PAOH TH1U0H THE EVENWG HKRAtP. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY W, 1M1. -mmm-mmmmmmmmmmm h- : - 4 J V "U T riOHT CKNHOIWIIIP OF MONTANA MOVJH HIIOWH HWLIONA, Mont., Kol). 8. Tlio controversy raging In tlio ntntu oror tlio bill of Honntor 10, Donlou of Mis soula count, providing for censor ship of moving pictures, linn brought to tlio tittuntlim of courts, ponco-of-floors nnd tlio pulillo that law much llko Hint tlio sonnfor proposal lion liuan on tlio hooka for ninny yearn, In 1017, nftorn sorlosof trnln rob borlos hnil dtiirtod In tlio nlnto, itlio nsnombly pnssod nn act forlioddlriR uny moving plcturo dpplcllnjburg Inrloii, trnln robbarfas mid otlior crliww. Ho fur tin In known, how ovor, tlio law was novor vlgously on-forced. r . SLABS $7.00PerCord DELIVERED W. E. SEEHORN CO. I Phone 72 622 Main St. i if The Office Cat 1MMAMMMMMMAMWWMWWWWMMWMAMAMWWMMWMMMWWWWMW The CENTRAL Hotel STEAM HEATED ROOMS BY THE WEEK, S5.00 AND UP OPEN ALL NIGHT . Cigar Stand 'A fine stock' of Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco L NEWS STAND Latest Daily Papers, Magazines and Periodicals GUY GARRETT, Manager Telephone 1SS-W ijuuuijuvinnjvuvtruVTjvwnrinnr LANDED Supply and Demand Regulate the Price of Lumber Right now the demand is far in excess of thev i supply and is sure to be more noticeable next vspring. 4,000,000 Homes are Needed in the United States i. . -These will bo built and this moana a great domand tor lumber and naturally tho prlco will Ineronse. It Is only reasonable to expect lumbor prices to advance. Decide fo,own a homo, riaco your contract whllo prices art at rock-bbttom.. pur plan booki are ready for your Inspection. Big Basin Lumber Co. "Exclusive nopresontntlvea of National Builders Bureau BbbsbV! 1.' V l 4 VAH1UOX HIIOW IIY JUNIUS ItllUlllM You'ro hoard about tho raisin With tho kick of 10 por cent, Hut tho raisin with' tho wallop Is tho raisin' of tho ront. I'rmonal Prejudice I nm always surer any socrot will novor get out when only. 15 or 20 of ub know it. I novor oat oggs, I don't llko thorn when thoy aro plontlful and I can't afford them whon thoy aro not. I do not caro for tho bluo laws nor for anyono who docs caro for them. I nevor havo accoptod any graft but, llko a lot of. other honest mon, I don't know exactly what I would do If any waro ovor offered mo, , I always read tho advertisements In a msgaxlno and thoroby 'manage to hnvo qulto a ploatant and Instructive evening. I don't know what John Drew Is playing In now, but I'll bet It's a dross suit. MOSCOW, Idaho, Fob. 8. In or dor to sol forth vividly tho various prosont day stylos In women's wear, tho Unlvorslty of Idaho homo cono ml cm do'partmont Is arranging to pro sent a fashion show In which tho dif ferent modes will bo shown. .Origin ality and lnltlatlvo of studonts will bo given full opportunity of expres sion, according to Miss Kathorlno Jonson, head of tho dopartmont. Liv ing models will ho used. At tho soma tlmo an art exhibit, mndo up of painting, doslgnlng and sketch work from tho nrt dopartmont of tho unlvorslty, wilt, bo put on display; IIKHMN riOTUKK HIIOWH DOING. OOOD IIUHINE8S I Order Your Suit Now Prices of Woolens have been reduced Per- I feet fit guaranteed. Prompt delivery. Your inspection invited. CHAS. J. CIZEK, CI Merchant Tailor I IlEItMN, Jan. 1C -By Mall) Tho "silent drama" bora, as olso whoro, roccntly linn, "won surprising favor with tho public. Tho Dorlln statistical yearbook says attendanco at moving plcturo theatres now Is "27 to 1 In favor ovor tho spokon drama." Thero aro 264 moving plcturo then trs In Berlin with a seating capacity of 117,000 and 34 "legitimate" thoa Ires with a capacity of 44,000. H N M BOTHER Take tMff to Flash Kidneys Xfetttrallso Irk-itatinc Adds ud To A Ilow-Lcggcd Violinist Whon William plays tho violin llo stands llko one on 'eggs; And has a bow within bis hands Ono alio In his legs. IIow Come The Unltod States sonato proposes to block tho appointments of 20,000 Wilson nominations. Didn't know tboro woro that many democrats out of office. PJko I'oumleni Two hundred unomployod In Mon treal, Canada, rofusod Jobs paying 32 cents an hour, preferring to par ado. Rather walk than work. A law making high heels a crlmo Is urged by Massachusetts doctors. Tho law won't go ovor. Alt theso oth or prohibitions that havo roccntly boen voted woro laws that took some thing away from tho men. But when It comes to taking privileges away from the womon, then look out for tho women's voto. Hollo Oroosbcck says that thoso 2000 would-bo postmasters at loast can thank TresNont Wilson for the compliment. Jail-Less Crimen Killing tlmo. Hanging pictures, Stealing bases. I Shooting tho' chute. Choking off a speaker. Tlunnlng over a newsong. Smothering a laugh. ' ' ' Setting the heart on fire. Knifing a performance. Murdering tho English language, Tho three degrees In rnodlca trentment: I'osltjvo HI; Comparative, pill; Suporlotlvo.'bltl. i" . Rural Sarcasm Not much elder Is manufactured In Wo'sctchestor for solo, nearly all of It bolnr consumed at home. Two fiitmiih' waa Anmnnrtnff notivi. m "How many barrels havo you put up this yoar, JoolT" said one. "Only sovon, Silas," was 'tho re ply. "(Jot any handy?" "Surd thing. Bliss." And Joel -went Into tho houso returning soon with some of tho applo ollxlr In a big tin dlppor. "Thore," said ho, "Try that." And Ellas sipped. I tUII, TOUUb UW juu v It!" Joel Inqulrod. Silas shook -his head doublously. "Don't you llko It, Silas" was tho anxious query." ' "How many barrels did you say you mado, Joel?" asked Silas. "Seven." "Well. Jool. If you bad had another applo yoo might havo mado eight." o CHEAPER AliOOnOIi VICTORIA. B. O.. Feb. T.