MOW PIVH THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON BIONDAV, KKDItCUlY T, 104 J. "Wild Man" of Swamps Be Good to the Birds Sirs GEEUT , HE LEARNS ISAVE T i JIBOUT MAKING ' f lit (a S53ft( "j 4 . ?j5S38BR wun 9? J-S BV "aWNPjyy rfT bBBBBBBBBBBBBBbbIbbv' I rs'lf f "V J i bBSMbBSEhb12?&. BhbwI St ' ' f BBYBYBYBYBYBYBYflBYBY. BE5 3S 1 i umtuwtn This In tho first picture over taken of Albort Parsons, (ho "wild man of tho Mississippi Bwnmps," who, with his wlfo and child, fled from tho Junglo of Loaf nivr, near Lux, Mian., bocnuso of high wotor. For yonrs thoro havo boon reports of u "wild man" In tho swamps. Parsons nays ho caught hi wlfo In n itcol trap many rears ago. Bho lost ono oyo In a. fight with a wild cnt. When llioy appeared tho child was nakod and Parsons -and his wlfo woro crudo, torn garmonts thoy had usod for years. Thla plcturo was taken at tho Klllsvlllo (Miss.) Infirmary after thoy had boon given now clothoa, am '--------------- -.-. Plan to Fly Into Northern OH Dist. VANCOUVER, II. C, Fob. 7. A ayndlcato of Vancouver cltlxuna has organlzod to Journey to tho oil Hold of Tort Norman by alrplano, and preparation uro being niado for tho trip. Tho local pllota who will compoto with thosn hvlator who havo boon ongugod by tho Imperial Oil company, ami with other oxpodl tlona In tho IIIkIiI to tho far north aro Cnptaln J. W. Hobb and Llout. It. L. Ilorln. Lieut. Horlo will act as field engineer of tho expedition. J. II. Kfttoy, local oiiglnoor, who Is Intorcstod In tho project and la fa miliar with tho country to bo tra versed, atatod that tho attempt to roach Fort Norman would not bo modo until tho opening of navigation. Tho party will ontor by -way- of Ed monton and Fort McMurray. 8ca planes havo boon docldod upon as tho most suitable typo of aircraft for tho-trlp. Extremely cold woatlior la holding back pooplu who wlsli to go by tho land routo. iAit.M iiuiieau mi:.miii:iis WAIt O.V MAI.Nt'TltlTION , ' HUES YOU LOOK 1 AND EL FRESH 1 1 Sy glass of hot water wltlj pboaphate before breakfast keeps illness away, 1 1 1 Physlclana tho world over .rocom niond tho Insldo bath, declaring thla la tit vastly morq linportunco thun outsldo cloanllnoss, becauso lio sklii pores do not absorb Impurities Into tho blood, causing III hculth, whlto tho pores In tho ton yards of bowels do. Mon and women nro urged to drink each morning, boforo breakfast, n glass of hot wator with a toaspoonful of llmostono phoaphato In It, as n harmless moans of helping to wash from tho stomach, liver, kldnoya and bowola tho pravloua day'a Indlgost Iblo material, poisons sour bllo and toxlna; thus cleansing, Bwoutenlng and purifying tlm nllmentnry canal boforo eating moro food. Those who wnko up with bad broath,, coated tonguo, naoty tasto or have a dull, aching .head, sallow comploxlon, acid stomach; othorn who havo bilious utlncks or constlp atlon, should obtain n quarter pound of llmostono phosphato ti tho drug storo. This win cost very llttlo but Is sufficient to show thovnluo of In eldo bathing. No Sunday Blue Laws For Dutchmen THE HAOUE. Jan. H. (Ily Mall) An Indlctmont of "bluo Bunday" advocates was roturnod In tho re port of a commlttoo of tho second chamber of tho Dutch parllnmont on a bill proposing to forbid amuso monts, curtail train sorvlco etc., on .Sundays. "Tho Sabbath was made for man, not man for tho Subbath," said tho v roport, killing tho bill. "Tho clog ging of tho thoatofs and tho prohibi tion of gamos would load many to ook amusement In a loss Innocont