The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 04, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    FRIDAY, FKRHUAUY I, 11)21.
t Hobart Hosworth, tho Son Dog.
Hobart Hosworth, tho Cow-punch-cr.
Ilobart Hosworth, tho Two-FIted.
Theso thrco Hobart Hoaworihs arc
famous to tho public. Hut tonight nt
tho Star Theatro you will seo n still
dlftorcnt Ilobart Hosworth In hi
first Associated Producers vehicle
mndo by J. Parker Head Jr. It Is
called "A Thousand To One" and In
It wo sco big. virile, llkeablo Ilobart
ns n waster, n dllletantc, If you please
In short, n rascal.
ImaRlno Hosworth as a rotter; Hut
It Isn't for lone, folks this charae
terltatlon exists only for about two
reels when n terrific train wreck
brings this episode In tho star's
screen life to an end and out of tho
wreckago emerges tho new man.
From this point onward tho story be
comes absorbing. Tho character de
velopment Is superb, adding further
laurels to Ilosworlh'g histrionic
crown. Tho production Is as faultless
as wc have over seen In nn outdoor
production and there nro some Inter
iors that mako us wish to sco more of
brawny Hobart Hosworth In dress
clothe "putting on tho dog."
Kthel Grey Terry plays opposlto
the star and gives a capable perfor
mance as tho girl who has been trick
ed Into marrlago for tho sake of her
fortune but who ultimately find
lovo and happiness In tho arms of
tho star. Which you all will agree Is
omlnently proper and satisfactory.
Altogether a very happy Associat
ed Producers release.
at tiii: mendali:
Another largo house greeted tho
Melody Maids at the Momlaln last
night and were well repaid as tho
music rendered by them "was beauti
ful and tho dances and songs by In
dividual members of tho troop were
encored time and tlmo again. Also
the pictures were exceptionally good
Tonight thoro will bo an I'ntlro
change. Tho Melody .Maids will do
a new act of classy music, clever
songs and neat dances, which Is suro
to please, also the pictures will be
exceptionally good. J. Harney Sherry I
In Fanatics with all star cast, wilt (
hold you from start to finish and two
clover comedies that aro reql gloom
chasers will mako this an exception
ally good show.
Roosevelt House Started
Mnjor tleneral Leonard Wood Is shown laying the corner stono of
Roosevelt House, which will mnrk the site of the blrthpla-e of Theodore
Roosevelt, nt 28 Kast Twentieth street. Now York I'lty
Tho screen doesn't offer n more
delightful entertainment than Charles
Ray In a Country boy comedy. He's a
small- town herp again In" "Homer
Comes Home," his latest plcturo
which shows at tho Star Saturday.
Charlie has tho rolo of a youth
who Is full of schemes that nover pan
out. Ho has tried every job In Malnes
vlllo without success. So ho goes
away to Now York and becomes a
clerk In a big establishment. Then
the biggest scheme of nil pops into
his head and, returning to Malnes
vlllo for a whirlwind two weeks va
cation, he Is able to win a fortune
and "tho only girl" as well.
Pretty Prlscllla Honncr Is the lead
ing woman In ''Homer Comes Home,"
and tho plcturo Is full of the pep and
humor that you'vo como to expect In
a Ray vehicle. Thomas II. Inco pro
duced it and It's a Paramount Art-
gene, Feb. 4. Tho Kncyclopedln
Hrlttanlca has nuked Professor F. 0.
Young, dean of tho school of sociol
ogy, to write tho section of Oregon
for the eleventh edition now being
prepared. In ,thls addition thoro will
bo three additional volumes and all
contents will be revised and brought
up to date. The section on Oregon
will cover five or six pages.
IH'HLIN, Feb.- 3. Motor lories
loaded with auxiliary poliro were
blown up by a mine at Halllngalco,
four being killed. Thlt Is tho first
tlmo such method has been used In
attacking crown forces. Three lor
ries loaded with pollco were at
tacked In Dublin, bombs being
thrown at them. Tho officers re
turned the tiro, and two civilians
wero wounded.
Personal Mention
LEGE, Corvallls, Feb. 4. More than
40 boxing teams will bo entered In
the Intramural contests to bo con
ducted by tho physical education de
partment of the college. Ralph Cole
man, director of Intramural athletics,
roports that every fraternity, club
and Independent organization on tho
campus will Uko part in the bouts,
to start early this month and contin
ue until the middle of March.
PE ' 1 H
l m-isi ii m
At a University of Oregon student
nssorably held last Thursday In VII
lard hall, $1123 was subscribed for
tho relief of suffering children over
seas. This amount was pledged by
Cll students, making tho donations
averago raoro than two dollars each.
