The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 05, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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taoh pivk
IVe Believe . . .
Hint liiiiircN urn llvo lo ono
llmt jo" roriiii iicncr finding
lluil limil-lo.gel, record nl our
Mom limn cNouliero tn toum
Earl Shepherd Co.
Only Kxtliinlttt Music IIiiumi
(107 Miiln HI.
Plinno i!8'.!-.l
How a Fortune Looks
o.9fti- IIIH --V-- - LK"! '""SO i
ttS IfiS" slrl -'
I ii '1MB LMI l'l
John nii nnnunl Income In said to tin around 180,000,000 You'd think
ho'd iiimiiI n wnrohouso to hold It, hill Intro's Hint much In onn amnll vault
at thn U. H treasury. Why, thn llttlii pnekngo Just under John' picture
Moils f 40,000,000 In cold certificates.
WVWLnjJLrL'. .- r -n-L-u-u-Lr.-l.n.-.r i'i "" --"- ---- m mmmm.mmmm
ixkh in yellowhtem:
Indians Renew Old
Feud In Humboldt;
Bloodshed Is Feared
lly AhmftUUI I'ptm
EUREICA, Fob. 6. Tho auporln
tondont of tho lloopo Indian rosorvn
tlon today appealed to thn county
authorities to tako atepa to prevent a
wldoapmnd Indian war on tho Klam
ath rlror,
Tho Inillnni, iinlil tho superintend
nut, nro divided Into two armed
campi, apparently ready to renew an
ancient foud that started with tho
kllllnic of a cblot of tho trlbo forty
years ago.
A short sermon on tho vanity of
earthly possession "Shrouds havo
havo no pockota."
HELENA. Mont., Fob. 6. Elk In
Yellowatono national park fared tiU
tor during tho hunting acaxon which
cloned Chrlitmaa day than they
hnvu In tho lait ten years, accord-
InR to a statement given out by thn
officii of tho Montana ttnto gumo
warden. Ilocauso of lack of snow
and icvrro weather In tho park tho
oik stayed In tho protected area
ii nd did not conio to tho lownr levels
In Oallatln and Park countl-a. Usual
ly tho elk como out of th park to
food and aro an easy target for
hunters. Last year In Gallatin and
Park counties, It la estimated 000
elk worn killed. Door alio It was
stated, stayed within tho park boun'
dories and not many of theao unl-
mnla woro killed.
lU-inowx Intrrfcri-nro nllli illMrlhiitlmi
of Nrrwt Energy t'wry IriMly Part
In tint rwult of perfect tninsml'Mon of nrr.o iicrRy
In caused by Interfere urn tilth surli triiiiNinUslaii.
It't inn lnko tho
Dr. Lois C. Bridges
Over First Klnto unit HntlnK Dank, Phono 102 J
Jewel Cafe
Chicken Dinner
i , . Jac
I .1
Personal Mention
The Last Buffalo Hunt Is Oh
lien (loocli nnd wlfo, who opornto
u much In tho Ilonnnzn country, arm
city vIhIIoth.
Mr. nnd Mm. Wndo Crnword roal
lunta of Chlloriulti, aro In tho city
iittundltiK to matturs of business.
12. J. Luwronco, proprietor of tho
Merrill hotel la In tho city today on
flfinruii It. Illinium, of thn Ilo-I
clnmiitlon Horvlco, wiih operated on !
Thursday nt tho Warren Hunt Iiospl-'
till mid la ilojiii; nicely. '
Tlin county court la In hcshIoh this
afternoon, attending to various mnt-
tor of roullno IiiinIiicsh.
.Inplc MrAiilllfn. iirromniinlnd liv '
Knther Molloy left yesterday for Kt.
Kluinuth whoro Mr. McAulllfo opor
ii t I'M u largo stock ranch.
C. K. llurton n farmer of tho
Worden district wu a city visitor
yeHterdny uttondlng toN mutters of
T. V. Phenlger, of tho PhonlRcr
I.umliur coinuuny of tho Kt. Klamath
district la In tho city for scvoral
V. Ii. Wright, local cmployoo of
tho Standard Oil company, la ro
portud to bo on tho sick list for sev
eral days.
T K. Murra, of tho fJrowora and
Pnckern association of Han Joso.
