'la connection "with H&rley-D&Tldiori"" it A l "v l Uin'l mi cirn r t I u