The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 10, 1921, Image 1

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    W$ lEttettittg;
A Clou Ad Will
Do It
Today? Now
Member of the Associated Press.
FifhxiiiMi Ywtr. No. B04M
price five ghnts
Thn Klamath County Auto Asso
elation mot In Ilia clinmbor of com
morco room yoatorday afternoon,
and In addition to accepting tho con
tltutlon and by-law a prosontod
by tho commlttoo, transacted other
urgent business.
.Tho proposed membership drlvo
was discussed at length, and Judgod
by present Indications It will bo a
big success. AH cars ownors In tho
county aro Invited to Join, hut ovon
those who do not own cars will not
bo deluded.
Mom rjommltuwmcn
Hoy Call and Charley Johnson
were added to tho oxecutlvo commit-
tee, bringing Its membership to flvo,
tao other throe being President It,
C. Groosbock, Bacretary II. II. nood,
nd Treasurer O. I). llurkn.
C, W. Barrett, reprosontlng Chans
lor ft Lyons ot San Francisco, was
present at tho mooting, gad was, ad
mlttod to membership In tho asso-
elation, his' bolng tho first f S ro
eeWed by tho committor.
Invitations will bo sent p all mem
brs of tho city councH and to tho
county commissioner to attend tho
next meeting of tho association, so
that they can obtain a biittsr under
standing of tho association's ob
jects. President Oreo-beck, In a short
talk, advocated tho dragging of
roads now, while thoy are soft, sta
ting that they would begin to drain
at onco and dry, and that'tbls sum
mer tho autolst would not hve (o
contend with cawds In tho same con
dition as theyjsere last summer. -Pitowfor
.. Prises ,,B ,acV will V lvn
to the persons who submit tbo bw
radiator design and slogan for tho
aasoelatto'ri. This contest, Is expected
(o'Vraaie much Intorost, and W, T.
LefeTLS'L. Browncll, and Lou Arena
were appointed to work out tho de
tails. The radiator design may bo of any
ahapo, but tho words "Klamnth
County Auto Association," and the
letters "AAA" must be Included in
It. The lettors ropresont tho Ameri
can Automobile Association, with
which tho local organisation will bo
affiliated. Nino squaro Inches will
be the limit of tho doilgns consid
ered, although Uio drawing submit
ted may bo larger. Tho color schome
will be considered In tho award.for
tho best design. The slogan should
bo as short as possible
Awards Next Tuesday
Designs and slogans should bo
mailed or handed to Secretary Stan
ley of tho chamber ot commorco not
later than Tuesday avenlng, and tho
prises wilt bo awarded by tho direc
tors at their mooting Thursday oven
lng. Everybody, Is Invltod to try his
, or her skill In thoso contests.
Every member Is urged to attend
tho meeting ThursJay ovonlng, Fob
ruary 17, as tho business to como
beforo tho meeting will bo Import
ant. Druggists Win in
Match With Buichs
Underwood's team, took tho first
two of tho threo games rolled with
Hosgland's Duicks on tho Elks alloys
last night. Jostor, for tho Duicks,
cored 811 in. tho throo gardes. Hay
den for tho opposing team knockod
a total ot S63 pins. In tho first game
Jester downed 226. Tho score, was:
Underwood's Druggists
W. L., Smith ..226 172 161 BB0
Underwood ....130 134 104368
Prentlco 113 106 109-328
Miller 165 dBD ' 133 46
Haydon 106 204 163663
830 776 669
Hosgland's Bulcks
JestoV 226 181, 206611
Carter 127 170 166452
Barry; 147 162 135 44
s Wright1 121 134 128383
Hoagland' ...:....'l'5b ,126 160445
. .
m. . 779 -773 788' , .
'..:Vt '' -: "'
, OREaON Tonight and Friday,
tain in west'; fair In east.
Harding Clearing
Decks; Cabinet
Selections Next
(By Associated Press)
' BT. AUCIUHTINM, Fla Fob. 10.
Warren Harding, prosldcnt-oloct, aft
er a threo wooks' vacation, today
wadod Into an accumulntlon ot cor
respondonco ami miscellaneous busi
ness that must bo cleared up beforo
ho tan mnko a final decision on cab
inet soloctlon and othor major prob
Holes aro 'dug and most of tho
poles havo been distributed for tho
new high powor lino from tho Bhlp
plngton sub-station to tho Alcoran
Lumber company's plant) reports J.
