I'AOH TH1U.M .,, THE. EVEN1MG HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Saturday, February b, iBtv DOMESTIC SCIENCE DEPARTMENT CVmiltiitril by Mrs. Belle De Graf lUmxruUo Hcloiuo Director Hixrry Flour Ci. Cooking of Sea Food, Palatable and Wholesome Fish miint lin woll cookod to bo pnlulublo mill wholosumo, It In ctiokod sufficiently when tliu flesh HopuralcM easily (nun tlio bones. Fish In always tuiulor. II In most essential tlmt Hull should bo porfoctly fresh, thoroughly conkuil nml carefully cleaned, If undurdoiio, It In not out nlilu; If conkuil tun long, It In dry mul liinun most of Hit flavor. When perfectly fresh, tlio eyes nro bright mul clonr, tlio flush In firm mill odorloHN, Fish limy It" illvlilcil Into tlirou classes, namely: wlillo, oily mul shell fish. Tint whlto nml oily fish inny tin nerved In plnco of munt; ntul In general, tlio methods of cooking f i nil nro tlio snmo im those used In mont coukury. HIIcch of flnli require hut llttln nt trillion. Tli or ihould Im carefully wiped with a damp cloth, or lot tlio cold wutor from tlio fnucnt run oror thorn, tlimi wiped dry. Nuvor allow flith to stand In vntor nftor It has boon sliced. tV.iolo fish, ovon when cleaned jt tlio markot, -will roo,u I ro n thorough washing to romovo nil tlio Mood from tho lnsldo of tho buck bone. Wlillo flail Is not so nourishing n oily fish. In this itypo of fish nit of tho nil Is contained In tho liver, mak ing tho flesh somnwhat dry. Illch snucn usually accompanies fish of this kind to HUpply tho lacking fat. Tho oily fish, such as salmon, mackerel, otc, have tho oil distrib uted throughout tho flesh. Therefore this typo of fish Is moro nourishing than tho whlto fish. Ilotli kinds nro useful In tho diet of tho convalescent or persons suffering from Indigestion although tho whlto fish Is profcrahto for an Invalid, In composition, fish Is much llkn meat; but unlike moat In that It must ho enton soon after It Is killed ns It deteriorate very quickly. It Is difficult to keop fish In tho houso cither boforo or nftor cooking ns the odor Is very pentratlng and other foods nlxorb It. If put Into tho ro frlgcrator uncovered It contamin ates nil other foods, Hut If placed In a covered pnll, which Is kept for this purposo, the odor of tho fish will not penetrate to the other foods. All of tho various methods of cooking may bo applied to fish baking, frying, sautolng, boiling Btenmlng and broiling. Tho prin ciple thing Is to bo suro that tho fish I thoroughly cookod and still not overcookod. It Is really Im portant to keep a set of utensils so usa for cooking fish only, as tho flavor Is no distinct that oven tho most cnroful washing does not ' nl wnys remove It. A frying pan rooms to bo tho most difficult uten sil to romovo ithls odor from. 1'rylng, sautolng and broiling aro tho niottt popular melliodU of pn paring fish. All fish nro greatly Im proved for serving If tho bones nro removed. A bonort fish, stuffed nnd baked, and served with a sultnblo snuco, Is most nppotlilng and will usually bo rollshod von by porsons who ordlnnrlly refuse fish. Thou too, mnny nttrnctlvo dishes can ho mndo from tho loftovor fish, nnd to