ffe VMlH 1'IVM f ! MW.JMtW m HMVV"'' .-. TSBaW,,--JB,rNaSk I ( am 'hcoip I-, J Mir"". LI jtttVICK MmMjlji W0X 4fc Sfsflf ii naH laH IIVT jAW y-Hf mQLIm faJaalBr-S?, rtfflBBlllBBBl Mllft(UtfirfMnVllri aaMajA 'i!-!..-.'.-.. THE EVENING HERALD, . We Carry Every Record in the Victor Catalogue when it ii "get able." Earl Shepherd Co. Only lUrluln Miultt lfnu A07 Main HI, I'limm ana.J ,nru-ull'JlJ1'Kl"l1l"l-" ---- ""-'"' ,, "'-"ii''ijiiirin.m.ri n. hum m piwiiwiiwiBj )ii iwiwi t'inwn nmnnM ii - gjpj KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TIIUIIHOAY, FBBRUAHY 9, 1MI. H -: v tw in the Best Cafes You'll fiiul Snow FUitt MlVtd Willi lOt)l, tOUp. oyilm, llliili a4 (hfrr. I'.viijron llV to nlMU Ohm u lip, laiiy sod wai Bold Uy groi In ttJ pukiitt and I unity lint. IWl ata of ttKltti .- SNOW rLAKCS w I - ' tmtW $r&rrf ' KF tV - C II. CHAHAM CRACKERS wia . i.. ' r Pacific 0U BUcnlt Co. SU.S.T0 STAY UED (My AcU(m1 I'r-) WAHIIiNUTON, Fub. 3 -Warning again! pacifism ninl unprnparwlno on thn part of the United lltate wad given dm homo naval committee to day ly lienor! J, J. l'arhlriic, who appeared boforo dm committee to iIUcum thn po(-lbe of world dls armaiinont. flenorat I'nrshlng said that ho ap proved Ilia proposal for a world con feronra on disarmament liut thouitht that tho United Hlatr should pro ceed with II preienl military and naval program until a definite agree, in nnt on a dltarmament policy It retched by at lead flva world powers WAHIUNOTON, Feb. 3 Nearly half a lillllou dollara will bo required to complete tlm naval building pro gram embsrked on In 11C, thn ho tun appropriation! committee etl in at ixl. 1 CALIFORNIA NEWS f HAN rilANCIHCO. Complaints that ICO old hora. which worn ahlpp from an Ore-eon point to I'ntatuma to bo ud a chicken f !, wnra o crowdd In tranilt that twmtyflra of them wore trampled to death and ilx more bad In bo tliol, are belnc lnvrtleated Jointly by the ftoclety for the l'ro vonllon of Cruelly to Anltnali and Ihn Houthrn I'actfle Company, the aoclely announrnd. rUKflNO. Prank Oreal. nlihl Kllcman at la llano, was hot and InMantly killed by a maaked robber wbet bo failed to obey thn bandlt'a command to "throw up hli handi" In a !oi Itanoe pool hall t4 SLABS flACHAMKNTO, Oovernor Wll Ham I) Htepbena opened hli State wlda flxht In behalf of tho Kloff Tax Illll, whlrb would ralifl the Hutn lai rat on corporation. In Oakland with the ilocan. "Shall The I'eople of thn Corporation! (lovcra California?" $7.00PerCord DELIVERED W. E. SEEHORN CO. i Phone 72 622 Main St. I t I.OK AN(l:f.O, John Hlraon, who would havo celebrated hla lOltt birthday Wednrtday. reb. I. died at hla home here, IDn wai born In At tar-l,orraln and came lo thoUnll ed Ktate when II years of arjo I In had lived In t-ot Anaelci flfty-flvo year. V ItKNO, Nev Allpjrd by thn pollco to havn con f rated to harlniC robbed tho Moon lxdco at W-utwood, Cat., 'of 1 5 tO, William J. Lyon ha been taken back to WVntwood to faco hU accuaera. I, M'CIX)UI). There 1 five feet of t'ioow In XicCloud, and there are I twelvo feet on tne aummlt between McCloud and Hlaton. It required elcht houra to open tho veventeen mtlea of railroad between McCloud and filon Sunday, four entineit with anowplowa belnic employed. LANDED Supply and Demand Regulate the Price of Lumber Right now the demand it far in excess of the supply and is sure to be more noticeable next spring. 