The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 04, 1921, Image 1

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e veixhm Mtrali
. Ji
Member of the Associated Press.
I'lflrrillll Vwir So, JNIII7
Irico rira Oeata
I lalci K !' Hi" preaant aeliallir-
i and rrrnUllvii dlalrlct leavo
(iinift'ti 'mr IUtui 'Jojum
r(UU'n rapreaaHlallllll, hn leglala-
8 riK initio or inn rimmiwr or
t. . .. f.ivwa .la..t M rktfllll In
(ifjitncrr " "i'i tv-i-- . ...
Ih r ilriiunni"ni ruiiwiiiiie m
1B(I pfMni llUtur for creation
if both aenatnrlal and rnprt-aania
li. duiriM of Klamath county, with
ho (u-n'X I""" tlCrlct boun
.(e Tho following lelfgraiil waa
i . ... Iu .. llaMal.. IhattMla
iar"'4 '"f """' -.....,
bfm of in" ffliiJUKirllonmiml
mmmlilx' ml will bo supported by
liar Senator. Upton and 1111
nj llr. reaenlallve-) llurdlck and
ieflur( and others, urging Ibem lo
Ihrr inlluetlfo toward securing
pc Bear J unci
It , tho unanlmou opinion of
Ihli twdv thai Ilia preenl dlvl
ion "l " ataio Into senatorial
and rieentavi dlttrlrt )'
ir-wt Injuillfo lo Klamath
M lha pr-wenl Unto w have
bo rr;'frcntll from Ihli
roaelr IB ellhr bout Wn bn In lb principle tbt rrr
coaBtr hoold Im repreaantod In
th la (rcljUlum
la of Ibe fact lhat KUtn-
.lb (otiair baa largo popula
Ilea t'-l natural reurca,
Irata) 'e development po
bi'.r nl a renter of bulnea
cf (ml mlir1nre lo Iba alala
or ""I 'a " nbwll In you
boBCtltia body thai we am JUlt-
Ijr 'ii-d lo U ronillluied a
iita rapieacntailve ami
steoal dlatrlcl o lhal wa max
Mmier X- aut! In the fu-
i lam of rpfnlllon In Iba
lata irfUUtur
o ar nmflitrnt when otsr
f.iBia'i'to laVra Into ronattlara
Ilea Iba (oricoluc facta lhal foil' ,
ill ta (laj lo etntMxlf tbU ra
IijOMt In Iba itot"l I'Clala
tloo en ra ainorllonmenl n
feo-jii Ua (ilratett to autimll to
Iba raomlllas allher a Ixraooal
rrrfaalate or latter lbs facia
ui"on hrh a bam our r
Iqnrat ami (UKKral lhal foil wlra
brn a rntshl aptar 1)1
lf (n'l .
Kiatnaib County (haralr of
njiiirrra by a iraailant
ami rriary.
Ailnrala HMvrilnK (1uinr,i
iThn ii u aalil. la Ilia ntwinlnK
Mt" for a itrmanil for a rliatiK" In
lain ronatltutlon, crratlnc rach
laijr a tiara(o aanatorlal illalrlrl.
irpofiliinlnt rrpriantallrpa f-
Id I tic lo tmpulallon, each rounlr
Itatp al leaal ona ilalngalo In tho
Iff huan
I tin tin I ltrrrwnUIIil
fba tirrarni lexlaUlhn maehlnn, It
rnrrally rnnccMntl, la cotulileralily
of batanra, anil flora nut rantll
rnalljr raprpirnlatlva Knorn
"t Nrarljr (itio-llilril of ttm in am
hl of biilh houa la ronlrollotl
Mmiiinmah anil Xlarlon counllra
ImAth county al prrtent tliarr her
irrx-Mativra ami acnator wllh
"I mlj'ilnliiK romillna and nono
plio IfKUlatnra aro Klamnili roun
Imrn Othnr countloa of Ihn !!