C. Thompson, superintendent of tho
California-Oregon Power company.
Tho f reeling woathor of tho past
fow wooks has facilitated tho work,
causing tho ground to hold up tho
heavily loadod trucks that delivered
tho poles. Tho present thaw may
sbmowhat Impede lh0 work, says
Mr. Thompson, but It will bo pushed
to tho limit ot efficiency. Tho com
pany has until A.prll 1st to get tho
lino up and It will bo complotod
easily within thtv.tlme limit.
Tho now lln0 will dollvar (00
horsopowor to lho Algom'a plant
ovontual'ly. starting, perhaps, with
about 300 horsepower, and tbo ro
suit will bo tho transformation of
tho Algoraa plant from steam to
electrical motive powor.
A crow of 14 mon la employed In
tho building of tho lino. Power
will also bo supplied to tho rock
crusher BSar Algoma, which Is sup
flying foJk for Oskar Huber's road
contracts north of hero.
Four Pleas of Not
- Guilty in Bank Case
Pleas of "not guilty" havo been
fllod In clrcut court by I). M. Collins,
B. T. Johnstone, F. I). Illnes and J. E.
Bartlelt, Indlcfbd by tho grand Jury
In tho Bank ot Jacksonvlllo cases,
says (ho Medford Mall-Trlbuno and
February 17th was sot by tho court
as tho day far pleas by, Mrs. Myrtlo
Illakoly, former county troasuror, El
mor E. Qulgloy, a northern California
cattleman, and. Chcstor Kubl, an
Applegate stockman. A ploa of not
guilty waB entorod b W. H. Johnson
last fall.
Argument on tbo motion ot attor
neys for F. D. Hlnes .for a chango of
vonuo on tho grounds ot prejudlco ex
isting In this county has boon delayed
on account of delay In .tho filing of
Court Upheld in
Land Case Decision
Tho stato supremo court has up
held .tho doclslon ot Judgo D, V.
Kuykendall In tho caso ot Saundors
A. Whlto against Qllbort Harrison,
In which Judgment wna given for
plalnt(ff. Tho suit was to onforco
payment ot $5000 on 720 acres ot
land which dofondant purchasod un
der contract. Lutor ho sought to
rescind tho agroamont on (ho ground
that tbo land had boon mlsroproeont
od. C. F. Stono waa local counsel for
plaintiff during tho litigation.
PORTLAND, Fob. 10, Billy
Misko last night won a ten-round
doclslon over Loo Andorson. Bobby
Andorson got tho doclslon ovor Bob
by Ward, and Frankle Murphy won
from Johnny Tillman.
OROVILLE), Calif., Fob. 10.
To aseortaln It a Christian Sclonco
practltlonor Is a mlnlstor or a- doc
tor, tbo board of, city trustoos has
Instructed City "dork John Gibson
to writo tho headquarters' ot tho
Loaguo of Municipalities for tho re
quired Information'.
,L. W, Clark, a local practitioner,
objected to paying tbo business It-,
cense on the ground ho was .on tho
same basis as any other minister of
tljo Gospel and did not object to pay
ing the license If the othor ministers
of tho city wero taxed. Ho admlttod
ho rocelvos a feo of $1 a (treatment
or ,16 a week.
1 N
(Ily Associated Pross)
CHICAGO, Feb. 10. Tho Fed
eral Hallroad Labor board today
donlod tho roquost of tbo American
Association of Hallway Executives
for Irampdloto abrogation of tho na
tional miro ngroomlent.wlth tho rail
way brotherhood and tho establish
ment of a now basic wago rato for
unskilled labor, predicated on local
Tho doclslon camo before n, M.
Jewell, presldont of tho railway em
ployes department of tbo Americas
federation of labor had started to. re
ply to tho statement mado beforo'
tno board last wook by W. W. Atter
bury ot tho Pennsylvania railroad.
Jewell sold, howover, that (bore
was n conspiracy botwoon railway ex
ocutlvo aand financiers to destroy
tho organization of railway workers
and reestablish an autocratic con
trol ot tbo transportation Industry.
Personal Mention
W. V. Copoland ,of Dorrls, was
hero on business yestorday. .
