,L. : -T ..: ',.," ' v-v ' I Paul T. O'Dowd, Auto Editor Evening Herald rirm-niii Ycur No. no:i7. Hi:cOM MIXTION KIjAMATH I'AM.8, OKIWO.V, HATTIIOAV, I'HIIIIIMUV B, IDUI. I'AOKH 0 TO II' Price I'lro Conu .J&SA&Ah1 ' . . - .-. JiSfc,. 1- t, ., 4 'J li tHSJ-SBHiif fr2Lk j 1-S V jW pjjj x frh ' 3BB6aB I -nmr m M IS Dnnnor-Pntty Motor company nprung n liranil now one this wmik tlint Ih nttrurtliiK ennsldornblo at tention among ilnnlani, An ovoryonn known It him been a Imttlo ovcry year to kuI Ford cam unniiKh to Imlf innot thn iliiiunnil, Tho local dealer concolvpil tho Idea, that If thoy could Kot. orders enough plncod now tlicy could Blurt right In now and ninko a fight for an Incrcnan In tliolr itiotn and do In a liottor position to supply tho trmlo than If thoy wnlt until tlio season In twiII advanced anil tho runli la upon ttium. With that ind In vlnw tlmy nrn making an unusual offer In thin week's auto miction of Tho Herald. Thoy aro offering to pay 8 por rout Interest on nit monoy that may bo paid on deposit for cant. Thorn lit no catch-penny achumo about It, but dimply an oarneat offort upon tliu pnrt of thoan ilonlorn to got alt tlio Ford cars for thin county that rnu lio sold. If for nny reason tho person inuklng thn dopoaK flmla that ho cannot rurry throiiKli tho purchase or It ho changes hla mind, nil ho has to do Ih to call and get hi monoy, plus tho eight por cont Intorcat. It la an unluuo plan to find out tho demand for this intensively used car and tho outcomo will ha watched with n gront dual of Intnroat. Thn nuto iihow will ho hero aoonY LUII AUTO S I W 1 organization of automebile: association good for county With tho Klamath Fnlla auto show only n llttlo moro than a month uwny, local auto dealers aro dollInK up tho rurH thoy wllkhum on dlaplay, and and fairly oxudliiK onthualaam ovor tho outlook for n I) Ik, breezy exhibit. Down In Chlco, California, n fow layii ago, an exceedingly successful ahow was hold, and dealers hero point out that If Chlco ran mnko a surcoss of audi things, tharo la no reason on earth why thin city can not duplicate tho success, or, for that matter, exrcod It. Klamath Fall In pccllnrly slttia tod so na to Inauro tho succcis of fincti venture. Tho trading center of n Mrgo nroa, In which It la estl matod that thorn la ono car for ovnry six pornona, It will bo much coaler to Induce people from surrounding towns to come hero than It would ho to Induco them to no to Portland, Frlaco, or ovon to westorn Oregon cltlca, to aeo tboan ahown, and aa there la nothing on earth which will Intereat thn pnpulacn moro deeply than an nutnmobllo dlaplay, wherein beauty, power, apced and variety nro apparent. It la practically n "lure thing" that tho show hero will bo well patronized. Klamath Falls poo plo, alone, will turn out In largo number for tho nuto a how. Thero will ho tho usual entertain- (Continued to 1'ngo Thirteen) Tho people of Klamath county aro waiting hopefully for tho heralding of tho now of tho nrrlvnl of a guahor from tho Illoomlngcamp-Slcmons oil well on tho Manning ranch, and It Ih tho general belief that when tho oxpected gunhcr materialize, Klamath Falls will cxporlenco a building and Industrial boom that will propel It woll on Its way toward tho goal of Its ambitien: A city of ut 'least 60,000 people. Through tho somo agoncy tho people of tho county bellovo thoy will shnro tho good things that will accrue, and so thoy will, but tho ndvon't of sovcral gushers would not moan so much to tho permanent prosperity of this section as will tho organiza tion of tho auto owners nsHoclatlon, which was perfected In this city last Wednesday. This, to many pooplo, may sound Ilko treason. It may sound liko bIIIIiiush. It may sound Ilko Inoxporlcnco In business affairs, but tho doubter must tako Into consideration tho miraculous growth of tho auto mobllo Industry, tho Irrcslstlblo grasp It has upon tho buslnoss of tho world, and tho fact that every day finds somo new use for tho motor driven vofilclo, and tho moro Important fact that It Is Indispensable, to tho ploasuro-scoklng citizen, and that tho traveling public today prefers to travel by nutomoblla, and tho section of tho country thnt has no high ways over which tho tourist or auto driver of any description can travel with comfort will find Itself deprived of Its sharo of tho benefits that millions of pooplo who rldo In automobiles glvo to tho country at largo. Thn auto owners of this county aro on tho right track. Tho organ izing of an nuto owners' association, which will ho affiliated with tho American Automohllo association, and with tho sectional associations In the near Northwest, will b0 Instrumental In bringing thousands of tourists to this sconlcally lioautlful part of tho state every year. This, liowovor Is only a part of what tho association will do. It will bo instrumental In building a notwork of permanently surfaced highways In this county over which It will bo a plcasuro to rldo, and when theso highways aro built, tho nationally lauded highways of California, travers ing In many Instances wldo stretches of mesa or