many porsons those dlsho nppeal moro than whon tho fish Is froshly cookod. Ksculloped fish Is made llko ull scnllopod dishes by alternating a Inyer of fish with n ln'yor of soft broad crumbs In n but tered baking dish, covorlng tho whola with milk or n thin whlto snuco nnd then baking until firm. Vnrloty may bo given this dish by using tomato nauco Instoad of milk, Creamed fish Is always acceptable either sorvod on toust or In Individ ual rnmofilns. Fish croquottos or itlmbalos offer an attractlva wny to uso a small quantity of loftovor fish. A fish plo In mndo by filling n, bnklng dish with cronmod fish, thon covor lng tho top with mashed potatoos nnd baking until potatoos nro a golden brown. Fish sulad Is easily and quickly mado of 'cookod frsh nnd n dish of thlH kind will supply tho main courso for luncheon. No mnttor how tho fish Is cooked It will bo moro nppotUIng If sorvod with either n tart snuco or a greon salad with a French dressing. It Is loss wasteful to steam fish Hi n u It Is to boll lt. Howovor, It Is possible whon boiling to add flav oring which will mako tho fish moro palatable. In balling a fish add ono toaspoon ot salt nnd ono tablospoon of vlnogar to ovory two quarts of wator jind uso enough wntor to on tlroly cover tho fish. Vlnogar tonds to make tho flesh firm. Soup vogo tablos, a clovo or' a bit ot bayloaf may also bo added to tho wator In which the fish Is cooked. Do not aso cold wator fur tho fish ns It will draw out tlio Julcos liavo tho water hut but nut boiling, thou bring to tho hulling point mid simmer gently until tlio flush will luavu tho bunos mid Is lender. Tun minutes cook ing may bo allowed fur each pound of (lull, utter tho wntor Ih slminur lug, Fish will hold Its Bhnpo mid can io handled eimler If wrapped In a ploco uf choosocluth boforo placing In tlio hut wntor. A ruck or platu Hliould bo placed on tho bottom o( tliu kottlu to provunt tlio fish from sticking and possibly burning. To baku fish with stuffing, pro psro u bread stuffing, fill tho upun lug two-thlrdi (ull and thon suw firmly. Cut two or thrcu,guihca In the nldo of tho fish nnd lay u plecu of suit purk In each gash. Dredge fish with flour, sprinkle with salt nnd poppur mid lay on a ruck ur n ploco of cheecloth In a baking pan,4 llako (fifteen minutes (or each pound of fish, basting frequently. Tho pork should supply sufficient fat (or basting ;i( not, add u very little wator. When baking fish with out stuffing, chop onions und greon peppers vory fluo, brush fish over with melted fat, placo In tho bak ing pan, pllo tlio onion and greon poppor on top, season woll nnd boko, lly baking on ploco of cheesecloth fish can easily bo removed (rum tho pan without breaking. Fried fish nro seasoned, rolled In (lour, comment, or (Ino broad crumbs, dipped In egg, rolled In crumbs again, thon fried In deep (at, Tho sumo method of preparation Is usod when sautolng. Tho (Ish Is thou cooked In n frying pan In a small quantity of fat. If sautod without crumbling, tho (Ish will break easily nnd will not present an appetizing appearance. Salt pork adds flavor to tho (Ish und Is the boat (at to uso (or sautolng. FlllHts of fish aro nlso prepared In this nnmo manner and can bo fried or sauted. 