The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 09, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Hy Fir Chief Dclnricy.
Automobllo flrca contribute a lib
eral shnro townrd tho annual flro
loss In nil cltlos.
Leaking carburottor, back tiring,
ehort circuit of somo part ot tho cloc
trlcnl equipment and careless owners
hunting troublo with matches, can
dles, etc., represent tho principal
causes of nutomobllo fires.
A cool-headed driver with a small
hnnd extinguisher can easily extin
guish n flro about "his machlno when
from nil appearances tho car Is doom
ed. Road dust and sand thrown upon
tho tiro wilt In many casos smother it
before any real damngo Is done.
Flro reports tend to show that
more fires occur In small prlvato
garages than In largo public ones.
Spontaneous combustion in oily
rags for wiping and polishing, care
less smoking, gasollno explosions
from Improper ventilation and tho
goncral rubbishy and unclean condi
tion found In most prl'rato garages
constltuto the principal causes of
Tho garago should bo kept spot
lessly clean and treo ot lnflammablo
oils. It should bo Ycntllatcd at tho
floor line to carry off tho gasollno
vapors which, being hcavlor than air,
settle to tho ground. An explosion
will result it theso vapors como In
contact with a flame from match or
Keep a bucket ot sand or a chemi
cal cxllngulshor In tho garago. You
may provont a disastrous flro which
might communicate to your homo
before tho flro department can check
Moving Pictures
After, many serious fires with at
tending losses of life, laws governing
moving plcturo theatro and project
ing room construction nro being en
forced In all states.
Tho projecting room In which tho
picture machines are located must bo
of fireproof construction and the
theatro provided with oxlta, the num
ber of which Is regulated by the seat
ing capacity.
Every precaution must be, taken In
tho projecting room because of the
highly combustible nature of the cel
luloid film, used. However, it this
enclosure Is properly flreproofed and
ventilated no flro or smoko can ca
cape into tho audience, and it the
theatro patrons understand this, In
the event of a fire the danger of pan
ic will be greatly minimized.
Tho uso ot toy motion plcturo ma
chines by children In tho home when
the dangerous celluloid film Is pro
jected should bo frowned "upon by
their elders, who at all times should
conduct tho exhibition and opera to
tho machine.
s and Girls In
Illinois Town Are
Practical Crusader's
MATTOON, III.. The younger
generation of this town has started a
crusade which threatens to place
the so-called "blue laws" far in the
shade. The girls have pledged them
selves not to keep company with
young men who smoke cigarettes and
to uso their Influence in stopping the
habit. Nearly 400 havo enlisted in
the crusade.
In retaliation, tho young men have
formed a club and aro going tho girls
ono bettor, Thoy Insist on making
the girls over into "tho kind ot girls
our mothers were." Hereafter, all
members ot the club will refuse to
keep company with girls who insist
on wearing skirts knee length. They
must wear them so long that no part
of stocking may be seen, neither may
they wear tho half-sock rolled down
variety. They will refuse to go to
dances with girls who wear no cor
sets or wear low-cut dresses boyond
the point where mother wore them
when sho was a girl. Rougo and paint
and other aids to tbo complexion are
also taboo.
Tho new slogan for tho boys is
"lips that itouch rougo shall never
touch mlno." 811k stockings are
blacklisted., cotton or wool must be
worn. Only the old-time square dan
ces and tbo waltz and two step will
be permitted, and In the case of tho
latter two, any unnecessary muscular
movement will be promptly chlded.
Pulled eyebrows and cootlo garages
havo to go with tho shimmy and the
PORTLAND, Feb. 9. A decline
of tbree cents in egg prices today
brought tbo best quotations to c- n
try shippers down 'to from 25 to
40 cents, according to grade.
MEDFORD, Intorost In tho drill
ing at tho Trtgonla oil well has much
Increased In tho past fow days dur
ing which tho oil Indications havo
bocomo moro pronounced. Tho '800
feet ot 10 Inch casing tins nil been sot
which shut oft tho wntor In tho -well
holo to that dopth.