-'-Brl- ttsh Columbfa Is to havo choaper al cohol for use In manufacturing. Here- toforo druggists have beon allowea no import non-potable or non-matured alosjtft only in limited quantities. ProVelal )BhJblUon authorities asked for V9 obtained permission from federal officers to Import largo quantities into British Columbia so thai it coujto sold at a lowor prlco. Kldaty and Bladder weakness re sult from urlo acid, says a noted au thority. Tho kidneys filter this acid from the blood and pass It on to tho bladder, wbero It ofton remains to ir ritate and Inflamo, causing a burn ing, scalding sensation, or setting up an Irritation at the neck ot tho hind ter, obliging yon to seek relief two qr three times during "the night.' The sufferer Is in constant thread, tho wa ter passes sometimes with a scald ing sensation and is vory profuse; sgaln, thore is difficulty In avoiding It. Bladder weaknoss, most folks call It, because they can't control urin ation. Whllo It Is extremely annoy ing and sometimes very painful, this Is roallr one" of tho most simple ail ments to overcome. Got about four ounces ot Jad Salts from your phar macist and take a tablcspoontul In a glass ot water bofore breakfast, con tinue thls'for two or three days. This will neutrallzo tho acids In tho urine so it no longer is a source ot irrita tion to tho bladder and urinary or gans which then act normally again Jad Salts Is inexpensive, harmless, and is mado from the acid of grapes and lomdn Juice, combined with llth la. and is used by thousands ot folks who aro subject to urinary disorders caused by qrlc acid Irritation. Jad Salts' Is" splendid for kldnoys and cause no bad effects whatever. Hero you havo a pleasant, offerves- ceni Ilthla-water drink, which quick ly rellovos "bladder trouble Adv. V . t.- s I 'W X Do you know why so many people eat reg- t ularly at THE REX CAFE Seventh and Main Streets. ; 4t Whether breakfast, lunch or dinner, there's always a varloty of f dellclously-cookcd foods that instantly appeals to your appetite. i . i ' . j i -.- i i You aro served quickly with liberal proportions ot tho foods yo v choose. , v Once you have eaten at The Rex Cafe you will readily under stand why so many peoplo eat thero regularly. Try It tomorrow. Rex Cafe Snails, Doughnuts and Bake-Rlte bread are always oa salo. Take some heme for your breakfast . . tM. "NOW-A-D says the Good Judge n A man can get a heap more satisfaction from a small chew of this class of tobacco, than he ever could get from a big chew of the old kind. He finds it costs less, too. The good tobacco taste' lasts to much longer he doesd't need, to have a fresh c&evV owJrjr as often. . Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew wil tell'you mat. Put ufi in two stjUs" - W-B CUT is a "(ong fine-cut tobacco ' i RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobaccd "Tjr v UufUfeJf - , w DEAR OLD BOY PETE! HAEE1TTES pallas, Texas, Sunday. 7j)rt5atuV 7oAOt This corner of the U. S. mainland is so wonderful in its bigness and bustle I' guess I go mouth wide open and eyes staring! Why, Pete, Texans don't talk in miles it doesn't mean anything! They'll tell you that this place, or that, is'an all-day trip, or two days and a night distant, 'etc. And, old yard stick, you've got the feet, justvlct it sink in deep that Texas is not only over 800 miles wide but it is our fifth state in population! Heard a bird in the'Adolphus Hotel say that when he comes oif the west border he hgurcs ne;s close home to Baltimore when he s across the Lone Star State! Talk about "jumps"! "Try a fewi say the one beiwecn Texarkana and El Paso! Pete, everything grows big down here business as well as folks hearts! I like the Way they never forget ! Herd wasNvalking on Main Street yester day when as fine a type ofjnan as ever wore one of those broad Texas smiles came up to me. "How are you, lieutenant?" says he. "Maybe you'll call back that day at Camp Dick when I brought over that bunch 'of Camel Cigarettes for the boys," ho continued. Right then a Camel conference opened Golly, Pete, this party coins Ccmcl compliments faster than the mint makes money ! "Lieutenant," says he, "I know when I'm 'set' ! I've smoked ciga rettes for five yearol (NOW'LISTEN, PETER!) I know Camels and I know their marvellous mijd, mellow body and refreshing flavor and wonderful Turkish and Domestic blend! A million' Camels wouldn't tire a smoker's fasfe"' Now, Pete, I'll say that's some testifying! Sincerely Jl A w'w W . vju ' jS . n I P. S, Between you and me 17 be gating Mt tall building and things around 43d and Broadway If.E-W YQ-RK about the hour this note hits Boston's Back 'Bay! Write me at the 'same old standi i I ! ". j&y it dt H- - V -