? s m IMAM KMWICN THE EVENING HERALD KLAMATH RALLS, OREGON SATURDAY, FEBRUARYS, 121. AUTOMOTIVE INTERESTS ARE 1 I g With assuranco of co-operation from tho offlco of io Bocrotary of State, tlin Portland I'otlcn Dnpnrt mont, tlio National Hafoty Council, and tho Orogo nHlnto Motor Assocla tlon, roprosontlng tho motoring pub lie, itho Lcglalntlvo Commlttoo of tho nutomotlvo Industry I proporod to perform a splendid public duty at thin sosalon of tho Oregon I.oglala turo, From tho Docombor 18th mooting of Jlio Industry thorn darolopod an oiocutlvn committee, connlntliiK of A. H.Nrown and M. O. Wllklns, ropros ontlng tho Portland Automobllo Dual- ora' Association; (loo, B, Ifalvornon of Halom, and H, C. HlmmonH of Eu- gone, roprosontlng tho Htnto Assocla tlon; A, H. Iloblnnon, representing tho Statn Atisoclatlon and tho Port land Dealors; 0. L. Weaver, rcpros entitle tho' I'ortlnnd Automotive Trado AmoclntloiirJolin H. Unit, ro proiontlnK tho OroRon Statn Motor Association; Harry 1. Coffin or the National Hafoty Council; T. A. Raf foty of tho Hecrotary of State's of flco, and Chlof Jenkins and Captain Lowls of tho Portland 1'ollco Dopart mont. 0 Thli oxecutlvo commlttoo, tho pro duct of a contoronco at which all ele ments woro represented, In to havo comploto charRo of all matters rola tiro to modification of Kho OroRon Btato Motor Voblclo Act, llurmonl latlon of Ideas will ,1)0 followed by tho draftlnR of certain measures and a committed will bo Rant to Halom to net In theli behalf. Thin harmoni zation Inauros tho paaaago of sano, constructive lawa and gives tho com- mlltno an opportunity to Intorposo Itself between thn publlc'and tho my riad of freak bill which aro Intro duced at etch BMilon of thn IorIv laturo. mimJiuttn Doubln Tnxnttoil A modification of tho Dealer Auto mobllo Tax Law protecting tho car from doublo taxation payinont of a pereonal property tox oven nftor tho nwnerihas abiorbod all taxes by pny , ins tho llcenso fee Is ono objective of tho Industry. Undoubtedly tho amendment yotocd by Governor 01- cott nftor the rncnnt apodal nonnlon will bo ra-lntroducod at thin oonnlon Tlilit nmondmont protoctn tho donlor from porsonnl prnporty tax If tho car In, Hold prior do July lot. Oovnrnor OlCOtt VOtOOd It IJOCIIUHO hO POSBOSSOd no knowlodRa of tho nood of nucli a cbniiRo In tho Inw and It wont Into oblivion nlonR with n acoro of otbor moaauroa. Aasiirnncos havo boon rIv on, following an explanation of tho moasuro, that tho oxecutlvo offlco will not opjiobo It. Tho Dealer Llcenso TnR, tho obusn of fwhlch wan responsible for mora dlscusalon at tho Docombor 18th mootliiR moro than any other nlnRlo thine, I" duo for a chanRo. Many con flicting suggoatlons warn tnndo from ono confining tho uso of tho taR ox cluslvoly to aorvlco wagons, to an othor permlUltiR tbo dealer to ujio tho taR on nny car uiiod at any tlmo In connection with tholr business, Thrao Ideas will bo harmonized In tho oxecutlvo commlttco and n now donl or llcenso plain srhemo ovolvad. From oplnlomi prnsontcd tho 10- year-otd clauso of tho drlvur's llcenso act will not bo chnnRod, although thnrn la a atrong demand for tills from certain nRrlcultural soctlon dealors. Temporary llcenso tags for ca rownom aro likely to bo available throuRh tho effort of tho committee An automobllo rcglatratlon with tho socrotnry of state showing lcRal as well an registered owners In a pros poctlvo muasuro while n doflnlto ro (titration eyntom for cars llconnod In other states wilt', bo worked out, Ex- nmlnatlonn for now drivers after a certain date, brako Inspection, and many othor matter wero subjects of Interested dlscusalon. Protection for Our "Shadow Lanes" Is Very Essential Now MKOFOIID, Fob. K. Tho thought loss dontructlon 'of troos and shrubs along tho hlRhways of Orogon ban roachod tho stage whom It now bo comos nocossary for tho pooplo to protest, othorwlio tholr greatest os aot, tho (iconic grandeur of Oregon, will bo rulnod for all tlmo to como, aoconllng to mombora of tho Mod ford Chamber of Commorco. A BCdlon of tho constitution of tho propoaod association is quoted an allowing tho objoct of tho organlta tlon: "To orouno public sorHlmont against tho destruction of itrooa and shrubbory along tho public high ways; to promoto tho planting of troos and shrubs along it ho highways by the ownors of ranchoa; to coopor alo with tho supervisor of tho Crater Lake national forost, tho suporlntcn dent of tho Crater Lake national park and tho county road supervisors In tho prcaorvstlcm of tho scenic at tractlona along tho highways and for tho cstabllahmont and maintenance of convonlent and sanitary tourist camp grounds; to aid In tho preven tion of forest fires; to procuro neat signs directing tourists to scenic at tractions off tho main highways and in ovary way aaalat