SALEM, Tho houso has passed a
bill making criminals ot poraons ope
rating or patronizing punchbonrds or
nickel In tho slot mnchlnos by n voto
ot 44 to 13. T. T. Dennett, loador ot
tho Insurgents, declared tho houso
was "getting down to protty small
business" to consldor such n bill
whon It had "big matters" awaiting
attention. Mrs. William S. Klnnoy
ot -Astoria was ono ot tho 12 voting
ROSERUKG, Considerable oppo
sition to tho proposed gamo bill, now
botoro the senate, has been shown by
Douglas county farmers, according to
Senator D. L. Eddy. This bill protects
bears, and provides punishment for
a dog owner whoso animal runs door
whothor or not tho ownor-hns know
ledge that tho dog Is engaged In this
act. This would prevent many farm
ers In outlying districts from kcoplng,
dogs or allowing dogs to cbaso from
out ot their orchards or away from
tholr gardens. In protecting bear a
great deal of damago would be dono
tho farmers, especially tho sheep
men, Senator Eddy states.
SALEM, Nlntecn patients at tho
stato hospital for tho Insano aro thcro
under Illegal commitment, according
to tho decrco ot Judgo O. 0. Ding-
ham ot tho Marlon county circuit In
the caso ot Qcorgo Ubor. Tho reason
Is that thoy wore committed by Jus
ttcos ot tho peaco acting tor county
Judges under a statuto that had been
Inadvertently repealed.
PRINEVILLE, Dcnd has nbon
doned her plan for tho appointment
ot a commission to "Investigate tho
economic uses of tho Deschutes riv
er." Finding horse! f alono in all Cen
tral Oregon In this demand which
would probably halt or at least ma
terially delay tho development of tho
Deschutes valley, tho Dcnd Interests
proposing tho commission plan havo
receded from their stand, and aro
willing to adopt tho suggestion ot a
Redmond man that tho United States
Reclamation Service bo Invited to
take over the project.
Senate Would Raise
Salaries of Officers
SALEM, Feb. 9. Tho houso to
day indefinitely postponed Hos
lord's bill repealing sections ot tho
Oregon statutes known as "labor's
kill ot rights," legalizing picketing.
The senate defeated tho Pattorson
kill consolidating tho department of
weights and measures with tho stato
food and dairy commission. Tho
icnato passed bills Increasing sal
aries of officers ot Lake, Deschutes,
efferson, and Crook counties, and
tho houso and scnato havo arranged
for a Joint session to hear an ad
dress by Senator-Elect Stantlcld at
2:30 this afternoon.
Mayor of Bend Is
Acting Police Chief
The mayor of the city of Dend Is
now acting chief of police ot tbo city,
says tho Dend Press.
This action was taken late last
week when he took tho oath as a po
lice officer and assumed tho duties
of chief, without pay.
Ho has delegated to four-of the
omployccs of tbo city pollco powers
and these officers will roport direct
to blm at all times. These four men
are R. If. Fox, tho present night of
ficer; Tom Carlon, tho flro chief; E.
I;. Stephens, flro englnoor; and Myrl
Hoover, assistant engineer.
It Is tho Intention to make the of
fice of tbo mayor tho pollco bead
quarters and tbo four officers will
be In close touch with tho chief while
on duty so that bo will be able to
summon ono or more ot them at any
tlnxo they aro needed.
Clean, fast humor Jollity that
describes "Just Out ot College," a
Goldwyn plcturo, with Jack Pick-
Tord, which comes to tbo Star tuea
,'tre for Thursday.
There's not a shade ot vulgarity
in it, though1 it is punctuated with
screamingly funny situations.
A vory definite plot, carefully
constructed forms the framowork
for situations that would make tho
glummest pessimist come out of hie
shell. Plckfprd has splendid sup
port, among the actors figuring in
the picture being the famous "Lef
ty Flynn," tho Yale athletic star of
not eo long ago. It's a corking pic
ture, i
Personal Mention
Lonn llnrkhurst, ot Olene Is in tho
city tor several days nttondlug to
business and shopping.
