TUE8DAV, FKBRUAHV H, 1021. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON j iif-i ,.' i PAGH BIX Coyote Are Reported Unusually Plentiful By Valley Ranchers Coyotoi tiro becoming plentiful nnd bold in itlio surrounding Tailor, nc cording to reports of ranchers, appar ently driven In from tho hills by hunger. j . , H, E. Bradbury reports Hint n bnnd of olght emtio closo to tho corral on his ranch yostorday morning nnd showed llttlo foar when ho approach od thorn. Later In tho day whllo driv ing Into town In n ear ho camo upon n coyoto In tho road nnd .tho boast was bo tamo that It barely yielded tho road to" him, Italsors of sheep nnd bogs are forc ed to keep closo watch upon them, dotalllng a herder with dogs and a gun to protect .them from attacks of tho coyotes, which arc moro plentiful thnn they havo been for ycarxOt v GIMMES NEW TODAY FORIIENT Coiy bedroom 137 1st street. S-12, WANT TO BUY Flvo or six room modern houso on .Ninth or-TcnHi St. Tho Ryan Realty Co., 612 N. th'. St. " 8-9 FOR RENT 2 room cabin, See Dick & Co. Cor.'6th'& Klamath Avo. 8-9 FOR SALE: Flro room bouso In good condition, on pared street Lot 60 x 110 11400 $350 cash easy terms. Inquiro "2.9Maln. 8-10 WANTED Ablo bodied man with family must havo work, willing to do anything odd Jobs or perman ent Phono 638. 8-14 FOR RENT Furnished apartment. no children -Mrs. O.' Peyton, 620 Market St. Phtno 506. 8 FOR RENT 2-room apartment fur nished. Phono 488R. 133 N. 10th St. 8-10 FOR RENT For men, one nlco, heated room. 1006 Pluo St. Phono 448W. 8-10 Will trado hay for cattlo. C. J. Bradbury Box 297, Klamath Falls. 8-11 ' . FOR RENT Two rooms, furnished. 402 So. Riverside. 8 WANTED Your watch or clock o repair Geo. L. Mctz, Jeweler ft Watchmaker. 623 Main. 8-14 Tho personal opinion of Percy N. Cuppor, state engineer, of houso bill No. 178 Is contained In tho follow ing circular lottor, which ho has mailed throughout tha Btnte: ' Through houso bill No. 178, an otfort Is being mado to legtslato tho state onglnoor out of office. I do not consider this n personal mattor, as I bollovo It Is an attack upon tho present system of handling Irriga tion matters In this stato, nnd Is, in tact, a continuation of tho fight that was started at ,tho recent Ore gon Irrigation congross, nt which tlmo tho proposition was overwhelm ingly defeated on tho floor of tho congress. As you know, practically ovcry Irrigation Interest' In tho stnto was thero represented. I will call your attention to tho fact that this plan of handling Irri gation districts has been consplcu ously successful, and othor statos aro now endonvortng to copy tho Oregon plan. It has required a great effort to dlsposp of approxi mately $6,000,000 In Irrigation bonds that havo been sold during tho past threo years, und It Is only by building up a reputation for thcs0 securities by maintaining irri gation on a sound business basts wo can hopo to go forward with Irriga tion development on a largo scalo lu this stato. . Our present system Is operating successfully. Tho question Is., shall WO continue under this svstem nr trv son new policy with respect to Irri gation development. It you nro In accord with my views nnd-bollcvo wo should go forward on the present basts, I trust that you may use your influence In tho dofcat of thla-mcaa- uro by writing your representative Personal Mention WEATHER RECORD I Hereafter Tho Herald will oubllsh tho mean and maximum tempera turos and precipitation record aa tak en by tho U. S. Reclamation service station. Publication will cover the day previous to tho paper's issuo, up io o o ciock or tno day. Dancing school every-Tuday and Friday, 8 p. m. to llp. m. Reason-, ablo prices. Frco admission to all lad ies "who aro good dancers. Scandinav ian Hail 9th ft Walnut.- 8-1 J Thero will bo an entertainment and Box social at the Lone Pine school houso Saturday evening, Feb ruary izth. Come and bring a basket and help us buy a. Vlctrola for tho children. Coffee will bo served at midnight. Program starts at 8 p. m. 7-9 Comb one and all and take a swim ,at tho Now 'Hot Springs Bath House. 