The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 05, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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The Evening Herald
n j. Mumuv
City Editor
Published dally oxcopt Sundny, by
The Horajd Publishing Company of
Klamath Falls, at 119 Klghth Stroot.
Entered at tho postofflco at Kla
math Falls, Oro., for transmission
through tlio malls as socond-class
Tlio Associated Press Is exclusively
entitled to tho uso for republication
ot all news dlspatchos credited to It,
or not othorwlso credited In this
papor, and also tho local nows pub
llihor herein.
Moro new nolghbors In Iluena Vis
ta addition Is tho latest news.
Walter Heifer Is moving Into his
now houso at Shlpplngton.
Tho Pelican Boy Lumber company
tho prospects ot having a new school
their offlco building at Pelican city.
Local pooplo aro much elated over
tho pros poets of having a now schol
building soon.
Tho steamer Vmp Is still on tho
ways but Captain Llnman Is anxious
tor tho Ico to break up on tho Upper
Jako so that ho can launch tho vos
tel. Captain Wlckstrom Is engaged la
building tho finest bargo over mod
eled In Klamath county. Ho has tho
work well underway. Tho bargo
when completed will cost approxi
mately 4,000.
Tho work of reinforcing tho bolt
er furnaces of tho Klamath Lumber
and Box Manufacturing company's
mill at Shlpplngton has been com
pleted. Other repair work will bo
done as soon as tho weather moder
ates. '
More surveying was being done on
the flat north of Shlpplngton on
Friday, for what purposo rumor say
th not.
Last Wednesday night tho second
of a scries ot community mcotlngs
was held at the residence ot R. D.
Yancey. Tho ovcnlng was spent In
enjoyment of songs, Instrumental
music and recitations.
Tho "Groundhog" danco at St.
Cloud was one of the best attended
ot tho season. It was tho 192nd
dance hold In the castle In tho past
Un years. All dances at St. Cloud aro
strictly Invitational' and none but
ticket holders are admitted.
Mrs. Crandall and son, Russell
were In Klamath Falls Saturday call
ing on friends and attending to busi
Tho number ot homesteaders has
been Increased by tho advent of an
8 pound boy in the homo of Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Kotera, Jr. Young Joseph
Albert is a fine baby and gladly wel
comed by tho family and neighbor
hood. More snow is welcomed by those
who aro cutting and hauling wood
and posts. We 'consider this a fine
winter tor ranchers.
Charlie Faught Is remodeling his
touring car. making a bug ot it.
Mr. Crandall met with a painful
accident Saturday. He stepped on a
sail in a board, which tho recent
snow had covered. Ho had an accid
ent some months ago injuring his
knee which Is slow to recover and Is
kept closely confined to the house.
Funeral rites for Mrs. Charles
Humphrey were held In the chapel of
tho Whltlock undertaking parlors
this afternoon, a large number of
friends of the decedent gathering to
assist In the service. The Reverend
S. J. Chaney ot the Methodist
church conducted ho service. The
pall bearers were members of tho
Odd Fellows lodge. Interment was
made la tho local ccmotcry.
Announcement of the marriage ot
Miss Ernjna Schneider to Ernest
Lockwood, which occurred in Eugene
about 10 days ago, has been received
hero. Miss. Schneider was employed
hero as a milliner for some time, and
has many friends who will bo pleas
ed to hear of her marriage.
J. Wu McCoy has sold his homo on
the corner of Pine and Cedar streets
to W. D. Stevens, who with his son,
recently 'purchased tho Link River
Battery station. Doth Stevens famil
ies have moved Into tho home, which
is very roomy and convenient.
Cbiftrlee Crozlor of San Francisco,
district sales manager for the Fisk
Rubber & Tire Company, Is in town
today doing business with Charley
Johnson, of Charley'a Pmce. Mr.
Johnson holds tho exclusive agency
tor Fisk goods here, and Is looking
for 'another good sales season In that
Everett True
ft w TM wi
OF MOCHA ', tDU Qo,NJ DO t-C ,
-BrWxtf' ffigk H!
iw' imvmvmL
Friday, January tho 28th. , tho
Connor Literary Society ot the high
school entertnlncd tho student body
and visitors. Tho program consist
ed of a onp act comedy, entitled
"Way Down South." Tho comedy
was written oy uooeri imam, a
sophomore in high school.