A. Klnnoy, la In tho city today
from his homo near Olene attend
ing to mnttora.ot business. "
Roy Hickman, a stockman and
farmor ot tho Ft. Klamath vnlloy Is
n city visitor attending to business
matters and shopping.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoovor. resi
dents ot tho Chlloquln country, nro
In tho city today attending to mat
ters ot business and shopping.
A. A. Sanders, roprosontlng Qood-
year Tiro company ot San Fran
Cisco wns an arrival on last night's
train and Is visiting tho local ngonts
C. C. Williams, agont for tho trnf-
tlco dopartmont ot tho Southern
Pacific Is In tho city looking nttor
tho Inforosts ot tho company.
J. M. Wilkinson, Incomo tax
agent, who has boon In town for
sovoral dnys, returned to Modtord
this morning.
Sam Courtney, a sheepman ot tho
Langull valley country, Is In tho city
attending to matters of business
for sovoral days.
Mr. and Mrs. John Martin, loft
this morning for Portland, whoro
thoy will bo gono for about a month
on a combined business and pleasuro
A. E. Rhodes, trolght ngont for
tho Missouri Paclflo railroad com
pany, Is In tho city looking over
shipping conditions.
Mr.-and Mrs. C.'o. Monoyhun and
small son, who drovo a car In horo
from Pola Alto, California sovoral
weeks ago wero passongors on this
morning's train for tholr homo thoro.
C. V. Holmes, who oporatcs a
merchandise store at Malln and tho
Klamath Cash grocery hero Is In
tho city looking aftor buslnoss in
terests for soveral days.
Ed. Plko, who is employed In tho
offlco ot tho Pollcan bay mill, was
a passenger on this morning's train
to Vancouver, Wash., whoro ho will
romaln for soveral days on buslnoss.
C. W. Darrett, credit manager
for tho Chanslor & Lyon Co., ot San
Francisco, Cat., Is In tho city look
ing over tho business conditions pt
this country.
Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Crane, lutri-
ber pooplo of tho Chlloquln coun
try, aro in tho city for sovoral days
shopping and attending to matters
ot business.
Joe Walton of this city was a
passongor on this morning's train
to Dorrls, Cal., whero ho will ro
maln several days with friends and
Joo McDonald, son ot Mr. and
Mrs. Tom McDonald, who has been
Attending Santa Clara collcgo, has
returned homo. Ho will go back to
tb0 collcgo In September.
Mrs. Amlco Endors and small son
returned on last evening's train
from Ashland whero thoy bavo been
visiting frlonds and relatives for
sovoral days.
Max Weiss, local merchant, was
a passengor on this mornings to
Weed, California, whero bo wilt con
duct an army blanket sale for sev
eral day s.
Frod Mills, local attorney who
has been In Salem for soveral days
attending to Important business af
fairs, is expected homo this evon-
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Moulk, who
havo boon residents ot this city for
sometime, wore passengers on this
mornings outgoing train to Duns
mulr, Cal., whoro thoy will make
their homo.
Chester DeLap ot tbls city was a
passengor on this morning's train
to Ashland, Oregon, where be has
been called by tho illness of his
fathor-ln-law, Robert Casey, a pion
eer of this county.
R. II. Dunbar, local insurance
brokor, mado a buslnoss trip to Up
per Poo valloy yostorday, investi
gating tbo Kinney tiro, which oocu
red last week. Mr. Dunbar reports
tbo roads In fair condition and con
siderable snow on tho hillsides.
A tolcgram was rccolvod tbl
morning by Mrs. W. E. Dowdoln,
announcing the arrival ot a 9
pound boy in the home ot Mr. and
Mrs. R. A. Drunnor at 872 16th
avenue, Oakland, California. Mrs.
Brunner was Miss Virginia Bryant,
daughter of Mrs. Bowdoln.
A wot summer is healthy becauso
tho rain washes tho air and fluabeg
gorm-Uden dust away,
A Resolution Doclnrtng tho Inten
tion ot tho City or Klamath Falls to
Olinngo tho Grndo on Washington
Street lloglnnlng On tho Easterly
Lino ot Third Btroot and Kxtondlng
from Third Stroot to Fifth Btroot.