It na,.i i)ln lloiutt couiltlca of Urn
Mpntntira ntiit aunator, nro, of
lpm i. a...
b K'juniir wunout roprrtpn
Hjatrm (hilMnim.
Ii Ill-mi 32 ynara alnco Ihrrn
ft rpaiiorilnnmant In Ori'ian ami
KroMli or tlio atnto In tho mean-
nna Iipaii onorinoiia. KaiiMlally
i na liaan dm Krowth of nnalnru
"ii Tim rlmmlMir of romnmrco
t"iltti.i Imllovna dial aa roillalrlcu
"A'lM tnkn placo It woulil bo well
Ml CllAnana urn 1. ..!.. .....I.. . ..
UK" Ilio wholo avatoin of aolndlnn
nmko tlm alato IcKlalntlvo branch
Boyonimont truly mprrtirntntlvo.
v "laillliorc. W. A. WVIat. Krml
P'"r nml Arthur Wllnon com-
llin li'KlilBllvn rmninlit.. nf tl...
' "Wnlwilnn ami thoy will wot.
"'kKiialloiia ami aiinnort. for
I RKivoinonl.
17S Elks Attended I
Meeting Honoring
Past Lodge Heads
(("I llla-hl waa paal oiallatt rulnr a
nlilil al tho Clk'a rluh. nhiiiil I7r.
MPmbora nulorliiK a proxMiu whlrh
waa nupplmnni.,t with an ahumtNiiir.
of ala " j'a.t Haalltut ICiiIkIiI J
J I'arktir, praalitil. four llir paat
aiallail knlKlita. IJ II Hall. V H
jioy. t- ii, I'niiarwix,,!. B, w
Hmllh. iM-cupylnK rhalra
Shook Manufacturer Predicts
Big Demand for Boxes Soon;
Rail Rates To Be Adjusted
PUNArOLIB. Intl.. KM,. 4
Invaia ahowa Him ii. i. i -...i-
ai " " Hi mi noma
pwii ro-oloclna proalilont of tho
" AIIUO Workora nf !...!..
- - w (llliwiivm
Tim woman of tlm rlty mat ihli
artarttiion at Ilia forum room In Ihn
chamber of romnierra uartnra to
llaruaa plana for rltle ImpniTrmani
Tltn mrliK waa praalie oxer by
ila K H Hrnry. ona of Ilia lady
mamlwra of tbo rhambar of rm
inafra Tba piofram waa arraiiKrl
by a rotitnijllati of Iba chamber of
rommarr mamtr
ra ItlfCa aMika on rlty parka.
MUa llrai) on lha ralua of play
crnumla. Mr (lanonc on tlio aub-)a-
of trraa ami ahrubi. ami Mra
rat llaker on Camp KrounJa,
Al lha cloaa of thla program by
Iba laillra T I. titanlay. aarfafary of
lha cbambar of Comttlrro Kate a
talk on lha aubjaci of lha xraat Klam
ath problam Mr Hlanlay tab that
lha craat Klamath pfublrm mi Iba
fumlammlal ona of human llfo ami
that la. How lo lUo o(rtbar
r'rom lha crailla to tba train
ara aubJaritHi o lha domination of
othar aopla Wo mutt faallm bat
wo loUil abara 'America with ona
huBdraii anj Ian million otbr po-
p)a Thara la only ona way to do thla
auccraafully. (lood will maana nolh
Inc unlaaa thara la an aiprnatlon of
kcmxI ro-oparation. Wo mutt ramam
bar lha laaaon of the Kfral llaltlmoM
fire A WaahlPClon naaapaar da
clartnl that we muai have a nun de
finition for a lira proof building Mat
ed. . "A fire proof building la a
flro proof building that la aur
roundeO by flro pnxif building " Hi
prosperity and happlnaaa are proa-
arlty and happlnaaa only whan iur
rounded by proaparlty and happlnaaa
In carrying out thla program the
womcin of the community form a
ilrortg factor Klamalh )all nrada
to bo tnadn a more comfortable place
In which lo live I'lana are under way
by tho chamber of cvmmerco to help
Ihta In a big romprehrnahe way ami
we nHd Iba women lo help lo put
thla ovar
Tho city needa lo have tnnn dla
Irlcla, II naada lo bate parka and
ply ground ronvaulpnlly located
and planted with Ihn proper Irrra H
alto needa belter lighting and water
ayatem, all of which rnjulroa careful
technical planning and rnglnrorlng.