4,000,000 Homes are Needed in the United States Them! will ho built unit thla immna n roat ilomnnil for lumbor '! imlurnlly tho prlro will lncrimi. H l only rouaontibln to expect lumbor prices to nilvnnco. Docldo to own n homo, l'lnco your contract whllo prlcoa aro at rock-bottom. 0l'r plan hooka nro roaily for your Inapoetloii. Big Basin Lumber Co. J.xclulvo Uoprcaontatlvca of Nntlonul llulldora Iluronu kakaB akaV Wr lti:i)I)INO, Five feet of now are reportotl on the aummlt of the divide between French jQutch and Ivewliton, and a Hko amount, on tho divide be tween French (luleh and Trinity Center. Thn rainfall In Heddlng for the tcaion o far I 41.03 Inchea. RAC1U.MI.NTO, A liquor atock valued at 11,500 taken from the baaoment of tho homo of 8. W Me Kim, 3015 H treet, and Jewelry valued at f 1,300, atolcn from the homo of II, A. Kill. 3300 Third Avenue, were anions reporta of bur- Klajlea rocclvcd by tho pollco. m YAI.VAX 1TKMH. Johnnlo Andoraon waa horo from lllldobrand on bualneaa laat vreok. Thn Yalnax dun club held a auc ccaaful rabbit drlvo laat Baturday. Tho entertainment Klven by tho ladle of Yalnax lat Friday evening waa enjoyed by all. F. A. Hutto la homo again. Hud Crumor, who haa been very 111 at hla homo how, la Irnprovlna;. Hoy 1'nraioo haa boon carrying tho mall hotwoon Yalnax and Ileatty for tho paat week. 1IUV KNGUHH CLOTH. r.njnnv. Jan. 7. ( Dv Mall). Tho Owlnl rnvnrnment of Tluasla haa re cently bousht prlvataly from Ilrltlsh firms 3,500,000 yams or kdski ciom for 1,375,000 pound, says tho lOven in fitanrlard. Payment waa made by Moacow depositing gold at a Btock holm bank. Tho 8ovlot govornmont still "wnntB nvnr i.ooo.0oo vnrda of khaki cloth. but ennnot obtain It, besldos a vast DEATH CLAIMS LAST 'KING' OF , CREEK Hi TIJLHA, Okla, Feb, 3 Another of tho farnouaold Indian leaders who ahaped tho destiny of tho rod man la tho early territorial days In Oklahoma haa pard. In tho re cent doath of David M. Hodee, 79 years old, lat "kins;" of tho llroken Arrow trlbn of fho Creek Indian na tion, Oklahoma lott a rntrtt Interest Inr character. Ho died hero recent If. I'romlnnnt in tho affairs of his trlbt alncn 1SC6, he ranked first amone Creek atatcsmon, and al thouKh ho never received the hlh eit honor In tho power of the tribe, that of thn principal chlofihlp, ho w for year the chief advlier of Ihn Creek-., Hla advlro waa aought by a auccaMlon of tribal heada and on repeated occsslona ho waa named by tho homo of -warriors and tho houao of kind (thn amain and houao of reprraentatlres ot his Irlbo) as their delegate to the "Oreat-,Wblto Falhera" In Washing ton. It was tho proud boaat of the old atateaman that he bad met and talk ed with einrr pretldent slnco An drew Jackion. One of the tail mlaslona accom plished by him for lis tribe waa having congress rale that the Creek and other Indiana were within their rlgbta In aulng tho government for the recovery of land glren to tbelr alavre after the civil war. I'erbap his greatest claim to fame la the aaaembllng of an Rag Ilih'Maikogeo (Creek) alphabet and dictionary. Tho first effort toward tho formation ot Ihla work waa made by the Itov. John Fleming, a mlaalooary who came with the Mus kogeoa, a they were then called, to the Indian territory from Alabama and MlailHlppI In 1137-31 Little progreaa waa made until a number of yrara later when Hodgea, aa chief