8 Pro Max, Mln. clpIUtloo Fob 1 39 27 Feb 2 43 24 .06 Fob 3 41 28 Feb 4 39 29 16 Fob 5 35 25 Fob, 6 35 17 Feb' 7 33 .21 Comtaandery Regular meeting. Wednesday, Feb. 9-21. Frank "Ward, B. C. 3,8-9 m The making of. volour hats, onco an Austrian monopoly. Is now firm ly established Jn, Britain. AaaaaaiafcaJlYVVVyYyyVVWJVJ1Jx REGULAR MKKTINO OF TEAMSTERS, CHAUFFEURS, STABLE MEN AND HELPERS LOCAL NO. 30O WILL BE HELD ,I.V Labor Council Hall, 5th and Main Streets Tuesday, February 8th at 8 p. m. ALL MEMUK118 URGED TO BE PRESENT. VISITORS WELCOME a ml-wwlls-lsljyjyjJJyJjjJ Your New Shoes are waiting for you in our store. You will find a Foot Expert in attendance who. has ,been specially trained in Shoe Fit ting and the Wizard System of Foot Correc tion. m He will Fit Your Feet with the kind of shoes you like, and if you already have foot troubles, he will know, f and correct them with WIZARD Adjustable, Leather Foot Appliances Frank Owens and family, who It. W. Towor, wis In tho city yes tordny from htn ranch near ICono. J. O, Ilnmnkor, n reaidont of Bon anza, was a, city visitor yostordny, attending to business mattors. Frank Nichols, n farmer ot tho Bonanza country was n county sont visitor yesterday. Mr. and Mrs, Matt Eagnn ot Al goron nro In tho city today, looking after business Interests. Mr. nnd Mrs. Olcnn Downing, of Hooy, Calif., wero passengers on this morning's train tor tholr homo. Oliver Martin, a ' farmer on tho Merrill road was In tho city yester day attending to business mattors. J. J. Mlllor, local freight ngont Is confined to his homo by Illness this weok. Ivnn Pankoy, a farmor of tho val ley was a .city visitor yestorday at tondlng to business mflttors. W. II. Andrews, who Is with tho Tolcdo-St. Louis ft Western, railroad, company, Is In tho city looking over railroad prospects. Sam Dixon, a farmor of this valley. was In tho city yestorday, attor sup piles nnd looking attor mattors ot business. Frank Kcstor, a farmor ot tho Poo Valloy country, Is In tho city for several days attending to business matters. Mrs. Margarot Herman, of La Orando, Oregon Is hero for an extend ed visit -with her daughtor, Mrs. Qlcnn Jester, W. W. Potter, an omployoo of tho Southorn Pacific R. R. was a passen ger on this mornings train to Duns mulr, California. Mrs, Hazol Powell, who has been In Chlloquln for several days visit ing her husband who Is employod thorc, returned horo yoatorday. Miss Elizabeth Fall was a pnsacn gor on this morning's train for Dor- rls, whero she will visit hor sister. Dr. Atkinson, for sovoral days. Mrs. W. J. Ruff, a rcstdon ot Chlloquln, Is In tho city and stopping nt tho White Pelican for several days. Win. Hanners, representing ono of tho largest butchers supply compan ies ot Portlandr was a passongor on this morning's train. Robert Davis, a lumborman of the Parker-Hamakor Mill In Swan Lake Valley, Is In the city attending to buslnoss matters tor a few days. D. W. Glascock, representing the Holt Manufacturing company, of Stockton Is in tho city, where be will visit tho local Imploment houses. Jim Straw, n local resident was a passongor on tho morning's train to Midland, whero he Mill look "after stock conditions, returning to tho city this ovenlng. Horaco Manning, local attornoy, was a passenger on this morning's train for Salem, whero he will attend to matters of business for several days. F. Schmltx, proprietor of tho Beat ty General Merchandise storo, at Beatty, Oregon, Is in the city for sev eral days attending to business mat ters. Sirs. Charles Polndexter, a resident of the Spring Lake Valloy has return ed from an extended visit with rela tives and friends at Cnehallls, Wash ington. . Jay Jacobs, special agent for tho Automobile Department Insurance company, of North Amorlca, was a passenger on this morning's train for Spokano, Washington. iosephlno Melssnor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Al Melssner, was oper ated upon Saturday for appondlcltls at the Klamath General hospital and Is reported to bo doing nlcoly, Geo. Watt, local stockman, was a passongor on this morning's trnln to Midland whero ho will load olght cars of cattle to be shipped to Cali fornia points. Mr. Watt will return horo this .evening. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Tulley, whb havo been residents of this city for somotlme, have moved to Algoma to mako their hom'o. Mr. Tulloy will-bo employed by one of tho mlllsjn that district. C, H. Garther, attendant from tho stato institution for the Insano, was a passenger on this morning's train, talng with him C, J. Andorson, a for mer employee of Pelican Bay Lumber Camp, who was committed to state asylum yesterday. Bomollmo, havo gono to Tonnessoo, whero they will mako tholr futurti homo. Mr. Owons hns'bocn employ ed In tho local southern puclflo office for sovoral yonrs, Wnl lor Wolsondnngor, salesman for tbo Medford Grocery company, hitter n Bliort visit horo, loft tlils morning for California points In his torrltory. , Weather Probabilities Tho Cyclo-Stormngrnph at Un dorwood's Pharmacy, has regis tered n falling prossuro since tho rending ot yesterday, nnd seems headed back toward tho storm . nron ngnln. Forecast tor next 24 hours! Unsottled wentlior, Increasing winds, warmer. WEATHER REPORT OltKOON Tonight and Wednes day, rnln. ' Mayor Blocks Council's Move