Thn peopln of Ihn community tnuil
head In Ihta plan and gal II Into con
crete ahapo through tho cliainlx-r of
commerce In order to hatn a muni
cipal government -work on the prob
lam of carrying thla out and Ihn com
munlly lo back (ham In Ihn under
taking. Klamalh Kalla need n big com
munity building In which Ihnrn can
ho a largo auditorium, n plungo and
ahnwnr hatha, n gymtiaaluni, head
iiuarlora for the public health and
aaaoclated charity aerrlco, womflua'
club, farm human, chamber of uim
morro, Amorlcan legion, Y. M. 0. A.,
and Y. M. U. A. Hoy Kcnuta, (llrl
Kcoula, Muilcal Orgnnliathiua, Civic
and roiiuiiunllr movomeiit of all
kliiila all under one roof. Tho entire
Btructurn lo bo built na momorlum
for tho aorvlcn rondnred by thn sol
dlora and civic. orgnnltntloiiN during
thn lain wur,
Don't pormlt amnll IiiiIIiIIuk ho
erected In tho community. Thoy nro
only whlto olophnnta on thn handa of-
tlio varloua orgnnlmtlona whvn II
cornea lo mnlntnlitliiK thum. It uiual
ly tnkoa enru of only n imnll jiortlon
of tho community and iihtiuld ho ills
courngoil, hut a IjIk hulldlnK ahould
do oncaurnKoil,
Jdr, Btunloy olnhoratod on tho plana
(or thla hulldlnK and ou ttm "lutm
for the: future boiuty of tho city,
called attention to lre and shrub'
bury, ho city flowor and uniform Iron
planting, und cloaod with thla;
"Two hundred and fifty rarloada or
orangea. or IZ&.QfJO boina, ara bnlng
ahlpped dally from rViulhern Califor
nia, and tho atatn will havo ono of
tho blggeat ornngo crop In It hla-
lory. fifty to fltly-flra ihouaaml rara
being ronildarcd'a conanrvatlvn aatl
mala by grower down thara Tho
Jxii aliKk In tho orangn illatrlcta la
almiMt athauatnd and that maana
thai ihn hoi faclorlea of northern
California and Oregon -will aoon b
called upon lo aupply thn demand
cauaed by tho Iramendoua orangn
crop I look for condition which will
enable our factory, and other factor
ial In thla dlatrlct lo rn-opeti with
almoat our uaual crewa within 10
daya "
Tho foregoing atatemenl waa made
to a Herald representative thla morn
ing by A J Voya, of tho lllg Ukea
llo company, who baa Jual returned
from a bualnraa trip that call-, him
a far aouth aa Kan t'lego, and Into
Ihn orangn ami fruit-growing dla
irlcla of California, which could give
him Ihn moat reliable Information
regarding lha frnll-prodnclng and
boi-maklng outlook
TIm')- Arr I'ltklng Thorn Now,
Al thla time, aald Mr Voya, tho
grower are picking California nar
,ata but wlihln a month or morn the
Valencia will ripen, and tho month
of Juno will b hero before the end
of Iba harveit In alght Approxi
mately (0 par Cant of Ihn boiea uaed
In Kouthern California aro ahlppfd
from Ibe boi factorte here, and -a lib
10,000 or more car of orange lo be
ahlpped. aggregating not leaa than
I.iOO.000 buir. t4 obvloua that
the hot factorte bro will bo bttiy a,
labllahmenla during lha coming eo
on Mr Voya atated that about 9S per
rant of Ihn local Ikji output always
goe tti Kouthern California, and II
la therefore obvloua alto that the ex
tent of tho box bualnea done here
depend upon the orangn harvcat.