The scene was at a village post
offlco ot a southern town. Tho town
folk .watting for their mall, cracked
jokes, sang songe and played craps.
Several ncgro girls said that they
bet "Luko and Matthew could sing
better 'n Paul and Peter." Tho boys,
Robert and'Oran Milam, according
ly sang duetsj the first one being
by Luke and Matthew was entitled
"Get away from dat Cornfield." Tho
other by Dean Beckley and Clifford
Hogue, or Paul and Peter, was
"Jake he spied a Possum." The
selections were very much enjoyed.
The entrance ot tho preacher,
Aard Ady, broke up the game of
craps and everybody got very relig
ious. He then gave them a sermon
about the prodlgcal son, who started
homo but wos.dotalned by rtho flood,
being at Jastiwqlcomed borne by bis
father clasping him In his arms and
crying "Absolom my Absolom!" Tho
sermon mado everybody serious and
tboy sang some religious songs.
A negro Doy entered saying that
tho preachor was wanted to perform
a wedding Coroinony. Tho preacher
said "I will marry them right hero."
To tho tuce of "Dixie Land" tho
couplo wero bound In the holy bonds
ot matrimony. Suddenly the father
of the bride dashes through tho
crowd and Is very furious to find bis
daughter has been married- without
his consent. Tho brldoVmother, a
very "tiny" lady with a hug'o rolling
pin entered at this crucial moment
and tells her husband to behave him
self and go home. She then Invited
everybody over to the wedding feast.
Tho Conor Lltorary Society cov
ered itself with glory. The student
body Is looking forward to tho time
when it will bo entertained again by
this society.' Mrs. Solomon, the ad
visor of the Connor Society and Miss
Applegate, the music director, de
serve much credit. Tho Boy's Glee
club helped greatly in making tho
entertainment a successful ono.
Tho cast of characters was as
Aard Ady Mr. Johnslng, the par
son, 'Kenneth Gordon Joshua Simp
kins, bride's father.
Joslo Honzlk Marlah Slmpklrm,
brido's mother.
Clatus Meredith Hoslklah Jong
es, bridegroom.
Lois Staub Miss SImpklns, bride.
Greta Madison Mandy, negro
Esther Will Llzy, negro elrl.
Dorothy Hammond Sarah Ann,
negro girl.
Lloyd Cox, -Joo, Postmaster. .
Lester ebfer Snowball, wedding
Kenneth Myers Jake.
Crap shooters.
Charles Hosse Rastai.
By Concio
T30Kj(s S7AK,
THAT rivLiiivijs
Dean Beckley Luke.
Clifford Hogue Matthew.
Robert Milam Paul.
Ornn Milam Poter.
Robert Gootz Sambo, Joko crack
er. Minor editors Konnoth Caso,
Delos Mills, Weaver Solomon, Rob
ert Cornish, Irving McCall, Roger
Montgomery, William Vnlo, Wendell
The music society of high school
Is planning to glvo an entertainment
sometlmo this month. Of course,
thls society works with each lltorary
society, and therefore has an unusual
amount ot work, but it Is equal to
We bavo a high school in Klamath
'Tho no one seems to just know,
Wby wo don't spend moro time
And less at the movto show.
They say tho bill is good for us,
It mokes us healthy and strong.
And wo should know our lessons
And never got anything wrong.
But If wo had some placo to play,
Llko a gym or tennis court,
Whoro wo could go at tho end of the
And havo some good, clean, sport.
Maybo wo'd stay away from tho
And places we shouldn't go, ,
And maybo wo'd not stay up at
The newest Jazz songs' to know,
I think It you'd think it ovor,
You will plainly seo,
That if wo had a park and gymna
What dandy students wo'd be.
Kluiuld Some Olymplanx Como to
Zeus would havo to pay 20 for
a haircut.
Minerva would havo to pawn her
shield to pay tho rent.
Terpsichore would havo to learn
the shimmy,
Apollo would havo to got Into over
Cbronos would novor get any
where, being always an hour lato by
tho clock.
Diana would hunt In gingham.
Momus would bo pinched for al
coholic laughter,
Herculos would undergo his 13th
labor 'at 'tho subway rush hour.
By I. J. M.
