Wnp jExtmhm Itoalii ACla$8 Ad Will Today a News Todmy Member of the Associated Press, e I'lffwnlli YonH. N. lilt I. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, Vi:i.VIXIAY, FEBRUARY 0, 11)21. rnic FIVE CENTS 3 'Vs.'. KEEN INTEREST IN WIRELESS 1 Wireless telegraphy nxporlmonts hnvo boon no successfully prosocu ted by lucnl boys, particularly tho Nludonts of tho high achool, sold Professor J. H. Hoes, professor of clonco of tho IiIkIi school, that thoro ura not loss than a dozen re ceiving ntatlonm nnd aerials In thin city over which wlrcloss mes sages Bent from long dlslnncos can bo hoard with compartlvo oaso. In toroit In wireless telegraphy haa boon groatly atlinulatod alnro Pro fessor lloos Installed a receiving attlon, which perhaps, with the 100-foot aerial on tho roof of tho achool, la giving tho boat roaujta of any In tho city. Tho high achool rocolvlng atatlon la what la known a tho panel typo. Thoro aro no Bonding atatlona In tho city, but Professor Ilooa la con templating tho Installation of ono cither In tho high achool or at hta homo. When thla la dono, othora will follow. Th0 local high achool currlculm dooa not Include n courao In wlro- leaa telegraphy, but I'rofoiaor Ilooa hopoa to boo It taken up and veiled with credit advantagoR. Wbllo "Intoning In" at various times, tho boya havn heard mos- sagos from Sesttlo, Ban Francisco, and Intermediate points, Explain Ing tho secret of wlrolcas telegraphy Id tho way bost undoratood by tho unltlatod, Profossor floes sold that message aro transmitted by dots and dasbon which Impart musical tone, In duration tho sounds being omowhat Identical to tho dots and dashes of tho ordinary telographer'a Instrument. Tho height of tho aerjal, con tinued. TrofeMor Reese, la wore. Im portant than Its length, and In thla respect tho norlal nt tho high achool la ao located that It will giro un usually good satisfaction. Wlrolcas wavw, said Professor Ilooa, travel 188,000 miles socond, tho iimo as light waves, but they aro of groator volumo, ranging up to aoveral hundred yards. Thoy loavo tholr point of origin In tho form of aphoros, and will go through opnquo substance such as hills, ruountnlns, and buildings. Whon they encounter metal conveyors thoy bocomo retarded, and thla obstruc tion operates tho telophonos, Kach time a wnvo encounters a metal conductor It bocomua diminished but tho porcontago of docroaso In volumo la ao small that wirolcss atatlona over a vast region can bo sorvod easily. Most of tho rocolvlng stations and aorlnls In thla city havo boon In stalled and oroctod at an approxi mate coat of $25, tho norlal In most Instances consisting of two masta connoctod with wlrea nn conductors Professor Iloes said that tho Interest hero la ao koen, and. tho boya loam o readily and ongorly, that many of thorn aro bettor versed In soma pbasos of wireless tolography than he. In fact, tho profossor Bald, somo of tho boya aro ovlnchig so much Intorost that tholr parents are somowhat approhonslvo regard ing tholr Interest In other studios, but aftor nil, tho boya who havo takon up tho work aro learning a great deal about electricity, a most Important study thoso days, High school girls, tho profossor eatd, do not taka much Intorost In wlroloss tolography, but tho major ity of tliom display IntoroBt whon they aro gtvon an opportunity to "llston In" In conversation. Evory day tho correct tlmo Is ro colvod hero from 11:55 to 13 o'clock, tho Bocouds being tlckod off according to nn Intermittent Bys torn, and tho tlmo as rocotvqd 'is always accurate Tho 25 or SO boys who havo tak on up tho study boro aro consist ent In tholr experiments and stu dies, and Intorost In tho work Is gradually Increasing, giving thorn an opportunity to comblno work and play In a profitable manner. K y OIL PJUCE8 DOWN KANSAS CITY, Fob. 9. -Crude toll produced In Kansas and Okla homa has droppod until today tho prlco Is half what oil was selling for 16 days ago. 0 if ' Old Colonial Times To Be Recalled By Library Club Social A luminous mooting nnd nodal re ception will bo hold by thu Woman's Library club Friday nftornoon