California, la In tho city looking
ovnr business conditions.
m&"jMbmv:La.'-r sr amxm jm,-.- m.
TZ, ssasasTssasasWw?-M , fjfei? .ig"" pH J
Htevo Callahan, a stockman nnd
merchant of thu Ft. Klamath coun
trl, Is In thn city attending to busi
ness ntnttcrM this weekend.
K, J Mcars representing tho Wood-ard-Clark
Drug company of Port
land, la In tho city vUltlng tho lo
cal druggists.
I)r Ncrnd of Dorrls, Cnl was
an arrival on last evening's train,
attending to business matters In tho
John Ignai, nnd Krnnk Cockn,
farmers of tho Matin district, aro
city visitors today attending to
matters of business.
II, X. V. Others, representing
Ilrunswlck-Ilnlk Calendar Co,, Port
land, Is an arrival at tho Whlto
Pelican hotol.
Ilrown Michael a fannor of tho
Yonna Valloy country, la a city visi
tor today attending to matturs of
Klden Dennis, a farmer and sheep
man of tho Spraguo Itiver Valley
country, was a city arrival yester
day, whoro ho will remain several
days attending to business affairs.
Mrs., Geo. Chamberlain, who waa
formerly employed In Hector's De
partment store, Is at the Warren
Hunt hospital whero sho will under
go n rest for sovcral days.
Kllzabcth Fall, of Dorrls, was an
arrival on last nlght'a train. Miss
Fall will rosumo her work at tho
Maio whoro alio was formuly om-ployetl.
Mrs, Jo Hettinger was n pnMcn
gor on this morning's train for Wil
lows, California, whoro sho will visit
sovornl wookri with Mrs. Lloyd Lin-
baugh. of this city.
Y. Johnson, n stocx shipper, for
Allen & Plcl of San Francisco, la In
tho city. Ho oxpccta'Mo ship out n
carload of sheep nnd aomo-cattlo to
day to tho southern markets.
Mrs. Stella Mang, of this city waa
n passenger an this morning's train
for Hazard, Kobraaku whoro sho will
visit frlonda and relatives for six
months or moro.
Goo, W. Bhnnnon and J. S. Lngo-
son, Portland nrrlvala, in tho city.
looking over local conditions, with
tho Intention of locating perman
ently horo,
L. Jacobs, local morchant, who
Iibb boen in San Francisco and oth
or southorn cities for tho past two
weoks roturnod on last ovonlng's
W. A. Konnoy, traveling sales
man for M. Sollor & Co,, wns a pas-
songor on this morning's train for
his homo In Portland. Ho roports
busluoss in this city very good
Tom Calmeso ,u former rcsidont
of this county, wns an arrival on
Inst night's train from San Fran
cisco, Mr, Calmeso loft for tbo
Merrill valloy this morning, whore
ho will lqok up old acquaintances.
Mrs.iAmloo End'ers who was for
merly omployod at tlio First State
& Savings bank of this city, was a
passongor on this morning's train
for Ashland, wkoro sho will visit tor
soveral days.
n, Kober IUdcliffe, who, with Mrs.
Itadcllffo, baa boon making an ex
tended visit with friends nnd rcla-
tlves in tho cnat, roturnod lost night I
and loft this morning for Chlloquln.
Mrs lladcllffo stopped over tor a vis
it with her sister, Miss Mary Hall,
who Is attondlng normal school In
San Joso.
Mrs. Geo. Chastaln was a passen
ger this morning on tho Chlloquln
train, for Pine Illdgo, whero sho
will Join Mr. Chastaln, who has
chargo of tho comlssary department
for Modoc Lumber company.
Tho friends of Mra. A. J. Santa
mau will bo pleased to hear that alio
ta convalescing rapidly from a ro-
ccut (Illness that has confined her
to her homo for n week or ten
Kay Looaloy, a prominent stock
man and ranchor of tho Ft. Kla-
inath county was an arrival on last
night's train rrom the St.cramcnto
valley, whero ho has boen for sev
eral weeks.
J. I. Johnstono. of tho John-
istono Furnlturo company of this
Iclty, left this morning for San
Francisco, California whero ho will
attend tho annual furnlturo exhibi
Mrs. A. L. Harrison, daughter of
iF. R. Matt of this city was a pas
senger on this morning's train to
San Francisco wboro she will un
dergo medical 'treatment for several
Fred Houston, one of tho mana
gers of tho K. K. K. store, will leavo
In tho morning for San Diego, where
ho will Join Mrs. Houston and their
duagbtor, who havo bcon spending
tho winter months In tbo south.