Because of tho non-standardisation
ot cooking courses throughout the
country, Dean Milam, of tho Oregon
. . i s ' "U I li ii ww ' "
Mrs. W. S. Phillips, ot 210 Pine
ntroot. entertained tho Art Noodle
Work club nt hor homo Wednesday
afternoon. Lunchoon was served In
Mrs. Phillip's chnrmlng manner. Tho
guest wero Mosdumos Wlnnurd,
Slough, Meadows, nud Fleet, mid tho
mombcrs present woro Mesdnmes U.
K. Wuttonburg, Goo. Wlrtz, 0. M
Ramsby, Fred Hoollur, Clin. Martin,
E. P. Lawrence, 8. K. Martin, Carl
Cumlngs, J. T. Unrnahun, M. S
West, uutl A. Peel.
Mrs. Emit Q. Dreher tit Lincoln
stroot entertained Thursday and
Friday nftornoou In honor of hor
sister - In - law , Mrs. Walter A.
Dreher tit Chicago, who Is u recent
brldo. Thursday afternoon needle
work and conversation wero tho di
versions. Tho guests woro Mesdnmes
F. R. Call, F. J. Porter, Wondnll
Duly, J. W. llrowbakor, 11. C. Cor
nish, John Dreher, and tho guest ot
honor. Friday afternoon "500" was
played. The honors woro won by
Mrs. E. M. Iglo, and tho consolation
trophy went to Mrs. G. C. Loron.
Tho guests wero Mesdnmes (1. C.
Lorenz, It. E. Doweeso, E. M. Kglo,
John Dreher. L. L. Stein, Chits. Mar
tin, Floyd B. Patty, 11. N. Boguo
and tho guest of honor.
Miss Mario McMillan entertained
tho Brldgo Club nt Its regular meet
Ing Thursday ufternoon ut tho homo
of Mrs. W. O. Smith, when two
tables of brldgo woro enjoyed. Tho
highest score wns mado by Mrs. C.
F. Stono. At tho closo of tho gnmu
dainty refreshments wero served.
Tho guests of tho club wero Mrs. J.
W. Aloxandor of Northflold, Minne
sota, and Mrs. Charles I. Roberts.
Thursday morning Miss Mnry
Pblouger entertained tho women
members ot tho high school faculty
at breakfast nt hor upartmont ou
Pine street, tollawod by a theater
party given for tho benefit ot tho
suffering children of Europe.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Stomwell
ontortalned at dlnnor Sunday nt
their homo on Ninth street, their
guests being Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Goldsmith and children, Mrs. Ilnlla
and sons, John and Otto ot this city,
and Mr. Louis Iloldlschar ot Malln.
Tho Missionary Socloty ot tho
Christian church met with Mrs. E.
II I co Thursday attorncon nt tho
homo of Mrs. It. J. Sheets, 308
South Rivcrsldo stroot. A mission
ary program was given, with Mrs.
George Wlrtz as leador. At tho closo
of tho mooting refreshments wero
served by tho commltteo. Tho guests
of tho socloty wore: Mcsdamcs J.
W. Stelnmetz, K. G. Cummlngs, J,
Fred Goellor, C. R. DoLap, E. Grif
fith, C. Hlgglnson, Fred Oarlch, Ar
thur Franklin, Jesse Bulley, R. J,
Sheots, Harry Goeller, Vivian Sheets
Tho members aro Ho v. and Mrs. C. F.
Trlm,blo, Mcsdamcs Abbys, Vollmcr,
McCormlck, Horbclt, Jesao Beckley,
B. J. Mayor, B. McKIm, J. J. Keller,
Johnson, Mel Miller, E. Bice, and W.
B. Scehorn.
Tho Past Matrons Club of Aloha
Chapter O. E. S. wus entertained at
tho Baldwin hotol Friday afternoon,
with Mrs. L. F. WIIIIUh and Mrs.
Frank Ward as hoitesses. Plans
wero mado for tho coming year,
after which a social afternoon was
spent and delicious refreshments
served by the hostesses. Those
presont wore: Mesdames Wilbur
Jones, Charles Martin ,Klp Van
Rlpor, A. L. Loavltt, Qeorgo T.
Baldwin, Frank Ward, L. F. WU
lltts, Splkor, H. E. Momyor, Frank
Ankeny anil Miss Maude Baldwin.