nt tha library rooms, and nil ladles of tha city nra Invltod to attend. Tha business mooting opens nt 2:30 o'clock nnd nt Us clond thorn will bo n Roclnl tlmo, plannod along colonial IIiioh, with tho fostering of hotter ncqualntnnco nmong tho ladlos as Its objoct. Any ono who has relics of col onial times Is requested to bring them to tho mooting. , It Is hoped to havo ulto a llttlo collection to display. - J ON THE BEETLE Tho chamber of cmnrnercn quar tette opened tho after dinner fea tures at tho forum mooting In tho Ilox cafo this noon, tho Introduction of guoflts following aftor a fow "hot shots" by tho chairman, Fred Kloot. Tho guests woro C. C. Williams, traveling passenger agont of tho Bouthorn Pacific; A. E. Ilhodcs, traveling freight agent for tho Missouri-Pacific railroad; W. II. An drows, generat frolght agent for tho Toledo, St. Louis & Western rail road; Dr. K. Mallett, and Miss lllackford, principal of tha Central school. Cuonty Coronor Earl Whit lock was Introduced as a now mom bor whom "wo got boforo ho got ii kWaltir C. Thompson, of tho Mo- doe Lumber company, an entomolo gist; who ,hu,xlvoav much jitudy ' to the western plno beetle, spoko point edly regarding tho monaco of that Insect to tho tlmbor Industry. Sixty per cent of tho timber of tho coun try Is west of the Itocky mountains, and CO per cont of thla amount Is In tho states of Washington, Ore gon, and California. Thla county, said Mr. Thompson, haa moro tlm bor than any other county In tho northwest. Tho plno bootlo, explained Mr, Thompson, burrowa Into tho troo and cuts off tho flow of sap, killing It. This Insect, under normnl condi tions, Is always present. Under or dinary conditions tho oxtent of dam ago to timber Is from 1 to 10 per cent, but In somo parts of this dis trict tho damngo runs as high as CO por cont. 8lxtoon per cent Is tho estimated 'avorngo. Thoro aro 10,000,000,000 feet, of tlmbor In thu county, said Mr. Thompson. Private andcorporato holdings aro bolng given tha bonoflt of protoctlvo measures through a largo oxpondlturo of monoy, but unless tho government cooperates thoso offorts will bo frultloss. Thoro- foro, said tho speaker, tho urgency of campaigning against tho plno bootlo should bo kopt beforo tho public and coneroes. Twontr-flvo Ho 35 por cent of tho timber of tho bounty Is In dungor, Bald Mr, Thompson, and xthls loss would havo n dotorront offoct upon tho progress of this onttro roglon. Talk Rcdlfttrictlng Characterizing Mr. Thompson's talk, tho first ono by tho way, as (ho bost talk Qf tho day, Chairman Fleet callod upon Frod Ilakor to dis cuss n syatom for redisricting tho stato with a vlow to obtaining moro equitable, roprosontatlon for each County. At tho present tlmo, Mr. Ilakor sold, tho sonator from this district lives In Prlnovlllo, and tho two other roprosontattvos aro from Deschutes county. Ills plan would bo to Incroauo tho sonatorlal ropro sontatlon to 36, n sonator for each county, nnd ono roprosontatlvo from oach county. Undor tho constitu tion 60 roprosontattvos aro author ized, and tho remaining 24 should bo selected from tho population con tors. This would glvo ndoquato roprosontatlon In lieu of a systom "radically wrong." m FIND BAD ROADS. J. H, Garrett and Samuel Holden made a trip to Dorrls by auto yostor day morning, returning u tho evolv ing. Abomlnablo road conditions pre vail, thoy said. SAYS GOVT AID NEEDED IN ID Mint Not Injured Discovery Means Much To Development of Local Culture WJntor froozlng doos not kill mint on tho Klamath marshes. This was proved yesterday by tests mndo by Johrt N. Davles, manager of tho Klamath Mint compnny on tho com pnnyjs laud on tho .Coledonla marsh, whon bo wont over tho ontlro tract planted last fall, somo 1C or 20 acres, nnd In various parts of It dug thru tho frozon crust and found tho mint roots undornoath sprouting and bud" ding with great vigor. This test resolves tho final qws- tlon a question that has existed In tho minds of many mint cuMurlsta In othor parts of tho stato who want to como to Klamath county In regard to tho aucccsfl of tho mint .industry lioro. It shows