WHDIIKA8 it Is doomed uxpotllont
to change tho present grade on Wash
ington Btroot beginning on tho east
erly lino ot Third Stroot and extend
ing from Third Btroot to Fifth Btroot,
HMlT RE80LVHD that tho Common
Council hereby doclaros Its Intontlon
to chnngo tho grndo to road ns fol fel fol
eows: lloglnnlng on Washington Stroot nt
tho linstorly lino ot Third Stroot
grades shall bo established ns fol fel fol
eows: Elovnttons.
South Sldownlk 225; South Curb
226; North Curb 226; North Bldo
walk 22G.r.
Thenco on n uniform grndo to con
tor ot block (or nt 132 foot towards
4th St. 220, 223,223, 236.75.
Thonco on a uniform grado to the
westerly lino ot 4th Street, 219, 222,
223. 224.5.
Thenco to tho onstorly lino ot 4th
stroot, 224, 220, 227, 218.0.
At 63.2 foot, 227.2, 229.2, 229.8,
At 10G.4 foot, 230.4, 232.4, 232. 6,
At 159.0 foot, 234.3, 23C.9, 237.1,
At 212.8 foot, 238.9, 242.7, 243.3,
At 2G6.0 feet, 243.5. 248.6, 249.5,
251.5, and that at breaks In grado,
curbs and sidewalks thoro aro to bo
such vortlclo curves as tho city engin
eer shall direct.
County of Kamtath, '
City ot Klamath Falls as
I, A. L. Lcavltt, Pollco Judgo ot
snld City, do hereby cortlfy that tho
foregoing Is a duly enrolled copy of
tho resolution passod by tho Com
mon Council on tho 7th day ot Febru
ary, 1921.
A. L. LEAVITT, Police Judgo.
FOR SALE Very choap, practically
now Ford sedan. Phono 629M.
1920 Ford Touring car, new body
startor and Electric lights, $500.00.
1918 Ford Sedan, lots of extras,
1914 Ford Touring 1200.00.
1917 Ford Touring, $325.00.
1917 Ford Touring, $226.00.
lliuuicr Patty Motor C.
FOR BALE 2 porch rockors, 2
chosts ot drawers, at 1923 Main
TO TRADE 80 acres closo. to city
for good houso and lot In Klamath
Falls, or w4ll trado part ot it for good
car. pay cash difference. Inqulro 729
Walnut. 9.
FOR SALE Cheap, 1 5 IL- P. 3
Phase motor. Drand new. Call 58,
Klamath Ice & Storage Co. 9-11
FOR RENT Furntshod apartment
No children. Mrs. O. Peyton, 620
Market St.. Phono 500. 9
FOR SALE: U. S. Army wool blank
ots $4.85. Tho Army Goods atoro
1136 Maid. 9-11
FOR SALE U. 8. gov't llacon. pack
ed tn 12 lb. cans Every can guar
anteed $2.75 per can at Tho Army
Goods Store 1130 Main.
FOR SALE Ford Sedan practically
now vory choap Phono 529M.
LOST Diamond' stick pin $50.00
Reward, Lcavo at Herald offlco. C.
F. Melius. 0-10
Dottor ordor somo of our fine Dar-ron-Tancrod
Whlto Leghorn Dnby
Chicks tor May delivery an excollent
time in your cllmato. They will till
tho egg baskot all tho Fall and win-
tor whon eggs aro high. $'12.50 por
100 for May and Juno. ouuBit now.
Safe delivery guaranteed.
Maywood Poultry Farm,
9-16 Corning, Calif.