Miss (lrono Bantamaw was 'a pas
songor to Dunsmulr this mornings
John N. Davloa, managor for .the
Klamath Mint company, who has
been hora arranging for spring work
on tho Caledonia marsh, left for Eu
gene this' morning.
H. E. Stilts loft for bis homo In
Corning, California, this morning,
after a short visit hero. Mr. Stilts
formerly was connoctod with tijSJ
Palaco market and the Central gar-
ago of this city.
"F. M. Lucas, who'ns been con'
fined to his homo for the past tw
msstlu aa lb .result of an attack of
intestinal intlnenza. la back in 'tho
Evans, Balln L. Lucaa store, still
somewhat wck, but fast Improving.
iAx. and Mrs. M. A. Callaghan
havo returned from a 10 days,
plcasura trip to Los Angoles. Whllo
In Los Angoles .they attempted to
go, surf-bathing, but tho water was
so cold that they abandoned tho
Idea. Thoy stato that tho. trip was
brimful of pleasure.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Da Yon port re
turned last night from a fortnlgbt'a
visit in San Francisco, Santa RotaH
and Santa Clara, California. Whllo
In San Francisco Mr. Davenport
mado arrangomonts to add an op
tical goods dopartmont to his Jow-
olry storo hero, and ,also ordered a
big lot ot latest Jowolry stock.
Tho Hoverond and Mrs. R. T.
Cooklngham, of Klamath Agency,
woro visitors horo yosterday, regis
torlng at tho White Pelican hotel.
H. D, Newell, well-known locally
as nn export accountant, has fin
ished oxportlng tho books of sevoral
lumbor firms In this vicinity, and
loft for htm homo In San Francisco
this morning.
C. C, MoWHIIams, travollng pas-songor-
agent for tbo .Southorn Pa
cific, A. E. Rhodes, traveling freight
agent for tho Missouri-Pacific rail
road, and W, A. Andrews, traveling
passenger agent for tbo Toledo, St.
Louts and Western railroad,' loft for
San Francisco (his morning after 'in
vestigating tho outlook! for, procuring
a Bbaro ot tho freight businoss from
this city. '
. W. A. Wjolst, nttornoy, loft this
morning for Salem whore, as acting
chairman ot tbo chambor ot com-
morco leglslatlvo commtttoo, ho will
explain to legislators tuo necossity or
giving Klamath county a sonator and
representative in tho stato reappor
tionment. Mrs. Wtolst is visiting her
family In Salem and may return with
bor husband in about a fortnight, al
though she Is temporarily bodfast
with an attack of4lnflammatory rheu
matism. p All arrangements havo boon made
for tho danco to bo given by the
ladlos' auxiliary of tho American Le
gion for cx-servlco mon and their
frlonds, in tho Whlto Pelican' hotol
tonight. This is one ot the series that
was. planned for the winter months,
and the ladles wish to .assure all
visiting; members and their friends
that they will find a welcome await
ing them it thoy attend tho danco.
Invitations woro lssuod, but If any ot
thorn wont astray tho ladles wish
(Ily Associated Pross)
SALEM, Fob. 10. Tho senate to
day adopted tbo Dennis memorial
urging tho federal congress to ox
tond tho Jurisdiction of tho United
States from throo miles oft shoro
to 21 miles. It also adopted tho
house memorial asking congress to
onset a law compelling tho placing
of tngn upon woolen goods that
would Indlcato tho exact amount of
virgin wool In tho product.
Sonator Joseph Is preparing a bill
calling a special election through
out tho stato Juno 6, at which vo
ters will pass upon constitutional
amendments and referred measures.
Tho questions submitted to the
bcoplo would, It passed by tho leg
islature, Include soldlor bonus leg
islation and a proposal to crcato
a stato powor commission empow
ered to Itsuo bonds for building pow
er plants.
Representative Sholdon today In
troduced a bill providing for a com
mission to revise tho state constitu
tion. Senator McNary Will
Be C. of C. Councdor
Senator Charles McNary has noti
fied tbo Klamath county chamber
of commerce that ho will glady honor
tho chamber's request that ho net as
its national councilor at the cham
ber of rpmmerco ot tho United, States,
and that bo thanks, them for tho
honor. This roquost was made
through (ho chamber ot commerce
a short timo ago, and assures this
1 county that Its Interests will bo well
sorved m any situation which may
nrlso that require co-oporatlon from
(be parent organization.