Thoro wero several Individual sub
scriptions running from J'10 to 125.
Tho faculty also subscribed a largo
Mrs. Woodrow WJIson, dressed In
a tailored suit mndo her first public
appearance this year, at a moving
plcturo show for children at tho Hel
asco Theater In Washington. She
was snapped entering her car nftcr
tho show.
for kali:
ISO tons good ck'an alfalfa hay: G
W. L. Zimmerman, traveling sales
limn from Portland, registered nt
tho Whlto Pelican hotel.
Mrs. Hoy Deffenbncker and
daughter formerly of this city, but
who mnko tbolr homo In Chlloqulu
aro In tho city shopping this week.
11. W. McGIIIIvory traveling sales
man, rerosenting ttie uoodyear hud-
ber romnny of San Francisco, Is nn
arrival at tho Whlto Pelican.
George C. North, a resident of tho
Algomn vicinity, Is a city visitor to
day attending to mutters of busl
P. C. Carlson n prominent rancher
of this valley was a county seat vlsl
lor yesterday attending to matters
of business.
Mr. and Mrs. Iko Jackson real
dents of tho Klamath reservation aro
In tho city for several days attend
ing to various business matters.
Tom Stanley, a resident of west
Riverside, sutfored from a stroke of
paralysis this morning und Is unsbto
to cither more or speak.
Charles Llnzl and four children
aro leaving In tho morning for Scat
tlo whcrolhcy will Join Mr. Llnxl
and make their future homo there.
Tho nfant of Mr. nnd Mrs. Run
ner is reported to bo very lit with
pneumonia. Mr. Rcnncr Is a barber
at tho Arcado hotel of this city.
C. II. MdCutchan, district sales
managor of the Standard Oil com
pany, Is In tho city on official busi
M. W. Cooper a farmer of tho
Klamath agency vicinity Is a city vis
itor, attending to matters of busi
ness. R. C. Spink, owner of tho Idlorcst
summer resort at Srlnk Creek, Is In
tho city for several days attending to
matter of business.
Kd. Cardwcll a prominent farmer
and stockman of tho -Ft. Klamath
country Is a county scat visitor this
week. .
Dr. Van Wqters, tho Episcopal
minister, who has been In our city
for tho past week, loft this morn
ing for Portland.
O. II. Newton, a well-known sheep
man of tho Morrllf country was a
city visitor yesterday attending to
matters of business.
J. L. Huntley, a shcoman of tho
Yonna vail or, was a county seat vlsl
PORTLAND,--Chief of Pollco Jell-
kins henceforth will ho In nbsolutn
and complete control or the pollco af
fairs of Portland.
Following hU return from ii three
weeks' personal study of the situation
at the pollco station, Mayor linker
Issued n statement In which ho Miild
that Chief Jenkins would havo undl
puled authority In nil pollen matters,
nnd Hint no Intorforoncii by anyone
with tho chief's orders would bo tolerated
FOIL MA 1. 11 A..
"rllllnic oiilfli; wiVi, ."I'Hii
nnd sumo six Inch tnnll)K 'J.'"0' loot
Hon nnd utmost m,w ii,J!1.'1 Cod
II. (luim rw,iM..r"l. Ah
4-0 ,,"'0(
AHTOItlA. Tho cargo lumber
shipments from the Columbia river
for the month of January wero slight
ly heavier than were lliosn of Decem
ber tho Increase being from tho mill
in the lower rlvnr district, the ship
ments from the tippet river mills be
ing Ion
has beon here on un offlclnl visit to
the local office, returned to his home
In San Francisco this morning.
Charles II Oloy. who Is Interest-
eil in ine i niioijuin i.nium'i timi-i
pnuy. lett tins morning lor noma
where he will visit with friends and
rclutlve for several days
Tho Klamath Falls Natlannl Farm
Loan association will hold nn ad
journed meeting Saturday. January
Sth. In the Wlllllts building forthn
purpose of electing officers nnd
transacting other business mailers
George Stevenson, who operates u
largo farm on Jhe Upper l.nko wns
IIKND. Announcement was mndo
by the Homl Witler, Llfc-hl Power
company of n Milcy lo go Into effect
shortly, which will allow the pur
chase of slock In Hi" corporation by
employes on easy Installment, with
participation III itlvlili-nds. hut no In
ierot on deferred payment.