McCormack and Sis, tbo Irish Joy
dlsponsors, in a comedy singing and
talking act, dlvldod tho honors at
tho Mondalo theatre last night with
Jack Valmoro, mimic, Imitator, and
song singer. This trio havo boon
following tho Pontages and Hippo
drome circuit, and their work
stamps thorn as topnotchors. Their
acts are Just tho sort to mako you
want to sit back in your soat and
enjoy tho ontortnlnment until "king
dom como," but llko all good things
tho end comes somotlmo, and you
aro forced to fall back upon tbo pic
tures for th0 rest of your evening's
enjoyment. Last night; and In fact
every show night, tbo Mondalo had
pictures that aro hoaps of satis
faction in thomuelvcs, but .ovon if
tho pictures had boon lacking lout
night, tho show would havo booi
mighty satisfactory from a vnudo-
vlllo viewpoint. Sis is a clover lit
tle entertainer, and rounds out tbo
trio of joy makers to a queen's
Theso clover vaudevlllans will-bo
iere for four nights,
If you aro looking for a home site
goo Fred Uuoslng, 1020 Main St.
Ask to seo bis two boautlful Crescent
J Ave. lots, Magnificent view, C-ll
iFir'ng itho tlino and placo for tho
hearing of objections to tho proposed
Aiisossmont Roll mndo and filed by
tho Common Council In tho matter of
tho Improvement of Washington
Btroot. First tn Ewnunn Iloulovurd,
WhoroaH, the Common Cqunell ot
tho City of Klnumth Falls, Oregon,
has ntiuto nnd filed In tho office ot
tho Police Judgo tho "PKOl'OBICD
A8BKSHMENT ROLL" In connection
with tho proposed Improvomont ot
Washington Btroot from FIR8T
street westerly to Ewntina llnulavard,
Do It Thoroforo, Hornby Rosolvod, by
tho Common Council, that Monday
tho 21st day ot Fabrunry, A. I)., 1021,
at tho hour or 9 o'clock r. ni. at tno
Council Chamber In said clty( tho
snmn being n regular mooting datn t
tho Common Council) bo and horoby
Is tlxod ns tho date, tlmu and placo
for hoarlng objoollonn to such propos
ed assessment roll, and to tho indiv
idual property assessments thoroln
sot forth.
And bo It further resolved that tho
Pollco Judgo of tho rlty of Klamath
Falls, Oregon, glvo nt least Inn days
notice by publication In tho Evening
Herald on threo separate days, nnd
by posting notlco on each lot, part of
lot, block, ploco nnd parcel, nnd acre
ago proporty sot forth nnd described
In snld proposed Assessment Roll,
that nt snld mooting of tho Common
Council on said dnto. nil objections
mndo nnd tiled to such Assessment
Roll nnd -to Individual assessments.
will bo heard and determined nnd
that .following n determination ot nil
objections tho Common Council will
procood by ordlnnuro to assess tho
proportionate shnro ot the cost ot
making such proposed Improvements
In nccordanco wjth tho benefits ac
cruing thorofrom to each lot, part ot
lot, block, plcco nnd parcel and
acreage, proporty hnrotoforo found
and determined tn bo llnblo for such
cest: Such notlco so to bo published
and posted as nforosnld shall further
stato tho boundaries within wnicji
tho property lies that Is found to bo
bonnflted nnd llnbla for such propor
tionate share of tho cost of such Im
provement nnd shall also refer to
such proposed niwossmcnt roll for de
tailed Information.
City ot Klamath Falls,
County ot Klamath ss
I, A. L. Loavltt, Pollco Judge ot
tho city of Klamath Falls, Oregon, do
horoby cortlfy nnd ntlosl tho forego
ing to bo a proporly enrolled copy of a
resolution adopted by tho Common
Council of tho snld city at Its regular
mooting on February 7th, 1921.
Wtftnoss my hand and tho seal of
said city this 8th day ot February,
A. D. 1921.
A. L. LEAVITT, Pollco Judgo
Fixing tho tlmo and placo for tho
hoarlng of objections to tho proposed
assessment roll mado' and filed by the
Common Council In tho matter ot tho
improvomont of High, Sixth and
Sevonth atroots. '
Whoroas, tho Common Council has
mndo and tiled In tho offlco ot tbo
pollco Judgo the "proposed assess
ment roll" In connection with tho
proposed Improvement ot High Street
from Sixth at. to Eighth st. nnd Sixth
st. from Pine to High st. and Seventh
at. from Pine to Washington st.