I'ull Cirwa IJirly In Sewwin.
Aliout lt teojilo aro now employ
ad by Ihn Dig l-akr Hot Company,
but aa toon a box order begin to
come In tho form will bo doubled,
at leaat. and gradually tho usual
force or 100 or more will be put to
work Thn either factorlea hero em-
la tor, tho Induatrlal situation hero
will proaanl entirely different aapoct
Trrlgbt lUlr. Hurt limine,.
High freight rates, anld Mr Voyo.
knocked Ihn bottom oul of tho fall
business hero last year Hate on long
haul have been. Increased 33 13 per
cenl, and on abort haul. Jf, per cent,
and In either caan thn rate worn el
horbltanl and prohibitive (Jrowcr of
teUry, beans, cabbage, and other pro
ducojusually shipped from Southern
California could not afford lo pay the
rate asked, and plowed their crop
under Intlnad or harvesting them
Thla militated against the hot bus!
neat, and -while Ihn factories hern
operated until December, business
was Irrllatlngly dull.
Aa a reault of Ihn refusal of grow
ers to harvest and ahlp their crop.
Ihn railroad suffered an enormous
slump In business, this slump pisc
ine January on record aa ono of the
auneat anipping months in many
years. Thn railroads, said Mr. Voya
sacrificed volumn for bigger profit
ami as a result navn wen taught a
valuable leason.
Kflijuy CWa All Otct.
"Kmply boi can," continued Mr
Voyo. "are standing all over the slate
a rebuke lo the short-sighted railroad
authorities who put the hold-up rates
Into effect " II Is Impossible for
growers In the wrst to pay sky high
freight ratea east, and at tho same
limn compete profitably with grow,
era from Klorlda and other southern
states who havn shorter hauls sod
lower freight rates to help them
shoot their produce Into tbo big
Imputation centers "
Will Aclju.r lUle.
With these facta before them, the
Interstate Commerce commission and
Ihn 1'aclflc coaat shippers will meet
In Kan Kranrltco about the IStb of
Ihta month, and will make an effort
to decide upon more satisfactory
rates. These ratea should becomn ef
fective within 30 daya from that lime
and Ibn effect upon the box business
will be remarkable, Mr. Voyo be
California has been drenched with
rain, and big harvests are predicted
In that state. Thla -will help Immense
ly here, and a year of brisk and big
Rdistricting Plan
All Cut and Dried
Says Press Report
(Ily Associated Press)
HAI.KM, Keb. i, Hlato reappor
tionment plana which ara expected
lo causa lively debates were launch
ed today -with tbo appointment of a
sub-commltteo of the general com
mittee, to draft a reapportionment
bill. It Is understood Its general plan
has been agreed upon.
Tho plan reported to be under con
sideration provide that the Joint
senator from Clackamas and Multno
mah would be transferred as joint
senator from Multnomah and Marlon
Multnomah would be given one
more aenator by lha bill and It I al
so proposed to take ona repreaenta
tlvn from Washington, Mnn, Marion
and Jackson county and distribute
them through new districts In eas
tern Oregon
8AI.KM .Feb I Kleven bills em
bodying legislation requested by tho
atatn highway commission wero In
troduced In tho sonata today These
Included bills exempting highway
contractors from the restrictions of
WASHINGTON, Keb. i.- (Special
to tho Herald). The appropriations
subcommittee on military affairs of
the House, under the direction of
Congressman Danlol It. Anthony of
Kansas, tho chairman, I bard at
work whipping lha annual army bill
Into shape Drastic economy Is evl
dent aa the estimate of Secretary
llaker aro considered and passed up
on by the committee. Lump aura ap
propriations aro being eliminated
wherever possible, and specific tarsal
for specific purposes are beln-f allot
ted for tho various branches of army
activity. The only deviation from, that
rule Is In the appropriation for pay,
where It Is necessary to provide an
amount sufficient lo compensate the
entire personnel from which the
secretary can make drafts aa the
money la needed. In anlla nf the
I that the house and senate have pas.
