The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 31, 1921, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    .jijunnwa 11 i mm ii.
MONDAY, JANUARY .11, 1021.
Far From the Toil and Strife
I.OHT School boys nliiAHoit--ln rniui.
Plonso call 40011. ,11-1
r isfesx: -sejpee iffiSvi
Melody Maids Are
Classy Entertainers
Six vivacious, capablo maids,
rightly named tlio "melody maids,"
held tlio rapt attention ot sovoral
full ho a Acs In tlio Mondalo thea
tre yostordny nftcrnoon and even
Inc. Each of tlio Mx cms is a
tar they nro
fluto, violin, clarinet and piano be
ing played with equal facility. Kach
la a clever dancer, also. Tlio girls
havo good voices, too, ono ot them
being nwoy abovo tho average Tlio
pictures shown were up to their
usual stnndard.
Theso entertainer will bo hero
all this week, nnd will present
scmcthlng now every day. Com
ing directly from tho big circuits,
they havo a decidedly now lino of
stunts, and as It would tako mora
than n week to exhaust thoir nup
jily, thcro Is 'Kiiro to bo something
surprltlngly now every nlsht.
It happened In ono ot tho beautiful
llttlo Islands of the South Sea group.
Tho human population ot tho Is
land reached n total of ono by the
last census n young doctor who had
como thoro months beforo to pursuo
scientific research. Also to forget.
Ho had many things to forgot
all musicians tho, misplaced lovo, deception, failure In
ono of tho crisis of life, nnd tho
scorn of tho follow-membors of his
profession. And a lonely Isle, dovold
of human companionship, Is not tho
easiest ot places In which to forget
tho past.
Camo a day when tho fury-filled
elements lashed tho sea Into n full
blown tempest. And thero was wash
ed upon tho beach, from n wrecked
ship, tho ono person In tho world
hated by, tho young Islander tho
beautiful woman who had been tho
cause of all his misfortunes.
That's lho situation In
Itcnrts," tho now National Picture
starring Conway Tcarlo, which will
bo shown at tho Star Thcatro Tues
day. Seo It, and enjoy ono of tho most
powerful plays over presented on tho
'Archdeacon's Lectures
Start This Evening
"Everybody Is, Invited to attend the
lectures to bo given on Monday, Tues
day, Wednesday and Thursday oven
lngs, in tho Odd Fellow' hail, by
Dr. Van Wale'ra archdeacon of tho
Episcopal dtoceso ot Eastern Oregon.
Dr. Van Waters has struck a popular
chord In his lectures, which aro of a
typo to appeal to tho Intelllgcnco of
people ot all creeds. Theso lectures
will begin at 8 o'clock overy ovcnlng,
and will last one hour, except on
Wednesday evening, when tho lec
ture will begin at 7:30 and will end
at S:30. At 8MB Wednesday even
ing, thero will bo a general meeting
ot Episcopalians to perfect tho ar
rangements to continuo tho service;
Yestorday's morning service
brought out tho largest attendance
that has boen held hero. Miss Verda
Cozad, at tho morning service, and
Arthur Bean, at tho evening service
sang solos which wore excellently
rendered. C. W. Eborlcln has been
highly commented for his ssucccs
with the choir.
Maps of Disputed
Ft. Klamath' Route
Sent County Court
Tho chamber of commerce has
been notified by tho state highway
commission engineer that mops and
data ot tho proposed detour of tho
Dalles-California highway In tho vi
cinity ot Fort Klamath havo been
sent tho Klamath county court and
arrangements will bo made tor their
display by tho court to all Interest
ed persons.
Tho routing of tho road, ".which
leaves Fort Klamath a mllo and a
halt oft tho highway and eliminates
somo very beautiful scenery, ' has
been protested by a number ot In
terested citizens and tho highway
commission has promised a full hear
ing before tho route is definitely
adopted. ,
kowina at the.
g - 7SzZ3B&br5ry H ?T 5 CUSTOMS
W .tffi foootnveA k
Personal Mention
A First National. Exhibitors Attraction
WitlrJilnjall Star cast
a real high classy,proauction and one everyone
should see.
Will Guarantee You Will Enjoy It.
Conway Tcarlo
7th Enlsodo of "Tho Lost City"
"The Lest City" Serial will bo shown on Tuesday
only of each week.
Miss Ida Momycr, cashier ot tho
Klamath Stato bank, Is back at work
after a couplo ot days' Illness.
Miss Margaret Danlols a toachor in
tho Bonanza schools was a wcokond
visitor and shopper in tho city.
J. T. Dixon, a stockman and farm
er ot tho Ft. Klamath country Is in
tho city on business tor sovoral days.
A. F. Graham a local contractor
left for tho Merrill country this
morning on matters ot business.