way. Tho .reduction of passengor trattlo on Sundays would provont pooplo who woro shut up In closo homos and narrow atroota all tho . weok from enjoying frosh air and nnturo on tho Sabbath." S I II IIISSSJ BIG Hard Times Dance Wednesday, Feb. 9th at the Scandinavian Hall Several prizes for the best costumes I , Good lyiusic SPOKANE, Fob. 7. Interested In tho problem of malnutrition among (heir children, tho farm bureau wom en of Spokano couny rocontly -weighed and measured rural chlldron, and found that 40 per cent of tliono meas ured woro 7 por cont, or moro, undor wolght. "Malnutrition' Is citod as tho most probablo causo of tho con dition discovered, ,1'aronts, school boards, and toachorn In rural Spo- kano county Imvo boon Inducod to coopernto In providing hot lunch for tho school children during tho pro- sent winter. A fow wooks after tho hot lunch wns started, many of tho chlldron nttalnod normil wolght. Java furnishes tho larger part of tho world's supply of qutnlno. LIFER PARDONED LONDON, Jan. IB. (Uy Mall) Tho princo of Walon has Just boon Initiated Into tho complexities of modorn nowspapor production by visiting tho offices of tho Times and following! a ploco of copy from an editor's doak through tho com posing, proof-roadlng and Btorotyp Ing room. Thon ho prossod tho starting button of a mammoth octu plo press and saw tho artlclo repro duced In print. Tho first foldod paper which camo from tho roaring machine was handod tho royal visitor who smllod an ho saw on tho front pago a plc turo of hlmsolf with a caption stat ing that ho had started tho .ma chinery which printed It. Throughout his Inspoctlon of tho many departments of tho groat nowspapor office, tho Princo kept u;i a rapld-flro of questions which showed his koon Interest In tho art of newspaper making. Tho dlfforenco botwoon various kinds of automatic typesetting ma chines, tho amount of tlmo saved by their substitution for tho old-hand-sotting method, why cylindri cal moulds of tho original typo forms aro placed on tho presses In- otond of tho flat chases of typo thoinsolves, tho spread of tho pres ses and tho length of a roll of news print papor were among tho points on which tho i'rlnco was curious. Ho marvolcd at tho ability of "moko-up mon to road typo up side down and failed to rocognlxo a throo-column "cut" of hlmsolf la tho form ho was endeavoring to road. In tho composing room ho picked up a slug of typo as It camo from a monotypo machlno, but found It too hot to hold . John Waltor, chairman of Tha Times, and Wlckam Stead, editor, served as guldos to tho Princo. Tho directors of tho newspaper, several dopartmontal heads and a small numbe'r of visitors lnvitod for tho occasion, woro presontod to him. WJlli each ho chatted a short tlmo, discussing individual avocations, business, sport and travol, In his usual simplicity of manner. Tho I'rlnco is tho socond heir to tho throno to visit Printing IIouso Square. In 1803, tho lato King Kd ward, thon Princo of Wales, mado a similar Inspoctlon of Tho Tlmos plant. WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 7. Neod for public action to savo tho remaining forests of Alio United StatoM from devastation nnd to pro "vldo for itlmbor production on land already laid wasto was Btrongy urg ed by Col. W. II. Orooloy, chief of tho forest sorvlco, United States do partment of agriculture, at tho hoar logs boforo tho bouso agricultural commlttco on tho Snoll bill. Tho bill authorises and directs lands from flro reforesting denuded oporallon