'ed a resolution limiting the ilxe of
the army to 17S.000 men, It Is under
stood lo bo the purpose of the appro
priations committee to furnish mon
ey enough for only 1 50,000 amount
Ing to a further roduction of 35,000.
Officers, too, will be cat to about 15,
000. It will be up to the new secre
tary of war in the Harding adminis
tration to make practical application
the elght-hour law. and providing a J of he redoeUoM ,,, ,n prmoUeill,y
flfty-nrty maintenance between the
counties and the state. They also
provide protection to contractors of
atatn highway construction without
every Item of the executive estimate.
May lie, A lb-bate
Congressman William J Qraham of
entailing the necessity of purchasing, 'ola. chairman of the special com
mittee tbat ha been Investigating ex
penditures of the war department. Is
busily at work preparing hi final re
port to the House. It Is said that It
wilt contain some highly Interesting
disclosures a lo some of the tran
sactions Involved In disposing of war
Industries and surplus materials. It
surety bonds, and give the commis
sion authority lo pave streets that
are a part of the state highway In
small towns These hills would give
the right to sell bonds at par.
The bill would also make the
commission the final arbiter In Ibe
selection of a stato board, and
! would require) the permission of the I Mr Graham's Intention to seek the
commission before highway may! appointment of a special assistant at-
Ploy about the same number of men, gar business ran b seen In the norl
and women And four or five weeks, ton by local observers.
Itecenl receipt tor the Kuropoan
and Armenian relief funds have been
very encouraging, reports Arthur Wil
son, Irrasurcr. They Includo 114?
from Dairy sent In by Jesse. It. Draw.
This I tho result of n careful csnvn
of Ihn district raising f 115.50 and
tho proceeds of ft danro raising
131.50 more. Tho showing Is very
fine for tho district.
Alto thn Shasta View Sunday
school ha sent In a second donation.
This school has boon tho most con
sistent giver lo this causa of any or
ganisation In tho county aa it has
taken regular monthly subscriptions.
Another donation of $4.00 was left
at thn Hank hore by a woman who
earns her own My by manual labor.
This make f 10 from this woman and
shows a spirit which If equaled by
all wojild mnko an unparallolod re
cord for Klamath County In any una
ortnklng II might nssumo.
A. IJ. Johnson, buyer for tho Ocean
l.umhor company of Han Francisco,
coast ropresimtMlvoa for IMorco &
I'rlro of Iximlon, Kngland, loft yes
terday after a short visit horo. Mr.
Johnson Is thn first huyor In look
ovor condltlonH In local torrltory
(his sonson.
And U Is onsy enouKh to plan.
To wish Is tho way of an otflco boy,
To do Is tho work of a man."
"Let this optimism and progress
be so complete that tho new Klam
ath Kalis of tho future will bo a city
RAISE $107
Thn children of the city turned out
In force yesterday to attend the mov
ie shows given for tho benefit of the
Central and Kastern Kuropcan baby
relief fund, both the public and Cath
olic schools having been dismissed
for lho day In order to hotp swell the
receipts. About one-fourth of the at
tendance at theso shows was com
posed of adults, Tho total amount
raised was $107,
The Star theater, which began Its
show- at 10 o'clock In tho moraine.
was filled lo capacity, and tho Mon
dalo theator, which deferred Its show
until 3 o'clock In tho afternoon, was
Jammed, standing room being at a
premium. Tho Melody Maids at tho
Mondiilo mado a tremendous hit,
their acta bolng livoly, classy, and
Local theater managers aro pleas
ed with tho ro-oporatlon gtvou lo
them by lha public, and extend their
thanks to nil who holpod In any way.
