The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 03, 1921, Image 1

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Stye lEuttf n$ Bralli
(Mf 4
Member of the Associated Press.
lllemlli Yer N.
rrioe Mro (ted
To ilelortitliK lcl aenilmenl In
rtti) I" I'm propoaeii annotation
Diamond lko "tit a Una area
urruutiilln territory thn
rrf UVe national i'rV. n puli.
incline of ln legUlalhe com-
ililoo of ib clumber ii f rommarrit
txt lie l.l naiuruay evening ai
o'clvrk In lux chamber or com-
rrte room, at which all Inlermted
Lrtoni are Invlled lo appear am
knfr lnir viow un mo mai-
TtnTo aro divergent opinion aa
Ibe advliablllly "f ! awieia-
1.1th Iter claim would ailil
neb aceolc beauty lo Ilia Crater
)kt park and attract lourUla for
lout'f ty At present, limy d-
K. a lourlit ee Crtr Lake In
dar. or lo at mot ami do-
km l( iMamomi in ana.
to the park, ami properly ail'
rtUed. Iuf lata woulil come anil
ir (or aeterai tiayi, or a ini,
Jo;lnc In crania drive and The greatly lucre" ter
korr ealil make a gam preserve
lft value In conserving tho
fldlf dltnlllliblni wllil Ufa Of Ilia
ilea, ii another claim made by
proponents of annotation.
(Xitar tporlaraen, on Iba other
ti urcollf oppwta Iba passing
DUmsnd titer lo Iba gov
sntti The Uko Ii a wonderful
laral brtoilcln ground for trout
pj tir ami produced to million
n Wat rear ll la an Ideal nal-
I tic ukiac ground from which
ltp:anh the atale'e lake ami
tiMtaa and ebould not paa Into
irraratal control, airepi wih
itrktret rertatl(na to vo the
lot propagation prltvUgix lo the
Tkre are other angle to Iba tit
Ilea DoagU county for In
see u opposing annexation, It It
llsed, becauia Itoacburg capital
nl tu develop power altea In
rrclon at aacrlflra of lb
bi batl.
entire matter will b open
dlKUMlna Halanlay evening and
lltlary Hlanley urge all per
i bo have opinion to help en.
fcUo lb committee The leaiala-
cstatalttea conalila of I. C
mar chairman; W. A. Wleat.
! A Maker Arthur Wll.nn .n.t
ttt I inch
Forester Says Hc
Cannot Act Until
Forest Is Menaced
Tito local chamber of commerce
lia received, through Congreaaman
H J. Illntiolt, teller frm i; A
llherman, mcIIiik United tate for
Mlr, In rvRard lo I ho plim Uttln
altuallon, In which lha forMtnr e
preaaoa tbo opinion that Ihnrn la III
(In Ifnltln Infeatallon or national for
Mt land In Klamath county Keporla
from fora aervlm offimra and lum
herinen arei that tho hmtlr. rn con
flnn m Kovernmetit ilmhnr on th
Indian maervatlon, which la admlnla
lernl hy another department of the
Kotnrnmenl, and In tirlvalelr iiwoeil
landa, aaya Mr Hherman, II" ay hla' "'" "nl-darkneaa, and upon Invaiil.
deparlment would co-otrale In a . "" fou,"l ' dynamlto wrapped!
AIIIOItDKKN. Wnall, feh 3
Twentyeli ckarif dynamltn, with
a aputlerlnK fute, wnro placed under
tho American liiclon hulldlnic hero
laat nlht. while CO ei-nortlcn men
wern Inaldn fllltiK appllcatlnni for
wa addroix, hut hn proved hi
Innofnco of any connection with the
atli-mpti-d lyimlilnr:
Two auapect cauicht In a blind
haKraKe. hatlnK fuae amj a bottle of
General Dawes Puts
Opinion of Politics
In Forcible Language
U'AfllflNfJTO.V, Keb 2 Charlwi
(J Dawea, former head of tho army
aupply procurrnwnl aervleo In franca
told Iho InVf-ntljcallnK committer to
day that their work wa rendered
uaelew through Iho Injection of par
llaan politic.
"You cannot put a blotch on tho
army", ald thn general. "What Ihr
hell did we go to war for? To ateal
ll wa not a, republican war or a
democratic war. yet a a role theno
eiplo.lve ar In cu.tody. hut there J (ommUi try 'to bring In p.rtU.n
tain war bonuaea Kwiiry lincaaler, la no aatUfaclory pnwf of their L.H,,,..
