The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 05, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    BAXWIDAY, FHnnUAltV1 8, 1031.
CHICAGO, Feb. 5. Tlio foreign
longungo press of Chicago Is Joining
tho Kngllsli press In promising co
oporatlon with Northwestern Univer
sity In establishment of tho Joseph
Modlll School of Journalism, recently
announced. Tho school Is mndo pos
slblo by Col. Robert R. McCormlck
and Joseph Medlll Patterson, editors
of tho Chicago Tribune, and nt tho
time of tho announcement of tho pro
ject, practically all tho Chicago tlntl
, les promised their co-operation.
Instruction will begin with tho
Spring somestor Fobrunry 7, with
classes In tho school of commorcc,
which Is down-town, but tho campus
classes will not bo organized until
next Soptcmbcr. For tho first somes
tor, Chicago newspaper men, lectur
ing ono night n week, will handlo
tho technical courses of tho new
School of Journalism, under tho di
rection of Dean Ralph E. Hellman
of tho school of commorcc.
Appreciation of what tho now
school can do toward raising stand
ards of tho nowspaper profession and
Increasing tho understanding of Am
erican problems as they relate to tho
foreign-born, Is contained In recent
letters recolved by President Waltoi
Dill Scott of tho University.
"As a doctor cannot practice and
as an attorney cannot bo a member
of tho bar without his diploma, I can
not sco any reason why a man should
oecomo a Journalist without having
proper qualifications of tho profes
sion, which Is considered ono of tho
most vital In tho twentieth century,"
wroto P. S. Lambros, editor of tho
Oreck Stnr.
"Wo hope tho School of Journal
Ism will breed better knowledgo of
political history, geography, and eth
nography of other countries, chlofly
Europe, among American Journa
list," said R. J. Psema, editor of tho
Dally Srornost.
Oscar Durante, editor L' Italia,
wrote at length on tho value he could
seo in the new school of Journalism
In promoting a better understanding
among the newspaper mon of tho
worth and real work of tho foreign
language element of tho nation.
Similar expressions wcro made in
letters from Oliver A. Under, mana
ging cdltor'ot Svenska Amorlkanar
en; John R. Palcndeck, publisher the
Unltod Serbian and other Slavonic
newspapers; Robort S. Abbott, editor
of the Chicago Defender; and Dr. S.
M. Melamed and Harry A. Llpsky,
cdltor-in-chlef and business manager
respectively of the Dally Jewish
MADE HIO MONin. 1020.
LEGE, Fob. 5. Oregon boys and
girls who aro members of tho state
clubs sold 1111,584.60 worth of pro
duco last year, $ 5 5,9 4 2 of which was
puro profit. This is tho report of
H. C. Seymour, state leaders of boys'
and glrla' club work.
.served pipind hot
with pure crc&m
rear pride
in m& ,
7bf(eHomee Dcpei
X" i
CHICAGO, 111., Feb. 4. With nn
Incrcaso of $000 per year to tho nv
orngo teacher Bnltlmoro Is shown to
lead tho list of American cities In
amount of salary advancos to bo
granted to public school workers
during tho past year, nccordlng to n
survey of tho national educational
situation just complotcd by tho Rot
ter Schools Service, a bureau of tho
American Federation of Teachers.
This bureau has been compiling
statistics and reports hero stneo tho
tonchor shortago bocnnio ncuto. Phil-
ndolphla Is shown to bring up tho
rear of all cities, Its lncrcas.o bolng
only from $50 to $'120 per year.
Tho avcrago Incrcaso for cities of
more than 100,000 population Is list -
ed at $365 per year, for cities of be-j
tweon 00,000 and 100,000 threo hun
drod and thirty-two dollars In cities
of 25,000 to 50,000, threo hundred
and soventy-ono dollars.
"Reports from all over tho coun
try show that tho gonoral advanco In
salarlos still leaves tcachors moro In-
ndequatolr Paid then previous to I
1914," said William T. McCoy, dlrec-.
tor of tho survoy In making tho 'first!
findings public. To Whom It May Concern.