1'IHK HAl'CIM Mnltrc (I'lfoiol lluttrr Heat one-fourth cup of butter to n cream, add gradually and very slowly ono 'tablespoon? "of 'lemon No. 024 827 136C 1480 288 ' 41 388 1068 1469 86 1217 12C0 1164 941 41 164 643 939 039 182 436 434 191 178 1278 143 14 91 1003 Jiilco; season with one-fourth tea 267 lift 161 162 231 19 216 622 1091 1261 152 63 155 20 994 1104 77 625 345 342 291 spoon of snlt and n dash of popper. and ono toaspoon ot chopped pars- loy, Spread on tho hot (Ish, Anchovy Snuco iMelt ono tablespoon of butter, add ono tablespoon of flour, mix until smooth, cook until frothy, thon add ono-hnlf cup cold milk or fish stock. Stir until thick and add ono tnblospoon of anchovy paste Murk llollnntlnlw Knuro Two tablespoons buttor, two tablespoons flour, ono cup of milk or fish stock, ono egg yolk, woll bonton; ono tablospoon lemon Julco and ono- fourth tenspoon snlt. Molt butter, add flour, mix woll, cook until frothy then add cold milk nnd cook until smooth. Add beaten yolk diluted with soma of tho snuco; season and add lemon Julco vory slowly, nnd tako ono tablespoon ot buttor, break Into bits and add grad ually, beating well, Bnuro Tnrtnm To ono-hnlf cup ot thick mayon nalso add one toaspoon ot onion Julco nnd throo sour pickles, choppod flno. Additional flavoring may bo added by using choppod olives and capon. 778 779 738 1366 1134 1133 1135 1207 1200 1208 Will Check Grafting Upon Business Men 367 768 303 771 411 410 786 783 898 309 1602 438 673 671 674 675 459 429 Of the Community All solicitors for funds from local merchants nnd o.ll promoters ot ad vertising campaigns outsldo tho rec ognized mediums of publicity will horoattor havo tholr plans sanctioned by n special commlttoo ot tho chain bor of commorco, announced Secre tary Stnnloy today. Tho main street merchant, bocause ot oasy access, Is a first target for ovory fund- raising campaign In any community and a mark for all fake advertising Bchomors. In consoquonco ho contributes moro than his sharo. vortlslng schomors. In consequence ho cantrlbutos moro than his sharo. Ofton ho realizes that tho motive bo hind tho solicitation Is valueloss; eometlmos ho Is satisfied that It Is almost vicious. Dut, lest ho offend n present or prospoctlvo customor ho Is forcod to "como through." Tho chambor of commorco commit too will pass upon all projects before solicitors aro allowed to approach Klamath Falls merchants horoattor, nnd ondoavor to wood out nil unwor thy movomonts. Tho grafter will bo speodlly eliminated. 709 710 697 42 1410 A classified Ad wilt sell It, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Continued from Page Two) nllntmnnt, ho must submit a separate bid for each allotment ho doslros to purchase, and If ha wishes less than an ontlro allotment, ho' must submit n hid for ono or moro legal subdivisions of such allotment. I'urchnsor shall pay costs of conveynncolng, It any, and from $1.60 to $2.60 fur advertising, In addition to n feu uf $20.00 fur wnrk Incident to tho salo payable when notified that ho Is tho successful bidder. No bid fur Iosh than tho appraised value shall bo