The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 05, 1921, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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BTOJralWiMll nfnTaii of m Mil Kill SurlK!
HHMB1 lUffllMllSSlKD
fflniyillSliffl i Pill
Charles ILiy I again nn ntuntour
Inventor In "Homor Comos Home,"
his lnt os t Inco offering, which will
ho tlio fentura attraction at tho Star
thcatro tonight. ,
You romombor how In "Greased
Lightning" Chnrllo evolved a homo-
tnndo nutomubllo that was tho Joko
of itho village but which vindicated
ltd owner In tho pinch. .
Tho latest Invention has to do with
motor cars too. Hut this tlmo It Is
n non-skid arrangement that you
fasten onto thu back ot your machine
when It rains. Charlie, as a worker,
In a small town garage, tries tho In
vention out on his employer's car.
Tho boss, nil togged out In his dress
clothes and high hat, Is on his way
to a big party and Chnrllo Is driving.
It Is raining pitchforks. All goes
well until with a fow feet of the
bccdo ot tho fostlvltlos Zovrlo! The
car spins around like a top, tho
boss's clothes are ruined, and Chnrllo
Is fired on the spot.
Dut that's just the start ot the
number of exciting and humorous ad
venturers which Mr. Ray fills with
his usual charm. "Homer Comes
Home" was produced by Thomas H.
Inco and directed by Joromo Storm
for Paramount Artcrnft release.
I'rlscllla Ronnor and Otto Hoffman
aro In tho cast.
"There was so much comedy In
'Good Ilefercnco' at tho Strand that
tho largo auditorium re-echoed with
tho cheerful sound ot spontaneous
gaiety. Constance Talmadgo pos
sesses a nalvo manner and Is capablo
ot acting prettily as much comedy as
a young woman mny over be expect
ed to supply. The characters were
such aa to produce humorous com
plications and they did It. Most
vivacious." Tho Sun and Now York
Herald. At the Star Sunday.
Tho Klamnth Stars lost a game to
tho Merrill basketball team, In Mer
rill, last night, by a score of 20 to 14.
Tho gamo was hard fought and inter
esting. I.. D. Walters retorced.
Next Friday night Merrill will play
Chlloquln. Saturday night the Merrill
high school boys will play the Klam
ath Agency team, and the Agency
town team will play the 'Merrill, team.
Tbeso games will take place at the
Agency. One week from next Friday,
tho Klamath Stars, composed of loc
al high school boys, will play tho
Merrill high school at Merrill. Theso
games are creating much Interest,
good attendances favoring each game.
Last night's" lineup follews:
Klamath Stars Merrill
F. Cooper C E.' Klegor
H. Wogner F It. Taylor
L. Camp V B. Hill
G. West ' G II. Hill
Aard Ady G S. Davis
Substitutes, S. Santamow, Substitute,
D. Hcdgcpetb. O. Griffith, G. Carr.
l)y popular request tho Mondnlo
Is holding over tho Melody Maids who
havo certainly won their way Into
tho hearts of music lovers ot Klamnth
Falls. They will positively glvo thol
best act they havo dono horo ns thoy
havo selected a. wonderful repertoire
ot music, songs and dances, also the
pictures for Sunday aro beautiful
Win. Desmond In "Tho Mints of
Hell" Is n wonderful picture of
Alasknn life, each scene taken right i
In tho heart ot Alaska. "Tho Scream-1
Ing Shadow" and n good comedy will
mako this tho best show over soon
here. It will bo n long tlmo before
you -will sco another bill llko this
February Sales
All Over the Store
Weather Probabilities
Tho Cyclo-Stormagraph, at
Underwood's Pharmacy, has had
busy tlmo during tho last wook,
ns many suddon changes in tho
pressure havo taken place.
Yesterday tho barometer foil
steadily until about midnight,
but has climbed just ns rapidly
since that hour, and at 2 p. m".
today, was woll Into tho "clear
weather" xono. Followers of
tho Cyclo-Stormagraph records
should remember that tho bar
ometric press uro Indicates tho
probabilities from 12 to 24
hoars In ndvanco. It weather
clears lower tomporaturcs will
probably prevail.
