4Mitttt rL!S L ih:ati:n HWlfi'-'f1 Ir.Mixl. Mb - ' MiSl W "",,,U 'vmlZ ' nM,j ; i tip hini " "". p", .rftl ' fief" riMiii. snr wero aham!- N( jmllrn portwl, cnminHloM Imro beti rt Wn dellvnr Ibn Reed III ulioo r pairing llradloy-l.rsna ilium .r. i i Plafn your onlnr for spring inti( Iiir at iuu I Mmtln n full linn or nurirr attirk A M Main, ln I Mnln III 3 6 J"'7'b . U aT A "I vJL THE EVENIMG HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Fiun.tr, FKnnuAnr 4, toai. LANDED Supply and Demand Regulate the Prico of Lumber Right now the demand is far in excess of the supply and is sure to be more noticeable next spring. 4000,000 Homes are Needed in the United States n4 will -,um "", ,b'' """""' " ",Ml ''""' for lumbar il ,ttirally t1" "'" '""" II U m)i lw',, lo P1 lumber prices to advance. Prrii to ob bom ,,,to our centred h" t'Mce aro at dr fUo UoVi ai ir-Mly fur your li-pKtimi Big Basin Lumber Co. )!tftiilv nr"""(lf Ntlo lltilM'ft lur-u MAAAMAAAMMMMMWM The CENTRAL Hotel STEAM HEATED ROOMS BY THE WEEK, $5.00 AND UP OPEN ALL NIGHT Cigar Stand A fine stock of Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco NEWS STAND Uteu Daily Paper., Magazine! and reriocucais WY GARRETT, Manager . Telephone 1SS-W The Office Cat 11V JVSIVH M"" i . r.wiiWnJ0.w Ttrn iwrrr. Il a man of sorrow, And ar.Ulnln, with grief. AmmiK all Ihn Itinera Una cotnlilnrcl Ihn elilof Ilia frlenda all admlrn him When hn romillnra furlhii' ' When hn chance to low , They are quick to cotujnmn. They aar. "Ah ho' bought." If hn loaea a caao, Tboy aar. "Ah' hn'a crooked." If hn win In tho rare If ha charges hie fi Tboy aay, "Jln'a grafter." II bn charges tmall fee. ll' not -worth going after" If ho Jolm Ihn church, "It'a for an effect " If hn don't Join tho cburcb. 'Una aa wicked aa beck " IlUt hern In ono fart Wn all will admit. When wn get Into trouble, Oqr lawyer la "ll " Jcmnln leo lllanlon. ll (akrt a bra" man lo wheel (he twlna pait Ihn girl that hn Jlltnd. GLASS OF ITS cleans met. If lour llark llorla or llUd.W Hollier roll, drink lof lit Wntrr. Tho moat abnt ralndM man In Ihn world bat bnn discovered In Klamath raid Hn would wind hla clear and put hla watch In tho asb tray Many a wa man weir whlsknra, o dora a coroanut. Auilln Hayden aaya that It U bard to tell when oon k a youna; lady with abort hair whether ahn hu Just rncorerml from typhoid ferer or li a literary temperament. When your klduer hurt and rour oaeK rnola aorn, don't ml acarod and prornnd to load your atomneh with a lot of drUKD that niello tho kldnoya ftd IrrltMo Ihn onllrn urinary tract Knn your kldnnra clean llkn rou k"U your hownla cloan, by fluahlmc inoiii with n mild, harm na aalta hleh remorea thn body'a urlnou waatn and atlmulatft thorn to thnlr nortiMl actlrlty Thn function of Ihn kldnnya a to flltnr thn blood In 24 houra tbny atraln from II 600 gralna of acid and waalo, ao wo can rnad Hy undnratand Ihn rltal lmiortanc of kenplnij tho kldnoya artlto. Drink lota of water you can't drink too much, aim eot from any pharmarlat about four ouncoa of Jad Kalta, takn a tablnapoonful In a claw of water beforn hrnakfaat nuh morn Init for a fnw day and your kldnnya will act flnn Thla famoua aalta la made from tho acid of grape and lemon Juke, combined with llthta. and haa been ued for generation! lo clean and atlmulato coUxed kid unya, alo to neutrality thn aclda In una ao It no lonrer la a aourcn of Irritation, tbua ending bladder weak neaa. Jad Ralla la Innpenalm, cannot In jure, make a delightful efferroacont lltbtA'waler drink which ereryona hould tako now and then lo keep their kldnoya clean and actlro Trr Ihli, alto keep up the water drinking, and no doubt you will wonder what bcamn of your kidney trouble and backache. Adr makn It at home, which I muy and troubleiomo. Nowadaya wn almply nk at any drug nlorn for "Wyeth'a Haga and flulphur Compound," You will got a largo bottlo of thla old-tlmo reclpo Improrrnl by thn addition of other Ingrndlnnta, at rerr llttlo coet. K nrybody nae tola propnration now. bocauao no ono can poaalhly tell that you darkened your hair, aa It doea It