Interpreter of the tribe, and tho Iter. II. M Loughrldge. a minion tt Serves You Right" TheClub Cafe That popular place on Sixth street, Just off Main nnr. collaborated and finished tho book, which haa been of Inestimable value to tho tribe, When a lad, Hodges was taught In an Indian mission school by tho father ot Mis Alice Itobortson, Ok lahoma's congress-woman-oloct, who was ono of tho early Indlsn mis slonarles, Hodges also translated tho tllblo Into tho Crook tongue, tho Crook my tli a Into Kngllah and waa author of if- volume, of Crnek-Kng llah aong. Hodgea was made a Junior offi cer in tho forces of Albert I'lko, discoverer of I'lke'a I'eak, and was assigned to tho army from Texas early In the civil wsr. As a result of a battlo with Union forces on Thanksgiving day, 1X81, In which tho army from the North, although posaesalng auperlor numbers, was al most annihilated, Hodges waa given tho rank of colonel and when the war ended bo waa In command of a regiment. In 1843. hla father being a Pennsyl vanla Oorrnnn and hla mother, a fullbtood Creek. n.i: onov'M whws Tho brldgo At Otena iwhle'bi haa been under construction haa been completed much to tho doltght ot sorao of tho Oteno farmers who have been obliged to go many miles out of tholr way to get to town. Jim Crimea and the Klnneys' branded cattle Saturday at tho Grigs by ranch. Mrs, Oliver Kenney visited with Mrs. Lowden Saturday, whllo Mr. Kinney went to Malln on buslneaa. The farmers are talking about starting tho rabbit drives soon. Jsko Comer, who has been III for somo time, returned to school Mon day. Mrs. H. K, Icenblce, who has been indisposed for a few days, Is able to bo out again. Doctors say that sitting wtlh tho Ho was born In Muskogee, Okla., legs crossed Is conducive to obesity. ' i i i i .i "Series You Right' ssSs-Msat-ra,,),,-,-!-!-) The CENTRAL Hotel STEAM HEATED ROOMS BY THE WEEK, WOO AND UP. OPEN ALL NIGHT Cigar Stand A fine stock of Cigars. Ciganrttsls Tobacco NEWS STAND Latest Daily Papers, MagaainM ami Periodicals GUY GARRETT, MmAmgT Telephone 1SS-W mmA0WWWWW&&wvJL To Our Patrens: Merrill, Oregon, February 1, 1921. Tho present financial stringency and tho ahortenlng of terma by the wholesalers and manufacturer haa compelled ua to change our terms of salo by either raising our prlcca on chargo accounta or confining all sales to a cash basis. In all falrncaa to our Caah and Credit Customers wo aro obliged to revlso our terms to a strictly cash or thirty day basts. ( w Wo must adopt tho policy ot tho wholesalers by charging Interest on all monthly balances not paid before tho tenth of month following purchase. From tho most reliable source ot Information obtainable, that ot our wholesalers and manufacturers, we believe tho prices ot most merchandise has reached tta lowest obe. Yo havo therotora revised our sales prices to conform to tho present day baa la and will continue to reduco our prices aa tho cost ot our replacements may be re duced. Wo trust our customers will approclato the position In which wo are placed and lend tholr co-oporatlon while passing through this period of readjustment. We are confident that with your assistance the steps which wo have taken will revert to the mutual benefit ot tho entire community. THE WHITE HOUSE J. . HOBBS MERRILL MERCANTILE CO, J". , MERRILL GARGAGE BiV FAUS "MERRILL ME A T CO. JL ' r i quantity ot paper.