Forecast for next 24 heurs:
Fair weather, with brisk winds,
which will diminish.
George II. Dell baa sold bis prop
erty, 1337 Sargent avenue, to It. E.
Smith. Ills disposition ot bis home
is not because ot lack of faith In Kla
math Falls, but because ot renowed
confidence In the future ot the city,
for ho has reinvested in lots S and C,
block 33, Hlllsldo addition. This prop
erty Is located on Crescent avenue,
at Souther, and is ono ot the most
sightly building sites in the city. It it
Mr. Bell's intention to erect a new
homo on the property this spring.
R. E. Bradbury, director, and A.
L. Wlshard, secretary of the Klam
ath Irrigation district, wero appoint
ed n committee at a special meeting
ot tho directors of tho district this
afternoon, to find new office quarters
for the board.
The reclamation service will re
quire tho rooms In tho reclamation
service building this summer, as tho
new construction work will bring In
a big engineering forco for whom It
Is necessary to provide office room.
It Is understood that tho depart
ment Is considering cither the remod
eling of tho present building on
Eleventh street or its removal and
replacement with a convenient office
building. Should tho million and a
quartor dollar appropriation now
pendingjn congress pass, there will
be almmenso amount of construc
tion on'.Uio local project during the
next few years and It Is likely that
there will be a new building.
The committee on now quarters
for the district directors have noth
ing doflulto in view but expect to so-
euro allocation next week that will
answer'temporarlly. The records of
the association will bo left In the re'
clamatlon sorvlco building for tho
time being.
Should a now building roplaco the
present one, provision will bo made
for offices for tho water users' representatives.
True Value, the price of every article in the house is based upon present-day mar
ket conditions. This store has established a policy whereby all merchandise on hand
February 1st will be sold on a basis of manufacturers readjusted prices and all goods ar
riving from now on will be marked at the lowest possible price consistent with legitimate
Put your faith in this store and you will never be disappointed. Patronize your
HOME town, help build up your HOME Community.
Levi Strauss Koveralls
Koveralls, Jennie & Joe Over-em-alls made
from fast color, Blue Denims, Kahki Cloth
and Cheviote, Sizes 2 to 8 years.
Entire Stock of Children's Gingham Dress
es go on sale today at greatly reduced price.
All colors and styles to select from, Ages
2 to 14 years.
New Spring Style
Dresses - Jackets - Suits
An early purchase enables us to offer New
Spring garments at remrakably low prices.
Tricotine Dresses $16.75
Jersey Knit Jackets $7.25
Jersey Knit Suits $25.00..
Ladies Round Tickets Stockings, black
only, Special 45c
Children's Round Tickit Stockings, Spe
cial :. 32c
H. N. MOE, Prop.
A Classified Ad will sell It.
towing at tke
4 I j, -fflAt!iy
Charles Ray
Jest a poor, dern fool chock full ot hl-falutln'
plans, but couldn't hold a job a week. Neighbors all
'lowed ho'd never 'mount to a bill o' beans, Then one
day "Homor Comes Home." A picture full of fun.
Constance Talmadge
Another Riot of Fun
Tho addition of tho plant of tho
Klamnth Dye Works, which has been
under construction for a couplo of
months under tho supervision of Con
tractor Louis K, Porter, has been fin
ished, and as soon as tho new equip
ment arrives Paul Lambert, proprie
tor ot tho dyo works, will establish
himself In what will be ono of tho
best equipped and safo dyeing and
cleaning Institutions In this part of
tho stato.
The addition Joins tho present
quarters at. tho rear, extending back
to tho alloy, and consists of cloanlng,
dyeing, finishing and drying rooms.
Each of theso rooms Is sufficiently
large, and as near fireproof as mod
orn building methods can mako them.
Tho drying room, tho smallest ot tho
four, will bo used to dry ladles
clothes and othor things ot doltcato
Tho cloanlng room, 23 x 1C feet,
will bo equipped with a deodorlzor,
washer, and a Dowser gas cleaning
system, the latter being tho last word
In equipment of this naturo.