Mrs. E. 8. Phillips ontortalnod tho
Agricultural college, has mado tho
ontranco roqulrom,onts for homo
oconomlcs tho preparation and serv
ing of a breakfast, luncheon, and
dinner. Theroforo, tho Domestic
Sclenco courso In tho Klamath Coun
ty high school has been plannod ac
cordingly. Tho cooking class will sorvo a
luncheon In about two weeks. This
will bo tholr examination ovor tho
past two months' work. Tho girls
will bo on tholr responsibility dur
ing this lout and will recelvo no aid
from Miss Dougherty, tho Instructor.
Thoy havo already passod tholr ex
amination on proparlng and serving
breakfast. In tho spring, thoy will
have Invited guests nnd servo din
Tho music studonts havo begun
studying an oporetta callod "Tho
Gypsy Rovor." Thoy aro working day
and night, and conxoqucntly Brimq'
of them seem !to bo uleopy. Neverthe
less, burning tho midnight oil
makes for success, and theso stu
dents guaranteo an oporetta well
worth 'attondlsg.
How Good Is
sssssF 3!f "V 'lH
Hsf V ssssssl
He Oiat vnons hie friend
Wronrfs himself moro. and ever bonrr aboub
A silent court of justice n his bruftfc,
Himself a e)udrfa ni cJ" ant hlmsolf
Tfia prisoner at Mia bar
Can you read this stanza tinco very
ory. placing all tho capitals and punctuation marks correctly. If not, bet
ter truln your memory 1 Little Dorothy Lo ltiiyu of Wlmlnur, V., ran do
better than that but then of course
Eni:land. Sho Is only four, and can't read this atutmi, but when It was
read rapidly to her once, sho repeated
enn rattle off all the presidents from Washington down and glvo lite pop
ulation of nil tho principal American cities.
trifyxjvmitrirJJifJrrrrvmtririiifi'' " j
Art Noodlowork Club Wednetlay
afternoon at her homo on Pine
street. Tho nftornoou was spent,
ns usual with needtowork, nftor
which danty refreshment'! -wore
sorved by tho hostess, assisted by
Mrs. E. P. Lnwrcnco. The gut'sts
ot tho club wero Mcsdamcs: Her
bert Phillips, Slough, Meadows and
Tho ladles of tho Elks mot Tues
day afternoon at tho Elks Temple
for an afternoon of cards and
noodlowork. This was tho regular
Tuesday social mooting.
Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Patty enter
tained with a delightful dinner par
ty at tholr homo Wednesday even
ing, whon they had as their' guests
Mr. and Mrs. Maurrco Johnson, Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Brockcnbrough nnd
Mr. C. Borroll ot Portland.
Monday ovonlng, Mr. and Mrs.
James Bambory entertained at dln
nor nt their homo on Crescent uv-
enuo, thu members ot tho choir of
Sacred Heart church. Following tho
dinner, for which covers wero laid
for olghtccn, tho guests passed a do-
llghtful ovonlng with music and
dancing. It wns ono of the most en-
Joyablo affair ot tho many social
ovonts hold by tho choir, which un-
dor tho direction ot Mrs. Bambory,
has becomo an Important factor In
tho inuilfut affairs ot Sacrod Heart
A number of friends ot Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Collier, who returned
this wcok from tholr honeymoon trip
to California points, gnvu them un
nlfl.ffmhfnnnil rhnvlvnrl nt tlin Wtilt..
I Pelican hotel. Nono enjoyed tho nf
i fair moro thoroughly than did Mr,
und Mrs. Collier. At tho conclusion
of tho welcoming festivities, it was
decided to bring tho evening to a
close with n swimming party. Tliosu
attondlng wero Mr. and Mrs. Collier,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dunbar, tho Miss
os RInkor, Llggott, und Gray and
Messrs. Holllwell and Tfchnor.
' A farowell surprlso was given In
honor ot Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L
Murphy nt tholr homo on High
stroot, Monday ovonlng, a number of
tholr friends calling to bid them lion
voyago on tho evo ot tholr doparturo
to tholr now homo in tho Sacramonto
valloy. Five Hundrod was tho gamo
of tho ovonlng, at tho closo ot which
dainty refreshments woro sorvod.
Those present wore: Mr. and Mrs.
A. Rlchter, Mr. and Mrs. Hans
Smith, Mr. nnd Mrs. Murphy.