"Teachers aro still at tho bottom : Wo know ns woll as tho roader
of sklllod workors in tho wago scnlo," that Longfollow wroto hotter poetry
ho added. "Tho measures of relief than out
havo been pnllatlvo only. They mny But longfollow didn't havo half n
haro checked momentarily tho dlsln- doien printers nt his elbow howling
tegratlon in the public school sys-' for "copy".
torn of this country but they havo not i .
arrested It. All reports show that They used to say that beauty wns
there must be fundamental changes jkln ? but now U eem8 ,0 bc
In tho policy of financing education
boforo schools are safo from current
deterioration. Normal school enroll
ment over tlio nation Is tho barome
ter of tho educational system. This
barometer Is now very low. Even tho
Baltimore increase is reported by
Maryland educators to have boon In
adequate. Among tho larger American cities
Loulsvlllo and Paterson (N. J.) rank
next to Baltimore, with $500 each
as tho average annual Incrcaso. Chi
cago, Toledo, San Francisco and Kan
sas City take next place with $450
oach. St. Louis, Oakland, Tacoma
gavo $420 apiece with Spokane close
behind with $400. Boston, Los Ang
eles and Houston awarded a ralso of
$330, with Atlanta and Minneapolis
$300 each. Indianapolis, Cleveland
and Des Moines gavo $200.
Of cities between 50,000 and 100,,
000 Torro Haute, Ind. leads with an
average teacher advanco of '7450.
Portland, Me., gave $400 and Gary,
Ind. $360.
In the third group cities between
25,000 and '50.000 Montclalr. N. J.
tops the list with $500, Newton,
Mass, being next with $450.
PITTSBURGH. Feb. 5. Many inde
pendent steel manufacturers today
Increased tholr operations on a con
servative basis after about six weeks
during which manufacturing was
olther entirely suspended or greatly
Nineteen heavily loaded freight
cars broko loose wlillo being switched
from ono track to nnothor at Troycs,
Franc, and rushed downhill towards
a station. An employo Jumped on a
bicycle and raced along tho track
parallel with the train, and then,
Jumping on one of tho fast-moving;
cars, applied the brakes and prevent'
cd a serious collision.
In Chicago, tho customors buying
oloctrlc .powor and light are Increas
ing at tho rate of 30,000 to 40,000 a
Teaching cf up-to-dato dancing,
Waltz, Ono-Stop, Fox-Trot and
Schottlsche, by competent lady and
gontlomen Instructors.
81.25 per lesson for gentlomcn.
$1.00 per lesson for ladles.
$10.00 for ten lossons for gontlemon.
$8.00 for ten lessons for ladles.
Lessonu start Friday, January 21,
nnd will bo given every Tuesday and
Friday night at -S o'clock sharp In
Main Hall.
Frco admission to, all ladles who
are good dancers.
Scandinavian Hall
Ninth and Walnut
The Office Cat
"I am In u great hurry to catch
tho Chlloiiuln Special," said Charllo
McCuthon, district sales Malinger of
tho .Standard OU rompnny, as ho
climbed Into tho harbor's chair. "Can
you cut my hair If I leavo my collar
"Suro." said Jess Turner ns ho
glanced nt tho shiny domo, "ovon if
, you leave your hat on,"
j "" Inlor.t Porno,
How 'Vir to my hoart
Is tho old sliver ducat
When payday presents It
Onco moro to vlowj
I hardly rccolvo It
Till somebody's tuk It,
Tho old silver ducat-.
kneo high.
Jimmy Watklns says that anyway
you novcr saw a woman who was so
near-sighted that sho couldn't find
Usually when a young man Isn't
satisfied with tho work ho's doing,
his boss Isn't cither.
Tho question often arises, do wo
elect public officials to work, or to
If you -would got tho fattest pay
cnvelopo do nothing but now
enough to tell others bow to do It.
A Kansas preacher says holl won't
bo such a bad placo If only all tho
hypocrites aro kept out.
Paul O'Dowd has cat hash In every
rondyvoo In town trying to locate a
good restaurant sign.
Editor Left Town.
Sho was strong on Woman Suf
frage, and her subject was "Woman,
Without Her, Man Would bo a Sav
age." And this Is how tho paper bad
It: "Woman, without Her Man Would
bo a Savage.
A Way To Got Even.
If you want to got even with Bur
leson for rendering such punk mall
service resort to tho following.
Mall yourself a letter and do not
put a stamp on It. You will get It
Bill WIcst says that ho has dis
covered that a pawn-broker won't
lend you two cents on your ten mil-Hon-dollor-oplnlon
of your self.