FOR ItlCNT FuruuiH.TTr
room Phono &jfcj. 'Hi
FOR WAI.lCiloTI,;,,,--
good ruhhiir nnd g.m.i ,,, "I"1'
rondlllou. Mmiuii lr ,.'i
tral Rnrngo. ' Cn
High school boy wni
" H""' l'kM,
3 room in
I.-MII llirMT
" "inn iMm.n iii
try. ,"llhl
Urgn stiiro room In i,.ir, l,.,..,
Phono Mm. Jolly, J3W bulWll
FOR HAI.i: Pa.lure r,7rT-
of rattle- NUOU . r, ..,,'
Into It lloflth. KH,K lMi;07 Ml
Frnto, (lleiill Co fnut ' "
room lioil.n, halt , ?'""
elly nnd HIilppliiKtou n,r !,
Prlro I H00. Imir n.u bM.n,!,
rent. Tho llynn Ileal, r Jt. I'
Jlh Ht. "
PORTLAND.- Howling may be
route one of the major porl In
Portland Willi tho northwest In
lernutlonnl tournament slated for
Portland this year nnd many other
big events carded, athletic follower
are beginning lo give bowling com
petition a tumble and find that Ibey
ran got J,ut a big a kirk mil id
watching two crack qulutd bowl
for n big side hel a witnessing a
a passenger on this morning train J couple of football or ba.rball learn
'iuu (mis Booa ciean annua nay: ii, . , , . . .
miles from town. Can bo fed on our ,or y08'"''11. "ringing In sovoral
premises. Call at Moo's store
A skins for bounty.
howing at the
This plcturo, you will find, is as great a plcturo
as you .over saw this favorlto staring in.
M. B. West, president of tho Dig
Lakes Uox comuny, wns a passenger
this morning to Portland, whero no
will attend to matters of business
for several days.
Mrs. Maud Hettlngor ,of Ilonan
za, was an arrival on fast evening's
stago. fiho will remain In tho city
for sovoral days shopping und at
tending to matters of buslnoss.
Mrs. J. A. Perry has returned from
u two months' visit with relatives
und friends In Astoria, Portland,
und other cities of northern Oro-
Ilobort Rlggs was a passongcr on
this morning's train for San Fran
clsto, whoro ho will romaln on a
combined buslnoss and pleasure trip
for n weok or ton days.
Kolth Ambrose who had tho mls-
fortuno of having his foot Injured to
tho extent that he had to bo confln
od to his homo for sovoral days, Is
again nblo to bo up and around.
J. H. Mitchell, promlnont stock
man, loft this morning for Illy,
where bo operates one of tho larg
est stock ranches in the Spralue
River valley,
F. a. Pholps, auditor of tho Call-ornla-Orogon
Powor company, who
to Son Franrlsm and other southern
cities. Mr Stevenson expects to be
gone ten days or two weeks.
Mr and Mrs. G L. Stoeman prom
inent farmers of the Merrill coun
try, were pnssengers this morning lo
San Francisco and other southern
polut. whero they will visit friends
and relatives.
Miss Ileryle Slagg. accomanlcd by
Mrs Harry Warren and daughter of
this ctty, were passenger on thl
morning's train for California cities,
whero they will visit for sovcral
J. N. Glvens, accompanied Jay
Mitchell to tho Mitchell ranch In the
Illy district today to visit his sons
Krncflt and Dallas Glvuns, who have
a herd of cattle there for winter feed
Charles Clark representing the
Nathan-Dohrman company of Han
Francisco, was a pasesnger on this
morning's train to Dorrls, where he
will spend tho day visiting tho Har
ris merchants. Ho will return this
0. L. Chandler, a well-known
traveling salesman, who makes Kla
math Fall u prominent stop over
on his route, was a passenger on
this morning train lo Dorrls where
he will look after Interests during
tho day, returning to this city this
John S. McGlnnls of Han Fran
dsco Is an arrival In tho city where
hu will bo permanently associated
with tho offlco force of tho Whlto
.Pelican hotel. Mr. McGlnnls lm
been with tho Washington hotel In
Han froncisco, which Is under I tin
supervision of Al Short as Is tho
Whlto Uollcan, and the Riverside ho
tel of Reno, Nevada.
In action
MKDFORD. CIIIipiis of Talent
nrn rejoicing oer the fart that Ihe
Talent Lumber rompatiy. which b
Juat been Incorporated by H t)
llrown . W T Nonnllo and Porter J
Neff. with whom O J Hmllh of Oak
land. Cat . Pacific ro representa
tive of the Kan tin an Kodak company,
la associated. The rompinr "111 al
onrn erect n modern electric powr
sawmill, box farlory and retail I urn
ber yard on a slln donated by Ihe clll
len of Talent Tho sawmill -will have
a rapacity of 26.000 feet dally.