Wm. D. Freer, who operates largo
stock ranch In tho Poo valloy sec
tion was a city visitor Saturday.
D. H. Van Sickle, a farmer of tho
Swan Lake valley, was a vloy visitor
Mrs. Al. Graham, who formorly
resided In tho city, Is I a shopping f
from her homo near Algoma.
A. II. Johns, a farmer and ntoc
man of tho Merrill routo is a city
visitor today.
Mrs. Johri Short a reildont of
Pine Illdgo was a weekend visitor
In tho city.
Charles D. Peterson and It. W.
Foster, public auditors of San Fran
cisco, nro arrivals at tho Whlto Pol
lean hotol.
Marshall Hoopor, bank examiner,
who has been hero scvoral weeks,
returned to his homo In Salem on
Sunday's train.
Wado Crawford and wlfa of
Chlloquln were wcok end city shop
pers. Mr. Crawford la proprietor ot
tho Pioneer garago ot Chlloquln.
Dr. Harry Richards, tho foot spe
cialist, who has been at tho K. K. IC.
store for tho past wcok left this
morning for Oakland, California.
passongor on this morning's train
for Hod Muff, where ho will re
main Rovcrnl days on business.
Ueorgo Humphrey, former county
shorltf, toft yesterday for tho Sac
ramento valloy for a tow days on
matters ot business.
Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Epperson were
passongers on this morning's train,
for San Francisco, for u several days
bustnoss trip.
Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Crane who op
erates n largo stock ranch In thu Ft.
Klamath country are city visitors and
Ned E. Mooro, travollng salosman
for tho Wolsh-Corsh Knitting Mills
of San Francisco, Is n Whlto Pollcan
., Hazel Colklln, who Is in poor
With and has been making tier
Ufmo hero, was a passenger on thin
mornings train for lied Bluff and
other southern points.
in mi, lull yesterday morning for
Portland, where ho will attend tho
I.lfn Insurance association mooting.
Mr. Dunbar expects to bo cono sov
oral days.
Mrs. Goldln Houston, who Is em
ployed at Winters Jowolry store, i.i
a weekend visitor with her father
and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
IlarneH who operates a largo ranch
noar Modoc Point.
Miss Paulino Hotchsklns, formorly
of this city and employed by tho
Baldwin Hardware company vho has
been attending school In llorkelny
has announced her ongasuiont to
Irvcn Paul ot Oakland.
Mary Williams, who has neon
attending Monmouth Normal school,
taking teachont' training, has re
turned to her homo here, and has
accepted n position as toachor In tlio
Holmos school district.
WANTED Experienced chamber
muld at Whlto Pollcmi Hot ol. Ill-l
Thoro Im no known water In Amer
ica equal to I lio minora 1 water In tho
Now I lot Bprliigs llnth IIimiho. Try It.
roil BALK Modern -I room liniino
unit bath, Just l'j block fiiim
Main, Hum (amine, lawn, mid cum
tint walks, Prlco $:1,000. Torinii. Im
mediate possession,
.1. T. VAHI AS '.
Phono 1175 HHI .Main HI.
I.O.ST Sunday, hutwotm tho Choi
sou box factory and tho slaughter
Iioiihii nmd, Weed chain. Hitlliihlo re
ward for Uh return to Mr. Seizor at
tho Chelsea llox Factory. III-!!
WANTED Furnished or unfurnish
ed house or apartment, Ourngo If
possible. Phono r.31W. ,11-r,
a splendid policv.
It you worn offfercd n life Insiir
Ultra policy tlmt did lint absorb nity
part of your premium, In n company
that wnn safe mid sound, It In tint
likely that you would refuse It. In
fnrt tho ngniit offering such n policy
would bo iiwamped with IhihImohh.
Well, that Is practically nlmt W. A.
llullock, ot this city Is doing. Ho Is
selling a policy In tho Occidental
r.lfo Insurance Co. of Los Angeles,
Calif., that does this very thing.
Hero Is how It Is dniiu!
He will wrlto you n policy nn tho
20 year endowment plnn guarantee
ing you that In tho event of denth to
return all deposits made by you In
addition to the full fuco of your pol
icy. Should you become totally disabled
from sickness or accident, the com
pany hnvo made special provision
whereby you will havo no further
payments to mnkn nnd will pay $10
per month on oach thousand dollars
of Insurance you carry which Is not
doductod from your policy at denth.
Besides, your policy matures tho
same, as though you hud mndo tho
payments yourself.
This Is ono of tho best policies
over offered by any legal rosorvo
company nnd has othor special fea
tures Just as remnrkablo as thoso
outlined abovo. Before you buy that
Insuranco you nro thinking about. It
you will call Mr. Bullock, 43-W or
drop a car to HOC Oregon Ave. Hn
will be mighty glad to toll you nil
about It. Adr.