. I. .I.....I.. .. . .!.! I.. I ...... .... POIIIIC
m i-hrM-nvi IIIMH l.l4UllinK I" 1 KUIII
fight agalnal the beetle f It -wa
found that land under the control
Of the turret arrvt were tnenacr
The letter la In reply lo lino writ
letl the forealer by Mr lllnnott after
Iba Mrlouaneea of tho pine beetle all
Uatlon he'd been laid before him lfl,B
lellrr from Hcretary IManley of the
chamber of commerce
In a Monteaano newapaper. with the
futn lighted Thn would bo bomber
made hi eacape
Thn IkjUco queatloned the Japannee
ection foreman to whom thn paper
.,...uur. ii .. iMimve., ,i,r ., wom.n WBrB ., Iltm ..,,
were on their wr t (Wopoll. to ye, tho rner ,wor eoniUnly '
blow ojn.n a aafe Thn pollen bellnvn -
(hla attempt to blow up the legion
building I a continuance of thn pro
gram began by thn I W W element
In (Vntralla, Waahlngton. on Arm la
den day, 1919
.ourt" Refuses to
Accept Jurisdiction
roood morning. Judge Copenhaf
M a lady aa aha arcoitm Jall
jrMloon In the lobby of Iho new
Ha ilreet court houaa yeilenlay
mnc, I have aomo bUalnea with
i Jmllce of tho peace, and Mr. IH
rcry kindly pointed you out lo
rUll rn hi. iw.rh.t n n..
bill aa ho eyed thn lady, and
i taking In the altuallon
iVta, madam, I'm Judge Conen.
I" If you have any money lo pay
p me court, but If ynu am trying
ollrc money, ihall have to rn
rou in Judge (laghagnn over In
I o'i court home,"
'I'l'Mly thn bailiff judicial a.
ncn Impreaaed thn lad-, who
fcuntly permllted him lo pan the
in tnn judge jiut over Iho way,
'Mail" retdaclnu hla nni.t in n.
'nl ravlty, weiidm hi way In
' V co,"' offlco inedllatliiK
P'y upon the perfidy of hi friend
N DcUp, Who directed the lady
h'r way 0 "Copenhagen."
unty Wool Men
Elect Officers
V Ih" meeting 0f tho KlomMI.
r "rowom- MMoclfitlou In Merrill
Slurphy wa noctm proaldent
l' cmulnB yo(ir, l)onU ,,
rT wAR piortmi vlcn prcaldont,
"-men, iroauror, and J. II.
"'in, korrnlarv t-.i
Ct" Curtln. with n. n.
N. cn,nPMo ho rtrector0i
:" """'y rllt bill and Iho
"ion of riinr nermii. M it..
C. r'orv vero tho prlnclpsl
Ft and VhUM8d' aUh0Ul h0 wo"
- niiiurai uuiion were
" OVer
'"ffo number of ai'in.n..n ...
int. '"'"" '"""
Archdeacon Van Water addmued
a capacity congrtgallon In the Odd
r"ello a' hall laat night, hla Ixlum
entitled "Th Old Teatament In the
Ugbl of Modern Heholarablp" being
handled by him with director audi
cleameea that itamped blm aa an
authority upon tho aubject he dl
cuael Thai religion la a deveo
mH and growth n poinlej out b
tho arcbdMrrm. who drew ukicj part
of Hebrew Malory lo ahow how their
conception of the revelation develop.
rd, and lrace their connection with
Iba origin and tneanjng of the deca
After the lecture, (ho membera of
Iba KplKOpal congregation held
meeting In which plan fur the erec
tion of it chapel on a lot owned by
Ibem were dlicuited. A building and
etecutlve committee ha been en
lrna4 with Ihti problem, but the
plan How Ii lo erect a amall building
until a larger and permanent una
can be built
ll wa decided to bold ervlcna
here every month until tbo chape) or
pariah houav la built, after which
they -will be held weekly lUater Hun-
day, Arcbd"econ Van Water will re
turn here lo conduct thn (Utter lor
Vice Them will bo a meeting of the
congregation In thn Odd r'ellowa hall
at 3 o'clock thla afternoon, and to
night, at I o'clock, the tail of the
archdeacon' lecture will Iki given.