Manager Tod Whlto. of tho Mondalo,
look occasion to say that any time
tho Amorlcan Legion, tho Hod Cross,
or any othar organliatlon wishes to
u po his theator for chnrltablo pur
poses. It will bo at tliolr disposal,
bo relocated or tho surface of a
highway cut for public utility ser
vice, or treea cut along a highway.
The free text book bill will be
made a special order at 2 o'clock
mis aiternoon, a majority report
having recommended passage.
J H. Short, superintendent of the
county farm, stated today tbat plana
for a dance at the hospital Saturday
night had been abandoned on ad
vico of tho county physician, to
whom a tew mild case of smallpox
In the valley bare been reported. The
danco will bo given later, when the
physlelsn thinks It is advlslblc.
rOHTLAND. Feb. 4. -Cattle,
steady; hogs, weak. $10.50 to $11;
shecpa and eggs, weak; butler, firm.
beautiful, healthful, and happy bo--
"Good Intontlons nlonu will not win cnuso wo planned It so,"
Among 16 Indlctmonts roturnod
by tho foderal erand Jury at Tort
land aro thoso charging violation ot
the liquor law against local resi
dents ni follews:
Jim Howard, Klamath Falls; Dob
Santlnl, selling liquor to Klamath
Indians; Joo rainier, Klamath Falls.
SALKM. Fob. 4 The house un
animously passed tho Uelknap bill
prohibiting alien and disloyal per
sons from teaching In public schools,
tho University of Oregon, and at tho
stale agricultural college.
A bill was also passed banning
Tho Dennis resolution, requiring
the highway commission to make all
roads 16 feot wldo, was killed.
Xo Mora District.
Tho sonata killed the Kborhart hill
making every county a Judicial dis
trict, which would have Increased the
number of circuit court Judges to 44.
Tho bill for marking boundaries of
unfen'cod land wo also killed.
Increase Salaries,
Tho senate has passed the Nor
blad bill for organizing logged off
land Improvement districts, and
bills increasing tho salaries of oor
taln Multnomah county officials and
affecting salaries of certain state of
ficers. Whether the Roosevelt highway
bill poasea depends upon deals be
tween coast and eastern Oregon rep
torney general under the new admin
istration, whose duty It shall b to
Inquire Into some of the war depart-
ment sales with a view to recovering
money thereon. The congressman be
lieves that the Government can get
back hundreds of millions ot dollar
through a vigorous prosecution ot
those cases. As ono Instance of the
ridiculously low prices accepted by
the Secretary of War, Mr. Graham
cites the powder plant at Old Hick
ory, Tennessee, upon which tho gov
ernment expended $90,000,000 but
which never produced a pound of
powder for use In the war. On Octo
ber 13. 1930, the plant was acid to
the Nashville Industrial corporation
for $3,505,000, the government re
ceiving only $200,000 cash and the'
balanco In ten year 5 per cent notes.
The man who negotiated the sale for
the government waa later decorated
with a distinguished service medal
for bis services In disposing of army
property "at exceptionally advantage
ous prices."
.Mill To Grind On
It is possible that the extra session
ot the Senate, to be called Immediate
ly after President-elect Harding Is in
augurated, will mergo Into the extra
session ot congress that It Is predict
ed wilt bo called about throo weeks
later. There will be many Import
ant nominations to bo confirmed,
which will have to be referred to
committees and receive careful con
sideration. Mr. Harding will be call
ed upon to namo four member ot the
Interstate Commorco Commission,
who will havo to secure the approval
ot the senate Interstate commerce
committee before they will bo given
senatorial endorsement, Benator Al
bert H. Cummins of Iowa, the chair
man of that committee, states that
there aro 30 or 40 other highly Im
portant nominations to bo made by
tho now president, all of which will
take time to confirm. Of course, the
cabinet appointments head the list,
but their confirmation Is usually con
sidered a matter of routine, as It U
concodod to be tho right ot a presi
dent to select his personal advisers
without senatorial opposition,
SPOKANE. Wash., Feb. 4 Th
Master Bulldera' association has an
nounced wage reductions amounting
to a dollar a day for crofusasa aad