Do It thoroforo hereby resolved,
by tho Common Council, that Mon
day tho 21st day of February, A. D.,
1921, at tho hour ot 9 o'clock P. M.
at the Council chamber, In said city
(tho samo being a regular mooting
dato of tho Council) bo and horoby
Is fixed as tho dato', tlmo and placo
for hoarlng objections to such pro
posed assessment roll, and, to tho
Individual property assessments
thoroln set forth.
And be It further rosolvod that tho
Pollco Judge of tho city of Klamath
Falls, Oregon, glvo nt loast ton days
notlco. by publication In tho Evening
Horald on throo separata days, ana
by posting notlco on each lot, part of
lot, block, piece and pnrcol and aero-
ago proporty sot forth and doscriooa
In said proposed assessment mil, that
at said mooting of tho Common Coun
cil on said dato, all objections mado
and f led to such assessment roll and
to Individual assessments will bo
hoard and dotormlned, nnd that, fol
lowing a determination of all objec
tions tho Common Council will pro
ceed, by ordinance, to assess tho pro
portionate sharo of tho cost of mak
ing such pronosod Improvomonta in
accordance with tho bonoflts accru
ing thorofrom to each lot, part or lot,
block, ploco and parcol and acreage
nronorty. h'orotoforo found and deter
mined to bo Ilablo for such cost; Such
notlco so to bo published nnd postod
as nrorosald shall furthor stato tho
boundaries within which tho property
lien that Is found to bo bonotlted and
Ilablo for such proportionate shnro of
tho cost of such Improvement nnd
shall also rofor to such proposed ns
sossmont roll for detailed Informa
County of Klamath,
City of Klamath Falls b
I, A. .L. Loavltt, pollco Judgo of
tho city of Klamath Falls, Oregon,
do hereby cortlfy and attest tho foro
going to bo n proporly enrolled copy
of a resolution adopted by tho Com
mon Council ot tho said city at Its
regular mooting on February 7th,
Witness my hand and tho seal of
said city Hits 8th day of February,
A. D, 192L
A. L. LBAVITT, Police Judgo
Fletcher Docker, an employoo ot
the California-Oregon Power com
pany at Keno, was fined $100 by
Justlco ot the Poace Gaghagon yos
torday afternoon for killing n door
out ot season. Docker was arretted
at Keno by Shorltf Low and II. D,
Stout, game warden.
Tho City Englnoor pursuant
to tho resolution of tho Com
mon Council hnrotoforo adopt
ed, having under, dnto ot tho
21st day ot January, 1921. filed
plans, specifications mid otslmntos ot
tho cohI ot Improving Pine Btroot
from Eleventh Btroot to Ksplnuado,
Including Intersections; nnd tho Com
mon Council having taken tho samo
under advisement ami finding said
plans, specifications and estimates
snld plans, specifications nnd esti
mates for tho Imporvoment ot Pine
Btroot from Eleventh Htroot to Es
planade, Including Intersections, bo
and tho samo nro horoby approved;
ED, that tbo Commjun Council horo
by doalaros Its Intontlon to Improvo
snld portions of Pine Btroot, In nc
cordanco with snld plans, specifica
tions and estimates; snld Improvo
mont to consist ot paving said por
tions of l'lno Btroot with Concroto,
llltullthlo or yilllte. Tho estimated
cost ot tho Improvomont ot said por
tions of said stroot by placing there
on either Concrete. llltullthlo or Wit
llto to bo $12,003.90, said cost In
cluding grading, rolling, curbing and
content sldownlk.