To Oust Chief (Continued from pago 1) tho now council tho first of tho year, and that it did not soem consistent In him to rofuso to mako an appoint ment to tho offlro of chief of pollco until Juno. Tho mayor In his smoothest volco told Mr. Bognrdus that ho folt ho was ontlttcd to moro consideration thnn tho council was giving him, nnd that ho wanted nn opportunity to dis charge tho resnontillilllty Placed upon him by virtue ot his offleo. "Una tho council m responsibil ity," naked Mr. llDgnrilus. "Yes," miHWcruil (ho mayor, "lint tho churtur plnvun this responsibility upofi me." Ruled Out Of Order Evidently bollovlng Hint they woro "getting nowhere," Cimncllmnn llnw UIiim muvod to adjourn, "Thuro Is a million before tho Iiouho. with n second," Interjected Councilman Vollmer." "Yos, hut I ruled It out of order," said tho mayor, Profound hIIviico ro ailed for n coupld of minutes, nnd then Mr. Voll mor with nu oxpiuislvo cross between n smllo nnd giggle, nnnouueed Hint ho had n statement to mnke. Vollmer Hum "Hlntoiiiciit." Ho mndo II, to tho effort Hint ho wanted tho council nnd people to know that bo wanted to work with the mnyor In harmony In tilings that tended to linprovo conditions In tho city, nnd Mnyor Wiley smilingly told his collenguo that ho wns sure that when thoy know each others motives better they would work together In harmony In nil things - I'ouncltinnii Vollmor grinned ngaln.nnd n mo tion to ndjmtru, prevailing, put an end to tho pleasantries. MAHHICD IIV JUHTIl'l". John J Elliott, of this city, and Miss Ltlllo Pgnnlngton, of Bedding, Cullfornln. woro married by Jiisllco of tho Pen co (laghngen Saturday ( evening. J. M. Nichols nnd Union Nichols witnessed tho ceremony Mr ' nnd Mrs. Elliott will mako tholr homo I here. ' A SPLENDID POLICY. It you worn nfffnred n life Insur ance policy that did not absorb any part of your premium, In a company that wns onto nnd sound, Jt Is not likely that you would rofuso It, In fact tlio ngont offering mich n policy would bo swnmpcd with business, Wult, that Is practically wlmt W. A. Bullock, of tlilit city Is doing. Ho la nulling n policy In thn Occidental Lift) Insurnnrn Co, ot.Los Angeles, Calif,, that does this very thing, Horn In how It la itone: Ho will wrlto yon n policy on thn 30 yohr endowment plan gunranton Ing you Hint In tho event of death to return nil deposits mndo by you In nddltlon to tho full fnen ot your pol icy. Should you bocomo totnlly disabled from sickness nr accident, tho com pany havo mndo special provision whoroby you will havo no further payments to mnkn nnd will pay 110 por month on onch thousand dollar of Insurnnrn you carry which Is not deducted from your policy at death. Iloslden, your policy mnturos thn snmo ns though you hnd mndo tho payments yourself. This Is ono ot tho best policies ever offered by nny legal rosorvo company nnjl linn other special tea turns Just ns remarkable as those outlined nhovo. Betoro you buy that Insurance you nrq thinking nbout..U you will call Mr. Bullock, 43-W dr drop n car to 1405 Oregon Avo, Hn will bo mighty glnd to toll you all about It. Adv, m FIND HAD HOADrl. Jny Mitchell nnd J. N. divan who started for Bly by automobile last Saturday woro unable to mnko tho trip on account ot snow and mud, according to n tolophono message rn colvod from thoro, Near tho summit of the mountain on tho othor sldp ot Smith station thoy abandoned the car nnd took tho stngo to tho Mltchol ranch. Their nutomnbllo was brought bnck hero by Jim Grlmns, I WbaYpr Jy Valentine? . j j Wliotlirr-jou want' Valcntlmn for fun or tentliiiriit, thU I the plnrn to get lliem. Our stock' nmtalns cvor)(lilng new ami In n rangii of prlttn tlint Mill pleiwo every " pocket book. " x H In nildftlon (to regulation Valentines niul xl riinl e Imtn I H t Csnpljes,4 Books, Perfumes, Stationery, Etc. I H packed in special Valentine Hones. Keleit mm. H I UMcrwooas niaiwy I I r W 'v4 KLAMATH FALLS OREGON nS I I I . V WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE UU . M I muoiT'I QUY THEIR DRUGS fcc 1" I H K-nr r r -1- Wi LINGOLN MARKET "SQUARE AS OLD AbE" We are pleased to announce to our old patrons and to the public in general that we will open for business on Wednesday morning, Feb. Ninth, Nineteen-Twenty-One. We wish to assure everyone that the policy of this market "Square as old Abe" shall be followed at all times. We will carry a large stock of the finest, fresh and cured meats, poultry and eggs. We will buy direct from the Klamath County farmers thereby eliminating the middle man's profits, giving the public the' benefit of the lower prices. Lincoln Market : "SURE WE DELIVER" Main Street, Cor 3rd. Phone 511-J r havo beon residents of this city for