List your houses and apartments
that you ylsh to rent with us. 123
8th St. Klamath Exchange 31-28
II. E. Haugor a resident ot this
city, representing wiu Wellman-Peck
company of San Francisco, was a
Palace Market 1
We wish to announce that owing to the increase
.in the volume and the discontinuance of our delivery
and credit business, with the same overhead expense,
has allowed us to again reduce the retail price of meat.
We desire to thank the public for their hearty coopera
tion in bringing about this reduction in prices and to
assure them that their continued patronage will be ap
preciated. &
Palace Market!
Y The Sanitary Market f
524 Main Street Phone 68
Visit. I Mr,
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Davenport loft
yesterday for a couple of weeks' vis-
It In Han Francisco, While thoro
Davenport will purchaao stock
for on optical department which ho
oxpects to add to his Jewelry store.
Mrs. James Foster has returned
from an extended southorn
While away sho vlnltcd frlonds In
Now Orleans and other southern cities.
Mr. and Mrs. Morio S. Klluoro.
Mrs. Joo Ball, a resident of tho farmers ond stock ralaors of tho Up
Ft. Klamath country was a wook cndPur Langoll valloy loft yestorday for
visitor wun ner cnnuron wno aro thoir homo there, after being In tho
attondlng tho Slstors ucadomy of thls city sovoral days on buslnets nnd
Bob Wlnnlgham formerly of this
city, who enlisted In tho sorflco and
was with tho A. E. F. In Franco,
has returned with his wlfo and
baby, to mako their homo hero.
Wm. Dalton, president of Tho
American National bank of this city
was a passengor on Sunday's train,
bound for southern points on busi
ness. C. Barnoll Jr., is an arrival at tho
Whlto Pollcan hotol fioni Porland.
Mr. Darnell Is with the Ford Mo
tor company and Is visiting local
Ford dealers.
L. A. West ot tho Merrill coun
try, livestock director ot tho Farm
turned from an extended visit with
for Portland, to buy stock for tho
annual farm bureau sale.
Mrs. Lloyd It. DeLap, wlfo of
tho clork of tho circuit court has re
turned from an extended vlstl with
her .mother, who resides at Rich
mond, California.
Jim O'Keofo, who Is interested in
stock conditions of tho courtry, left
this morning for Spraguo Rlvor val
ley whoro he will attend to matters
ot business for sovoral days.
Mrs. B. Brown attondant from the
stato hospital arrived on last night's
train to tako chargo of Mrs. Ilcsa
Klrkpatrlck ot Ft. Klamath, who
was committed to tho institution last
Charles Stowart, San Francisco
Insurance adjuster, who has been
hero adjusting tho Hasklns flro at
Merrill and tho Crater Lake Box
company flro at Bray, returned yes
terday to San Francisco.
Box McMillan a local employe ot
tho 'Southern Pacific company, has
returned from an extonded visit In
Los Angelos and othor southern
points, where ho has boon on his va
cation visiting relatives ond frlonds
II. H, Dunbar, local insuranco,
D. M. McLomoro a popular stock-
, man of this country, was a itassen
'ger on this morning's outgoing '.rain
for his homo In Oakland, California.
Mr. McLomoro has boen In town sov
oral days attondlng to mntturs of
business and looking over cattlo con
ditions. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Colllor aro ox
pocted homo from their bridal trip
on this evening's train. Mrs. Colllor
was formorly, Blancho Warren, who
was omployod by tho First Stato &
Savings bank, and Mr. Colllor Is em
ployed at Tho First National bank.
Thoy will mako thoir homo In tho
Harold Merryman resldonco at tho
cornor ot Cedar and High streets.
unci.i: OF MMU, FOLK
Edward Shnllock, an undo ot Mrs.
C II. DiiKgott nnd Fred Hhatlock.
died In Chlco yesterday morning of
pneumonia. Tho doccdent had visited
horo at various times, and becamo
quite well acquainted. Hn had been
Identified with tho sheriff's offlco In
Itcddlng about IS years.
Tho ladles of tho II. P. O. E. will
hold n social nftcrnoon In tho Elks'
halt tomorrow afternoon nt 2:30. All
mombors nro requested to bo present
and to participate In tho good tlmo.
Mrs. J. II. Carter and Mrs. Harry
Ackloy will bo tho hostossos.
"Serves You Right"
The Club Cafe
That popular place on
Sixth street,
Just off Main
"Serves You Right"
Mondale Theater
Tho best show over soon In Klamath Falls. That's what thoy oil
beautiful girls, wonderful musicians, sweet slngors, clavor danc
ers and beautiful wardrobes,
Mabel Normand in
TWO SHOWS 6:30-8:30
Comlrus Tuosday THE MELODY MAIDS in a now act nnd Harry
Cnroy and Douglas Fairbanks on samo bill,