Anothor communication was re
ceived from Governor Olcott In which
the govornor thanks tho chamber of
commorco for its Interest in his ef
fort to savo tho eeonlc highways ot
tho stato. This, briefly statod, Is an
endeavor to provont timber owners
from cutting timber closo to ''high
ways, and to provont other agonclos
from despoiling natural beauty spots
which can bo seen front tho high
(By Associated Pross.)
SANDERV3LLE, Ga., Feb. 10.
Tho. town of Oconc, with a popula
tion of 500, was dostroyed by a cy
clono today.
A special train has boon sent to
tho relief ot tho stricken commun
ity. Aany doaths aro reported as tho
result ot tho storm.
Carpenters Vote
to Maintain Wages
Until Living Drops
Living costs must doscend beforo
there can be any roductlon in tho
wago ecalo horo was tbo unanimous
sentiment ot the members of the lo
cal carpenters union; No. 190, ex
pressed at tho regular mooting bold
last night.
Without djssontlng voto 1t was
decided to maintain tho existing
wage scala ot I'l par hour for the
presont. ,
PORTLAND, Fob. 10. Cattlo
slow and woak; hogs steady; sheop
slow; eggs 2o lower; market' demor
alized; buttor 2c hlgnorf
them to know they will bo oxpocted
to ba presont with tholr friends to
night. Earl Hanvaker, managor ot tho
Parks-Hamaker sawmill In the Swqn
Lake district Is Jn the city for a
few days1 business visit.
Alfred Castell, a 'Ft.' 'Klamath
farmer and stockman; Is In the city
for "a tow days.
Jack McAullffo is in town from
bis , Klamath ranch.
Early Spring Which
Old-Timers Forecast
. Apparently on Way
Warmer weothor yostorday and
last night has brought about a thaw
and sldowalks and streets that havo
boon covorod with a sheot of Ico for
works lost tholr slcoty covering and
tho snow on tbo hillsides is fast dis
appearing. Old-tlmors predict an early spring
this year and charactorizo tho un
settled weather of tho past fow days
as a breaking up-storm.
Stroet Commissioner Bob Hun-
sakor Is taking advantage of tho
milder weather and has a crow at
work removing tho Ico from the gut
tors along Main stroot and other
stroots wfaoro it collected during the
Representative II. J. Overturf has.
wrltton a iottor to tho Klamath
County Chamber ot Commorco, In
which he refors to houso bill No.
178, which, It It passes, will legis
late Stato Englnoer Percy Cupper
out of his position. It Is said, and
also that ho will attend a public
hearing on tho bill at Salem tonight,
which might decldo tbo action ho
will take In tbo matter.
He explains In the letter that
thero aro so many Interests to bo
considered that ho cannot stato his
position definitely Y"un,yftrcon
sldoring all of them, C
X it the
of the bill he will put .forth bis best
efforts to accomplish It.
May Or. Senator f. :ifat
Another letter
from Draco Dennte, chairman' of-tfcej
reapportionment cbmmttUe, - .sk-I
knowledges a Jettor from Secretary
Stanley regarding more equltablo
representation, in tho, state legists'
turo from this and other counties.
Mr. Dennis said that ho hoped to
glvo this county tho relief it asked
for In tho matter of representation,
but that It was hard to plcaso. every
body, and almost every other county
In this stato had mado somewhat
similar requests. ' .
Ed. Nolo If thoro is tho gonoral
clamor for moro equltablo represen
tation, as Senator Dennis declares,
now would seem to bo an cxccllont
time to press tho plan of tho legis
lative committeo ot the Chamber ot
Commorco for one senator and at
least ono representative from each
Oregon county.
A preliminary mooting of tho In
corporator of tho Crator Oil & Gas
company was held last night at' tho
offices ot R. C. Grocsbock, trustoo
for tbo proposed company, to form
ulato plans ot organization and pre
fer a request to tbo stato corpora
tion commissioner for a charter.
Articles ot incorporation will bo
tiled within a short time and drilling
with start Immediately. The com
pany includos a dozen prominent
men, who havo already subscribed
onough capital to tho project to in
sure its success. For tho present
tbo names ot tho incorporators aro
not being mado public.