Tbo public la Invited to attend the
The women are going to enter the
arena of civic affair, and the opa
log of thn campaign will atari lo
morrow afternoon when a meeting of
all the women of Ibe city la called at
the chamber of commerce room
The affair I called a "Civic Tea."
but Ihe aocial aide of the party will
be of minor Importance Thn big
Idea a lo form a woman's auxiliary
of the chamber of commerce and en
Hal Ihn aid of Ibe ladle. In bettering
community condition
(Hy Anaoclatod I'rr.i)
ATHKNH. Kob. 3 Direct negotla.
lion between Greece and the Turk-
Uh natlonallat for aettlement of
near eaatern political problem are
Jlmpoaalbln. declare King Conitan
lino of Oroece.
Conalantlnn. aald that he wa not
avern lo conference on the inb
Ject of Grecian and Turklah rela
tion between Greek representative!1
amd delegate from Ihe aultan'a gov
Thn funeral of Mr Barah Mario
Humphrey, wife of Charle Humph
rny who expired auddenly yealrrday
afternoon at 2 o'clock from apo
plexy, will tako place Hturday aft
ernoon at I o'clock from the Whit
lock chapel, Mr. Humphrey laid to
day, unlet word I received from
eaatern relatives that they dealre to
attend. In which earn It may be ne
ceaiary to poatponn the funeral
date The Iter 8. J Cbaney. Meth
n. C. aroeabeck; -will hed the
Klamath county auto association m
president, his election taking place
In thn chamber of commerce room
yesterday afternoon. Mr. Oroeabeck'a
elecllon was tho result of an effort
lo place the association npon a plana
embodying broadness, harmony, and
good business sense, and he la ac
cepted as a man who admittedly baa
tho ability and the personality to fill
the position with credit lo tho asso
ciation. It If. need waa elected secretary,
and 0. D. Uurke, treasurer, and the.
vice .presidents, selected from differ
rnt parts of the county, are Fred
Stakel, of Merrill, K. A, rage of Fort
Klamath. Win. M. Fordney of Lor
ella. Marvin Cross of Dly, and John
Martin of this city.
The directors elected yesterday are.
Mayor W 8. Wiley, rt. C. Oroewbaclt
id K. II. irnll of this city, and T.
W. Broadsword of (lonanta, bringing
the number of director op to 35.
Complete harmony, and the gener
al knowledge among automobile own
ers that the association Is not for
garage nvm only, bat for every own-
lodlat mlnlater. will preach the ' r ln tb eoatT. werw mentioned aa
funeral sermon. I ,h '"tors which will do most to
The deceased woman Is surrlre.1 ' make tho organlxaUoa permanently
by a large family of brothers and itantlal. and Mr. Oroesbeck'a tlec-
Ister. as follows George Oun-!,,on aPP to be a his; step la the
lock, U Bueur. Minn; Charles Gun- c rl to MUb,Uh th desired bar-
lock, Tlogers. Arkansas; Fred Gun-
lock. Shelby, Montana; Emll Gun
rrnraent but hn would steadfastly re-
Ixat thn condition, tub- .ticked l,u, "l Mu.tapha Keroal
b- B.,l rlo.rlr iind.r.t.H.,1. R-r.l.rr ' ,',h ,ho nlnal bead Of the
JHtanley plainly that no moral TurkUn n"oa'-
iruirm mrtmrn aire comempiiei .......,.
-..! . ii, t. .. MK7TI.NSS
vmi iviurm will niiq im Kii in iud
., .. - .. ,.,.. .. ..,. t I I 1 1. 1
iianori ui inn auiiiiar win im-
KXMrimvi: itiMnrri:i: r
F.iti m!itr.r .MKirrs.
The eiecullvn commlllee of thn
county farm bureau met In County
Agent Thorn offlcn yralerday all
crnoon, roullnn mattera taking up
Iho greater part of thn meeting.
Thoio who attended are T N. Cain,
F J, Ilnwnn of llonanxa, Klla Obeli
chain, Harry Telford, and James
Kiell, member of lh tmard, and
Calvin Haakln of Merrill, and Ulydn
llradley nf Umo 1'lne, tho two (al
ter being preaent a vliltor. I. A.