tho county, stato and fodorat authorities to carry oat tholr plans for scenic development," LAST YKAH MANNER I.V AMOUNT OF HALES, Nlnotoon-twonty proved to bo tho bannor year for tbo Franklin Auto mobllo company, for during tbo year 10,CCG cars wero shipped from the flyracuao factory, thus ocllpalng nil previous records. Tho boat provlous year waa In 1019, wben shipments of earn aggregated 0173, Docember of 1920 was tho moat successful Docem ber In tho company's history, 10(1 cars having been shipped and sold. On December 31 not a alnglo com pleted car was on hand ,t tho fac tory. - Do not cut tho corners In turning, but koop woll to your sldo of tbo street and look both ways bofuro you mako tho turn. Oregon Caves Pack Train Line Planned In view of tho expected rush of tourists to Houthcrn Oregon next summer W. J. Tlbbetts, well known packer of this part of tho state, was In Orants Pass this woek looking over tho proposition of establishing a pack-train lino to tho Oregon caves nut aummer. Tlbbotts' announce ment will bo of Interost to tourists -who aro contemplating tho trip to tbo cavcvi this aummor as much of tho pleasuro Is lost in being forced "to walk tho ontlro dlsUnco both ways. Ho plans to accommodate passengers and camp oqulpmont. m OKEir, WALUBt Do It ovor so humblo Said Walllo McDomo, I'm freo to confoas Thero fs no placo llko home. For your doar home and flrosldo How fondly you sigh UVion you'ro miles out of town And your gas tank goes dry. WVMVVMMMAAAMMMAMNMM,MMMVVMNAArf Now Open For Business WMMVWVMArVVMAAW ,V(AMAAiAAWiMVtjMiAVMNVV PrfMMjAAitv -,-7' WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO SERVE ALL OUR OLD CUSTOMERS AT OUR NEW LOCA TION ON MAIN STREET NEAR THIRD. AS IN THE PAST WE WILL SPECIALIZE IN BUYING AND SELLING SECOND-HAND CARS, WRECKING AND GENERAL REPAIRING. WE WILL CARRY A LARGE STOCK OF FORD PARTS AND ACCESORIES AND USED PARTS, FOR MOST MAKES OF CARS. OUR RE PAIR DEPARTMENT WILL BE IN CHARGE OF THE BEST MECHANIC OBTAINABLE. WE GUARANTEE QUICK SERVICE AND RELIABLE SERVICE. ' Klamath Falls Auto Company Roy Call, Proprietor 224iMin Street . i Phone 246 The I I fb naa J HI romarkablo H HI G Maxwell THB OOOD MAXWELL SEDAN, from tho standpoint of porform ance, economy, durability, and all around usefulness, Is far and away tho best bliy on tho market today. ' Prospoctlvo buyers can bo clearly shown this fact by a comparison with other cars. , i Tho valour upholstering is of high quality, yet extromoly durable. Extra comfort Is secured by tho uso of cushion springs of tho typo usually found in tho moro expensive cars. Substantial construction is mado posslbto with four usuablo doors on tho Sodan, which also allows an undivided front scat and provides moro comfort for thoso who rldo In front. Tho car Is fitted with window lifts, allowing largo door-windows to bo lowered or raised In a few seconds by tho mero turning of a .han dle. It has generously wide doors, opaquo windshield visor, nntl-rat-tlo dovlcos on tho windows, cords for closing the doors, allk window curUlns, and, foot-rests. Tho Sedan is also provided with a domo- In chassis and body construction, tho Sodan Is of strength, yot it Is light- a fact that contributes greatly to tho low up keep and oconomlcal operation. HOWIE GARAGE -- r-ai Mr. Auto Owner Join the Klamath County Auto Association IT I TO YOUR IXTKREST j&y lv THB 500 DUES WO!rx TO DO THIS TODAY. jimp , BREAK YOU. r 23 V Jr Miles to W ' jf CRATER LAKE k jStw M4iiPIJIIllHHlaaHHaBi9sssVABVajt BHKk. W Klamath Falls to Miles Jr s&w BKK ANY OF THESE DI RECTORS TODAY, O R MAIL YOUR DUES TO O. D. BURKE, TREASURER. IT WILL HELP HAKE TINS BADLY NEEDED AS SOCIATION A SUCCESS. Marvin Cross ,...........Dly B.'R. Danner .....Klamath Falls R. II. Reed ...........Klamath Falls Lou Arena ............Klamath Falls Earnest McCullom Klamath Falls ,W. T. Loo ..........Klamath Falls O. D. fiurko Klamath Falls Will Baldwin Klamath Falls II. N. Moo. Klamath Falls E. B. Hall -...Klamath Fjills F. W. BroadsWoard i.Bonanxa Mayor W. S. Wiley Klamath Falls R. 0. Qroesbeck Klamath Falls Mr. Voss .........Malln Fred Btukel Merrill Wm. Fordsey Lorella and Bonanza CJeo. 8trowbrdgo, Ghiloqulu Qus Palgo Fort Klamath Louie Iloagland - Klamath Falls Ed. Dunham Klamath Falls John Martin Klamath Falls Roy LaPrarlg Sl'm'J? !!' Roy Call Klamath Falls L. L. Brownell Klamath Falls H. S. Wakefield Klamath Falls C. L. McWllllams ............... ..-.Klamath Falls t Maurlco Bryan .... .. . Klamath Falls J. E. Howlo Klamath Falls R. T. Baldwin Klamath FalU Chas. Johnson ............ ............Klamath Falls Mr. Mallory Klamath Falls f Hank Frco Klamath FalU M. W. Young . -... Klamath Falls Fred Garrlch Klamath Falls F. L. Smith . Klamath Falls , THISADbONATEDBY The Reed Auto Supply Co. 11th Street Near Main