El), lly the Common Council that UW
following described proporty bo and
Is horoby doclnrcd benefited by said
Improvement, to-wlt:
Lots C, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 or Dlock
2, Nichols Addition to tho City of
Ktnmnth Falls, Oregon; Lots 1, 3, 3,
4, 6, Dlock 3, Nichols Addition to the
City of Klnmath Falls, Oregon; also
property described as follews: llo
glnnlng at tho Intersection ot the
Bouthorly lino ot Pine Stroot 'with
tho onstorly lino of 11th stroot;
thonco northoastorly along tho south
erly Una or Pine Street, 120 feot;
thonco southeasterly at right angles
to Pine Btroot, 65 feet; thenco south
westerly at right angles to 11th
Street 120 foot; thenco northwester
ly along tho onstorly lino of 11th
Street to tho point of beginning! also,
Mcginnlng at tho Intersection ot tho
northerly lino of Main Btroot with
tho easterly lino ot 11th street run
ning thenco nastorly along tho north
erly lino ot Main Btroot, 58 feet:
thonco northerly parallel with 11th
stroot, 100 foot, thenco westerly par
allel with Main Street, 58 feot, to tho
onstorly lino of 11th street. Thence
southerly along tho onstorly lino, of
1 1th stroot to tho point of beginning;
also, lloglnnlng nt a point on the
northerly lino of Main Btrcot, 120
foot easterly from tho Intersection ot
tho northorly lino ot Main Street and
tho eastorly lino of 11th stroot;
thenco northorly at right angles to
Main Street 240 feet to the southerly
Una of Pine Btreet, thenco easterly
along southerly lino or Pine Btreet
120 feet; thonco southerly nt right
angles to Main Btrcot, 240 feot to
tho northorly lino of Main Btreet 130
feet to the beginning; also, Refttn
nlng at a point on tho eastorly Una
ot Uth street 66 feot southeasterly
from the Intersection of tho souther
ly line of I'It- Street with tho easter
ly linn of Uth stiout; thence south
easterly along tho easterly linn of
11th street 76 feet; thonco at right
anglos to 11th stroot northeasterly
58 feet; thenco at right angles north
wostorly parallol with 11th street 75
root; thonco nt right anglos to 11th
street southwesterly 58 feet to the
point or beginning, nil said property
being In Nichols Addition to the City
or Klamath Falls, Oregon, and that
said proporty aboro listed and des
cribed bo and horoby Is declared to
bo assessed for tho oxpenso of said
ED, That Monday, tho 7th day of
March, 1921, at tho hour ot 8 o'clock ,
P, M. at the Council Chambers at
the City Hall, bo fixed as tho tlmo
and placo for the hoarlng of objec
tions and remonstrances against the
said proposed Improvomont and tho
Pollco 'Judgo Is horoby directed to
cause notlco of said hearing -to bo
published as by Charter provided.
County of Klamath,
City of Klamath Falls ss
I, AL. Loavltt, Pollco Judgo of
tho City ot Klamnth Falls, Oregon,
do horoby cortlfy that tho forogolng
Is a duly enrolled copy ot n resolu
tion adopted by tho Common Council
on tho 31 day of January, 1921, de
claring Its Intention to Improve Pine
Stroot from Elovonth Btroot to Es
planade, Including Intersections, and
approving tho plans, specifications
and estimates of costs submitted by
tbo City Englnoor.
A. L. LEAVITT, Pollco Judgo.
Civil Service Exams
To Be Held Again
Tho Civil Sorvlco commission In
vites special attontlon to tho fact
that in examinations hold recently
In Klamath Falls, Oregon and othor
cltlos throughout tho Unltod States
for tho positions named bolow, both
for tho departmontal and field ser
vices, applicants woro not socurpd
In tho numbor doulrod, and that
theso examinations will again bo
hold on tho datos Indlcated: Appron-
ttco fish culturlst, Physician, Pana
ma Canal sorvlco, Assistant observ
er, woathor buroau, Approntlco Plato
cleaner, Approntlco transferror, Ap
prontlco lottor ongravor, Approntlco
plcturo ongravor.
Persons Intorosted in thoso or oth
or examinations should apply to tbo
Bocrotary ot tho U. 8. civil servlco
board at tho local postoftlce for de
tailed Information and application
blanks. ,
OREQON Tonight nnd Thurs
day, rain.
gS5STSttflHii3fP W'ta.t'aari