Mrs. Hazel Powell, ca.hler at tho
Itex cafo, was a pasosnger on this
morning's Chlloquln train, whero
abe will Join her husband, who Is
employed at Chlloquln, for soveral
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McCoy, local
residents, wore passengers on this
morning's train for Portland, whero
they will visit their two sons who
resido thero and at tho samo time
look over tho Wllllamotto valley, for
a permanent location.
Born this morning to Mr. and Mrs.
J. M. Gnrber, at their homo at 133
Tenth St., a baby girl, weight eight
and ono hair pounds. Dr. Wright
was In attendance nnd announces
that mother and daughter aro doing
This photograph from Antelope Is
land, Great Salt Lake, Utah, shows
what probably will bo the last real
buffalo hunt In thp history of the
United States. Tho great, wild beasts
aro being shot down Just as they
wore In the old days when rango bis
on roamed tho western plains. Tboro
aro 230 doomed animals descend
ants of a hord takon to tho Island
years ago and lefi to run wild be
causo they could not cacapo. They
becamo so snvago thoy began killing
off blooded cattlo taken to tho island
by tho Duffalo Island Livestock Co.
So the company decided to get rid of
them by selling permits to hunt them
at $200 a head. Efforts of humane
societies to halt tho plan failed, and
tho hunt Is on. This plcturo shows
some of tho early hunters with their
first victims.
A baby girl, weight 8 pounds, ar
rived at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Madden last night. Tho Mad-
1 dens resido on the Shlpplngton road,
and Mrs. Madden Is a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Itobert Fryo.
i Babo Ruth Can't do everything,
i Basketball Is one of 'em. The
'Braves' star shortstop, "Rabbit"
Maranville. Is showing up the
king nt this pastlmo. He's real
basketball star. He has gathered
together ono of the best teams tn
New England and U making n
financial go of It
It Isn't wise to apeak tho truth at
all times. Silence Is often onore sat
We ropalr your shoes and make
them look like new. They will feel
better than when now.
1-5 Bradley-Evans Shoo Co.
Hard Times
Wednesday, Feb. 9th
at the
Scandinavian Hall
Several prizes for the
best costumes
Good Music
Despondent becauso of 111 health,
Honry Cabot, an employe of tho
Frost & Cooly mill, botweon Mac
dool and Mount Hebron, committed
suicide by shooting himself yester
day aftornoon, according to a mess
ago received horo lato yesterday.
Cabot was about CO years of age,
and is said to havo two sons, ono in
Franco nnd tho othor In Ireland. He
wua a sawyer, and had been In tho
omploy of tho Frost & Cooly com
pany for n long tlmo. Coroner John
son of Yroka has chargo of tho ro-mains,
Tho body of Losllo Nelson. 10-yoar-old
son of Mr. nnd Mrs. II. L.
Nelson, who died at his homo noar
Macdool, was shipped this morning
to Truckeo, California, for burial.
Death was causod by an acuto rhuu
mntlo condition.
Contributions to the fund for tho
.relief of tbo starving millions la
Chlun will bo rocolved at tho Pros
bytbrlnn church ht both sorvlcos to
morrow. No regular campaign will bo
conducted In tbo lntorest of this fund
In this city, but tho object is con
sidered aaworthy and all wsp can
sontributo aro asked to be as llboral
as possible.
Oregon PRUNE Week
Everybody in the Northwest Should Eat
During Prune Week. This is your oppor
tunity to buy Average Orchard Run
of Oregon Italian Prunes,
1920 CROP
At the following wholesale prices. Take
advantage of this offer
By freight, prepaid, 100 lbs. or over,
By Parcel Post, prepaid, 25, 50 or 75 lbs.
or over
Packed only in 25 and 50-lb. boxes
OrCers mailed up to February 19th will
be accepted. Send remittance with order to
Oregon Prune Campaign Committee
731 Morgan Bldg. Portland, Oregon
Reforencoa U, S. National Bank, Portland, Ore.; Lad & Bush,
Bankers, flalorn, Oro.; U. S. Natlenal Bank, Salem, Or.