considered. Chocks of unsuccessful blddorn will bo roturnod after tho oponlng ot tho bids. Tho right to rojoct any or nil bids Is rosorvad to tho Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Land sold In usually convoyed dlract to tho purchas er by l'ntont In feu si m plo from tho United States. Bach patent Issuod to tho purchaser will contain tho following clause: 'And thoro Is ronorvod (rum tho lands horoby granted a right of way for dltchos and canals constructed by tho authority of tho United States." Such charge as may ho levied by tho Department for such ditches etc., nro a first Hen against tho lands benofltted. Approved leases hold until such time as thoy will oxplro, but tho rental, otter approval ot tho snlo by tho Intorlor Department will be payable direct to tho purchaser, Tlio tonus of this salo, undor tho ciwh payment plan, nro ten por cent with tho bid, and tho additional ninety por cent within thirty days after tho data of notice ot nccoptnnco of hid by heirs or owners. lllils may also bo mndo by deferred payment plan, ton por cont with hid fifteen por cent within thirty days from dato ot notlco of ac ceptance, twoirty-flvo por cent ono year from such dato, twenty-flvo por cent In two years and twonty-flvo por cont In three years, with Inter est on deferred payments nt eight por cont. Owners uf tracts will ho urged to accept deferred payment bids If to their advantage, but thoy frequently refuso to sell on this plan, nnd tho bidder runs tho risk of his offer being refused. Ho may submit cash and deforrcd payment bid on tho samo tract. All bids aro sub ject to acenptanco or rejection by the Indian owners, ' Tim township plain In tho Agency Offlco at Klamath Agency, Oregon may bo examined nt any tlmo during offlco hours. Further Information doslrod will bo given upon roquost either In porson or by letter. It Is advlsablo for bidders to mako a porsonal In spection of tlio tracts. Hlildoni may iiiihmlt ns mnny snpnrnto altornnto bids as thoy doslro to mako. Theso conditional bids should bo marked "Altornato bid to bo In effect only In enso that my bids on other (spoclfled) tracts nro unsuccessful." A cortlficd chock for ten por cont of tho amount of tho highest bid submitted must bo enclosed with tliu first chotco bid and referred to In tho altornato bids, which should be markod "second choice," "third cholco" otc, This glvos prospoctlvo sottlars a bottor chanco to securo a tract of soma sort. Bids for land contingent upon secur ing other lands will bo considered, If accompanied by check. Indicated tracts that aro considered Irrlgablo. "Tbr" denotes tracts that havo somo commercial timber on them. flood agricultural lunds enn he found In Twp, 35, It. 7. Flno hay lands aro located In Twps. 30 and 31, ranges 8 and 9. Remaining lands nro sultnblo for grazing and hay raising. Name Llzo Wilson . . SWVi Ilosslo Wilson . NWVi Annlo John -.. .Lots 19 nnd 22 ............ -...... and tract adj. Oovt. School Farm. Romus Crowley . 8W-8B nnd SE-SW .. Chris Drown ....-.......... Lots 23, 28, 21 ......., Lats Z, 3, 8, MM lO I X ittnniM 1242 Cornolta Pompoy Lot 38 (1,142 M. Tbr.) Dortha D. George Juno Preston ........ Amanda Efgsman B Vi NB BE-BB .Lots 12 and ..LoU 18, 17, -HK 680 John Pat -Lots 12 nnd 8 Vi-S Vi-NW lV UMiMimw Luclllo Jefferson Harry Stokes . 'E U NB W. -Lots 4 and 6 Albert Moses Andy Sammy Lots 2, 3, 6, -W hi NB Lots 12, 13 N BW Jonnto Kano Archlo Wooks -S V, NB SW U SW N H-NW llortha Deal Ooorgo Lou Isaacs .... Hoatrlx Crowley .... Prim Weeks .......... N H-NW .8 H-N ... .a a y ...& M NW Mlko Weeks Polly Jackson .-Lots 1, 2, 3 .-nn v J l oss Minor .. Sarah Morrltt . Clnda John -..- Florence Jackson Mrs. Dr. Thompson , DenJ. Wocus Ooorg Dr. Thompson S U-NW Y. and lota 3, 4 . 8W .8 K 4 .....,. HHMM ..NW Vi 8 tf-NE and JW hi -NE U-SWK N W-NW Vi Alllo Tocumseh Anabcl Choto -NE --Lot 1 . Lot 2 , Lot 6 ... 266 Clnda Rlggs W NW U 8 H NB hi, . Marvin Rlggs Leila David .. Old Isaacs . .-SB K -Lots 1, 2. 3, .-UU u Natsgolcs Isaacs Lots 3. 4 and Clnda Lotcbos ,...K H-NH Vi W hi NW U Suslo Pompoy MB Tom Bkollock, Sr. 3W Vi Nolllo Moody -SB tt-NW aw -HK E M-NB Vi Julia Hart Oladys C. Slomcns Jason Howard Jones .... Charlos Howard ... arovor Pompoy ., Mobto M. Chartoy W H-WVi NW hi 8W Vi NB hi SW Vi B Vi - EVi - SEU W Vi-SWVi .SW Vi Emma Hoches Ireno Bkollock . Ilagont Jackson Waldroft Smith . James Smith .-.. Dixie KIst -B Vi-SB Vi .-HE h 8 V4-NB B H-NW. .N V4-NV4-SEVi: 8 VJ-SEVi-NEVi; SW-NE and N Vi NE-SW Lot 2 John Jones ............ Mary Loulso Jones W V4-SE; E V4-SW; 8W Vi Julia Faithful Mack Mosoa ... NB Vi -Lots 1, 2: Meda Jackson NB Vi Dcatty Jackson ...................SB U Jlmmlo Jackson, Jr. NB Vi Konnoth Mooro S V4-NW; BW-8W-31V SE-SW: B VS N Vi-NW ....Lots 3-4; SW Lot 1 3 V4-NW: W Qutmby Mooro . Thoodoro Mooro Dolly Rkoen Wlillo W. Hutchinson Lot 11 - 12 - 13 Lot 2-3-6-7 James Preston -.-....-- Lots 1. 8, 9, W V4-NB Susan Hutchinson Dora Jefferson .... Llzzlo Jefferson Lonn Jackson E V4-SW and Lota 3, 4 . 7-36-12 Ralph II. Jackson . NE Vi !. '. . 7-36-12 Carolina Williams -NW Vi 9-36-12 KokowoB Drew ...... NB Vi . 1036-12 Nancy Smith . . W V4-SE and Lots 3 and 4 24-32-13 Lowls O. Mlllor SB Vi .................... .............. .......-..34-32-13 Esthor Hondorson NB Vi 19-35-13 Jacob Hendorson ... NW Vi 19-35-13 Phoobo Hondorson . SB Vi . 19-35-13 Nottlo Hondorson . ...SW Vi 19-35-13 Kato Vlllard . . -.. V4-NW and Lots 3 and 4 2-33-13 Louis Wra. Paddy ....T. B V4-SW and Lots 3 nnd 4 30-35-13 1078 Lawronco R. George NE Vi ................................. .....-...37-34-13 -(Ot oioaoo t, itenry .............. nu vi .................................... ............ .....24-36-13 420 Salllo Jamos ...-N V4-NE 21 B Vi-NW-NE J NE-NE WVi-SW Vi SB Vi .. 20-36-13 Mlchaol Etchunks W Vi-NW Vi: NE Vi-NW Vi 22-36-13 B -E Vi-SW U 15-36-13 Mustuy Elchunks SB Vi . 15-36-13 Mary .Darkley .................... SB V4 .......... ..... ....... .23-32-13 Ormlo Heal Morrltt -.....-...-Lots 20 and 21 ...... ..................... .32-35.7 Charlie Pitt N Vi-NVi-NB 3-3 4-7 Vi SW-NW . - 35-33-7 Lots 6, 7, 8 ...... ..3433.7 Vi La-Iapo-ness .................... -NB Vi .-.. 3-31-8 Emma Oookman .N Vi-NB V4 ........ ,....10-31-8 674 493 N V4-SH Vi 11 Charley Drown .... SB Vi - 14 Doctor Thoniposn -....... NB Vi-SW Vi N Vi-NW U 1119 Ira Isaacs ...........................S Vi-NB Vi 1440 John Smith SW Vi . 