The company holds losses on closo
to 3000 acres of. land In this vicin
ity on which thoy will start tho de
velopment operations.
Weather Probabilities
Tho barometric pressure, as
Indicated by tbo Cyclo-Storma-graph
at Underwood's Phar
macy, has remained practical
ly unchanged during the last
24 hours, although since noon
today tho tendency has boon
slightly downward. 'As the
.pressure is well abovo tbo
"storm" area, no marked
change may be looked for, at
least for the next 12 tbours.
Forecast tor noxt 24 heurs:
Gonorally fair, probably con
tinued warm.
". " rSt iniconaniijr larger,-ptac In lumbering,
circumstance, uncoyoreof rtJ Ieg reprewnUl,T- k
mooting tonight Justify tho defeat w.j ro 0H lhe , bnBe
nt (tin Mil hm will mi tnrtU 'Mi tut.t 7. - !" "
Tho next thirty days will sco an
entire chango In business conditions
on tho coast, says D W. Glascock,
district 'sales manager for tho Holt
Manufacturing company ot Stockton,
California, who Is hero on a busi
ness visit.
Conditions aro changing rapidly
In tho cast, and optimistic sentiment
Is swooping westward In a glgantlo
wavo, ho says. Tho Holt company
manager, Just back from the east.
wbero ho visited many manufactur
ing plants, including the company's
own chief plant at Poorfa, Illinois,
gavo orders for an entirely different
manufacturing campaign when he
reached homo.
Although ho broadened operations
In iho making and selling depart
ments, ho bemoaned tho late start,
declaring that tho company wilt bo
unable to fill tho orders It will re
ceive this year, even under In
creased ocopo of operation.
Eighty per cent of the tractors
and farm machinery that tbo Holt
people will turn out this year aro
already contracted for, says Mr.
Glascock. An immense grain croo
Is going In throughout California
valleys, and lumbering operations In
tho mountains will bo normal with
in tho next month or two. creatine?
; W domand for hauling machinery.
f no caterpillar tractor Is taking a
coattantly larger- place In lumbering,
XTm w !. I... W1. J .a.
WtMJiave the box factor!, at ciu-
tTtho chakali?in,, 0nton rt, w!!-?
P. Thirty aoilUoa fast eC -beat
shok will ferqnlrM,tfl,haadl.tat
southorn jCallfomla orange jiarofti
alono; ' and 'the orange, blapani
started the season with seven sag
Hon feet on hand. Five million feet
of that has already been used, and
tho shippers aro beginning to stir
themsolres to get more.
As an example ot what may' ba
looked for in building, Mr. Glascock
pointed to Fresno, tho raltln cap
ital, as an example ot what Callfor-
nlavtowns will do this year to meet
Jho domand for houses. In Fresno
building trades, clttzons and civic
organizations have started a 'cam
paign to build a thousand new
tiomes this year, and are going to
build them.
Tho bottom of-tho ladder has been
reached, says the Stockton man, and
prices will' bo higher in August than
thoy now aro. Tho Holt company
manager, returning from hta eastern
trip, took his friends Into confi
dence, and advlsec&hem to buy.
"It you need a salt ot clothes," he
bald, "go and buy It. If you need,
a home now Is the time to buy It,
for you will novor bo abla to bay
more, economically than now."
This, ho said, was the general
fooling In the east, and increased
buying' Is beginning to stimulate
Prisoner Says Little
Devils in Clothing
Cause Much Worry
Little clinging devils Infest his
clothing and cause him great annoy
ance, says Joe Landry, colored boot
black, who fired four shots from a
revolver at Frank Washington dur
ing a fracas Tuesday afternoon.
Desplto the amputation of a thumb
Injured during his strugglo with
Washington, Laudry insisted upon
taking a bath under tho Jail show
er. He told tbo Jailer that he waa
washing his sins away. The officer
ordered him to cease his ablutions
and get Into bis clothing, but the
bootblack showed great distaste for
tbo garments, which he held at arm's
length and declared to be infested
with weo devils.
No action "has been taken in the
case. Authorities statod today that
Landry would be kept" under obser
vation tor a few- days and probably
examined by a Junicy commission. '
While working is a bootblack at
the Mecca poolroom Landry is said
to have cut off tho sleeves, ot a new
coat because, be said, the deVUs la
them annoyed him.