that frost has no do- torrent offoct upon mint culturo, and tho growers will now go ahead and plant to tho full oxtent of tholr phy sical and financial capabilities. Mr. Davles brought back with him from tho marsh a lump of frozen soil nbout six Inchca In diameter In which ono of tho mlqt roots was Imbedded. On tho under sldo of tho frozen crust tho roots woro branching out and oa tho upper sldo llttlo tendrils were budding nt tho tips, showing that the plant was awakening to tho first call of spring and proparlng for a season of lusty growth. All over tho tract, said Mr. Davles, (ho samo growth was manifested. Within thirty dnys It Is bellovcd that spring will bo far onougb ad vanced to allow tho boglnntng of cuj tlvatlon and tho Klamath Mint com pnny plana to break ground for; n Inrgo mint acreage. Thoy havo an ani- plo supply; of roots to plant all trio ground that thoy will be able to get In shape this year. Another doubt resolved by tho 19 (Tly Associated Press) SALEM, Fob. 9. Among 19 measures ennctod by tha legislature and signed by tho governor aro tho follewing: Norbtad bill providing for tho preliminary surrey for an Intorstato brldgo ncross tho Columbia river, tho two Dennis bills, ono rotating to tho circulation of falso state ments as to tho standing or reputa tion of banks, and for othor relat ing to tho conviction of minors. Thoy also Includo tho Patterson bill croatlng a stato budgot commis sion. Tho house bills passod and slgn od Includo a moasuro by Marsh providing for tho llconslng of nur sorymon and their agents, and ono by Kubll doflnlng criminal syndl calslm and sabotago, and providing punishment. Tailors Are Winners By a Close Margin Tho Rex Cafo bowling team lost two of throo closely contested games to Bodgo's Tailors on tho Elks alloys last night. Tonight Hoagland's Dulcks nnd Undorwwod's Druggists will stage tho performance. Last night's scerea: Hex Gnfo Nool 209 174 163546 Wiley .... 146 153 169468 Bhoets 144 161 146451 Wilson 37 148 167453 Amoroso 210 156 175541 846 792 820 . Bodge' Tiillorit W. O. Smith .. 171 166 185522 McMillan 165 154 195514 Olds ! 173 139 161473 Wolst 146 174 147467 Bodgo, 138 165 170463 783 798 858 BULLETIN SALEM, Feb. O. Governor! Olcott luw hIkiuhI 11 moro bills, Including tho port of Portland nnd tho Joint road committee measure. TT N mm by Frost; frost tosts Is tho advisability or non- advisability of fall planting. Last year tho growers wcro a llttlo chary of fall planting, but Mr. Davles says that now thoro Is no reason to fear for tho successful growth of lato plant ings and this will speed development greatly. Many Wlllametto valley growers havo their eyes upon Klamath coun ty, with Its largo areas of Ideal mint land, but reports of frost dang er havo kopt thorn awaiting the out como of tho oxporlments of tho two big companies now In tho flold tho Klamath Mint company and tho Pa cific Coast Mint company. Now that It is proved that frost does not Intorfcro wit II tho growth of tho plants It Is probable that tho coming soason will sco an Influx of cxporlcnccd mint culturlsts anxious to ocqulro tracts of tho marsh land. Tho Klamath oil, as shown by tho crop distilled by James Watklns, Jr. of tho Pacific Coast company, last fall, has a high monthol content, and tho quantity of tho yield Is greater than Is produced in othor parts of tho stato or on castorn mint farms. When a sufficient amount of this high grado oil Is avaltablo to mako an Im pression upon tlfo castorn market, Klamath Falls will undoubtedly bo the mint growing center of America. ( Tho avorago yearly consumption of mint oil In America Is nbout 400,000 pounds nnd tho demand is growing. Tho annual production Is around 250,000 pounds. Tho remainder Is Imported. This moans that Klamath county could find an Immodlato mar ket for 150,000 pounds,, or the. product of somo 3,000 acres of mint land beforo there was need to hunt a foreign market. RETAIL TRADE GROWS BETTER (Dy Ansoclated Press) NEW YORK, Fob. 9. Retail trado conditions aro rapidly ap proaching normal and dally Improv ing, sail Salmon P. Hall, president of tho national