with tho various states or othor sultablo agencies, to recom mend tho requirements essential for protecting tlmborcd and cut-over lands from flro, reforohting donudod lands, nnd cutting and removing tlm bor crops so that continuous pro duction of timber will bo promoted. To bring Into effect theso require ments, and with n view to furnish ing n continuous supply of timber for tho uso and necessities of tho public, cooperation between tho fed eral government and Alio states Is authorized, on such conditions ns tho secretary of agriculture may dctcr- mlno to bo fair and reasonable Federal expenditures undor co operative agreements with statos would, undor tho bill, havo to bo at loast equaled by stato expenditures dorlvcd either from gonoral taxa tion or from owners of forest lands under stato requirements Tho bill alio provldes'for a survoy of tho for-' ost resources and .requirements of tho country, for oxporlmonta and In vestigations In reforesting and mothods of cutting and utilizing tim ber, for enlargod purchases of lands for federal administration as national forests, and for various other fea tures of a national program of forestry. HPmV sssssssPBbV i!P bssibbbV ' j 1 WSfC bB bbbbbbHHbVbHb3bbbVI BBBBBftt" ''BWBil.'W fci JTV" ' B dSJBBiVEr 'MFsurf bbbbs v. vbbbbH C ZkBkB .LSBBBLViLLLLLm f" flKHPBBx, v bl'VsbbbV MLHLkkTrViitfiMiflLLLLLLLLikBM t wiswr ,Mbbbt jm fjtLLLLHi?BisLLLVtf45LLLLH Lui(rfcaw P1iRhs 3i tfm T JbVHSbbLi 9sTbHbbbLb Undo Sam and tho American Forestry Association ask all boya and girls In tho country to build blrdhouscs right away so thoy'll bo ready for spring nowcomcrs. Children down In Washington aro doing It with a vim. This plcturo showg a blrdhouso that won a bluo ribbon In Wash ington school contests being mounted In a trco by Its builders. Inset la Peggy Dak or, daughter of War Secretary Baker, with tho blrdhouso her brother Jack built for her. AAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAMAAAMAAAAAAMAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAMMAAMMAAAA $2,000,000 WOUTJI of noon 8i:izi:i IN JIOXTA.VA, J 020 &SfX SB 'djjSt' ' ''bVJLVpbV Australia Provides Educational Fund For War Orphans MKUIOUnNK, Jan. 17. (Ily Mall). Tho Australian government has undertaken to educate tho children of Australian soldiers kill ed or totally Incapacitated In tho world war. At loast 12,000 children aro oxpocted to bcnoflt. Tho plan covers tho wholo rango of th0 Educational curriculum. In Industrial, agricultural and profos ilonal courses, togolhur, whoro nec essary, with periods of apprentice ship nnd a subsidy by way of bus tonanco whllo jindorgolng such' training. A fund of approximately S,COO,000 Is on hand, which In cludes a deficit from tho Fodoral aovornmont of M.000,000 and a transfer from tho ' Itopatrlatlon Trust Fund of approximately (660 000. Largo contributions aro assur ed from other sources. Bl'TTB, Mont., Fob. 7. Internal rovenuo taxes, amounting to fill,- 000, woro assossod In Dutto In K20 against liquor that was seized In this locality, according to statistics. Tho total assessment tor tho stato of Mon tana was about $200,000, 4t Is said, which would Indlcnto pint about one halt of tho liquor violators of tho stato wcro arrested In Ilutto. Ilovcnuo agents hero havo stated, howover, that u great portion of this assessment cannot bo collected bo causo tho law violators npiirehonded had llttlo or no property that could bo confiscated. Tho assessments In cludo also penalties for mnklng liquor Illegally. It Is