Tuesday evening, u blrthdny party
was given In honor of Homor Garlch,
at tho Qarlch rosldonco on Ninth
stroot. Tho ovonlng- was ploasantly
spent In playing progressive COO.
Tboso present wore: Mary Jon
kins, Inez Jenkins, Eva Jenkins,
Mario Obenchaln, Ruth Lindsay, Vale
Lindsay, Ilesslo Tull, Luclllo Slior
man, Esthor Calkins, George Carr,
Paul Hilton, Albert Bradloy, Ernest
McCollup, Bruce Porklns, Rogor
Montgomery, Dofols Mills, Clifford
Hogue,-, and Homor Oarlch.
Nothing Is being loftuindono that
will contribute to tho success ot tho
danco to be given noxt Thursday
February 10th by the ladies Auxll-
Your Memory?
qulrkly llicn wrllo It from mum-
slurs tho memory marvel oi wow
It Immrdluloly without itu error. Bho
FOR HALE 1-20 and 1-2G II. P. AO
CO cycle 440 Volt .Motors complete
with compensator) und basis As
good ns now, 1 Hand saw stretchur
for 0 Inch saws. 400 Yds 10 lb. rails.
3-ltoller bearing lumber rars 30 Inch
gatigu. Tomlln Box Company, Med
ford, Oregon. C-l 1
FOR RKNT Nicely furnished bod
room In furnace heated private
homo. Hot wuler at all hours. Two
blocks from Main. Phone 244. t
FOR RENT Ono housekeeping room
anil ono bedroom. 1143 Pine.
Phono 317R. C7 '
FOR RUNT 3 room furnished apart
ment, with bath. CC1 Calif. Ave.
. , . r .
FOR SALE Nicely fumUhrd bonis
of flvu rooms, largo boement, nic
est location In town. A real nlro
home, very reasonable terms, Box C.
W. P. Herald office, 6-7
FOR 8AI.E t pure bred Poland
. China boar ono year old. guaran
teed a good breeder, weight about
2C0 pounds, Ono puro bred Poland
China sow, bred. Theso hogs nro both
of pure breed, but no relation. I got
thorn from C. W. Hhumato, Olympla,
Wash. Luther Holbrook, Malln, Oro.
WANTED Threo or four room or
a cottage unfurnished -by man
and wife. No children Apply Box (1.
S. Herald offlco. fi-7
If you aro looking for n homo nlo
seo Fred llucslng, 1020 Main Br,
Ask to see hi two beautiful Crescent
Ave. lots. Magnificent view. r, -1 1 i
Women's Organization ,
Selects Year's Officers
Following tho declNlon of tho worn
men of tho city to orgunlzn an aux
iliary ot tho Klamath county cham
ber of commerce yesterday nftor
noou, an election of officer took
placo, Mr. Y. S, Henry being chosen
prosldont, nnd Mrs. Paul Bognrdus,
vice president. Mrs. Froy Murphoy
wuh elected socrotary.
No date for tho noxt mooting of
tho nuxlllary was sot but It Is un
derstood that ono wlfl bo hold soon
at tho call ot tho prosldont.
Inry of tho Amorlcan Legion for tho
ox-sorvico men nnd tholr friends.
This Is ono ot thu series that ha
boon plannod for tho wlntor month
and Invitations aro now bolng
Issuod. Tho affair will bu hold at
tho Whlto Pollcan hotol and It I
oxpocted that thuro will bo u largo
Rocontly tho Initios of tho O. H.
B. formed a club to glvo a sorlcs
of social ovcnlngs during tho com.
Ing year. Tho first of the, hri-i
was given last night nt Musonlo
hnll nnd tho commltteo -In chargo,
of which Mrs. Klpp Via Rlpor i
chairman, was mado un of tho fol
lowing Indies: Mosdamos Peyton,
Van Rlpor, B. M. Hall. F. II. Patl.
Oscar Shlvo, Lloyd Stewart. L. L.
Truux nnd Miss Muutle Baldwin.
About 0C guostB woro present nnd
duo wns playod, tho nrlzoa for hluk
scoro bolng awarded to Mm. W. C.
Van Kmon and George Burton ana
tho consolation prlzoa to Mr.
CJeorge I. Wright ana E. R. Danner.
At tho closo of tho evening refresh
ments wore sorvod,