Weal, Iho remaining member of the
committee, wa not present, word
being received from him Hut ho Is
In Halom. and will attend tho Poland
China sale thern todny.
left lo ihn orginliallom that are on
lb gruund
Hut a phyalcal cleanup Is contem
plated, better atrreti. more liwn.
and flower and a hundred and one
other thing that make a city at'
Iraotlvo to bomnHieekora.
ll I not planned lo charge mem
bership feea for the woman' organl
ration All 'women who are Interested
In Ibe development of the city are
urged lo attend tho meeting, wheth
er they or their maicullno rrlatlona
are membera of the chamber of com
merce or not
There ha been aomo preliminary
committee discussion of Iho plan of
organisation. A final committee meet
ing waa held thl afternoon. It I
hoped tomorrow aftornoon'a meeting
will tie a long atop toward full per
fection of the organisation.
ninuii xicirri.v.
The revival meeting at thn Metho
dlat Church la Increasing In Interest
and thn church la filled each evening
to hear (bo menage given by Vr
George llennard of Chicago Thurs
day evening hn will ipeak on the
lubject. "The Coming of Christ. Is
It Near?" Hla aubject for Friday
evening la the "Amusement Ques
tion " All the young peoplu of Klam
ath Falls ought to hear this message
Hpeclal music at each service
' MMV ltH In rimnnlnl ml Ik.
association la for eyery peraoa who
own an auto.
In taking the chair. Mr. aroeabeck
said that ho was with tho movement
heartily, and would do everything
within hi power to advance the In
terests of the association. Ho also
stated that aa he wj treasurer of
the Good Roads association, now- In
active, he would anggeet that th
funds of the defunct oneanlxatlon be
turned over to the new association.
Through K. D. IU1I. the county
court expressed a wish to assist lb
OIIKGON Tonight and Friday.
fair and colder In east portion tonight.
lock, Warner. Alberts, Canada:
Henrr Guntock. South Dakota; Mrs.
C M Crosby Mtchflcld. Minnesota.
Mrs. Frank Oertle. le Sueur. Minn ,
Itoia Stanbaek. Miami. Oklahoma;
Mrs John K Darli. Dunsmulr. Cali
fornia and Mrs. Emma Mllllgan,
Mlnneapolle. Minnesota.
While none of the eastern rela
tive aro expected to attend the
fonoral. there will be relative of
thn decedent and the bereaved hus
band from California and Orecon
points here, and It Is to await their! association In the work before It. and
coming that the funeral arrange-1 It waa Intimated that a county truck
menta were made for Saturday att-l might bo placed at the disposal of
ernoon the association -when the time came to
Sarah Marie Gunlock was born at Pt the proposed road signs thru
I.c Sueur, Minnesota. April 1. 1880 ut the county.
She met Mr Humphrey while visiting To American Automobile aaaocla
In Oakland, Cal., with her sister. Mrs. ! lion's Influence In devoleptea: a
manv ivi:ui:i
Weather Probabilities
Tho Cyclo-StorniBKiaph at
Underwood'a Pharmacy ha
registered comparatively I It t lt
change In tho barometric press
tiro since, yeilerdny'a reading,
hut never tho lea Ihn trend
ha been slightly lower ilnco
3 p. in. yeaterday. Continua
tion of present woathor condi
tion may, therefore, ho look
ed for.
Forecast for noxt SI hour'
Cloudy, unsettled woathor, with
occasional flurrlea of snow,
Malln hall, In Malln. will bo Iho
scene of a gay mask ball Saturday,
February &, at which 10 prlies, ag
gregating In value 1100, wilt bn
awarded lo dancers, Theao prlies will
bo awarded In Iho best representa
tive character, four to ladles, four
lo gentlemen, onn u tho best ladles'
group, and ono to thn host gentle
men's group. First prlto for ladles
will bo a 16-ploco set, of hand-paint
ml chlnaw aro. A good time Is promts
ed to ovcrybody.
On account of tho death of Mr.
Charloa Htimphror tlm Rebokah bnu-j
quot will bo postponed,
MiVI.IN, Fob. 3. Tho stork visit
ed Iho homo of Mr. and Mra. Jo
Kotora Friday evening, leaving an
ulght pound baby hoy.
Thn mother and tho now- nrrlvnl
aro both doing woll. according fo tho
report of Mrs. Albert Pondellck, Mre.
Kotorn'n mother, who I visiting hero
from Portland,
... i
WA8HINOTON, Fob. 3. A ros
olutlon authorising thn prosldont to
Invito other nation to send dele
gates to a dliarmntuont contorenco
waa reported favorably by the houso
foreign affairs rommlttoo.