retail drygoodd as sociation, in nn address to tho or ganization representatives gathered In convention hero today. Ewauna Motor Co., Enters Local Field Tho Ewauna Motor company Is tho latest addition to tho nutomo bllo business of tho city. The now concorn . Is composed of M. S. Les ter and Joseph Jennetto, tho former having boen In chnrgo of tho stock room ot tho Dannor-Patty Motor company, tho latter coming hore re cently from Lake county. Tho room at 123 Fourth streot, formerly oc cupied by Tho Evonlng Herald, has been lcasod by tho now company and will bo altered and equipped to moot Its demands. Tho Ewauna will be distributors for this and Lake counties and northern California for tha Scrtpps-Dooth car. Weather Probabilities Tho Oyclo-Stormagraph at Underwood's Pharmacy has reg istered a slight but steady rlso In baromotrlo pressure since midnight, but tho chango has been slight and no marked chango in weathor conditions may bo oxpectod during tho noxt twolvo hours. Forecast for noxt 24 heurs: Gonornlly fair weather, prob ably cooler. FORUM MEETING IN CHAMBER ROOMS WEDNESDAY, Secretary Stanley of the chamber ot commerce announces that the noxt forum mooting will bo held In the chambor ot commorco rooms on Wed nesday, Fobruary 23, and 'that n fine speaker would be on the program. Old Boy With Fork Is Now Fair Game; Lenten Season Open Today Is Ash Wednesday, tho be ginning of Lent, that period of solf sacrlflco lasting 40 days In which moro man and mero woman aro ox poctcd to continually remind them selves of tho biblical excerpt, "Ro mombor, O Man that dust thou art, and unto dust thou slialt return." This also Is tho beginning of tho period, 40 days as most citizens of this community know, In which thoy aro advised to "chase tho devil around tho stump," and to step on tho old boy's tnll every tlm.otho.chaB er nrrlvcs within stopping 'distance This period, first observed In tha first years of tho "A, D." ore, has been obsorved ovory ycarjijnco that tlmo, and oven though eald'dovll seems to be as actlvo as over, tho peoplo of Klamath Falls are not a bit discouraged, and most of them aro prepared, through -tho churches, to glvo tho short-horned gentleman anothor stronuous run for his money. LENT IN AT SACRED With th0 solemnity betltt.ag tho lmportanco of tho day, Ash Wed nesday, tho first day of Lent, was ushered In at Sacred Heart church thla morning with tht . 1-V.rtlon of mass and tho dlstrlbhtloB'oti&sh c, the latter typflylng the season of penancq and that "dust thou art nnd. to dust thou shall return." Each, Wednesday and "Sunday evening at soven-tblrty o'clock -services will, bo held throughout-'tho Lenten awason. A special.-aermon wlll'o'TTeeMho'neraVl ml Jecta embracing tho teachings and doctrines of tho Catholic chnrch, other sormons being announcod on days of special significance. The choir has proparod appropriate music for thoso services. Mass will bo celobratod each morning at 8 o'clock and oach Frl- 'rlnv nvnntnr nf 7-7IA n'rlnrV HArYlrnB will bo held, In addition to thoso t Wednesday and Snnday nights. IvOVAIJHTH WIN SOUTH AFRICAN ELECTIONS CAPE TOWN, Fob. 9. Tho party headed by Premier Smuts won in an eloctlon yesterday In which tho issue was accession from the British em pire. Tho Smuts party defoatod that of Ooncral Hortzog who favored soceMion. Tho Pacific Coast Mint company Is planning to plant 300 acres In mint on. Its Calodonla marsh land this spring, writes James Watklns, Jr., m'anagor ot tho company, from Eu gene, rwhero he Is Investigating mint conditions. Work of cultivation will be start ed oarly In the spring, Mr. Watklns oxpoctlng to bo ablo to start by April 1 at least, and boforo that if pos slblo. Six or seven hundred acres will bo turnod over altogether and planted to various crops, halt ot It In mint. About 400 acres ot tho tract Is al ready undor cultivation, A largo pump has been rocelvod hero for dralnago work on tho com pany's tract and will bo oporatlng by March 1st. About two weeks ot pumping .will bo necessary, and Mr. Watklns foels that cultivation will bo possible 'two or throo weeks