desert, will bo compcllod to yield tho palm to scenic roads up hero, leading to Crater Lake and othor superlatively Interesting natural parks that positively havo no superior unywhoro. This may sound Ilko ovor-cxhubcranco, particularly to pcoplo who livo In this region, but It Is n fact that natural wonders nnd scenic beauties aro seldom appreciated until somo porson comes from ho mo othor part of tho world nnd Institutes laudatory propaganda that cunuot ho discounted., night now, Crater Jnke In all Its beauty Is (Continued to Fngo Fourteen I CHEVROLET GAR TAKES MIL TO 010 BEAR Ploughing tholr way In a Chevro let 490 through snow at times two nnd thrco fcot deep, a party of Long Uoach hunters last Saturday deliv ered to tho residents of Bag Dear Lake region tho first mail they had rocelved In sevoral days. Tho mem bers of tho party -wcro Richard II. Heach and C. C. Owens of tho Tress staff, John Curtis, prcsldont of tho Curtis Aluminum company and Hen ry n. Wobster. Through telephoning to parties at Ulg Hoar Friday, tho hunters had been apprised of a snowstorm rag ing thoro and wero warned not no at tempt tho trip. Itolylng on the abil ity of tho Chevrolet to got through, howovor, the party set forth early Saturday morning. Tho routo to San Hernardlno was negotiated In two hours and forty-flvo minutes with-' out accident. Climbing tho Cajon Pass to ilrsperla and through the Mojavo nnd Cushlnbcrry Pass was a matter of easy driving. Uoro thoy encountorod snow deep enough to mako tho driving difficult, but not Impossible. At this point they also met tho stage driver whoso car bad been stalled further up tho grado. Tho driver Informed them It would bo Impossible to get through, but determination to mako tho trip and knowledgo that tho Chovrolct would (Contlnued-to Page Thirteen) s m AUTO TOPS m Now styles In auto tops aro becom ing moro Ilko ladles' hats every sea son, says John Pauly of tho Shasta Auto Top company of this city. "Of courso," continued Mr. Pauly, "tho public mtisn't expect to seo auto tops bedecked with fcathors nnd other fe malo finery, but In tho matter of colors, ladles' headgear, ithls yoar, must tako a. scat away, away back, for auto tops will havo moro colors to their credit than Joseph of old had In his coat tho very coat, so they say, that Potlphar's wlfo held In her hands when Joseph scrambled out of It In his frantic effort to prescrva his respectability." First of all, there will bo thrco predominating materials used In auto tops, alligator, Imitation loath cr, and Moorish leather. Thoy aro all In tho go In tho up to' tho min utes places. Sky bluo, French blue, reds of all shades, gray and tho bluest of bluo, whites, tans, browns, and Sinn Fein green. It Is whispered, will undoubt edly bo among tho offerings. Mr. Pauly said that theso color stylos havo been shown at all tho eastern auto shows, and that tho wost was adopting them. with, en thusiasm. Ho has a stock of theso auto tops on hand, and expects to sell tho wholo stock early In tho sea TTTTTTTTTTT-- - - - - - . - - - - . . ....... w-w-w-w-W'W--w-w-w-w--w-w-r-w--w-w-w--w--w Y Y Y Y Y Y Y X ? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Announcement of Opening of the Emblem of Satisfaclton Buick Sales and Service Company : Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y ft It is with pleasure and no little pride that we make the announcement of the Formal Opening of the Buick Sales and Service Company, for the reason that we are representing an automobile' that any agent is glad to sell. We doubt if any other machine that has ever been marketed has given more, if as much satis faction to its owner as has the Buick. It is recognized everywhere as being in the very front rank of the sturdy machines, and has held this rank from the be ginning. For twenty years greater ruggedness and en durance have been built into each succeeding Buick model for Buick has always realized that utility is the true measure of motor car value. It has always been a leader in this territory, and we are confident that it is going to continue to be one. That is why we are hand ling it exclusively, and why our Service is Buick Serv ice, which is one way of saying it is to be the best. Mechanics particularly expert on the Buick will be em ployed at all times, so that in addition to efficiency you know you will receive the attention of a man who is thoroughly familiar with every detail of the Buick car. In addition to this service, we will carry a complete line of Buick parts, thus insuring immediate delivery of any repairs that accidents may make necessary. We extend a cordial invitation to the people of this territory to visit our new home built especially for us and after our own plans. You will find one of the most modern establishments in the state and a warm hearted welcome, whether you are now an owner of a Buick or expect to be. The latch string will always be hanging on the outside, while on the inside you will be greeted so cordially you will always want to come back. I Buick Sales and Service Company LOUIS HOAGLAND, Manager. Seventh and Klamath.