PORTLAND, Fob. 3, Cattlo and
alioep, atondy; hoga lower. Ill to
f; obb3 weak; buttor firm.
According to Forest Supervisor W
F. Hamatlcll of ltoaoburg, theru la a
great deal of agljatlon at tho present
lime favoring the opening of the
Skyllnn highway from tho Crator
I jko national park to a junction with
tho road now being built from Eu
gene up the Wlllametto river to con
nect with tho eastern Oregun road
near Summit I.ake, and from present
Indications It la very possible that
work on thla lower section of the
highway will bo started during tho
coming summer.
Tho section whero work I expect
ed soon la between Crater lako park,
and Diamond lako In Douglas coun
ty, connecting up (heso two scenic
wondora as ono of tho first links of
tho 8kyllno highway, which Is ulti
mately to bocomo ono of tho greatest
If not tho greatest scenic road In tho
At thn present time (hero Is a road
up the Wlllametto rlror from Eugene
to lloaver ranger station that can be
travolod by automohllo without dif
ficulty. From tho rangor station to
tho summit of (hn rango tho present
road can bo travolod hy tonm but not
by automobile, and in order to Im
provo this road the atato and I.ano
county havoa co-operative agroo
mont and work will start this sum
mer maklnc tbo road passibto to
summit lake. From Summit lake into
oastorn Oregon thero is now a very
good road and thla will glvo a
through highway from wettorn Oro
eon to eastern Oregon.
Davis. After she returned east Mr.
Humphrey followed and they ware
married In Joplln, Missouri. In 1913.
They came to Oregon and lived for a
short time at Springfield. Then they
came to Merrill, this county, where
Mr Humnhrer waa emnloved In Mar.
tin Ilro. mill. They resided there ror'tomob,,e association, along
about three rear, thon won. .... . " ' organisation the
community through educational
work among ita membera waa em
phasised by several speakers, and
It aa generally felt that tho local
association would affiliate with the
national organization, probably by
association with tho California An-
visit Mrs. Humnhrer'. retail. Thov rach will be patterned.
sDent t rear, on th .Hn ih.n r. Uncompleted plana to isauo road
turned to Klamath Falls where they
ham made their home since August.
1918 '
The decedent had many friends
here who aro shocked at tho sudden
ness of her passing, and many frlenda
of tho bereaved husband sympathize
deeply with him In his sorrow. Mrs.
Humphrey waa apparently alwaya in
tho best of health and yesterday
morning told her husband that ahe
was feeling vory well.
For many years she has been a
member of the Robekah order and
waa affiliated with tho local.chapter
at tho time of her death.
maps, to entertain tourists, and to
do tho other things suggested in tho
committee's report, wero discuasod,
and action on them will bo taken
soon, the proposed membership cam
paign being considered of first Im
portance, however.
Ftro totally destroyed the house,
barn, and several stacks of hay on
tho A. Kinney farm on tho Merrill
Olene road tho first of this week.
Tho origin of tho tiro la unknown.
DOSTON, Feb. 3. "8how at least
tho tlpa of your ears and wave your
hair," was tho advance Information
on Spring styles given out to women
by tho Ladles' Halr-drossing Asso
ciation at tho opening of its conven
tion hero.
Older women may ahow moro of
tho oar than debutantea and still con
form with tbo now etylea.
Higher hatrdrelntr also will bo
tba vogue for older women
Telephone operators In Egypt are
roqulrod to speak English, French,
Italian, Qrook and Arabic.
Medicine Men Trim
Real Estate Sellers
Underwood'a medicine mixer
mUod It with tho Witters' houso
and lot vendors last night on the
Elks alloys, to tho detriment of tha
dealers ln real estate. Wattera' team
grabbed tho last gamo of tho con
test. Hoagland'a Dulcka and Ma
sons boxmakers stage tho. contest
tomorrow night. Laat night's scere:
W, L. Smith ..173 1S7 125484
Prontlco 167 133 147447
Underwood ....135 144 140 41V
Miller t ..157 171 176 504
Hayden ..........157 19S 175830
788 833 7(3
Real Kataters
LavcfJk ,. 152 139 15B 446
Gregory . .132 131 144 409
Kuykondalt ..133 136 173 431
Royse ....... 166 127 137 420
Wattora 165 175 178518
737 708 779
Mr. and Mrs. George Bndley, of
this city, are the parents of a baby
boy which arrived at their home yes
terday. The little fellow weighed 9