Mcbliy Ho StnrtN 'Em at "O nnd num
ber 'cm backtwinl.
"I know a merchant," deposes E.
W. Hi, "who has four clerks and I
when n customer comes In ho shouts
number 19' ''.
Remember, newly weds, that you
do not have to llvo In an apartment!
to mako a flat falluro out of mar
riage Wo sow tho rips in our boys' shoes
frco of charge
1-5 Bradloy-Evnng Shoo Co.
Department of the Interior
Tho public is horoby Informed that the following listed faherltod and Non-Corapotont Indian lands under tho jurisdiction of tho Klamath
Reservation, Oregon, aro offered for sale under existing laws, in accordance with tho ruloe nnd regulations of the Sowotary of tho inSv
Sealed bids wlH bo received for tho following lnnrtn until 9-nn A.i.i, t r .. ,r J... .. .. . .' ul uu in"rwr.
Sealed bids wiH bo received for
oponed at the Klamath Agency Office, Interested parties nro
Each bid must bo accompanied
cni'iiuu ui iuu iouu nutui uoi mo uirwu uu ao eiivuiouu, u 1 or no CirCUSlStanCes will anv narson ennnnrlnl utli i, i-i,.,.i. . .. -"'-
RublE' b PermUted ,0 bId ik'MT r T " t0 m,,k0 F I,r0Pftr "' ' " '""'W ? "VffiilT.0 bdderntJa nS Vr SSpS-"
Nobldder will be urmkHi tor desires to bid on more than onoo include more tksn o.e allotmen In any bid'. If a prosne.Uve n.rchas
i i. i ,. I, ,- (Continued to Page t) F "'
No changes will bo mndo In this
column unless tho copy Is nt Tho
Evening Herald otflco by 5 o'clock
Friday uvonlng.
Eighth and High, Rov, Hugh J. Mar
shall, Rnv. J. V. Molloy.
8 a. m, children's sorvlco, Adults
ara rcnuostod not to nttond this
10:30, high mass nnd sormnn.
7 p. in., rosnry nnd benediction,
Klamath Falls hold services In tho
lowor room of tho Library building,
cornar of Third and Main streets,
ovory Sunday morning nt 11 o'clock
and ovory Wednesday ovciilng at 8
Tho Sunday school session Is from
9:45 to 10:45 ovory Sunday morn
Tho froo roadlng room and froa
lending library Is open from 2:30 to
4:30 on Tuosdnys, Thursdays and
Washington and Eighth.
Sunday school at 10 n. m.
Preaching at 11 a. nt.
Prayer sorvlco Wednesday nt S p.
m. ,
Every socond nnd fourth Wednes
day evening will bo duvotud to mis
sionary work.
II. Y. P. U, Sunday ovcnlng nt
7:30 p. m,
A cordial Invllntlon Is extended to
all to attend thoso service.
cornor Sixth nnd Pine streets. Rev. E,
P. Lnwronce, minister, 437 Third
street. Phono 429.
Morning worship at 11 a. m.
"Threo Great Convictions" will bo
tho subject of tho sermon,
Tho choir will sing nn anthem on-
(Html "A Urn 1111 nt ln,n,ll,n
In tho ovcnlng wo will unlto with I
tho Methodist pcoplo In their clos
lPsisgaP--A--ii j:'Btl5g:si3ras:5l3H3ailttIBSl
Tho present financial stringency and tho shortening of torms by tho wholesalers
and manufacturers has compelled us to clinngo our terms of solo by either raising
our prices on chargo accounts or confining all sales to a cash basis.
in all fairness to our
terms to a strictly cash or thirty day basis.
Wo must adopt tho policy of tho wholesalers by charging interest on all monthly
balances not paid beforo tho tonth of month following purchase,
From tho most rollablo sourco of Information obtainable, that of our wholesalers
nnd manufacturers, wo bollova tho prices of most merchandise has reached Its lowest
ebo. Wo havo therefcro revised our sales prices to conform to tho prcsont day bnal
and will continue to rcduco our prices as tho cost of our roplnremonls mny bo re
duced. Wo trust our customers will nppreclnto tho position In which wo nro plncod and
lend tholr co-operation whllo passing through this period of readjustment. Wo nro
confldont that.wlth your naslstnnco tho steps which wo havo takon will rovort to tho
mutual benefit of tho entire community.
the following listed lands until 2:00
by a certified chock on somo solvont
ing sorvlco with evangelist Dr.