470 Harvey Dlok -NW Vi Correctien: Add to the sals area ot Jennie 1164 Jennie Kane ............. Lot 30 ................. Descriptions .24-32-7 ,.25-82-7 ... 3-36-7 ....30-34-7 .- 4-36-7 9-35-7 ...16-35-7 9, 12, 12, 18, 19 mHWHHIMI mini .29 .20 .34 .27-36-7 13 ..32-35-7 24, 28, 21 .20-35-7 2-36-7 5-36-7 13 VI -SWVi and NVi 8W- . 1-36-7 . 6-36-7 . 9-36-7 . 9-36-7 .12 7 NW .16-36-7 .35-35-7 : NW NB , 8 -.27-30-8 - !5 .36-30-8 .31-30-8 .33-30-8 ...34-30-8 ,.36-30-8 -..36-30-8 ,.-16-31-8 ... 3-31-8 4-31-8 -.16-31-8 .-.16-31-S 21-31-8 -.28-31-8 30 8 NW and lot 3 .21-31-8 .30-31-8 .36 .26-31-8 .30-31-9 .34 .33-31-8 .33-31-8 .30-32-8 7-32-8 7-32-8 9-34-8 B U-BWtt .10-34-8 .26-30-9 .26-30-9 hi: B H-SW hi. and hi . 6-30-9 . 1-36-9 .21-36-9 .11-30-10 .14-30-10 .16-30-10 .16-30-10 . 20 21-30-10 . 24-30-10 18-30-10 2-31-10 25-32-10 36-32-10 nnd SEVi-SW Vi Vi: N Vi-SE U - 8W-NW. NW-SW .36-32-10 ,.31-32-11 ,. 3-36-10 8 V4-NE 8W-SW, EVS-NW Vi- ... 3-36-10 ...26-36-10 ,- 7-31-11 ...18-31-11 -.18-31-11 ...19-31-11 ..29-31-11 ,..20 -.29-31-11 ...30 ...31-31-11 -.17-32-11 ... J-36-11 -.19-36-11 -.15 W Vi-NW-NE. SW-NE- NW-8W, N V4-SW-SW; - SW - SW - SW - SB V4-NB - 14 ....... .. 16 Vi 27-36-11 ,..8B Vi . 23-36-11 -SB Vi ..........-................................ ..... ..3 6-3 6-11 -NW Vi 36-36-11 J. .13-31-7 f 19-31-8 and Lot 3 .............. ............30 . 21-31-8 ......... ......... 7-32-8 . 1-31-10 ., 11-33-13 Kane. , "' 9-36-7 WALTER O. WEST Supolntendent. Appraised Leaso Area Valno Expires Timber 160 ? 1600.00 4-30-21 1 160 1600.00 4-30-21 40 63 1000.00 80 640.00 ,168 1306.25 160 40 82 160 3044.00 600.00 1640.00 1605.00 12-31-33 70 .40 40 80 850.00 1600.00 1800.00 1300.00 i. 131 140 120 80 160 159 80 118 160 163 160 160 160 160 161 158 16 7730.00 1 1100.00 1200.00 600.00 1500.00 1300.00 1000.00 1200.00 2400.00 1400.00 2000.00 2000.00 2400.00 2000.00 2000.0 2600.00 1300.00 4-30-21 4-30-21 4-30-21 4-30-22 4-30-21. ioe 1(0 160 169 160 157. 160 160 160 160 80 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 80 160 160 160 900.00 1100.00 . 1000.00' 1200.00 4-30-21 2000.00 1800.00 3630.00 3000.00 4-30-21 1600.00 7 4 -4-.J- - ' " 2400.00 " 4-30-21 980.00 16437.00 1000.00 1600.00 3000.00 1600.00 3-21-21 1500.00 3800.00 4-30-23 800.00 4-30-28 2200.00 4-30-21 1725.0C 4-30-21 1800.00 , 4-30-31 1100.00 4-30-21 1500.00 4-30-23 1800.00 '4,-30-23 4077.00 1500.00 1750.00 1760.00 1800.00 134 160 140 160 169 160 160 160 160 140 157 160 159 80 80 160 160 160 161 160 160 160 J60 160 160 160 160 158 163 169 2500.00 2500.00 2000.00 1000.00 1900.00 1000.00 975.00 1200.00 3700.00 2500.00 2000.00 1800.00 1600.00 1600,00 1800.00 3000.00 1720.00 1742.50 875.00 2516.00 2400.00 2287.00 3-31-21 3-31-31 3-31-31 ' iTbr. "Tbr. 4-30-23 3-31-21 3-31-21 3-31-21 Tbr. Tbr. Tbr. ;i Tbr. Tbr. 9224.00 1600.00 .'...-. 1 'i-'St-- 160 160 160 160 40 1200.00 1280.00 1400.00 . 2600.00 3-31-21 480.00 12-31-22' 5400,00 2000.00 1440.00 "' 4 2000.00 . 4000.00 , 2600,00 600.00 - iJ 1860,00 4-30-21. 3032.00 166 153 80 80 160 168 80 160 160 .-'-I 4 - 20 500.00 prfcr Tr Tbr. Tkr. Tbr. Tbr. Tbr. Tbr. Tbr.