THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAQK XWBIiVM SATURDAY, FKMWAIIV , llt. 1 - - Mil y ME IK TO RICE IT ' INDIANAPOLIS INDIANAPOLIS Fob. 5. Threo European nations will bo represented In tho ninth annual COO mllo Inter- natlonal-sweepatnkos race, on tho In' dlanapolls motor speedway, May 30 Fronch, Drltlsh and Italian cars will compcto for tho 50,000 purso and an oqua'l amount of accessory nwnrds. Franco has boon rcprosonted In evory race, by foreign drivers and cars from across tho wator, slnco 1913, oxcept tho war years of 1316 and 191C. England has not Btartod a car In tho races slnco tho war, and Itnly has been absent from tho Hoos lor classic slnco tho fleet of Isottas racod In 1913. Much Interest of tho fans it 111 bo centered In tho Italian delegation. According to Information rccolTod hore from V. F. Dradloy, tho Euro pean roprosentntlvo of tho speedway, tho Flat Is finally going to send over a team of threo cars. Louis Wagner, who won tho first American grand prlto at Savannah In 1908, Is ex pected to captain tho team, although Flat, has not announced Its drlvors or formally entered. A decade ago the Italian car was moro foarcd than any racing outfit, rivalling tho Gorman Dcm for supremacy In Araorlca. Its last appcaranco In tho local classic was In 1912, when Teddy Tctilaff finished second to Joo Dawson's Na tional. Seven French Entries. Tho trl-color will flutter from the helmots ot at least soTcn drivers pil oting tbrco Peugcots and four Bal lots. The Pougeot Is said to havo omo now 183, Inch cars with Jules Ooux as team captain. Whllo no over tures havo beon mado to Howard WJI coz, tho Indianapolis boy who won with this make In 1919, It Is expect ed that he will havo one of tho'trlo. The Ballot "elght-ln-llno" team will number four. It has been announced that Ralph DoPalma and Jean Chaa sagn will havo two of these cars, but tho other membors havo not beon selected. Tho Drltlsh entry will be tho Sun beam, the factory which has tried since 1913 to win the GOO mllo raco. Darto Reata, 191C Indianapolis win- ( nor and American champion, and Andxo Dolllot will drlvo two ot tho threo now Suuuoams designed uy Louis Contalon. It Is possible, that tho third Sunboam may fall to Hono Thomas, tho 1914 winner. If It doos not It will bo bocaitBo Franco will havo nnothor toam In tho raco, with Thomas nt the holm. Oror 18 In Raco It is nlso reported on tho other sldo that Jean Porporato has beon busy this winter putting tho powor plants ot thovOrogolros, which woro entered last year, In now and llghtor classes and that tho Italian wilt ho back battling for tho winner's prUo on Memorial day. With a certain flold ot 13 cars and tho probability ot not loss than W, tho Kuroponns aro cortnlnly out to win tho ninth raco. How to Break Motor Knocking Ry Mlko Do Clcco Onco upon n morning dreary, whllo I mdtorod, weak nnd weary, Through gnrago and out of door, Suddenly thoro camo n tapping was It that old piston slapplngT Slapping as it did boforo? Was It carbon, thickly crusted T Wns a valvo stem nearly busted? Must I go and spond somo moro? A very dcuco ot n fix to bo in so early in tho morning, with apologies to Poo, but many a motorist Is so fixed. How Is ho going to find out what tho nolso 1st Can ho toll n piston slap or n spark knock from ordinary palpitation ot tho heart? It may bo In tho mnln bearing or It may bo n tin can slung on behind his gas tank. Hero aro somo suggestions for locating tho oluslvo knock or tap: do up a steep lncllno with the spark advanced half way, and tho allmont Is a connoctlng rod knock It It Increases In strength, or, by work ing tho spark lover back and forth ono can dlagnoso tho trouble as a spark or carbon knock. Tho main bearing, wrist pin nnd piston, slap knocks can bo beard whon thoro Is no strain on tho motor, simply by traveling at a fast paco or by racing tho motor when standing still. Tho above will glvo tho koy to lo cating troublo In tho most vital parts ot tho car, and tho slightest delay In