(loorgn llimnnrd. Monition of tlio con
gregation nro urged to attend, Thoso
moetlitgs havo boun very helpful to
many and wo clone, so that our pco
plo may nttond thoni.
nnd Pine Htroots, 0, F. Trlmuto, piiH
tor, 2107 Wnnlland Avo. Phono
Htttidny school 10 n, nt.
Hoi mini, 11 u, m.
Christian Endeavor 0:30 p. m.
Hnrmoii, 7:30 p. m,
Wo will rinitliiun our services nt
tlio Scandinavian hall corner 0th and
Walnut, Wo nro on tho hunt for
every man In town who Is not In
sumo other clnss, to Join our splen
did Sunday school class at tho Star
theatre. Cntiui onco, then wo know
you will como often. Wo want you.
Coiuo next Qunday at 10 a. in.
Eight street, Baptist's church.
Sabbath school ovory Saturday
morning at 10 o'clsck.
Pronchlng nt 11 o'clock by Evan
gelist L. E. Wndo.
Prayer mooting ovory Thursday
night nt 7 o'clock.
Everybody welcome.
Tenth and High, Rov. 8, J, Chnnoy,
pastor, 1005 High St., Phono D37-W.
Tho Evuugollstlc campaign which
has been going on at tho Methodist
church for tho past three weeks has
beou very successful nnd tho people
nro looking forward to a groat day
on Sunday. There will bo nil ovnngo
llstlc meeting In tho Sunday school
nt 10 o'clock. Mr. llonnnrd will play
tho guitar and sing, also bring n mes
sage to tho school. At tho church
sorvlco at 11 o'clock Br. llonnnrd
will speak nnd sing by request tlio
famous song "Tho Old Rugged
Cross." There will bo two grent union
services: Ono In tho after nt 3 o'clock
nnd tho other nt 7:30 p. m. A rous
ing song sorvlco at tho evening meet
ing. All who enro to do so nro In
vited to bring their dinner lo tho
church on Sundny and stay all day for
Our Patrens:
Merrill, Oregon, February 1, 1921.
Cash and Credit Customors wo aro
o'cleck P. M. on February IB. iD2l. nt wMm. i i.- '.,. J'
tobo prosent. .
bank paynblo to tho order of tho
Your Cold Grows Worse
Own Till Ever Happen to You?
Hnlf t Sniff Hitlff - your cold
grows worse nnd worse, your torn
poriituro goes up, your bond lioxlus
to nclio you have no appetite, your
power of resistance grown weaker,
your million cense, you loso Interest
In everything, you go to hud and tho
doctor coinon. Ho fee In your pulso,
takoH your temperature, and liiimo'
dlatoly onion a nurso. Ho comos
again and sends you off to n hos
pital. Weeks roll by and' you nro
carefully minted hack to health,
Resides your suffering you hnvo
lost your I lino, you havo had to pay
ynui' doctor, nurso, druggist and
hospital bills, nil becatino you neg
lected that apparently slight cold.
Don't do It attain. Take no mora
(lot of us n box of llmall
tlvo Aspirin (U. I). Co.) Cold Tab
lets loday. Take them according to
directions tho moment tho first
symptoms appear and you wltl ob
tain real relief.
Wo guarantee them.
Star Drug Co.
The Retail Store
Klniiintli Fulls f Oregon
till tho nervlccu. Mr. Churlen Rob
erts Is tho loader of tho Epworth
l.eaguo meeting at 6:30 p. in. All
are Invited to all tho meetings at tho
Muthodlst church,
church, Lutheran services will bo
held Sunday nt 2:30 p, m In tho
First Baptist church, cornor 8th nnd
Sormoti by tho llnv. Mr. Mntthlcs,
Eloventh St.
Rov. G. I.erny Hall will preach
Sunday nt 11 n. in. nnd will prob
ably Join in union service with tho
M. E. church In tlio evening. All
Baptists nnd frlonds aro urged to bo
present for tho service.
obliged to rovlso
10, 1920.
u ,uo' wm B0
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