ao naturally and nvenly. You dampen a apongo or aoft bruah with ll and draw thla through your hair, taking ono amall atrand at a tlmn; by morning tho gray hair dlnappeara, and aftnr another application or two, your balr beeomoac bnaatlfully dark, tblck,and glomy and you look yeara younger Adr. M.trW.umuHrrrrfl womax viHiTr.vj ti.is itKMTirryt. MAMM, Fob, t-M. D. J". Tot lard of MaaoAChuaotta and her alator, Mra. M. Wygnnt of Balom, nrrlrod In Mnlln Runday, January 30. for a vltlt with their nephew and aon, W. Frod Wygnnt and hla wife. Mr. I'ollnrd la on her way lo I'aaa dona, California, whero ho will apend tho winter. Mra. Wygant 1 planning on a aororal wooka' Tlalt hero with Mr and Mra. Wygant. Wo arn thVo when It come to ahoo repairing. Try ua and bo con Tlnced, IlradloyKran Shoo Co. !( AN OLD RECIPE TO DAHKE HEADS UP AND FEET DOWN MAINTAINING a mental equilibrium la tho most prac tical thing the public can do at tbla time. An unsettled atato of mind makes Ilka conditions. Confidence Is tho tram-mato of caution. It's all right to bo careful, and tbat'a what ooo of tbosq First National bank accounts Influences. N She First National Bank KLAMATH FAU-5 OREGON I '1 9 UJ1 Te and Kulphnr TwrZ Ory, I'uW IIlr rrk ad Glomj Almoit araryone knows that flagn't Tea. and flulphur, properly com oundod, brlnga back the natural col T or and luatm to the hair when faded. streaked or gray. Years ego tha only I way to get this miliar was tof 44 Serves You Righe X MM. j Abaencn make the bean grow frm der pmtlbty tbat'a why a noarbald I guy take morn palna to part the few remaining balr than ho did when he had plenty REDUCED PRICES ON HKJ Slab W. $7.00 Cord Tkk .. . ! ,lo hindi. in J7 ,,IV,:0(", nbsoluloly your chonpwit fuel. J5Y,7 rce Ji "", lil-wootl at morkot prlcre. but block 0,"r for Blab' " ooil la IiIrIi In prlro. IMiono u your - Peyton & Co. 410 M I V WILIiABD PEYTON 219 M St. PMM1. Me CrlllrUm doan't hurt anybody Nor rldlruln. for that matter. What has been mom abuied than tho fliv ver and yet eterybody knows that It keep going. Kinds nwmi tike wo palled that onro before. The Club Cafe ii That popular place Sixth street, Just off Main SLABS $7.00PerCord DEUVERED en: W. E. SEEHORN CO. Phone 72 622 Main St. "5ert;e5 You Right' Hut In order risk It again. to play safe, wo'll No, Kamoratda, tbo matter of fill ing apacn doesn't worry us a-tall If It did all wo'd haro to do would bo to HTItINO 'KM OUT something ON THIH 0111)1.11. llo 1'j.iJmt Them' no uso of feeling blue. It' foolish, frlond, to fret: Thn suntmertlmo ain't duo For nearly alt months yot. HlMillnff HtntUtlc. Only ono girl In overy 237 recelres a proposal after sho has eaten onions that ovenlng. Wo havo observed that thn girl who haa a roupla good-lookln' brothers usually has a Urgo flock of girl friends. Terry lViIap says that nothing rattles a married man quite so much I na having his wife ogreo with him on everything, iiJiMi L. . Hurti Way Tw Ot n Vacation Cuss tho Htws, .tlrmt HomNlilug For Notlitns That la what (two-! ' looklntf for. I will pay $50 fpr a prospect lend lug to thn salo of my automobllo a 1918 Mitchell In' perfect mechanical condition and finished In a bonutlful Kronen gray. Kqulppod with 0 tlroa and two oxtrn rltnn, Including 3 now cords run only 600 miles. New ox trn Inrg" battery, spotlight, bumper, wlml-doflectors, OruM eprluc ollora nnd tholf-proot gnaollno lock, Evory ono haa n friend or relattvo In tha market for an uutomoblle. If you havo, uinll your address to 0. O. J. Horald offlco, and 1 Will net In touch with you personally Your confidence will bo respected In overy way. 3-5 Wo know how to mnko thoso old shoos look llko now, UrnJloy-lOvan Bhoo Co, ! t We Are All Employers In the everyday act of buying things we eat and wear we are employ ing the people who make them. If we buy Oregon Products we're helping to make jobs for Oregon people and increasing properity all around. Let's wake up. And use our heads. And our hearts. And prevent a ser ious unemployment problem in Ore gon. 1 si. 1 BUY OREGON PRODUCTS Associated Industries of Oregon i H 'I' H