attondlng'to the trouble will cause 'other parts to knock In sympathy. You don't wnnt your motor to bo a knocker; koep It In good condition and it will bo a booster. In case a knock of any kind devel ops, try nnd find out whoro It Is, nnd thon satisfy yoursolf by having tho suspoctod part lookod nt. It you havo diagnosed tho caso right, roplaco tho part co tho troublo will not spread. You may tnko n flyor nt It yourBolf, but It you do, Jack up tho car bo you enn work oaslly, nnd put blocks umlor tho nxlos so tho weight of tho car will not bo accidentally thrown from tho Jnck nnd on top ot your cheat. Thoro nro mon who can lot cars drop on tholr chests nnd got away with It, but thoy nro fow nnd far between. It you nro going to tacklo tho Job of soolng who has boon knocking nt tho door ot your pockotbook thru your engine, remove tho dust or splash pan, If thoro Is ono, drain tho oil through tho plug on .tho bottom of tho motor, and thon looson tho bolts nnd nuts on tho crnnk enso. Ho foro all tho bolts and nuts nro ro moved plnco a Jnck umlor tho crnnk caso to hold It up, It you think It Is moro than your breakfast can stand, nnd finish up tho Job. Disconnect tho nil pipes, If thoro nro nny, and tho crnnk caso Is ready to como off. How To Toll Ry Hound Attor tho crnnk caso has boon dis connected from tho motor, ono can get nt tho bearings. Tap thorn with n hammor, nnd If nny ot them sound dull, or dolotul, llkotho famous volco from tho tomb, It's n cinch they're In bad order, for thoso In good condi tion will glvo oft a solid spund. It you'vo ovor sounded a watormollon to find out whether or not It Is ripe, you can oaslly tost a bearing for Its good hoalth. It tho wrist pins nro worn, tho cylinder head must como oft, provided, ot courso, you nro not ablo to get thorn out from tho bot tom. Ho suro tho bearings nro right boforo storting to tost any othor part. Do tho work ot Investigation thor oughly. To get nt tho timing goars, tho ra diator must bo romovod from tho car. Thus ono can got nt tho bolts that hold tho timing goar caso. As soon as this Is off, ono can got at tho gears, and can havo somo moro fun testing. Pretty soon, by tlolng your own testing for a while, you will get bo you nro ablo to toll when thoro Is really anything tho mattor with tho motor, or whethor it's Just a caso of temper. SAW OPERATED BY AUTOMOBILE lA portablo wood-sawing machtno, to bo mounted on' and suppllor with powor by an automobile, cuts each ploco of cordwood Into four pieces and .can drop them Into a -waiting, vehicle. pH -SiSSB si sSi 4fty Jf I I I have sold more automobiles than all the other I H dealears in Klamath County put together. Upon re- I tiring from the aufomobile business I purchased a I ' I Studebaker, .the reason was, I knew Klamath Coun- I H ty conditions and that no automobile was more adapt- 1 I ed to stand these roads than Studebaker. " I Three Models All Sixes i I LIGHT SIX SPECIAL SIX BIG SIX $1,765 $2,100 $2,565 ' I DUNHAM AUTO COMPANY I jf Klamath County Distributers I ' I .. Sixth Street At Oak Phone 52-W I i&tW"Wjl ' L y X X X t t t t T T t t t ? ? t t T ? ? ? T Y t t ? ? T t Y t Y t HELLO fire Users! Our Phone Number Is 472 JUST PHONE US AND WE WILL DELIVER ANYTHING YOU NEED. OUR DELIVERY, SER VICE IS ONE OF OUR SPECIALTIES. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR: TIRES, TUBES, RIMS, LUGS, NUTS, VALVE STEMS, VALVE INSIDES, VALVE CAPS, DUST CAPS, WEED CHAINS, RELINERS, BOOTS, TIRE CEMENT, PATCHES, TIRE TALC, JACKS, TIRE TOOLS, FLAPS, TIRE DOUGH AND VULCANIZ ING OF ALL KINDS. Charley's Place Sixth and Klamath Phone 472 $" ' 4 fr fr $M$H$$H$H$MfMHfr M$MMHM3M$M$Mfr ft f $H Now isn't it :.i i-Xc A Hiv.. .-A, -., iHW fact i YOU WOULDN'T GO TO BLACKSMITH SHOP TO HAVE A SUIT OF CLOTHES MADE! NATURAL LY YOU WOULD GO TO A TAILOR.' THEN WHY NOT HAVE YOUR AUTO TOP WORK DONE BY A FIRWT WHO ARE SPECIALISTS IN JUST THAT CLASS OF WORK. WE ARE KLAMATH FALLS' ONLY EXCLUSIVE TOP BUILDERS. '(g) KLAMATH FALLS 226 Sixth Street Phone 176-J 9. Lr-U