lator, which Is a fortnight earllor than Is usual on marsh lands. The Pacific Coast Mint company recently purchased much new culti vating oqulpment, Including a six disc plow which will bo drawn by a caterpillar ongno. "The mint Industry has come to stay,' says Mr. Watklns, "and the Pacific Coast Mint company la go ing to do Us share to haston the tlmo, which we believe Is not far off, when It will be ono ot Oregon's, largest and most profitable industries, HT I LL PUT 300 N M NT BEETLE PEST IS DISCUSSED BY FORESTER Tha following artlclo " 'discussing Insect doprcdatlons In local timber and tholr disastrous effect was pre pared by Charles E. Oglo, field man for tho Klamath and Lake Conn tics Forest association, and gives a great deal of Information regarding tho habits and ravages of tho var ious bectlo spiclcs that aro found here: Tho seriousness of tho Pine beclto situation situation Is not be ing realized by all those who own. timber, and yet a trip Into tha woods on tbo west side of tho Up per lako noir recent cuttings will convlnco the most skeptical of the necessity for Immodlato action. Whll0 the Klamath and Lake Forest Fire association Is doing all In Its power with the limited means and scanty support given It, only tho combined action of all owners will exterminate, this pest, astlmber 'left untreated only forms a breeding plac0 for vat booties, which relnfost trcato'd in. i. Slash re - stumps also form per fect breeding places for these In sects and should bo promptly des troyed after logging operations with nlj logs which have been loft on the ground. Treea found to bo Infested ahould be cat and tho bark burned to des troy tho Insects In all stages, eggs. larvae, pupae and adult beforo they hare a chance to spread. Aa Infested tree may bo detect-. ed by the fading foliage In . tha MrlBg of tho year and closer exam ination will reveal pitch tubes and (tec work of wood, peckers who drill Into' tnT tJarkr to get""tho larvao. which may bo tonnd fay the thou sands If the brevlcomaa havo mad tho attck ' by simply cutting part way through tho bark and upon re moving tbo bark down to th'o sap ono will find their thousands ot gal leries running In every direction through tb0 cambium or tnnor bark. shutting oft the flow ot sap and re sulting in tho faded appearance of tho tree. Tho work ot the montlcolao, how ever, differs from the brccvlcmas In that their gallorles run paralell with tho grain ot the tree, with the work ot the young or larrao running at right angles In the cambium. They nre never found In the bark at any stage, completing the early stages of tholr lives beneath tbo cambium and only coming through In tho adult stage after the tree la killed. The montlcolaav are tha obJjj beetle found las jfagar plno timber. Tho flathead beetle la not so dan gerous although they are responsi ble for tho spike top treos found In such numbers through the tim ber, whllo the tonucus or round hoad beetles aro nearly altogether a secondary pest confining their op orations to treos primarily attack ed by other booties or Injured from othor1 causes. Another pest which Is doing much damage Is the turpentine beetle which attacks a tree at tho baso leaving tho tree with a largo base scar making It more susceptible to fire and tho attacks ot other beetles, and while this Insect's op erations rarely kill a tree by them- selvos they aro doing a great deal ot damage. The protection ot the timber against these Insects means a great deal to this section of tho stato which Is largely dependent upon the timber for support and It Is to bo hoped that tbo bills now before the state legislature will pass and pro vldo a means of exterminating them, aa they are now destroying far more timber oach year than forest fires and tholr numbers ara steadily In creasing. oi Rourr court notes, Two Judgments by default nreta granted lato yesterday, ono to Cor nelius Sullivan against Charles Dug gan and Jerry O'Sulllvan for 11235 and costs, and one In favor of H, Welch for 1778.65 from W. B. Dond, Tbo third was granted Jo J, W; Hen ry In tho case against Louts Rahn and, Edith Rahn,