stated, havo confiscated CO au tomobiles, used by alleged whisky runners, having a total valuation of $50,000. CO-OI'KUATIVK MAltKimXO Ri:OINA. Stfslc, Fob. 7. A cam paign fcr tho development of coop erative livestock shipping in tho pro vince will opon shortly, It has been announced hero, 'it is planned to send spcakors out to assist with tho organization of cooperative livestock associations. ' FAMOUS PAINTING SOLD. VIENNA, Jan. 12. (Dy Mall). Tho valntjng ontltlod "Holchstag," a canvas by tho Polo, Matojko, has been sold to tho Polish government by Austria, not primarily to bring ii ry but to satisfy Polish national prldo. It pictures tho scene In Warsaw, In 1766, when tho Poles, under tho force of Kujilan pressure, renounced thotr right to havo their own parliament. Tho ten Invaded departments of Franco havo produced this year 500,000' tons 'of wheat and one fourth tho country's oat crop. m ' Dccauso salmon aro taken large ly during tho spawning season, it Is believed thoy will soon bo extinct unless artificial propagation is re sorted to. Prohibition enforcomont officers, soroo money into tho Austrian trcas- cngo. Notification of an Incroaso in rent Is not legal It sont by mall in Chi- MAUY LUCAS The final official act of CJovernor Sleeper of Michigan, before his term onded, was to sign a pardon for Mrs. Mary Lucas, 71, who was Bervlng a llfo torin In tho Dotrolt Houso of Correction for tho murdor of hor husband la 1913, ' Claims of ex-Service Men on Government , Will Be Investigated A flying squadron, formed for tho purpouo of canvassing tho stato In tha interest of ox-aorvlco men who havo claims against tho govornmont will visit this city within a short tlmo .according to Adjutant Itoy Fouch of tho local .American Legion post. Questionnaires havo boon ro- cotved by tho adjutant, and tho lat tor roquosts Borvlco men to return thorn as soon as posslblo aftor dis tribution, In ordor to hasten tho work of tho squadron whon it ar rives. Matters rolatlvo to vocational training, Insuranco and compensa tion, and other things vital to tho ox-sorvlco man, will bo adjusted, and It Is atatod also that tho matter of competent doctors will bo takon up. Unsettlod claims for bapk pay, bonuses and travel pay, will be giv en particular attention. A largo rollot map of tho world, showing all known physical condi tions of tho globo, is being prepared by tho U. S. shipping board. ' - - - - - r - - .., , - WF9sKW9Ms mIIvbVsV' Mk JB BaKCr7sasaBSsl cm&Em bbsV bbV?bbbmbHsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsIV u4J40?VK1bbk 'IsbbbbbbbbbbbbbI ILvsHiTCKTTsBaBWBK' m'Ww ,Lvswal ssavsfWPSivrsaiBBawrr''" anara vaiisssssssi lBamimX22i.BsaW14MY BSaVI aLsl BQQg3KWV H iBMfffBHFfaVsassK w WzmWLM 1st kALisfBaVLBLlAtUE f AV awjfcw kwsmsWshsSssr iBsffrRrBBaBaVlll MbI sataal I sssssl Bf 'ssaV I ssssf2iiTWTifcTrisfBaBWM C. Iyv" " T-yv vfMaBBJ BBBIBB11 BBk kTi lfSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB!i .. . etaBBBBBBBBBBBl BBZsi9AMijfABBsjsBj,)'i dt patent ,;aawawsi IBglJI FLOUR . fl sWsMSlMSawSSSSSSSSSSSSSSIjav. BBSbSI I J sacks of IBltiglt incu; 'iii riSsasaV IM- BMBEfr-9BBBVc2 " " ftwiimn"'" ''"liWTU m fW .it .:, SxSRRriSSSSSfw: '--lassS31 - it u "iM. BBtal.i,'BBBBBBK. ""vKrJ,'' - UBMIUMaIxBBK .' - ...... ,.. . vBWoWl BBI BSalWBBBBBI . - " ''! ..- avaBBBl ' lE iolb.,a4lb.,49lb. BSlBBB-wsMOMj 5lJiy VbKMJ WtBsfilMisUm s9M BKSSllBiSsSBHBtttjBBV. ' "BIBn1mS9 VsWBM&ttMflftMWm'cz!!! isssjsjg rrsrvw- iuysKsjMa,LBm IBBbWHI MiAvllP--i5Bi3agriK BxSBaBHBaBHHsaiBBB m