Tho finishing room Is 30 x 11 feet.
Doneath tho finishing room Is a boil
er room', 23 x 12 foot, this room be
ing quite a distance underground, as
tho finishing room above it Is bolow
As soon as motors and shafting ar
rive, tho wheels of Industry will bo
gin to rovolve. The old quarters will
be used exclusively as tbo repairing
and pressing departments, and offlco
Mr. Lambert has been tho sole
proprietor of the Klamath Dyo Works
for flvo years, owns both tho new and
old buildings, and looks forward to
an ever-Increasing business. Tho
rooms just completed, including tho
equlpmont, represent an investment
of $10,000.
OREGON? Tonight and Sunday,
Looking For Site
Of First Dwelling
In the Northwest
SPOKANE, Wash. Fob. C Defin
ite location of tho spot whoro David
Thompson, trapper and trader of ov
er ono hundred yoars ago, built the
i first houso in tho "territory of Ore-
gon," -which In early western ttmos
comprisod tho wholo northwest, Is
tho object of a movement that has
boon started at Sandpolnt, Idaho,
Tho bouse Is said to havo been
built about two and one-halt miles
from Hopo, Idaho, and was used as u
trading post by Thompson who was
In tho employ ot tho Hudson Day
Thompson, according to early wos
torn histories, crossed to tho United
States from Canada In 1809, making
his way ovor tho old wild horso trail
from British Columbia, along tho
Pack river, Lake Pend Orolllo and
mountain sldo of tho Charlos Fork
rivor. On Soptomber 23 ot tho samo
year ho embarked on tho river and
proceeded to Lake Pond Orolllo In
quost of a trading post slto, finally
settling noar Hopo.
According to tbo history of the
"territory of Oregon", which tolls ol
tho time, when this territory was
made up of tho whole northwest, the
houso -which Thompson built near
Hopo was tbo first In tho entire
northwest. At about tho samo tlmo
another trading post was established
on Lake Kallspoll, and In 1810 ono
was built at Spokano.
Iloforo coming to tho Pond Orolllo
lake region Thompson Is said to havo
had a long trip with tho Hudson Hay
crow of map-makers throughout wes
tern Canada. At ono tlmo aftor locat
ing In tbo Pond Orolllo country he
Is said to havo mado a trip to Winni
peg with two tons of furs, journey
ing tho entire distance by pack horso
and boat, lfo is known to have ex
plored the entire Pend Orolllo lake
country and every part of what Is
now tho stato of Idaho.
Erection of a monument to Thomp
son when tho exact spof upon which
his first house was locatod has been
definitely ascertained Is being advo
catod. Tho old trading post which ho
founded was burned many years ago.
Tho pain of parting Is experienced
by tbe small boy wbon his mother
attempts to comb his hair.
New Legs
The Women's Rellof Corps will
meet Monday afternoon at 2:30
bbW bbBBBBhw
Nellie Is supporting two flno now front legs furnished hor by tho
National Woman's Leaguo for Animals. Nolllo Is a Now Yorker. Sho was
born with no front legs. Tho front whcols ot a baby carrlago do vory
woll, though. She carrlos a llttlo box on hor back and goes about tho
streets collecting funds for crippled children.
Mondale Theater
By Popular Request
'In tho Dent Act Tlipy Hnvo Do"o Hern. Kntlro Now Act of ""
Tlio Grout Alutkn Picture. What you will seo in "Tho MlnU of
Hell A snow blizzard In tlio Klondike; Life In tho gold region
of AloHkii) thrilling dog ruco In tlio Yukon; a rough-liouso fight
between men of the Klondike; How the miners spend their money
In tlio stag saloon of tlio Gold Country, mid
Episode 1 1 of "The Screaming Shadow"
Also a Good Comedy
Continuous tdiow Monday starts at 1 p. m. thorp,
Coining Tuesday, Itoy Stewart, Harry Carey and Vnudovlllo.
Tonight, "Tlio Melody Maids," Spcdul Concert,' 0)15 to 7.