Listen! You nre ii,u w.iT"
at Uio Now Hot lpr.,,r. imh ijj'
FOR HAI.K 3 milch 7," , . .7
calves past milk a . h4 ,
((I ewes), 30 hen r. 1, l, ;
younger chicken and 1 11 ,.,,
Un IM'halne, ri, KUm.i, jf
UUlreat Viking Oro.rr, (),, A
NOTM'KTO lli:ill Miu
Members of the It, . uhi tr i.
)Ueled lo meirt Kalir.ur f,rir
at I 30 o clock nt Ihe I u () e i,
.. - It. M.I Ii.- ... . . . - " -
' '"lUk-rt
lo attend the funeral
Cbarle Humphrey
inn Hi.r
110 Ion Kiiol tlr, .;f,(, k,, ,
mites from lown (at. ii fej 01 ,u
premUro Call nt Mux lor
PORTION)). - Morn arrrOa were
made by Ihn motorcycle speed patrol
men during January than ever before
In Ihn history of the department, ac
cording to a report submitted lo Chief
of Pollen Jenkins Thn report shows
that S 13 arrrala were mndo during
Ihn month for "periling and other
traffic violations.
neni.u: .man uum
VOI.C.Ml: 111 ,uj pojxv.
Weather Probabilities
Tho barometric pressure,
as Indicated by tho Cyclo
Htormugrnph, at Underwood's
Pharmacy, tins been at a low
point for 24 hours, and slnco
10 a. m. thoro has been nnother
sharp drop, bringing It well
into tho "storm" area.
Indications uio favornblc for u
continuation of present weather
conditions, with more snow.
Forecast for next 24 hours;
Unsettled woather: Increasing
winds: warmer.
OltKGON CITY.-A woman carry
Ing an Infant stepped Into Ihn 20lh
Century grocery hero and nke, thn
manager If shn could nuran her baby
In his offlco He consented and after
thn woman had left ihn storn hn mlsa
ed til 4 which was In hla wife's coat
THL' HALI.KH. All tho way from
Ranger, Tex as "niprms" came
I .ro turd Adcock. C year old, who nr
rived In Thn Dalle en route to llend
On his coit Is a lag hearing Ihn fol
lowing Information. "Ionard Ad
cock. Hanger, Tex., domination Kd
win llerly. lleml. Or In cojm of accl
dent, notify Morna Adcock."
gene, Fb. I R 1: lukrr.
scIiimiI aUpnrlntnndri fojUt,,
Oregon, baa wrllien .ilg,
IHMima and has submit'. lb, tattl-
script lo thn ;nlrn.'i ! urtttAttt
comment and crlliritm Mr litri
Hems havn been :l-.r pqMtlUI
In thn Orcgimlsii. id. , .t. jTeul
era' Monthly, and out pjri ill
magailnes and Ihn ttitii lakmlllH
contain much rrellern at(or4!j(
to Ihn KngtUh depart n.--nJ. 1st 11
tension division and ( tctool
Journalism. Thn man 1 el oaUOtt
38 poems on wide ran(i cf itV
MKDFORD. The annual Lincoln
day hamiuet. which la the yearly red
letter feast day of the republican of
tho Rogue river valley, will lake
place at thn Mcdford hotel, Saturday
night, February 12.
PORTLAND, William II. Follett.
exstnte commander of the Amnrlran
legion, accompanied by Mrs. Follett.
hu loft for an oxlended trip lo Ku-J
BBbT r I
bbbV 'm '
Hi M
Mr. Mary Kllon Hn Hi Ii iSl'
er of tho llrlllsh tolu.bla pw
mnnl at Vancouver Tb e years C
she wns elected to fill seal of tr
husband, Ralph Hmllh wiicnhtM
and last fall wo roeb-cird No''
has been elected speal r
Mi:irr tonight at ; of
Tho merchants bureau of th
chamber of commorco which recont-
iy nssumoci' 1110 functions of tho
Iluslness Men's association, will
hold a mooting tonight to discus
Plans to mako tho bureau un offoc
llvo old to tho business mon of tl...
community. Tho mooting will ho
held nt tho chambor of commorco
OREGON Tonight and Satur
lny, rain.
Tho famous Forrls whool of Paris
Is to ho torn down and Its stool wfi
bo used for reconstruction In tho da
vaatatod areas of Franco,
A storngo battery shunting lo
comotlvo or switch engine Is being
used In England,
Mondale Theater
WWWWW.O,,. ,i.i,. r.,i.i...,.,...vMvvvv(,
K.vniti: miu- hhow
In 11 enllro chntigo of songs, music und dniirns which nro sure l
A real Dent for lovers of high class imlorlnliiineiil
Willi all star cant In
A wonderful jilcturo
This show will ho hard to boat. Don't miss It.
In a wondorful Alnsknn plcturo